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Real Science

Dear Myers

Hello. Hare Krishna!

>I would like to point out that science as admitted by scientists and
>philisophers is:  tentative (never complete), never absolute (things
>and ideas are always changing), and explainable (proveable).

That is my point. If you can instead find a perfect authority and get the
knowledge from Him then you have perfect absolute knowledge. It is better than

>Whether or not the Big Bang Theroery is correct is irrelevant, you may
>not dismiss science as a whole because of the list above.  When you
>say that you have tested the anything you must be sure that the exper-
>iment is error free.  Also when discussing science it is wise to phrase ah dasa
>your speech using exact, percise terms.  Thereby, eliminating any con-

But where are the error-free experiments? All conditioned souls have four defects:
we have the tendency to cheat, we make mistakes, we are illusioned [we accept
something as fact which is not a fact], and we have imperfect senses. All
scientific research is flawed  because of these imperfections...

>To answer an important point made earlier, you do not have to except
>science because the institution of science says so.  Formulas and Facts

>may be tested by anyone.  However, it is simiply easier for the public
>at large to accept these formulas and facts as true, because they do not
>have the experience nor the expertise of a trained scientist.

That is cheating. It is fraud on the part of the scientists. You are allowing your
scientific "theories" to be taught as "facts" in the schools. They teach the  big
bang and evolution as facts... but they are just ideas, that's all. It has not
been established that there ever was a big bang nor has it been proven the variety
of life could have possibly formed through natural selection alone... But they are
teaching these things as facts and scoffing at the only consistent and logical
explanation, that there is an intelligent being behind the creation..

This is creating a hellish world where people are only interested in satisfying
themselves. They have no finer sentiments. Just eat well, get lots of sex, live in
a comfortable house and defend themselves. They have become worse than animals and
this is the contribution of science to the society...

"O conqureor of wealth [Arjuna], there is no truth superior to Me [Krishna],
everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread." (Bhagavad-gita 7.7)

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