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Did we actually go to the moon? wrote:

>I read and still have a book called "We never went to the Moon" It was
>about what the title said. It was one book with a bunch of pretty weak
>arguments. Look, If I was an ex-NASA member and wanted to make a little
>money on all the "conspiricy" hype that was going around at that time, I
>would have written the book also.

  I didn't write about the moon in my article because I really don't
  want to get into that discussion. There are many possibilities. The
  moon missions involved billions of dollars and people will do anything
  for billions of dollars. What happened and where they went I don't 
  know. But according to the Vedic scriptures the moon is a lot further
  away than the Western scientists think. There is another planet
  described called "Rahu" which is closer to where they think to moon is.
  Who knows, if they went anywhere perhaps they went to Rahu.

  I remember someone showing me a picture of one of their space ships
  on the moon with astronauts walking around it, there were footprints in
  the soft dust from where the astronauts were walking around but not the
  slightest disturbance in the dust under the lunar module. You would
  have thought the dust would be disturbed when the thing landed. They
  say there's no wind up there so it couldn't have settled? But really I
  don't know what they did.

>When I said scientists, I did not say Western scientists. Many scientists
>have proven that the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth around
>the sun. Thus the moon is closter to the earth than the sun is. You are
>stupid to think that this is not true. Fucking shit, wake up!  There has
>been hundreds of years of thinking, therorizing, studying, and prooving
>that this natural act is true. Western and Modern scientists also, but
>not exclusively. Look, if you still dont believe me, go out and BUY A

  Once again this has absolutely nothing to do with my article. I didn't
  talk about the moon at all. You can't really tell with a telescope.
  Everything is relative. You see different shaped lights in the sky and
  if you sit down with your telescope and basic geometry you will find
  you can adjust everything and make models that work and explain exactly
  what we see but are quite different from the universe we accept today.

  Astronomy is based on many assumptions that can't really be proven
  particularly when you start to get into things like the distances of
  the stars... If you think about it calmly how would you go about
  proving that the moon is closer than the sun? (assuming the
  astronauts didn't go there) It could be bigger than the sun and further
  away how would you know?

>Einstien said, "science is like looking at a face of a watch and trying
>to figure out how it works inside."  When we have theorys on how nature
>works, sometimes we will prove it wrong, sometimes we can never prove it
>wrong, because it is right. Re: The moon and the sun theory/fact!

  Exactly, it's a great statement. You can take a number of watches which
  all display the correct time but inside the watches the mechanics could
  be completely different. Externally they are identical. The same thing
  holds with the universe. You can develop many different models (like
  the workings of the different watches) which give the same result as we
  see in the sky (like all the watches display the same time). Just as
  you can't determine what the mechanism is inside the watch by looking
  at it, you can't tell the "mechanism" of the universe by looking
  through your telescope.

>Again, I notice the similarities between Christian conciousness and
>Krishna conciousness. The Christians denied that the Earth was round, the
>Christians denied that the Earth was not the center of the universe
>(everything revolved around the earth), the Christians felt that they had
>a right to explain what a woman should do with her body. Where do they
>say that they get their proof?: Some book written by a MAN, a long time

  Now were getting to the real point of your article I think. It's got
  nothing to do with the universe but something to do with accepting the
  authority of God. We have been brainwashed into thinking the pleasures
  of the body are the most important thing and religion imposes
  limitations on us so we reject religion. But there are spiritual
  pleasures. If you can taste the pleasure from serving Krishna the
  pleasure you get from the body will not be so important. It's hard to
  imagine, I also thought it would be impossible to give up sex life but
  I've been a Hare Krishna for ten years now and I am satisfied by
  serving Krishna, thats a much greater pleasure. It's permanent. Sex
  only lasts for a few minutes and there are so many problems...

>I think that you people, the Krishna devotees, should be honored that all
>these people care enough about you to write back on why you are
>brainwashed. Remember, in this country you have a right to believe what
>you want to, but you also have a right to believe other things. I really
>think that you should re-evaluate the message that one religion has given
>you. It is so wrong that I cant believe people really believe in it. I
>hope there is a chance you will look at other "truths" in this world then
>on what one religion has brainwashed you into thinking.

  So you should listen to yourself. We are not forcing anyone to become
  Krishna conscious. Krishna consciousness means to develop love for God
  and you can't force someone to love God. It has to be voluntary.
  According to your own words we have a right to believe in God, in fact
  your country was founded on the motto of "In God we trust." You even
  have it written on your money (at least last time I was there). So
  Krishna is God, He is real, He is a person and He is very beautiful. We
  are all looking for Him so the devotees are doing the best service to
  everyone by giving them a chance to serve Krishna.

  This life full of sex and drugs is not very good. It creates so many
  problems. So Krishna consciousness is an alternative. Everything is
  nice. Good food, good company, chanting, dancing and feasting -- so
  this is the real point. We have decided to dedicate our lives to
  serving God and this is not brainwashing, this is what your country was
  founded for!

  Thank you very much. Hare Krishna.

Thank you. Hare Krishna!

Madhudvisa dasa       
(     /sudarsana 
All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!
