What is the Age of Kali?
“In the Age of Kali, the Earth thus becomes crowded with a corrupt population, whoever among any of the social classes shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power.”
This zine isn’t for people who feel modern life couldn’t be better. Such people like to be controlled more or less by the media’s projection of the goal of life and attempts made by corporations to promote bodily consciousness.
This is a zine for people who, not only want something more like a change of politics, but who are seeking a spiritual dimension in life. And, I’m not talking of dogmatic formulas for the sake of some personal sentiment, but self-realized knowledge about the nature and origin of all things.
Spiritual knowledge that can be compatible with logic and intelligence.
This zine is based on a line of spiritual masters in India who have been passing this sacred knowledge down from ancient times.
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is such a spiritual master. Most people may think that to be humble and tolerant are the only qualities of a spiritual master, but, the real quality of a spiritual master is his compassion. Therefore he doesn’t hesitate to speak out against an unjust and misleading civilization .
These are not someone’s small minded opinions that are eagerly shared hoping the change the world.
This is standard knowledge coming from the Vedic culture, the oldest culture in the world.
Age of Kali, a zine for spiritual awareness in a materialistic society, only wishes to present this knowledge as it is, showing how relevant and essential it is in our society today.
“In the Age of Kali, the Earth thus becomes crowded with a corrupt population, whoever among any of the social classes shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power.”
This zine isn’t for people who feel that modern life couldn’t be better. Such people like to be controlled more or less by the media’s projection of the goal of life and attempts made by corporations to promote bodily consciousness.
This is a zine for people who, not only want something more like a change of politics, but who are seeking a spiritual dimension in life. And, I’m not talking of dogmatic formulas for the sake of some personal sentiment, but self-realized knowledge about the nature and origin of all things.
Spiritual knowledge that can be compatible with logic and intelligence.
This zine is based on a line of spiritual masters in India who have been passing this sacred knowledge down from ancient times.
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is such a spiritual master. Most people may think that to be humble and tolerant is the only qualities of a spiritual master, but, the real quality of a spiritual master is his compassion. Therefore he doesn’t hesitate to speak out against an unjust and misleading civilization .
These aren’t someone’s small minded opinions that are eagerly shared hoping the change the world.
This is standard knowledge coming from the Vedic culture, the oldest culture in the world.
Age of Kali, a zine for spiritual awareness in a materialistic society, only wishes to present this knowledge as it is, showing how relevant and essential it is in our society today.