The Spirit of Bhagavad Gita
As Bhagavad Gita As It Is will be the basis of our discussions on the Krishna Connect website I would like to give you a general overview of the book. This overview will continue in the next few articles.
Even if you have already read the Gita I think you will find this information interesting. Bhagavad Gita is an amazing book. Even if you were to read the entire book every day of your life, every day you will still find new inspiration in it. So please read this carefully. I may be asking you questions about it later!
Firstly I would like to offer my respectful obeisances to my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda, because without the knowledge he has most mercifully given us I would still be completely in darkness as far as spiritual knowledge is concerned. It is only because of his mercy that I can say anything of value.
Bhagavad Gita contains the essence of all spiritual knowledge spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna. Because Bhagavad Gita is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one need not read any other spiritual literature. One need only regularly and attentively hear and read Bhagavad Gita.
At the present time mankind is so absorbed with day-to-day activities related to simply surviving in this world that he does not have the time to read all the Vedic literatures. But that is not necessary, this one book Bhagavad Gita is sufficient.
Bhagavad Gita appears within the Mahabharata. Mahabharata means the “the history of Greater India.” So the conversation we hear between Krishna and Arjuna actually happened. It is history. And if you would like to understand everything that happened before and after this conversation, that is available also, in the Mahabharata. However Bhagavad Gita is the very essence, the very nectar of the Mahabharata. So simply studying the Gita is sufficient.
There are thousands of translations of Bhagavad Gita available and we are not just studying any translaton of Bhagavad Gita, and there is a very good reason for this. We are studying Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and he describes that the reason he has given us this translation is as as far as he can see in America, and even in India, practically all the other translations of the Gita that are available in the market do not convey the real spirit of the Bhagavad Gita. In practically all the other editions the commentator expresses his own opinions without touching on the spririt of Bhagavad Gita.
And what is the spirit of Bhagavad Gita? Arjuna was the first student of the Gita, so we can understand the spirit of the Gita by seeing how Arjuna relates to Krishna, how he accepts Krishna and the instructions given by Krishna.
Arjuna accepts Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And he gives evidence that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead also, by saying that all the great authorities in the past also accepted Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And Krishna also establishes Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Gita. Therfore we should take Bhagavad Gita in this spirit. Understand it as Arjuna understood it from Krishna.
Krishna tells Arjuna that the Bhagavad Gita is not new. He tells Arjuna that He originally spoke the Gita to the Sun god, Vivasvan, at the beginning of the creation, and that the knowledge was handed down through the saintly kings from generation to generation, but now that knowledge had become lost, so therefore Krishna again spoke that same original knowledge to Arjuna.
A very important question is why did Krishna decide to speak this topmost spiritual knowledge to Arjuna? Arjuna was a warrior. A fighter. There were many other, seemingly more qualified people who Krishna could have spoken the Gita to. Why did he pick Arjuna?
Krishna tells Arjuna that He is relating this supreme secret to him because he is His devotee and His friend. Therefore the Bhagavad Gita is best understood by a person who has qualities similar to Arjuna’s. That is to say he must be a devotee in a direct relationship with Krishna.
We all have a relationship with Krishna eternally. However in the material state of life that eternal relationship is covered and we are unaware of our relationship with Krishna. But the process of Krishna consciousness can revive that original relationship.
The way Arjuna accepted the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita from Krishna should be noted. His manner of acceptance is given in the Tenth Chapter.
“Arjuna said: You are the Supreme Brahman, the ultimate, the supreme abode and purifier, the Absolute Truth and the eternal Divine Person. You are the primal God, transcendental and original, and You are the unborn and all-pervading beauty. All the great sages like Narada, Asita, Devala and Vyasa proclaim this of You, and now You Yourself are declaring it to me. O Krishna I totally accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither the gods, nor demons, O Lord, know thy personality. (Bg. 10.12-14)
So this is the spirit of Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna tells Krishna the he accepts whatever He says to be completely perfect, “I accept everything You say to be true.” Arjuna says that the personality of Krishna is very difficult to understand, that Krishna can not be known even by the great demigods. Therefore if even the beings greater than humans can not understand Krishna how can any human understand Him without becoming His devotee?
Therefore Bhagavad Gita should be taken up in a spirit of devotion. One should not think that he is equal to Krishna, nor should he think that Krishna is an ordinary personality or even a very great personality. Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at least theoretically, according to the statements of Bhagavad Gita, or the statements of Arjuna, the person who is trying to understand the Bhagavad Gita.
We should therefore at least theoretically accept Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad Gita. Unless one reads the Bhagavad Gita in a submissive spirit, it is very difficult to understand because it is a great mystery.
Thank you for reading this newsletter.
In a couple of days I will post the next instalment, “Just What is the Bhagavad Gita?“
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I am extremely grateful to you for such an enlightening newsletter. However, there is one query. Is it imperative to do aachmanana ablutions and recite kilak mantra before reading the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is?
No. It is not necessary.
Hare krishna prabhu
Following are the words of srila prabhupada:
Satāṁ prasaṅgān mama vīrya-samvido bhavanti hṛt-karṇa-rasāyanāḥ kathāḥ [SB 3.25.25]. Rasāyanāḥ kathāḥ. Unless you discuss Bhāgavata, Bhagavad-gītā, with sat-saṅga, devotees, it does not become relishable. Therefore he’s not attached. Tad-vāg-visargo janatāgha-viplavaḥ. In another verse…. Na yad vacaś citra-padaṁ harer yaśo pragṛṇīta karhicit [SB 1.5.10]. He may read one literature very decoratively written, very interesting, but there is no discussion about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yad vacaḥ citra-padam, very decorative. Na yad vacaś citra-padaṁ harer yaśo pragṛṇīta karhicit: [SB 1.5.10] “But there is no glorification of the Lord.” Tad vāyasaṁ tīrtham: “Such kind of literature is enjoyable by such persons who are like crows.”
Now I have read bhagavad gita and planning to someTime Buy srimad bhagavatam also. I have bought a few more books of Srila Prabhupada. But i cannot have association of pure devotees. As iskcon is now polluted. So is my reading going in vain??
How can i get association of srila prabhupada then. As you have Said that prabhupada is living in his books, but it will not Become relishable as prabhupada mentioned!
So I am really confused and discouraged to hear that. I really enjoy reading bhagavad gita asitis and other Srila prabhupada’s literature as they clear all my doubts regarding religion and God to such an extent that no one can do!
So will book reading be beneficial in my situation????????
Prabhupada is living in his books. Krishna has personally descended in the from of His holy name. So you can read Prabhupada’s books and chant Hare Krishna. That is perfection. So do it. But FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS Prabhupada gives you AS YOU READ HIS BOOKS. Krishna consciousness is not arm-chair philosophy. Chanting Hare Krishna is a prayer: ‘Please Krishna engage me in Your service’. So we have to do service. We have to work for Krishna.
Read the first post of the newsletter.
Lord Krishna is subprime .
His message to Arjuna is repeat of the message given to Sun god at the out set of creation . This knowledge is new to me,
Jai Shri Krosna !
Yes, Bhagavad Gita should be taken up in a spirit of devotion. Arjuna was a true devotee of krishna and he understood the message imparted to him by Krishna. He finally fought dedicating any outcome to krishna. May Krishna bless everyone with such a spirit.
Thank You.
Hare Krishna Prabhuji..
I have read in Teaching of Lord Chaitanya that one should accept what is favourable for developing Krishna consciousnes and reject everything that is unfavourable. How can I differentiate between the two? At times our friends and family become hurdle in our way. How should we tackle them?
Hare Krishna Vipra
As you read Srila Prabhupada’s books more and more you will learn what is favorable for developing Krishna consciousness and what is not. Certainly materialistic friends and family members can be a big hurdle in our progress in Krishna consciousness. So we have to make a vow that we will chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day, strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. Krishna consciousness is total absorption in Krishna. 24 hours a day engagement in serving Krishna. So we just do it. And we have to ignore friends and family members who are not interested in hearing about Krishna from us.
We can not associate with non-devotees and remain Krishna conscious at the same time. If we associate with materialists we will also gradually again fall down to the platform of materialistic life.
So we have to learn the art of preaching, which is giving our association without taking their association. It means we can talk to them about Krishna but we can not listen to them talking about maya…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Lord Krishna said Work hard or fo the Karma donot wait the fruits or other words award or reward.Today there is unemployment problem.Many people are trying very very hard but very few get succeses. Why is this happening?
Hare Krishna Geeta
Krishna did not say ‘work hard for karma.’ That is a meaningless statement. Work and karma are synonymous. Karma means work. So you are saying ‘Krishna said work hard for work.’ Which is nonsensical.
Actually Krishna says perform your duties without attachment to the results. But our duty is to serve Krishna. We have no other duty.
So you have not comprehended the message Krishna is trying to impart in Bhagavad-gita so I suggest you read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is again very carefully and try and understand it in the mood of Arjuna.
Success means becoming Krishna conscious. There is no other success. That there is a big unemployment problem is not bad. There is unlimited work to do for Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.
Material world is meant for suffering. You have to understand that. No one is happy in the material world and no one will ever be happy in the material world. In the material world there is only the illusion of happiness in the future.
Happiness is only in the spiritual world and the way to go back home back to Godhead is by becoming Krishna conscious. So do not be very concerned about the situation in the material world, just concentrate on becoming Krishna conscious and encouraging as many others around you also to become Krishna conscious.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna
I Read your letter and wish to gain some knowledge from you regarding the Bhagavad Gita. Please help me understand what thoughts should be kept in mind while chanting the 16 rounds of krishna Mantra. And how do we manage both materialistic and spirtual life parallely. Since all our actions in this life are rooted to material gains.
Hare Krishna Aditi
As far as what thoughts we should have while chanting Hare Krishna, we should simply concentrate on chanting all the words of the mantra clearly and hearing them clearly. This is the process, attentive chanting and hearing. So our attention should be focused on the chanting and hearing the Hare Krishna mantra, that is all. We should not be thinking about anything else.
Of course thoughts will come but instead of dwelling on these thoughts we should focus our attention back on attentively chanting and hearing the Hare Krishna maha mantra.
As far as materialistic life and spiritual life it is not the process of Krishna consciousness that these go on in parallel. The science of Krishna consciousness as Srila Prabhupada is teaching it to us in his books is one of transformation. We learn how to transform all the activities of our life from material to spiritual. We need to learn the science of transforming our lives so that every action we perform is for the pleasure of Krishna, it is a great science and we must learn it.
We have to give up our personal selfish interests and our extended selfish interests of family, society, nation, even global. All these concepts of humanitarism, alturism, socialism, etc, all these isms we have to give up. And our only interest should be Krishnaism… Serving Krishna, pleasing Krishna.
A devotee understands that we are all part and parcel of Krishna. So he understands that the only way to please everyone is to please Krishna. This is the real humanitarian activity. Because everyone is part of Krishna if we please Krishna everyone benefits. So we need to learn this and we need to transform our lives so there is no material part, so that our lives become completely spiritual, completely dedicated to serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.
This is a great science and Srila Prabhupada has written more than 80 books to teach us this science. So we need to take full advantage of Srila Prabhupada’s lessons and READ HIS BOOKS…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna madhudvisa prabhu
Prabhu in my family onion and garlic is used everyday . I eat this type of food .but don’t offer to lord Krishna. Sir what should I do .
Your servant anshu
Hare Krishna Anshu
It is not a question of vegetarian food without garlic. It is a question of who the food was prepared and cooked for. A devotee will only accept the remnants of food that has been prepared for and offered to Krishna by devotees of Krishna. So we can not eat anything cooked by non-devotees. Even if it is vegetarian without garlic.
So you need to either convince your mother, or whoever cooks, to become a devotee of Krishna. And then she will not use garlic in the cooking because you can not offer garlic to Krishna. Or just cook for Krishna yourself, offer it to Krishna and accept Krishna prasadam…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Namaste Spiritual Guru Ji
Lord Krishna is everything in my life
He is the ocean of happiness.
I was lost my Father but Krishna come to near, very close to my life
Krishna is precious in my life
Without Krishna’s consciousness there is no life for me and our family
He is the real one He is the dear one
Thank you Guru Ji
Prabhu Chaitanya, Shri Ramakrishna
They are the Teachers of my life
I like very much Guru prabhu paada Ji
Daily I read Bhagavadgeeta
I always chant Hare Krishna mahamantra
It Gives real Happiness
Bhakti vedantha Darshana is my favourite Book
It is very Good.
I thank to Lord Krishna
I thank to sreemad A .C Bhaktivedantha swami Prabhupada
I thank to ISKCON
I Thank you too Guru Ji
I am very Happy to talk with u Guru Ji
Hare Krishna
Jai Sri Krishna
Jai Sri RadhaKrishna
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum
Guru Ji (my english is very bad Don’t mind. I understand English but can’t speak well. I Know kannada ಕನ್ನಡ)
In the path of Krishna consciousness and realising the Atman in each one of us, I understand indulging in material, worldly duties will only take me away from my true self. Yet, one can not be justified by escaping his Karma. So how should I perform my duties and also remain blissful in my true self?
Hare Krishna Rashmi
Devotees who sincerely take to Krishna consciousness escape their karma. Karma is for karmis. Devotees are free from the reactions of karma.
Our only business is to serve Krishna. We have no other work.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hara Krishna, The contents of the news letters are very informative and excellent. it drives us to the spiritual path. It keeps us connected to Lord Krishna from the material world. Thanks for the wonderful information that I am receiving.
Small suggestion – If the text messages are in Audio we can listen to audio many times. Thanks
I have done some audio, I will send out in a few days and see if devotees like it or not.
I personally have read Bhagvad Gita As It Is…Please explain me the verse which fascinates me the most..(Chapter 3..verse 27)..The bewildered soul under the influence of material nature thinks himself to be the doer of all the activities which are carried out by nature, and proudly thinks “I am the doer”…what it actually says about the nature of reality..
I am very curious to know the meaning of this particular verse..
You should read Srila Prabhupada’s explanation:
The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried out by nature.
Two persons, one in Kṛṣṇa consciousness and the other in material consciousness, working on the same level, may appear to be working on the same platform, but there is a wide gulf of difference in their respective positions. The person in material consciousness is convinced by false ego that he is the doer of everything. He does not know that the mechanism of the body is produced by material nature, which works under the supervision of the Supreme Lord.
The materialistic person has no knowledge that ultimately he is under the control of Kṛṣṇa. The person in false ego takes all credit for doing everything independantly, and that is the symptom of his nescience. He does not know that this gross and subtle body is the creation of material nature, under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such his bodily and mental activities should be engaged in the service of Kṛṣṇa, in Kṛṣṇa consciousness. The ignorant man forgets that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is known as Hṛṣīkeśa, or the master of the senses of the material body, for due to his long misuse of the senses in sense gratification, he is factually bewildered by the false ego, which makes him forget his eternal relationship with Kṛṣṇa.
Hare Krishna. Please why does all spiritual wisdom come from India? Hare Krishna?
Hare Krishna Sosthene
All spiritual wisdom does not come from India. Spiritual wisdom comes from Krishna, God, and Krishna appears Himself and sends His representatives to every country and they distribute spiritual wisdom according to the ability of the people of that particular counties ability to understand it.
So you will find spiritual wisdom within every culture on the planet. Because Krishna has sent His representatives everywhere to establish it.
But spiritual wisdom is presented most completely and elaborately in the Vedas in India. That is the original and complete and perfect source. So you can find all the spiritual wisdom in its original pure form in the Vedas in India. That is why India is famous as the source of spiritual wisdom. Unfortunately today’s Indians disregard this spiritual wisdom and instead they worship technology…
Thank very much for your support. I will be acquiring a printed copy soon!
Hare Krishna Prabhuji
How to get Krishna I have done all sins 4 sins I have done and am really very sorry have realised and have promised wont repeat them.. pls tell me how to overcome this sin and get more and more attached to Govind.. m not scared of hell am just scared that what if again I stop trusting Govind and get into those habits 🙁 pls help me Prabhuji pls
The answers are in Prabhupada’s books. Read them. Yes. We have all performed sinful activities. But we have to give them up and take seriously to Krishna consciousness, following the four regulative principles, reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra every day at least 16 rounds. Just do these things seriously and you will not be interested in sinful activities.
Hare Krishna,
Spiritually enlightening article.
Looking forward to more of such spiritual readings.
Thank you sir for telling me about bhagvat gita as it is, but to order from Krishna store I want to know the price in Indian currency so please help me about it
We have Indian Krishna store with prices in rupees:
Hare Krishna and Pranam to you.
In the news letter you had sent me today, you are referring Krishna as the Supreme God head. Even though, I am a devotee, I am still not able understand this in full. What is the difference between Vishnu and Krishna? How can we differentiate between them. I had learned from our weekly classes that there are different different Vishnus. Could you please explain who all are they and how Krishna became supreme God Head above all of these Vishnus.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Krishna Kumar
Krishna is not easy to understand. Even demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva sometimes get confused about Krishna. Krishna can be understood not by intellectual speculation, but by surrender and service to a pure devotee of Krishna. So please read Srila Prabhupada’s books and chant the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day and strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication]. Without these things it will be impossible to understand Krishna. But if you sincerely read Srila Prabhupada’s books and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and follow the regulative principles then gradually you will understand and realize everything.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
So the purpose of becoming a devotee is to get a more intimate connection to God, Krsna?
Others seem to think it is running away from “real life” in the material world…. Not that they can blame any of U..
We are all devotees in varying degrees of forgetfulness. So Krishna consciousness is not something we become. It is an awakening of our original consciousness, which is Krishna consciousness.
Thank you this was helpful. I am currently attending classes with a Krishna devotee and I have a developing relationship with Krishna.
Hare Krsna, Madhudvisa dasa
I ran across this article about ISKCON immediately after I read some of your comments about the problems with ISKCON.
This is the title of the article.
ISKCON Destroys a Whole Generation of Devotee’s Lives…
Perhaps I can shed some light on the issue.
I attended the lectures at the Houston Temple beginning sometime in the mid-70s.
The devotees would chant downtown on the sidewalks and then were taken to jail.
This was the way it was back then. Society was against the Hare Krsna Movement mainly because they would force themselves upon the passengers entering and exiting the airport.
The devotees were often very hostile in the temple. I attended the lectures for years trying to figure out why they claimed to be devotees. They had little mercy and were intent upon the destruction of the “false ego.”
They took it upon themselves to beat the Christianity out of your mind. It was common to be threatened with physical violence. New devotees were soon inducted into the “destruction of the false ego” thought police.
I couldn’t figure out why they wanted to be devotees. They didn’t care about Krsna, only this authority they were given over those below them. Nothing was real. Everyone went through the motions everyday, but why?
They were convinced that they were superior beings, but the only attraction seemed to be authority over someone. There were a few who seemed to be sincerely attracted to Krsna, but only a few.
I recall the first time I attended Kirtanam. They gave me the bells to ring with many other people. They said I could ring them anyway I wanted. In about a minute a devotee came up to me and jerked them out of my hands. He never did say what I did wrong.
I would often stop there in the afternoon to read the books in a nice little library they hand near the entrance. No one was around so I laid down on the couch to read and closed my eyes for a moment to think about something that I had read. A devotee came in and hit me in the head and said get off of the couch. He claimed that he was a superior being and consequently had authority over me.
The devotees knew me and knew that I studied religions at the time. The one that hit me was a new recruit who was empowered with authority. I was often looked down upon because I would not “shave up” and start the discipline. I was the waste of time, but I wasn’t going to join people who were so disconnected from God.
Many years later I ran across an article about the Hare Krsna Movement. It said that many of the devotees were actually AWOL from the military, or wanted by law enforcement. They were hiding.
I then remembered that many of the old houses around the Houston Temple were destroyed by fire. Some of the devotees were probably doing it. Many of the devotees were cruel and deranged enough to do this sort of thing. They enjoyed preaching about the evils of western society, but also wanted central air conditioning. I recall sitting in a lecture about western evils while they were unloading the air conditioning system off of the trucks.
If anyone so much as said the word Christ or Paul it was time for punishment and threats of being beat up. Prabhupada was greater than Christ and that was it.
Also in later years I read that Prabhupada started the Hare Krsna Movement with homeless people on the street.
The point here is that the Hare Krsna Movement got off to a bad start, too many bad eggs.
The disease thrived in the way the temples were organized. The senior devotees did little or nothing. The new devotees had to serve them. This caused a craving for authority, especially in those who had no attraction to Lord Krsna.
In Prabhupada’s book The Teachings Of Lord Kapila there is at the beginning a passage that describes the difference between eastern and western philosophy. Eastern philosophy is about liberation. Western philosophy is about other things.
The concept of liberation probably takes upon different connotations when heard by the western ear……..liberation through authority over others.
Prabhupada is not to blame.
Hare Krsna, Mark Huffman
Hare Krishna Mark
Yes. There was certainly insanity in the US temples in the early days…
This idea of becoming the master is actually the material disease. A devotee becomes a servant, not a master, he becomes humble, not puffed-up…
So somehow it did not work for many of the particularly Americans. Of course it is not just Americans, it is everywhere in the material world. We come to the material world trying to become the master. That is the materialistic, demonic nature. So demons take every opportunity to try and lord it over others…
But really Krishna consciousness is very different from what you experienced in the Houston ISKCON temple….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Prabhu,
Namaste, Thanks for your email. I must briefly introduce myself: I am from muslim heritage but regularly chant 16 rounds and read Srimad Bhagvad Gita As it Is and am very impressed from the personality of Srila Prabhupada.
I am in touch with His Grace Shankarshan das Adhikari to request him to initiate me as a disciple of Srila Prabhupada but reading your comments i am confused as to who shall i take as my Guru and initiation? Kindly enlighten me.
Why the book MOTHERS OR MASTERS has been banned by ISKCON written by a Devotee and a Disciple of Srila Prabhupada?
It is shocking to know that and therefore i want clarity about above matters because i have no Devotee association and i wish to go to Soho London Temple what do you advise on that please Prabhu?
At your service
Hare Krishna
I suggest you read Srila Prabhupada’s books. That is the solution. ISKCON has become so bogus as to ban a book that is 99% direct quotes from Srila Prabhupada and which presents the ideas that Prabhupada presents.
So from this we can understand ISKCON is against Srila Prabhupada. They have moved on. They are now modern, politically correct feminists….
It is all rubbish. So better avoid ISKCON. It is very difficult situation. Prabhupada’s ISKCON has turned against him. They ban books of their own devotees if they dare quote Prabhupada…
So it is all too crazy.
If you truly want to advance in Krishna consciousness it is not just devotee association that you need. You need to associate with a pure devotee of Krishna. Just devotee association with rascals like this who are banning books that are 99% direct Prabhupada quotes will not do you any good at all.
You need to associate with Srila Prabhupada by reading his books. So continue chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day, strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and make a serious program to read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books. If you can read them aloud that is better because we actually become Krishna conscious by hearing and chanting. Not so much by intellectual processes.
The Muslim practices and the Krishna conscious practices are similar in many ways. Both stress chanting the names of God, both stress worship in the temple or mosque, both stress the importance of protection of women and the importance of minimizing mixing of men and women, both allow men to take more that one wife in some situations. The difference is we have the Hare Krishna mantra which is a peaceful weapon that destroys the sins not the sinner. The Muslim system of destroying the sinner with the sword is not very practical these days. Because realistically, in Kali-yuga, everyone is a sinner, everyone is an infidel. So the problem with the Muslims is they will end up trying to kill everyone and then they will realize they are themselves infidels and then what to do…
So Krishna consciousness is the practical solution for sincere Muslims who are truly interested in reestablishing there lost and forgotten relationship with Allah and at the same time remaining compassionate to the infidels and instead of killing them we can give them the Hare Krishna mantra and uplift them to the platform of pure devotees of Krishna… It is much nicer than cutting their heads off…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna. I follow the instructions given by Prabhu shree krsna gyaan in bhagwat geeta.
Hare Krishna,
I wanted to know that what are the qualities of a pure devotee that are different from other people.How can I judge a person whether he is Krishna conscious or not.
Hare Krishna Pravar
Neophyte devotee can not tell who is pure devotee and who is demon. That is why so many demons do such a great business by presenting themselves as gurus and cheating the innocent public.
Only a Madhyama-adhikari, a devotee on the middle platform, is capable of differentiating who is a pure devotee and who is a demon. And it is very important of course to know, who is a demon and who is a pure devotee, because if by mistake you happen to accept a demon as your spiritual master your whole life is spoiled.
So the idea is you have to make advancement in Krishna consciousness by chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and strictly following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day, in this way you will gradually make advancement in spiritual life and will be able to tell the difference between a demon and a pure devotee of Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Since from my past life to the present , I have seen so much injustice, heard many bad abusive words and all the bad things which usually happens around a guy who goes through their childhood,school and through college life . I kindly request you to please tell me how should I clean myself from the bad thoughts and all those bad things which are stucked in my mind because of the society I live in and the company I get ,and also how to tackle these kind of situation if I am forced to get along with them anyway.
You just have to become Krishna conscious and all bad things will be washed away. But it is a serious process and you have to be prepared to follow it starting by chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day, strictly following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. We need to develop a taste for Krishna consciousness. Once we have a taste for chanting Hare Krishna then the so-called pleasures of the material world will no longer have any power to attract us.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you very much for the link.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa sir,
Thank you for sending me the news latter.I have been searching a way to know about Bhagawat Gita,since i donot have a hard copy of gita.
I want to request you to send me more information about the Gita and how to apply it in personal life.And if possible can i get a pdf version of the Book. Thank you.
PDF Gita you can download from:
Hare Krishna,
I am a vegetarian and I was a skinny boy. But since four years I am workout and my physique became very good but my nutrition was pure vegetarian as my parents are vegetarian and they worship AMBAJI. So no eggs and meat are eaten in my home. I ate lentils,dal and good vegetarian source of protein for diet. But 3 to 4 months before I have stared reading Bhagwat Geeta and Prabhupada books. I have completed reading Geeta. But the more and more I am inclining towards MY Krishna’s teachings the more I am not working out and not going to gym as it I said in that we also got attached to our body. So I am not working out too much and it feels that there is no meaning to gaining muscles. But as I have stopped it my body has become so irregular the gains that I had are getting converted in fat an it is becoming loose. I am also not feeling healthy I cant run on just I was running on treadmill for an hour. Its like there is no energy in me. When I was working out I use to feel fresh. I don’t know what to do. I am confused. Plzz tell me what should I do.???
Hare Krishna Ukarsh
Yes. We don’t care so much about the material body but still we have to keep it healthy so we can serve Krishna. So you need to be active. Not the artificial muscle building of a gym. That is always artificial. Everyone has a certain body type. Some a muscly built naturally. And others like you and me have skinny build. I remember before I was a devotee also I sometimes went to the gym for trying to build up some muscles. And after a lot of work in the gym my muscles would get a bit bigger… But then when I stopped like you it just went back to normal again.
So that is what you were trying to do with going to the gym. You were trying to convert your body into something that it is not. You were trying to make a big muscley body out of a skinny body… It is artificial. As soon as you reduce the gym work the ‘gains’ you have made will go away. So do not worry about building up your muscles. You have the body you have, just use the body you have for serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Dandavat pranaam ,it’s by Krishnas mercy I could receive trancedental knowledge through ur website.
My question is that I’m looking for a spritual guru and I don’t have one.but I’m associated to many devotees and blogs from where I’m getting this mercy to read and understand KRSNA .will I be able to suceed in my spritual path .i do mangla aarti everyday and do 8-16 rounds daily.
Kindly advice.
Hari Bol
Ur servant
Hare Krishna Sachin
Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna and he is ready to teach and guide you through his books and lecture tapes. So please read Srila Prabhupada’s books and listen to his classes. In this way you will find your guru.
It is very good you are doing Mangal Aroti every day. Please keep doing it and increase your chanting to at least 16 rounds a day and strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. So continue doing all these things regularly and you will be well situated in Krishna consciousness and will be making steady advancement in spiritual life.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
I am very blessed be a part of the devotee group and it’s all because of the mercy of Lord Krishna on me.
Thank you very much
I realized myself to be so lucky to read Bhagavad Gita and also its Significance
Hare Krishna
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa dasa: I recall years ago when attending lectures at the
Houston temple that the teachings of Krsna Consciousness caused expectations of great changes. That is, that there could be a journey to another planet. There were expectations that chanting the Maha Mantra would result in a movement to another reality. In this age of Kali is it best to only expect that the knowledge of Krsna will give the understanding that leads to the control of material contamination? All we can hope for is to not be held captive by the filth that the world deposits in our minds? In other words, Vedic knowledge takes its place in our minds in order to keep contamination out. Rewards for having served Lord Krsna through devotional service will be given in our next life.
What do you think of this perspective, Madhudvisa dasa? Please use your own life as an example.
I was listening to a recording of Prabhupada commenting on scientific discovery. He emphasized that anyone who claims to be happy is a fool. This appears to be his way of saying that the age of Kali is powerful in its destructive energy.
Hare Krsna, Mark Huffman
Hare Krishna Mark
There are great changes for one who becomes actually Krishna consciousness. Freedom from material anxieties and a sense of spiritual happiness come quite quickly to a sincere devotee of Krishna. A sincere devotee realizes that he is not this material body but is the spirit soul trapped within this material body. So once we realize we are not the material body we become detached from the happiness and distress of the material body. This is certainly another reality and we can move this other spiritual reality simply by chanting Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day and strictly following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and by reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If you surrender to these things and follow them strictly you will very quickly move to another spiritual reality where you will become detached from the pains and pleasures of the material world.
It is not that a devotee is interested in any reward for serving Krishna. The devotees get great pleasure by serving Krishna. The whole process of Krishna consciousness is very joyful and ecstatic. The only real happiness is in Krishna consciousness. There is no happiness in the material world. So if one is thinking he is happy in the material world that is ignorance. He is a fool.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu…….may I able to get the Marathi PDF of the bhagwadgita?
PDF files are only available in English.
Thank you very much prabhu ji.
I was wondering. In your letter you mentioned that the Bhagvad Gita is the only book that we actually need to read. So what about the Bhagvatam? I have associated a little bit with other devotees and according to them the Bhagvatam is very special book and should be read. They never said it straight out but by the way they talked about the Bhagvatam, it sounded like they thought it was more important than the Gita, not to mention that it is Krishna himself here to deliver us. Also, hasn’t Prabhupada said that if we don’t read all his books we will slowly fall down? I understand that there is unbelievable benefit that can be derived from reading the Bhagvad Gita. But I just want to know what exactly to read. Should I also get started with chaitanya Charitamrita or is it sufficient to just read the Bhagvad Gita and the Bhagvatam again and again? I have already read the Gita once and it is very pleasing to hear it’s vibration. There are so many books of Prabhupada and each of them have unlimited knowledge. Each time we read it, we get a new experience. So how should one begin reading Prabhupada’s books and how should one keep on reading each and everyone of them?
I am sorry for forcing so many questions upon you. But thank you very much for giving me a chance to ask them. Prabhupada did say that a doubtful man can never be krishna consciousness.
Thank You!!
I never said to only read Bhagavad-gita. We have to read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books. So please start a program to read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books. All small books, Bhagavad-gita, Science of Self-Realization, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sri-Caitanya-caritamrta, etc, etc.
An actual follower of Srila Prabhupada will naturally want to read all of his books, and a real devotee will find great transcendental pleasure in all of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
How to read them. Just pick them up and read them. Best to read them aloud because this Krishna consciousness is learned by hearing and chanting. It is not actually an intellectual thing. It is a transcendental thing based on transcendental sound vibrations. So Srila Prabhupada’s books are full of transcendental sound vibrations. For the best effect we need to vibrate these transcendental sounds with our tongue and hear them with our ears. So read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books and read them aloud.
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa Dasa
You said: “We should therefore at least theoretically accept Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita. Unless one reads the Bhagavad-gita in a submissive spirit, it is very difficult to understand because it is a great mystery.”
Yes, the following is how I agree with you. Submission is necessary, and submission is the gift. To be able to have a way to fall before the Lord and abandon this age of Kali is perhaps the greatest gift of all. This is the science, and it is so easy. Krsna Consciousness is not open to debate. It is not about debate. It is the science of submission.
Do not question in doubt, only inquire and learn to absorb the knowledge of the Absolute. Just as a baby is given a simplified communication from its Mother, Krsna has given our limited minds a path to Himself. It is a gift to be taken, not questioned.
There is no gamble, there is no cost. The proof is in the blessings received.
I look forward to your teachings. The Gita is not a novel. It is to be heard again and again, each time with a new understanding. Kali is about confict. The Gita is about agreement.
A question: Is there a picture of Lord Chaitanya such as a drawing or engraving, made while he was still on earth?
You can see the pictures of Lord Caitanya in Srila Prabhupada’s books, particularly in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta:
It is a benediction to begin his study of of the Gita with you.
You are correct in saying that only a devotee of the Lord can understand the Gita. Devortion is the tangible manifestation of love for God. No one can approach God without love. Sri Prahupada has given us a very nice way to develop love for God.
Thank you for your devotion to Srila Prabhupada. He is the manifestation of Krishna’s love reaching out to his lost devotees.
Would you kindly explain the process of taking a name in Krishna consciousness?
Initiation is a new birth. When one takes initiation his material life dies and his spiritual life begins. So old name, old life is finished and a new spiritual life begins. Therefore spiritual master gives his disciples a new spiritual name at the time of initiation.
Hello, I am Mark in Houston, Texas. I attended Krsna Consciousness lectures at the Radha-Krsna temple in Houston on Rosalie Street. Prabhupad was still alive at this time in the 1970s.
My understanding of the purpose of Krsna Consciousness is to escape from material contamination. There are so many aspects of this great religion that bring peace to the mind. This peace drives away contamination. Chanting, studying, or just admiring the astounding art are all ways to approach God.
Whatever brings peaceful remembrance of Krsna is the path to Him. It doesn’t matter what you do, so long as it brings Consciouness of Lord Krsna.
Yes, it helps greatly to understand who He is and what His messages really say, but nothing can be accomplished unless material contamination is replaced by remembrance of Him. To transcend the evil of the world is the ultimate purpose. It doesn’t matter how, so long as it is done. This is my understanding.
I never could chant. One verse and I stop and become the word Krsna. I can go no further. Krsna is a transcendental word. It is the most beautiful of all words. Hare Krsna
Keep trying to chant Hare Krishna. It is not difficult, it is very powerful and you will benefit greatly by chanting Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna what is the Goal of student in this material world should our parent goals be our goals please explain
Goal in the material world is to become pure devotee of Krishna and get out of the material world and go back home back to Godhead, to the spritual world. There is no other purpose of human life except becoming a pure devotee of Krishna and remembering Krishna at the time of death and going back home back to Godhead.
Thanks from heart to you Madhudvisa dasa,
Of course that I read once the Bhagavad Gita,
this reading is transcendental for the one who
can estimate the divine knowledge from Lord
My health shines for his absence because I am
possessed by very perverse entities,I know that it
can look like a madness, but they are very real
and destructive, sorry but I need a true help on
the part of a devout one qualified for these
cases of Submission of mind and body due to
the vulnerability of a destructive karma like mine.
I do exercises to liberate my life of this cruel evil,
of course that I do 16 singings,
Our Lord knows it and I think that He directs me
to your protection.
I was born a 5 of december/1969
My name and surnames:
Santiago Garcia García
I live in Barcelona.
Greetings/Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna,
I have received the email that was sent to me .I feel very glad to receive the mail.Looking forward to read more messages.
Thank you sir for such a great thing … least by the help of this I have started to read with my full dedication…..Thank you very much
Hare Krishnaa , We all need to think of the supreme one and to understand the power of the divine which prevails and regulates our life. hare krshna. (thank you
Hare Krishna prabhuji,
I am a devotee at GAURANG INSTITUTE FOR VEDIC EDUCATION (GIVE) at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
i have some doubts. kindly explain them in brief.
1. Spiritual master say that we can go back to our original home i.e Vaikuntha by krishna’s grace. In vaikuntha Lakshmi narayana is present. Radhe krishna is always present in GOLOK VRINDAVAN which is the supreme abode. I enjoy remembering and reading the lillas of shri krishna in vrindavan, in which krishna showed his PREM lilla with RADHA RANI JI and other GOPIS. Why prabhupada is preferring VAIKUNTHA instead of GOLAK DHAM?
2. Is our soul is different from krishna? Are we his internal energy? Do our soul merge within krishna when someone get moksha? What’s the difference between mukti and moksha?
3. It is said that whenever Krishna kills demon (bad person), he gets moksha. Then what will be the difference between the devotee who get salvation by BHAKTI and the demon who get salvation for his bad deeds?
Hare Krishna
Thanks for the nice questions.
1. Srila Prabhupada does not prefer Vaikuntha to Goloka Vrindavan. Srila Prabhupada is very much an eternal resident of Goloka Vrindavan and does not have very much interest in Vaikuntha. In Vaikuntha there only way the residents worship Lord Visnu is in awe and reverence. Like the subjects of a King worship a King. Vrindavan is different. In Vrindavan one can be the friend of Krishna, the parent of Krishna and even like the gopis, Krishna’s girlfriend. So I do not know where you got this idea that Prabhupada prefers Vaikuntha. It is a totally false idea and I suggest you read Srila Prabhupada’s books and you will see everything is centered around Krishna and you will see Srila Prabhupada establishes everywhere that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and everyone else, even the many Visnu incarnations in the many Vaikuntha planets, are all expansion of Krishna.
2. We are all part and parcel of Krishna. There is nothing in existence that is not part of Krishna. We are brahman and Krishna is parambrahman. So we, as spirit souls, are brahman, the same quality as Krishna. But Krishna is unlimitedly great and we are very tiny. But we are individuals. Krishna is an individual person and we are individual persons. We have all the qualities of Krishna but in a very small quantity. This idea of merging with Krishna is false. We are individual eternally. So we never actually merge with Krishna. Srila Jiva Gosvami gives the example of the green bird flying into the green tree. It appears that the green bird has merged within the green tree, become one with the tree. But if you keep watching that tree after some time you will see that same green bird fly out of the same tree. So the bird did not merge with the tree. Mooksa or liberation, is the same. There is Krishna’s effulgence called the brahma jyoti, which is made of an unlimited number of shinning spirit souls. So we are spirit souls and we can ‘merge’ into this brahma jyoti. But it is like the green bird in the green tree. We do not merge actually. We become one of the shining individual spirit souls that make up the brahma jyoti. And after some time we are not satisfied there. Because we can not express our individuality or personality there. So we become bored and again desire to take birth in the material world. That is what happens to the impersonalists who achieve mooksa, impersonal liberation. They can go to the brahma joyti for some time but again they fall back down to the material world again. This is fully described by Srila Prabhupada in his books and I suggest you read them.
3. Yes. When Krishna kills a demon the demon gets mooksa. That is the same mooksa that the impersonalists and mayavadis get. So you can understand that their destination is the same destination as that of Krishna’s enemies. They become a shining spark in the brahma jyoti. But the destination of the devotees is different. The devotees enter Krishna’s planet Goloka Vrindavan in their original spiritual bodies and engage in the service of Krishna there. So the devotees get the personal association of Krishna and His devotees in the spiritual world whereas the demons and impersonalists only get to be shining sparks in the brahma jyoti. There are some exceptions. Like Putana got to take birth in Goloka Vrindavan as Krishna’s mother, that was Krishna’s special mercy on her. But generally demons go the impersonal brahmajyoti only.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, I stared reading Gita and also purchased a book of Bhagavad Gita Jatha jato in bengali version from Mayapur. I have one question out of ignorance while reading the Gita that if the Lord Krishan is the controller of all of us then why He direct us to do wrong doing. In Gita it says that He stays in all human heart and from Him comes remembrance,knowledge and forgetfulness. Why then He control someone so that some one get His blessing of remembrance and Knowledge and some individual with forgetfulness and as a result that person do all bad things. Why don’t He control every one with remembrance and Knowledge when He is the All Mighty.
Hare Krishna Samiran
Krishna is an individual and we are also individuals. So we are the same as Krishna in quality but Krishna is unlimtedly great and we are unlimitedly small. So as Krishna is completely independent, we also have a little independence.
It is not that Krishna is forcing us to act in a particular way. We have a little independence and if we decide to misuse that independence to reject Krishna then Krishna will help us by enabling us to forget Him. So Krishna does not direct us to wrong doing. We want to do wrong by ourselves. That is the our own mistake. Krishna is not controlling us in that way. We are free to choose between serving Krishna and serving maya. So if we choose to serve maya then Krishna will help us by giving us forgetfulness and if we choose to serve Krishna Krishna will help us by giving us knowledge, remembrance.
Perhaps you should read Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is in English. Prabhupada describes very clearly all these things and much more better than I can describe them.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I have a some related questions
I note that you do not eat meat, fish or eggs. However you do consume correctly prepared dairy products. Why is this so? What right does a human have to consume the milk of a cow, when it is not produced for humans but for calves? How can a cow be kept for milk until they are unable to give any more, without them being forced to be pregnant for our benefit? How can this be good karma?
Yours respectfully.
Hare Krishna Mike
Cows produce milk for humans. They produce some for their calves but only a small amount is needed by the calves. The produce much, much more than the calves can drink. And they keep on producing milk long, long after the calves need it. So this is the arrangement of Krishna. The cows produce milk which is a miracle food that develops the finer tissues of the human brain. That is the arrangement of Krishna. Cows give milk for humans to drink.
Of course as devotees we milk the cows to offer the milk to Krishna. So we do not milk the cows for ourselves. We milk them for Krishna. And we use the milk for preparing many nice offerings to Krishna. So there is no karma in an activity which is performed for the pleasure of Krishna.
Devotees only work for Krishna, so the activities of a devotee do not generate any karma, good or bad.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna , my respects to all great persons here who are peaceful in trying to move towards Krishna through his prescribed way in Gita.I’m trying to understand Lord Krishna ,but not through mental speculation.But I feel one thing ,if I’m wrong in understanding this correctly please set my thinking in right way.I seek your direction.Lord Krishna had to marry Rukmini,Satyabhama,Jaambhavati and many others.Because of his Dharma ….but he never had them in his heart except for his Radharani.So Krishna as a lover also proved himself in his best way.So for Krishna everything seemed Dharma but not marriage in his knowledge. Please correct my way…..
Hare Krishna Parvati
I am not sure really what you are asking. Krishna is self-sufficient. He does not have to marry anyone. But sincere devotee who wants Krishna as husband, he will accept that devotee as His wife. As far as Srimati Radharani that is a big subject matter that can not be immediately understood very easily. We need to become Krishna conscious by chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day, strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day, then gradually we will come to understand all these things.
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa
Thank you so much for your emails. I really appreciate it. Its so nice to come across this website. I am currently 26 years old plus and I had read finish the Gita for the second time in my life. The first time i read i was 17 years old, back then end of 2006 and finished early of 2007. The second time was mid last year and i finished this year…few weeks back. Strangely when reading the Gita for the second tim, more questions are bugging me. I really hope i could share my doubts..i mean find someone to clear my doubts soon.
Have a nice day, may Krsna bless you!!!!!!!!!!
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna
Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
You are welcome to ask your questions here and I can try to answer…
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa sir,
I completely agree with you that Geeta is sufficient for a complete knowledge.No Vedas are required.And also i understand you are not neglecting vedas.In sense Geeta is a full meaning of veda given by supreme power Shree Krishna.
Actually I have no comments at all because i think there is not a single word in your post which have some contradiction.All words are true,true and true.You are doing work for Krishna.In Geeta Krishna says that those who will teach Geeta to his lovers they are more beloved for Krishna than others.
For all :
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Krishna’s Servant
Hare Krishna Shri Madhudvisa dasa.
Thank you for sending me the newsletter.
First & foremost you are not my servant. I look up to you as my friend who sharing valuable information with me, just like Arjuna was Shri Krishna’s friend with whom the Bhagvad Gita was shared.
Unfortunately the newsletters received on 22.03.16 and 23.03.16 are exactly the same. I did not receive any newsletter on 24.03.16.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks & Regards
Hare Krishna Shankar
Thank you for reading the newsletters. I do not know why you got the same one twice but you should get the next one today or tomorrow.
If there are any more problems please let me know.
I am into sales industry, I would like to read the whole character of Lord Krishna & implement in my life.
Just do it. Read Srila Prabhupada’s books. You will find everything you are looking for there.
Hare KRISHNA madhudvisa dasa,I just wanna ask that i want to learn vedic sanskrit so that i could read all vedas and bhagwad geeta in its own language so is there any arrangement in ISCON organisation to get that????
It is not necessary and even if you learn Sanskrit, etc, you will not be able to understand the Vedas.
The way to understand is only through humble submission and service to a bona fide spiritual master like Srila Prabhupada. It is not possible to understand though scholarship. It is only by service to a pure devotee of Krishna that understanding becomes possible.
So please read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books. Everything is there and there is no need to lean Sanskrit. But if you do want to learn Sanskrit everything is there in Prabhupada’s books. The Devanagari Script is there, the Roman transliteration is there, the word-for-word meanings of the Sanskrit words are there in English. So if you study Srila Prabhupada’s books you will learn Sanskrit automatically.
Hare krishna, I wanna ask that is that true that before the battle of kurukshetra supereme lord KRISHNA was not worshiped. And if im wrong then please do correct me.
Yes, you are wrong. Krishna is always worshiped.
Hare krishna ,
hi from childhood i have attraction about god.this is because of family background.i have gone through many books even i have read lots of ISKON books . i gone through bhagavad gita.I also know whatever contents of bhagavad gita are “TRUE”. But bhagavad gita says what we should do /what we should not that is right.but when i think about GOD he is capable to do everything.So there is one confusion in my mind if he has everything,then why people are suffering? when i search the answer of this question then i came to know people are suffering due to there Bad “Karmas”(Actions) and as we know all the bad actions happens due to the anger,Moh,maya,attraction,Ego then why god offer these bad things to all ,as he know it result in sorrow.This confused me all the time.why soul suffers through 84 lakh yoni If god capable to make evryone perfect. please make me correct if i am wrong this is my confusion.
Hare krishna !!!
Hare Krishna Anil
Our purpose is to serve Krishna. But our relationship with Krishna is based on love. Krishna does not force us to serve Him. So when living entities misuse their independence and reject the service of Krishna they are sent here to the material world. The material world is a place full of suffering by its nature. Here everyone is trying to enjoy themselves at the cost of everyone else. So this mentality naturally creates a hell for everyone.
So material world will always be a place of suffering. It is full of suffering and death only. The only way we can be happy is by becoming Krishna consciousness, by reestablishing our original relationship as servants of Krishna and by remembering Krishna at the time of death and in that way as Krishna promises in the Bhagavad-gita, “One who remembers Me at the time of death will surely return to Me…” we will go back home, back to Godhead and be happy there. We can not be happy in the material world.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy! [chanting Hare Krishna transfers us from the material world to the spiritual world even in the present body, so by becoming Krishna conscious we will become happy, but when we become Krishna conscious we will no longer actually be in the material world. Happiness is only in the spiritual world. There is no happiness in the material world]
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna prabhuji!! i thank you very much for your kindly taking interest in doing the very wonderful job in handling the devotees globally with new technologies.I am replying with reference to your mail from madhudvisa dasa prabhuji .you have sent me a very wonderful article named “The spirit of Bhagavadgita”.
hare krishna !! thank you very much.
Is it true that krishna responds to everyone according to their desires?
Can lord krishna cure a very ill person?
Hare Krishna Keshini
You can not engage Krishna in your service. We have to surrender to Krishna and become engaged in His service.
You have to understand we are not these material bodies. We are the eternal spirit souls within the material bodies. You have to understand the material bodies are temporary. We are destined to take birth in these bodies and we are destined to suffer a certain amount and enjoy a certain amount and then die. So this will happen. We will suffer according to our karma and we will enjoy according to our karma then this material body will die and we will be transferred to another body at the time of death.
So we can not preserve this material body. It is dying every day. And there is nothing we can do about the suffering and death. That is the nature of the material world. It is a place of suffering and death. We can not avoid it.
Rather than bothering about the body and trying to save it, which is not possible, we need to spend our time and energy chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and becoming Krishna conscious so we remember Krishna at the time of death and so we do not have to again take birth in this material world and again suffer the pains of birth, old age, disease and death.
Krishna responds to everyone’s desires in the sense that if you want to see Krishna, if you actually love Krishna, He will reveal Himself to you. But if you do not love Krishna He will hide Himself from you. And Krishna is sanctioning everyone’s desires, so nothing happens without the sanction of Krishna. But we can not expect Krishna to follow our orders. We can not order Krishna “please cure this ill person…”
We can go to some doctor and give some medicine according to the body but ultimate sanction is in the hands of Krishna.
Devotees do not consider death a bad thing. Rather death means giving up this old and useless body and if we are actually Krishna consciousness and if we can remember Krishna at the time of death then we will get the chance to go back home, back to Godhead, return to Krishna in the spiritual world. So that is a very wonderful opportunity. Even if we are not perfect devotees still if we are chanting Hare Krishna and in in Krishna consciousness at the time of death then we will at least get a good human birth in a family of devotees or wealthy people where we will have a good chance to continue our spiritual advancement in life.
So in any case leaving an old and diseased body for a Krishna conscious person is a wonderful thing.
The illness is this material body and the only cure for the illness is to get rid of the material body and the only way to get rid of the material body is by becoming Krishna conscious. So become Krishna conscious. That will solve all problems.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Non devotees are in more need of preaching and guidance than devotees. Being Godhead, isn’t it necessary and important for God to reach out to both devotee and a non-devotee?
Parents don’t forsake spoiled children. By some means or other, they try to teach good sense even to their spoiled children. Shouldn’t Krishna also not be doing likewise ? He is our super parent so he should make sure all his children, good and the bad all imbibe the great lessons he teaches.
It feels like he was partial to good and was hating the bad. Being a loving super parent, one would not expect Krishna to have this attitude.
Please correct my faulty view on Krishna before I embark on this journey of reading Gita. Otherwise I will be like the ant who tasted even the sweetest thing as salty as it had some salt in its mouth beforehand.
Hare Krishna Vijji
Non-devotees can not understand Krishna consciousness. It is inconceivable to them. So it is pointless to try and talk to them about it. You will see that Srila Prabhupada targeted almost all his preaching to the devotees. For the non-devotees preaching is different. For the non-devotees preaching means having ecstatic kirtan parties and engaging the non-devotees in hearing and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and filling their stomachs with sumptuous Krishna prasadam. In this way by the association of the pure devotees and hearing the chanting of the pure devotees and tasting the Krishna prasadam the non-devotees become devotees and are then able to appreciate the philosophy of Krishna consciousness.
So the non-devotees have to be first purified otherwise they can not understand Krishna consciousness. So preaching is for devotees. Not non-devotees.
Of course Krishna would like all His children to imbibe His great lessons. But you do not understand. This is the material world. We are all rebels here. We have all rejected Krishna, we don’t want to surrender to Krishna, we don’t want to serve Krishna. That is what the material world is for. It is a place for us rebels. So you have to understand Krishna has given us a little independence. Of course He would like everyone to ‘imbibe His great messages’ but He is not going to force anyone to do this. Our relationship with Krishna is one of love. So in a loving relationship there has to be some freedom. So we have the choice to serve Krishna or to reject Krishna.
Spiritual world is the place for those who have chosen to serve Krishna and here, the material world, is the place for those who have choose to reject Krishna.
So Krishna consciousness is open to everyone but it is up to the individual to accept it or reject it. Of course the devotees are preaching to everyone but not everyone will accept Krishna consciousness. Actually only a very small percentage of the people will take Krishna consciousness seriously in the material world. Because this is the world of the rebels, not the world of the devotees.
But the mercy of Lord Caitanya is so great that this morbid material world can be easily flooded by the ocean of nectar of the Sankirtan movement if we can just get a serious sankirtan party going…
So just read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is and stop making up excuses not to read it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna
prabhu i want to chant mahamantra at home what are the procedure.
please help me prabhu.
just chant it…
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
That’s all. And read Prabhupada’s books. Everything you need to know is in Prabhupada’s books.
I have done many lessons with you people and NOW I AM GETTING NOTHING TO COME IN. I don’t know who to write to. I have this email and received 60 lessons or chapters or whatever you call them and for 4 weeks NOTHING IS COMING IN. I already subscribed to the newsleter twice BUT getting now duplicates as I have 2 email address.
Hare Krishna Bhaktin Marcy
Very Sorry. This is the right place to write if you want to contact me. If you have any question you can always contact me here by posting your question on some relevant article.
I will start sending more emails soon. It should be at least one a week, hopefully more than that, from now on.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I am great full to almighty Krishna as well you sir to make me understand that how should I start taking my lessons from geeta.
Also but he translations of bg r done in many languages so that everyone can read it take the benefit then how can u say that other translations r not proper…!!
Other translations are not the original. The original is in English. So of course other translations are necessary but if one wants to read Prabhupada’s original books they are in English.
Nicely explained but I have question – firstly u said that Arjun is the first student and in the latter u say that Krishna had told bg to sun god before Arjuna ….?? Also can I get these newsletters in Hindi too. Since even I share these to other people and they want it in Hindi…!!
Actually Gita is eternal. So Krishna is always teaching it to Arjuna and Krishna is always teaching it to the sungod. Krishna’s lila is called nitya-lila. It means all of Krishna’s pastimes are going on eternally. So even right now Krishna is teaching Gita to Arjuna and Krishna is teaching Gita to sun god in some other universe.
So sometimes we may say ‘first’ but really there is no beginning and no end to Krishna’s pastimes. They are going on eternally with no beginning and no end.
“…if one actually understands Gita he will want to read Bhagavatam. It is like that.” I dont know if I actually understand all of it, but that is how I feel.
And thank you for your answer.
The reply to Ananthakrishnan has answered my dilemma. After BG and Ishopanishad I came across Bhagavatam. I am learning sanskrit language only few years, but slowly getting in touch with it. It is strangely close to may native language, Slovenian and I prefer to come in direct contact with the writings. And of course I am every day more and more close to this unspeakable spirit of kindness.
But: There is Samkhya karika too and may be it would be right to study it – to balance bhakti and jnana point of wiew?
NO. Just read Srila Prabhupada’s books. And not just the Sanskrit part. You need to read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhaktivedanta Purports also. Otherwise you will just become a bookworm with no actual spiritual realization at all.
Hare Krshna Prabhu Maharaj Madhudvisa Dasa Ji, Many Thanks for newsletters and website. Found Bhagwad Gita As It Is while visiting a Friend, while searching for the book on internet, found this website. Thank you for the Service that you are doing in the Satsanga of Bhagwan. Pranams. Hara Hara!
hare krishna sir,
i found that there are actually 12 cantos in bhagavatham but this web has only 10 of them and may i ask you where are other 2
Srila Prabhupada only translated Bhagavatam up to Tenth Canto Chapter 13.
He provided us with the whole Tenth Canto in the form of Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Only a pure devotee of Krishna can translate and explain Srimad-Bhagavatam. So there is no bona-fide English translation and explaination of 11 and 12 cantos. And it is not necessary because Srila Prabhupada has put everything in his books. There are 30 volumes of Prabhupada’s Bhagavatam and I am sure you have not studied all these books. And he has given us 17 volumes of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta and I am sure you have not studied them. So just study all the books Srila Prabhupada has given us. You will find there is a lifetimes work there.
Shri Krishna …Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Very Very Thanks for your Spiritual message…
Your Sincere..Rakesh
Hare Krsna Prabhuji,
Please forgive my bad english.I have read your mail.I have the English edition of the BG which i got iskcon and i have read upto ch14.I knew about the book changes but i didnot think they would be that serious.I thought they would have made only grammatical or some minor changes.But rececently i did some research on it and found that they have made unnecessary changes.Then i downloaded the original verson of BG from your site and reading that.After i finish that i will read the SB.There are some questions i want to discuss with you.Hare Krishna.
I felt nice to read the news letter, Bhagavad Gita is a part of my spiritual life since my childhood, read couple of times, feel really happy and binded to Lord Krishna after I read at least one chapter.
I believe in Karma.
Hare Krishna,
I just got my first news letter from Sri Madhudvisa dasa ..
I consider it a blessing to have got the opporrunity to read your thoughts…abt practising krishna conciousness through real bhakti nd living nd fullifillng all worldy duties nd not to fall in to wrong misrepresentations nd guidance..
I was seeking a real master nd I am glad that I am getting some ray of hope on getting the right path towards enlightenment.
I wish to start here…nd wish to read Srila Prabhupadas books nd bhagvad geeta..
I am eagerly waiting for my next newsletter..
The wrds in the newsletters are very easy to understand nd clear..
Thanks for taking such an effort to guide the true path to thousands nd thousands who are connected to you…
You state theoretically, why is it theory only?
Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at least theoretically, according to the statements of Bhagavad Gita, or the statements of Arjuna
Hare Krishna Russell
No. It is not theoretical. It is a fact. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. To understand this statement you can not just chop out a sentence like this. You have to read it in the context. Then it will be clear what it means. This section is explaining the mood one has to have when reading the Bhagavad-gita if he is to get some benefit out of it. So one has to read it in a submissive mood, not in a challenging mood. If one reads it in a challenging mood, arguing with every point Krishna makes, and thinking that he has better ideas than Krishna, then he will not get any benefit from reading Bhagavad-gita. So the best thing is to accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and read it in that mood. But at least one has to theoretically accept that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that His book Bhagavad-gita contains the absolute truth, and that Bhagavad-gita is an authoritative book that one can not argue with. So that is the mood one needs to read Bhagavad-gita and get some benefit from it.
Of course not everyone who reads Bhagavad-gita will be able to accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead before he reads the book. That is a little unreasonable. So for those people, if they want to get benefit from the book, this advice is given, that they should at least theoretically accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and read His book in that mood.
Hope it is a little more clear.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
“Hare krishna hare krisha,krishna krishna hare hare,hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare”
First time when I whose reading Bhagavad Gita, I had no idea of the Hare Krishna movement, I bought the book on ordinary bookstore. I whose surprised over and over, with every new line. I thought: „Finally I found a philosopher with whom I totally agree!“ Afterwards I realised that the book is not by some men-philosopher, but a text spoken by God Himself ! I liked it so much ( no comments at all, only B.Gita, small format) that as soon I saw Prabhupada`s Bhagavad Gita as it is (and that whose few months later again in a book store) I could not resist to bye it on the spot. I have to admit, Srila Prabhupada`s books are THE BEST books I ever read;so rich in variety of knowledge:philosophy, religion, psychology, vedic astronomy, history beyond expectations, sociology, ethics, principles for establishing stable and long-lasting society law`s and more…
salutations Madhudvisa Dasa,
in your letter, you have described reading Gita is sufficient. But people prefer Vishnu Sahasranama more. the reason they say is, “God himself heard it with smile when Bhishma recited those verses” which i can take?? help me…
Hare Krishna Navveen
What ‘people’ say has no meaning. You have to find a bona fide spiritual master, a pure devotee of Krishna, surrender to him, hear from him, and follow his instructions. That is the process of Krishna consciousness and the only way to make spiritual advancement. Of course chanting the names of God is the way to make advancement in this age so chanting Visnu Sahasranam [1000 names of Lord Visnu] is very good. But we hear from Lord Caitanya and from all the acharyas in His disciplic succession that the only way for making spritual advancement is chanting the names of Krishna. And they have put the emphasis particularly on chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So we need to accept the instructions of Lord Caitanya and the disciplic succession and chant Hare Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Very Thanks for Spirtual msg.
How to qualified we learn are Bagavat Gita
Hare Krsna. Thank you for the first newsletter. Actually, I have been reading the Gita for two years and am a member of a Sanga too. I am now very keen to read Srimad Bhagvatam. I have the first canto and have read it. I would like to purchase the entire set it I can not see it in your store. Please can you help me? Many Thanks.
Srimad-Bhagavatam set is there at
Thank u for your letter, explains the devine power of bhagwatgeeta, that shows correct way of living
Hare Krishna ,
Your first newsletter is very good introduction to bhagwad gita waiting eagerly for next one .
From the newsletter i had received i understood that bhagavathgita is more holier than any other holy scriptures though it is only a part of mahabharatha. One has to be a true devotee and have complete on the supreme lord ‘ krishna’ in order to understand the ultimate essence of gita.
I would like to receive the newsletters on gita and lord krishna on a daily basis. Please kindly accept
My request and send the newsletters daily
I would regularly like to receive the newsletters of bhaghavathgita and lord krishna ..please see to it that you regularly send me the newsletter. This is my kind request.
This isn’t really a comment on the Gita but the Srimad . It is in krishna .com Q and
A . ” Why is Krishna always naughty ? Shouldn’t God be good ? “. there is a quotation from the SB saying that Krishna used to break into houses and pass stool and urine
on the floor . I don’t believe it ! – is this a new correcction of the Srimad by the revisionary ISKCON . This is not mentioned in the ” Krishna ” book I noticed .
Srimad Bhagavad, 10.8. 31 .
Hare Krishna Peter
The pastimes of Krishna are not understandable by the non-devotees. So they are not supposed to be discussed by the non devotees. Krishna understanding is only possible for the devotees.
Whatever Krishna does is good. When Krishna steels butter we worship Him as the butter thief.
People who are non-devotees can not understand Krishna. But devotees know that everything Krishna does is good. But this requires advancement in Krishna consciousness. So the pastimes of Krishna are not discussed in the general public. This is particularly true for the rasa-lila pastimes which are terribly misunderstood by the non-devotees. But even Krishna’s other pastimes, they can not be understood by the non-devotees. And ISKCON’s Tenth Canto Bhagavatam after Chapter 13 has a commentary by someone who turned out to be a nondevotee. So we should not go near that. I have never read it and will never read it. The author does not understand Krishna. So how can we understand Krishna by reading his bogus commentary.
So read Prabhupada’s Krsna Book. You will understand everything about the pastimes of Krishna from that.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Prabhu!
I got your news letter and thank you very much for sending it.
Srila Prabhupada asked his sincere followers to distribute his books and he mentioned that’s the only way to please him.
But, now that his books have been modified against his will, it seems impossible for us to please Srila Prabhupada in this way.
Please let us know where we can get Bhagavat Gita as it is in India so that Srila Prabhupada can be pleased even a little by distributing his books.
I have been reading your articles for quite sometime and you are simply repeating what Srila Prabhupada said and wrote.
May all success come to you.
Hare Krishna!
Prabhupada’s original books are back in print and available on
Also even BBT in India have printed now 100,000 copies of Prabhupada’s original Gita. So you can get from BBT in India also.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
All glories to Shrila Prabhpada
Thank you for your reply. Yesterday I took shelter. All the things you have said in your email to do. I am doing. I have read more of your posts and have gained so much from your clarity. I am blessed to be part of Krishnas family and I will follow the instructions of Shrila Prabhupada to the very best of my ability. I will try to meet you one day. Thank you
Haribol Cello
Hare krishna prabhuji….
I am Daily chanting 16 rounds. I want to know abt eating prasadam and why it is important? How is the process of offering food to lord. At my home onions and garlic are used so what can I do in such condition? ? And please let me know how one can offer food to lord at home??? Can it be done through picture of krishna, if one don’t have deity at home??
Hare Krishna Rahul
Certainly you can cook for Krishna and offer it to Krishna at home. Actually we cook for Srila Prabhupada and offer to him and he offers it to Krishna through the disciplic succession. So you can have a small alter with a picture of Srila Prabhupada, Panca-Tattva and Radha Krishna and offer to the pictures. Pictures are also another kind of deity.
You can cook some things yourself without onions and garlic and offer them to Krishna. It is not difficult. You can make kittery in one small pot with rice, dhal and some vegetables and spice it nicely and there you have everything in one pot and it takes only 30 minutes if you cook in pressure cooker.
So the idea is Krishna only accepts food cooked by His devotees so if you are the only devotee living there then if you are going to have Krishna prasadam then you have to cook for Krishna yourself.
You can not eat food cooked by non-devotees and think that you can become a devotee. It is just not possible. If we want to become devotees we have to limit ourselves to only accepting Krishna prasadam.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Parbhu ji
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Prabhu ji , so Mahatma Gandhi ji was a Mayavadi Philosopher because he had focused on indian independence movement not on Krishna’s message , In his commentary of Bhagvad Gita
I know ,Prabhupada Ji had sent him also a Letter(I have seen it on Prabhupada )
As He was requesting to him to Preach Krishna’s message and leave politics.
Please excuse me for any mistake if I have done a mistake.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Ravi
You have spoken correctly. Gandhi was a politician. He had no idea about Krishna. He even said that he did not believe that the person Krishna ever lived. He preached non-violence from the Bhagavad-gita, but in Bhagavad-gita Arjuna is trying to be non-violent but Krishna does not approve of non-violence in politics. Non-violence does not work in politics. Even Gandhi’s non-violence failed with the British. He was having his non-violent movement for 20 or 30 years and nothing happened. The British stayed. It was only when Subash Bose started the Indian Independence Army [or something like that] and the British saw that the Indian soldiers were no longer supporting them and were instead becoming inclined to fight with them the British immediately pulled out of India. That was only because of Bose’s threatening violence. It had nothing to do with Gandhi’s non-violence…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
Please accept my humble obeisance’s. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Thank you for your news letter. I have recently subscribed. I am reading Srila Prabhupadas books and I am at the beginning. There are many comments and entries to read on this page. They are all helpful. I was drawn to your post on Jan 30 2009 at 9.09 am. I was introduced to Srila Parbhupada and the teachings of lord Krishna by a sincere and honest devotee. For this I am truly blessed. I look forward to reading more news letters and more posts. I chant 16 plus rounds per day and it is the only way. Thank you.
Bhagavad-Gita, which I have realized in my inner being, is true essence of divine, absolute, and transcendental knowledge. Teachings of Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krisna, make us free from all sin. I have fallen in love of Lord Sri Krisna after reading some verses of Bhagavad Gita because His teachings are nonparallel. Glory be to Lord Narayana, Lord Sri Kirsna.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa-dasa
1.I’m studying in a college and staying in a hostel..there is no way I can cook food..I eat only what they cook for ud so how can I offer them to Krishna? Can I? What should I do?
2.And what should I do to follow karma yoga? How do I study for Krishna? Like how can I serve him when I’m doing my studies in college?
3.And how do I look at people for Krishna? What should I think?
And what do they mean by duty? Like the daily work that a person should do? Example for me because I’m studying in college, is my duty to study and do all the necessary things in college?
4.can I have a dream, meaning like to invent or do a research or discover for something and offer the results to Krishna? to offer my daily activities to Krishna? to look at people equally?we are souls…how to look at people as souls?
Thanks for the answer you gave last time.
7.and how do I get a spiritual guru?
My age is 18 and I’m from India and I want to do everything I do for Krishna but I don’t noe how? I want to follow karma yoga. Please help me.
Hare Rama Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Becoming Krishna conscious is a process and the beginning of that process is surrendering to the basic principles. We have to surrender to strictly following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication. We have to surrender to chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day without fail. We have to surrender to reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If you actually surrender to these things and follow them strictly then you will automatically and quickly make advancement in Krishna consciousness and the answers to all your questions will be given to you by Srila Prabhupada from his books and from Krishna within your heart.
But if you are not prepared to surrender to these basic principles you will not be able to become Krishna conscious and you will not be able to make any appreciable spiritual advancement.
So just concern yourself with strictly following the four regulative principles, chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. The rest of your life you just have to fit it around these most important things. The purpose of our life is to become Krishna conscious. If we are going to be successful in this then we have to work at becoming Krishna consciousness very seriously.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Very nice
Im in college(hostel) and what if I want to eat snacks,how can I offer them to Krishna? It’s completely vegetarian but still I feel that I shouldn’t offer them to Krishna but I feel guilty eating without offering.what should I do?
Devotee does not want to eat snacks. He is always thinking about serving Krishna. He does not think about himself. So devotee is always making arrangements to prepare snacks for the pleasure of Krishna. He wants to make something that he can offer to Krishna that Krishna will enjoy. And after Krishna has enjoyed it then he is happy to respect the Krishna prasadam, Krishna’s mercy.
You have to understand Prabhu that if you do not take this simple vow, never to eat anything that is not Krishna prasadam, it is impossible to become Krishna conscious. So you just cook some nice snacks for Krishna, offer them to Krishna, then you can respect Krishna prasadam.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. According to Scripture and as confirmed by Srila Prabhupada there are two sides way of knowledge, Gyan and Vgyan. Means theoretical and practical application. Now,according to your statement at the last paragraph that one should at least understand the Krishna theoretical, how can one be convinced to prove that practically He is the Supreme Godhead?
Hare Krishna Maharaja
Yes. There are two things: jnana and vijnana. Knowledge and practical application of the knowledge. It is the same as in science classes. We learn in theory that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen [jnana] but we also have to be able to practically produce water by combining hydrogen and oxygen [vijnana].
The point of the last paragraph is that if one does not know Krishna in truth then he should at least theoretically accept that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and read the Bhagavad-gita in that mood and then as a result of reading Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is in that humble and submissive mood he will get more knoweldge about Krishna and if he puts that knowledge into practical application in his live then he will get the vijanan, the practical result of that knowledge. So he reads the gita and Prabhupada tells him to chant Hare Krishna. So if he does practically do this, chant Hare Krishna, then he will start to experience the vijanan.
Krishna consciousness can not be understood by knowledge only. It can only be understood by surrender and service to a pure devotee of Krishna, a bona-fide spiritual master. Actually the vijana is only possible by pleasing a pure devotee of Krishna. That is the secret.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna…… prabhuji what is karma yoga according to bhagvad gita??
Karma means work. So Karma yoga means working for Krishna. So any work, even not directly connected to Krishna, if you use the fruits of that work for serving Krishna, that is karma-yoga. So if you have a job that is not directly related to serving Krishna then when you get paid if you use that money for Krishna then the work becomes karma-yoga.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Prabhu, Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. First of all, I hope this Bhagavad Gita as it is, is not the changed Srila Prabhupada original Gita? I want the original Book of Srila Prabhupada, not those fake once.Well, if this is the original Book of Prabhupada, can it be possible for me to get the The one I was using before is from the changed Books, therefore I quit it. I will be pleased if I can get it to replace the old one.
Hare Krishna
Sara A.
Hare Krishna Sara
Yes. ISKCON sells bogus changed versions of Srila Prabhupada’s books unfortunately. You can get Srila Prabhupada’s actual original books at Specifically you can get Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is at:
You can read it online at:
and at:
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu ji
Accept my humble obeisances
All Glories to srila prabhupada
Am very glad to be in the service of srila prabhupada and lord Krishna
now am able to chant at least 16 rounds on my beads daily basis and participating in Harinam sankeerthan programmes and conducting Nagar sankeerthans, , distributing srila prabhupadas books as much as I can.
my question is, if now I want to take initiation from srila prabhupada, from whom shall I take now. if I take it from any of these ISKON centers they Consider me as a disciple of so called self announced Gurus rather srila prabhu pada,
I’m posted a comment regarding this in another post 2 months back but I did not got any reply from you , please kindly let me know what to do.
am looking for your reply
Hare Krishna…!
Hare Krishna Prabhu
There is no valid initiation process in ISKCON and there are no bona fide gurus in ISKCON.
ISKCON does not allow regular gurus. In a regular guru disciple relationship the disciple finds a spiritual master who he things is a self realized soul and who he things has the power to take him back home back to Godhead and he surrenders to that guru and accepts the orders of that guru as his life and soul. Such a standard guru disciple relationship is prohibited in ISKCON.
In ISKCON the ‘gurus’ are not gurus at all in the true sense of the term. In ISKCON gurus are representatives of the GBC. They are not representatives of Srila Prabhupada and Krishna. It is required, according to ISKCON law, that the gurus surrender to the GBC and teach the philosophy and directions of the GBC to their disciples. Not only that the gurus have no real authority over their disciples in ISKCON. The disciples have to surrender to the Temple President and the GBC and if there is any contradiction the GBC overrides the guru.
So no bona fide guru will ever agree to such a thing. A bona fide guru can not guide a disciple unless he has the authority to guide the disciple. And this authority is not given to the so-called gurus in ISKCON. So the point is there are no bona fide gurus in ISKCON so if you accept initiation from anyone in ISKCON he will be a bogus guru and will only distract you from Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and that will be bad for both you and the so-called guru.
Prabhu you should just realize that Srila Prabhupada is living in his books and recorded vani like the audio and video recordings and associate with Srila Prabhupada by reading his books and hearing his lectures and bhajans. That is perfect association with a perfect pure devotee of Krishna.
Initiation is not the fire yajna. That is just a formal ceremony, in itself the fire yajna does not do anything. The real initiation is when the disciple actually surrenders to the bona fide spiritual master and follows his instructions making his instructions his life and soul. It is at that point the initiation takes place. Mostly the so-called devotees these days never get initiated because these days almost no one actually surrenders to their ‘guru’. They just take initiation to get a spiritual name and some position and prestige in the society of devotees, but they have no intention at all of surrendering to the guru and making the orders of the guru their life and soul. They don’t surrender. And even if they do surrender their life is spoiled because the guru is bogus.
So the point is Prabhu that the fire yajna you hanker after is not important. What is important is that you surrender to and serve Srila Prabhupada according to the instructions he gives you as you read his books.
We have to know that Krishna is within our hearts. He knows what we are thinking, He knows what we need. He will arrange everything for us at the correct time. So the point is to realize that if you are already following the regulative principles and already chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and already going out on Sankritan and distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books then YOU HAVE ALREADY BEEN INITIATED. Initiation just means to start out on this process of Krishna consciousness. So you have already started it, you are already initiated. And you were initiated by Srila Prabhupada. He is the one who convinced you about these things.
So do not worry about the formal initiation. Just worry about becoming a pure devotee of Krishna. Just try and think how you can spread Krishna consciousness all over the world in the mood of Srila Prabhupada. The devotees feel that everyone is suffering simply due to a lack of Krishna consciousness. So they want to distribute Krishna consciousness to the people. So we should feel like that. And do it. Become pure devotees ourselves and distribute Krishna consciousness to others. It does not require formal initiation. It requires real initiation. It requires real surrender and real service to a real pure devotee of Krishna like His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu …
Accept my respectful obeisances
All Glories to srila prabhupada
Thank you very much prabhu for your information and suggestions. i’ll definitely and strictly follow the instructions of beloved spiritual master srila prabhupada
I have one more doubt regarding deity worship , we are having the deities Sri sri Nithai Gouranga and we are performing mangal harathi and all processes regularly.
my question is, while we are doing Nagar sankeerthans we are taking Nithai gouranga along with us for the pleasure of their lordships and for people to know about them. and doing Nagar sankeerthan which ends up in a near by temple and there lordships have a little Aarathi and we’ll come back again.
Is it Preferable to take the deities while performing Nagar sankeerthan. ?
if yes what would be the instructions to be followed while carrying the deities
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Yes. Gaura-Nitai are very merciful and They very much like the Sankritan so I am sure They will be very happy to accompany you on the Sankirtan. You just need to make some nice arrangement for them. Maybe a paliquin carried by two men. Or something practical. Krishna will give you the intelligence to arrange it and if you are not sure just keep on chanting Hare Krishna until you are sure. Krishna is in your heart, He will help, He will guide you, if you listen to Him.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna prabhu.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Please accept my Humble obeisances …
I am a neophyte devotee.
I am chanting 16 rounds most of the days. May i know, how important is deity worship @ home for spiritual progress ? Should all devotees have a deity of krsna @ home ? Or one has to reach certain level in the practice of Krsna Consciousness before attempting deity worship ?
Kindly clarify..
Lastly, thanks for including me in the email newsletter. It will help me in keeping my mind in the right path & with regular association / readings on prabhupada’s articles, my spiritual understanding would certainly improve over time.
Hare Krsna
Hare Krishna Sivakumar
It is very good Prabhu. So now chant 16 rounds every day and strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication. And read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day.
As far as deity worship it is not the most important thing. The most important things are chanting at least 16 rounds a day, strictly following the four regulative principles, and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. Then the most important things are distributing Prabhupada’s books, going on on Hari-Nama Sankirtan, and distributing Krishna Prasadam. Deity worship comes after all these things.
But Deity worship is also very important for neophyte devotees. It is the mercy of Krishna that He appears in the form of the Deity to accept our service. As neophyte devotees we can not see Krishna as Krishna is spiritual and we can not see Him with our materially contaminated eyes. But we can see Krishna, even in our neophyte state, in the temple in the form of the Deity. And we can render Him service. So in this regard Deity Worship is essential for neophyte devotees.
But the pictures of Krishna and Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada are also deities. So for us neophyte devotees it is recommended that we set up an alter in our homes with the pictures of Srila Prabhupada and Panca-Tattva. And also Radha-Krishna pictures.
This is the best thing.
For the worship of actual Deities the worship has to be done regularly every day to a strict schedule. It can be simpler in the home than it is in the temple, but it must be done every day without fail. It is very offensive to invite Krishna into your house and then neglect Him by not worshiping Him properly every day.
So it is not recommended that devotees install deities in their homes unless they are very strictly following the regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and that they can actually maintain the Deity worship program every day without fail. Once started the Deity Worship program must continue every day and can not be stopped. So one has to consider very, very carefully before installing Deities as to if he can actually maintain the daily deity worship program. If one can not maintain the worship he should not install the Deities.
But still we need an alter in our homes with the pictures of Srila Prabhupada, Panca-Tattva, etc.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Dasa
I read Bhagwatgeeta in August 2011. Since then I have been chanting maha mantra and gayatri mantra. For me Krishna is everything. I meditate and chanting him every time. Basically I chant gayatri mantra on my breath rate. I am loosing my interest in my professional research work. Even I feel more enjoyment in chanting gayatri mantra and Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare. I have not at all interested in this material world. But As I have to live in this material world so I have to Continue my research work in physics.
As in Bhagwatgeeta in section of karma yoga Krishna says there is two method to achieve Krishna 1) Sankhya yog which is indirect method 2) Karma yog which is a direct method to achieve krishna
so I believe I m in sankhya yog how can I shift to karma yog.
Please help me in achieving my Krishna!!!!
We all have enough problems and in my experience i could solve all my problems almost correctly with the help of God and after solving all these I am not able to express that to others how I did all these and I am living almost a happy life with the help of god. Still I feel as an orphan sometimes. when I read your news let, I can solve some of my doubts and will read carefully them if I get e mails. And I feel happiness when I read it and it helps to me to understand more about Geetha and I am very thankful to you.
Jai Shri Krishna Madhudvisa-Dasa
Here I am new if I have made any mistake then please I am sorry. I have some questions in my mind can you please solve? The Questions are:
Q. Who Is God? Shri Krishna, Vishnu, Shiv, Brahama, Shri Ram, there are so many names. But everywhere is written the God is one. I would like to know about only God. Please solve my problem.
Q. If God is one then who are these persons. I Think these are only Great spirits whom we follow.
Q. I Think God is a creator who created Universe. Every thing in this Universe is created by God.
Q. The Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh known as “Tridev” But my question is who created them?
Q. What is religion? Why there are so many religions? If God is one then religion should be one.
Q. Who creates the religion? God or Human? I think God cannot creates the religion.
Hare Krishna Deepak
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Rama is also Krishna in a different form. These things are very clearly described in Srila Prabhupada’s books so why don’t you just read Srila Prabhupada’s books? That is what Prabhupada wrote his books for. To answer your questions. But you do not bother to read Prabhupada’s books. That is the problem…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I dnont hav any sort of argument with… nor with any other person… i just want a simple answer to my question…
Why onion and garlics… are not offered to god???
While god never differentiate between a gold and a stone…
I never got any satisfactory answer..
May u plzzz…
Narayan narayan
Onion are garlic are in the mode of passion. We can only offer foods in the mode of goodness to Krishna. So onions and garlic can not be offered to Krishna. Krishna consciousness means we must accept the authority of the disciplic succession. Srila Prabhupada and all the previous acharyas have instructed this, not to offer onions and garlic to Krishna, we have to follow the authorities.
Hare Krishna prabhu ji…I have made one facebook page regarding spread this most important Krishna Consciousness philosophy to everyone….so I just want to post your mails that u send me…it will really help….hari bol…
Yes. It is OK of course.
My soul from childhood loves RadhaKrishna…….and this love And respect connects me with The pure essence of GITA…..
Dear Madhudvisa-dasa, I have some questions in my mind regarding “Hare krishna sect” can you pls. answer me if u can?
Only if you ask the questions. Otherwise how can I answer them? I can not read your mind.
Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
Hare Krishna Prabhu ji…..I have made a facebook page related to giving spiritual knowledge…..….if you give your permission….I want to post your mails to me in my page….it will really help many people to become Krishna conscious….thank u
Yes. You can post the mails on your facebook page.
its a ocean of inspirations and thoughts
Lord KRISHNA’S idologies are everlasting for uplifting humanbeings from evil.
Hare Krishna I read bhagvad Gita ‘s translations but AC prabhupad swamyji is Unique and in depth I am already having Hard copy my first Quetion arise in mind 18 days and 18 chapter so either this was daily 1 or at a time All or as& when Arjun ‘s requirement?comment on this very common Q iam also reading GUJ Bhagvatam from Library taptray vinashay 1st sloka which starts from Shri Krushna
Hare Krishna Satish
Bhagavad Gita is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna just before the start of the great battle of Kuruksettra. So it can not have taken any more than half an hour to an hour maximum.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Sir
I fully agree with your newsletter. I myself want to go deep within it but time and circumstances provide barrier.I am student at Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi. I want to carry it along with my studies , what “niyam” should I follow so that i remain in touch with it. I also made a facebook page gita consciousness to share the spirit of gita and keep myself involved but i couldnt involve much of my friends. They don’t see the practicality of bhagvad in daily lives. Thank you for keeping us motivated. Yours
Shivank Goel 🙂 🙂
hare krishna prabhu…..
I am chanting 16+ rounds from dec 2009 till date . Reading Srila Prabhupada original books . I know a little bit what is going on in iskcon after Srila Prabhupada have left his body . I was in touch with some Prabhupada ritvik initated deciples before 4 years back then due to ill plan by my father i was kept in my house forcebaly but with the time passed Krishna made all favourable arrangements at home only at the recomandation of Srila Prabhupada . I am married just three months before , and Krishna send a good girl for me who helps in morning sadhna and book reading . Prabhupada would be very glad if you like to guide me in my future life and I do not know much about you but i have heard from devotees that you are also a sincere deciple of Prabhupada …..please help me in making my life sublime and dedicated to Srila Prabhupada . You can direct me in the direction of Our spiritual master .
Hare Krishna Prabhu
There is no secret. Everything is in Srila Prabhupada’s books. Read them and follow Prabhupada’s instructions and your life will become perfect. But in the material world we have to always struggle. So better to struggle to become Krishna conscious rather than struggle to ‘enjoy’ maya, the illusion…
So do not become discouraged when you have to struggle to become Krishna conscious and do not become discouraged when maya puts big obstacles in your path. That is the way of the material world. We have to expect and not become discouraged by problems when we are trying to become Krishna conscious…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa dasa prabhuji. Do we necessarily need to struggle in Krsna Consciousness when we develop a attraction for it. Spiritual life can be difficult at first but in the end it is nectar i have heard. And material life seems nectar in the beginning but is poison in the end.
So why are you saying and/or why do we always have to struggle or struggle at all in Krsna Consciousness if we are established in the four basic principles/instructions of surrendering to Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna Mohan
Yes Prabhu. Krishna consciousness will always be a struggle in the material world. There is no way of avoiding that. But it will be a very nectarine struggle. So many examples are there of Krishna conscious persons suffering very severely. The followers of Lord Jesus Christ tried to kill him by nailing him to a cross only three years after he started preaching, Haridasa Thakura was beaten almost to death in 21 market places, even in Srila Prabhupada’s life we see from the material point of view he underwent so many material difficulties. He had three heart attacks on the boat traveling to the US and thought he would die on the journey. His health was very bad almost all the way through his preaching. He had more heart attacks and suffered from many material bodily problems. And he had many problems with his disciples. Many times they did not accept his authority and worked against him.
But Srila Prabhupada, a pure devotee of Krishna, was always transcendental to all these things, he is always seeing Krishna and always in transcendental ecstasy. But still he had to struggle in so many ways to establish Krishna consciousness all over the world.
So this material world is a place for struggling. That is the nature of the place. So we have a choice. We can struggle for maya or we can struggle for Krishna. The devotees choose to struggle for Krishna and that struggle is nectar. The karmi’s struggle is very painful. That is the difference. Struggling for Krishna is nectar…
But in the material world we always have to struggle.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa Dasa Prabhu. I have read your mail about the introduction of Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada. I had bought Bhagavad Gita As It Is from Krishna for the original unedited 1972 Mcmillan edition last year. I have completed almost the introductory part in it. I have been informed about Krishna Consciousness from my brother-in-law about five years back. He gave me a Bhagavad Gita As It Is in Tamil Language five years back. From that time on wards I have been studying the book whenever time permits and also I am having most of the smaller editions of book by srila prabhupada and I am reading them too. But still I could not get into the chapter I since I was afraid of the book because it is a great mystery and also I fear that without the guidance of a proper spiritual master how I could be able to understand it practically. Another thing is that even though I try to control my senses I am frequently falling into the clutches of maya many times due to uncontrolled senses. I am unable to find a solution to this problem. Kindly Guide me Prabhu. All Glories to you and your god brothers who are truly preaching the message of god given by srila prabhupada and it is a great protection for you and your god brothers directly from the lord since you are able to preach and sell the original unedited versions of these timeless and valuable books by Srila Prabhupada. Because of your kindness I have got almost all the original books by srila prabhupada in Pdf version form and All glories to You Prabhu. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krsna…
The solution to your problems is right there in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, yet you have had it for many years and have not finished reading the introduction. So read it. You will find all the answers there. Read it.
Prabhupada has given his Bhaktivedanta Purports with clear unambiguous explanations of all the verses so Prabhupada will guide you as you read it and make sure you understand it correctly and give you the keys to unlocking this great mystery. So just read the book…
How does the gita help you on everyday of life
Read it and see.
Hare Krishna Pr Ji dandvat parnam please accept my humble obeisance at your lotus feet and thanku for giving me your valuable time
Your insignificant servant
Padma Nayana Rupa Das
Hare Krishna.
Thank you prabhu,
It was really important for me.
But I am unable to understand the BG 10.8.
Here Supreme personality of Godhead says:
I am source of all spiritual and material worlds.
Everything emanates from me. The wise who
perfectly know this engage in my Devotional
Service and worship me with their all hearts.
Here I am unable to understand how to know
It is impossible to understand Krishna directly. The only way you can understand Krishna is by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna. And you can not understand Krishna by mental speculation or intellectual endeavor. No. Understanding Krishna is only possible if we actually surrender to a pure devotee of Krishna and make his orders our life and soul. Understanding Krishna is not very easy or very cheap. We have to surrender our lives to a bona fide spiritual master and then by his mercy we can understand Krishna. That is the way. The only way.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Radhe krishna prabhuji, ,
prabhuji i some question regarding tulsi jap mala ,,
1)- when using tulsi mala for first time, do we have to
apply ghee on it or have to pour pure water ,, or simply
we can put in the lotus feet of shree krishna ?
2 ) – can i wear tulsi jap mala , and the same can i use it
for chanting also ,?
3 ) – do i have to remove tulsi jap mala before going to
4 ) – i am following 4 regulatory principles but not able
quit tea , also sometime i occasionaly eats food
prepared with onion and garlics.
can i wear tulsi mala ?
radhe radhe
Hare Krishna Mahesh
1) Before using tulsi japa mala it has to be soaked. In India some do soak in ghee. Of course the temperature has to be high to do that so the ghee is liquid. It would not work if the temperature was not high. Generally we soak tulsi japa mala in mustard oil. That is very good and works very well. Generally you want to let it soak for a week at least. This soaking in mustard oil [or ghee] makes the tulsi very strong and good. If you do not soak in mustard oil the tulsi will not be strong and will crack and break. But if you soak it it becomes very, very strong.
2) Yes. If you want you can wear the tulsi japa mala but that is not what devotees generally do. Devotees generally keep their japa mala in a bead bag. So it is best always to follow the Mahajanas. Majanao yena gataha pantha… But if you really want to you can wear around your neck and chant while it is around your neck. There is nothing wrong with doing that.
3) Yes. You can not take japa mala into the bathroom. We keep our tulsi neck beads on at all times but you can not take your chanting beads into the bathroom. That is not permitted.
4) There is no question of drinking tea. That is breaking the regulative principles. We have to follow the regulative principles. There is no difficulty to give up drinking tea. That is a very easy thing if you are actually chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day. Eating food prepared with onions and garlic is not exactly breaking the regulative principles. Onions and garlic are not in the four regulative principles. But it is eating bhoga, it is eating food that is not offered to Krishna. Because obviously if someone cooks with onions and garlic they are not devotees and the food is not offerable to Krishna. So if we eat food that is not offered to Krishna then we will not be able to become devotees. So you need to adjust your life so you never eat anything at all that is not cooked by a devotee and offered to Krishna. This is very important. We can never eat anything that is not offered to Krishna. And if you follow this principle then automatically you will never eat anything with onions and garlic. Because things with onions and garlic can not be offered to Krishna.
So once you are strictly following the four regulative principles and have committed yourself to chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra every day you can chant on tulsi beads. There is no question of not following the regulative principles. We MUST follow the regulative principles.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare what time is good to read Bhadvad gita in morning evening or night.
Bhagavad-gita is good to read anytime. 24 hours a day.
We want to be awake and chanting Hare Krishna and reading Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc, during the Brahma-muhurta. That starts 1.5 hours before sunrise. So if we are serious about spiritual life we have to get out of bed at least 1.5 hours before sunrise and be engaged in spiritual activities during these early hours of the morning. But reading Bhagavad-gita, you can do that any time.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
The essence of Gita will remain forever.
Hare Krishna,
Few days back I subscribed to your news letter beause I always tried my best to engage myself in the devotion of Lord Krishna. But, because my heart is not pure and is covered with the illusionary energy of Shri Krishna because I always kept my heart obsorbed in enjoying the illusion whether it is Television viewing at home, doing useless talks with the office colleagues etc. But agter reading your article I got inspiration to start reading Bhagvad Gita from today right now!
Hare Krishna!
Dear Parbhuji,
Glad to read about Krishna from a devotee of Lord Krishna, Hope that I will get the same in future also. I do 4 round chanting of Hare Krishna Mahamantra everyday and willing to do it atleast 8 rounds after my examination. My question is that can I chant Om namo Bhavate Vasudevay in place of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Is there any rule for chanting Om namo bhagvate Vasudevya (i.g. can not chant in night or can not chant while wearing shoes)
Hare Krishna Manish
No. You can not chant anything instead of Hare Krishna. Chanting Hare Krishna is the way for Kali-yuga. There is nothing wrong with chanting Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudeva…. We chant that also of course. But nothing replaces chanting Hare Krishna. You have to chant at least 16 rounds [not 8 rounds…] a day of the Hare Krishna mantra EVERY DAY. Not just after your exams…
You know Krishna consciousness is a serious thing and if you don’t take it seriously you will never be able to understand it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dandawat Pranam, Madhudvisa dasa,
I have Bhagavad-gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda, and I read it on every Ekadashi.
We arrange Satsang Sohala in our town ROHA once in a month. In the month of Margashirsha we distribute number of
Bhagavad-gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda (Marathi Edition).
Hare Krishna.
Shirish Kelkar.
Swamin, i have a query, when lord says that we have to treat all as equal, one of my senior is translating it as both lies and truth are equal and everything is maya. So we can tell lie there is no wrong in it. I am not able to accept it.
Can you please clarify as to what lord meant?
Hare Krishna
People are rascals. They want to do something and they misconstrue something Krishna says and claim Krishna supports them. But it is all nonsense.
There are many points. There is a point that Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita that in every activity there is some imperfection so just because there is some imperfection in our duty that does not mean we should give up our duty. And Srila Prabhupada gives as an example in this regard that sometimes a businessman can not be always strictly honest, but even though there is this imperfection in his duty he should not give up his duty.
So that principle is there. That if there is some imperfection in our duty it does not mean that we have to give up our duty.
But it does not mean that there is nothing wrong in it. It is accepted that it is wrong, but without this some businessman would not be able to do his business. So this wrong thing does not mean that he has to give up his duty.
But the place where Krishna says we should see everyone equal is there also. The dog, the cow, the elephant, the sage, the self-realized soul sees them all equal. He has equal vision. He sees the same soul within the hearts of everyone.
So there are many points and you really need to read the Bhagavad-gita yourself and get a clear understanding of what Krishna is saying in regard to this and other subjects.
But we can not take seriously any unauthorized person who is just trying to support his own ideas by misquoting Krishna.
The solution is that you get a very through understanding of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is yourself. Then you will be able to defeat any rascal and establish the correct conclusion.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I am reading Hindi version of Bhagwad Gita since the age of 20. I still find it mysterious as I have not experienced Krishna yet.
These days I daily read a chapter of Gita.
I am desperate to see HIM, talk to HIM, Huge HIM. How can I find HIM?
Knowingly and unknowingly I have committed many sins since my childhood. I couldn’t take care of my parents. I could not earn much for my family as I have limited needs and wished the same from members. Now no body is with me although I have a family with two kids.
I know no body can always be yours except KRISHNA. I try to make myself understand the same but still I feel sad.
I do not wish remember myself. I want to mix myself completely with KRISHNA.
I wish to always serve HIM.
Please guide me.
Dinesh Kumar Singhal
Hare Krishna Dinesh
You have accepted the impersonal Mayavadi conception of the absolute that has currently drowned India and the whole world. So you will be unable to experience Krishna in your current state of mind. You say you want to “mix yourself completely with Krishna” in one place and in another place you say you want to serve Krishna, you want to see Him, talk to Him. So this is impossible. You can not mix yourself with Krishna and see Krishna, serve Krishna, talk to Krishna. If you merge with Krishna, mix with Krishna, then there is no question of seeing Krishna, serving Krishna, talking to Krishna.
This mixing with Krishna is spiritual suicide. And no devotee wants this.
So the problem is you have been totally contaminated by the “Hindu Hodgepodge”, the bogus thing that is today going on as Hinduism. So if you want to make spiritual advancement you have to break away from this Hinduism.
You need to hear the actual pure philosophy of Krishna consciousness from Srila Prabhupada. You can obviously read English so you should not read the Hindi Gita. Srila Prabhupada wrote his books in English. So you need to get Srila Prabhupada’s original books in English and read them. That will help you a lot.
The translations of Srila Prabhupada’s books are not perfect. So you will not get anywhere near as much benefit from reading Srila Prabhupada’s gita translated into Hindi as you will get by reading Srila Prabhupada’s original Gita in English. So these translations of Prabhupada’s books are only for the people who can’t read English. If you are can read English then read Srila Prabhupada’s original books in English.
You can get them at and read them online at
This will help you, this will clear up your mind and remove the contradictions, this is the solution to your problems. Of course it is not just reading. We also have to follow the instructions we find Srila Prabhupada giving us as we read his books and implement these instructions from Srila Prabhupada in our day-to-day lives. Then it will be very successful. Then we will make rapid spiritual advancement.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Respected sir,
I am very happy with this newsletter. my question is shall i get this same newsletter in Marathi Language
No. Only in English.
Plz tell me what was written about prophet muhammad in veda i want to know the correct sentence in ckear words
There is NOTHING written about the prophet Mohammed in the Vedas. Why would there be? The Vedas were written down 5000 years ago and before that have existed since the beginning of time. The Vedas are eternal changeless knowledge. So they do not mention these temporary religious systems that come and go.
But whatever the Prophet Mohammad preached that is transcendental, spiritual knowledge, you will find it in the Vedas along with much more detail than what Mohammad was able to communicate to the savages in the desert he was preaching to.
We accept both the Prophet Mohammad and Lord Jesus Christ as empowered incarnations of Krishna. But they are limited as to how much transcendental knowledge they can actually explain to the people they are speaking to. The people Mohammad and Jesus were preaching to were very materialistic and they gave as much knowledge as the people they were preaching to could bear. Even in the case of Jesus he was only able to preach for three years before the people who he was preaching to murdered him.
So it is very difficult. Jesus said “There are so many things I have not yet told you but I can not because you could not bear it…” So that is the way. Both Lord Jesus Christ and the Prophet Mohammad were empowered incarnations of Krishna and they were explaining the Vedic knowledge as best they could to the materialistic people they were trying to preach to. This is the way. Krishna appears and sends His representatives time and time again whenever there is some disturbance in the practice of the religious principles to reestablish them. So this is what Mohammad and Jesus did, they reestablished the religious principles in the countries they appeared in. They were both preaching the same thing, the same Vedas, there is no difference in the message of Christianity and the message of Islam as they are both actually preaching the message of Krishna from the Vedas. It is the followers that misunderstand and create a sectarian religious system and who fight with others whom they perceive to be following a different religious system. But that is no different religious system. Religion is one. It is the science of how to know and love and serve God.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Can anyone tell me what was written in veda about islam i want to know the correct sentence
There is nothing written in the Vedas about Islam. Islam is a new thing. The Vedas were written down more than five thousand years ago and they have existed in aural tradition since the beginning of time. So there is no mention of this recent thing called Islam.
There are many temporary religious systems established at a certain point of time for a certain group of people to help them evolve spiritually and Islam is one of these temporary religious processes.
All spiritual knowledge is present in the Vedas in an eternal, timeless and unchanging way. So if you simply read the Bhagavad-gita, the Srimad-Bhavavatam, etc, and put the teachings into practice in your life you will receive all the spiritual benefits and knowledge you can get from every religious system and much more.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna guruji,
Iam so interested to practice krishna consciousness but there is no iskcon temple nearest to my area. So i want any one guidance in online and i want to mingle with devotees to share my experiences. How to practice krishna consciousness even i do not go to temple. I WANT KNOW MORE ABOUT KRISHNA.
Read Prabhupada’s books. You can purchase at and read online at
And stay away from ISKCON. You are very fortunate there is no ISKCON temple nearby. It is poison. Mostly these days in Kali-yuga every temple, church, guru, priest, etc, they are all demons, all poisoned, all materialistic.
You will not find Krishna consciousness in the ISKCON temples. You will find Krishna consciousness directly from Srila Prabhupada by reading his books. That is the way.
There is no excuse for not knowing more about Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has given us almost 100 books about Krishna, he has given us well over 1000 hours of audio recordings, many hours of video recordings, thousands of letters, hundreds of conversations, morning walks, press conferences, etc.
Prabhupada has given us so much, everything about Krishna, but you are writing “I want to know more about Krishna.”
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Who are demigods?
Why are they called so?
Demigods means a man who has some powerful godly qualities. So they are not god, they are men, but they have been elevated and got some opulence and power in the universal management. They are servants of Krishna, they are ordinary living entities like us, but due to their pious activities and austerities they have been promoted to the heavenly planets and have been given some power from Krishna to manage certain affairs in the material world.
So they are ordinary men ultimately and it is foolish to worship ordinary men. It is intelligent to worship Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna guruji,
2) In this case if some one do sinful things like harrassment, fraud, theft, sabotage of property after that he surrendered to god god will relieve him from all these sinful reactions? this is only my doubt after read introduction part of bhagavadgita.
3) Requesting your views
Hare krishna
Yes of course. If one gives up all sinful activities and surrenders to Krishna will relieve him of all the sinful reactions. But he has to stop the sinful things. And he has to surrender.
Hare Krishna Prabhu.
I did have problem with my old computer and lose your web page…
i’am very glad to have the Page,now.
my Spanish name is Sebastian.
thank you.
your humble servant
Swarupa damodara das.(in Victoria,bc Canada)
So if one has to “at least theoretically accept Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and be submissive”, can one substitute Jesus Christ for Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead?
Hare Krishna Naresh
No. Jesus is not the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Jesus Christ himself identifies himself as the son of God, or the son of Krishna. So Krishna is the father of Jesus. And that is clearly there in his name. The system of names is first one mentions the person’s personal name then one mentions his fathers name. So Jesus is his personal name and Christ is his father’s name. “Christ” is the English version of the Greek “Krstos” and in India you may know another way of saying Krishna is Krsta. So this “Christ” is actually a mispronounced version of “Krishna.” So “Jesus Christ” really means “Jesus, son of Krishna”.
You can not substitute anyone for Krishna. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Of course people refer to Krishna using different names but the person, God, is one, and the most perfect name of God is Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Madhudvisa Dasa, Please accept my obeisances, AGTSP.
I do like your preaching spirit, keep up the good work.
Actually my reason for signing up for your news letter, was , that I am interested in as much info as i can get about, book changes, guruships, and the events surrounding Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance.
I am just getting up to speed regarding these topics.
Om Tat Sat, Your servant, Bala Bala D. Dasa
Hare Krishna!
I apologize if this has already been asked.
You mention in your letter that Krishna tells Arjuna that the Gita was originally spoken to Vivasvan, who passed it along, but the knowledge had been lost, and so he was giving the knowledge to Arjuna so that it could again benefit mankind.
However, in the introduction to BGAII, the discipline succesion is listed as beginning with Brahma, and neither Vivasvan not Arjuna is listed.
Can you please explain this seeming contradiction?
I have begun re-reading BGAII, I last read it over 20 years ago. I am reading 50 pages a day, and will surely have a great number of questions over the next couple weeks. I thank you in advance with your patience with my ignorance.
Why do I never see or hear anything about Lord Krishna being incarnated on planet earth at this time? Is it supposed to be a secret?
Lord Krishna is incarnated personally on this planet in the form of His holy names.
If you chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
When your consciousness is purified you will be able to see Lord Krishna.
Please explain me the meaning in text 40, page 60.
It states
“women are generally not very intelligent and therefore not trustworthy ”
And since we say lord krishna refers to Body form of Sri krishna and we shall look for Goloka which is highest planet and where supreme power is not a body material than why we are referring lord krishna as a god and not as a lord.
My comment might get ambiguity, but it the darkness of little knowledge, doubts are bound to come and clearing them will only show the enlighten path.
It is very clear: “women are generally not very intelligent and therefore not trustworthy”. What don’t you understand about this? It is very clear.
I really do not understand what you are asking in the second part of your comment. We refer to Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead which is the way Srila Prabhupada translates the Sanskrit word “bhagavan” as it appears in Bhagavad-gita.
The idea is there are many ‘Personalities of Godhead’. The Godhead is one but He has many personalities. Like Lord Rama, Lord Nrsimha, etc, but among all the Personalities of Godhead, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
That very passage about how unintelligent and trustworthy women are was very disturbing to me.
Hare Krishna Sumati
We have to get off the bodily concept of life. We are not men and women. We are spirit souls trapped in material bodies. The reality is men’s bodies and woman’s bodies are different and men and women need to be engaged in their respective duties in the material world otherwise the whole social system is destroyed as we see at the present time.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Respected devotees of krishna,
I am great full towards you. Life is nothing, it is given by god and will take away by him, Lets communicate our knowledge using available medium.
In which stanza of Gita, Guru is must to be devotees. A small part of god is inside us. If we clean the dust cover ov mirror we can see our face, similarly if we can stop our desires god will appear and be active in our body.It is quite difficult to find siddha guru and a place where god is available shortly.
I used to read Gita more. I think it gives deep knowledge. Since my childhood I used to think there must be some superpower to handle us. Its true that we can not face god with small effort because we can not see even state and government head with small effort. Only few Yogis can face god. I am only simple person in this life. I want to improve me in next life. Without efforts of previous life we can not be attracted to the spritual work. We are surrounding by materialistic world. It is difficult to trust that we can survive without worldy things, Since we have fear of death even its with us since our birth and will take away in any time..
I am requesting you for your important articles regularly, Thanks god and you and all devotees.
hi, i am a student pursuing C.A.. i am now free after my exams in November. i want to read & learn geeta and have my own bhagwad geeta now.. but i need to know at what time in a day i could read geeta, some says wake up at 5 am and read a full chapter in one sit. other says try to read one chapter in a day before sun sets… please guide me in making my routine to read & learn geeta.
Hare Krishna Sahil
Best routine is to get out of bed early in the morning. The Brahma-muhurta is the most auspicious time of the day and the best time for spiritual practices. Of course it is good any time, but this early morning time is specially good. So we get out of bed before 4:00 AM and have Mangal-Aroti and Kirtan at 4:30 AM and then from 5:00 we chant japa [the Hare Krishna maha mantra on our japa beads] So after this, Mangal-aroti, Kirtan, Japa, then read Bhagavad-gita. It is up to you. One chapter a day is very nice. But you should chant the Sanskrit verse, then the English translation and then Srila Prabhupada’s Bhaktivedanta Purport. So all this will take a while to read a whole chapter. So I think you could read for one hour, whatever you can read in that time.
That would be a nice routine. But of course you can adjust according to your needs. But the most important thing is to set up a regular routine and follow it strictly every day without fail. That will be very good for your determination and self-control also.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu
All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada
My question is what is the importance of Karma in our life. and how to come out from all those Karmas .
Krishna is ultimate destiny of every one , I will accept it , but my Question is weather it has any effect if we get married .
what is the best way to Pray our supreme lord
Hare Krishna Sumith
Karma means work and every time we work there is a reaction created for that work that we have to enjoy or suffer in the future. So what we think of as the meaning of karma is the reaction, the good karma that we get from performing pious activities and the bad karma we get from performing sinful activities.
But karma, good or bad, is material and both good and bad karma bind us to the material world. If we do some pious activity like feeding the hungry people, etc, then those hungry people have a debt to repay to us. That means they will be forced to take birth again in the material world and they will be forced to repay their debt to us and we will also be forced to take birth in the material world again and we will be force to accept the repayment of the debt from them.
So you see even “good” karma is bad because it is material and it forces us to again take birth in the material world. So a devotee lives in such a way that he never performs any work that causes any reaction good or bad. So how can you do this? The way it is done is a devotee performs all his actions in the service of and for the pleasure of Krishna. When we do things for Krishna that is completely spiritual and has no material reaction. So this always acting in Krishna consciousness is the real inactivity.
Of course a devotee is not inactive. He is very busy serving Krishna. But because serving Krishna generates no material reactions he actually achieves the platform of niskarma, no karma. It is like he is doing no work at all from the material point of view because there is no material reaction. But he is of course working for Krishna.
So it is a great science fully explained in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Please read it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I just brought bhagavad Gita and started reading..
But as I started reading I had questions but it was written one shd accept each word as it is.. Because they are words from God (not the body form of krishna Thou).
I has been written on Page 33 that one should read without motivational interpretations. Plz explain Because being a beginner I had to interprete myslef,it’s written one shd listen Gita from one who has Knowledge but I want to read.
These r questions relating to Gita Thou spiritual ambiguity may follow later.
I want email id where I can post my questions because its difficult to get on website.Pl help.
Just read Bhagavad-gita As It Is in a submissive mood, at least theoretically accepting the Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Hear it. Do not fight with the ideas. Just hear them and accept that these are the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and have great value. Not that you will be able to understand all of it, or even very much of it at all, on the first reading. But you have to start somewhere. But do not expect that you will understand everything instantly. It takes service and surrender.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hi, I am quite keen to know about Bhagavad Gita. Is it ok to have a Bhagavad Gita book at home. If I have purchase one book of Bhagavad Gita , What must I do?
Must I read it everyday with out fail or can randomly read it, because I am a lady, At time I can’t do pools at certain period of time. So i am really confused, to have one or not to have one.
Please, Kindly post the answers to my email. I have been receiving your newsletters but there isn’t any reply for my questions.
I am grateful and thankful if you can help me to answer about tulles plant.
1) Do I have to bathe hair everyday to water the tulasi plant, or just bathe body and water the plant ?
2) Do I need to light up a small ghee villaku everyday or just light up on tuesday and friday.
3) I am living in a flat, my tulasi plant is in a pot, I can’t go around the tulasi , Is it ok if i say read tulasi Mantra Infront of the plant.?
If ,I want to purchase Bhagavad Gita book, can I get it from you. I want a simple book where can understand easily and explain that to my children. How much is it.?
Thank you for taking your busy time to answer my question. God Bless you.
Thanks & Regards
Mages Singapore.
Yes. Of course you should get Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is and read it. You can get it here:
Hi, I am.newly planting a tulasi.plant. can you please explain what should I follow so that my tulasi plant will grow well.I am living in a flat.So.I only plant it in a big pot,and put it outside at my corridor.can I put a wired fence around tulasi plant,so that when ppl walk pass they don’t touch the tulasi plant. I am from Singapore my neighbours are Chinese.So I need to protect my tulasi plant.
What should I do if young gals are not clean and how should I protect my tulasi plant.
I am grateful and thankful for reading my email and replying using your precious time .
Hare Krishna Mages
I am not an expert on growing Tulsi plants so I really can not give much practical advice.
I do not think you need a very huge pot for a small plant. You can move to a bigger pot as Srimati Tulsi Devi grows. Yes. You can put some wire fence around to protect. Tulsi needs some sun.
Some hints from someone more experienced than me:
Growing Tulasi From Seed
To grow Tulasi from seed can be very rewarding. It is said that Tulasi will grow where there is devotion. However, the most common problem I hear from devotees of Srimati Tulasi devi is, “Why will Tulasi devi not come to me?” – “What am I doing wrong?” – “Is it me?” – “Am I just not devotional enough?” – and so it goes! If you have the same anxieties, then lets stop for a moment and consider just how merciful Tulasi is and from this state of grace how we can receive new insights. Instead of confusion, let’s look at some of the practical sides as to why it can be difficult to grow her from seed.
Tulasi seeds will germinate quite nicely if they have been stored in an air tight container and kept in a cool dry place. The life expectancy of seeds can vary depending on how they are stored. I have successfully grown seeds over four years old. Seeds will deteriorate if left out in the open or in a greenhouse as they would be subjected to both unfavourable temperature and humidity levels. Other factors are due to seeds becoming damaged in transit – sown too deeply, imbalance in moisture, light or heat or the wrong choice of soil.
If the seed is good and the correct growing conditions are established, add a dash of love and Tulasi will flourish. Ask yourself these questions when sowing seeds do you have enough space, height/width for Tulasi to grow on to a mature plant? Will she receive enough sunlight and humidity? For home worship it is best to sow only one or two, unless you have adequate space to grow her.
Development Of A Manjari From Flower To Seed
A Tulasi manjari first starts to develop from a small bud with two small leaves, one either side of the bud. Once this bud starts to grow up into a point of about 2cm the individual clusters, or whorls which will develop from buds into sets of six flowers, can be seen more clearly as the manjari grows. As Tulasi devi’s flowers contain both male and female parts, she does not need a pollinator as they self-fertilise. Once the flowers have reached full bloom the petals fall away leaving a green coloured pod called a calyx. This pod will eventually swell slightly and become harder. It is at this time that the ovary inside the flower pod is developing into four tiny yellow nutlets, which will in time mature into brown seeds.
If you wish to collect seeds, wait for the whole process to complete before taking the manjari off the Tulasi. If you look down into the pod (calyx) and observe you will see the tiny yellow nutlets. Allow them to turn brown. If the manjari is taken off before the process is complete, it will not have had time to ripen the seeds to full maturity. When it’s time, carefully take the manjari off and store whole in an air-tight container in a cool dark place.
There are many brands and soil types available on the market today. For healthy plants it is important to have the correct pH level. The pH levels in soil range from pH7 which indicates “Neutral”. Above pH7 level indicates “Alkaline” (sweet). Below pH7 indicates “Acid” (sour). As Tulasi is related to the basil family, her requirements are for pH5.5 – 6.5.
The best soil recommended for growing Tulasi on the commercial market in England has the brand name “J. Arthur Bower’s John Innes No 2 Compost”, which is sterilized, has good drainage, a good pH level and is also completely free of animal by-products. Tulasi will grow strong and healthy and also grows from seed in this brand type.
Soils to avoid are those which contain sawmill by-products (poor drainage), sludge (a by-product of sewage treatment) and any which contain bone-meal, fish blood and bone or hoof and horn. Soil straight from the garden may contain disease spreading organisms.
For those who wish to make their own soil:
2 parts potting soil
1 part compost
1 part mason’s sand – to improve drainage
1 tablespoon of pulverized phosphate rock
1 tablespoon of potash
Mix all ingredients well
Planting The Seed
Always use clean containers as there is no point in using sterilized soil if it is going to be put into a container which isn’t itself free of possible sources of plant disease. A small propagator is really worth the money as they come with their own lids and air ventilators.
Whether using a propagator, seed tray, plastic bag or peat moss cups (which have been soaked first in water) place in seed compost and press down gently to firm in. Water the soil using a watering can with a fine rose cap and leave to drain through. Soil needs to be moist but not soggy. Next place the seed on top of the soil and cover lightly with very fine soil which has been passed through a sieve. The seed needs to be just barely covered so that it does not get lost under too much soil. Using a very fine mist spray, gently spray the top soil once or twice. Then, if using a seed tray or peat pots cover with glass or clean polythene bag. Place in a warm position with some sunlight; avoid really strong sun as it could burn the germinating seedlings. Wipe condensation from the underside of the glass daily and leave a small gap for air to circulate.
Once germination has taken place, which can take as little as 4-5 days or as long as 3-4 weeks depending on time of year sown, remove the glass or bag and place the Tulasi in a warm position where she will receive gentle sun. Once Tulasi has grown three sets of leaves, she will be strong enough to transplant on to her own little terracotta pot. (See illustration on page 11)
To Prune Or Not To Prune
When growing any shrub, bush or small tree, it is common practice to cut them back for a number of reasons. These can range from strengthening or thickening them out, or if overgrown, to reduce height and width. In cases of disease, cut down the foliage almost completely. In ornamental gardening the natural shape and beauty of the bush, hedge, or tree is lost altogether to make way for whatever design suits the fashion of the day. However, when growing Srimati Tulasi devi this practice is not used.
Once the Tulasi has germinated, she will continue to grow in an upward direction developing two new sets of leaves every 2cm or so, until she forms her first manjari. As this upward motion is continuing, smaller buds will develop at the stem next to the two sets of leaves which will form side branches. On removal of this first manjari the side shoots down the main stem, and also at the top of the stem, will develop into the new branches. This can make the main base stem quite tall, resulting in further growth of the top side shoots. If she receives the right growing conditions and providing there’s no problems with disease or pests, the end result will be a beautiful tall Tulasi tree, with a life expectancy between five to fifteen years. This is why it is important to plan ahead.
Do you have a big enough space to support this growth? If not but you still wish to grow her, then perhaps consider whether you have enough width for a low bushy Tulasi.
The only form of shaping which is allowed on Tulasi devi, without causing any offence, is to pinch out the apical growing point at the top of the stem. This will reduce her growth upwards. The small shoots at the side of the stem will grow into two separate branches. Once these branches have produced 3 or 4 sets of leaves, you can pinch out the apical growing points again and this will result in two more branches. Tulasi devi will then grow to become quite bushy. Tulasis which are very tall with a single stem measuring two or three feet in height, with foliage at the top, can be the results of not pinching out the apical growing point at the beginning stages.
If the Tulasi shows signs of disease on one side of the branch and the wood is dead, as in “Die-back”, then it is appropriate to remove the affected branch to save the rest of the foliage. (Die-back is the result of disease in the root system, which causes the leaves to suddenly go limp and wilt, starting from the top of the foliage and working its way down the branch).
Hare Krishna prabhu
am the STUDENT OF FOLK BOYS HOSTEL which is maintained by ISKON Hyderabad
am very glad to receive from you valuable messages and speeches of Prabhu padh and Lord Krishna
my question is what is the reason for our problems in life and mere reading of Geetha is enough to resolve all of them .
Hare Krishna Gaddam
The reason for our problems in life is that we are in the material world and this material world is a place for problems only.
There is another world, the spiritual world, the Kingdom of God, Krishnaloka. In that place there are no problems. That is our actual home, the spiritual world is where we belong, there we will be happy. But in the spiritual world there is only one business, that is serving Krishna in love. So we have a little independence. So if we misuse our little independence and instead of serving Krishna we want to become like Krishna ourselves, then that is not possible actually, we are eternally servants of Krishna. But is is Krishna’s great mercy that he has created this material world so we can come here and try to enjoy separately from serving Krishna.
But here in the material world we are not in our natural position. Here everyone is fighting to become the center of attention. Everyone wants to be the master and no one wants to serve. So this material world is a hellish place where everyone is fighting with everyone else, everyone trying to be the boss. Hell.
So that is the way of the material world and we have to expect that.
The only solution to these problems is to become Krishna conscious. And that requires not only reading Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, but actually practicing the teachings of Lord Krishna in our life. Bhagavad-gita is a practical instruction book. We have to read it and then follow the instructions in our life. So this reading of Bhagavad-gita As It is and actually following the instructions we read is enough to resolve all the problems.
A devotee resolves all the problems of the material world by transcending the material world. By realizing that he is not this material body, he is a spirit soul, and his business is only to engage in the service of Krishna. So by this surrender to Krishna and service to Krishna he is no longer in the material world, he is in the spiritual world.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhuji.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
Thank you very much for your great guidance.
Prabhuji, can I chant Hare Krishna in afternoon?
Hare Krishna Vivek
Yes. Certainly. You can chant Hare Krishna in the afternoon. There are no rules and regulations about the time we chant Hare Krishna. We should be chanting Hare Krishna 24 hours a day, so that certainly includes the afternoon.
Of course the Brahma-muhurta [starting 1.5 hours before] sunrise is a very auspicious time and we should make the effort and get out of bed before 4:00 AM and be offering Mangal Aroti and chanting Hare Krishna at this time for there is increased spiritual potency at this time early in the morning. But we can continue chanting Hare Krishna all day and all night. We should never stop chanting Hare Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Haribol Madhdvisa-dasa prabhu.
Thank you for sending me your Spirit of B.G.
I agree fully with this article, but I think next section might be edited for more clearety:
Therefore Bhagavad Gita should be taken up in a spirit of devotion. One should not think that he is equal to Krishna, nor should he think that Krishna is an ordinary personality or even a very great personality. Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, at least theoretically, according to the statements of Bhagavad Gita, or the statements of Arjuna, the person who is trying to understand the Bhagavad Gita.
Therefore Bhagavad Gita should be taken up in a spirit of devotion. One should not think that he is equal to Krishna, nor should he think that Krishna is an ordinary personality or even a very great personality. Lord Sri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the statements of Bhagavad Gita, or the statements of Arjuna; this should be the premisse of the person who is trying to understand the Bhagavad Gita.
bhakta Robert.
Hare Krishna prabhu ji
I have gone through your first newsletter. Thanking for sharing.
I have no doubts and I just want to say that I love to receive more and more newsletter about Lord Krishna and I love to read it.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Your Servant
Dear. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda. i so much appreciate the good work you have been doing. you have imparted great wisdom today in the world true your divine writing , i can see krishna in you, the knowledge that you have imparted today will continue to as time goes on. krish is truly Lord, their is always additional blessing any time i chant the holy of krishna. some time i see him in my dreams after chating .
thank you for Bhagavad Gita As It Is
dear madhudvisa,
1. I have a general query that i request if you can answer me, I have read bhagwad gita as it is and i have full faith on it. i want to ask you that why we are separated from god ,super soul. was it our desire to get separated or it was his wish to separate us from him.
2. secondly , if i as atma dont do anything then who does it . lord krishna says he does not do anything and he is only enjoyer and all the work is done by the three modes of material nature controlled by him. further, if we are under the infulence of three mode of material nature controlled by the lord krishna ,how can we go on wrong path .
3. finally is worshipping of lord krishna is mode of godness ,if it is then we are still in material bondage and how can we get out from it.
4. it is my humble request that pl dont take theses questions as any challenge to bhagwad gita but tehse are the queries that are generated from my heart and i love to hear from you.
Hare Krishna Vikas
We are not actually separated from Krishna. We are always with Krishna. But here in this material world maya creates the illusion that we are separated from Krishna. It was our desire to be separated from Krishna. Our eternal nature is to serve. We are constitutionally servants of Krishna. But if we choose not to serve Krishna, then that is really not possible, because we are servants of Krishna. But it is Krishna’s great mercy upon us that He creates this material world where we, the rebellious living entities who do not want to serve Him, can come and under the influence of maha-maya think that we are independent of Krishna.
So the illusion that we are under in this material world of being separated from Krishna is caused by us misusing our independence. We have a little independence. And if we misuse that independence then we come to this material world.
Your second question is totally illogical. You have no idea what you are asking. You are making grand statements that you understand the Bhagavad-gita but you are not giving any verses to support your statements. You are stating your own ideas and claiming that “Krishna said it.” You are completely confused and at the same time presenting things as if you know what Krishna says. So you should understand if you are confused you do not know what Krishna has said and you need to read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is again with an open mind this time and not with your preconceived conceptions.
And without chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day and strictly following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] then you will not be able to understand the Bhagavad-gita.
From your third question I can see you have never read any of Srila Prabhupada’s books at all and you are in total ignorance as to what Krishna consciousness is. Worshiping Lord Krishna is NOT in the mode of goodness. Krishna is transcendental to the modes of material nature. Krishna has nothing to do with goodness, passion or ignorance. And worshiping Krishna has nothing to do with the modes of material nature. Krishna consciousness is suddha-sattva. Completely transcendental to the mode of goodness.
So you have to admit you have never read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you have no idea about what Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita. Now you need to become a little humble and actually read what Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita As It Is instead of listening to the questions ‘generated by your heart’. That is not the process. You have to hear submissively from Krishna and the pure devotees of Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Nimai! Nitai! Hare Krsna!
Prabhuji –
Thank you for all you work. I am having trouble leaving a comment. It may be this Android.
Forgive me for trying again on his thread. Do you per chance happen to know of a way to obtain an original 17vol CC set? Much obliged!
All Glory to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Jaya Jaganath!
It is not available at the moment but may be available early next year. Keep an eye on
It will be there when and if it is available.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa, prabhuji
please explain difference between spiritual world and material world
i am a new devotee and don’t know any thing so please … help me to get the right direction please open my eyes by your”s spiritual words .
hare krishna
If you don’t know anything then please read Srila Prabhupada’s books. That is where you will learn everything. That is the point. READ PRABHUPADA’s books… Everything is there. What do you expect me to do? You have to do something yourself. You have to read something at least.
hare krishna to all of you
so nicely explained
Prabhu… a year back i was just like any other girl who worshipped all the demigods and krishna togerther without knowing anything about the supreme power… and one day i was just thnkng about it..about wat is god who is god etc.. and i saw krishna through some of my relatives. They taught me about krishna .. about the material and spiritual world n evrythng..they gav me the bhagavad geeta as it is n asked me to read… this incident was really a surprse for me as i never tld them about this.. it was as if they read my mind.. and now i truly believe it was krishna who made me understnd through them.. and now i have read d geeta which they gave me..n i chant hare krishna 4rounds daily…n i c krishna in evrythng..i feel his presence around me.. i tried explaining this to my friends i tried to mke them understnd.. n the saddest part is that they r laughing on me..they jz thnk its funny n keeps questioning me… i have something to ask..this was the que asked by one of my friend….she said that she knows a person who doesnt believe in god at all..nvr goes to temple..a real atheist..but he is such a good soul that he lives for others.he helps the poor builds houses for them treats people free etc etc.. where does these people go??? Do they get liberated or do they take birth again????
1 more que i have to ask is about ekadashi vrat… its said if we take 1 ekadashi all our sins will be washed it true??? But what if the person has conmitted crimes like kiling a child or a woman etc..n then if he takes d vrat will these sins be cleared????
I have even more doubts prabhu.. kindly give me answers to these..
Hare Krishna Krishna
A ‘good’ atheist who performs pious activities does not get liberated. An atheist does not want to get liberated. He does not believe in God or have any spiritual conception at all. So he does not believe in liberation. For the atheist this life is all that he believes in. He does not care or believe in life after death.
Of course what the atheist believes does not make any difference in the laws of nature which are the laws of Krishna. And the three modes of material nature are working and will award the results of one’s work, karma. So if one does good work he will get good results, if he does bad work he will get bad results. But this is all within the material world. There is no question of liberation for someone who is an atheist.
As far as the promises for observing ekadashi vrata this is not the mood of a devotee. A devotee does not follow the Vedic injunctions or serve Krishna because he wants to be free from sins or get some personal benefit. A devotee serves Krishna for Krishna’s benefit. He wants to please Krishna and Krishna’s pure devotees. That’s all. It may be that sins are washed away but unless there is some practical engagement in Krishna consciousness, devotional service, then the person will just start sinning again. So we do not follow the ekadasi because our sins will be washed away. We follow it because Srila Prabhupada and the other acharayas in the disciplic succession and Lord Caitanya tell us to follow it. We follow it because it is a very favorable day to increase our performance of devotional service.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna Madhudvisa dasa,
I read your first newsletter. Dhanyavad Prabhu, I have just started to follow krishna consciousness and i hope to ask you questions. I will be writing soon.
Hare krishna!
Thank you , Madhu Dasa , I am looking forward and trying to open the Hare Krishna site to download a pdf version of Bhagavatam , canto 5.2 . As I already tasted the nectar of all 1 to 5.1 cantos. I am the ardent friend of Shrila . BBTirtha maharaj. He was kind enough to present me with the book of Gita with purports of Shrila P. Pada maharaj . I do have a simple version of Gita with the purports of Swami Chinmaya. Though the purports by Shrila Pada is latest in print . I read this every day.. I thank Shrila BB Tirtha Maharaj for the same.
I don’t indulge in passing opinions.
I had the pleasure of reading Cantos of 1,2,3,4 and 5.1. While I bought the 1st Canto in the Iskcon shop when I visited one of the temples. I admire and congratulate all the spirits that run this institution . The other cantos on the Internet . I am in self exile in this forest close to Mumbai. I find this the only way to be in the nonstop Krishna Consciousness. I indulge in social service in this village at the foots of these western ghats . Most are tribes and illiterate . I do my bits for them. My only outward contact is the internet. I successfully downloaded all the 2,3,4,5.1 Cantos of Shire Bhagavatam with Shrila Prabhu Pada’s purports and enjoyed . But I am perpetually defeated when I try to down load next cantos. I cannot afford to keep paper books as the monsoon spoils them with continuos moisture for three months in a unbroken stretch.
I wonder if you can help me with the rest of the Cantos so that I can continue the treat to my mind . Thank you Hare Krishna.
I have evolved from an ordinary worshipper to this state of enjoying Gita and Bhagavatam In my solitude. Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Premavati Prabhu
It is wonderful you are enjoying Srila Prabhupada’s Srimad-Bhagavatam Prabhu.
I have checked and there is no problem with the PDF on the server. It is available at:
This file is OK. It is large, around 40 megabytes. But as far as I can see it is perfectly OK. So if you can not download maybe it is because of some limitation on your internet connection?
So you can try on some different internet connection and you will probably be able to download it.
You can also read it at:
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
with faith i believe that everything writing in Bhagavad Gita as it is about Krishna is true. let every try as much as he can to come close to Krishna by chanting Sri Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. KRISHNA ALWAYS READY.
Hare Krishna, I have many question of human creation,karma,and prakrti
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare!
Hari Bol !
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
Thank you really very much for all your responses. Your responses are very helpful.
i already read bhagavad- gita. i am connect new delhi east of kailash temple. can i join temple? and why?
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
I am reading Science of Self Realization book these days and it is mentioned in the “Human Society or Animal Society” chapter that “The sun rises first in India, but that does not mean that the sun is Indian” (this is part of the response given by Prabhpada to the interviewer). I just want to know is it really a fact that the sun first rises in India on earth? I know this is a stupid question but i couldn’t find any clarified answer on google as well. Please tell me.
Hare Krishna Neha
The sun rises in the East and then sets in the West. Where the sun rises first these days is determined by where they put the international date line. If you look at the globe of the earth the sun basically goes around above the equator from east to west. So the sun is going around in circles and you could say that it rises at any point in the circle first. Depending on what point you pick.
They have put the international date line a little to the east of New Zealand so from that point of view the sun rises first in New Zealand, then Australia, then continues to the East and rises in India then in Europe then in USA, then in Hawaii, then in Fiji, then in New Zealand again.
So the sun does rise in the East first and India is in the East so the sun rises in India before it rises in Europe and the USA…
But the point of the analogy is that because you see the sun in India it is not the “Indian sun”, it is the same sun they will see in the USA a little bit later on..
So as the sun is not Indian or American, so Krishna also is not Indian or American. Like the sun rises first in India, Krishna has also appeared first in India. But like the sun this does not make Krishna Indian. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the same God that they know in the USA. The same God that they know in Russia, the same God that the Muslims call Allah…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Radhy radhy…
All glories to Srila prabhupada..
Respected guru ji, my humble dandawat to you,
Guru ji in Bhagwatam Arjuna asked one question to Lord Krishna that why we become so helpless knowing that a particular kind of work is not good or wrong but still we do it and Krishna answered that by practicing we can make it n my question is even if the person is so fallen that she can’t cultivate habit also in that case what one should do?
Chant Hare Krishna. Everything will come out alright in time.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
My name is Neha Aggarwal and just last to last week I started with the practice of chanting the maha mantra on Japa beads. I am using neam japa beads for this as the devotee who was there told me that one should start with the neam beads if they are taking onion, garlic or tea in their daily life. But as per the answers provided by you to other seekers, I have understood that these things doesn’t come under four regulative principles of Krishna consciousness. Though the consumption of these 3 are also prohibited but if I am following all other rules thn can I start using tulasi japa beads? Also I have started with only 2 rounds of Japa, so shd I increase the japa rounds gradually to 16 or immediately start with 16 rounds?
Please reply.
Hare Krishna Neha
No. You have to follow the regulative principles. So do not try chanting on tulsi beads until you have given up the garlic and onions. It is not so important really what beads you are chanting on. It is important to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day. That is where the power is. So if we are not properly following it is better to chant on the neem beads and automatically as you make a little spiritual advancement you will not want to accept anything that is not Krishna prasadam. Anything that has onions and garlic in it was obviously not cooked by a devotee, not cooked for Krishna and is therefore unofferable to Krishna. So devotees will only accept Krishna prasadam. So we should come to this platform. It is very important to only accept Krishna prasadam. Realistically we will not be able to become Krishna conscious unless we give up eating things that are not prasadam. Not offered to Krishna. So the idea is to be seriously following the things before chanting on tulsi beads.
The thing is if you are making a little advancement you will stop eating these things with onions and garlic, so that is a sign that you are making some advancement. Then if you are following the regulative principles also and chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day then you can by all means chant on Tulsi Japa beads.
When we find out that we are doing something that is not favorable for our advancement in Krishna consciousness we have to adjust our lives and avoid this thing. We have to accept whatever is favorable for our advancement in Krishna consciousness and reject anything that is not favorable for our advancement. So when you find out that devotees only accept Krishna prasadam and that Krishna does not accept garlic and onions, then we have to adjust our lives accordingly.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
Radhy raddhy prabhu ji,
Thnx for ur precious time n d reply. My question is doing my household duty how will i manage between spirualism and wordly things? Arjun was so lucky that Krishna was there for answering his confusions and moreover what i feel if Krishna himself is saying something to do personally so there is no question of second thought but for us first of all its very difficult understand Bhagwadgita as my perception or specultion or understanding may not be that developed one . May be Krishna says something through Bhagwadgita n i’ll understand sumthing else as there is one proverb arath ka anarth krna. Arath stands for meaning n i understood sumthing else from that meaning n that turned into devastating. So what should one do of these kind of confusons?
Plz forgive me if i have written sumthing which can be offended.
Radhy radhy, waiting for ur kind reply.
Hare Krishna
You can chant Hare Krishna while doing your household work. You can install the Deity of Krishna in your house and then consider that it is Krishna’s house. Which it is. We do not own anything actually. Everything is Krishna’s. So once you understand that it is Krishna’s house then when you are doing your housework you are working to clean Krishna’s house, because it is Krishna’s house. So in this way all our daily activities can be transformed into Krishna consciousness. That is the point. Becoming Krishna conscious does not mean necessary that our activities will change much. We are cooking now, when we become a devotee of Krishna we will still be cooking. It looks the same. But actually it is very different. In the material conception of life we cook for ourselves or our families. But when we become Krishna conscious we cook for Krishna. So really the cooking does not change. But what changes is our consciousness while we are cooking. Once we start cooking for Krishna and offering what we cook to Krishna for His enjoyment then we are respecting Krishna prasadam and distributing Krishna prasadam to our family and friends. And this changes everything. This spiritualizes everything…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hello Sir… I read your first installment of the Newsletter: Very Nice Work,,, I chanted with the Krishna’s when I lived in Los Angeles, California during the time period around Easter Sunday 1968 and later bought of The Gita from them at an Airport and read it ( once only ) — I then joined The Ashtar Command and accepted the trinity of Ashtar, Sananda, and St Germain as my guides — But over these Amazing Personalities, I placed Babaji & Mataji and over them Krishna !!! ( This was done by intuition and from my Heart… I have seen Krishna on several occasions during meditations -and am a devotee )
I look forward to a long and mutually enjoyable relationship with you !! Commodore Heru Paule LeBreton, Heru Fleet, Ashtar Galactic Space Command – 5 D Terra Nova
hare krishna
hi my name is kartheek i want to follow gita and krishna consciousness but i am unable to control my sences i do not know what to do i require some guidance &presently i am chanting 2-4 rounds daily can you help me to control my sences and to follow KRISHNA CONSIOUSNESS
Hare Krishna Kartheek
The process of Krishna consciousness is simple and you just need to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and follow the process. But it requires commitment. You have to surrender to the process. Which means chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, strictly following the four regulative principles and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If you do these things then you will be able to control your senses but if you are not prepared to surrender to these things you will not be able to control your senses. These things, chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles, this is the beginning only of Krishna consciousness. Really our Krishna consciousness does not begin until we at least surrender to these basic things…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
what is kali yuga?what are the positions of the living beings in this yuga?
Hare Krishna Shyamshankar
Kali-yuga is the final of four ages in the catu-yuga cycle. There is Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvarpa-yuga and then Kali-yuga. These things are elaborately explained in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is so you need to read that and understand it in full from there.
But in summary Kali-yuga is the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. You can easily see that in this age whenever people get together there will be an argument. And everyone is hypocritical, it means he is speaking something very grand but in his own life his actions are very different from the things he speaks about. So it is a very difficult time for spiritual life generally, but Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has been so merciful to us that He has appeared in this Kali-yuga and given us a very simple way that we can all easily overcome the pernicious effects of the Kali-yuga. If we simply take seriously to the chanting of:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Then we can easily transcend all the problems and difficulties of Kali-yuga and very easily become Krishna conscious.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hi i am kartheek,i started studying gita&chanting 2 rounds from 15 days in gita lord says not to get attracted to any material things that means i should not love my subject or he says with different intenction (this is my dought &i am not commenting i am unable to understand please don’t misunderstand)
hare krishna prabhuji.
please accept my pranam .all glories to guru maharaj.
thankyou soooo much prabhuji for helping.u cleared out many things.
but i have a Q (after reading your reply) how to become a pure devotee? what should i do ?
please explain.
and one more thing -that how to stop watching tv
everytime i pass through tv and some daily serial is going on (my mother is fond of them) then i just can not stop myself watching it.(while watching it keeps coming in my mind that i should not watch
it n its wastage of time but cant help it) and after all this when i get back to work i reallly feel very very bad and hate myself n make promises that i
will not watch it again but next day same thing
happens and ends witha guilt n promise
what to do why im so weak. i want to change .i want to become pure devotee of krishna
how to become a pre devotee please guide.
hare krishna.
Hare Krishna Pooja
Yes. It is difficult to change our bad habits. But you just have to change. We just have to make plans in our lives so that we avoid the things that are not conducive to our becoming Krishna consciousness.
So you just have to decide to stop watching the TV. But really you need some service. If we have some practical devotional service for Srila Prabhupada that we can become totally absorbed in then we will not even think of watching the TV…
So just keep on chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books anyhow. The more we chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books the more strength we will get for controlling our bad habits.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
sir can i get all the previous magazine like 2013, 2012
i live in bareilly, u.p. , india
Hare krishna prabhuji.
please accept my humble obesiance. all glories to guru maharaj.
i have bhagvat gita and had read it before.
krishna has said in gita that working in devotion is good than renunciation of work. i also want to do everything in krsna consiousness .
i am a student pursuing BVA in painting in second year. iwant to paint for krsna . his pastimes.
i want to learn how to paint krsna like in bbt books.
prabhu ji please guide me.
i live in rajasthan there any college or iskcon’s institute which can guide on this.or any devotee artists whom i can talk with if u know.
one more thing , i recently found something when i was searching about these questions on iskcon websites ,that in vrindavan krsna art classes are organised by dhriti devi dasi. i wanted to know when are these classes going to be held in 2014. i didnt find the dates for this year.
please help me please.
hare krishna.
Hare Krishna Pooja
Of all the states in India it is probably Rajasthan that has the most rich heritage in the arts and painting of Krishna. So this Krishna art is your local culture and I think you should try to rediscover it in your local area. Try to find the old people there, the old artists, who used to paint pictures of Krishna in their youth, they will be grandmothers now, but if you can find them they will be able to pass on this valuable art and skill to you.
I think you should forget about today’s ISKCON artists. ISKCON artists have not been able to paint Krishna since Srila Prabhupada left our physical vision in 1977. It is not so easy to paint Krishna. You can not actually paint Krishna. What you can do is become a pure devotee of Krishna, you can learn the technical skills of painting, so you know the techniques of how to put the paint on the canvas and how to get the images that you want to get on the canvas. So then once you have the technical skills to put the paint on the canvas you have to surrender to Krishna and beg that Krishna engage you in His service, that He use you as His instrument, and that through your surrender and service that He, Krishna, agrees to appear on your canvas.
So it is not that you can paint Krishna. By your devotion and service to Krishna you have to oblige Him to appear on your canvas. And if you can convince Krishna to appear on your canvas then the painting will be very successful.
But I think forget about ISKCON artists. Today’s ISKCON artists do not have this mood anymore, and they can not see Krishna, so they can not paint Krishna. To paint something you have to see it first. So if you are going to paint Krishna first you have to see Krishna. And Krishna only reveals Himself to his devotees. So to paint Krishna you have to become Krishna’s devotees so you can see Him…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thanks for this precious communication. It contains the essence for understanding and coming closer to Lord Krishna through his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita. It is only through devotion and surrender to the Lord that we can have his grace.The points in this communication of yours can help us understand better the message of the God and permit us to follow the right track in this life where materialism is so rampant.Hope to be further enlightened by your next communication. Jugdish Lollbeeharry.
hare krishna
SADA chant hare krishna
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Thank you so much for this wonderful service you are doing for Srila Prabhupada, it is soo inspiring.
I consider Srila Prabhupada my guru and don’t feel like taking initiation from anyone else. His books have turned me into a completely different person and cured my on going depression for 10 years. But I have one question, how will I get my spiritual name? and without the ‘formal’ initiation, will I be considered disciple of Srila Prabhupada and part of the gaudiya sampradaya?
Your servant,
Hare Krishna Sam
Yes. I understand completely. It is Srila Prabhupada who is convincing us to chant Hare Krishna, Srila Prabhupada who is convincing us that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Srila Prabhupada who is a pure devotee of Krishna and Srila Prabhupada who has the potency to give us Krishna consciousness.
So these external things do not matter actually. What matters is that we have a bona fide spiritual master and we surrender to him, offer obeisances to him, hear from him submissively, dedicate our lives to him and serve him. That is what matters.
There are so many with spiritual names, even many who where physically initiated by Srila Prabhupada. But it means nothing without surrender. If there is no surrender there is no initiation. So if you really surrender to Srila Prabhupada, if you really actually follow all the instructions you hear from him when you read his books, that is if you read his books of course, then because of your surrender and service Srila Prabhupada will accept you as his disciple. Then he will guide you what to do. And if you are actually his disciple you will become empowered by him to preach and it is through the bona fide spiritual master that we get Krishna. So Krishna is in your heart and He will guide you also.
Krishna consciousness is a personal thing between the disciple and the spiritual master. It doesn’t matter what anyone else things. Who cares if others consider we are disciples of Srila Prabhupada or part of the Gaudiya Sampradaya?
It does not matter. Srila Prabhupada’s godbrothers considered that he was unauthorized by the Gaudiya Matha to go to the West and preach and they were very offended by Srila Prabhupada’s bold preaching and very envious of his success. Even till today the Gaudiya Matha refuse to offer Srila Prabhupada any respect. They call him in a very degrading way, “Swamiji Maharaja.” They hate him still. But Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna and Prabhupada’s preaching is unlimitedly successful and still ever-expanding and they could not do anything at all.
So you see it does not matter what anyone else thinks or anyone else considers. It only matters if we can surrender to, serve and please Srila Prabhupada.
So do not worry about initiation, worry about surrendering to and serving Srila Prabhupada, worry about increasing your distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s original books. That is the main thing. If you are a Prabhupada disciple then you must be a big book distributor because it is very clear that the only way we can really please Srila Prabhupada in the best way is by distributing his books. So become the biggest distributor of Srila Prabhupada’s original books. That will be great for you and great for Prabhupada. If you can make Prabhupada happy then your life is successful.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Thank you very much for such a wonderful reply. I have seen these things about the Gaudiya math too and even some Iskcon devotees leaving Iskcon to join the Gaudiya math because they convinced them that Srila Prabhupada can only preach up to the level of Vaidha bhakti and only their Narayan Maharaja can preach up to the level of Raganuga Bhakti and other offensive things like that. So some matajis who used to serve really nicely at my local Iskcon temple went away like that to the Gaudiya maths.
And just another question, what about things like getting the Gayatri Mantra in second initiation? And can I chant on Tulsi beads? Because I had been chanting on Neem beads ever since because I was told that we should wait till initiation to chant on Tulsi.
your servant,
Hare Krishna Sam
We just have to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and serve him. We don’t have to worry about anything. We just have to worry about surrendering. That’s all. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is in all our hearts, He knows what we want. We do not have to ask Him, we do not have to bother with these things. Krishna will make all the arrangements if we actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada and serve him.
As far as tulsi beads, yes, you can chant on tulsi beads if you are seriously chanting at least 16 rounds every day and following the four regulative principles. Certainly you can chant on tulsi beads.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu ji dandvat pranam,
Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Shri Shrimad A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada & All glories to Shrila Gurumaharaj.
Hare Krishna Prabhu ji, today I have gone through you first 2 mails & you have asked to go through Bhagvat Gita. Please guid me should we start from Chapter 1 or we should go through Setting the Scene & Preface also?
Hare Krishna Danadvat Pranam
Das-Nailesh Joshi
Hare Krishna Nailesh
You should read the complete Bhagavad-gita As It is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Starting from the very beginning to the end. And then you will want to read it again, and again, and again… Bhagavad-gita is like that. It is a very deep book and can not be fully appreciated on the first reading. You could read the whole Gita every day of your life and always you will find new meaning and inspiration in it. It is unlimited. The more you read it the more you will get from it.
So it is all important. Read it all.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Your servant Ujjwal das has finally come back to subscribe to your newsletter. Thank you for sending me valuable information about stuff I already read because I need to revisit and remind myself how little time I spend reading the Gita. I must read more. I will definitely read more. Thanks to you.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
I want to ask you this question. I am not sure if it is nice to ask but would want to know.
Can you please tell me who can I take as guru in this age after Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna,
You can accept Srila Prabhupada as your guru. But he will not accept you, no bona fide guru will accept you, unless you are actually prepared to surrender to the bonafide guru. These days people have a very cheap idea about what accepting a guru us. But it means surrender. And practically no one wants to surrender and the few who do want to surrender end up surrendering to some bogus guru who cheats them and destroys their chances for spiritual life.
So you need to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and understand just exactly what a bona fide spiritual master is and what is a bona fide disciple and understand the nature of surrender and actually surrender.
Anyhow you have to at least surrender to the basic beginning points of Krishna consciousness. You have to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day, strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and you have to read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. This is the beginning point. And you can not expect to be able to understand what is a spiritual master and what is a disciple until you have been strictly following these basic things for at least 12 months.
So accepting a guru is not such a cheap thing. It requires surrender, and it requires a bona fide guru and a bona fide disciple. These are very rare things today…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, Dandabata prabhu. I read your letter very very carefully. I would like to request you, please please please, if possible, post me such type of mail daily. Another thing, I am the follower of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhuapda since 2009. I chant 16 round of Japa daily. I strictly follow the four basic rules. I became a veg eater since 2012. Now I want to take DIKSHYA. wAHT ARE THE STEPS.
Bless me
Hare krishna
Hare Krishna Bhaskar
Formal initiation is not so important. It is most important to have a pure devotee of Krishna as your spiritual master. These people who are anxious get get initiated at any cost usually end up by being cheated by some bogus guru who has no potency to actually give diksha at all. That is the problem. A pure devotee who is qualified to give diksa, who actually has the seeds of the plant of bhakti, the bhakti-lata-bija, to give, is very rarely to be found. And if you do not find the qualified, bona fide guru, then you can not get diksa. So the question should be finding the bona fide guru, not when can I get diska. And even if you find the bona fide guru you can not get diksa actually without surrendering to him and serving him. So after finding the bonafide guru you have to first surrender to him and serve him. Then after 12 months or so of actual service and surrender to the bona fide spiritual master he may agree to give you diksa. Real diksa is not a very cheap thing and you can not get it on your own strength. It is by the mercy of Krishna that you get the chance to get access to the pure devotee of Krishna and it is by the mercy of the pure devotee that you get Krishna.
Most people do not surrender, or if they surrender they surrender to some cheating, bogus guru, so in either case, no surrender or surrender to a bogus guru, they can not get Krishna.
You can read Srila Prabhupada’s books, surrender to him, serve him, get his mercy, and in this way you can get Krishna. That is the way. But Krishna consciousness is not a very easy thing to get. You can not get it without actually surrendering. One can not become Krishna conscious, get diska, without completely changing his life. We currently live for our own sense gratification or for the sense gratification of our families or others. Becoming Krishna conscious means completely giving up this mentality of sense gratification and instead only working to gratify Krishna’s senses. This is a dramatic transformation to the way we live and without actually transforming our lives in this way we can never become Krishna conscious or get diksa.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Dasa. Please accept my humble obeisance.
