Dear Elizabeth Thank you for your letter about evolution. You say that it is perfectly fine for the schools to teach theories and facts as though they were true. Of course theres no problem with teaching facts, but evolution is not a fact. It is a very far-fetched and unlikely theory. They can't explain how life started in the beginning, and they admit this, they can't explain or show any proof of one species evolving into another significantly different one, they can't logically explain how so many things we see [eg: feathers on a bird] could occur by "natural selection". It's a very bad "theory" but it's the only alternative they have to accepting an intelligent creator behind the scenes... And, as you have said, all science is not wrong. They have certainly made some useful thing [like computers] and we are quite happy to use these things to glorify God, Krishna. After all it is God who made the brains of the scientists and it is God that provided all the raw materials necessary to build the computers. So they should be used in His service. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!