Hare Krishna Sankirtana Party Shines at Stanford University in Palo Alto
A very ecstatic Sankitana party would be putting it lightly. I’d say when others start to join in the singing and dancing of the Hare Krishna mantra; it becomes very special and potent.
Hare Krishna! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
I received an invitation last week from Vaisesika prabhu about a Sankirtan party on Friday night in Palo Alto, right down the street from Stanford University.

It was quite a spectacle, nearly 30 devotees showed up from San Jose, Berkeley, San Francisco, and Berlingame.

A large number of young people joined in the dancing and chanting as we managed to sing and dance for nearly two and a half hours.

Satyadeva Prabhu and Vaisesika Prabhu led very nice melodies accompanied by a harmonium and other various instruments.

A lot of books when out. Amogalila prabhu was passing out “KRSNA Reservoir of Pleasure.”

A very ecstatic Sankitana party would be putting it lightly. I’d say when others start to join in the singing and dancing; it becomes very special and potent.

Hare Krishna! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!