Yoga and the Master of Yoga
I can challenge all these so-called yoga societies in the western countries that they are not standard in terms of Vedic yoga system. The preliminary processes of yoga system is to control the senses… But none of them practice like that, generally they are attracted by the bodily exercises only, haphazardly.
Montreal, 13 July, 1968
Santa Fe
My Dear Christopher,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 9, 1968, and I thank you very much. Previous to this I think I received one letter from you when I was either in San Francisco, or Los Angeles, and whenever I receive some letter, I reply it promptly, so it may be that my reply is missing due to your uncertain whereabouts.
I can understand that you are mixing with a crowd of hodge-podge men but none of them will ever get the real thing by such hodge-podge philosophy. We are following a standard philosophy, acknowledged by standard acaryas, namely,
harer nama harer nama hare namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha
The people of this age are of short duration of life, they are very slow in the matter of seriously understanding spiritual importance of life, and even some of them are inclined, like yourself, by misfortune they associate with hodge-podge men like those you have mentioned in your letter–namely, Yogananda, Alan Watts, Maharishi, Leary, etc.–because they are unfortunate and severely disturbed in mind on account of various frustrations and desires.
I am glad to learn that still you have got some glimpses of understanding Krishna Consciousness, and I hope this faint idea may one day develop into reality, and your life become successful. So far the hodge-podge men; they are gradually being defeated, and perhaps you may know that Maharishi Mahesa has left your land with great disappointment–but his mission to cheat your people was successful. He wanted to collect some money and he cheated so many people because they wanted to be cheated, and now he is in India, and so many western boys are still going there and paying some money for interview and hotel charges, and still following the so-called yoga system. I can challenge all this so-called yoga societies in the western countries that they are not standard in terms of Vedic yoga system. The preliminary processes of yoga system is to control the senses, and practice some bodily position by which the mind can be made fixed up on the point of Visnu Murti. But none of them do practice like that, but generally they are attracted by the bodily exercises only, haphazardly. And they take it as yoga practice. And others, they are addicted to sex indulgence and intoxication habit. Our system is completely different from theirs. In the beginning, we simply invite men to come and join us in the transcendental vibration by chanting Hare Krishna. We do not say that you pay me something and I give you this chanting. But this chanting is open without any secret, and we do not ask anyone to pay for it. But the chanting is transcendental, and therefore, simply by vibration, one gradually becomes spiritually advanced, and thus he offers himself to become my disciple. In that discipleship also, I do not charge anything.
Neither do I offer anything new. I offer the same Hare Krishna beads, but it becomes spiritually powerful on account of being delivered in disciplic succession. And practically we see that the students who are initiated in this way, they are advancing slowly and surely, and any one of my students can challenge any student of so-called yogis, and that is practical evidence.
So, I would advise you not to waste your time in such hodge-podge society, but follow the principles rigidly, and faithfully, and your life will be successful. You say that you do not really know enough about what they are following, because you have not assimilated the philosophy. But if you take the philosophy seriously, certainly you will be able to convince others. I am glad to learn that you are returning to Santa Fe, and I hope you will have good association there and you will be profitted by some sincere workers in Santa Fe. I am glad to learn also that you sometimes fast the whole day, and chant. It is a very good idea and you can follow this principle rigidly two days in a month, namely the Ekadasis. I have got always time to answer the letters of sincere souls because my life is dedicated for their service. So you are always welcome to send your inquiries. And I shall always try to enlighten you to my best capacity. You have kindly asked me what you have to do. That I shall tell you later on, when you are fixed up in our line of thought. So it is Krishna’s Grace that you are going to Santa Fe, and try to assimilate our philosophy there, and then, I shall let you know what to do there.
Thanking you once more, and hope you are well,
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Hare krishna Madhudvisa prabhu,Humble pranams to you and all glories to srila prabhupad.prabhu,can u post a video of how to chant Hare krishna with beads in krishna tube
You don’t need a video, just do it. What is the world coming to if people can’t work out how to chant Hare Krishna on beads. You just chant Hare Hare Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare on all the 108 beads until you get to the big bead then you reverse and do it in the other direction. You don’t chant on or cross over the big bead. That’s all. So just do it! Chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day!
Hare Krishna
I am a school student and a beginner in the Krishna Consciousness. Please tells how can I serve Krishna and start with my bhakti yoga?
Get Srila Prabhupada’s books and read them.
Hare krshna Madhudvisa prabhu,I have one friend whose name is Hrithik,He is a good friend,But he is too much bewildered about krishna consciousness and he kept asking me manytimes the same question.He is asking me “wheter whatever devotional service we have performed to lord krsna,will go to some one else by the forceful desire or thought of my mind”? I told him that it is impossible to give our piety to others unless we are very pure,strictly leading life of Pure Brahmana under the instruction of Shastras,and in kali yuga we are eating food cooked by sinful people,Associating with sinful people,Leading a life like sinful Shudras so we dont have power to give our piety to others even by our prayers to Supreme lord .I also asked him to give me a glass of water with his mental thought,but he said that it is different.I told him about eternality of devotional service in Bhagavad gita 2.40 verse,and also showed him many quotes of srila prabhupada that devotional service to krsna never goes in vain.He said that he also asked u this same question ,but still he is saying that he has doubt on this .
The problem is prabhu,He is reading Srila prabhupad books and hearing lectures but he is not chanting even one round.I told him to chant 16 rounds early in morning and Read Sp books and eat food offered to lord.
Can i leave his association,He is simply causing disturbance with this question manytimes and he is also shaking my faith.He showed me in Mahabharat on Bhisma saying that if we abuse angrily someone we loss our pious and good deeds.I told him that Pious activities means material pious activities and devotional service to krsna belongs to soul not to this material body,and he got calmed . For further clarification i asked u before Prabhu and u clarified me on this.
Prabhu can i stay contact with him or leave him
Hare Krishna Sacn
Yes. Some people do not get it and have strange mental problems. So if his association is causing you difficulties in Krishna consciousness yes, you can avoid him and associate with others who may be more open to your talks about Krishna. It is up to you. You have to use your own common sense and see what is favourable for your advancement in Krishna consciousness and what is unfavourable. And you have to accept those things that are favourable for your advancing in Krishna consciousness and reject those things that are unfavourable.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa