First Annunal Prabhuapda Sanga Mela
The First Annual Prabhupada Sanga Mela, a festival in honor of Srila Prabhupada and his legacy, will be held on July 20th (amavasya) through July 23rd. The festival will take place at a campground on a beautiful mountain lake in southern Oregon. Senior disciples of His Divine Grace will speak on various topics, such as arcana, samkirtana, book publishing and distribution, guru-tattva, the real ISKCON, Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s concept of Nama-hatta preaching,
The Vaisnava Global Sanga – Pacific Northwest (tenatively named) will be hosting the First Annual Prabhupada Sanga Mela, a festival in honor of Srila Prabhupada and his legacy, on July 20th (amavasya) through July 23rd. The festival will take place at a campground on a beautiful mountain lake in southern Oregon. Senior disciples of His Divine Grace will speak on various topics, such as arcana, samkirtana, book publishing and distribution, guru-tattva, the real ISKCON, Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s concept of Nama-hatta preaching, and other topics. We are looking forward to lively discussions and much blissful kirtana and feasting.
The goal of the festival is to promote communication, cooperation and sadhu-sanga among devotees who are still exclusively devoted to Srila Prabhupada’s mission. The Vaisnava Global Sanga aims to unite disciples of Srila Prabhupada worldwide for the purpose of maintaining and increasing the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. All disciples of Srila Prabhupada and aspiring devotees of Lord Caitanya and Sri Sri Radha-Krishna are urged to attend. Devotees need to bring their own tents, sleeping bags and other camping gear and are asked to bring bhoga for offerings to the Deities. Rental cabins may be available. Motels are available within 35 minutes drive of the campground.
Although notice is short this year, we are hoping for an international meeting of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples in the forest. We are also posting local announcements “Krishna Tribe Satsanga” to invite interested newcomers and friends. For more information, map, program guide, and pre-registration to gaurantee private campsites or cabins, please contact Narasimha das at or call Gaura Karuna Devi Dasi at 541 865-7977. Devotees may also contact Damaghosa das at or call Damaghosa at 360 856-5411. (Campsites run around twelve dollars a day.)
We expect devotees from far and wide but are especially encouraging attendance of devotees living in the Pacific Northwest and the West Coast. Please join us for three days of blissful chanting, dancing and feasting in a great setting for sadhu-sanga.
“All Vedic scriptures confirm that even a moment’s association with a sadhu can award all perfection.
” — Sri Caintanya-Caritamrta