Original Krsna Book Back In Print!!
Krsna Book. Full of activities of the Lord, in two huge 10 x 7 volumes of four hundred pages each with 132 full-color plates! So simply if you read and hear the activities you get liberation, simply by reading. You have got a tendency for reading book or hearing about somebody, if you transfer that tendency to hearing about Krsna, you get liberation. It is so nice thing.
Please click on the link below to open the linked website:
Original Krsna Book Back In Print!!
I would like to let you know that Srila Prabhupada’s original Krsna–The Supreme Personality of Godhead [Krsna Book] has been reprinted in two beautiful volumes with the original cover and all the more than seventy original color plates. The printing and paper are first-class.
Srila Prabhupada said: “In my heart I want that KRSNA book in small or large form, should be distributed in every home who are English-speaking people. (Srila Prabhupada in a letter to Karandhar in 1971)
This is the exact same book that Prabhupada convinced George Harrison to donate the printing costs for and the same book that convinced thousands and thousands of devotees to dedicate their lives to Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. It is the exact same book Srila Prabhupada himself personally read almost daily. This book has been practically unavailable since 1983 when the BBT replaced it with their new “Revised and Enlarged” edition which contains more than five thousand changes.
So many devotees have been anxious to see Srila Prabhupada’s original Krsna Book back in print, and now it has been printed.
We have published. It will come very soon. Krsna Book. Full of activities of the Lord, in two volumes of four hundred pages. So simply if you read and hear the activities, either read or hear you get liberation, simply by reading. You have got a tendency for reading book or hearing about somebody, but, generally, for our sense gratification we hear some man and woman making love affairs, and that is the subject matter of a drama or a fiction or a story. The same tendency, if you transfer for hearing about Krsna, you get liberation. It is so nice thing. And you’ll find so attractive to read about the activities of the Lord that you cannot leave the book. Krsna Book. If you go on reading, you’ll find at times some philosophical topics, but the story is so attractive. Because God, Krsna is so attractive, His activities are also attractive. (From one of Srila Prabhupada’s lectures in Los Angeles, 1972)
We need your help to distribute these books.
In an attempt to make Srila Prabhupada’s original Krsna Book easily available again to the devotees and the general public cases of five sets [ten books] of Krsna Book are currently available at the wholesale cost only which comes out to just $5.90 a book. The Krsna Book set is so beautiful and would sell in book stores for thirty to forty dollars.
So we need your to help distribute these Krsna Books and I am asking you to please order at least one case of five two volume sets [10 books] for only $59.00. Within the USA your order will be delivered by UPS for $19.50 and international orders will be sent via the US Post Office M-Bag service at no extra charge.
You can order right now on-line through our secure and very simple and fast credit-card processing service. It will take only a minute or two.
You can also purchase single of Krsna Book 2 Volume sets:
Please Email if you have any problems with ordering.

Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Please click on the link below to open the linked website:
Original Krsna Book Back In Print!!
Hare Krishna Prabhu, Krishna must be so pleased with you for this wonderful service.
I am realising how important book distribution is and how much Srila Prabhupada wanted this. I have been reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and I am chanting 16 rounds as well.
I feel like distributing books as well. I live in London. But I don’t know where to start. I don’t know any senior devotees or someone I can ask to go book distribution with or ask them to teach me. I don’t even have good communications skills, in fact I am very shy and can hardly speak up.
Can you please tell me how I can start off distributing books on my own and give me some tips. Please Please. and being a female should I try distribute to prabhujis?
Thank you
Hare Krishna Mother Samira
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Yes. The Matajis can most certainly distribute Prabhupada’s books and you can distribute them to everyone. We have to be careful to give our association to the non-devotees but not to take their association. So as long as we preach to them and talk to them about Krishna it is OK. To distribute books we have to have very strong saddhana. We need to be chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and strictly following the four regulative principles.
You can watch:
That will give you an idea of how the ISKCON devotees distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books, particularly Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
In UK the distributor of Srila Prabhupada’s original books is Bhajahari Prabhu.
He can provide you with the original Prabhupada books at the best possible prices and probably can also put you in contact with someone who can help train you up in distributing Prabhupada’s books.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa dasa prabhuji. It seems and i can say for sure that he is presenting the revised and enlarged version of the gita.
Yes. Of course he is. He is in ISKCON. They would throw him out if he presented Prabhupada’s original books… But the principle of distributing the books is the same. So we can distribute Prabhupada’s original books in the same way.
it would be very nice is bbt reprints original Bhagvad Gita As It Is(macmillan version)
They already have. The BBT have an official policy that they will provide the devotees with both Srila Prabhupada’s original books and there new changed and ‘updated’ versions of the philosophy. But in reality the only original Prabhupada book BBT do print is Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 1972 original Macmillan edition. You should be able to get this from any BBT office or ISKCON temple.
hare krishna!
please accept my humble obeisances!
a lady asked me,”what are the 5 yajnas, known as pancha-maha-yajna, necessary for ordinary men? (purport of Bhagavad Gita As It Is 3.12)”
i told her that sankirtan yajna is the maha yajna for this kali yuga but still she wants to know about the pancha-maha-yajna.
kindly explain.
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krina hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hari bol….
hare krishna!
please accept my humble obeisances!
thank you for your enlightening newsletters and clearing my doubts.
my query is-
why don’t we we offer anything directly to krishna?
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krina hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hari bol….
Krishna instructs us to “Approach a spiritual master, offer obeisances, render service, inquire submissively, such a self-realized person can give you real knowledge because he has seen the truth.” We have to approach Krishna through His pure devotees. We offer to His pure devote and he offers to his spiritual master and in this way the offering goes to Krishna through the disciplic succession.
That is the system and if we want to please Krishna then we have to please His pure devotees. There is no other way of pleasing Krishna…
hare krishna!
please accept my humble obeisances!
thank you for your enlightening newsletters.
my questions –
1. what is the difference between prasadam and mahaprasadam?
2. when eveything (fruits, grains, water)is lord shri krshna’s, then why should we first offer his own things (fruits, grains, water) to him?
Hare Krishna Lopa
These are great questions, thank you.
There is no difference between prasadam and mahaprasadam. Mahaprasadam is the actual foodstuffs that are put on the plates and offered to Krishna on the alter and prasadam is the rest of the offering that is still in the pots in the kitchen. But Krishna tastes it all, so actually there is no difference.
Of course it is not mahaprasadam or prasadam unless Krishna accepts it. And Krishna accepts the love and devotion that went into preparing it. So Krishna is not going to accept it unless it is actually cooked by devotees as a loving offering to Krishna. This is such an important point. It has to be cooked for Krishna. The motivation of the cooks has to be to please Krishna. Of course actually we are cooking for Srila Prabhupada. We do no offer anything directly to Krishna. We offer to Srila Prabhupada and he offers to Krishna. So really we have to cook with love and devotion to please Srila Prabhupada… Otherwise it is not going to be prasadam or mahaprasadam.
It is not actually the fruits and grains that Krishna is accepting from us. You are right, they are already His. But we have a choice. We can cook for ourselves, for our own pleasure or we can cook for Krishna, for His pleasure. So if we cook for Krishna, with love for Him, He is accepting that offering of love. That is what we have to give. We can give our love to Krishna.
The thing is the grains and fruits belong to Krishna and they should be used for His pleasure. If we take Krishna’s things and cook them for ourselves or our family then we are stealing those things from Krishna and we become criminals, thieves and we will be punished for that.
But if we take Krishna’s things–the grains, the fruits, the milk products–and prepare them very nicely with love and offer them to Krishna, actually offer to Srila Prabhupada, if he accepts the offering from us then the food becomes prasadam and we still get to eat it but now because it is prasadam it helps us advance in Krishna consciousness instead of entangling us in many sinful reactions…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa