>Is it possible to find your soul even during a period of intoxication >or the period afterwards? > Hello. Hare Krishna! As far as your question. Intoxication is not very good for spiritual realization. It puts you into the mode of ignorance and you can't see things as they are. It is a temporary thing. Real spiritual realization is permanent. We are the soul within, we are not the body. The body gets old, the body gets sick and ultimately it will "die". But I do not die. I exist eternally. Whatever I am thinking of at the time of death determines what sort of body I will get next time. So the best thing is to think of Krishna at the time of death so we don't have to come back to this miserable material world again. Instead we can go back home, back to Godhead, and serve Krishna there... Perhaps you could write me some more. Do you believe in karma, reincarnation? What do you think about the future?? Looking forward to hearing from you..