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Re: Devotional Service to Christ?

>I was wondering about the Devotional service towards Krishna...  Since 

>i am a Christian and according to your beliefs, Christ is an 

>incarnation of Krishna, (if i am not mistaking).  Am I therefore giving 

>Krishna devotional service through Lord Jesus Christ?


>Sincerely yours,




Dear Scott

Hello, Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Lord Jesus 


Krishna consciousness is not sectarian. It's for everyone. It's the natural 

occupation of the soul. We all have to serve someone, service is everyone's 

occupation. Krishna consciousness is just teaching us to serve God, Krishna 

instead of serving so many mundane material things. Lord Jesus Christ is also 

preaching Krishna consciousness, God consciousness. Srila Prabhupada gave a 

very nice talk on this, "Christ and Krishna -- the Name is the Same", you can 

read it at:


There is actually no conflict between Krishna consciousness and Christianity. 

It is the same thing, God consciousness. But you have to find Christians who 

are following the instructions of Jesus Christ. That is a little difficult 

these days. Jesus says "Don't kill", but "Christians" are running millions of 

slaughterhouses and needlessly killing billions of animals. So where is the 

Christianity? Who is actually following the instructions of Jesus Christ?

If you serve Jesus Christ you are pleasing Krishna also. God and Krishna are 

different names for the same person. So when Jesus talks of God, he is talking 

about Krishna.

There is much evidence that Jesus actually went to India after his childhood 

and before his preaching (13-20) and studied in a great Krishna temple in 

Jagannath Puri, Orissa. There is a book called the "Aquarian Gospal" and many 

other books that talk about this.

The following is from the FAQ on the Sudarsana home page <http://>

 - Were you born into your religion, or did you chose it? 

        I was born a Catholic but when I started reading Srila Prabhupada's 

books I could see he was describing the Absolute Truth, something beyond all 

the different designations of religion I had experienced before. So I became a 

devotee of Lord Krishna, but that doesn't mean I don't still accept Lord Jesus 

Christ. He is presenting the same thing, the science of God, Krishna 

consciousness. Jesus is just preaching to a different audience, the message is 

the same. 

 - I'm glad you accept Jesus, because I'd have a hard time throwing him out. 

        Yes. It's possible to be a Christian and a Krishna at the same time. 

There is no conflict. Here, in Australia, we even have a few priests who are 

devotees too. Krishna is the same God Jesus talks about in the Bible. 

 - Are you saying that Krishna is the equivalent of Jesus in the Christian 


        Krishna is the "God the father" Jesus refers to. 

 - Did Krishna send his spirit into a human form to go about teaching people? 

                                 yada yada he dharmasya

                                  glanir bhavati bharata

                                abhutthanam adharmasya

                                tadatmanam srjamy aham 

        "Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O 

descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion -- at that time I 

descend Myself. (Bhagavad-gita 4.7) 

        So Krishna Himself comes to this world sometimes (as He did 5,000 years 

ago as Krishna and 500 years ago as Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu) and 

sometimes he sends his pure devotees, or sons like Jesus Christ and Srila 



You might also like to read the article "Who is Lord Jesus Christ" at:


Thanks very much for the letter. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Madhudvisa dasa

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