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What do you think about UFO's?

Dear Cristian

Hello. Hare Krishna!

You have written asking what I think about UFO's. We know from the Vedas (the 

ancient texts of India) that there are living entities on other planets. Some 

are much more advanced than here on Earth and some are less advanced also. The 

Earth is more-or-less in the middle. There are also many descriptions of 

"Vimminas" or airplanes in the Vedic texts. There is even a "Vimmana Sastra" 

where many technical details are given. So it is certain there are other 

planets with intelligent living beings on them and some of them have developed 

the ability to travel from one planet to another. 

So there are UFO's. The planet Earth is not such a nice place to visit at the 

moment though. I don't know how many are visiting.

Do you know anything about Krishna? What about reincarnation? Life after death?

Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Chant Hare Krishna and be happy.

Madhudvisa dasa

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