I am happy that you will be discussing the Bhagavad Gita As It Is. I started reading it and laid it down on Chapter 6 and I haven’t continued. You will help me a lot with my spiritual growth. I am looking forward toward this class.
Thank you,
Hare Krishna!! It was nice to read it.Thanks for sending the details. Waiting for your next email.
Hare Krishna!!
Just i have received the news letter “The Spirit Of Bhagavad Gita” and gone through once. Even though i am devoted to Lord Krishna, i have not read the Gita even once completely. Your introduction really inspiring me.But i have got so many questions (of course ignorant). Kindly bare with me for troubling you.My first understanding of Gita is that it is a complete question and answer series.Question arises because of confusion which is born out of half baked knowledge. Since i am ignorant , pl bear with me to enlighten me.With your permission and with your blessings, i may be permitted to write to you soon.
Are the books like Bhagvad Geeta and Srimad Bhagvatam which are translated into other languages(like Kannada) by Prabhpada’s disciples a reliable translation. Some of the people to whom I tell to read these books do not understand or know how to read English. So are they trustworthy translations which also contain full spiritual bliss and pleasure?
Secondly, like websites in which we get to read English books online(say- there are no websites for such books in other languages(Kannada) right?
Hare Krisha Rukmini
A translation of a book into a different language will never be as good as the original book. There will always be something “lost in the translation” and that is particularly true for Srila Prabhupada’s books that contain such delicate and subtle spiritual points. So it is always best to read Srila Prabhupada’s original books in the original language he wrote them [English]. That is the closest thing to Srila Prabhupada.
This issue was sometimes brought up in Srila Prabhupada’s presence and his reply was “A blind uncle is better than no uncle at all.”
So if the people can’t read English then they need to read Prabhupada’s books in their own languages so the foreign language translations are very important. So although the translations may not be perfect they are better than nothing.
And when devotees become very serious about Srila Prabhupada they will want to learn English so they can hear Srila Prabhupada preach in English and read the huge amount of literature he has given us in English.
So the foreign translations are not perfect, and will never be perfect, but “a blind uncle is better than no uncle at all.”
And there are no websites of Prabhupada’s books in the Indian languages as far as I am aware.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I recently went through the 7th Canto wherein I had two doubts:
1.In chap 13 Text 18
“It is also understood that you have no money for sense enjoyment. How then has your body become so fat? Under the circumstances, if you do not consider my question impudent, kindly explain how this has happened. “
Although the man like a python answered beatifully I felt that he did not answer the question properly. However my feeling is definitely wrong and I am sure the answer would be there. Could you kindly clear my doubt?
2.Is there any reason why the 10th chapter has been divided between parts 2 and 3 (which was probably not seen in any of the previos Cantos)?
As for my realizations regarding the universe structure, I am more or less very much confused and have to read the 5th Canto 4-5 times to understand atleast something. However, your article “The Universe is Not Chandelier Shaped” was very helpful.
Please forgive me for my foolish questions.
Hare Krishna.AGTSP.
Hare Krishna Divine
The Srimad-Bhagavatam is perfect but our understanding of it is not. So when you see something that you do not understand or you think is not right you have to think that your realization and understanding of it is not right. The mistake is with us, not with the Bhagavatam. And as we engage more and more in devotional service and read the Bhagavatam more and more then gradually all the points will become clear to us.
It is like that with the universe as well. We can not understand these things on our own strength. Krishna has to reveal them from within our hearts. So the reading is one thing but the realization of the reading comes through our service to Srila Prabhupada. So we have to read the Bhagavatam and put into practice what we read in our lives.
There is not much point just reading the fifth canto, we have to read all the books Srila Prabhupada has given us over and over again.
What we can know from reading the fifth canto is the actual situation of the universe is completely different from what the scientists and astronomers have imagined. They are wrong in so many ways. This we can say for certain. But it is rather difficult for us, who have been totally brainwashed by this incorrect ‘world view’ to conceive that the reality could be so different from our brainwashing.
But if you can just actually come to know it for a fact that in practically every respect the astronomers are wrong then that is a step in the right direction.
With reading and chanting and surrender and service gradually Krishna will revel everything to us.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I have some questions regarding Bhagavad Gita
1) There are many books available, so which to read and in which language Bhagavad Gita is best to read like Sanskrit, Hindi or English
2) It is said we should learn Bhagavad Gita from Guru but in todays world how to find a Guru and how to know that he is the real Guru as given in Bhagavad Gita.
3) If Gautam Buddha was 9th avatar of Lord Vishnu and Kalki will be his tenth avatar so how is Mahaprabhuji also considered Avatar of Lord Vishnu
4) What is the real Dharma as per Bhagavad Gita
5) It is said that Lord Krishna is the Original Godhead but he is avatar of Lord Vishnu so does not Lord Vishnu should be Original Godhead
6) In todays world on one hand people die due to lack of food and other hand people use food, oil etc in Mandir so what is correct as per current situation.
Jai Shri Krishna
Hare Krishna Rahul
Your answers are as follows:
1) Almost all the editions of Bhagavad-gita are translated and commented on by people who do not understand Krishna, who are not pure devotees of Krishna, and who have some personal interest in presenting their commentary on Bhagavad-gita. They almost all have their own philosophy which they try to present simply using Bhagavad-gita as a platform from which they can present their own ideas. Such unauthorized presentations of Bhagavad-gita are totally useless. Bhagavad-gita can only be understood and explained by a pure devotee of Krishna. Krishna does not reveal Himself to the nondevotees. So the only translation and commentary that is available “AS IT IS”, is Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. So he is written it in English, therefore you should read it in English, of course the Sanskrit is also there, so you will read the Sanskrit as well as the English translation, the meanings of all the Sanskrit words and Srila Prabhupada’s explanation of the verses. You can purchase it at and read it online at
2) Yes. Today 99.9% at least of all the people presenting themselves as gurus are actually demons using the ‘guru business’ for pushing on some personal desires and ambitions. Such bogus gurus are useless and will be of no help whatsoever in understanding Bhagavad-gita. When you read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is Srila Prabhupada is there in the form of his Purports. So you will find both the guru and the gita in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
3) You are thinking of Dasa Avatar Strotra. That is listing ten avataras but there are many others. This is just ten selected avatars out of unlimited avatars. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is chana-avatara, a hidden avatar. He is not advertising Himself as an avatara, rather He is appearing in the mood of a devotee. You will understand these things only as you make advancement in spiritual life. Otherwise how can you know these things?
4) Real dharma, first you have to know what dharma means, and that is occupational duty. So what is our real occupational duty. If you analyze the common factor of everyone is they must render service to someone else. Everyone is serving. That is the nature, the dharma, of the living entity, to render service. Everyone has to render service. This is the thing that is inseparable from the living entity. It is like sugar is sweet, so sweetness is the dharma of sugar; fire is hot, so heat is the dharma of fire. So with us as living entities the inseparable factor is that we must render service. So that rendering of service is our dharma. And sanatana-dharama, or eternal dharma, is rendering service to Krishna.
5) Krishna is NOT an avatar of Lord Visnu. Lord Visnu is an avatar of Lord Krishna. This is a great misunderstanding that many Hindus have, I can not explain the details of all this in a few lines. But you can know it for an absolute fact, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and everything, even all the Visnu incarnations, come from Krishna.
6) The correct thing is to engage everything in the service of Krishna. So everything can be used for Krishna, even material things, that is the proper use of everything. Everything belongs to Krishna so everything must be used in the service of Krishna. Otherwise if we take Krishna’s things and use them for ourselves then we are thieves and we will have to be punished for that. We offer everything to Krishna and then we accept Krishna prasadam. So we are very sumptuously satisfied by accepting Krishna prasadam.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
Thank you for sending me such a quick response to receiving my Krishna Newsletter. I will learn much more here I am sure and appreciate your devotion.
I have a question. How do I find a place to grow in and serve Krishna with others where I currently live? I devote myself to Hare Krishna and would like to be near others who serve and chant Krishna.
Hare Krishna,
Just read Prabhupada’s books and apply the principles you read in the books in your own life and chant Hare Krishna and serve Krishna wherever you happen to be. You do not have to go anywhere else. Wherever you are you make that place Krishna conscious.
Recently it had come in the newspaper that ISKCON- Bangalore is going to build a very high temple which is given in this article.
1. I am curious to know whether we can get or buy a bonafide video which depicts the structure of universe and various planets as described in SB canto 5?
2. As I am resident of Bangalore, many of my interested friends ask me whether I am a part of ISKCON Bangalore or not. I say that I am totally separate from today’s ISKCON but ISKCON Bangalore in better than many of the other temples. Is my view correct??
Hare Krishna. AGTSP
Hare Krishna Divine
Yes ISKCON Bangalore appears to be better than ISKCON because ISKCON Bangalore accept that Srila Prabhupada is the spiritual master. So that is an improvement. But in Kali-yuga we have to be cautious about everything. What we can say for certain is that Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna and that by reading Srila Prabhupada’s original books and following the instructions Srila Prabhupada gives us as we read his books then we will also ultimately be able to become pure devotees of Krishna. So it is Prabhupada that is important, not the various flavors of ISKCON.
As far as a video that illustrates the structure of the universe as it is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam, currently such a video does not exist. As far as I am aware no one yet understands the description of the universe in the Srimad-Bhagavatam clearly enough to conceive of how it works, and without being able to conceive of how it works it is impossible to explain how it works.
I think the biggest problem is we are brainwashed so heavily by the current Western “scientific” world-view that most ‘devotees’ can not question the things they have come to accept as fact as result of all this brainwashing by the scientists.
I am very interested in this subject and hope one day we can actual comprehend the way the universe works according to the description in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, then we can make such a video.
The best thing is you should read it and try to conceive of how it is working yourself and let me know what are your realizations. I would be very interested to hear that.
There is one video, but it is bogus in many ways, it does not properly describe anything really. But it is all that I am aware that exists:–The-Mystery-of-the-workings-of-the-universe
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Ever since I started Krishna consciousness, my only regret is that I could not chant on beads and I could not follow the four regulative principles(as my mother forces me to eat egg). These holidays I want to make sure I am sure to successful in both so that I can start my spiritual life.
1. If I bring japa mala bead without bag, can I keep it in my book shelf or empty pouch? Also, what are the offences I should avoid?
2.When I do these two things, my parents will surely get very angry and agitated. Of course it does not matter but while my parents are scolding me, what should I be thinking so that I do not get too much hurt?
Hare Krishna. AGTSP
Hare Krsna Prubhuji, many many thanks for my first newsletter so promptly. I fully agree Bhagavad Gita as It Is ranks as the best translation and I am reading it at present. I have struggled to understand the Holy Scripture all my life but now I am getting the Essence. Looking forward to the next email,
I have to respectfully disagree with the above comment about tilak, or at least ask for some deeper clarification about it… First however allow me to express a huge disclaimer – that I am still very much a neophyte devotee, have not taken initiation, and while I have purchased all of Prabhupada’s books and lectures, I have not yet completed reading all of them even once, so my opinion is by no means authoritative. What follows is my opinion and I humbly ask for it’s consideration and correction (references to scriptures would be especially nice) where I may be mistaken.
While I do agree that Krishna Consciousness is dormant within everyone’s heart, some other Gaudiya Vaisnava sects use a different style of forehead marking, other Vaisnava sects outside of Gaudiya use different styles still, and other Hindus such as Saivites use rather different styles. Some use tilak, others use other substances, or a combination thereof. I am not exactly sure how far back our specific style used within ISKCON (and at least Gaudiya Math) goes, but the differentiation in styles primarily serves the purpose of providing some recognition of what specific beliefs the wearer holds, and what practices he follows. This is most practically useful within India, though recognition particularly of the style we share is growing worldwide.
Within the movement, there are both spiritual/philosophical aspects that are really important to Krishna Consciousness (such as reading and trying continually to further understand the Gita, upholding rules and regulations designed to allow our mind to grow more spiritually, chanting, etc.), as well as cultural aspects that are not really tied to the philosophy (such as style of dress, terms used in speech, style of cooking, and other habits), but which can help us feel more firmly situated in our positions as servants of the supreme lord, and in our association with other devotees.
In any case, it provides us with a constant reminder of our status as a servant of Krishna, and provides us with many more opportunities to talk with others about Krishna Consciousness, when they ask us what the mark is. That said, I am friends with several direct initiates of Prabhupada who live a very Krishna Conscious life – chanting constantly, living in a home built for and around Krishna to whom they offer all foodstuffs and aratik regularly, talking to and encouraging others to take up the process, etc. who wear no tilak, have shaggy hair and beards, wear blue jeans, and otherwise don’t immediately appear to be devotees.
As I understand it (admittedly my knowledge here is a bit weak), Srila Prabhupada did not say we have to wear tilak, dhotis, or shave our heads, but referred to these things as nice. When we do these things as austerities they help our spiritual growth, however if we do them in a prideful way, they will hinder us, so in my opinion one should always ask themselves, “am I truly wanting to do this out of humility and a sense of duty as a servant, or out of desire for increased recognition and respect?” One thing that was made clear is that we should not try to imitate more advanced devotees and this is why. When our heart compels us to do something and it is not our ego driving, I think that is the appropriate time to listen and follow, not before.
Thank you for hearing me out, and I look forward to your reply as time allows.
Hare Krishna Casey
It is very good that you have Srila Prabhupada’s books and now you have them you can read them and then you will know everything that Srila Prabhupada is teaching us directly from Srila Prabhupada and that is the best way.
It is true that Srila Prabhupada said that it is not necessary for his disciples to wear dhotis, etc. In fact in the beginning he was encouraging the devotees to dress as gentlemen, but they decided to follow him and wear dhotis, etc. So it was their decision, not an order from Srila Prabhupada. But of course as you say it is very nice to dress as devotees in the traditional devotional clothing and Srila Prabhupada certainly encouraged and supported this, often giving the analogy of a policeman dressed in a police uniform. It makes everything very clear and everyone can see there is a policeman. You know. Our whole idea is to remind the people about Krishna, so if we are dressed as Hare Krishna’s then everyone who sees us will remember Krishna. We will also remember that we are supposed to be Hare Krishna’s when we are dressed as Hare Krishna’s and that will also encourage us to follow the regulative principles and actually act as Hare Krishna’s. So it is very good to wear the traditional devotional clothing but not necessary.
However on the points of tilak and shaving the head and face also Srila Prabhupada is very strong on these points that we have to wear tilak and shave our heads and faces. This is certainly an order from Srila Prabhupada and if we are truly followers of Srila Prabhupada then we have to follow his orders.
We can not trust our heart to compel us to do things. We have to find a bona fide spiritual master and surrender to him and serve him. He will tell us what to do and we have to do it whether we like it or not. That is the process.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
My sister is reading the SB almost everyday and has started chanting 1-2 rounds. She also listens to SP songs with great pleasure. Today she got hit hard by the scooter. As a witness, I felt that she should have died. However, she just escaped with minor injuries.
My doubt: did she escape from getting heavily injured because of her good karma or is it because of
her progress in Krishna consciousness??
Hare Krishna.AGTSP
Hare Krishna Divine
Your sister has also written a comment and I have replied to her also so you can read her reply.
We do not know the exact workings of Krishna and karma but the general principle is that when someone takes to Krishna consciousness although the karmic reactions will still come they are very much minimized. So Srila Prabhupada has given the example that according to my karma I may be meant to be killed by a knife in some attack but because I have become a devotee of Krishna Krishna may minimize that karma and instead I may cut my finger while chopping some vegetables.
So it may well be that if your sister was not engaged in Krishna consciousness she would have suffered from much greater injuries or even died in the accident. So as I wrote in her reply as devotees we consider everything is Krishna’s mercy. At times we may not be able to see how something is Krishna’s mercy. But Krishna does take a special interest in the lives of His devotees and He makes many special arrangements.
So there are many lessons in this. Your sister is very young and may be thinking that she has many, many years ahead of her to become Krishna conscious, but actually, as proven by this accident, there is no guarantee that we will live in this body even until tomorrow. So even if we are very young we should not think that “I have plenty of time, I will take to Krishna consciousness seriously later.” No. That is not the way. We have to think that we do not know even if we will live for one more hour. So we have to be always Krishna consciousness. Always thinking of Krishna. Because Krishna promises that “One who remembers Me at the time of death will come to Me.” So we never know when death may come. So we have to adjust our lives so that at every moment we are remembering Krishna. That is the science of Krishna consciousness. And we can learn how to do this from Srila Prabhupada by reading his books.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pranam prabhuji all glories to our gurudev srila prabhupada
prabhuji please tell me how to read the gita do we first read the sloka and then read the purports and translation as well as the meanings of each words??please guide me
It is best to read Bhagavad-gita As It Is aloud. Chant the Verses aloud, read the translation and purport aloud. Personally I just chant the Sanskrit aloud, usually three times, then I read the verse aloud, then I read the purport aloud. This way if you read it aloud you are both chanting and hearing the Bhagavad-gita. Rather then just reading it in your mind. Actually we become Krishna conscious by hearing and chanting. Krishna consciousness is not arrived at by intellectual speculation. We become Krishna conscious by chanting and hearing.
So it does not matter actually, even if you do not understand the Bhagavad-gita, if you simply read it aloud and hear it over an over again then it will act and you will very quickly become Krishna conscious…’
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank U Sir.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa,
I had a little trouble replying to your comment, so I just want to inquire as to whether my reply went through, containing the questions for my interview.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa,
I have signed up for the newsletter and I find it quite informative. I’ve just recently begun to learn about the Hindu religion and way of life and I feel as though a deep understanding of the Bhagavad Gita is key to this. I have begun to chant Hare Krishna on japa beads and have benefited greatly. I am also taking a class at my school related to Hindu beliefs and I was wondering if you and I could have a quick email interview (about five questions) regarding some of the major points of Hindu devotion and Krishna consciousness. This would mean a great deal to me and it would also give me a better understanding of being a devotee. Whatever you choose, I respect your wishes and will continue chanting and reading the newsletters.
Thank you and Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Brianna
Krishna consciousness is not Hinduism. You will not find the word ‘Hindu’ anywhere in the the Vedic scriptures. This ‘Hinduism’ is a later invention. A sectarian religion like Christianity or the Muslim religion.
Krishna consciousness is not Hinduism.
Krishna consciousness is the original consciousness that is present within everyone, and through the practice of Krishna consciousness we can again uncover that original consciousness.
If you want to post the questions of your interview here I can answer them for you here.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa,
I am sorry if I offended you or Krishna Consciousness in any way; thank you very much for clarifying. I would still like to ask you a few questions. Feel free to elaborate as much as you would like, or to correct any misgivings or incorrect information on my part. 1.) How do you (and Krishna Consciousness devotees in general) view varnasrama and carry it out, especially in today’s modern world? Do you find any day to day difficulty in this, living in such a chaotic and hectic society? 2.) How were you first introduced to the Krishna Consciousness? Through word of mouth, texts? What were your initial thoughts on it and the philosophy? Have they differed in any way after reading the texts and becoming a devotee? How has it impacted your life as a whole, spiritually? 3.) Are there any certain passages or texts within the Bhagavad Gita that speak the most to you in your own life? 4.) Do you find that individuals of different philosophies or religions are tolerant or accepting of Krishna Consciousness and can fit it into their own lives or belief systems? In other words, is Krishna Consciousness beneficial to any individual who reads the texts and truly comes to know their meaning and power, regardless of background or belief? How tolerant are the beliefs of Krishna Consciousness toward other philosophies and belief systems? 5.) In what ways do Krishna and Krishna Consciousness devotion take place in everyday life in the modern world. How can the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita be put into action each day? (Advice to someone just learning about Krishna Consciousness) 6.) If there are any other beliefs or core teachings that are important for one to understand about Krishna Consciousness, please feel free to add them. I would love to learn more. . Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer my questions. I am sure they will allow me a greater understanding of Krishna Consciousness and how Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita can make a large impact in my life! I will be anticipating the next newsletter! Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna Brinna
Thank you for the questions and I apologize for the delay in replying.
Actually Krishna consciousness can not be understood unless one practices it. For a non-devotee the idea of giving up material sense gratification and surrendering to Krishna is not at all an attractive proposition. They can not understand why anyone would give up sex outside of marriage, all forms of intoxication, meat eating, gambling, etc. But a devotee receives a ‘higher taste’, a great transcendental pleasure, through serving Krishna, so much so that he is no longer attracted by the so-called pleasures of the material world. But without experiencing this transcendental pleasure for yourself Krishna consciousness remains only theoretical and one can not understand it…
1.) How do you (and Krishna Consciousness devotees in general) view varnasrama and carry it out, especially in today’s modern world? Do you find any day to day difficulty in this, living in such a chaotic and hectic society?
Varnasrama is not really possible in the current world situation. And realistically the traditional Vedic Varnasrama society is very difficult to reestablish. So we are not living in a Varnasrama society at the moment at all. Practicing Krishna consciousness as it is established by Lord Sri Caitanya-mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada does not require the Varnasrama society. Krishna consciousness can be practiced in any society. Varnasrama is actually an external thing. It is conducive to spiritual life and helpful for spiritual life but it is not necessary for spiritual life.
2.) How were you first introduced to the Krishna Consciousness? Through word of mouth, texts? What were your initial thoughts on it and the philosophy? Have they differed in any way after reading the texts and becoming a devotee? How has it impacted your life as a whole, spiritually?
Srila Prabhupada introduced me to Krishna consciousness through his books. I was very impressed first reading Srila Prabhupada’s books that anyone could present such a wonderful philosophy that answered all the questions I ever had and also answered so many questions that I would never have been able to ask. I had never read any philosophical books before that were so consistent and logical as Srila Prabhupada’s books. And when I started chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantara and engaging in practical devotional service I discovered a completely new world, the spiritual world. My life, both spiritually and materially, has been totally changed by Krishna consciousness. I now no longer live for trying to satisfy my material senses, trying to be happy in the material world, I now live for serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and that is my eternal natural constitutional position and I am very happy in this position.
3.) Are there any certain passages or texts within the Bhagavad Gita that speak the most to you in your own life?
Everything Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita is important and speaks to me.
4.) Do you find that individuals of different philosophies or religions are tolerant or accepting of Krishna Consciousness and can fit it into their own lives or belief systems? In other words, is Krishna Consciousness beneficial to any individual who reads the texts and truly comes to know their meaning and power, regardless of background or belief? How tolerant are the beliefs of Krishna Consciousness toward other philosophies and belief systems?
Krishna consciousness is the absolute truth. You will find everything that you can find anywhere else in Krishna consciousness but you will not find everything you can find in Krishna consciousness anywhere else.
Other philosophical and religious systems are not complete but certainly can serve a purpose for people searching for knowledge. But ultimately a sincere seeker of the truth will only be fully satisfied in Krishna consciousness.
We do not deal in beliefs and philosophies. We deal in the Absolute Truth. We do not have beliefs and philosophies. We have knowledge. So we know what parts of other religion and philosophy is actually knowledge and what is false.
Krishna consciousness is not a religion, a philosophy or a set of beliefs. It is the Absolute Truth. Krishna consciousness is not something external that we learn. Krishna consciousness is everyone’s natural original eternal consciousness. Krishna consciousness is within all of us, it has simply become covered over. So the practice of Krishna consciousness is a purificatory process that simply uncovers our original Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness is already there in our hearts, we simply have to uncover it.
As far as other religion and philosophy, generally we do not accept it as being very perfect, we can see it for what it is, we know the position of other religions and philosophies and can evaluate them on their individual merits if necessary. But we have no interest in them, we are interested in Krishna. We have no intolerance to other people and are not trying to force anyone to take to Krishna consciousness. But at the same time we do not place much value in the so many religious and philosophical systems of the world which at best have some vague concept of God but are practically all presenting materialistic ideas of piety and religious aimed at trying to live comfortably in this world and going to heaven or reaching some sort of salvation after death. Devotees of Krishna do not try to live happily in the material world and they are not interested in any sort of salvation or nice position for themselves. As devotees of Krishna we know that we are all eternally servants of Krishna and our pleasure is to render service to Krishna and Krishna’s pure devotees. We do not mind where we are serving Krishna, we have no desires other than to surrender to Krishna and serve Krishna. Whatever Krishna wants us to do we want to do that for Krishna. We have no interest in all these materially motivated religions and philosophies.
5.) In what ways do Krishna and Krishna Consciousness devotion take place in everyday life in the modern world. How can the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita be put into action each day? (Advice to someone just learning about Krishna Consciousness)
Devotees of Krishna do the same things as non-devotees. They cook, they eat, they work, the do everything. It may appear that a devotee of Krishna is doing the same things as a non-devotee, but there is an important difference. Every action of a devotee of Krishna is motivated by the desire to serve Krishna, to please Krishna. A devotee of Krishna has no personal interest. His only interest is to please his spiritual master and Krishna. So becoming Krishna conscious just means to learn how to do the same things we are already doing but to do them for Krishna. Krishna consciousness means doing everything for Krishna and doing nothing for ourselves.
No one can become Krishna conscious without the blessings and without pleasing a pure devotee of Krishna. That is the way. It is not possible to become Krishna conscious simply by study or by any other means. One must find an surrender to a bona fide spiritual master. It is only through this process of surrender, service and hearing from a bona fide spiritual master that Krishna consciousness can develop.
6.) If there are any other beliefs or core teachings that are important for one to understand about Krishna Consciousness, please feel free to add them.
Krishna consciousness is not possible without surrender to a pure devotee of Krishna. Most people who attempt to become Krishna consciousness either get cheated by a bogus so-called spiritual master who is not himself a pure devotee of Krishna and who therefore has no power to deliver Krishna consciousness to anyone else or if they are so fortunate to find a pure devotee of Krishna most people are not able to give up their personal interest and surrender to a bona fide spiritual master.
So as a result real Krishna consciousness is a very rare thing. But for a sincere student Srila Prabhupada is living in his books and a sincere person can easily find Krishna consciousness by reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and by surrendering to and serving His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Krishna consciousness is not such a simple thing to attain. It is the greatest treasure, and to achieve the greatest treasure one has to work for that. But even if one works very hard, if he does not have a pure devotee as his spiritual master to guide him, he will not be able to achieve Krishna consciousness on his own strength.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishana madhudvisa-dasa,
Happy to receive a news letter from you about the great literature of godhead sri krishna BHAGAVAD GITA. I expect more and more from you regarding the vedic literature.
Thank a lot.
Hare Krishna.
i want to ask one big question, whethere god is good or bad really and whether he is really perfectionist and why krishna is fond of girls and why krishna in bhagavat gita says detachment from material world, and why lord krishna alone always around with girls? is it moral ,please reply to my question
Hare Krishna Renuka
Krishna is all-good absolute. So na matter what Krishna does that is good. Krishna is not subject to the morals of the material world. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is everyone’s lovable object.
It is not exactly that Krishna is fond of girls, Krishna is self-satisfied and complete in Himself. But the girls are fond of Krishna. Krishna has all the attractive qualities in full. Krishna has all beauty, all strength, all knowledge, all wealth, all fame and all renunciation. So the girls are very, very attracted to Krishna. And Krishna does appreciate very much the pure love and devotion and service of his devotees. And Krishna reciprocates the love and service of His devotees in the way they want to see Him. So if a girl is a pure devotee and wants to see Krishna as her lover then Krishna will appear as her lover. This is not immoral, this is the highest morality.
But really these things can not be understood in the neophyte stage. We should not be very anxious to try and understand the pastimes of Krishna with the gopis until we are actually advanced in Krishna consciousness because we will misunderstand them. Many people consider Krishna is an ordinary person and therefore they misunderstand his confidential pastimes in Vrindavan.
So what you need to do is become a pure devotee of Krishna. You can not hope to understand these things without becoming a pure devotee of Krishna. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that I am not manifest to the foolish and unintelligent, to them I am hidden by the curtain of maya. So we can not expect to understand Krishna while we are still in maya, it is not possible. And there is no point in hearing from all these other people who are in maya and who are giving their opinions on Krishna. Because only a pure devotee of Krishna can understand Krishna. To everyone else Krishna is hidden.
So to become a pure devotee of Krishna we have to associate with a pure devotee of Krishna and for us that is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. You need to read his books and listen to his classes and you need to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra every day and strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication. This is the beginning, and if you strictly follow these things every day and read Srila Prabhupada’s books every day you will very soon see that you are beginning to understand everything from the spiritual point of view…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Haribol Madhudvisa,
I understood from another devotee in New Dvarka that things are a bit under the weather for you. I’ve been subscribing to your newsletter for a few years now and find it informative and inspirational. This message is merely to inform you that if you are reaching someone like me, you are positively imprinting the world. I am sure Srila Prabhupada is pleased with your service.
Your servant,
Vaikuntha Murti dasi
Hare Krishna Prabhu
I do not think a devotee at New Dwarka would have any idea at all what is my situation. Currently I am very happily engaged in serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna… It is very nice…
Too much service. But it is better to be busy. The idea of Krishna consciousness as Srila Prabhupada has taught us is that we have to be engaged in serving Krishna 24 hours a day. As soon as there is some gap in our service to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna then maya will fill that gap. So we need to be fully engaged in Krishna consciousness 24 hours a day. That is the goal…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, One God many names and many ways to worship. As stated by Krishna bakti yoga, worshiping the personal form of Lord Krishna, is the best way to God consciousness. A few days ago I was studying to learn what is the meaning of the the impersonal path. I soon remembered The Last Supper where Jesus taught his diciples to teach the practice of sharing his body and blood “in rememberance of me.” What a powerfull affirmation of worshiping the personal form of the Lord.
Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!!!
Actuall i need the bhagavatham english text for me to go thru and try to understand the teachings as much as i can. I need a pdf copy so that i can store the same in my i book library. I have been reading naarayaneeyam regularly, evry ekadashi, i read that. Now i would like to read bhagavatham as often as possible and enjoy my retired life thinking of lord krishna all the time. I am sure you could help me
Hare Krishna Kumar
You can download the PDF of Srimad-Bhagavatam at:
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna, i want to study bhagwat geeta step by step by a krishna devotee, please help me
Subscribe to the Krishna Connect newsletter at the top right-hand corner of the page. That is what we do there.
pranam prabhuji is it good to tell my friend to read gurudev’s bhgavat gita whn she is reading gita by swami sivananda pls reply
Hare Krishna Ananya
Yes. Somehow we have to convince others to read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, not bogus translations like the one your friend is reading.
It is so very rare to find a pure devotee of Krishna who will actually present Krishna’s words as they are. Almost everyone has their own personal opinion and when they write on Bhagavad-gita they actually use it as a vehicle to present their own ideas and philosophy. So that completely spoils the whole thing.
So yes. Somehow you have to convince your friends to read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is…
But you know, some people are mayavadis and they like the mayavadi commentary and do not like to hear about Krishna actually.
So we have to preach to the people who are a little open at least to hearing about what we are saying about Krishna.
We can not force people who are against Krishna to accept Krishna. So all preaching has to be done somewhat tactfully so you end up getting the correct result.
The more you become Krishna conscious yourself by reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and following his instructions like chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, strictly following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication], etc, the more your spiritual intelligence will develop and the more potency you will have to present Krishna consciousness to others…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
I want to know how can we not trap in to good karma and bad karma while fulfilling doing our duty towards mankind and god….
Hare Krishna Anand
You can not do your duty towards God and mankind. You can not have two masters. That is the beginning of Krishna consciousness. We have to first realize that we can only surrender to maya or Krishna. We have to decide who will be our master and surrender there. So if we are surrendered to Krishna then we only have duties to serve Krishna. We serve Krishna and that will automatically create all auspiciousness for mankind. And our duty is to engage mankind in the service of Krishna. That is all.
So if we can succeed in this, surrendering to Krishna and only serving Krishna and no one else then we will have succeeded in solving the good and bad karma problem. Because service to Krishna is transcendental to karma. Service to Krishna is on the spiritual platform. There is no material reaction, good or bad, from serving Krishna. The result of serving Krishna is that we become Krishna consciousness, we uncover our original spiritual nature and we enjoy an ever-increasing ocean of transcendental bliss. Not that we serve Krishna so we can enjoy transcendental bliss… No. The transcendental bliss is the result of serving Krishna. A devotee’s every action is motivated by the desire to please his spiritual master by following his orders and in this way to please Krishna.
So the first step to saving yourself from the trap of good and bad karma is you need to find a bona fide spiritual master and surrender to him and serve him. He can guide you. So read Srila Prabhupada’s books. Prabhupada put everything in his books and it is waiting there for you to read. So take advantage of Srila Prabhupada’s books and chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa dasa prabhuji. You said “Not that we serve Krishna so we can enjoy transcendental bliss… No. The transcendental bliss is the result of serving Krishna. A devotee’s every action is motivated by the desire to please his spiritual master by following his orders and in this way to please Krishna.”
If we are not serving Krsna for transcendental bliss which you said then are we serving Krsna. Is it just to please Srila Prabhupada through which we will please Krsna( so “…..that we become Krishna consciousness, we uncover our original spiritual nature and we enjoy an ever-increasing ocean of transcendental bliss.”)
Really what is the purpose of serving Krsna?
The purpose of serving Krishna is only understandable to a devotee of Krishna. We serve Krishna because we love Krishna. It is not that we want or expect anything at all in return from Krishna for our service. Devotees serve Krishna because they love Him. That’s all. Devotees don’t want anything from Krishna, except the opportunity to engage in serving Him… Devotees become happy when they see that through their service they have pleased Krishna. It does not matter if for them that service creates a lot of problems and difficulties and suffering for the devotee. They do not care about that. The are happy if their service makes Krishna happy.
To understand this one has to become a devotee. Otherwise it is not possible to understand….
Hare Krsna, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami!!!
I thank you for the newsletters. I did read Bhagavad Gita previously. I also saw that changes were made. On this page: I downloaded the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, hoping that this would be the original one.
I compared chapter 13 verse 1 in here with the website link:
You can see yourself that it is not 100% the same.
My question is, do you have an other link which contains unaltered version of Srila Prabhupada
s Bhagavad Gita As It Is?
For now I am reading from:
Thanks in advance and please keep the newsletters coming.
Hare Krsna, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada A.C. Bhaktivedanta Svami!!!
Hare Krishna Vishal
The PDF of the Original Bhagavad-gita As It Is is correct. It is an exact scan of the book:
It is the original one. So you can read this and it is for sure Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is…
If there is any difference with the diff file on the problem is with the diff file. The PDF file is like taking photographs of the pages of the original book. It is the best authority…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I am not a pure devotee, I am a big demon actually. But I like chanting Hare Krishna and hearing from Prabhupada and while I am chanting Hare Krishna and repeating what Prabhupada says I fell inspired and Krishna conscious. But if I stop my Krishna conscious activities I again fall back to my demonic nature. So we have to remain in Krishna consciousness constantly.
I do not think I have the power to bless anyone but if I do surely I can bless you to my ability. But realistically it is not my blessings that will help you advance in spiritual life, it is Srila Prabhupada’s blessings. And Prabhupada’s blessings are there, we simply have to accept them. So you have to surrender to the idea of at least following the basic things like chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If you will surrender to these things you will get Srila Prabhupada’s blessings for sure and that is the most important thing.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Yes. Everything we cook at home we must cook for Krishna, not for ourselves or or family. This consciousness we have to develop. That is Krishna consciousness, doing everything, even cooking, for Krishna. And when the cooking is complete we can offer to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and then distribute the Krishna prasadam to our family.
One round means you have to chant the complete Hare Krishna Mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
One each bead, that means one round chanting the full Hare Krishna mantra on all 108 beads.
Yes. Of course eating non-veg food has a bad effect on us. But the real thing is we should only accept Krishna prasadam. Even non-veg food, if it is not Krishna prasadam, will have a bad effect on us. So the point is not really veg/non-veg. The point is to only accept Krishna prasadam which is of course automatically non-veg…
You have to adjust things so you can chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day in your life. Otherwise you will not be able to become Krishna conscious and your life will be wasted….
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I am delighted to inform you that by the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna The Supreme Personality of Godhead I have been blessed with four ‘Shaligram Shilas’ obtained from River Kali Gandaki (Muktidham in Nepal) – these are Laxmi Damodar Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Maha Vishnu, Laxmi Narayana, Matsya & Ladoo Gopal. I should mention that the crevice in Laxmi Damodar Chakradhari Chaturbhuj Maha Vishnu Shaligram shila has sparkling elements; when I consulted experts on this subject, they mentioned that this represents ‘Vaikunth’ and is very rarely found as this is the abode where Maha Vishnu and his consort Sri Laxmi reside and therefore it has glitter and sparkling elements. This is beauty of Lord is simply awesome to be experience in real.
By the sheer presence of these divine forms of Lord, my life seem to have changed. The events that led me to receive these blessed shilas cannot be described in words – it just happened as if it was all stage managed by Lord. The desire to posses Shaligram just erupted in me from nowhere and God instantly consented to come and reside in my home!
While I am continuing to read the wonderful eBooks from your website (currently reading Shrimad Bhagvatam), the daily puja of Shaligram, abhiskeha & decorating him with sandal paste, tulsi etc while chanting Purusha Suktam, Narayan Suktam & Vishnu Shasranam is simply divine. The more I read on the significance of Shaligram, more enchanting is the experience. I can actually feel presence of Lord at my home, anklet sounds late at night, Lord mentioning that he is hungry & its time for food, Lord saying that he is now sleepy & I should close the puja room door, in case by oversight if I have left the puja room door open he wakes me up asks me to close it, he wakes me up sharp at 4:30 am so that he can be bathed, decorated and fed etc. Its a live conversation that you can have with the Lord himself – its simply fabulous.
If any of the Hari bhaktas here have experience to share please do so, as such experiences reaffirms what has been written in epic scriptures by great sages and guru’s like Srila Prabhupada and confirms presence of God in Kali yuga.
I also urge you to share your knowledge about Shaligram to all the bhaktas, which will further elevate and bring all of us closer to the divine goal – of going back to Goloka Brindavana! Thanks to this divine act of God, that I came to know about the significance of ‘Tulsi in Lord’s puja’ and ‘Brindavan’ – one of the greatest devotee & consort of Sri Krishna is ‘Tulsi’ who was earlier born as ‘Brinda’ through whom the Lord manifested in the Shaligram form & she has appeared as tulsi plant to be always with the Lord! Such great are his pastimes for the benefit of mankind. No wonder Srila Prabhupada chose to rest in peace at Brindavan near Mathura. Brindavan is the place where Sri Krishna and Brinda even today continue their pastimes – such divine is this place and inseparable is Lord devotee relationship.
I am blessed that Lord gave me this human form, so that I can use my discretionary abilities in the right direction and reach the divine goal. Its just that we need to take the first few steps forward and experience of what Lord can do for us, he will carry you in his lap to the goal! Such ‘Dayanidhi’ is Lord Sri Krishna!
Sarvam Shri Krishnarpanamastu!
PS: during my childhood everyone used to make fun of my name & I used to feel dejected (as ‘Achyut’ if pronounced incorrectly means untouchable & also has inappropriate connotations in slang Hindi). My parents used to tell me that Achyut is the name of Krishna so don’t worry, people who tease you are fools. Now after 44 years of my life, I realize why my name was kept as ‘Achyut’. Thank you Grandpa (who chose this name for me) and my Parents, who inculcated the ‘spiritual’ aspect in me and I am delighted that my name is Achyut. So everything that happens, is for a purpose and as per Lord’s divine plan. Hare Krishna!
hare krishna pr ji
In my home my mother is putting onion and garlic in food.
I eat food made by my mother as I still young and not allowed to do so. I know this affects my consciousness but sometimes on my request she make food without onion and garlic, and she asked me why onion and garlic is not eaten?
so please answer this question prabhu ji so i can tell her.
hre krshna
Hare Krishna Sumit
It is because onion and garlic are foods that are in the mode of passion. There are three modes of material nature: the mode of goodness, the mode of ignorance and the mode of passion. So for us to make advancement in spiritual life we need to raise our consciousness to the mode of goodness. So to do this we need to limit our eating to foods that are in the mode of goodness. So that is grains, milk products and fruits and vegetables. Onions and garlic are exceptions because they are foods that are in the mode of passion and agitate our body in ways that are not conducive to spiritual life.
Of course this is one reason but it is not the real reason. The real reason is that Krishna only accepts foods that are in the mode of goodness. So onions and garlic can not be offered to Krishna. That is the main thing.
So the real point actually is to only accept Krishna prasadam, only accept the foods that have been cooked by devotees and offered to Krishna. So I think your mother is an Indian and this Krishna culture is India’s culture and probably your mother does believe in Krishna and knows many things about Krishna and maybe her mother or grandmother was cooking for Krishna and offering food to Krishna. So the idea of preparing an offering for Krishna and offering it and then accepting the Krishna prasadam, the remnants of the foods offered to Krishna, is very familiar to most Indian mothers.
So perhaps if you just encourage your mother a little bit and tell her something about Krishna consciousness and get her to read some of Srila Prabhupada’s books she will easily understand that the best thing is to cook for Krishna, to offer the bhoga to Krishna, and then to distribute the Krishna prasadam to her family. She can easily understand this because of her Indian culture and I think if you explain these things to her nicely she will agree to cook without the onions and garlic and more importantly cook for Krishna and offer the bhoga to Krishna and distribute Krishna prasadam to her family.
It is not very difficult because she is cooking anyhow. It is not difficult to cook and offer to Krishna. And she can get hing, asofetetta, that is a strong spice that works something like onions and garlic in the food. And of course she can use ginger which is also a very good spice.
But the main thing is to convince her that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that we are all eternally servants of Krishna and that we are suffering here in the material world because of our forgetfulness of Krishna and that if we simply cook for Krishna, offer the bhoga to Krishna and accept the Krishna prasadam that will help us to always remember Krishna and then naturally at the time of death we will remember Krisha and Krishna promises in the Bhagavad-gita that “whoever remembers Me at the time of death certainly comes to Me.”
So that is the purpose of human life, to elevate our consciousness so that we are Krishna conscious at the time of death. And a very important part of elevating our consciousness is to only accept Krishna prasadam. And it is so easy because we are already cooking for ourselves anyhow, so just switching to cooking for Krishna takes no extra time and effort at all. All we have to do is to be very clean when we are cooking and not taste any of the food before it is offered to Krishna and not cook with onions and garlic. So there is no effort really, but the benefits we get by offering a nice meal to Krishna are unlimited. It is not that Krishna is hungry and needs us to feed Him, it is not like that. Everything we have already belongs to Krishna anyhow so really we only have His things so we have nothing of our own to offer to Him. But Krishna is very happy with us if we take the things He has given us and if we recognize that they are Krishna’s things and we use them to prepare a nice offering for His pleasure. Krishna will become really pleased with us if we use our limited independence like this in his service.
Of course the offering to Krishna is not direct. We only know about Krishna by the mercy of Krishna’s pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada, so our link to Krishna is through Srila Prabhupada. So actually we cook for Srila Prabhupada and offer the bhoga to him and he offers it to Srila Bhaktsiddhanta, his spiritual master an so on in this way the offering goes to Krishna via the disciplic succession.
So anyhow the idea is to preach to your mother nicely and get her to read Prabhupada’s books and get her to awaken the Krishna consciousness that is already there in her heart. This is easy and very natural for her because of her Indian culture.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Namaskar,Madhudvisa Dasaji
I am a Madhwa Brahmin(belonging to the Brahmana sect)We as a rule worship Krishna.I have observed that though it is so ALL our family members are highly materialistic..I was always inquisitive even as a child to know why we are here , where we go later etc.My husband and I suffered hell for the past 10 to 12 years.My husband lost his job and was without it for 2 years.Our own relatives are our enemies without any provocation. We have two teenaged children who are brilliant in their studies.I had also taught them everything that I read about Krishna, about Garuda Puran and how to lead our lives accordingly..My daughter is 16 years old now.When she was 13, she participated in an International yoga competition in Bangalore where among several hundreds and thousands of participants,she was one among the only two who could answer Questions from Bhakti yoga,Gnana yoga etc and won accolades for it.I am very religious and we at home just love and trust Krishna implicitly.We still are not free from our sufferings, but continue to believe that some day THE LORD will definitely show HIS mercy on us.we forgot what peaceful life is. Of course we can see how He has been with us. But I can tell you that I have read almost all the books by Acarya Prabhupada. My son and myself have had Krishna in our dreams three or four times showing us that we could just rely on Him. I was teaching in a College earlier but now I do not have the inclination or stamina for it. I spend time (apart from household work) going through the ancient scriptures instead of the English novels I had preferred earlier.Whatever the scriptures, the SUMMARY. is the same KRISHNA and SHREE HARI…Both my husband and I are staunch believers that every thing happens according to HIS wish alone.What I wish to state here is that my faith in Krishna increased manifold after I had the good fortune of reading books by Acharya Prabhupada ..Definitely I find your Newsletter inspiring.I would like to know from you how quickly we can gain peace of mind.
It’s so nice that Kṛṣṇa has given me this Śrīmad bhagavad gītā to read. Never did I imagine in that Mahabharat, was the Lord giving the most important message. All glories to his Divine Grace A.C
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for helping to spread this authorised version of Gita through the grace of his Guru.
Hare Śrīmad bhagavad gītā ! Please engage me in your service.
hare krishna prabhuji dantavat pranam,
please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to srila prabhupad.
my unfortunate day started with the arrival of my parents i am struggling very hard with my bhakti… just praying krishna to give me strength…. Prabhu ji i want to know in what category are these people who worship krishna, knows his pastimes, studied all vedic literature (BG, BHAG, chaitanya charitramirt etc) , bhagwat gita’s tough sanskrit verses is just in their tongue but waiting to complete thier responsiblity, waiting to get more old, addicted to tea and cigerate, fish…they dont do mala….(sometimes they utter the maha mantra though) ..sometimes use abusive languages… srila prabhupad mentioned three type of people- devotees, innocent and demons…. one can preach innocent but not demon. i wonder the type of devotee i explained above falls into which category.?
because this is what the scene in my home….. they dont like prabhupad, they dont appreciate me doing mala (though m never going to leave it), they say i have become terrorist, (as I refuse to budge from my lifestyle and don’t pay attention to their suggestion of leaving all this and enjoy life) … as terrorist brain wash the innocent people to attack in some place…. similarly this hare krishna people (iskcon people) brainwash the young generation……. and all rules regulations followed in iskcon just manufactured by prabhupad but they dont know that i became small devotee of krishna… by simply reading prabhupad’s Bhagwat gita as it is without associating with with any devotee or by visiting temple. though now i visit temple sometimes and associate with devotees. Parents just start critising me, my bhakti life style and prabhupad since the time I reach home from office till they go to bed for sleep. With patience I just keep listening and sing hare Krishna from inside sometimes it becomes hard to tolerate comments on srila prabhupad as I consider him as my spiritual master and believe Krishna only sent him to me… and he does not speak himself from his behalf he always quote vedic literatures. Unfortunately my parents not understanding my spiritual activities.
also i want to ask in BG as krishna promises in chapter 4 whoever knows his appearance and his transcendental qualities will attain his abode and will not come back to this material world. now i am not critizing my family just want to ask that my father he knows qualities, activities of krsna… everything he knows as he studied literatures but i actually find lack of bhakti in him ( as per what i have understood what actually bhakti is by reading prabhupad books).. he is against any guru including prabhupad, he says the literature is only guru, books will guide us towards godhead, but not by merely reading prabhupad books and do hare krishna hare krishna.
so tell me merely knowing krishna’s pastimes can we attain him as he told in BG chapter 4? One last question I started doing 1-2 rounds of mala each on behalf of my mom and dad after finishing my 16 rounds, so can one do mala on behalf of others, as I badly want my parents to love Krishna apart from just appreciating him being a god, I want their future to be bright. i just pray to krishna to give me strength , I want to be his gud devotee want to serve him and prabhupad and i shall never leave his lotus feet ….
Hare krishna
Hare Krishna Sonika
As you become a pure devotee of Krishna automatically your parents and other family members will benefit from your devotional service. So the main thing is, as you are doing, to stick very strictly to chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and following the regulative principles yourself. We get spiritual potency through these activities and that is the only way we can help others to come to Krishna consciousness, by being pure ourselves.
We can only try as far as preaching is concerned. We can ask the people to chant Hare Krishna, give them prasadam, have a kirtan and try and engage them in chanting Hare Krishna, etc. But ultimately devotional service is a voluntary thing and they have to want to perform devotional service and do it voluntarily. We can not force others to become Krishna consciousness. All we can do is try to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness by getting them to chant Hare Krishna, to take Krishna prasadam and read Srila Prabhupada’s books… And if they don’t want to then ultimately that is there decision and we can not force them.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
1.I used to chant 5-6 round and am slowly increasing. By October end, I would be chanting 16 rounds. However as I progressing towards this goal,maya is making it tougher by making me get low marks in almost all the recent tests and thus demoralizing me. How should I deal with such strong maya?
2.I suffer from severe cold very frequently because of weak immunity.By honouring Krishna prasadam, could I get free from frequnt miserable cold?
Hare Krishna.AGTSP
Hare Krishna Divine
Just worry about improving your Krishna consciousness and everything else will be OK. Of course you have to do the other things. But realistically it only takes 2-3 hours to chant 16 rounds so that leaves you plenty of time to do the other things you have to do in your life.
As far as getting good marks you have to study the material and learn it and if you learn it then you will get good marks. But not everyone is actually able to study like this very well… Anyhow you should not get demoralized because you get low marks. We have to know that we are not in control. We can try our best and that is all. Ultimately the result is in Krishna’s hands.
We don’t honor Krishna prasadam to cure a cold. We all have so many material difficulties to overcome. That is absolutely everyone in the material world, devotees and non-devotees. Everyone is thinking they are suffering in the material world and that they should not be suffering and that it is Krishna’s fault and asking how they can stop the suffering. But this material world is for suffering only. Everyone is suffering here. So we have to expect that we will suffer in so many ways. Of course that suffering is only the material body. So once a devotee actually realizes that he is not the material body then even though the body is suffering he becomes transcendental to that. But we can not expect that our material body will not be affected by birth, old age, disease and death. That is the nature of the material world.
We all come to the material world with certain karma, certain reactions — good and bad — that we are destined to suffer and enjoy in this life, and these reactions will come. We will suffer to the extent that we are meant to suffer according to our karma, our work, and we will ‘enjoy’ to the limit that our good karma and pious activities permit.
Of course for an actual pure devotee of Krishna Krishna may adjust everything. But still we see it from the history that so many pure devotees of Krishna undergo extreme suffering from the material point of view. Of course because they are transcendentally situated they are not so much affected by it. But you know Srila Prabhupada was suffering from so many very serious health issues during the time he was traveling all over the world and preaching Krishna consciousness. But he just ‘made the best use of a bad bargain’ and kept on preaching in spite of so many problems with his body.
For severe cold you can just do the common sense things like keep warm and make ‘brahmastras’ [boil fresh ginger and after you take it off the flame add lemon juice and honey and offer it to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and that will help you with your colds. And take vitamin C, etc… So we have to make some token attempt at lest to look after our bodies but we can not get too concerned about the material body. The material body is a source of pain and suffering only and we should know and expect that.
You know it is not just you that is getting a cold. So many people get colds and so many people get much, much worse… So you know that is the symptom of having a material body, it is going to get sick, get old and die… We have to get used to this and just go on with our Krishna consciousness in spite of all sorts of difficulties and problems…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
Hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
Prabhu ji,
In our universe whatever had done do or ill be do that all have fixed and ill be fix for human being.
so what is punya and what is paap but when we are not doing any thing without instruction of krishna so why we responsible for paap.
If you are actually doing everything for Krishna under the direction of a pure devotee of Krishna then your actions are completely transcendental and you are not going to experience any material reactions for your actions. When we work for Krishna under the direction of Krishna’s pure devotee then such transcendental activities generate no material reactions at all.
But of course most people are not actually working for Krishna under the direction of Krishna’s pure devotee. So they are responsible for the reactions to their activities.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I was filled with happiness when I read that a fallen devotee takes birth in family of devotees or rich people in next life. Therefore we should engage in Bhakti yoga as whatever progress we make is eternal and there is no loss.
A simple question. If a devotee falls in particular life, should he wait till next life when he gets a good parentage? Or is it possible for him to recover in the same life ?
Hare Krishna. AGTSP
Yes. Krishna consciousness is all-auspicious and even if we fall down whatever devotional service we have done sincerely is our eternal asset and will never be lost.
But we should not fall and if we do fall then we need to rectify ourselves in this life and continue with our Krishna consciousness in this life and not wait for the next life…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Divine
Yes. It is good news that whatever progress we make in Krishna consciousness is eternal and will never be lost. But we want to become Krishna conscious in this life, not fall down and wait for the next life. There is an English saying: “Trust no future no matter how pleasant.” It does sometimes happen that if we are born in the family of rich people, etc, that we may also get distracted from Krishna consciousness in that life also, and there is no guarantee that in our next life we will have such easy and direct access to such a wonderful pure devotee of Krishna as Srila Prabhupada. So it is always a risk, waiting for the next life.
And if we fall down in this life we should immediately pick ourselves up and again get ourselves back into properly following the process of Krishna consciousness. So certainly if we fall down we should not wait for the next life, we should rectify ourselves immediately and reinstate ourselves in the process of saddhana-bhakti that Srila Prabhupada is teaching us…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
mahamantra in japa beats means what?i cant able to understand?
thanks ishan and guru ji)but one thing how come we controll of our jellosy.plz give me some advice.
Hi Sandhya! Hare Krishna!
Jealousy also exists in the spiritual world. Sometimes when Krishna is seeing some other gopi, Srimate Radharani becomes very angry!
However, her jealousy is in relation to Krishna. She wants Krishna’s love and attention. So that is the way to control our jealously. As we more and more desire to have Krishna’s love and attention in return for our love and attention – then we will not care how anyone else feels about us. We will become indifferent.
So the way to control jealousy is by becoming Krishna conscious.
Actually as long as we are not Krishna conscious we will always feel that there is some lack. We will want more food, more possessions, more money, more adoration from others. There is no end to this and this is our disease. But as we become Krishna conscious, all of these hankerings will decrease gradually, until all we desire is to serve Krishna.
So keep chanting and reading. We are in the same boat. We chant and read and tolerate these other feelings with the understanding that gradually they will deminish. This deminishing is a function of our advancing in Krishna consciousness. The more we do our practice, the more we will advance.
Think about this.
I read Bhagvat Geeta in Sanskrit language when I was very young. The fact is that I did not understand the meaning at all. The reason was that my Father and Mother (always in my memory now) insisted me to read the holy grantha. Fortunately I got opportunity to study the meaning of Bhagvat Geeta in Nepali language translated by local Hindu person. I was happy that at least I could know something about the Voice of the Parameswar himself. Afterward I read some translation into Hindi , English & Nepali. I found various interpretation and meanings sometimes with controversial teachings.
Now I am reading the grantha ‘Gita as it is’ by Srila Praphupada translated into Nepali ‘Yathartha Geeta’. I am trying to understand it slowly.
You would understand it faster if you read the original in English. Original is always better than translation:
Dear Prakash,
There are hundreds of translations of Bhagavd-gita. But in almost all of them the author has not given a translation, but rather an interpretation to put forward his own philosophy. Rather than having the courage to write his won book, he is trying to put words into Krishna’s mouth.
Krishna does not require anyone’s help in that way. These authors, and all of us, need Krishna’s assistance in understanding spiritual phiosophy, but these authors cannot accept Krishna’s help. In fact they are contradicting Krishna’s message. That is a very dangerous position to take.
Srila Prabhupada’s translation is direct. It is not an interpretation. It is easy to understand because there is no word juggley. His Divine Grace is not trying to squeeze some complex meaning out of the text. Srila Prabhupada says “When Krishna says this, that is what He means. Nothing else.” Others will say, “Yes, Krishna says this, but you cannot take it literally.” Then they put forward there own ideas. That is sinful. Asura.
So you can be confident when reading Srila Prabhupada’s Gita, because He is directly representing Krishna’s heartfelt message to all of us. As you are sincere and continue to read you will understand everything and your life will be successful. You will go back to Krishna.
Please consider most seriously. Hare Krishna
hare krsna prabhu ji
its my request to you that pls send me more about krsna conciousness though you are sending news letters to my id after long gaps and i feel that its not sufficient to learn the philosophy or about krsna conciousness,I want more about behaviour,soul our body etc as we are surviving in a matrialistic world
thank you
regards jushmi
Hare Krishna Jushmi
Certainly it is not sufficient to read my emails to become Krishna Consciousness.
But surely you have seen my constant requests to PLEASE READ SRILA PRABHUPADA’S BOOKS!!!
You will find everything you are looking for and much more as well in Srila Prabhupada’s books. PLEASE READ THEM.
All I am trying to do is encourage you to read Srila Prabhupada’s books, that is how you are going to become Krishna conscious, by reading Prabhupada’s books, not by reading my emails.
I am so very busy, Srila Prabhupada and Krishna have drowned me in service, so I can not write many emails at the moment. SO PLEASE READ ALL OF SRILA PRABHUPADA’S BOOKS…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
i always chanting mahamantra but still i am in deep darkness.everytime i feel the crying of orphan child…all the sorrow…of every people.i want to wipe out the tears of all innocense pepole…you all do that help all person..then realy god krishna bless you all…..
The best way to help them is by chanting Hare Krishna and getting them to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and chant Hare Krishna… That is what they need, that will solve all their problems.
That you want to help everyone is good. But your understanding is not scientific, not clear. People are not innocent as you are saying. Krishna wants all of our suffering to stop, but we refuse to give up our suffering.
We are pure spirit. We are not this body. We are not this mind. The spirit that is covered by the influence of this body and mind by false identification experiences the suffering of this body and mind, just as we do in a dream. Krishna wants us to wake up from this dream of material existence.
But there is only one way to wake up from this dream. Krishna will remove the dream. But there is a very, very great price! We have to fall in love with Krishna. As much as we love Krishna, the influence of this dream will dissolve.
It is not that this material world does not exist. But everything here is temporary. This body, this mind – all temporary – just like a bad dream. But if we do not awaken our dormant love for Krishna, we will have another material identity life after life.So the question arises. How much longer do you want to go on in this way?
Krishna wants us. But we do not want Krishna. Therefore we are not innocent. We are choosing at every moment.
To develop our love for Krishna, we have to read His words in Gita and try to understand His instructions. And we have to chant His holy Name.
But mechanical practice is not enough. Krishna wants our love! Whatever ability we have for feeling love, we have to direct that towards Krishna with a sincere heart. That will replace 1000 years of mechanical chanting.
That is called bhakti yoga. Yoga means to connect with God. And bhakti means love. We have to connect to God with a loving heart. Then our advancement will go into high gear. Krishna is a person, and He is simply waiting for us to have a change in heart.
Please think about this deeply.
hare krishna to all of you.i realy like the way you explain realy seems me so nice.but one question always rise in my mind tht who i am and why god krishna created us.we all know that ,in everyday life we all are in deep sorrow why we can’t able to over come this????and i am feeling soo sad because india is known as god shree krishna country…bt now a days so much corruption z seen at here…he krishna please help my country……..please bless all the people in the world……………..
thank you
Dear Sandhya,
Krishna has blessed not only your country, but the whole world. We are all in the darkness of this material existence. And there is no way out. But Krishna has spoken Bhagavad-gita as an instruction manual that we can follow in order to get out.
So the blessing is there, but we have to receive it. Otherwise our request for help is not sincere.
As pure spirit we cannot suffer or experience pain. But we like sleep-walkers living the dream of identification with our present material body and mind. This bad dream is Krishna’s kindness, because it forces us to look for an answer. When we come close to Krishna the dream will not disturb us. And we will feel spiritual bliss even while still in this material world.
This opportunity to wake up from this dream is available to everyone. But not everyone will receive it. Krishna wants everyone to receive it, but He will not force us. Therefore we have to accept responsibility for our suffering in this dream in which we identify with this body and mind as ourself.
How to do this is not a secret. We simply have to read Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Krishna’s mercy is not about making life good for our selfish desires in this material world. Krishna will not do this. Krishna wants us to wake up and live with Him in the spiritual world. But we are stubborn. Therefore this suffering is necessary. Krishna has left the decision in our hands. We have to become sober and mature and make our choice.
And Krishna asks for nothing from us. All He wants is our love. How to develop that love for Krishna? Krishna personally speaks to us through Bhagavad-gita. So it is not that Krishna has turned His back on us. Krishna has approached us. We have turned our backs on Him. So we have to read Gita and everything will follow.
Thank you for considering this. Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna,
Was reading book Perfect Question and Answer, Pabhupada has mentioned four regulations principles. What are these four. so far I know is Chanting.
Om Prakash
Keep reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and you will discover everything.
Four regulative principles are: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication.
Hare Krishna.
I recently read about the difference between Vaikuntha and Goloka Vrindavana.
I am just wondering whether the residents of Vaikuntha have access to Goloka Vrindavana. And is the other way round possible?
Waiting for the reply
Hare Krishna.AGTSP
Hare Krishna Divine
The mood of Vaikuntha and the mood of Goloka Vrindavan is quite different. In Vaikuntha the residents worship Lord Visnu in the mode of awe and reverence, as one would worship a great personality like a king but in Goloka Vrindavan it is very different. There the mood is like in Vrindavan as we read in Srila Prabhupada’s Krishna book. There Krishna is a cowherd boy and He is served by His parents and His cowherd boyfriends and the gopis. So in Goloka Vrindavan actually no one really knows that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, so that worship in awe and reverence that is in Vaikuntha is not really there in Goloka Vrindavan at all. In Goloka Vrindavan the cowherd boyfriends of Krishna just consider that Krishna is one of their friends. Of course Krishna is the center of everyone’s attention. So He is everyone’s very special friend. But they are not thinking of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are thinking of Krishna as their friend. And sometimes they fight with Krishna in play-fighting, and sometimes they defeat Krishna also.
So in Goloka Vrindavan there is maya also. Here in the material world we have maha-maya, and maha-maya covers our intelligence and bewilders us into thinking that we are these material bodies and enables us to completely forget our eternal loving relationship with Krishna. In Goloka-Vrindava they have yoga-maya, that is also covering their intelligence, so they do not know that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But the yoga-maya enriches the pastimes of Krishna and enhances the loving relationships the devotees have with Krishna in the spiritual world.
These things are very elaborately described in Srila Prabhupada’s books so the best way to properly understand them is by studying Srila Prabhupada’s books.
As far as if the residents of Vaikuntha have access to Goloka Vrindavan, no they don’t. The qualifications for entering Goloka Vrindavan and the qualifications for entering the Vaikuntha planets are different. The residents of Goloka Vrindavan have no interest in the Vaikuntha planets. They are not so impressed with Visnu. They love Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
Please tell me what are the rules to be followed after wearing a kanti mala and the benefits of wearing a kanthi mala. And can we consume onion, garlic and tea after wearing kanti mala. Is there any side effects if the required rules are not strictly followed.
Kindly clarify.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Bidyut
To wear kunti mala you have to be a devotee, a Krishna bhakta, and that means that you do not eat anything that is not first offered to Krishna, so you can not offer tea to Krishna, you can not offer anything with onion or garlic to Krishna. So there is no question of a devotee of Krishna drinking tea or consuming onions or galic because he will never touch anything not offered to Krishna. And yes, it is offensive to do non-devotional things wearing tulsi neck beads. And there will be bad reactions to this.
The benefits of wearing tulsi neck beads are that Srimati Tulsi devi is a pure devotee of Krishna, so when we are wearing the neck beads around our neck we are directly associating with a pure devotee of Krishna. And it is a sign to others and more importantly it is a reminder to ourselves that we belong to Krishna, that we are Krishna’s…
But it is only for devotees. If one is drinking tea and eating garlic and onions it is not for him.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna,
Am interested in reading bhagavad gita.recently i downloaded bagavad gita.started reading.but in that,for better understndng gita.instead of reading gita, it is better to listen from the person,who already understood gita.suggest me which is the better way to in dat nly says “whn krishna is telling arjuna just listened it and undrstd those thngs.”.if so…suggest me some online gita sitesto listen..
Hare Krishna Raju
You can read Bhagavad-gita As It Is online at:
That has Srila Prabhupada’s explanations [purports], so as you read it Prabhupada will explain it to you.
And you can listen to Srila Prabhupada speak on the Bhagavad-gita at:
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Radhey Krishna,
I have read your newsletter and it was by krishna’s grace.
I have a simple question to ask. Krishna’s says death is decided as per our previous karma but those people who commits suicides neither go to hell nor heaven, as per garuda puran, and remained in the earth till their allotted time is completed.
I just simply want to know is committing suicide happens as per our previous karma’s or is it a sudden decision that makes the person suffer after death by giving punishments…
Please, help me and what Bhagawat Gita says on this.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Bidyut
We always have a limited amount of independence. We can always, at any moment choose between serving Krishna and serving maya. So if we choose to serve Krishna then there is no question of committing suicide or any other sinful activity. So committing suicide or any other sinful activity is a result of us misusing our independence. It may have something to do with our past karma as well but our past karma can be changed if we use our independence to serve Krishna instead of serving maya.
People would not commit suicide if they had the knowledge that the situation they would be put into after committing suicide was thousands of times worse than the situation that caused them to do it. So people do this also because of ignorance, they do not know what they are doing and what the consequences will be.
A person who commits suicide may, as you say, be forced to be a ghost for some time, but he will go to hell also. Krishna has given us this material body to be used in His service. It is not our body actually, it is Krishna’s body and we are supposed to be using it to serve Krishna with. So if we destroy Krishna’s body like this then that is a great sin and we will have to suffer in hell for a long time to atone for this sin. So after being a ghost the person who commits suicide will also go to hell.
Bhagavad-gita does not say specifically what happens when a person commits suicide. It is an introductory book that is giving the general principles on spiritual life. So there is no verse in the Bhagavad-gita that specifically states what happens when one commits suicide.
But we know these things because we have heard them from Srila Prabhupada and the results of untimely death like this are discussed in Srimad-Bhagavatam. In the Bhagavatam also you can find out all the gory details of the hells that a person who commits suicide will be sent to…
The most important point to understand is we are not this material body, the body is Krishna’s and it is meant to be engaged in the service of Krishna and if we destroy this body then that is a very great sin and we will suffer terribly as a result of that sin, and that suffering will the thousands of times more than the suffering that caused us to consider committing suicide.
We have to know this material world is a place of misery and death and not be surprised if sometimes we encounter some frustration and suffering here. That is the nature of the material world: a place of suffering and anxiety and death.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krsna prabhu.. PAMHO, AGTSP
Since feb…. my progress towards KC has increased, still long way to go…. by krsna’s arrangement progress became faster without hurdle as parents went to native place so they could not stop me, though my family incessantly telling to leave this drama…they say now limit is crossing do puja-path, chanting whatever but stop doing ekadashi & preparing bhog as they will not be able to leave non veg items, onion, garlic, tea all this. …as parents were away since march i started learning cooking and prepare bhog.. and started doing ekadashi. but my service to krsna and prabhupada in offering the food is not perfect. my kitchen is not proper… my brothers cook chicken very often and dont hv sense of cleanliness…but i try my best when i cook for krsna..i clean everything even stoves i hav bought separate kadai for making only veg items..but not at the stage where i can change all utensils in ktichen and making it perfect ,i am the youngest one in home.. no one listens to me and no one is devotee. as far as cleanliness is concerned while cooking bhog i try my best but i know this is not perfect but i cook out of love, i dont cook for myself or for any other. wat do u sugest , apart from little imperfection in kitchen should i continue preparing bhog.
hare krsna
Hare Krishna Sonika
It is very, very good news to hear that Krishna is making special arrangements in your life which make it easier for you to serve Him and Srila Prabhupada. You can see like this that all these things like your family members going to the native place and leaving you alone for chanting Hare Krishna and cooking for Prabhupada and Krishna, etc. It is all Krishna’s arrangement, and it is a chance for you to become stronger in Krishna consciousness. So it is all very good.
The thing is to always speak very sweetly with the family members and not unnecessary agitate them or unnecessary criticize your brother for cooking chicken, etc. Just be very pleasant and do not disagree with them but at the same time do not take any notice at all whatsoever about what they are telling you to do. So they may tell you to do all terrible things and you don’t have to protest, you can just smile sweetly and have a humble mood. Which will make them somewhat peaceful, but actually you do not listen to a word that they say and you just continue with your Krishna consciousness without any break and without any stop.
And make nicer and nicer offerings for Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and feed the family members like your brother and others with the sumptuous Krishna prasadam. He should feel so satisfied from honoring Krishna prasadam that the idea of eating chicken will never come into his mind again. This is more powerful preaching. It is not very effective to jump up and down and tell the family members to stop eating meat. That will not work. But if you simply make very nice offerings to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and feed the family with sumptuous Krishna prasadam then automatically they will all become devotees.
So your becoming Krishna conscious is most auspicious for not only yourself but for your family members as well. They are all benefiting from your Krishna consciousness. If just you become a pure devotee of Krishna and the rest of the family members remain complete materialists still by the strength of your devotional service all the family members for seven generations or more will be liberated and will be going back home back to Godhead. So Krishna consciousness is so powerful and so auspicious. And many of your family members will become more open to Krishna consciousness as time goes on and will become much more favorable and some may even become devotees also. Particularly if you feed them up with nice Krishna prasadam.
So even if sometimes they are a little annoyed and a little angry at you it does not matter. You just peacefully listen to their complaints and smile like you are very sorry and it will never happen again. But of course you completely ignore everything they say and keep on chanting Hare Krishna even more… They are an Indian family and in the hearts of the Indians Krishna consciousness is there. So they know actually that you are doing the right thing, they know that Krishna consciousness is the traditional Indian way, and really they will not stop you from chanting Hare Krishna, and cooking the bhoga for Prabhupada and Krishna, and they will accept the Krishna Prasadam from you. Even the Indians may be most sinful and not following any regulative principles at all they still have a feeling for Krishna and a feeling for devotional service and they believe in the power of prasadam….
So do not worry. Actually to take birth in India one has to be very, very pious and has to have performed so many auspicious activities. So your family members have a history of spiritual life, if not in this life, in their previous lives, and that spiritual life can be easily reawakened.
So do not worry, do not be discouraged by anything, just do your best in the kitchen. Make everything as clean as possible and just do what you can and Srila Prabhupada and Krishna will accept the sincerity in your heart with which you are doing these things. Krishna accepts the love we put into the offerings we make Him actually. Krishna is not really hungry. He does not need us to feed Him. But He is truly happy when we take some grains and vegetables and fruits and prepare them very nicely for Him and offer them to Him. Actually all these things are Krishna’s anyhow. Krishna owns everything. So we are just offering to Krishna the things that belong to Him anyhow. But it is the love that we have voluntary made these things for Krishna and Prabhupada, rather than just making something for ourselves. So it is a very subtle thing. Krishna has given us a little independence. At any moment we can freely choose between serving Krishna and serving maya. We are servants eternally. We have to serve, and there are only two masters: Krishna and maya. So our little independence is we can choose our master: Krishna or maya. And if we use this free choice and out of love for Krishna choose Krishna as our master and reject all the temptations and nonsense of maya then Krishna is truly pleased with us. Krishna loves us more than we can possibly love Him. The Christians have a saying that if you take one step towards God then God will take ten steps towards you. So it is like that with Krishna also. He is more anxious to help us to serve Him than we are anxious to serve Him.
You know there is a verse in the Bhagavad-gita: annanyas cintayno man ye jananh paryaposate tesam nityam biyuktanam yogac sheman vahame aham. Krishna is telling Arjuna that “for My devotees I preserve what they have and I personally carry to them what they need.” And this is really very true and I have personally experienced this in my life many times. If we really surrender to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and we make some grand plan to serve Srila Prabhupada, even though that grand play may seem impossible and it may be unimaginable to us how we could ever do such a thing, but if we just surrender to Prabhupada and if Prabhupada and Krishna like the plan then you will see Krishna knocking on your door carrying the things you need to you to carry out that plan.
I could tell you many stories how Krishna has carried things to me. When I only half-heatedly have an idea to do something for Prabhupada even. Like many years ago in Sydney I had an idea to print the Back to Godhead magazine in the way Prabhupada wanted it printed. It was really not a very serious plan but Krishna wanted it. I went to the charity shop that sells second hand clothing and they had a very good, very expensive printing press and plate maker there which they were selling for $50 for both things. It was worth about $5000. This doesn’t happen. So I could see that this was Krishna carrying the printing press to me because he wanted me to use it to print the Back to Godheads… So I purchased it for $50 and started printing the Back to Godhead Magazine and distributing it in Sydney and within a few months it had become a full color magazine and I was somehow printing and distribution 7000 copies every two months. It is just on example of doing seemingly impossible things just because when you sincerely try to do something for Srila Prabhupada Krishna get very excited actually. He likes it. And He really does carry everything you need to you personally…
There is no shortage of anything, Krishna is the owner of everything, and Krishna can give us anything and everything if we were just actually surrendered souls, servants of Srila Prabhupada. The only shortage is a shortage of Krishna consciousness. And that shortage can be remedied by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna! Divine,
I think that if you continue to do nicely in your school work, or even more nicely, then they will be convinced that the chanting of japa will not hurt your studies. And if you do even more nicely in your studies, then they may be enthusiastic for you to continue chanting. Because they are materialistic therefore they are thinking only of your material progress, out of concern over your material advancement in this lifetime. But once they they see that chanting is not going to hurt your material advancement, then they will not mind and consider it as not harmful to your material life.Then when you are legally old enough to make your own decisions, you can do whatever you like in that regard. Becoming materially qualified is not a bad idea, because all of these qualifications can be used in Krishna’s service one way or another. Unless you are very advanced and want only to preach Krishna Consciousness. In the meantime, consider yourself fortunate that your parents allow you to chant and attend to your studies in a nice way. I am not self-realized. I am just a neophyte devotee. But as an older person who has been though all that you are thinking about, that is my suggestion.
hare krsna prabhuji
i got your reply and make me feel good.another thing today i want to ask you though i am following krsna consciouness but in my family nobody likes it as they cant give up or unable to accept family members are still non vege. and sometimes i have to cook for them to make them satisfied.and still i have not give up using garlic and onion in my food but yes i can and once i tried also but my husband who is totally against this ask me to cook separately and make separate kitchen.So do you think it create any problem mainly using garlic and onion in my meals though i am regularly doing reading japs etc.
another thing yes i really want to share that after accepting krsna conciousness i really feel more positive and stable .I am able to understand the real meaning of life.and the books and newsletters always give inspiration to me.
Hare Krishna Jushmi
You just have to learn how to cook for Krishna nicely and your husband will very much enjoy the Krishna prasadam. You can not offer anything to Krishna with onions and garlic. So you can not cook with it. But if your husband must have it then you can chop some up separately and not offer it to Krishna and your husband can mix it in. But you have to learn how to cook for Krishna and Srila Prabhupada so it is so nice that they accept it and your husband will also find it to be very nice.
As far as cooking meat there is no question of cooking meat for them. If they want meat let them cook it for themselves outside of the house. Or at least you do not cook it for them. That is a very basic thing and you are from the Indian culture and this cooking for Krishna and not eating meat is the Indian culture so your family, even if they are not following themselves, will not force you to go against the traditional Indian culture if you point this out to them.
They know it is sinful to kill animals to eat them, when there are perfectly good grains and milk products and vegetables and fruits available. So all you have to do is point out these things and point out that this is the ‘Hindu dharma’ and at least if they will not follow it themselves, you want to follow it yourself, and you are not going to bother them if they do not want to follow, but they can not expect you to cook meat or cook with onions and garlic…
Anyhow you know best how to communicate these things to your family members. Sometimes there may be some imperfections. But we have to always strive for perfection, even though in reality we may be far from perfection…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I am happy as now my parents have allowed me to chant 4-6 rounds everyday. Before even chanting one time was not allowed but now it has changed. This clearly shows that Krishna is very merciful and Krishna consciousness is dormant in every heart.
Could you tell me how I can gradually convince my parents to allow me to chant 16 rounds and also that this chanting wont affect my studies?
You have to use your own brain, your own intelligence. That is why Krishna gave you a brain…
hare krsna
thankyou for your one more question for you so that i can clear my doubts.while chanting how can i meditate properly.though i am able to complete 16 rounds not regularly but yes most of the time i am able to do and it took lots of time.but my problem is that i cant do chanting in one place by prabhu ji suggest me how can i do.And what time it is best to do chanting and what is the need of chanting in krsna conciousness?
Hare Krishna Jushmi
It is very good news that mostly you are able to complete the chanting of 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra each day. In the beginning as you are experiencing it may take a long time, this is natural, but as you become more practiced at it it will take less time, but still it is going to take 2-3 hours each day, even when you are practiced at it. But spending 2-3 hours out of 24 hours in each day chanting Hare Krishna is not much. Anyhow as devotees we like to get out of bed early in the mornings, typically before 4:00 am, so it is easy after some practice to chant 16 rounds in the morning like this.
So do not worry that it takes a long time to chant 16 rounds, just chant 16 rounds. And do not worry if you can not do it all sitting in one place. Some devotees do like this, sitting in one place, but many devotees also walk around while chanting Hare Krishna. Actually it is said that there are no hard and fast rules in regard to chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. So the important thing is that you chant the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day and it does not matter how long it take or if you chant sitting down or walking around or any way at all you find it is good for you to chant.
The chanting of Hare Krishna is good at any time at all. Best is to chant Hare Krishna 24 hours a day although that is not really possible for us, at least not at the moment. Of all the times throughout the day the brahma-muhurta, the period that starts 1.5 hours before sunrise is the most auspicious time of the day and this time is the best time for all spiritual activities.
So Srila Prabhupada established the system in ISKCON that the devotees would get out of bed before 4:00 AM and attend Mangal Aroti at 4:30 AM and after that they would chant japa on their beads and after that greet the Deities with kirtan then hear Srimad-Bhagavatam class then take breakfast prasadam then go about the daily activities.
So this idea of getting out of bed before 4:00 AM, taking bath and then engaging in spiritual activities like offering Mangal Aroti and chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books is a very, very good program to get into. It is a very nice program. We can be fully engaged in spiritual activities from 4:30 to 8:30 say, and in that time we can chant 16 rounds, offer Mangal-aroti and read Prabhupada’s books, and that becomes a very good start to the day and it means that we are awake and fully engaged in spiritual activities all through the brahma-muhurta, the most auspicious time of the day for spiritual activities. So this is the best system. Early morning. Of course even if we have this early morning spiritual program we can go on throughout the day serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. There is no limit. The goal is to chant Hare Krishna mantra 24 hours a day and to read the Srimad-Bhagavatam 24 hours a day. Of course we may not be able to achieve this but that is what we should be trying for…
So do not be discouraged by any difficulties or problems, rather expect that maya will present you will so many difficulties and problems as you try to become Krishna conscious. But you will always be able to overcome these obstacles maya puts in your path simply by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krsna madhudvisa ji
i m reading and try to understand your newsletter every day .Iam chanting and reading bhagvatgita regularly but my problem is that nobody likes it in my home.i had give up all non vege and stated to follow here i was not able to understand why people have great objection to follow krsna conciousness?in krsna conciousness why we cant worship other demigods?
Hare Krishna Jushmi
It is very good you have taken to Krishna consciousness and do not worry that others may not like it. That is natural. Krishna consciousness means surrendering to Krishna, serving Krishna, instead of the selfish self-centered lifestyle that most people are interested in. So it is a challenge to them to see someone becoming Krishna conscious and becoming disinterested in all the things that they are madly addicted to like meat eating, sex, intoxication, etc. So people object to following Krishna consciousness because following Krishna consciousness means giving up sense gratification and they are completely addicted to sense gratification… That is the problem.
There are always two types of people, the divine and the demoniac. There are also innocent people who can be influenced either way depending on who they associate with. But there are only two ways of life, serving maya and serving Krishna. So one who has surrendered to maya and is a very faithful servant of maya will fell challenged by someone who is trying to surrender to Krishna and serve Krishna.
But you should know it for sure and very certainly that in becoming a devotee of Krishna you are on the right path. Serving Krishna is our natural eternal constitutional position. It is only in this natural position of rendering service to Krishna that we can be happy. It is not possible to be happy in any other way. For the materialistic persons who are addicted to sex, intoxication, meat eating, etc, their lives are always full of suffering and anxiety. They can never be happy until they come to Krishna consciousness.
So do not worry that people may object to your becoming Krishna conscious. Just continue becoming more and more Krishna conscious. People will respect you for it and ultimately some of your friends and family members may also join you in becoming Krishna conscious. But really it does not matter what other people think. The only important thing is that we become pure devotees of Krishna ourselves for we can not help anyone else if we do not help ourselves first. First we have to learn how to become strong and competent swimmers ourselves, then we can think of trying to save a drowning man.
As far as the demigods as devotees of Krishna we have no disrespect for the demigods. We know they are servants of Krishna and engaged in their respective services in the material world and thus we offer our respects to the demigods. But they are not god like Krishna is God. The demigods are just like you and me, ordinary living entities, it is just that due to there penances and austerities and advancement they have been promoted to the higher planets and have taken birth in the bodies of demigods and have been given by Krishna some responsibilities in regard to the management of this universe.
So it is a mistake to worship the demigods as god. They are not god, they are simply powerful living entities, just like you and me, but they have become much more qualified and powerful within the material world than you and me.
You have to remember that the demigods are also within the material world and while they do have some power in regard to things within the material world they are not liberated themselves. They are still trapped within the material world themselves. So the demigods can not help us get out of the material world because they are still within the material world themselves.
So we offer our respects to the demigods as we offer our respects to other devotees who are engaged in the service of Krishna, but we do not make the mistake, as many do in India, of considering the demigods and Krishna on the same level. They are not on the same level at all. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead but the demigods with the exception of Lord Shiva are living entities just like us, although more advanced. We can also become demigods but we can never become Lord Krishna or Lord Shiva.
As far as Lord Shiva he is described as being Krishna transformed in contact with the material energy in the same way that milk is transformed into yoghurt in the contact of something sour. Krishna is like the milk and Shiva is like the yoghurt. Yoghurt is only milk, it is made from milk only, but once the milk is transformed into yoghurt it then takes on properties that are completely different from milk. And once the milk has been turned into yoghurt you can never turn it back into milk.
So Lord Shiva is like this. He is not like the other demigods, he is not an ordinary living entity, but at the same time, although he is Krishna transformed by the contract of the material energy, like the yoghurt can not act as milk, Shiva can not act as Krishna.
The idea is that yes, we are dependent on the demigods for supplying us with the necessities of life like water, air, sunshine, moonshine, etc. So we do have a debt to the demigods but the demigods are all servants of Krishna so if we worship the master of the demigods, Lord Krishna, then automatically all the demigods will be very satisfied with us and Krishna will be satisfied with us. Actually through worshiping Krishna everyone becomes pleased. So there is no need whatsoever to worship anyone except Krishna because when we worship Krishna everyone else is included.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
As a resident of India, nowadays people everywhere are encouraging others to donate all organs like kidney, eyes after death. Some people also give some evidence from scriptures saying that scriptures recommend donation of organs after death.
I would kindly like to know if such donation is actually recommended in the scriptures? Is the soul affected in any way?
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Divine
Actually at the time of death the soul leaves the body so it does not matter what happens to the body after death. However as you know the system in India is that the body is burned after death and this is a good system. Because sometimes the soul is overly attached to the body and the bodily relations so if they body is not destroyed soon after death then the soul may hang around as a ghost which is not good for him. So it is better to follow the traditional Indian way and burn the body as soon as possible after death.
As far as the scriptures recommending the donation of bodily parts after death there is no such recommendation in the scriptures at all.
You have to be very careful with this and personally I would never agree to donate any body parts after death. This is a big business which people make a lot of money out of and they become very anxious to get the body parts and the body parts are better actually if the person has not yet died. So it has happened in many countries that when people who have signed these forms to donate their bodily parts happen to be in hospital for some reason and if there is a demand for their body parts then some criminal people may just take the body parts and let the person die. This has happened so many times in many countries so I would suggest that you do not agree to donate your body parts after death.
But strictly speaking, apart from this problem that they may take your body parts before your body is actually dead, I don’t think there is any actual prohibition for such a thing in the scriptures, but there is no recommendation for it either.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna dear Madhudvisa dasa ,i am not clear of your veiw over the issue of donating body parts or eyes after death .if a normal person or even a krishna conciouss devotee wants to donate after death then whats the problem?its a sign of deattachment from the body and moreover it will be also considered as punya or good deed i think .releiving any blind person from his blindness by donating in a good eye donation centre is pious work .i think every body should pledge his/her own eyes but remaining in concioussness .the body is temporary will be destroyed but wats wrong in relieving any one from his suffering .wats your view?
There is no point in asking me a question if you are not going to accept my answer is there?
So find someone who you think is greater than you. Someone you think knows things better than you know them and ask him and accept the answer.
If you don’t know something you have to find out someone who knows it, someone who you respect, someone when they answer your question you will accept their answer.
I do not have any views. Views are useless. Who cares what is my view. I can have my view and you can have your view and they are completely useless.
Therefore I do not speak my view. I speak the Vedic knowledge coming in the disciplic succession down to me from Srila Prabhupada.
So as I have already explained to you according to the Vedic system the body has to be cremated very soon after death. Before sunset for example on the day of the death. And that is for a good reason. If the body is not destroyed the soul tends to hang around the body as a ghost and that is inauspicious for everyone. So the Vedic system of observing the death of someone is that the body must be cremated. So there is no question of being able to donate body parts if the body has to be cremated is there?
Why can’t you understand these simple things?
Everything in the Vedic culture is there for a reason and we have to follow it. So we have to follow cremation, burning the body, at the time of death, that is the Vedic system, so if the body is burnt then there is no question about donating body parts. They are all ashes. So that is the authoritative Vedic answer to your question, not my opinion, and if anyone tells you anything else they are wrong.
You do not know anything… “What’s wrong with relieving someone from his suffering?” You don’t understand karma. We suffer because of the sinful activities we perform in the past. No one can relieve anyone else of their suffering… Why don’t you read Prabhupada’s books Prabhu? If you just seriously read Prabhupada’s books you will understand everything correctly… These are very basic fundamental points and you have no idea at all…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
In 2.39 of Bhagavad Gita, Krishna advises Arjuna to Work without Fruitive Results.
My doubt is as follows.
Whether ” Working without Fruitive Results” is Devotional Service.
Hare Krishna Magesh
Working without fruitive results means working out of duty without any attachment to the results that come from that work. The materialists are completely opposite to this. They work at things because they are very attached to the result they will get out of the work. So this working out of duty without any attachment to the fruitive results is not actually devotional service as such. It is in the mode of goodness which may create a conducive atmosphere for taking to devotional service.
Devotional service is working for Krishna under the direction of Krishna’s pure devotee. Surrendering to Krishna, working for Krishna. So as you continue reading the Bhagavad-gita you will see that ultimately this is what Krishna advises Arjuna to do and it is what Arjuna ends up doing. Surrendering to Krishna and working for Krishna. That is devotional service.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna
y is it tht we shld chant hare krishna? y is krishna nly the supreme man of ths brahman?
i have many doubts in my mind might b because i haven’t studied gita..pls help me out
jai shree krishna
Hare Krishna Archi
Please read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you can purchase it at and you can read it online at or
If you have questions while reading it or problems understanding it then feel free to ask your questions here. But you have to make the effort to read Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, otherwise how can you expect to understand anything?
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Namaskaar. Thanks for the introductory newsletter. Received it 2 times in 2 days though. Await the next
One question : What does AC in Prabhupada’s name stand for?
Thank you
Abhay Charan, Fearless at the lotus feet of Krishna.
Hare Krishna Swamiji!
Firstly many congratulations on a new look & feel of the website! Its good!
The recent natural disaster in the state of Uttarakhand (Dev Bhoomi) is a reminder from Lord that nature is ruthless but has lots of patience and gives more than adequate ‘free will’ for mankind to amend its ways. That’s ‘God’ That’s Krishna! There are several such instances in Mahabharata where Lord Krishna gave more than adequate chance for ‘mad folks’ to mend ways, when nothing worked destruction followed.
So sooner we get in harmony with nature and respect it, the better it would be and what could be better way to learn than as told by Lord himself in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita!
Even the holy temple of ‘Kedarnath’ was not spared by nature – its a very strong message to humankind – don’t seek gods in temples:
‘Vyãsa Uvãcha
Vãsanaadh Vãsudevasya Vasitam Bhuvanatrayam
Sarva Bhoota Nivasosi Vasudeva Namosthuthe
There is Lord Vasudeva in every living being – if you are good to others & are harmonious with nature it good enough for the Lord. No need for torturing yourself to reach god, he is always with you, in you, just use the vacuum cleaner called as ‘Shrimad Bhagwat Gita’ to dust yourself find your friend, guide and philosopher Shri Krishna!
Kãyena Vãchã Manasendriyerva Budhyãtma Nãva Prakruté Swabhãvath
Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai Narãyanãyetu Samarpayãmi
Surrender and experience the bliss of life being transformed.
Shri Krishnarpanamastu!
Hare Krishna Prabhu!
Prabhu how much time and at what time of day we should read B.G for maximum benefit?
Hare Krishna Prabhu
There are two main instructions for this. Nityam bhagavata sevaya. One should read the Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita nityam, it means constantly, 24 hours a day and also kirtanya sada hari, one should chant the Hare Krishna mantra always, 24 hours a day constantly. Of course for us it is not possible to both read and chant 24 hours a day. But this should be our goal. At least we have to be constantly engaged in devotional service, Krishna consciousness, 24 hours a day.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna to everyone.
I recently visited Shri Shri Krishna Balram mandir in Vrindavan, India and I saw Swami Prabhupada’s special cooker in which he could cook 3 items at once. Can anybody give me an idea where can I buy a cooker like this in India? Also small desription on how he could cook all three items at once. I can pic of that..if some body wants I can post it with due permission.
Forgive me if I shouldn’t ask such a question
Hare Krishna
Hare krishana prabhu ji
i want to share my little knowledgeable views through you that in today’s life 85% people are living aimlessly. we need to organize them in a loop and help them with guidance.
there are lot of issues for this happenings but if we starts from today by guiding in accerlerating asending order multiples this percentage will come difinitly come down and most of the poeple will find their realy life aim.
best regards
raj kumar – sewak
By proffession i m a teacher. i met my very old friend after seventeen years the last month May2013.i m very happy to see him .my past comes back as a surprise because i like him very much at the present time also(not in a wrong way)though i m married.He told me that he is now a devotee of ISKCON.i met him and talk with him and i shared my some personal problems with him n the person talk with me so positively about all the problems that i had decided to surrender myself.i had give up eating non vege,start doing worship regularly,keeping fast on ekadasi n chanting also.
now my question is that did i had done the right thing to surrender my self on the suggestion of my friend ?i would also like to tell u that after meeting him i m feeling very positive .Every one was surprise to hear n see that i give up eating non vege.foods.Now pls suggest me how can i tell them that i m following Iskcon?still i had not told my husband also?
Hare Krishna Jushmi
Make sure you are following the right person… Get some of Srila Prabhupada’s books and read them and give them to your husband to read also and together you can discover the wonders of the real ancient culture of India. The real treasure of India. You will find that in Prabhupada’s books. It is no good to follow ISKCON, you have to follow Srila Prabhupada. So you have to find out what Srila Prabhupada is teaching you, so you need to read his books…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna ….
Sir u giving me first newsletter that’s very good.but i have to know about relation god with me.if i think i am devotee of krishna and radhey that’s true in my knowledge but my any work are complete in very difficult manner why this is for many trouble i faced in everywork its good or bad .i don’t know please give direction for future.
Keep reading the newsletters and read Srila Prabhupada’s books. You will find out.
I am the unfortunate son of two atheists. I tried to make my parents read BG As It Is but they openly refused saying that they have no interest! They read newspapers for 2 hours but not BG for even one second. Could you please give me some tips on how to convince my materialistic parents to become Krishna conscious by some quotes or some other way?
I need it quickly as they have totally obstructed me from progressing in spiritual life by making rules like no chanting and compulsory meat eating,etc.
Please note that my parents think that because ISCKON is corrupt, Srila Prabhupada is also corrupt and chanting is a waste of time(thoughts of rascals). I would also need some guidance to convince them that Srila Prabhupada is very very pure.
Eagerly waiting for your reply.
Hare Krishna. Jai Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna Divine
You don’t have to convince your parents and you can not actually convince atheists about Krishna consciousness, at least not by preaching to them like this. There three types of people: the innocent, the envious and the devotees. We want to associate with the devotees, preach to the innocent and avoid the envious.
As far as rules like ‘no chanting’ and compulsory meat eating, obviously you can not follow such rules. So just don’t follow these rules. Chant Hare Krishna and only eat Krishna prasadam. You know we have to follow these things, and we have to become determined to follow them and follow them no matter what obstacles are put in our way. So just do it. Just chant Hare Krishna and don’t eat any meat. I think if your parents see you are determined on these points they will give up tormenting you on these points. Even if they keep complaining, who cares. Don’t take any notice of them.
But you can’t actually preach to people who are not at least a little bit interested in hearing from you about Krishna. They have to be a little interested, a little submissive, then we can preach to them. Otherwise there is no point preaching to them, they will just get more angry and offensive if we preach. In those cases we can encourage them to read one of Srila Prabhupada’s books, we can get them to accept prasadam, and we can get them to somehow or other chant Hare Krishna and hear the chanting of Hare Krishna. These things will purify them gradually and they will eventually become a bit interested in the philosophy and want to know something about it. At that time you can preach to them. But not when they have no interest in hearing about Krishna….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
To be honest I believe in god but I wanted to know more about ramayana & mahabharath, is a Myth or true.
It is true.
hare krishna ..
prabhu did prabhu pad encouraged brahmachari(who will never marry and become sanyasis) system for devotees in youth?
thank you very much
Yes Prabhu. Srila Prabhupada instructs that all young male devotees must strictly practice brahmacary life. This is not just for those who will not marry, brahmacary is for every young man, even if he plans to get married still he must practice as a strict brahmacary in his youth. That will build his character and strength and determination. The idea is that it is best to remain brahmacary for the whole life but in reality most young men will end up getting married at some point and that is also perfectly OK. They can marry a devotee girl and together practice Krishna consciousness and bring nice Krishna conscious children into the world. But of course there is great danger of falling into maya in this way so it is best if one can to remain brahmacary throughout the whole life.
Of course in reality now we are in the midst of the craziness of Kali-Yuga it is very hard to find any real brahmacary who has never had sex life. But still we have to at least give up sex life and refrain from it. For most of us this is the most difficult problem but if we are to advance in Krishna consciousness and get free from the shackles of maya then we have to conquer this sex desire…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hari bol !! thank you very much… that is all i wanted to know..
While chanting, I produce hissing sound sometimes while chanting Krsna. This helps me concentrate on mantra but one of my friends was telling that I should not do this sound. Is this sinful and should I stop doing this?
Hare Krishna. Jay Srila Prabhupada
You have to chant the 16 words and hear them clearly that is all. There is no hissing in it… Just:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
No hissing…
Respected Prabhu
Thank you for news letter. i have taken a copy of Bhagvat Gita as it is and started reading it. Please give me your valuable guidance to understand it and follow it in my life.
Thank you prabhu. Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Manish
It is very good you are reading Bhagavad-Gita. It is very important that you have Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is, the 1972 Complete Edition. That is the book you want to read and it is available at
There are many translations of Bhagavad-gita but only Srila Prabhupada’s gita is “as it is”. Generally the people who translate and comment on the Bhagavad-gita have their own ideas and philosophy and they inject that into their translation and commentary on the gita. So really they are cheating. They are not presenting the Bhagavad-gita as it was spoken by Krishna and understood by Arjuna, but they are presenting their own ideas and their own philosophy in the guise of the Bhagavad-gita.
This is because Krishna and His Bhagavad-gita are very famous and if one publishes a “Bhagavad-gita” then people will be interested. But if he writes his own book on philosophy no one will be interested in him. Actually the people are interested in Krishna, so these demons use the Bhagavad-gita as a show but actually they have no real interest in what Krishna is teaching to Arjuna or what Arjuna is understanding from Krishna. They are only interested in somehow twisting everything so they can use this conversation between Krishna and Arjuna to convince the reader of their own philosophy.
This has been done by practically every translator and commenter in virtually every Bhagavad-gita that is available today except Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
So please get Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is and read that and you will find that in the purports Srila Prabhupada is personally giving his valuable guidance as to how you can understand the Bhagavad-gita and how you can apply it in your life. So please read Srila Prabhupada’s purports and you will find all the valuable information directly from him, how you can understand Bhagavad-gita As It Is and apply it in your life.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
I have a query which has been bothering me for sometime & would be obliged if you can guide me from spirituality standpoint. Everything that we see is created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead – Shri Krishna – whether good, bad or ugly for e.g.,
If I have committed a sin in any of my lives & I have to cleanse it to reach his lotus feet – why was the sin committed at the first place? We are all his child (Shri Krishna is our prapitamaha) so why didn’t he restrict me at the first place before I committed the ‘sin’? I would never allow my child to commit any sin right in front of my eyes – would anyone do? No!
Liquor, illicit sex, consuming non-veg are all sinful – then why was that ‘sense’ created at the first place? Our scriptures mention of ‘som rasa’, prostitution is one of the oldest trades etc. If marriages are carried out as per the rituals (vidhi vidhan) then why commit adultery – aren’t the rituals powerful enough?
So why did god allow ‘dilution’ to come into being at the first place? If the root cause of action is destroyed, then everything will be blissful? Doesn’t God want each one of us to reach his lotus feet?
More importantly, if enjoying is sinful (liquor, illicit sex, non-veg food are all so attractive to human beings and they are in the market because there is a demand, which means its being consumed) why cant god destroy this from the root? What restricts him from doing this?
Evil always initially succeeds and then the good has to fight back to regain its position – this is true even in case of gods – Shri Rama, Shri Krishna everyone…In case of Shri Rama, why couldn’t god keep it simple & could have given wisdom to Manthara / Ravana or similarly in case of Mahabharata Dhritarashtra could have been given a firm resolve by God to tame Duryodhana… so much bloodshed could have been avoided?
Why was the evil required? Why ‘good’ always has to fight back – good is good – so it has to succeed at the first time, but it seldom does! Why?
May please help & guide!
Hare Krishna Achyut
You have to understand that we and Krishna are the same in quality, only Krishna is unlimitedly great and we are unlimitedly small. So as Krishna is ulmimitedly independent we are also in a very limited way independent. Krishna will not take this independence away from us. It is part of us. We are all eternally parts and parcels of Krishna and our business is to serve Krishna. We can only actually be happy by serving Krishna. That is our natural constitutional position. But our relationship with Krishna is one of love. So love means that both the lover and the beloved are independent and they are in love with each other. You can not force someone to love you, so Krishna also does not force us to love Him.
The thing is that we are like Krishna in quality but we are very tiny and Krishna is very great. But sometimes we become envious of Krishna’s position as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Controller, the master of everyone. And we want to become the enjoyer like Krishna is the enjoyer. But actually we are not the enjoyer. Our constitutional position is to be enjoyed by Krishna. But we want to become the enjoyer, which is impossible actually. But Krishna, out of his great mercy, creates this material world, which is ‘maya’ or illusion. And that illusion is that we can become the master, we can become the enjoyer, just like Krishna, in the material world. So we come here to this material world in search of the impossible dream of becoming the master like Krishna. So this material world is really a product of our desire to become the lord and master of everything, just like Krishna. And Krishna, with His maya builds this illusory material world which gives us the impression that we can become happy here… But it is of course an impossible dream, to become happy in the material world, it is not possible to become happy in the material world. There is only suffering and death here. The idea that we can be happy here is maya, illusion.
So Prabhu you are taking this illusion of the material world very seriously… You should not be taking any notice of the material world at all. You should not be thinking that you can be happy here. You should not be surprised that the material world is simply full of suffering. You can not expect to be happy here. The material world is for suffering only. You can not be happy here.
We have come her because we misused our independence. Instead of surrendering to Krishna and serving Krishna we have rejected Krishna and want to become like Krishna ourselves, but that is not possible, and that is the reason for all our suffering in the material world.
If we again surrender to Krishna and become Krishna conscious then we will be in our natural constitutional position and we will be Krishna conscious and will no longer be on the bodily concept of life and will actually realize that we are not the material body but the spirit soul and we will be detached from what is happening to our bodies. We will not care what is happening to our bodies. And we will not care when we have to leave our material body [death] because we will be thinking of Krishna at the time of death and Krishna promises that “whoever thinks of Me at the time of death will come to Me…”
So really Prabhu you are feeling all these things because you are not Krishna conscious. Do not mind, Krishna consciousness is not a very cheap thing. I am asking everyone to please at least surrender to the basic things: chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day, strictly follow the four regulative principles: No illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. So you have to do these things at least. And this is only the beginning. This is the starting point only…
So you have to understand that we commit sins of our own accord. That is the misuse of our limited independence. It is not Krishna’s fault that we are committing sins. That is our choice. So we have to suffer for our sins. What would be the point if Krishna created a batch of robots whom He controlled and who had no independence? You can not become a friend of a robot that you control? There can be no relationship unless there are multiple independent persons. So we have a little independence and we can use that to serve Krishna or we can use it to serve maya.
If we decide to serve maya we come here to the material world and suffer the consequences. That is our fault, it is not Krishna’s fault. It is Krishna’s great mercy that time and time again He comes Himself personally to this material world in many incarnations and sends His pure devotees like Srila Prabhupada to reestablish the religious principles and to kill the demons and to protect the devotees. Krishna does this time and time again because in the material world time destroys everything. So even if the spiritual principles are nicely established in the material world they will not remain. They will be lost in the course of time… That is the way of the material world.
Anyhow Prabhu you have to come to grips with the fact that this material world is only a place of suffering and you can not be happy here and all the things that are going on here are temporary and not important. The only important thing is that we reestablish our eternal loving relationship with Krishna and remember Krishna at the time of death and go back home, back to Godhead. We have to do this, there is no alternative except for suffering in this hellish material world eternally…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krshna hare krshna
my obeisances to you prabhuji,
krishna himself has come and held my hand ,taken me to a rehab called TULSI, and now it seems is with me 24×7 .i have been experiencing the love of krshna and how much he loves history can be summed up in adjectives and nouns like, brilliant,artist,architect,alcoholic,womaniser,illicit ,champion,extreme egoistic,selfish,and suffered tubercolosis of spine, father wife beater, smokers, meat eating etc etc and etc.but, this was not what krshna was expecting . I WAS SUFFOCATING INSIDE AS TO WHY ME. then last year it happened at the janamashtami festival at radhaparthasarthi temple, new delhi when i got vip card from temple and experienced something of a heavenly experience while dancing in front of the lord. and my life changed forever. i have been followed by his majesty the lord himself to wherever i go as a teacher guardian to protect me from all sins of life. the result, i have given up lmost all practises which prabhupada recommends and read the gita and krshna and othe rprabujis books. i am at peace with myself and want to progress forward by loving krshna more than i can. hare krshna.i was wanting a friend always , and found krshna himself.
Dear Achyut,
Hare Krishna! Your questions are most intelligent, and most sincere. Only one who is coming closer to Krishna can ask such questions. It is Krishna who is giving you the intelligence to ask such questions.
Everything that Madhudvisa Prabhu is telling you is most correct. Also there are slightly different ways of explaining these things so that the answers will appeal to our intelligence.
As Madehudvisa Prabhu has written, we have actually become attracted to the idea of being God, of taking Krishna’s position for ourselves. And therefore Krishna has created the material world so that we can pursue this desire to become like a master, like a lord in so many different ways. In this material world, we are all afflicted with so many desires. But the origin for all of these desires has come from our own hearts. The origin is that we want Krishna’s position for ourselves. And the various shapes of this desire is all the self-centered and sinful desires that afflict us in this material world.
One can think of this material world as a great hospital for those who are spiritually insane. Instead of spontaneously wanting to please Krishna, we want to play the role of being Krishna. Krishna is the Supreme Doctor. And He has the ability to place us under a great hypnotic spell. This hypnosis is for our cure. Under the spell of this hypnosis, we are all having a dream. As spirit souls we are asleep. And we are dreaming. Actually this is a fact. But in this case the dream is gross. When we sleep at night we live within a very subtle dream and when we wake up the dream is gone. But this dream of our life in the material world is also not our real life. But the dream is not subtle. It is gross. And in this gross dream we take on so many different identities, man, woman, young, old, rich, poor, white skin, brown skin…….. All different identities, but none of them real. because we are not these bodies. Therefore we are actually dreaming, and taking these dreams so very seriously, accepting them as reality. But it is all a dream. And in these dreams, we suffer so much.
But the purpose of these dreams and these sufferings is part of our therapy. Actually nothing hurtful, or harmful is happening to us. Because we are not these bodies. No one is hurt. And no one dies. All these misfortunes are simply parts of our individual dreams, our individual hypnosis, implemented by Krishna, so that we can begin to seek for solutions. And when we begin asking for solutions to our suffering condition, we begin to be able to understand the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and other scriptures.
Part of the hypnotized condition forces us to have desires that will bring about more suffering. And therefore these desires are also an important part of our recovery from our spiritual insanity.
We must understand that Krishna is very, very kind, and He wants us to cultivate our love for Him. But in His kindness, He allows us to proceed each at his own speed. He is so indulgent. But He is always encouraging us. And it is up to us how much we wish to accept His encouragement.
It is said that a word to the wise is sufficient. And that word is in the scriptures. If we would agree to take it up, our lives would be immediately successful. But we are not wise. We are stubbornly perverse. And therefore in not taking God’s advice, we are forced by our dream mentality to commit sinful activities, and then we suffer. That suffering is another form of instruction. It is called the school of hard knocks. Those hard knocks are coming from Krishna’s kindness, because we are not agreeing to accept His kind words of advice. Then gradually we will have a change of heart and become interested to hear Krishna’s advice. So it is all kindness. Even the terrible things that we see in the material world. It is all kindness, specifically engineered so that we can be reclaimed. And no one is actually hurt. Because life in this world is all a dream. And the hope of Krishna, and the purpose of this therapy, is that we will come to our senses and wake up from this dream, and understand who we really are. That is called self-realization.
So you are beginning to wake up. And as you read Krishna’s message in Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you will become more and more understanding our good fortune and Krishna’s infinite kindness. Unless we were captivated by this dream we could not be cured. Therefore this harmless dream, which is a dream of great harmfulness, will gradually become understood, as we begin to wake up, as Krishna’s great love for all of us.
Dear Achyuta, I hope so much that this makes sense and is helpful for you. I also am just beginning to wake up. We are going home in Krishna consciousness. We are so fortunate.
My parents bought me Bhagavad Gita As it is 1972 version. I relished it, and I also read Canto 1 SB. On the other hand my parents are still Grhihamedhis eating eggs,fish,garlic,onion, drinking tea etc. I eat food made by my mother as I am still young and not allowed to do so. I know this affects my consciousness as I eat a materialist’s food three times a day. Therefore I am thinking that I will make my mother read BG As it is(Srila Prabhupada lives in his books) so that she becomes devotee.
I want to know whether I am doing correct and will I suceed in my mission ???
Yes. You are doing the right thing. That is the best idea, try and help your family to become Krishna conscious. And you may succeed, but the most important thing is that you try. To succeed in convincing another person to become Krishna conscious you have to be Krishna conscious yourself. And association is very powerful. If you simply become a pure devotee of Krishna yourself and then your family will associate with you and benefit form your good association.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Sir,I donot qualify as a devotee or a Krsna conscious person yet but have started taking some steps to get there, having been influenced by reading some of your posts as well as the “Gita as it is” and “Krsna consciousness handbook”.Are you absolutely sure that just by chanting the mantra I shall attain peace and happiness and become Krsna conscious.I must say that after listening to the George Harrisson mantra song on the youtube(I have saved it in my pc)I felt a bit different,maybe a bit happy as well.I have 2 questions,would you be kind enough to answer.
How much is 16 rounds of chanting?(ie multiply 16 with what number).
In the introduction of “BG as it is”Shri Prabhupada says that “Lord and the lord’s name is no different,there is no difference between his name, form, quality and pastimes,Krsna and His inner spirit is not different”.I have thought over this statement for sometime.Please could you explain this line.Of course one’s name is not different from him as far as the name identifies the person but one’s name is certainly not the flesh and blood him.I can like a catchy name but I may not like him when I meet him in person.Thank you.Dipanka
Hare Krishna Dipanka
There is a quality to chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. Of course chanting the Hare Krishna mantra in any condition is wonderful. But there are things that hinder the effects of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. So that is why we have the regulative principles. It is necessary to follow the four regulative principles (no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication) otherwise if we continue with these sinful activities that will make it very difficult for us to advance by chanting Hare Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has given the analogy of trying to light a fire with one hand and pouring water on it with the other. The pouring water is like engaging in illicit sex, meat eating gambling and intoxication, as pouring water on a fire you are trying to light will make it very, very difficult to light the fire, similarly it will be very, very difficult to make any spiritual advancement by chanting Hare Krishna if we do not refrain from the four types of sinful activities. So as well as chanting Hare Krishna you need to follow the four regulative principles, and in the beginning to give you the strength and determination to keep chanting you need to understand the philosophy of why you are chanting Hare Krishna and for this you need to read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day.
So I am saying that you will be able to attain Krishna consciousness if you surrender to Srila Prabhupada and follow his instructions in this regard. Chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, strictly follow the four regulative principles and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. This is the minimum. If you want to become Krishna conscious you have to surrender to at least this.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Sir,thanks for your reply.
What books do you recommend other than ” Gita as it is” and”teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu”.
My other question remains unanswered.
In the introduction of “BG as it is”Shri Prabhupada says that “Lord and the lord’s name is no different,there is no difference between his name, form, quality and pastimes,Krsna and His inner spirit is not different”.I have thought over this statement for sometime.Please could you explain this line.Of course one’s name is not different from him as far as the name identifies the person but one’s name is certainly not the person.Thank you.Dipankar
Material names and spiritual names are different. You are confused because you think Krishna’s name is just like your’s. A material name. But that is not the case. Krishna’s name is Krishna. Krishna’s name is Krishna’s avatar or incarnation. So Krishna’s name is Krishna. It contains absolutely all the potencies of Krishna in full, Krishna’s name is Krishna. I know you can not understand this. It is something you have to realize by surrendering to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and following their instructions and becoming a pure devotee of Krishna. Then you will experience it personally that Krishna’s name is Krishna 100% full and complete…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Dipankar
1 round is 108 times. Initially when you start it takes longer to get through one round. Like for me it took nearly 15minutes, i’ve been chanting 16 rounds for 2 odd years now and i now take 7 1/2 minutes for one round and in about 2hrs i complete 16 rounds. You don’t have to necessarily do all the 16 rounds at one go – the goal is, ultimately one should only be chanting The Lord’s name and believe me the more you do it the more you want to do it. It’s an eternal high – BLISS is the word i guess.
Follow the 4 regulatory principles strictly and start to chant. Or if you have any vices – ASK GOD to help you quit, be sincere in your request as well as your attempt to quit it. GOD helps those who help themselves. Surrender to Lord Krishna and you have NOTHING to fear or would you want ANYTHING for yourself, just to be with the LORD is what you’ll be craving for. At one point you’ll start to feel – it doesn’t matter what i am doing or where i am going – AS FAR AS I’M WITH SRI KRISHNA. The journey itself is the destination.
Hare Krishna
Sanat Attavar
Dear Sir,thanks for your reply.How do you chant,do I actually need to sing in a tune or just recite as one would recite a poem?Regards.Dipankar.
Hare Krishna Dipankar
You can watch this video of Srila Prabhupada chanting Hare Krishna:–Chanting-Japa-with-Srila-Prabhupada
For chanting japa you do not sing it in a tune or recite it as a poem. You just chant the words:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
It is very simple… You just have to chant the words.
For Kirtan you sing the Hare Krishna mantra to a tune but for japa you just chant the words of the mantra.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krisna prabhu
from past two months i chanted 16 rounds every day .by the my internals came i left chanting from then onwards i didnt chanted 16 rounds….and i purchased a bg as it is ..i didnt read it …simply i kept ……so telll some tips ….
I can not tell you anything except to follow the four regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If you refuse to do these things then how can I help?
It is not going to be easy to become Krishna conscious. We have to perform the tapasya [austerity] of chanting Hare Krishna when we don’t feel like chanting Hare Krishna, we have to do these things like following the regulative principles when we feel like breaking the regulative principles. We have to force ourselves to read Prabhupada’s books when we don’t feel like reading them.
Otherwise how will we ever become Krishna conscious?
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
sri hare krshna,namaskaar at the lotus feet of guruji,
what is very dear to sri krshna .How i will get my guruji how i find out pls tell me. or you can accept me as your student??? what r the priciples to fallow to me. but since iam diabetic person now a dys i cont do ekadasi earlier i was doing but now not doing is there any short cut to observe ekadasi.
thanking you. plssssssss write me something if not i will upset. plsssssssssssss
Just read Srila Prabhupada’s books and at least find out want a bona fide guru is first…
Dear Madhudvisa dasa!
Please accept my respectful obeisances! All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!
Is anybody in touch with you from Russia?
Do you know if original Bhagavad Gita 1972 is planned to be translated by somebody to Russian?
It seems to me that nobody in ISKCON in my country cares of the truth…I didn’t know of bookchanges until I was a little bit pushed to accept the spiritual master out of those 70 gurus. I felt a strong protest in my heart and started searching for the proof of my feelings. Thus I found IRM web site in russian and was surprised to know that nobody in ISKCON wants to read it, since it was prohibited for them. For me nothing is prohibited when it comes to the question ot the Truth. Then I found bookchanges site and was shocked and satisfied at the same time. I took all existing russian versions of Bhagavat Gita as it is from 1984 to 2012, but all of them not only had nothing to do with original 1972 version but had a lot of mistakes in the translation itself. (For instance, in the verses 1-3 of 13th chapter they still translate object as subject and misplace the field owner and field knower). Despite not everything is clear for the Russian they have been reading Bhagavad Gita for almost 30 years…I know that some Russian preachers of Vedas, who directly learned from India, know sanskrit, but it seems that they don’t care of the original translation for Bhagavat Gita. They could have compared sanskrit and Russian texts in BG as it is and been shocked, but they haven’t. So it would take me a lot of time, but I seriously think of translating Bhagavad Gita as it is 1972 Maximillian to Russian. Give me your input, what do you think of it?
Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna Ilya
Yes. The state of the translations of Srila Prabhupada’s books into other languages is not very good and ISKCON do not seem to care very much about Prabhupada’s books in any language. But realistically a translation will never be the original book and I would encourage all Russian speaking persons who are serious about studying the teachings of Srila Prabhupada to learn English. Then they will have full and complete access to all the teachings of Srila Prabhupada including all his original books, his classes, his conversations, his letters, his morning walks, etc, etc, etc…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear sir, Sri Harekrshna HareRama.
The thousands names of sri MahaVishnu srivishnusahasranama is the name of supreme god head I am doing this in my daily prayer along with Purusha suktam from long 4 years .Since then I have many changes in me.I have read this site yesturday & I have seen your reply today Swamy I realy get very happy that I have received letter from lord directly & trilled with joy & happiness .Guruji pls tell me that , Is we have to chant hare krshna mahamantra compulsory r we can do many times the same sri vishnu sahasranama.I want to know more about of sri krishna consciouness but I want in kannada language to understand more easily to me.Guruji I am searching a Guru to guide me the spiritual knowledge towords sri krshna& more How I know that srikrshna accepting my daily prayer plssssssssssssss tell me .After seeying you I cant wait more.plsssssssss sir plss.
Hare Krishna
Of course chanting all the names of Krishna, Visnu is transcendental and very helpful in spiritual life. But for this Kali-yuga the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is particularly empowered and very important. So we must chant it:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
At lest 16 rounds a day. This Hare Krishna mantra is specifically empowered with the potency to counteract all the bad effects of the Kali-yuga. So please chant it at least 16 rounds a day. You can also chant Visnu-sahasra-nama, but that is less important than chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear HRN,
According to shastra, veda, the name of God and God – they are one and the same. Gradually by chanting with sincerity, that realization will come.
But for the present you must obtain for yourself a nice picture of Radha and Krishna and place it on your altar, no matter how large or small. And you can offer nice incense, a glass of water daily, and nice flower or leaf. And if you do this with sincerity, daily, even if only for some short time, you will begin to feel some connection of love. And when you chant your japa, the names of God, then you can chant nicely before Radha and Krishna. They very much like to hear Their names chanted with love. And as you do this every day, you will begin to feel that Krishna is pleased with you. That is the recommended process for answering your question as to how you can know if God is pleased when you are chanting His holy name. When you become personal with God, God becomes personal with you.
And of course you must also give up eating meat, fish, eggs, all forms of intoxication, all sex outside of marriage, and all forms of gambling. And you must read Srila Prabhupada’s books. This is all part of one formula that is most scientific. It is the prescription, just like doctor’s prescription for disease. We are in a spiritually diseased condition, feeling out of touch with God. If we accept this prescription the disease will be cured. If we are serious, we must accept.
Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Prabhuji I would like to know if there any Spanish translation of the original Bhagavad Gita and other books written by Srila Prabhupada. I´m from Argentina and some people here can read English.
Thanks a lot for your service!
May Lord Krishna bless you!
Hare Krishna
The original Prabhupada books are in English so really if one wants to read the original Prabhupada books it is best to learn English.
A translation will always be a translation and not the original.
It can not be so difficult to learn English if one really wants to read Prabhupada’s original books. English is a very common language nowadays and many of the words are similar to the Spanish words also…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
The Bhagavad Gita is based on a disaster between two families, a battle for ruler ship and as a consequence over 600 million people died. Basically the Gita justifies war and death based on the notion we are not these bodies but spirit souls. Personally I think it would have been a more monumental tale if Krishna has brought peace and wisdom rather than whole sale slaughter. I think Arjuna should have retired to the forest and become a Sadu rather than kill those he loved! This is the problem with religion it justifies violence which all too often is the outcome. Something being perpetrated even today and that’s ok because the Gita says we are spirit souls! Religion is dangerous and the cause of much suffering throughout history and even today.
ISKCON even though it supports “Chant and be happy” is a deception because its history isn’t a happy one. Even on this web site you are squabbling over the Guru issue, yet love the same God, just like the Christians and Muslims etc. It will never be any different because this is the human condition and no matter how theological and knowledgeable it may be there will never be any harmony because it’s all based on human ego and religious ego whih is one of the most dangerous kind.
I hope you are not offended by this because that is not my intention, it’s just my opinion and nothng more. But this is my conclusion having spent over 50 years trying to fathom the human condition. Of course I wouldn’t expect you to share this on your comments page. I only came to your web site to purchase incense sticks but because you have shared your views with me I thought it only fair to share a few thoughts with you. If I offend as a consequence then please forgive me and remove me from your mailing list. I will continue to use your store which is the only reason why I came here in the first place.
God Is Love Lover and Beloved
Hare Krishna Steve
The Bhagavad-gita can only be understood by devotees of Krishna like Arjuna. As an outsider you can not understand it and I can relate to your confusion about it.
It is true as you note that this material world is a history of suffering only. And there is no happiness in the material world at all. But chanting the Hare Krishna mantra elevates one’s consciousness to the spiritual platform and actually takes you out of the material world and into the spiritual world. So in this way chanting Hare Krishna has the potency to raise your consciousness to the spiritual platform and that puts you in a position transcendental to all the suffering of the material world. The analogy has been given of the lotus leaf. Even though it is in the water it does not get wet.
So a devotee is actually in the spritual world although still externally within his material body. In that state one is full of transcendental ecstasy and is completely happy. So actually chanting Hare Krishna is really the only practical way to become actually happy…
As far as the Bhagavad-gita, you will not be able to understand it until you are prepared to surrender to a pure devotee of Krishna and serve him. You speak here of your opinion. We are all thinking that our opinion is something wonderful. But actually our opinion is useless. Our opinion is a product of our experiences and conditioning and education and of the imperfect information we have been able to gather through our imperfect senses. The result is nonsense. We need to realize that our opinion has no value and find a perfect source of perfect knowledge that does have value…
Anyhow, I am not offended by your statements and can understand where you are coming from but I humbly request that you keep reading Srila Prabhupada’s books more and more and you will find a great reservoir of knowledge opening up to you.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Yes, God is Love, Lover and Beloved. This is because there is nothing but God. At the same time, this does not mean that everything is God, as the creative Source or Fountainhead.
Just like the sun. From the sun comes the beautiful warmth that we feel and the sunshine that lights up our world. The heat and sunshine are also part of the sun. But they are not the source. Also those things that recieve the warmth of the sun and hold that warmth, they are also part of the sun. So one can say the sun is warmth, warming and the warmed. They are all sun, but they are not source.
So God is the creator. He creates through His different energies. Everything that we see is a manifestation of the energies of God. But God and His energies are One. So this creation is also God, as a manifestation of His energies. Similarly we are also an energy of God as spiritual beings. Therefore we are inseparable from God, and part of God, but we are not the source aspect of God. We are His tiny parts and parcels. And as such our constitutional position is to render loving service to the source, to God. Like leaves on the tree, if they water the root, they become nourished.
At present we cannot sense our loving reciprocal relationship with God because we are identified with the temporary covering of this material body. But by chanting the names of God, and living a godly life, gradually this illusory identification with the material covering is removed.
Of course I can understand that you want peace. But in this world there will always be bad elements. Just like in your city, there will be theives. Therefore you have a police force. That cannot be avoided. That police force is there to insure that you can peacefully live your life and draw your heart closer to God without having to be disturbed by those elements. Even Mohammed had to engage in battle just so that his followers could live a life of Godly pursuit. So sometimes these wars have to be fought.
After all, if you look at the material creation, all of the bodies that now exist, in plant and animal form – all will be destroyed by the workings of nature. And God has designed this material creation. This creation is also part of God. Therefore God is the deliverer of Death, the Dying process, and that which put to Death. If God is Love, Lover and Beloved, so also, God is Daath, Killer, and Killed. That is part of this creation , part of God.
Therefore the peace you are seeking, will not be had in this realm, because it is the realm of birth and death. Your Love, Lover and Beloved philosophy will not save you from that. We cannot be ostriches with our heads in the ground and pretend that all there is is love. Death will come and take everything away. Therefore we require a more comprehensive philosophy that can put the pieces of the puzzle in place. We cannot remain as hippie or as holder of these shallow “peace” values because they will endure the test of time.
Also to understand such things one has to lead a godly life, and give up the eating of animals. As long as one is part of this killing process, one cannot understand this kind of philosophy. You want to live in a world of Love, Lover and Beloved, while keeping the slaughterhouse in full swing. That slaughterhouse is the cause of war between peoples. That is nature’s law.
So you can think over some of these ideas, and according to your sincerity you will be guided from within your heart.
Hare Krishna! Allah ho akbar!
1.While reading SB Canto 2 Chapter 1, I came across a purport in which Srila Prabhupada says that VedaVyasa taught Sukadava Goswami from the very first verse.However the conversation between Saunaka Rsi and Suta Goswami took much after Veda Vyasa taught SB to Sukadeva Goswami. So how was it possible?
2.Is it ok to listen to Hare Krishna Kirtana and Nrsimha Mantra while doing maths sums or while reading. I ask this because heard that one of the offenses(while chanting) is lack of attention.
Hare Krishna! Jai Prabhupada!
Hare Krishna Krishna Dasa
Whatever Srila Prabhupada says is correct. We may not be able to understand it with our present level of realization but as we advance more in Krishna consciousness these things will be revealed to us. We can not think that we are so great and advanced and our minds are able to comprehend all the little details like this immediately. It is not like that at all. We are great fools. We simply have to submissively hear the pure Krishna katha from Srila Prabhupada and that is the cure for our material disease. So do not mind about these little things that your mind is telling you appear to be contradictions. There are no contradictions actually. It is simply our imperfect realization. But our realization is imperfect in the beginning. So be patient and just have faith that whatever Prabhupada has written is correct and you will see this is true in due course.
As far as listening to the Hare Krishna mantra while studying or reading this may be possible for listening to a kirtan or bhajan. But you can not listen to Srila Prabhupada giving a class for example while doing something else that requires you to concentrate your mind on it like doing mathematics for example.
You have to use your common sense and not worry too much about these fools that say everything is offensive. You are not actually chanting when you are playing a kirtan recording or a bhajan. You are hearing it and the hearing process even works when you are sleeping. So even if you are sleeping you will benefit from hearing a Prabhupada kirtan. So yes. You can play a Prabhupada kirtan while you are studying, etc. You have to use your common sense with these things…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna! Prabhuji,
Thank you so much prabhuji for enlightening us with such a transcendetal knowledge of Bhagwat Gita As It Is in such an amazing way. we are eternally indebted to you. Kindly keep educating us in this manner.
I pray for your good health & long life.
Your eternal servant
Radharanidevi Dasi
hare krishna prabhuji,
i want to become krishna conscious even i am doing mala since 1 year, i initially started with 4 and than raised till 6 but i am very distractive, and that makes me irregular which later creates frustation in me, and all the negativity comes, and this time with more intensity, i dont know why the feelings of lust, anger and insecurity haunts me so much, that i become irregular in my jaap, i dont know whether its my atmosphere that affects or i am weak from myself, please guide me, i am very frustated! i want to be regular….. but its just not happening………
We are all weak and distracted. But we have to get the determination to actually chant Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day, to actually strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If we can not become determined to do these things and actually do them then we will never be able to become Krishna conscious. We will never be able to understand what Krishna consciousness is… So you just have to do it, even though your mind is crazy and telling you not to do it… You have to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and ignore your mad mind…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Kopal,
Hare Krishna! You are not alone. Many of us who have been chanting japa for so many years are afflicted in this manner. It is a question more or less of karma from this life or previous lives.
Now this is my personal experience. Prabhu, you must chant japa until Krishna’s holy name reaches your heart and neutralizes all that karma. Sometimes it will take 8 rounds, sometimes more, before my mind settles down, and I actually become comfortable chanting. Then I feel peaceful chanting japa and actually do not want to stop, because I feel relief and blessed by Krishna.
Srila Prbhupada once told me, “If you are chanting and maya is bothering you, then chant louder. And if you are still troubled, then chant even louder!”
So we are not great saints. We are ordinary people, each coming to Krishna consciousness from our individual backgrounds. So there will be these challenges. I was the son of a butcher, raised in the western world with every kind of anartha, and no Godly intention until I met Srila Prabhupada at age 25. By that time I had formed so many unmentionable habits. But if we give all our energy to our japa, chanting if necessary, so intensely as to make the roof lift off your room, you will find that the holy Name will give you mercy.
The formula for our minds, then, is to chant as many rounds as necessary and as intensely as necessary. Then you will surely feel relief. Like ghosts and demons, all nonsense thoughts will flee from your mind and you will feel safe taking shelter of the holy Name. So make this experiment. Put some time aside, and do a powerful 16 rounds, and you will be very pleasantly surprised at the mercy of the holy Name of Krishna.
You are a good soul. Now you must do the needful. Hare Krishna!, Prabhu.
I am a class 9 student. I am very much inspired by this Hare Krishna movement and want to become Krishna conscious. However my parents are not ready to buy me books of Srila Prabhupada . Instead they are very much against me becoming Krishna conscious. They have reprimanded me for chanting and have warned me not to do it again. They have the rascal idea that this is brainwashing. My spiritual life is in total disarray. Could you advise me on how to continue my spiritual life?
[Whenever I get time, I go to]
Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna Divine
Just keep chanting Hare Krishna, don’t let your parents stop you. It is the nature of the material world that it is full of demoniac people who are all envious of Krishna and as soon as they see anyone developing a little Krishna consciousness they want to crush it. That is the way of the world. So we have to become strong and refuse to be crushed. Krishna will help you, do not worry. No one can stop you from chanting Hare Krishna because Krishna will protect you.
But try to be merciful to your parents. Even though the world is full of demons and they are against the devotees the devotees are not angry at the demons, rather they are always thinking of ways to help the demons become Krishna conscious. In Kali-yuga they are not very strong demons and Lord Caitanya is very merciful that He is distributing this Hare Krishna mantra without any consideration of if the people are qualified to receive it or not. So it is a very good time for the demons. It is easy for us to become Krishna conscious.
So just keep chanting Hare Krishna, following the regulative principles and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and do the things you find Srila Prabhupada instructing you to do as you read his books, even if it seems they are difficult things, do not worry, if you are trying to serve Srila Prabhupada Krishna will help you…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna to all!
We are encouraged?/commanded? to “…accept Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead…”
Are there other devotees who accept others as their supreme?
Hare Krishna James
There is only one Supreme Lord. So if someone accepts someone else he is accepting a cheater.
Of course the one Supreme Lord Krishna manifests Himself in many apparently different ways. He incarnates in the material world time and time again and sends His empowered representatives. So Krishna and His representatives have appeared in all societies and cultures around the world and have established spiritual and moral principles in these societies in accordance with the particular time and place. So people tend to think these are all different religions and philosophies. But they are not. They are all established by Krishna, all Krishna consciousness, simply the explanation and language is different because a preacher has to explain things in the local language and has to present practical things that the people can actually follow at the time.
It is like Lord Jesus Christ, he is an empowered incarnation of Krishna. That means he is a living entity, but he is empowered by Krishna to preach. So Jesus is preaching Krishna consciousness to the extent the people he was preaching to at the time could understand and accept it. He said: “There are so many things I have not told you because you could not bear them.” So that is the way. He gave them as much of Krishna consciousness as they could take at the time. But it is not that Christianity is different from Krishna consciousness. It is the same, but not a complete explanation.
It is the same with even the primitive tribes who also have some spiritual knowledge. It is coming from Krishna consciousness. The Greek gods are demigods from the Vedas, only the names are changed. It is all the same. There is only one Supreme Lord and His name is Krishna. But He has many other names also by which different people understand Him, and He reveals Himself to the people as the people want to see Him.
So there is only different manifestations of the same Krishna consciousness. But these are all temporary representations, if you want to understand the complete philosophy that brings everything together then you have to read Srila Prabhupada’s books…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I still remember that day when I first commented on this website in this post.
I wrote:
“HARE KRISHNA PRABHU JI! DON’T MAKE ME sinful by calling yourself my servant, You are servant of Krishna and His devotees. I am servant of Maya till now so I am not eligible for any respect.”
Now I see a huge difference after knowing the philosophy. The only thing that I regret is that I am not able to do devotional service- most rare jewel one can get ever. I am not able to chant even 1 round as I feel mind wandering here and there into materialism and I think it is an offense of inattention. SO, I had stopped. But I have again tried to start from atleast 12 to 24 to 48 to 108 names to 2 rounds to… Please bless me. I want an inspiring blessing and a great detachment for materialism. I want to dissociate with my family memebers- all Smartas and ordinary Kaliyuga Indian emodied souls. Actually, now no one cares to follow scriptures. But I have got a reason but I can’t follow. I can’t preach to my parents as they feel I am inexperienced 17 yrs old child who has not seen world. Actually they are more or less Grhamedhi. Their aim is polished material enjoyment as is done in India’s Vaishya families from eras.
Hare Krishna Shubham
Just chant Hare Krishna Prabhu at least 16 rounds a day and follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. Don’t worry about preaching to your parents and don’t worry what they say or think. Be nice to them, friendly to them, humor them, but do not take seriously anything they say if it would be detrimental to your Krishna consciousness.
In the beginning naturally your chanting will be inattentive and there will be some offenses. But the only way to overcome this inattentiveness and offenses is by CHANTING HARE KRISHNA. So if you stop chanting Hare Krishna you are finished. So do not stop chanting even if you feel it is inattentive, even if you feel you are committing offenses, even if you are breaking the regulative principles. DON’T STOP CHANTING HARE KRISHNA! Because no matter how fallen or offensive or inattentive you are chanting Hare Krishna will solve all these problems for you if you just chant Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day. So please do this Prabhu. Just organize your life and force yourself to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra a day and you will see a wonderful effect in your life…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I m so much into chantin nowadays that I feel hypnotic ……..I fear now that I might not go insane……pls remove my fear……..pls guruji hare Krishna 🙂
Hare Krishna Mataji
Don’t worry, you will not go insane by chanting Hare Krishna. You will become sane by chanting Hare Krishna. So just keep chanting Hare Krishna and reading Prabhupada’s books and follow the instructions you find Srila Prabhupada giving you as you read his books and you will see that your spiritual life develops wonderfully.
We have to realize that it is the materialists that are insane. They are trying to be happy by trying to satisfy their senses but they do not know they are not their material body or their senses and no amount of so-called satisfaction of the senses can make the soul even slightly happy. So they are insane, misidentifying their bodies as themselves and wasting all their time and energy and money in trying to satisfy the body which they are not. They are insane. The devotees are sane.
So don’t worry, keep chanting Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna to all!
I just discovered something & want to share it with all… just read this & you will find as to how we lost our treasures which eroded our value systems:
Lord McCauley in his speech of Feb 2, 1835, British Parliament:
“I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation”.
After this, Britishers established universities in India & started to teach English, which converted Indians into “Brown Babus” and we slowly started to forget Sanskrit & hence our spiritual and cultural heritage. What Lord McCauley did was his duty, but we fell for this & forgot the Supreme Personality of God Head. So this was not an accident but by design.
Its high time, we rekindle our spiritual heritage – else these rapes, murders, corruption, animosity and erosion of our value systems will go out of proportions & make life of our children & next generation hell.
Thanks to spiritual movement from Srila Prabhupadaji (I can now imagine the amount of resistance he would have faced in building this movement). For us, our next generation and for the unflinching efforts and sacrifice of Srila Parbhpadaji, lets get back to our roots and make sincere efforts to build a better world. The only solution I see is Bhagawad Gita & chanting the maha-mantra.
Jagath Prabhum Deva Devam Antham Purushothamam
Sthuvan Nãma Sahasréna Purusha Saththo Thithaha
Rushirnãmnãm Sahasrasya Védhavyãso Mahãmunihi
Chchando-Nushtup Thadha Dhévo Bhaghavãn Dhévaki-Suthaha
A composition by Vyasaraya Tirtha in Kannada language is so relevant in present context:
“Krishna Ni Begane Baro” means Krishna… please come quickly! We need you badly…adharma is on the rise & only you can stop to this & save us.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!
Hare Krsna Prabhu
Thank you for the wonderful newsletters, I really am learning alot.
I am about to start reading my copy of Bhagavad Gita As It Is, I just wanted to know what’s the best way to start reading it, i.e.From cover to cover or just open it randomly read the first verse i see?
Thank you
Hi Madam,
im BE(ECE) 2012 passed out..69.7% aggregate
i hav not got job from past 5 months..
im very confused…
can u give any solutions/suggestions please..
thanks & regards
chethan s
Hare Krishna Chethan
The reality is that the Indian economic boom is over and there are not so many jobs available now. There are now many more graduates from the educational institutions than jobs available. So not everyone will be able to get a job.
So of course you have to try in this regard but you can take this as Krishna’s mercy and use your time and energy in reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and chanting Hare Krishna and becoming Krishna consciousness.
You can use the skills of study that you have learned to study Srila Prabhupada’s books and that will give you the real education and will give you the proper idea what you should do with your life.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna Madhudvisa ji…….
whatever you wrote that it is krishna’s mercy and using free time towards him is completely correct prabhu. as once i was also in the same condition, got angry with krishna for a while because i was fool asking for material things, like jobs all these. when i started reading Gita in that free time, i just stoped asking all material things. now when i got job I have to strugle with my busy time table to pray to lord daily and chant.
The whole point is its krishna’s arrangment as we are his nice children but forgot our father.
hare krishna 🙂
hare krisna prabhu
i am very mmuch ispired by leters .keep sending letters so we can improve more in krisna conciousness .i am chanting 16 rounds from last 8 days i am feeling some thing different &encouraged by chanting .i have one question prabhu.eating of onions and garlic brakes four regulative principle.
Hare Krishna Arun
Please keep chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. Eating onions and garlic really does not actually break the four regulative principles. There is no ‘no eating onions and garlic’ in the four regulative principles. But that order is there and the reason for the order we have to understand. And that is onions and garlic are in the mode of passion and we can not offer foods in the mode of passion to Krishna. So we can not offer onions and garlic to Krishna and devotees do not accept anything which is not Krishna prasadam, not cooked by a devotee and offered with love to Krishna. So that is why we do not accept onions and garlic. They can not be offered to Krishna.
And eating onions and garlic will put you in the mode of passion also which is not conducive to advancing in spiritual life and it is food cooked by non-devotees because devotees do not cook with onions and garlic, so all these problems are there. But keep chanting Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books and Krishna will give you the intelligence to sort out these issues.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Sonikaji,
With permission of Madhudvisaji, I respond to you.
Firstly don’t think that you are not a devotee of Lord Krishna; everyone in this world is. Lord loves everyone, as he is residing in each one of us. We are a part & parcel of Shri Krishna. He is our “prapitamaha” (the great-grandfather).
As beautifully put by Srila Prabhupadaji in his various teachings and also by Madhudvisaji several times on these posts; its just the dust which has been accumulated on the surface. Lord will inspire you, but you need to take the first step to start dusting. Like in our home, dust accumulates & makes good things look dull; similarly all these dusts accumulated over many births has distanced you from Lord & you feel dull.
Use a vacuum cleaner (Bhagawad Gita) and suck the dust off you & see how beautiful you will look; how beautiful & serene the world will be. How purified the heart & mind would be.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!
Dear Achyut Rao,
I wish to say thank you for your heart-filled words to Sonika, because they have touched my heart as well, and made my day sweeter.
As devotees of Krishna, we are indeed a family, and we can touch each other through this wonderful medium.
Hare Krishna, Ishan das
hare krishna achyut rao…..
i dont know how to express… whatever you wrote is absolutely correct….i have to take first step and prove to be a sincere and good daughter 🙂 , .. i pray lord krishna gives me intelligent and forgives my silly mistakes .
hare krishna
Respected Madhudvisa Prabhu,
I heard that even in our Vedas we have the thing that god doesn’t have any form which we even see in Quran. My question is “Is Idol worship is advisable according to our vedas or from the sayings of Sri krishna?”
Are the 9 avatars of vishnu are the incarnations of krishna itself??
Hare Krishna Pramodh
In most of the Upanisads the impersonal concept of the Supreme Lord is stressed. So yes, it is true that there is an impersonal, all-pervasive feature of the Supreme Lord and of course that information is there in the Vedas. But no where in the Vedas does it say God had no spiritual form. But in some books the spiritual form is not described and the formless, impersonal all-pervading brahman aspect of the Supreme Lord is described. Actually understanding the form of the Lord is not possible for everyone.
But there are three aspects of the Supreme Lord: brahman, paramatam and bhagavan. Brahman is the impersonal and all-pervasive form, paramatma is the form of the Lord within everyone’s hearts and Bhagavan is Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
So those who do not have complete understand of the Supreme Lord may only perceive His impersonal manifestation and may not know about His personal form.
Ultimately everyone is an expansion of Krishna. In the ultimate issue there is only Krishna. So certainly all the avatars of Visnu are expansions of Krishna. But Krishna expands and then His expansions expand. So it works like that. It is a somewhat complex and lengthy explained that I can not put here but you can read it fully explained in Srila Prabhupada’s Caitanya-caritamrta Adi Lila.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Krishna Pramodh,
Hare Krishna! As Madhudvisa Prabhu has written to you, there are many presentations in the Upanisads that tend to support the conception of an Absolute Truth that is formless. But also, there are unlimited vedic evidences that inform us that in the ultimate issue, God has all the qualities that we find within the creation.
Isopanisad invocation: OM PURNAM ADAH PURNAM IDAM …
tells us that God is Complete (purnam) in all ways and therefore these phenomenal worlds that come from Him also are complete with all detail. Actually if you think on the subject, this verse from Isopanisad makes perfectly good sense; for how can we obtain all variety from that which has no variety?
Similarly: In Sri Brahma Samhita (Prayers by Lord Brahma to Lord Krishna) we find:
In other words, Krishna is is the paramishvara, the supreme controller of all that be. And His form (vigraha), unlike our earthly forms, are SAT CHIT ANANDA,
Yes, SAT CHIT ANANDA VIGRAHA. Krishna’s form is eternal, full of spiritual bliss and spiritual knowledge. This verse goes on to state,
I.e., Krishna is without beginning, and He is the beginning from which everything comes. And, Sarva Karana karanam, He is the cause behind all causes of everything that exists.
You see, it is not so much that verses in Veda are not like this. but rather there is a class of spiritual seekers who are not in favor of understanding that God is personal, that we can love Him, and He can love us in return. Rather they prefer to think that they are God, that we are all God. They prefer to think that God is a great light of brahmajyoti into which we can all merge. But in Bhagavad-gita Krishna informs us clearly:
“This great light of brahman is actually coming from Me”, Krishna says.
Actually there is so much evidence that God is personal that it can and does fill up so many books; but some will never accept this.
Krishna says in gita: AVAJANANTI MAM MUDHA
Krishna says that those persons whose mentality is like the ass (mudhah), they cannot know who Krishna really is, and surrender completely to Him.
However, as you are a sinsere seeker, we repeatedly beg you to read the books of Srila Prabhupada and all of your doubts in this respect will be cleared up, and you will be able to approach Krishna with an open heart. It is very difficult to love that impersonal conception. But Krishna wants so much that we love Him:
“Of all yogis, that one who makes Me the goal within the core of his heart, and engages in bhajan to Me, I consider him to be the greatest yogi of all.” B.g. ch 6.
Hare Krishna Pramodh ! do not stop here, but read these books of Srila Prabhupada and yo will be amazed at the overwhelming evidence that God is indeed a person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and this great impersonal manifestation is merely the effulgence emanating from His beautiful eternal form. Sat chit ananda vigraha.
I feel all the religions are human creation for discipline living. Everything depends upon one’s faith. Vyas was so talented,than through the divine power he wrote the “Bhagabat Geeta”. Valmiki was so talented, by the divine power he wrote Ramayan. Prophet Muhammad was so talented, that he founded Islam in the whole world. Jesus was so talented that his disciples founded Christianity after his crucifixion. Budha was so talented,that Budhim was founded. Like Jainism also. Nanaka was so talented, for whom Sikhism was established.
Still I am researching Geeta,Bible,Quran and other scriptures of different religion to arrive at the truth. Any how, I will complete the 700 verses of Geeta.
Hare Krishna Sambhunath
Vyas did not create the Vedas. He simply recorded it in writing. The Vedas existed since the creation of the universe, and even before that. Lord Brahma was the first created living entity in the universe and after his meditation and tapasya Lord Visnu manifested the Vedas within his heart. So the Vedas has been current from that time. It is not produced by man.
Other Religious scriptures like the Bible, the Koran, etc, are presented by empowered incarnations of the Lord, they may be living entities like you and me, but have been particularly empowered by the Lord for distributing transcendental knowledge. They could be as you say ‘so talented’, but you have to ask where did that special talent come from? And the answer is Krishna. These scriptures are not timeless like the Vedas. They have a beginning and are presentations of the same subject matter as the Vedas but targeted to a particular audience in a certain country at a certain time. So they are presentations of the Vedic knowledge according to time and place.
So there is some truth in your statements on the non-santana, or non-eternal religions. But the Vedas is certainly aparusa, not made by man…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Sambhunath,
Your are a very intelligent person. You have thought very much about these subjects.
Now you must test this knowledge, this message of Krishna, as it is being presnted by Srila Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Blind following is not recommended.
The process is that you must avoid the eating of meat , fish and eggs. This is simply to purify your mind/heart so that you can receive faith and inspiration. Then you must begin to vibrate the names of God as prescribed:
And you must begin to read every day the books of Srila Prabhupada. And if you do these things with sincerity, then surely as you are sincere you will feel a change of heart so that you will understand that Krishna is God and your best friend in all ways.
There are so many scriptures. Most of them are like primary education, simply to bring people to the level of a human being (instead of animal looking like human being). So many rules. Do’s and don’ts. But none of this is actually spiritual. It is all prerequisite to spiritual life.
Then there is religion which is saturated with self-centered interest, wherein people take to spiritual life with the aim of achieving material gains of one kind or another. Some practitioners want mystic powers. Some want to control others, to have followers, adoration from the public. Some want material rewards of wealth, position in society. And some want to rise above all duality and sense their divinity as spiritual essence with the desire to feel that they themselves are God.
All of these approaches are misleading. For in fact we are eternal individuals, spiritual sparks, one in quality with God, but eternally minute.
And this minuteness has a specific function in relation to our Source. That function is to serve with feelings of spontaneous love, with no desire for any return. And this is because when one awakens his dormant love for God he (or she) becomes so filled with spiritual happiness, that one thinks there is no greater thing to be gained. And the desire to express this love for God simply continues to grow, routing out all self-centered conceptions and impulses from one’s heart.
In fact this relationship with God is our real life. And this material world is a kind of insane asylum for those souls who perversely are striving to have the position of God by receiving the service and adoration of others, and becoming lords over all that they can survey. Because we desire in this way, we must return to this dimension of reality, lifetime after lifetime.
But when under proper guidance we are able to rekindle our dormant love for God, wanting only to please Him, then we are relieved of this disease of forgetfulness, and the spiritual world becomes an open book that we can enter, even while we are still in this material body.
No other path of spiritual developement describes in complete detail the nature of the God, and the sprititual realm, and the nature of our relationships of loving exchange with Him. this is only available in Vedas, and further, only in very few books in the vedic literature.
If you read the writings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, everything will be revealed in systematic way so that you can proceed along the path, not with blind acceptance, but with step by step realization.
So as you are a most intelligent person, I am putting this testimony before you. Now it is up to you to do as your heart dictates.
Thank you for considering our proposal, as it is being placed before you by this very insignificant person. Please do continue your search and surely you will blessed with all success.
In service to my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada,
Ishan das
Hare Krishna Madhudvisaji,
I want to share my similar experience as Arun & found a step towards Krishna Consciousness and its helping me significantly, I am sure this will be of help to others too.
Many-a-times, its not possible to strictly maintain prescribed dietary intake (hostel food, hotel food, conference, plane travel etc.). In Bhagwad Gita, God has prescribed very simple food items that he desires – fruit or flower or water or even a leaf. This is practically possible to offer to Lord Almighty in any situation.
So I try (as far as possible) to offer these as prasadam at least two times a day to the Lord before I take my main meals. My approach is that Lord should eat first & I partake portion of it, before I eat. This gives me immense satisfaction & I feel very happy. The day I miss this routine, guilty feeling hurts me from within; that my Lord did not have food today because of me.
Maybe this is the first step towards transformation, but make a beginning & Lord Krishna will guide you to his path.
I must confess, that I was addicted to chewing tobacco (gutkha); from the day I started partaking prasadam after regular puja & continued with my bad habit; my mouth used to burn & bleed (it suddenly turned ugly)! This forced me to quit “gutkha” and I am now a much healthier person – only due to Lord’s blessings & prasadam. So gradually all bad habits will leave you, just trust him & take the first step & then experience his magnanimity.
All stories given by astrologers (Sade-Sathi, Rahu Kalam etc) are all washed off if you get engrossed in Bhakti Yoga to Lord Krishna, as he controls all of this. So get going, keep reading Srila Prabhpadaji’s books – that’s the best way forward!
Another very small experience I would like to share; whenever I feel that I should do something & some unknown negative force pulls me down (e.g., getting up early on a cold morning); I remember “Uthisto Partha” – this word has been used by Lord several times in Bhagawad Gita & is so effective for me, that I just get going & all that negative force disappears!
These incidents may sound trivial, but its helping me a lot to self-realize and come closer to Supreme Personality of God Head – Shri Krishna!
Samkeertya Narãyana Shabta Mãtram Vimukta Dhukka Sukhino Bhavanthu
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
hare krishna achyut rao
thank you for sharing your experience. yes your experience might help others and it helps me too. i am not a devotee of krishna, as i am not yet qualified but i wish to. and iam also in the same league of krishna consciousness. i pray krishna gives me strength and intelligent so that i can conquer all kinds of negative feeling inside me.
hare krishna
Dear Madhudvisa Prabhu,
I always wondered about Lord Sri Krishna’s statements, Chapter 13, 8-12, where he actually seems to tell Arjuna that it is a good quality to perceive birth, death, disease and old age as evil, etc. So my question is should we perceive this world as evil? If we have to perceive this world as such and Lord Krishna is the creator, maintaining, and the destroyer as he is the supreme controller would it be OK to say that Krishna as he is supremely good that he is also supremely evil? Or does the absolute truth include evil as being a part of Krishna?
Hare Rama, Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Bonita
Krishna is not evil but He is Supreme in everything.
The material world seems evil to us. But to Krishna it is not evil. It is just like the government maintains prisons and those prisons are necessary so the citizens who are rebellious towards the government laws are put there and suffer and are reformed ultimately back to good citizens. So the prisoners may see the prisons as evil, but they are not evil. They are required to reform the criminals.
Similarly we, who have come to this material world, are all criminals, we have rejected Krishna, and He has sent us here to be reformed. So we will suffer here in the material world but that suffering is not evil. It is good, because as a result of that suffering some thoughtful persons are able to realize that there is no happiness separate from Krishna, so as a result of the suffering in this material world which is just like a prison they surrender to Krishna and that is good.
So from Krishna’s point of view this material world is not evil, and Krishna is not evil. Krishna is all good absolute. So even if Krishna seems to be doing ‘evil’ things like killing demons and sending us to the material world to suffer, that good, not evil.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krisna prabhu
My progress in krsna conciousness is increasing day by day .i am very happy because I am getting some courage and problem I read 3chapters of bhagvay hits which is wrote by some other author not i decided to restart from 1st chapter of bagvatgita as it is.and eating of onion and garlic breakss four regulative principle or not.because i am staying hostel .in our mess they onion in each items food .they not offer food to lord .so what to do prabhu
of i ate that good i will become so full……..hope positive reply
Hare Krishna Arun
Keep reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
The thing is as devotees we need to accept only Krishna prasadam. And Krishna does not accept any offering unless it is prepared by a devotee with love for Him and offered to Him.
So you need to adjust things in your life so you can eat only Krishna prasadam. It may mean you have to cook for Krishna yourself. Otherwise where are you going to get Krishna prasadam.
That is what I do personally. Every day I cook kitery and chapatis and offer to Srila Prabhupada so I get to eat prasadam. I do not eat anything prepared by non-devotees. So that is the standard we have to come to.
There is no way you can make what the non-devotees are cooking into prasadam and no way to remove the sinful reactions you get from it. But if there is absolutely no alternative then what can you do? You have to eat something to maintain your body so you can serve Krishna.
I do not know what is your situation so I can not give you exact advice but somehow you just have to organize in your life how you can adjust things so you only eat Krishna prasadam. Otherwise this eating of karmi food will be a great impediment in your attempts to make spiritual advancement.
If you can not immediately adjust it then you just have to go on with the current situation but you have to think how you can accept only Krishna prasadam…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Madhudvisa dasa,
I am so delighted to receive your mail on Bhagavt Gita and revert you. I dare not to describe myself a devotee of Krishna but i am dying to be. I usually read many a books of spirituality and listen to the discourses of famous devotees and saints but it’s has become very difficult for me to understand how i can balance my physical needs and the spirituality. How i can know how much should i earn to lead my life and what is the certain way to lead life so that he helps me to be close to Krishna without being away from my physicality.
I will be grateful to you if you can address my queries.
Looking forward to your reply!
Hare Krishna Praveen
It is best if you just read Srila Prabhupada’s books. That will solve your confusion. You can get them at and read them online at
The thing is devotees physical needs are automatically catered for. If we surrender to Krishna and serve Him then for example we have to cook and make offerings of foodstuffs to Krishna. So although we do not cook for ourselves, we have to cook for Krishna, and we are cooking very nice things for Krishna so naturally we get to accept the Krishna prasadam and our bodily need for food is satisfied.
Of course to live in the material world we need some money for maintaining the body and paying rent, etc, particularly if you are a family man you need money to maintain the family. But a devotee lives as simply as possible and saves time and energy for chanting Hare Krishna and serving Krishna.
So we are only interested in the bare necessities of life. ‘Plain living and High Thinking’ as Srila Prabhrabhupada says.
Prabhu I do not know your exact situation so I can not give very detailed advice but if you read Prabhupada’s books he will guide you in every way and answer all your questions.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
How may I become a Krishna devotee, if IAm not arujna?!!!!
It is so difficult to live nowadays…. WE don’t see
Love and solidariedad!!!!!
I have to have a guru deva in order I get the point!!!!!!!!
Excuse me the mistskes but I am not english.
Hare Krishna- hare hare
Hare Krishna Rosangela
Have Srila Prabhupada as your guru, if you surrender to him, serve him, hear from him [might be a good idea to learn English so you can hear from him directly] then he will guide you and answer all your questions and as your heart becomes purified and by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy you make advancement in Krishna consciousness you will start to see that love and solidarity again.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
bhagvad gita was suppose to b a conversation between Bhagvan Krishna and Arjuna then how can a third person know what was the conversation?
Sanjaya had the mystic power that even though he was sitting in the palace with King Dhrtarastra he could see within his heart all the activities exactly as they were going on on the battlefield of Kuruksettra. Srila Prabhupada describes this as “spiritual television”. You can understand that you can see something happening in some other place by the medium of the television. So by mystic power a similar thing is possible where a person can see what is going on in another place and describe it exactly.
So that is why you find two conversations going on in the Bhagavad-gita. The main conversation is of course between Krishna and Arjuna but we also hear the conversation between Sanjaya and King Drtarastra. If you just sincerely read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is he explains these things very clearly in the book, far better than I can explain them. So if you just read Bhagavad-gita As It Is Srila Prabhupada will clear up all your doubts.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krisna prabhu
I am very much inspired by ur reply .one more problem prabhu I am staying in hostel .my roomate are not good people they are agianst krisna .they eat meat .they talk vulgarly .thay watch vulgar films using my laptopp.if I get up early in the morning and start chanting .then they tell that the hell ur doing.because even wen I am chanting in evening or I the afternoon they .tell.y ur wasting ur time .thay feel prabhu what to do……….
Hare Krishna Arun
This is, of course, the nature of the material world and you will find it everywhere. But if you simply ignore them, just go on with your Krishna conscious activities peacefully and do not be affected by their negativity then gradually at least some of them will become purified by your good association. Krishna consciousness is very powerful and if we can actually become pure devotees of Krishna that will help the people around us also. Prasadam is very powerful. Obviously in such a situation you have to cook and offer to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna so you can acvecept prasadam yourself. So you can also feed your roommates with prasadam. And even they are doing so much nonsense, that will help them.
And you have to try and arrange it not to disturb them too much. If you wake them up every morning at 4:00AM they will get annoyed with you. But you have to wake up before 4:00 AM and chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books. So just make a plan to do it which is considerate of them, you can not expect them to be very serious about Krishna consciousness but in time they may change. You can go for a ‘japa walk’ like Srila Prabhupada did every morning and chant your rounds walking around or in some park or by some river or whatever arrangement you have around you. If it is a school or some place where there are buildings that are empty in the early morning and people are not sleeping there you can go there and chant Hare Krisha where it will not disturb them.
So they have to see that you are very serious about Krishna consciousness, and you have to be actually very serious about Krishna consciousness, and also they have to see that you are also considerate of them and not trying to force them to be Krishna conscious. But as you become more Krishna conscious, even without you trying to force them to become Krishna conscious, they will automatically become at least more favorable, and maybe even devotees.
But the point is Prabhu we have to become devotees ourselves and we can not become devotees unless we surrender to the basic things like following the four regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. So your primary business is to make sure you are doing this and try to do it in such a way that it does not overly disturb your roommates and do not be too demanding them that they “must” become Krishna conscious. As you become more Krishna conscious they will also become more Krishna conscious…
Let me know how it goes.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji…
with the help of your website, your association and by the grace of lord krishna i am able to do 16 rounds a day. it was a bit difficult starting 2-3 days. as i read all your articles also all the comments i get energize.
i want to ask you as you generally suggest that we can chant while walking. can i chant with japa beads at the same time doing houshold chores like sweeping with othr hand?
as my mother scolds when she gets up and see the room as it is. she tells if i got up early atleast i should sweep the room.
i found it helps me also as generally morning when i chant 2nd round i start feel sleepy.
hare krishna… 🙂
Hare Krishna Sonika
Certainly your mother is right that it is good to clean the place, that puts things in the mode of goodness also and creates a nice atmosphere.
And yes, we should be always chanting Hare Krishna as far as possible so we can certainly chant Hare Krishna while sweeping and doing other household chores. The gopis in Vrindavan were always singing songs about Krishna and remembering His pastimes and activities and chanting His holy names. But actually chanting on your japa beads while sweeping the floor is probably not the best idea. The idea of chanting japa is to concentrate on the chanting, and hearing the holy names very carefully, not really to concentrate on sweeping the floor. So certainly while sweeping the floor you can chant Hare Krishna, sing some bhajan, listen to Srila Prabhupada speak or chant, etc, etc. But still we should put aside the japa time when we can concentrate on chanting japa. Of course you have to use a bit of common sense. Srila Prabhupada would go on a walk every morning and chant japa and preach to his disciples. So certainly one can walk and chant Hare Krishna and that helps to keep us awake also. If you can sweep and chant Hare Krishna on japa beads without that distracting you well…
I am sure you will work it out. Krishna is in your heart and He will give you the intelligence to understand how best to organize your morning time.
I am very happy to hear that you are chanting now 16 rounds and it is going on nicely.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
Thank you so much for answering my question Prabhu! Your answer makes lots of sense & brings clarity.
I recently got enlightened about Vishnu Sahasranama; though I have been hearing this recital since childhood, I never understood the significance of this wonderful and powerful composition by Srila Veda Vyasa who captured the golden advise from grand sire Bhishma Pitamah for the benefit of mankind as told to Yudhisthira on being prompted by Lord Krishna.
The beauty of this Sahasranamavali is the stage & the background, which was set by the Supreme Personality of God Head Lord Krishna. Having delivered Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna himself could have revealed this “secret” to Yudhisthira; however he let Bhishma Pitamah deliver the Sahasranamavali so he could leave his body with Lord’s name on his lips! Such great is my Krishna & his wonderful ways!
Like fools we have been trying to learn the science of living from so called “gurus”; whereas this very supreme knowledge has always been with us since long and told in a simple way by none other than Lord Krishna.
As told in Gita 4:8
Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkritam
Dharma sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge
This is so very correct in my life; when I was going astray (adharma), Lord came, held my hand & got me back on track! That’s why he is called “Prapitãmahaha”.
Through you I request all who read your posts to make it a daily habit to read atleast few lines of Bhagawad Gita by Srila Prabhupadaji & listen to Vishnu Sahasranama – it will change life for good, results guaranteed!
Krishhnam Vande Jagad Gurum!
Hare prabhu
As I am doing enggineering .i am not able to maintain time for chanting and reading bagvatgita.six month ago I visited iskcon they took my number .when ever there is program or anything else they call me.what I feel is don’t want go iskcon.
Hare Krishna Arun
If you find an excuse now, when you are a student, for not chanting Hare Krishna and reading Prabhupada’s books then you will continue to find excuses for your whole life and will never do it. So you have to get your priorities right. Krishna consciousness is more important than your studies. You have to first chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books and then you can study computer programming or whatever…
Just get up before 4:00 AM and chant for two hours and read for one hour and then you will have the whole day for your studies and you will not have ‘wasted’ any time at all. What is the problem with this.
Yes. You are right, you should stay away from ISKCON, but if you don’t chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books then you are lost… So you have to chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books as your primary duty and your studies are secondary.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisaji,
Prabhu, a question has been disturbing me a lot… Lord Krishna is jagat guru:
“Vasudeva Sutam Devam, Kansa Chaanuura mardanam
Devaki Paramaanandam Krishhnam Vande Jagat Gurum”
Srila Veda Vyasa is the author of Mahabharata (and Srimad Bagawat Gita), Vedas & Puranas – which is the foundation of Hindu religion.
Several eminent gurus like Srila Prabhupadaji, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhuji dedicated their lives for propagating the Sanatna Dharama prescribed in Gita, Vedas & Puranas.
We worship Lord Krishna based on principles laid out by Srila Prabhupadaji, Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu & others. My question is:
Why Veda Vyasa is not accorded the same status / popularity as other gurus? We see temples and various followers of such gurus across the world; but rarely we see a temple of Srila Veda Vysas or a sect following the grand sire of Vedas, Puranas & Mahabharata. Why is it so?
May kindly guide & help me in getting answer to this query.
Hare Kirshna!
Achyut Rao
Hare Krishna Achyut
Srila Prabhupada is the embodiment of Srila Vyasadeva. He is Vyasadeva for the modern age. So by worshiping Srila Prabhupada you are automatically worshiping Srila Veda Vyasa.
As followers of Srila Prabhupada we follow him and make the sort of temples that Prabhupada instructed us to make. And that is temples of Gaura-Nitai (or the Panca-tattva) and Radha-Krishna. That is because in this age it is necessary to worship both Lord Caitanya and Lord Krishna. Lord Caitanya is the yuga-avatara, and in this Kali-yuga no one can progress significantly in spiritual life without worshiping Lord Caitanya.
So we do not speculate like this. We surrender to Srila Prabhupada and follow him. What is needed now is temples of Lord Caitanya and Radha-Krishna and Srila Prabhupada who is Veda Vyasa for this age.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Achyut Rao,
Hare Krishna! Actually we have in all Krishna conscious temples a day which is called Vyasa Puja. On the day the presiding guru is wrshipped as the representative of Srila Vyasadeva. In other words, he is worshipped because his qualification is that he can represent Srila Vyasadeva autoritatively. He is offerred the highest respect because he is representing Sriila Vyasadev.
Our Guru parampara, is coming down from Krishna: Krishna, Brahma, Narada, Vyasa. In our Srimad Bhagawatam, all of this is described. Therefore we are having the greatest respect for Srila Vyasadev, in all ways. As you continue to read Srila Prabhuppada’s books your heart will become satisfied in this respect.
Your concern is intelligent and well considered. And in fact we are in agreement with you. Hare Krishna!
i always speak to krishna… sometimes walking, sometimes sitting… sometimes in mind… sometimes loudly when m alone…. so when i am talking to him looking at the wallpaper of beautifull krishna in my laptop, does he listening what i am saying, what i am speaking to him?
two days back i bought japa beads…. sometimes while chanting i dont notice and i cross over the 109 bead(which means krishna’s head some devotee toldme) is it offensive and i have to do that round again?
Hare Krishna Sonika
I do not know if it is offensive but you should practice not to do it. You should be able to feel that the big bead has come and realize than and then move the counter bead down one and start chanting the next round in the reverse direction. I am sure Krishna will forgive you if there is any offense and when you realize you have done it just go back to the beginning after the ‘Krishna’ bead and start that round again.
But you will get used to it and not do it any more in a day or two if you just remain a little aware of it.
I am very happy to hear that you are chanting and becoming inspired in Krishna consciousness. Keep chanting Hare Krishna, don’t let anything stop you.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna prabhu ji….
i am sorry for asking too many questions… anyways … prabhu ji i am very much fond of chandan that devotees put on their forehead even our community people also put on special occation as i am from NE india. Recently i gathered courage to put the chandan even outside home also, while going to office (as i used to put at home only), it is okay right puting the chandan with casuals like jeans, (as i generally wear it)?
my office people are shocked, but i feel it looks good on me 🙂
hare krishna….
Yes, it is very good. It reminds people of Krishna and helps them to become Krishna conscious. So you are doing a very good thing!
Dear Sonika, Hare Krishna!
Please feel certain that as much as you are sincere, Krishna is listening to you. Krishna only wants our hearts. So if we are sincere Krishna is pleased.
However, in order to speak to Krishna, we must be sure that we understand who Krishna is in all detail. What does He wear? Who are His most close friends and loved ones. What are His favorite activities? What are His teachings, and advice to us, as He speaks in Bhagavad-gita? Why does He come to our earth planet? What are His activites here?
All of this information can be found in the books of Srila Prabhupada. When we understand these books, then we understand who is Krishna. And when we understand who Krishna is, in all detail, then our talking to Him, praying to Him, will be most meaningful. This is because we are not talking to God as we may imagine Him to be, but we will be talking to God – as He is. Then our talking will be most appreciated by Him.
But because your heart is very innocent and soft, therefore you are so much ahead of so many who know all the facts about Krishna, but have not yet come to the point of being so open-hearted and personal with Him. So knowledge of Krishna without being relational is not enough. And being relational without knowing Krishna in depth is not enough. But when you know Krishna in depth and are also relational, then Krishna will surely welcome your open heartfelt words.
So read, read, read all the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and you will come to know Krishna so nicely. And when we know Krishna very nicely then real talking will begin, and that talking will bear the fruit of love of God. Then Krishna will take you home, to the spiritual world, to Krishna Loka, where you can sing and dance with Krishna.
Your most innocent, simple demeanor is your strongest asset in developing Krishna consciousness. Now continue to build on that. Just like when you purchase a a computer or any device there is a user’s manual. These books are the user’s manuals for devotional life. Hare Krishna!
Hare krishna ishan das ji….
I am surely going to buy it. any thing for krishna. sometimes while chanting my mind say -why u wasting time, go watch movie, listen songs, have fun. then question arises in my mind – who is more important- shah rukh or krishna, watching tv or krishna. and obviously the answer is krishna only.
i guess lord krishna only questions me whenever my mind says to have fun as he is always in our heart and it directs all wandering souls as he stated in gita. but sometimes i avoid his signals and feel guilty later.
on sunday i bought japa beads for me thinking i would get up at 5 am and chant.
on monday i believe lord krishna woke me up (as i woke up without alarm) also at 5. but my laziness in this winter season forced me to sleep again in warm and cozy quilt. that day i woke up at 7 later i felt very much guilty.
since that day i have been getting up at 5 and chanting on japa beads and would give my best.
iam very much new to krishna consciousness even i haven’t started journey yet. i hope lord krishna would give me strngth if i able to impress him :).
such articles and websites helps new comers. I am expressing all this because i dont have anyone to talk to such things, coz i cant share all this either with family or friends, they would think i am in wrong path.
because i have seen many people, once i had believed it also, that path towards god or krishna consciousness is for old people , this young age is to enjoy, have fun and at the end go towards god.
hare krishna…. 🙂
Dear Sonika,
Hare Krishna!
I am very much in the same condition as you are describing. We cannot take instruction from the mind – only from shastra and guru. Lately I have been having this understanding and remarking, “Oh, this is just coming from my nonsense mind. If I follow the mind’s dictates, this will not help me.”
So e have to watch the mind very closely and not think that it is always workng for our highest interest.In fact we hav to become somewhat caulous to the mind.
I live in a wooded area, and for bathing I must go to the nearby creek. And now the temperature at night goes below the freezing point and in the morning, just like you are saying, my rascal mind says to stay in the bed where it is warm. But Srila Prabhupada has insisted that we bathe morning and evening, just to be nicely clean for our sadhana, our spiritual practices in Krishna consciousness.
This feeling guilty is our higher intelligence, and we must learn from it. What is the profit of making the same mistakes repeatedly? Srila Prabhupada used to tell us that his guru would say we should beat the mind with a shoe and with a broom.
We have to become used to the understanding that most people will not be able to value what this Krishna consciousness has to offer, and they will be forced to be caught up in the cycle of birth and death.
I also am alone most of the time and therefore this site is a chance to associate with other devotees.
You must push on with courage, and pray to Krishna for some good association.
Now I must go to bathe in the creek as night is bringing darkness, even though there is snow on the ground. Hare Krishna! We are all together in this march to Godhead. Thank you for your good association.
Ishan das
Hare Krishna Allan
PLEASE do not put your comments in ALL CAPS. It is very annoying and generally any comments in ALL CAPS I just delete.
Many Hindus, Indians think that Krishna is for them only. And very often they resent the idea that Westerners are taking to Krishna consciousness and they can be quite nasty about this.
But you are right of course. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is for everyone. Krishna consciousness is everyone’s original consciousness. Krishna consciousness is within everyone’s heart. And it can be awakened simply by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
And reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is of course. So do not take any notice of Indians who tell you Krishna is only for them. They are wrong, Krishna is for everyone…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
you say krsna says that the gita alone is sufficient what about tha bible is that ok or not
Hare Krishna Allan
Bible is OK but it is not very complete or advanced or perfect spiritual knowledge. The Bhagavad-gita is the actual words of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is the only book in the world that even claims to the the direct actual words of God. And it contains the exact Sanskrit vibrations that were spoken by Krishna, so if you just chant the slokas of the Bhagavad-gita then you are vibrating exactly the same words as Krishna spoke. So in the world the Bhagavad-gita has a very special and unique position. It is timeless and eternally relevant.
Even in the Bible Jesus says: “There are so many things I have not told you, because if I told you you could not tolerate them.” So Jesus could not say everything in the Bible because the people he was preaching to were not able to accept everything at that time… Krishna was able to tell his confidential friend and disciple everything, but Jesus could only tell the people he was preaching limited introductory points.
So if you want to understand spiritual knowledge in detail you need to read Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, etc…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear brother Allan,
The Bible, Old Testiment, is maninly concerned with laws, rules aout how to live.
In the New Testiment of Jesus, he teaches that all of those laws and rules are good, but that the highest principal is to “Love the Lord thy God with all of our hearts.”
The idea is that if we actually love God with all of our hearts, He will give us all ability to be a perfect person in all respects.
Just as Jesus teaches through the Lord’s Prayer: “Hallowed by Thy Name”, and if we take the name of God and chant it with sincerity, love of God will develope in our hearts, and the next step will automatically follow: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, right here on earth, just as it is in heaven.”
So Jesus teaches that if we develope love for God, all the rules will automatically be followed. Therefore love for God is the over-arching rule.
So we find the same teachings in the Bhagavad-gita. The Vedic culture has many books called dharma shastras (scriptural rules for living a progressive, good life). But in the last chapter of Gita, Krishna says most clearly, “Give up all that concern about scriptural rules that have to do with social interaction, etc., and simply develope your sincere love for Me, and I will protect you from all sinful reactions, and surely you will come to Me. Do not be fearful to take this up.”
So we see that in both of these pathways that lead us homeward, the same levels of approach are provided. And that ultimately, God wants our love more than anything else.
Love of God makes “our cup runneth over.” In other words when one developes love of God, all our selfishness, greed, anger, lust, avarice, enviousness – it is all is removed from our hearts, without separate endeavor. And one automatically observes all the hundreds of rules or commandments.
The thing is that in order to develope love for anyone, we have to come to know them intimately. And this also applies to God. Therefore, as Madhudvisa Prabhu has written to you, Jesus says that there is so much more intimate information about God and the spiritual realm that he could tell us. That intimate knowledge is provided in Vedic scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam, in all detail, just so that we can come to understand God intimately and come to love Him.
Books like Bible and Koran inform us that God is great and deserves our ever-lasting love. Here on earth the president or king is great and commands or demands everyone’s respect, veneration. But at home, those who are intimate with him, they are not bowing or saluting. They are cutting jokes, challenging him in playful ways, hugging and kissing him, singing and dancing with him. And this is so much more meaningful to such great persons.
Similarly, although God will recieve our great respect, He is inviting us to awaken our dormant love for Him so that we can enter into intimate dealings with Him.
Now it is up to you. This kind of knowledge is not kept secret under lock and key. It is freely available. So as your heart dictates, you can look further into this kind of information.
Hare Krishna! (May God live always in your heart!)
I am currently reading SB 1.14.
Here I came across this line:
A woman approaching a man for contact should never be refused, but at the same time the discretion as above mentioned may also be considered.
However, in some of your articles, I have read that woman is like fire, man is like butter, so man should as much as possible avoid woman association.In Cc,Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tells Raghunatha Dasa to avoid marriage as those in marriage have little or nil spiritual progress.SB Canto 3,Chap 31 also avoids man and woman association. So why did His Divine Grace say in the above line(in SB 1.14) about contact should not be refused?
All glories to Prabhupada ji. Hare Krishna!
You have to read everything in context and above all you have to follow the orders of Srila Prabhupada. So the regulative principles are there. And if you are going to become a disciple of Srila Prabhupada you have to accept the regulative principles and one of them is: no illicit sex. So that means you can only have sex with your wife and only when you want to have a child. What Srila Prabhupada is speaking about here is a traditional Vedic principle for the Ksatriya Kings. You are not a Ksatriya King in the Vedic times, it does not apply to you.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
As a true devotee one has no choice(in PRACTICAL) other than to accept the Krishan as a personality of godhead.
Hare krisna prabhu
I read bagvat gita which is wrote by sone other person. Not prabhupad .so what should I do know.I chant 3-4 rounds daily.
Get Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is and read that. You can read it at or purchase it at
You will not get the real meaning of Bhagavad-gita by reading some other Gita…
HARE KRISHNA madhudvisa dasa ji…
i would like to ask…. is there anything that we should touch and read bhagavat-gita after bath, i mean when we are clean. As i always carry bhagavat-gita as it is by prabhupada in my bag and in office or while traveling whenever i feel like i read it. Someone told me we should respect gita very much and should be kept in sacred place (like in temple at home) and should cover it with clean cloth all that.
Hare Krishna Sonika
People will tell you anything at all to try and stop you carrying Bhagavad-gita and your japa beads with you because they are envious and do not want you to read the Bhagavad-gita and chant Hare Krishna. Do not listen to them. Carry the Bhagavad-gita and your japa beads with you and read the Gita and chant Hare Krishna as much as possible.
You can get something to put your Bhagavad-gita in like one of those zip covers some people use for Bibles or as you suggest wrap it in a cloth. But keep it with you and read it and chant Hare Krishna also on your japa beads.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
after getting up from bed at 4 a.m can i start chanting without taking bath plz clear this thing to me.
Yes. You can. You should clean your teeth, wash your face & hands, etc. You can take bath also if it is convenient, but if not you can chant Hare Krishna. There are no rules and regulations like you have to take bath before chanting Hare Krishna. You can chant Hare Krishna in any situation. Before going to the temple or doing deity worship you have to take bath but not before chanting Hare Krishna.
You can chant Hare Krishna anywhere, at any time, in any situation…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna
I have a doubt, Iam from northeast, I am bishnupriya manipuri and we worship krishna/vishnu, our traditional dance is raas-leela. we are not supossed to eat meat but we eat fish and dry fishes which is our main food items even our traditional food items are made up of fishes and dry fish. why so? does not fish/ dry fish is meat? even brahmins of our community eat. i asked my dad, why our community does not allow to eat meat but eat fishes, dry fishes.
I am in doubt…we worship krishna but eat fish means we are not vagie. pls clear my doubt.. does not fish comes in meat? if not, why?
Hare Krishna Soni
Yes. Fish is meat and it is not allowed to be offered to Krishna. That is the point.
If your people are offering the fish to Krishna then they are great offenders and are doing a very bad thing.
The idea for a devotee is that he does not want to eat anything that has not been first offered to Krishna. He will only eat Krishna Prasadam. So this fish and dry fish can never be offered to Krishna, therefore it can never be prasadam, so an actual Krishna bhakta will never eat it.
Of course if it happened that there was no other food and one would starve without eating the fish then we have to maintain our bodily strength so we can use it to serve Krishna. But even then this fish and fish powder could never be offered to Krishna. That would be bad.
But these days there is no problem. We can get grains, milk products, vegetables and fruits and prepare nice offerings for Krishna, offer the bhoga to Krishna and accept Krishna prasadam, not fish and fish powder…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna
How can we be sure that Krsna is the supreme personality of godhead himself who compares in every quality to no other, not even earlier incarnations of himself such as Vyasadeva or Rama?
Hare Krishna Pablo
We can not know anything on the strength of our own imperfect senses. The only way we can get perfect knowledge is if we are fortunate to come in contact with a perfect person and if we take advantage of hearing the perfect knowledge from him.
So we have come across Srila Prabhupada, a perfect person, and he tells us that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead so if we have faith in Srila Prabhupada then we are sure. This faith in a perfect person is required to make advancement in Krishna consciousness. It is not possible for us to intellectually understand all the fine details of Krishna consciousness. The only way to understand is to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master and accept what he says to be the truth.
Of course on this point Krishna very clearly establishes that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Bhagavad-gita in many places, so if we are going to believe Krishna then we have to accept that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead… If we don’t believe the words of Krishna and we do not accept and surrender to a bona fide spiritual master then we can not know anything conclusively.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
Dear madhudvisa-dasa,
I am a boy of age 15. I came across the cloning process in a website. Please tell what happens to the soul in this process?
Hare Krishna Madhu Sudana
The soul enters the mixture of fluids in the womb of the mother when the situation is favorable for this. So in the case of a clone it is the same thing. The scientists change things so that the process is different but still if a soul is going to enter they have to create the same situation as in the womb when it becomes favorable for the soul to enter. So each clone will get a different soul. They will have identical bodies but they will be different people. Each clone will be an individual person with his own individual thoughts and feelings and desires. Because each different soul that enters into each clone body is a different individual person.
So although one may be able to create identical [or very similar] bodies through cloning they will not be identical. They will all be separate individual persons with their own separate personalities, desires, aspirations, etc…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
dead madhudvisa dasa sir,
If a new soul enters the body of the new born or clones, then is the no. of souls are infinite?
The number of souls is very, very great. In every atom there is a soul. Every bacteria has a soul. There are so many souls. Practically infinite… There is no shortage of souls. It is a question of consciousness.
Madhudvisa Ji Namaskar,
In the Dasa Avatar lineage of Dasavathar the which is the 9th Avathar of Lord Vishnu?
Is it Buddha or Balarama?
Hare Krishna Nagender
I am not sure what your first question is but Lord Buddha is in Dasavatara, Balarama is there also.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
please tell me are there any specific rules to chant hare krishna mantra like only after taking bath or only with tulsi mala can a beginner start with can i chant before going to bed or practise writing with pen and paper .how many times does one have to start with initially at beginning.and please forgive me is the original translation of srila prabhupada slightly changed according to this site
Hare Krishna Gourav
You can read Prabhupada’s original books online at and purchase Prabhupada’s original unchanged books at
There are no hard and fast rules for chanting Hare Krishna mantra. You can chant it at any time, in any place, in any situation. The only thing is if you have Tulsi beads you have to respect them by not putting them on the floor and being reasonably clean when you touch them, etc. But you can get neem beads and there are no such restrictions with them.
The start of Krishna consciousness is when you surrender to chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra and surrender to following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and you will not be able to do this unless you are reading Srila Prabhupada’s books regularly, at least 1-2 hours per day.
I know it may sound a lot and of course in the beginning immediately it may not be possible for you do do all these things. But you should know that Krishna consciousness does not start until you come up to at least the point of chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles.
You have to surrender to this otherwise you can not become Krishna conscious. So you have to decide to do it and work towards the point where you can do it. It may take some time but you have to achieve this goal.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
ALL Glories to Srila Prabhupada
Prabhuji plz tell me what is sruti and smriti.I know that sruti means hearing and smriti means chanting ,but I am not getting this exactly.vedas are sruti or smriti,bhagwat geeta is sruti or smriti..plz answer prabhuji.
Thank you
Please read Srila Prabhupada’s introduction to Sri Isopanisad, and then read the whole book, these things are very nicely described by Srila Prabhupada there.
Hare krishna Prabhu ji,
Please accept my humble obeisances
In Bhagavad Gita it is writtern ” less intelligent people entangles in the flowery words of Vedas & the one who is Krishna Concious need not to follow the instructions mentioned in Vedas” but match guna while matchmaking is also part of Vedas…then is it necessary to follow it? i do not understand what to follow and what not?plz let me know the significance of Vedas….
Hare Krishna
chant Hare Krishna and be happy
Read Srila Prabhupada’s books and follow them. That is perfection. You do not need to refer to any other books except Prabhupada’s books. That way you will be able to follow everything perfectly.
i already see Mahabharat in doordarhsn chhanel, so i alreay know about this. and i fill i m great devotee of sri krishna and shiv. but when i read comparison of islam and chrishanity abd talk about this other religion, and i aslo see dr. naik vedios then i have number of confusion about religion like who is the best. but i also know that all religion believe in one god. but why they fight .
i want to know that other religion believe in bhagavtgeeta. and they read , they follow it.
Hare krishna manoj
Even I had recently seen mahabharat by BR chopra and i was so adicted that i completed the whole series in just two days…. and this was the first time that i was impressed by lord krishna and came to know he is lord of lords….. now i am in love with krishna.
after seeing mahabharat i used to do research a lot regarding god, religion…as i had very less knowledge and still i have.. and i understood the more you read articles of commentaries regarding religion or whatever the more you will get confused … my confusion got vanished when i finished reading bhagavat gita.
I believe ppl fight regarding which is best religion or best god they are fools and by fighting or forcing others in the name of god they did not understand god itself i believe they are equal to athiest and by doing that they are hurting lord itself.
hare krishna prabhu while chanting mahamantra my mind wonders here and there so give me some tips to totally absorb in transcdental sound means mahamantra.
Just keep chanting Hare Krishna Prabhu. It is completely normal that your mind may wander like this but the solution is to keep chanting Hare Krishna and concentrate on hearing all the words of the mantra. If you just keep on chanting Hare Krishna the transcendental vibration will bring your mind under control.
1.I have a doubt regarding whether Bramhan is the soul in the body or the shining effulgence of Krishna’s body. Also what is the difference between Brahm and Bramhan?
2.In the 16 books for $49 offer, will we get any book regarding to Krishna conscious cooking.
Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna
‘brahman’ is the impersonal spiritual substance that Krishna is made of and we are also made of. The shining effulgence of Krishna is of course Brahman and the supersoul is brahman of course as well. But the supersoul has personal form, of the four-armed Visnu. Visnu is brahman of course also. But He has personal form. So Krishna is also brahaman but He is para-brahman, of the supreme brahman. The source of all brahman.
Anyhow if you do not know these things you are not seriously reading Prabhupada’s books. So please take reading Prabhupada’s books seriously.
There are no cook books in the ‘Prabhupada Library.’ You need to get this Prabhupada Library and read the books Prabhu. That will clear up so many points for you and make you very happy.
So is Krishna also made from the Brahman effulgence?? I had read that He is the SOURCE of the effulgence.Please clear my doubt. If even Krishna is made of Brahman effulgence then I think the Mayavadis are not wrong. On the other side I think there must also be a source of the effulgence?
The Braman effulgence is the shining rays coming from the body of Krishna. Like the sunshine is the shining rays coming off the sun. So as the sun is the source of the sunshine, Krishna is the source of the brahman effulgence…
Dear Sir
Pls tell can we read bhagvad gita at night just from 11pm to 4pm.
waiting for your reply
Yes. You can read Bhagavad-gita at any time.
i have been a regular reader of ur krishna-connect newsletter since summer of 2012. around late september, i ordered your bhagavad-gita offer with the bonus gifts beyond birth and death, perfection of yoga, & guide to self-realizati dvd. i already had a a set of japa-beads with bead-bag to carry them in. usually, i find it much easier to chant hare krishna at will, with no use of japa-beads. often, i use hare krishna mantra-meditation when siting cross-legged with eyes closed to focus more intensely on the hare krishna mantra. i have considered many times of adopting krishna conscious vegetarianism to live healthier and practice my krishna consciosness in my spiritual life, but find it very hard to do. it is something i need to figure out on how i will get beyond eating animal flesh, but as i chant hare krishna mantra more so and read bhagavad-gita as it is and watch srila prabhupada on guide to self-realization, then perhaps, i’ll develop a higher taste for krishna prasadam vegetarian foodstuffs and chantng more and study of prabhupada’s books. i have greatly benefited from your krishna-connect newsletter and i wish to express my joy and gratitude for helping me know more about lord krishna and his topmost science of the soul. thank you and hare krishna to all who make the krishna-store, krishna-connect newsletter, and programs online possible for isolated devotees like myself to follow lord krishna and become a pure devotee of srila prabhupada. a yahoo! group i really like and access is: krishna bhagavan: the bhaktipriya. this is where i first learned about lord krishna and found faith starting at this point in my journey in krishna consciousness. thanks.
Hare Krishna Roger, i can understand your predicament when it comes to meat eating. I for one was a voracious meat eater and having lived in the middle east it only became worse. Then at the age of 41 i became Krishna Conscious and just after i became one i consciously stopped eating meat for a week and from then on i just found it in myself to get off it completely. It’s more than 2 yrs now and i’ve stayed away from it and i know it well that i’m off it for good. Yes when i meet friends and we go out for a meal etc i miss it or get tempted but the temptation is only momentary once you get your mind off it, you are fine. What i do is make a joke of it and laugh it off or say to myself and my friends ‘yeah, it was good while it lasted’. Maybe Krishna tests you, just to see your resolve but staying away from it has been far easier than thinking of being away from it and it goes without saying, this is only cos’ of Krishna’s mercy and HIS mercy is always there for people who chant HIS names regularly to remain in HIS consciousness.
Hare krishna
thank you so much Madhudvisa dasa ji for the article. I really liked it and i am writing this comment because i want to interact with the devotees of lord krishna, but i never got such chance.
I would like to share some thing with you Please read it and would love if you reply also.
1 year back I was a normal girl, normal like others. I was not athiest but I knew there is something called god who is superior. but what is god, who is god. what is this something when i recall god. i used to pray but dint know that to whom i was praying actually. Now i have a answer the “lord krishna” .
and who gave me this answer ….??? itself lord krishna, this what i bilieve.
1 year back I just used to pray to god for personal things like i want this , i want that at the same time i also prayed for self realization for me…. without knowing properly what the meaning of self realization…
now i understand praying for things which give me pleasure at the same time praying for self realization is contradictory. i guess i am correct because this is what i understood by reading “Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada”
I feel myself very much blessed that with the help of lord krishna mercy, I got to know about GITA about god. I have Bhagavad Gita- As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and i feel that this book has been gifted by lord krishna to me, so that i could understand him… because since childhood i always wanted to read, hear more about god but never got chance. i considered lord krishna as normal as human, i used to think because he is extraordinary human that is why people worship him.i was such a fool. but no one was there to tell me that -girl you are completly wrong.
now why i am saying that lord krishna gifted me bhagavad gita because I found this wonderful book from the mandir of my hostel room one year back in a brand new condition. I dint know who left the book, anyways i started reading it and praying daily morning, before leaving hostel i decided to take the book.
so it was because of lord krishna’s love for me that my love for lord krishna introduced.
I consider myself very fortunate for getting this article in mail. I want to ask you – tell me the means so that i can become krishna conscious. I read Gita daily, I chant harekrishna mantra all the time whenever my mind is free from work, i dont count how many times i chant, but i chant even before sleeping.
is it OK to chant hare krishna mantra in mind?
also i have noticed while chanting hare krishna, often it happens though i chant in mind but i will be thinking something else for eg. regarding my office work, on many things mind wanders while chanting only.
Sorry for the long comment, If you find anything offensive please excuse because i consider myself an ignorant, less inteligent and a very small devotee of lord krishna and i want to grow more towards krishna consciousness. and would say that general mass of people doesnot appreciate such things, I read Gita alone so that i dont get noticed at home because these are the sudden change in me. loads to write, loads to express and hear from you about lord krishna. anyways..
love for you and my father, my friend , my mentor lord krishna
Hare Krishna Sonika
Nice to hear you are advancing in Krishna consciousness.
The process is to chant the Hare Krishna mantra and hear it, actually it is hearing that is the most important thing. So we chant the Hare Krishna mantra so we can hear it. Therefore you should chant aloud, at least loud enough so you can hear it yourself. It does not have to be super-loud but has to be loud enough so you can clearly hear all the words of the mantra yourself.
Of course thinking of Krishna is also good, but that is no substitute for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and hearing it. It is not at all possible to chant in your mind. Chanting means vibrating the words of the Hare Krishna mantra with your tongue and hearing them with your ears. This is the process.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Sonika
Chanting with japa beads or by counting on your fingers allows one to remain in Krishna Consciousness for that period in time without being disturbed (108 times) and when you do that for 16 rounds (minimum or more) so the time you’ve spent chanting HIS names without interruption has increased. While chanting all the time is ideal, human mind being what it is, is better off when told to do certain number of times, for then you know that you’ve achieved a certain amount of time in HIS consciousness.
Don’t be worried of being appreciated or people seeing you as different for being Krishna Conscious. In time people will notice the changes in you and would want to be like you and may take up to Krishna Consciousness. While chanting or reading alone is good, it is better when we influence people to do the same. The benefits what we’ve experienced from being Krishna Conscious is to be shared so that people also are aware of it and enjoy it just as much as we do. Don’t be disheartened if people don’t take it up, that should not stop you from doing what you are doing.
It feels so beautiful to read of stories of how eachone gets to know Krishna.
Hare Krishna
HARE KRISHNA i completely belive to the supreme power i.e.LORD KRISHNA,i have attended SOS1 program from that day i left having egg also now i’m pure vegeterian. and i’m chanting HAREKRISHNA MAHAMANTRA daily. I would like to become busy ony in study with the KRISHNA CONCSIOUS,i want ur suggestion for my plan.
ONE more question as i’m from village usually in village people wil go daily to the temples to mentain a tradition but stil they are materialistic, even my dad go daily to temple, so wt i suggest them to make involve completely in KRISHNA CONSCIOUS.
HAre KRISHNA daily i wil attend sai baba aarati in our native, is baba aarati equals KRISHNA worship.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
Thanks for the News letter,i never used to know that i will come in touch to supreme personality of Godhead in this manner.i m very happy.
Thanks & waiting for Further News letters
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram hare Hare
Hare Krishna,
Please help me.
Sir can you please send me the video of the chanting with the beads, coz i think i had done it wrong when chanting, want to know on which finger should you chant holding the beads.
So that i can correct myself.Awaiting for your response
Please read the article:
It is all explained there.
thank you sir, for the reply this website has been very helpful.
Please read the article:
It is all explained there.
Hare Krishna Prabhu ji…
I have been reading scriptures created by A.C bhakti vedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, such as Bhagavatam, Nectar of devotion, Bhagavad Gita, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya…These greatest scriptures have changed my life and since then Lord Krishna has shown me his path of love through these books…
There are different ways of bhakti described in scriptures…sadhna bhakti, prema bhakti etc…
Sadhna bhakti includes vaidhi bhakti & raganuga bhakti…I have a question regarding this that how would somebody know that he has developed the spontaneous love of Lord Sri Radha Krishna…??
I would be waiting for your reply…
Hare Krishna Ajay
You will know if you have developed spontaneous love for Krishna. If you don’t know then you have not yet developed it. It will not develop unless you very sincerely surrender to the basic process of saddhana-bhakti that Srila Prabhupada teaches us in his books with the most essential points being chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra daily on beads and strictly following the four regulative principles (no illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication). These are prerequisites, we have to be solidly following these principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra every day and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours daily before we can expect to make any advancement in Krishna Consciousness. And spontaneous love for Krishna. Generally that takes some time to develop. Srila Prabhupada’s advice is “Work now samadhi later…”
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
While reading Swami Prabhupadaji’s purport, I came across a part in which He says that a human soul can at maximum possess 78% of the qualities of Krishna. At another place, Swamiji has written that a human soul is part and parcel of Krishna as so qualitatively one with Krishna. If we are qualitatively one with Krishna, why do we posses only 78% of the qualities and not full 100%?? Sorry if I have made a blunder or misinterpreted any of Swamiji’s words.
Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna Inventor
When you hear that we are part and parcel of Krishna that does not mean we are equal to Krishna or can ever be equal to Krishna.
It means we are a very small, tiny, insignificant part of Krishna. Like a drop of water in the ocean is a part and parcel of the ocean. Because it is part and part of the ocean it shares the qualities of the ocean. The ocean is salty, and also you will find some salt in the drop. But you can not compare the billions of tons of salt in the ocean with the tiny grain of salt in the drop. The drop is salty for sure but it can never compare to the ocean in terms of the quantity of the salt.
So there are a list of qualities that Krishna possesses and, it is not 100, but say it was 100, then 78 of those qualities we can posses in a very tiny way, in the sense that the drop of ocean water possesses saltiness for example. So even though we can posses these 78% of the qualities of Krishna, still we do not possess them like Krishna does. We posses them like the salt in the drop of sea water compared to the entire ocean.
But the ocean has properties also that the drop can never possess. For example the ocean can produce huge waves and pound these huge waves relentlessly on the costliness of all the countries of the world simultaneously. That is a potency the ocean has but the drop, even though it is a part-and-parcel of the ocean, does not have, and can never have.
For more details on this you can read Srila Prabhupada’s Nectar of Devotion. It is explained there very elaborately…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Jai Shri Krishna Swami Ji
Can we Read Bhagvad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam Together.If yes then Pls tell me Where I get Srimad Bhagavatam by Srila Prabhupad ji Maharaj because Bhagvad Gita which i read daily is also written by Srila Prabhupad ji Maharaj.
Hare Krishna all of you.
Yes you can read Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam at the same time and you can get Srimad Bhagavatam at or read it online at
I am raised as a Christian and accept that Krishna and Christ are but different names for the same thing. Is it allowed to be able to worship in a church while practicing krishna consciousness if I cant and attend kirtan with devotees otherwhere as well?
You can chant Hare Krishna anywhere and you can worship Krishna anywhere. You can make your own small alter and have the photos of Srila Prabhupada, Lord Caitanya and Krishna and worship. That is the best thing. Chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If we don’t do these things we are not going to become Krishna conscious.
And no, it is useless to go and worship with people who are engaged in eating meat, drinking alcohol, gambling and having illicit sex. They are not sadhus, holy men. They are demons actually. The sign of a saintly person is that he must have at lest developed the good qualities. And these people are performing all sinful activities and even in their religious system these sinful activities are all allowed…
So it is not a very good place to worship, surrounded by people who are meat eaters, alcohol drinkers, gamblers and sex mongers, and have no intention of giving up these bad habits, they do not even know that these habits are bad…
I know it is a bit difficult… Still if we sincerely take to Krishna consciousness Krishna and Srila Prabhupada will help us. We can not expect it to always be very easy. Krishna consciousness is a very high goal and we have to expect there may be some difficulties in our attempts to attain it…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
Lord Sri Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead has been very kind & merciful to me & by the blessings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda I have started to read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is.
I visiting your website today & registering and receiving your email reemphasizes The power of Bhagavad Gita – I am currently on Chapter 10 & your intro email speaks about Chapter 10 – is this coincidence? No.
I seem to be attracted to it like a magnet – in the morning, during the day, in the evening, I am attracted to read & must have the treat of this knowledge nectar before retiring – as I turn the pages, my life is being peeled like an onion & I am able to get answers to so many of my questions – whenever I have a question in mind, its answered in the subsequent verses. We always had this divine guide about Science of Life for so many years but we were made to read mundane books – such a waste of time & energy. I wish I had read this earlier.
Bhagavad Gita was given to me by an ISKON dasa at Newark airport in 2007 & at that point in time, I was so much engrossed in material world, not even a single word made any sense to me. I tried several times to read but everything in it was a bouncer & I just kept it away.
Today when I am in the same situation as Arjuna – faced with difficulties, dilemma, deceit by my own people, losing my balance and trembling, unable to decipher of why all these is happening to me – Lord Krishna automatically came and held my hand & is teaching me this supreme knowledge through His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda. Such a divine scripture, such Supreme is Lord Kirshna!
Like Arjuna I have to complete my duties in this material world, which is an uphill task; however I am able do it easily, based on principals of Bhagavad Gita – strive hard to reach the ultimate goal by being completely submissive to Lord Krishna without expectations. Difficult in today’s world, but I am trying & by gods grace, I know I will do it.
Shatkoti pranam to Lord Krishna for giving this life manual and to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda for making it so simple for an ordinary person like me to absorb this science.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare || Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||
Shri Krishanaarpanamastu || Hari hi OM ||
It is written in one of the posts that a pure devotee does not even want to go to golok vrindavan. But wants to serve Krishna whenever he can. But my case is different . I don’t want to go to vaikuntha, but I wish strongly for golok. I am confused if I am a good devotee or not. I don’t need much material happiness though. But I want golok and want to play with lord Krishna.And will he give me another beautiful body in golok eternally? How do we worship Krishna in golok?
Hare Krishna Anurag
Yes. A pure devotee does not want plaything for himself, he does not want to play with Krishna to enjoy playing with Krishna. He wants to serve Krishna. That means he is a soul completely surrendered to Krishna and his only prayer is “Krishna, please engage me in Your service.”
He has no desire for liberation, but he is already liberated. In Goloka Vrindavan the devotees serve Krishna in different ways. It is not really worship. It is service. Worship is done by the devotees who worship Narayana in the Vaikuntha planets but in Goloka Vrindavan the feeling of Krishna being the Supreme Lord and the object of worship is not very strong. There the different devotees love and serve Krishna according to their particular relationships with Him.
So realistically we should not be dreaming about enjoying playing with Krishna in Goloka Vrindavan, it would be far more practical to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and serve him because we will never get to Goloka Vrindavan without the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna. So as Prabhupada says: “Work now, samadhi later…” If we want to advance in Krishna consciousness we have to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and make fulfilling his orders our life and soul… Then as we advance and actually become serious devotees we will realize that the idea is to please Krishna and to please Srila Prabhupada and that is actually Krishna consciousness and we will surrender and do whatever Srila Prabhupada and Krishna want us to do… Rather than dreaming about enjoying by playing with Krishna in Goloka Vrindavana…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I am not allowed to chant 16 rounds at home(not because of religious issues but just because it is considered to be a waste of time). So to make up I try to chant in school but the atmosphere in school is least conducive for chanting. What do i do?
Hare Krishna!
Get up early in the morning and go on a walk and chant Hare Krishna in the early morning… No one can complain you are wasting time, otherwise you would be sleeping and completely wasting your time…
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji
I have one query to ask you.
I am 25 years old and preparing for Indian Civil Service Exam. As Srila Prabhupada said whatever your profession is, that should be in service of Krishna. How can i utilize my profession as a Bureaucrat or Civil Servant in service of Krishna?
Plz reply
With deep regards
Hare Krishna
You work for money. Use that money in the service of Krishna. That is the way.
My Dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishna
Pls tell after completion of Srimad Bhagvad Gita What will be the next,Can we repeat Bhagvad Gita or start any other Krishna consciousness.
Ravi Kant
After Bhagavad-gita you can read Srimad-Bhagavatam.
You can also just read Bhagavad-gita again if you like. And you can read so many other books by Srila Prabhupada but the general thing is after Bhagavad-gita then Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Hare Krishna Swamiji,
I am a devotee of Krishna but I also wanted to know why has Krishna compared women to Shudras worker class in the process of attaining moksha? Was it bcoz our society considered women at inferior level? I also want to join Hare Krishna movement what do i do?
Materially speaking women are less intelligent than men but from the spiritual point of view there is no difference. Everyone is equal on the spiritual platform. So what you have to do to become Krishna conscious is simply surrender to Srila Prabhupada and follow his instructions and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. You can do this where ever you are, in your house or anywhere, you do not have to join a temple or anything like that. You can continue living your life and not give up your responsibilities but just add Krishna consciousness to your life.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I read that since it is not possible to think about Krishna all the time, we should use the fruits of our actions for Krisha’s sake. But how can a school going boy like me do this when there is no fruits obtained. Also I do not know how to cook properly and parents do it, not I. So what should I do??
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Inventor
It is possible to thing of Krishna all the time and Srila Prabhupada teaches us how to do this in his books so you should do it.
The most important things you have to make absolutely certain that you are doing is you must chant the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds every day, you must strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and you must read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If you actually sincerely do all these things then automatically you will see Krishna making adjustments in your life and you will see that you will get plenty of opportunities to serve Krishna…
You have to know that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that He is in your heart and He is in everyone’s heart and that He is in control of everything and He can adjust things to make it easy for you to perform devotional service.
Just do it, chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, follow the regulative principles and read Srila Prabhupada’s books and Krishna will give you the intelligence from within your heart and you will be able to understand how you can adjust things in your life so it does become possible for you to think about Krishna all the time…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna, i read the mail,u sent me. i read books of isckon, and trying to connect me with krishna.
Is Krishna male or female? He is not woman, man or neuter, nor is He an animal- this verse of Gajendra’s prayer has confused me. Pleas could you solve it?
Hare Krishna!
Krishna is Parama-Purusa, the supreme male.
Dear Inventor, Hare Krishna!
The essence of Gajendra’s prayer is that although Sri Krishna has a human-like form, we must not make the mistake of thinking that He is a human being.
There is a class of yogis, philosophers, and meditators who think that the Source from which everything has come is a great impersonal energy. This great impersonal energy of Brahman is greatly effulgent and is called the brahmajyoti. Those people who worship God according to that concept aspire to merge into that great light, whereupon they loose all sense of individuality, all sense of self, all sense of relationship, and they exerience themselves as Brahman, as inseparabel from the impersonal Oneness of God. They believe that they are God and that worship of God is therefore not necessary.
Because these people think that God is formless, and that spirit has no form, therefore when the avatar comes to our earthly planets such people believe that the formless God has taken on a material body. And they believe that He must be just like you and I, except that He has more realization.
Although shastra states that this kind of realization of God is a true form of realization, still it is the lowest or least significant aspect of God realization. And such persons cannot advance further because that is the concept of God that they hold in their hearts, and therefore they do not aspire to worship God in any other way.
Therefore in Bhagavad-gita Krishna says:
Tanslation: “When I appear in this human-like form, those who do not know Me, those who minds are like the minds of the donkey, the ass, (MUDHA), such person do not recognize Me as God. They do not understand my supreme nature (PARAM BHAVAM) and they do not understand My supreme dominion over all the be (MAHESHVARAM).”
IN The Brahma Samhita, Lord Brahma offers his prayers to Lord Krishna:
Translation: “The supreme controller of all is Krishna. His form, His body (VIGRAHA) is SAT CHIT ANANDA, (eternal, full of bliss and knowledge). He has no beginning, and He is the beginning from which everything else comes. He is the cause behind all causes.”
So Krishna’s body is an eternal spritual form. And from Him everything comes. He is the Supreme Brahman. Not only that, in Gita Krishna instructs us that the the great effulgence of the brahmjyoti actually comes from Him:
And the very first shloka of Srimad Bhagavatam by Srila Vyasadeva instructs us:
Translation: “That person Who has appeared as the son ov Vasudeva and Devaki, He is the Supreme Absolute Truth of Brahman, because He is the Source from which all manifestation has come….”
That vesre goes on to tell us that because of His great power, even the devas like Brahma, Indra, Candra, etc., are subject to the illusion of this material world.
The conclusion is that Krishna is God, the Supreme Bhagavan, or as Arjuna says in Gita, He addresses Krishan as DEVADEVA, the God of all Gods.
So this is what Ganesha means when he says that Krishna is not a man. At the same time all that exists including al of our forms are manifestations of Krishna’s power, and so we are the expression of His different SHAKTIS. Because there is no difference between the power and the powerful, therefore we are part of Krishna. So in that sense we are part of God. But we are eternally the servants the God. And Krishna is eternally our Supreme Master.
This is only a brief sketch. So as Madhudvisa Prabhu is always encouraging us, we must read the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Then all of these concepts will become crystal clear. And all of such questions will be solved. This is the higest knowledge of the Absolute Truth. And it behooves those who are most intelligent to take advantage of this opportunity to receive it. Otherwise there are so many inferior ideas being broadcast by those whose knowledge is less complete – yes – people like to thin that we are all God. But God is not sujected to this process of birth and death. And he invites us to join Him and dance with Him in Vaikuntha. Not to imagine that we are God. Intelligent persons will accept that invitation.
Hare Krishna!
My Dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishna
As you know days of ancestors namely “Shradhs”are coming.If we start Bhagvad Gita from the Ist Day of shradhs and fully complete at the ending Day and in
between we chants the Hare Krishna Mantra in a Day with 16 rounds as per your
instructions,whether it will be benefit to our ancestors.
Waiting and Regards
Ravi Kant
“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare”
Hare Krishna Ravi
Yes. Certainly. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is very beneficial to the ancestors in the family. We get the proof of this from the narration about Prahlada Maharaja and his demonic father Hiranyakasipu in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Hiranyakasipu was a great demon and was killed by Lord Narasimha because he was trying to kill his son, the pure devotee Prahlada Maharaja. Even though his father was great demon still Prahlada had some affection for him, after all he was his father. So he asked Lord Narasimha about the destination of his sinful father and the Lord informed Prahlada that because of the birth of such a great devotee in the family [Prahlada] all the ancestors of the family for the past 21 generations and the future 21 generations would be immediately liberated.
So the Krishna conscious activities you perform are not only good for yourself, they are good for all your family members in the past and into the future for many generations. So it is a very good idea to take advantage of the sraddha days like this and help the ancestors of your family by the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and of course also offering them Visnu prasadam.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
Thank you swamiji for your reply.I also want to study bhagavad gita.But how I have to read that because I don`t have any book.I am staying in canada.wheathere I have the grace to read “gita”.Reply me swamiji.
Hare Krishna Meena
Just buy it from!!!
It is less than $10…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
Madhudvisa dasa swamiji,I am glad to get our mail.Thanks for your response.swamiji,I want to know many things from bhagavad gita.I want to learn it,can u help me?
Just read it and read Srila Prabhupada’s purports and learn from him.
What Is The PURPOSE of this life? how to known the Purpose.
Hare Krishna Rohith
First we have to realize that this material world is a place of suffering and that we can never be happy here. Then the next thing is to question….
Once we have realized this world is not a happy place and never will be we are in a position to consider that there may be another existence, a spiritual world, the kingdom of God, and we may be interested to go there. The place which is our real home, the place where we can live forever in an eternally youthful body full of knowledge and ever-increasing transcendental bliss…
We can only understand the purpose of life by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna like Srila Prabhupada. So if we surrender to him and serve him then by his mercy we can actually realize the purpose of life. I can tell you want it is but telling you what it is and you actually realizing it are two different things. The purpose of this human form of life is to uncover our original spiritual consciousness and realize that we are eternally a servant of Krishna and surrender to Krishna and serve Him. Then at the time of death we will naturally remember Krishna because we have been serving Him all our life. And Krishna promises in the Bhagavad-gita that whoever remembers Me at the time of death will surely come to Me. So that is the perfection of life. Remembering Krishna at the time of death.
And to understand how to mold our lives in such a way that we can always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna we need the guidance of Krishna’s pure devotee. We need a bona-fide spiritual master to guide us on the path back home back to Godhead. And the spiritual master has to be a pure devotee, a liberated soul. He has to have already reached the perfection of Krishna consciousness, otherwise he will be unable to guide us on the path to perfection…
So take shelter of Srila Prabhupada, surrender to Srila Prabhupada, read Srila Prabhupada’s books and you will be in very safe hands.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
My greetings to Madhudvisa dasa ji,I am here to speak freely and I think that you are the only one who can answer me correctly,from the moment I started reading Bagavad Geetha I have been a great disciple of krishna,it interested me in many ways always dragging me to read when ever i felt free,one question I have for you sir “lord krishna is beeing worshiped by many people and take krishna as their idol,everyone follows his path,lord krishna has been with 16000 women,lord Krishna has desire for women then why is it in india belive that being with more than one women is a social crime and having relations with many is considerd to be intolerable,my question is “when people accepts this thing with lord Krishna then why dont they accept with others in the society,why dont they think that it’s his personal”.I am not asking this question because I am of that type ,I am asking it because I found it as a interesting point to be considerd..pls dont think this as imformall,I am a disciple of Krishna and I belive in him..I am a young boy posting this for the first time so if there are any mistakes pls excuse me..
Hare Krishna Hemanth
Krishna’s position is that He is the Supreme Enjoyer. Everything belongs to Him, everything is meant for His enjoyment. Krishna does not have any desire for women. Krishna is complete in Himself. But the women who are his devotees want to serve Him in that particular way so He accepts their service. But we are not Krishna. We are not the supreme enjoyer. We are eternally servants. Our business is to serve Krishna. Our business is to serve, not to try and imitate Krishna by trying to enjoy thousands of women.
Of course many misunderstand the pastimes of Krishna with the Gopis and think that Krishna was interested in enjoying with a lot of women and think because Krishna did it we should be able to do it too. That is a great mistake and a great misunderstanding and all I can suggest is that you seriously study all of Srila Prabhupada’s books so you can remove this misunderstanding from your mind and understand our real position as servants of Krishna. The only way we can actually become happy is by serving Krishna. Our satisfaction, our pleasure can only come from serving Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Hemanth, Hare Krishna!
Krishna is God. All the living beings, the birds the beasts, the humans, the insects – unlimited millions, billions, trillions of individual souls – all of them are eternal servants of Krishna.
In this material realm, the tendancy is to try to immitate Krishna, to be the most important person, the most attractive person, and to have every render service to us. That is our disease. It is demonic, asura. As long as we avoid being Krishna’s servant, we will have to return to this world of birth and death where the suffering is unlimited.
Therefore Krishna can not only have 16000 women. He can 16000 X unlimited trillions of women. Because not only all women, but all of us we can only be happy and saved from this birth and death cycle by becoming lovers of Krishna. Those who try to immitate Krishna will surely go to hell. Krishna not only had so many women who loved Him but also He lifted the mountain called Govardhana Hill, and held it on His little finger for seven days in order to show Indra, the king of the devas that he (Indra) is also a servant of Krishna.
It is more advanced level of Krishna consciousness to understand that in the spiritual world where Krishna lives eternally, everyone there has an individual relationship with Krishna. One will have the mood that Krishna is my child. One will feel that Krishna is my friend. And one will feel that Krishna is my lover, my boyfriend. These things are described in the books of Srila Prabhupada, based on Srimad Bhagavatam. So Krishna can have all of these unlimited trillions of relationships with all of us simultaneously. And there is nothing wrong in any of this. But if we try to immitate Krishna – that is our diseased condition. To learn from Krishna, is not to immitate, but to become a lover of Krishna. And this begins by reading authoritative literatures adn chanting Hare Krishna.
HARE KRISHNA PRABHUJI. SRILA PRABHUPAD KI JAI. Prabhuji how i m control my car (BODY). My means is how control the badly and dangerous sense. HARE KRISHNA
Read Prabhupada’s books and follow the instructions you find there.
You have to become actually Krishna conscious which is a process and you have to follow the process. It is not so easy. You have to be serious….
Hare Krishna Prabhuji.SRILA PRABHUPAD KI JAI.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa ,
Thanks for the newsletter sent to me. I ahve read Bhagvad Gita once. It is said that Bhagvad Gita has solutions to all the problems in life. I would like to know the applications of lesson one in our day to day life.
Jai Shri Krishna.
Thanks a lot for this valuable information swami ji. I have doubt that when did lord shri Krishna born is that he born before the early age,ice age or after dinosaur age.If say ant thing wrong forgive me.
Yours sincerely
Hare Krishna
Krishna is never born and Krishna never dies. He appears before us and disappears as the sun appears in the morning and disappears in the evening. But as the sun is not born in the morning and does not die in the evening Krishna is never born and never dies. It is just sometimes He is present before us in the material world. So Krishna was present on this planet in India 5000 years ago. That is not very long ago really and as far as we read from the descriptions of Krishna’s pastimes the world was much the same as it is now except of course not technologically developed and people were living much simpler and more natural lives. You can read Srila Prabhupada’s Krsna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead and you will very easily get the feel for what life was like for Krishna and His devotees in Vrindavan 5000 years ago.
Hare Krishna Prabuji. Hari bol for sending and choose for me this beautiful and speech less newsletter. One request and question is “i am daily decided for i wake up early morning and Chant the Mahamantra. But Still i am filed. So prabhuji what i am do for wake early morning. please help me and given some ideas. HARE KRISHNA
Hare Krishna Prabhuji.i am read next newsletter. it is too good. so i request to u given me more and more lesson of the gita. Prabhuji when we are offering to the lord of food, shelter and so on. it means lord is taken all of this as well as lord is satisfy. it means also all humans is also satisfy. But many people in India and Other States, they are not satisfy. They are hungry and poor. So why prabhuji. Prabhuji i have a less Knowledge. so prabhuji i am say anything wrong or unsense, please prabhuji ingore it. HARE KRISHNA.
Harekrishna prabhuji,
Nowadays I am doing my japamala 16 rounds, i want to know prabhupada’s which book i’ve to start to read first. me a complete veg for last few years and using tulasi beads as my japamala, now a days started to wear kandhamala. reading bhagavath gita daily also.
Hare Krishna Sindu
You should read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books. All small books are important including Science of Self-Realization, Beyond Birth and Death, Perfection of Yoga, Easy Journey to Other Planets, Perfect Questions Perfect Answers, etc…, very important books include: Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Sri Isopanasid. You are already reading Bhagavad-gita. Of course Srimad-Bhagavatam is the next step after reading Bhagavad-gita and after that Sri Caitanaya-caritamrta.
So you have to read all of Prabhupada’s books. They are all important. And not just once. We can read Prabhupada’s books over and over again and every time we read them we will have new spiritual realizations….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Sir
Jai Shri Krishna
I have come to know yourself from my friend who is engaged to you from last 6 months.I am the devotee of Lord Krishna.I read Bhagvad Gita by Srila Prabhupad Ji Maharaj and chant Hare Krishna Mantra 3 to 4 rounds in a day.
I oftenly goes to Jyotisar and chants the hare krishna mantra under the Banyan tree where Lord Krishna teaches the Gita to Arjuna.
I am service man and have to travelling 4 to 5 hrs in day by bus route.I have little family and I have One son and one daughter having age of 6 yrs and 3 yrs.They also chants Hare Krishna Mantra.
Due to all of this I feel tired when I came to my house in night. For this I have drink with in 2 days(Wednesday and Saturday)
Pls tell me what can I do.
Waiting from you
Jai Shri Krishna
Hare Krishna
Instead of having the drink you can start having a small sankirtan festival in your house with your family and friends on Wednesday and Saturday nights. You can come together and chant the Hare Krishna mantra together and sing some of the songs of the Vaisnava Acharyas and read something from Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam and your wife can prepare some simple offering and you can offer to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and distribute the prasadam to the family members and friends. In this small sankirtan festival you will feel refreshed. Your tiredness will go away and you and your family will become inspired more and more in Krishna consciousness and it will create a very auspicious atmosphere…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
This question is for krsna but as i am an impure human-being i cant speak directly to krsna so i wanted to ask a devotee of him as krsna will listen to his devotees!!!
Tell me one reason krsna, why did you kill my mother???
She is so innocent, loved me a lot and used to take care of me a lot. how could you think that i can stay alone in this world with out my mother??
now tell me who will take care of me?? how can i live in this world ??
how could you imagine that a child can live in this world with out her mother?? I am crying like anything why don’t you hear me??
I want to see my mother, want to spend time with my mother and want to stay with my mother and want to talk to my mother…
I need my mother back please krsna please send her back i will touch your foot Please kindly please krsna please help me, this is not as hard as lifting a mountain with little finger and this is not a very difficult task for you.
Can you please give my mother back?? or Please tell me where she is??
other wise tell me what should i do to make her happy ever??
Otherwise Please kindly do one thing please keep her with you and take care of her please, i will do what ever you want.Please don’t take this as an order, this is a genuine request. If she did any mistake i will take the responsibility of that karma because what ever she did that was for me only. PLEASE Krsna… you hear me ??
Hare Krishna Pavani
We have to surrender to Krishna’s plan. No one is killed. We are all eternal. Your mother was not killed. She simply changed from one body to another. We do not understand why things are happening but we are not in control of the things that are happening so as devotees of Krishna we simply accept everything that happens as Krishna’s mercy. It may be hard to see how such seemingly painful things can be Krishna’s mercy but as devotees that is how we see.
Ultimately this strong loving attraction you feel for your mother is simply a perverted reflection of the real loving feelings we all have for Krishna in our original pure state. So from the intensity of the feelings of love you have for your mother you can understand something of the feelings of love for Krishna that you really have which are now forgotten.
So for you this is a great chance for you to repose your loving affection to Krishna. Every relationship in the material world, as you have discovered with your mother, is temporary. And when it is over by death or some other reason we feel pain. But if we can rekindle our original loving relationship with Krishna then that is our original position and our relationship with Krishna is eternal and we will never be separated from Krishna.
So the best thing for you is to take advantage of this oportunity to develop your love for Krishna by chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. As you become more and more a devotee of Krishna Krishna will reveal everything to you.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you so much swamiji for your mails.These are really very informative and much needed in this material world.
i have a query swamiji.I am having 2 shrimad bhagwatji at my is original and the other one is interpretation of gita by some author.
As a fresher,which one i should start reading first so that i can absorb its content?
And my mother always says that we should always read Shrimad bhagwatji in front of laddu gopal as he likes listening it.Is it true?
Hare Krishna Harshit
Yes. It is nice to read Srilmad Bhagavatam in front of Krishna because He likes to listen. But if you are not there with the deity you can also read Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krishna is also present in the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam in the form of transcendental sound.
You should read Srila Prabhupada’s translation of Srimad Bhagavatam and also read his Bhaktivedanta Purports because in the purports Srila Prabhupada explains all the points very clearly and gives references from other sastras. So get Prabhupada’s Bhagavatam and read that….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you so much for the information.
i will follow your instructions honestly.
thanks again.
I am in love with lord krishna.I do serve laddu gopal at my place.he is my soul mate.but since i am a chartered accountant(final) student i dont get time to read shrimad bhagwat ji.i am interested in knowing its content.Please help me on this.
Moreover whar other things i can do to express my love for shyam sundar ji?
If you want to know what is in Srimad-Bhagavatam make the time to read it… That is the only way you will really find out…
My dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishna all of you.
I have completed “Bhagvad Gita” One time by Srila Prabhupad Ji Maharaj.
and chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Mantra daily.
Pls tell whether can I restart “Bhagvad Gita”by Srila Prabhupad Ji Maharaj.
Pls tell which dress is suitable when we read Bhagvad Gita or chanting Hare
Krishna mantra. Waiting for your soonest reply
Ravi Kant
Hare Krishna Ravi
Yes. The second time you read Bhagavad-gita it is much better than the first. The more you read it and follow the instructions you find in it the more the confidential knowledge of the gita is revealed to you.
It doesn’t matter what dress you are in when you read Bhagavad-gita or when you chant Hare Krishna. Just read the Bhagavad-gita and chant Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
Thank you so much for sending me first newsletter. It is so informative. I really appreciate this site for explaining and accepting comments about reading.
Hare Krishna
hre krishna madhudvisa dasa ji!
i understood all about bhagavat gita but my uestion is that in the battlefield of kuruksetra the lord krishna made arjuna to fight because it was dharma(religion) of a ksetriya to fight but as an engineering student how did we decide that what should be done for dharma and what should not?
In other words i can ask that i should play basketball or not? I know that it can be devoted to lord krishna but it is not saintly activity for girls although it makes our personality very good which is again helpful in getting placed. If i want a good salary it is again for krishna. If i’d have money then it’d be easier to serve krishna and other people would also listen to me otherwise they’d say what did you get after reading bhagavat gita and all srila prabhupada’s book.Sir please don’t take it in wrong way because in my view after a good success(materially) when i’d say that my success is due to bhagavat gita and kindly grace of Srila prabhupada then may be many people follow me that is my aim to make more and more people to read bhagavat gita. But if i’d not have a good success(materially) then due to the widespread philosophy people’d not like to listen me. so sir please tell me should i play basketball or not ?
Sir my problem is although materially inclined but sir i’m not able to make decision and don’t want to take suggestion rather than you.
I offer my obeisances to Srila Prabhupada
hre krishna!
Hare Krishna Joyti
Originally when Srila Prabhupada first gave the four regulative principles to his disciples in New York in 1966 he added “no unnecessary sporting” to the no gambling principle. So Prabhupada so much disagreed with devotees engaging in unnecessary sporting that he added it to the vows that he required his disciples to accept and promise to follow at the time on initiation. So certainly devotees have no interest in these sports. We should be engaged in Sankirtan, the congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and we should keep fit by chanting Hare Krishna and dancing in ecstasy and distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books to the fallen conditioned souls…
So no, you should not play basketball. It is a complete waste of time. You can use that time instead to chant Hare Krishna and read Srila Prabhupada’s books and that will be to your eternal benefit. We can not justify our maya by these very indirect and intangible imaginary connections with service to Krishna.
People will listen to us if we are pure. Purity is the force. It is not that if I get a good job and become rich people will listen to me. Therefore I should spend all my time and energy to make a lot of money…. NO. That is a waste of time. If we are going to get money it will come anyhow, even if we don’t work for it, and if we are not meant to get much money then even if we work very hard for money we are not going to get much money. It is our karma, these things are already arranged. So we should be just satisfied with whatever arrangement Krishna makes and spend our time and energy chanting Hare Krishna and studying Srila Prabhupada’s books. Some education and some job may be there but we do not have to make much endeavor for this. Our endeavor should be to become Krishna conscious. Everything else is secondary. And people will listen to us and be affected by our spiritual potency to the degree that we actually have spiritual potency. It has nothing to do with money at all. Srila Prabhupada went to the USA with only $7 and no friends and no job but because he is a pure devotee of Krishna and because of his spiritual potency his preaching was wonderfully successful. So it has nothing to do with getting a good job and making a lot of money. It is all about our Krishna consciousness, our purity. And we can start out on the path of Krishna consciousness by agreeing to chant at lest 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling or basketball and no intoxication] and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. If we are not prepared to spend the time and energy to do this at least then we are not going to become Krishna conscious. So we have to make following the regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra and reading Prabhupada’s books essential parts of our daily routine. These are the most important things in our life, we can not neglect them ever.
And it doesn’t matter what people think. Most people are materialists, karmis, they can not understand why devotees spend so much time serving Krishna and why they are not interested in sex, drugs and rock and roll for example. Devotees are not interested in the things that materialists are interested in. So naturally the materialists can not understand the devotees. So we do not care what they think or what they say. We only care about pleasing Srila Prabhupada and Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
You can look submissive up in the dictionary…
Konwing of krishna is the final full knoledge , Then why we have to wait for death ?? in bhagavat geetha said that in the last stage of ur death what u remains in ur mind is going to be ur next birth , then why dont we suicide think of krishna ???? so my question is ” can i suicide think of kirshna ?? then krishna will accept me ?? can i enter to gologa (krishna loga ) After my death when i think of krishna and suicide because i feel frustrated in my life with all the aspect 🙁 pls clarify my doubt
A devotee does not have to wait for death, We can become Krishna conscious and experience the presence of Krishna now, in this life. And if you commit suicide that is sinful and you will be punished by becoming a ghost and being trapped in the material world in a much worse position than the one you left. So that is a very bad idea. You can not become Krishna conscious by killing your material body. You become Krishna conscious by using your material body in the service of Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna
Is there any problem in keeping bronze metal idol of krishna in pooja room. pl
No. Why would there be a problem? Krishna can appear in any form according to the surrender and service of the devotee. So if you surrender to and serve Krishna He can accept your service through this form. Why not?
My Dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishan
Can you give diksha’s to your followers or can I say you “Gurudev”.If yes then pls tell the procedure to join yourself.Waiting for your earliest reply.
Ravi Kant
No. Guru is not so cheap. Please read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books and give up the for types of sinful activities [illicit sex, sex outside marriage that is not meant for having children, intoxication including tee, coffee, smoking and alcohol and all forms of gambling and meat eating and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. You have to do at least these things to begin on the spiritual path. Spiritual life is not a cheap thing and guru is not a cheap thing. To succeed in any material thing you have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to it, similarly to succeed in Krishna consciousness you also have to dedicate a lot of time and effort to it….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
can we chant hare krishna without japa beads?
Yes. Of course. But if you accept initiation in Krishna consciousness then you take a vow to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and that should be on japa beads. That is what Vaisnavas do, they chant Hare Krishna on japa beads so if you want to be a Vaisnava that is what you have to do as well…
Was involved in Sri Krishna Bhakti since the age of 9 and continued till 16yrs. By that age much of the 5 major Panchkaleshas like kamna(desires )for material/wordly things, Lobh(Greed), Rag(attachment)and Dwesh(jelously)were nowhere in my thoughts and action. Living a life of detachment, with hatred for any material gains, the negative environment however sometimes provoked anger, for which I was immediately punished by my lord Krishna, and I am very grateful to the almighty. My retirement has now brought me further close to Lord Krishna and it is a great feelingof his presence around you.Anyone wanting to achieve permanent ANAND should start Krishna BHAKTI early in life.
Hare Krishna prabhu ji,
Please accept my humble obeisances
I deeply thank u for ur concern for a fallen soul like me.Please let ur servent have a association of a pure devotee.Please give ur drop of mercy ,so dat i can also hear and read BHAGAVAD GITA in a right spirit…
hari bol prabhu ji
yours fallen servant
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I want to know how to concentrate my mind while chanting the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra on Krishna.
Your servant,
Just concentrate on hearing every one of the words of the Hare Krishna mantra. That is all you have to do. Chant it properly and hear it. In the beginning the mind will wander and be out of control but you simply neglect the mind and keep chanting Hare Krishna. The idea is not to concentrate on Krishna while chanting Hare Krishna, the idea is to concentrate on hearing the transcendental sound vibration of the Hare Krishna mantra which IS Krishna. Krishna and Krishna’s holy name are identical. Of course while chanting Hare Krishna Krishna may appear in your mind but He may not also. That does not matter, that is not the process. The process is to simply chant the Hare Krishna mantra and hear it with full attention.
Thank you Prabhu ji.
Hare Krishna.
Your servant,
My Dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishan
Pls tell me Is it compulsory to complete 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Mantra with tulsi japa beads continues while we chanting in morning or can we complete 16 rounds in a day from morning to till night.Waiting for your valuable reply
Ravi Kant
Hare Krishna Ravi
We take the vow to chant 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily. So that means we have to chant the 16 rounds within the day, not that we have to chant them all in the morning. We can chant throughout the day and in the evening also. As long as before we take rest in the evening we have chanted at least 16 rounds during the day. Of course morning, particularly the brahma-muhurta, is a very special time and a very good time to be chanting Hare Krishna and performing devotional activities we need to be engaged in Krishna consciousness all day and all night, 24 hours a day ultimately…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Madhudvisa dasa,
Hare Krishna
Thank you for your introductory mail on who can read the Bhagavad Gita. I am a typical family man with bigger disturbances of Mind thinking everything about myself , job, family, money etc…. kindly guide me in first bringing my mind to an steady state and start reading the divine knowledge in “Bhagavad Gita”.
Hare Krishna Madhava
You do not have to wait until your mind is in a steady state to read the Bhagavad-gita. Remember it was spoken by Krishna to Arjuna on a battlefield and in the beginning at least Arjuna’s mind was completely confused and he was in the bodily concept of life and unable to make the correct decisions. Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna so Arjuna could control his mind and ultimately fix it on the Lotus Feet of Krishna. So do not wait for the problems and disturbances of family life and job and money, etc to stop. They are not going to stop. That is just the way of the world. Devotees do not expect these disturbances of the three modes of material nature to stop, they transcend them, they come to platform where they are not disturbed by these things.
So you simply need to make a program in your life so you can rise early in the morning an chant the Hare Krishna mantra on japa beads and you need to commit to following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and read the Bhagavad-gita… The chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra and the strict following of the four regulative principles is what you need to put your mind in a state which is conducive to understanding the Bhagavad-gita. And then you simply have to hear it. It is better if you read the Bhagavad-gita aloud because then you will chant it and hear it. And it is better if you read and hear the Sanskrit slokas and Srila Prabhupada’s English translation and the most important thing is to carefully read and hear Srila Prabhupada’s Bhaktivedanta Purports…
That is the process. Don’t wait. Start now.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
First you have to know what the ten offenses in regard to chanting the Hare Krishna mantra are and be very careful to avoid them.
I read the above in one of your posts, please tell me what are the ten offences.
Hare Krishna
Sanat Attavar
PLEASE READ NECTAR OF DEVOTION BY SRILA PRABHUPADA!!! How can anyone hope to become Krishna conscious without even reading Srila Prabhupada’s books!!!
Haribol Madhuvisa Dasa,
Please accept my pranams.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Who is Lord Sri Krishna? I am interested in living as a pure devotee and following Lord Sri Krishna the rest of my life. My wife is supportive of me living as a Krishna Devotee. Prior to accepting Lord Sri Krishna as my Lord, God, and Savior as well as Srila Prabhupada as guru, I would abuse my wife and it only took a report by the local police to make me realize that I needed Lord Krishna in my life. Despite, possibly facing eviction from our housing, and a court appearance, I am ready to follow Lord Krishna as His Pure Devotee. This is my life sentence without parole imposed on me by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, since I have accepted His plea bargain for my soul and my life to become a Pure Devotee and live with my family, of my wife and infant daughter, regardless, of what happens to us and our situation. Just constantly chanting Hare Krishna mahamantra and live and play by the rules set by Srila Prabhupada in the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and other Vedic Literatures he has translated and all of his writings about the Vedic Science of Krishna Consciousness: The Science of the Soul. Hare Krishna, Madhuvisa Dasa, and please write me back on this. I will regularly update you on these matters as they unfold and you can guide me as needed.
Hare Krishna Roger
It is very good to hear that the difficult incidents in your life have encouraged you to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna as His pure devotee. In reality however it is not in our power to become a pure devotee like this. Pure devotee is not such an easy thing generally speaking because we have spent so many lifetimes as a big demon. We can not generally just click our fingers and say ‘now I am a pure devotee’. And now I will just chant Hare Krishna 24 hours a day… That is not possible for us in the beginning. Krishna consciousness is a science, it is a scientific process, and we have to follow the process. And that process Srila Prabhupada has very elaborately explained in his many books. So we actually have to follow the process. And of course chanting Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day and strictly following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] are requirements, actually we can not become pure devotees of Krishna without serving, pleasing and getting the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna.
So you will not be able to constantly chant the Hare Krishna mantra constantly in the beginning and you may not even be able to follow all the rules and regulations in the beginning. You need to be engaged in practical devotional service under the direction of a pure devotee of Krishna. You have to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master and follow the particular orders he gives you as he knows the way that you can be elevated from your current platform to the platform of a pure devotee of Krishna…
So anyhow chant Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day and strictly follow the four regulative principles, but do not imagine that you have become a pure devotee of Krishna so easily. It requires great mercy from a pure devotee of Krishna to become a pure devotee of Krishna….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Swami Ji
From Heart Jai Shri Krishna All of You.
You are advised to every person for chant Hare Krishna Mantra and to complete 16 Rounds in a day.What is the secret of 16 Rounds. Waiting for your reply
Ravi Kant
Jai Shri Krishna.
Hare Krishna Ravi
The secret of chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra a day is get a taste for chanting the holy names of Krishna. Because without having an actual taste for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra we will not be able to chant 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily. And how to develop that taste? That is only possible by association with the pure devotees of Krishna. These days you will not find pure devotees of Krishna in temples, actually they have become very, very rare. So the secret is to associate with Srila Prabhupada by reading his books and listening to his lectures and bhajans and be constantly either reading Prabhupada’s books, hearing his lectures or chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.
To come to the platform of offenseless chanting is a great science and there are so many things you have to do. First you have to know what the ten offenses in regard to chanting the Hare Krishna mantra are and be very careful to avoid them… Because if we commit offenses while chanting the Hare Krishna mantra it will be very difficult for us to develop a taste for chanting Hare Krishna. But there are so many things. It is a science and you have to learn the science. If you have not thoroughly read all of the small books Srila Prabhupada has written and the Bhagavad-gita then you have to do this. Then you should very carefully study Nectar of Devotion. That is a very, very important book that all devotees need to very carefully study.
And ultimately, without pleasing a pure devotee of Krishna and getting his mercy and blessings, we will not be able to get a taste for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra… So you have to actually do things that really please Srila Prabhupada… That is the real secret.
Krishna consciousness is a way of life. It is something we have to do 24 hours a day. It is a complete change of consciousness.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
How do I become a Krishna Devotee? What is Initiation that I hear so many Iskcon gurus talk about? I hear that initiation that Iskcon gurus of the GBC says is an absolute must isn’t necessary to be a Krishna Devotee to be a true full-fledged disciple of Srila Prabhupada. What ways can I join a Hare Krishna Society or Krishna Conscious network that isn’t run by the GBC and become a full-fledged member of the Krishna Devotees? Please help me out! I accept Srila Prabhupada as my only Spiritual Master and read only the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is? Are there other books like Science of Self-Realization and other literatures translated by Srila Prabhupada for free of charge with free shipping in the postal mail? Let me know. My mailing address is:
Please send as many Krishna Conscious literatures as you can for free cost and free shipping to my PO Box for me to read and build up a Krishna Consciousness Library. Any literatures will do, great or small. Thank you. Hare Krishna! I am into becoming a full-fledged devotee and need help in achieving this goal for me to become a member of a Hare Krishna Society.
Hare Krishna Roger
As far as Prabhupada books they cost money to print but we can supply them at practically the printing cost. Please order the Prabhupada Library which is over $135 worth of essential Prabhupada books for only $49.
Anyone can spare $49 for Prabhupada and all this money goes back into the fund for printing more Prabhupada books. We do not make any profit on this at all, actually we loose money on it…
If you are unfortunate enough to be misled to take initiation from a GBC guru then you will most certainly NOT become Krishna conscious. ISKCON has separated themselves from Srila Prabhupada and in the process disconnected themselves from the disciplic succession. So ISKCON does not have any potency whatsoever to connect you with Krishna. They will only bewilder and distract you from Srila Prabhupada. That is all they can do…
So you need to, as you are doing, take shelter of Srila Prabhupada directly yourself by reading his books and actually following the instructions you find Srila Prabhupada giving you as you read his books.
This way, as you actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada and serve him, you will make real tangible advancement in Krishna consciousness by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishna
I have two questions.
1) Nothing is without Shree Krishna,evenly wife,children and your relatives like brothers,sisters,parents.All these relations are materialistics or can be says “Puran Swarath’I am totally fedup with this.What’s your views regarding this.
2) Someone says to me “Don’t be read Bhagvad Gita in your home”.Violence appears.
Hare Krishna Ravi
India is very unfortunate. And generally Indians are very unfortunate. They have become practically 100% materialistic and they twist the words of Krishna in His Bhagavad-gita to try and support their 100% materialistic outlook on life. Krishna is instructing Arjuna to kill his family members and friends on the Battlefield of Kuruksettra and the whole idea is to break this materialistic bodily concept of family, friendship and love that everyone in the material world is so infatuated with. So Bhagavad-gita is meant to awaken us so that we become free from the bodily concept of life and realize that actually we have no real connection with these people who have appeared as our family members. As soon as this body will die we will all separate and never meet again and in our next life we will have another set of so-called family members. We have no real connection with these so-called family members and unless we can engage them in the service of Krishna then we have no obligations to them. Our obligation is to serve Krishna so if the family refuse to be engaged in the service of Krishna and become obstructions in our progressive advancement in Krishna consciousness then we have ho obligation whatsoever to them and we can leave them to serve Krishna and to reenter Krishna’s family.
As far as the stupid Hindu myths like ‘don’t read the Bhagavad=gita in family life,’ they are stupid idiots. It is a great misfortune that India has come to this. But generally the Indians nowadays have become very unfortunate and 99.9999% of them or more and just stupid idiots who have absolutely no real interest in spiritual life and are 100% interested in the illusory so-called pleasures of the material world in the form of family, friendship and love which is all maya, all illusion. It is a very unfortunate position for India.
So the summary is the Indians generally only speak nonsense so do not listen to what they say. Listen to Srila Prabhupada who has actually fulfilled the real mission of an Indian and surrendered to Krishna and become a pure devotee of Krishna. Prabhupada will clear up all your doubts and give you the real message that Krishna wants to deliver to you.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I have utmost respect to Srila Prabhupada and I had the rare opportunity to personally see Srila Prabhupada at Nellore in 1976 January, and I always say Sri Abhaya Charana Bhakthi Vedanta Prabhu pada or Srila Prabhu Pada.I simply dont use initials when using sacred names.Further Bhagavad Geetha to follow in life is almost impossible,kindly give names of few whom you think are following Bhagavad Geetha,like nishkama yoga.Whenever I tell youngsters they are simply asking at what age you left Non Vegetarian food,alcohal,gambling illicit sex when spouse is available,for which I will feel to answer.I strongly believe that one should be member of Sri Krishna Chaithanyam at senior inter level itself,so tnat he can better follow the right way.Further Bhagavad Geetha by so many intellectuals are also good.If any distortion is there then the organisation can point out.I reuest sincere discharging duties in propogating Krishna conciousness is the need of the day.
My Dear Swami Ji
Hare Krishna all of you
Thanks a lot for your valuable guidance to me.With your thoughts Now I am fully devotee of Lord Krishna.I am not fear of death.The world is different to me as parallel to others.Today I am not going any temple of Shiv and goddesses and not in mind to go any teeraths like amarnath etc.I woke up early in the morning and read Bhagavad by Srila Prabhupad ji and chant the one round(108 times with tulsi japa beads)Hare Krishna Mantra.
Pls tell to me is it sufficient or I have to more worship.
Regards & Waiting for your reply.
Hare Krishna Ravi
It is very good that you are reading Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is an chanting one round of the Hare Krishna mantra in the morning. It is a great start but really it is not sufficient at all. You have to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex (sex is only for having children in marriage), no intoxication, no gambling and no meat eating) and read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day. Otherwise it is just sentiment. If we really want to advance in spiritual life then we have to surrender to the process that will help us advance… And that is chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, strictly following the four regulative principles and reading Prabhupada’s books daily,. This is the beginning. Until we come to this point we have not begun…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Please help me to be out of this material life and to be always in SHRI KRISHNA’s Charan.
thanks for the beautiful introduction.
hare krishan hare ram thanks for replying me i am not a regular reader of bhagvad gita but when i feel to read i read bhagvad gita yes it has all the solutions whether it be related our life or we wnt any kind of answer spiritually now my query or problem is that iwhen i used to chant hare krishna it soothes my body and soul but when i used to say it is you god who is doing all this suddenly i felt i have god in mee this is proud which i really dont want plzzz help mee
Hare Krishna Milli
It is good that you want to feel humble. That is how devotees actually feel. We all have God in our hearts. Krishna is present within all of us as the Supersoul. When we are in maya we can not appreciate the presence of Krishna in our hearts but gradually as we advance in Krishna consciousness we come to practically realize the presence of Krishna in our hearts. So there is nothing special about you that you have Krishna in your heart, everyone has Krishna in their hearts. You are just starting to realize it because you are becoming purified by practicing Krishna consciousness.
But you have to realize that Krishna in your heart is not you. You are not god. I think that is the problem you are facing. You are confusing Krishna in your heart with you. But there are 2 personalities in your heart. You are there as the actor and Krishna is also there as Supersoul, the observer. So it is actually Krishna doing all these things for you, you are not doing anything yourself except trying to surrender to Krishna. That is in your hands. But apart from trying to surrender to Krishna we can not do anything ourselves. Everything else is done by Krishna.
Many people fall into the trap that it looks like you are trying not to fall in and that is confusing themselves with god. Actually we are tiny, insignificant spiritual sparks and God is great, unlimited, all-powerful. We can never be equal to Him or greater than Him. He is always very great and we are always very small…
As you keep chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupada’s books you will get practical realization of these things.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
My dear Swami JI
Jai Shri Krishna
I have started Bhagvad Gita by Srila Prabhupad Ji.I have completed 7 chapter.
I have understand the meaning of life.Nothing is without Lord Krishna.Now
I cannot worship the demi gods.My family says to me that you are infected
from superstitious powers. But I am not belive in these tasks.Till to my end I cannot worship the demi gods.I have surrender fully to Lord Krishna.I want to know from yourself that whether my thinking is right.
Waiting for your soonest reply
Always Yours
Ravi Kant
Yes. Of course your thinking is right. It is very clear. Krishna says in the Gita: karmis tais hrta janana prapadyate nara devata, “Those who worship the demigods have no intelligence…” The demigods are within this material world. They can, with the sanction of Krishna, give some benedictions within the material world, but they can not help anyone get free from the material world, get free from the cycle of samsara, the cycle of repeated birth and death. So only fools will worship the demigods… The fools want to make a happy, comfortable situation and live in the material world forever. They are fools. They worship the demigods to try to achieve this. But they will never achieve it. Because the material world is a place of suffering where there is repeated birth and death (dukalayam asasvatam). The only way we can get free from the material world and go back home, back to Godhead is by worshiping Krishna and His Visnu-Tattva expansions. We can just worship Krishna and everything else is included.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
I strongly believe in the power of mantra meditation/chanting Hare Krishna, but I still do not understand the reason for the counts , ie 16 rounds per day. I have heard from Japa workshop lectures that our Japa can be a relationship between you and Krishna rather than a simple process, if the person is really involved or happy in the process. I do believe in this relationship from my personal experiences, but if you are in relationship with God and you are happy in it how can somebody have mind or presence to count the number of rounds, I fell it is difficult for me.
Hari bol
You count the rounds with counting beads. It is a small string of beads with 20 beads on it and as you finish each round you pull down one bead on the string so when there are sixteen little beads on the bottom of the string you have chanted 16 rounds. So you don’t have to bother your mind counting the rounds, you use counting beads…
Hi can you tell me why there are so many religions for one (supreme) God only and how can you know that what is written in the Bhagvada Gita is true.Did God come and reveal it to you (no offense though)
There is only one religion Jason. Surrender to God and serve Him. That is all. The many religions, if they are actually bona fide religions, just say this same thing in different ways. They are not different religions.
Yes. God came to me and revealed what is in the Bhagavad-gita is true. That is how I know it is true…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I asked why it’s sais that Krishna in the Supreme Personalit of God?
Thans very much for the mails!!!
Because Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead…
Dear Swami Ji
Jai Shri Krishna all of you
My simple question is that, can we chant “Hare Krishna Mantra” with japa beads
when we travelling somewhere while wearing of leather shoes or sport shoes.
Waiting for your soonest reply
Ravi Kant
You are not chanting with your shoes… So why not? If you are really worried you can get japa beads that are not tulsi [neem beads], we have them at You have to be reasonably clean to chant on tulsi beads because Srimati Tulsi devi is a pure devotee of Krishna. And we want to be reasonably clean while touching her body. But if you are chanting on neem beads then there is no problem like this. But if your heart is pure, that is the main thing, means you are following the four regulative principles and chanting at least 16 rounds a day at least, and your hands are clean, then you can chant on japa beads anywhere, not in the bathroom, but otherwise you just have to use your common sense…
Hare Krishna Prabhuji…We all know that Lord Krishna is the Supreame Personality of Godhead.And also Lord Vishnu is a part of Krishna…Could you please explain how lord Vishnu is different from Lord Krishna?
Visnu and Krishna are the same but Krishna is the original and complete manifestation of the Personality of Godhead and Visnu is His expansion and does not exhibit all the features of Krishna. They are the same personality but the mood is different. Krishna is much more approachable. It is not possible to worship Lord Visnu in any other mood that that of awe and reverence, as one would worship a king. But Krishna appears as a cowherd boy in Vrindavan and we can play with Krishna as one of His friends. The gopis can dance with Krishna. No one can play with Visnu or dance with Visnu. So you see only dasya-rasa is available for the worshipers of Visnu but we can worship and serve Krishna also in the same mood of awe and reverence but in addition we can play with Him as His friends, we can have Krishna as our child, we can even have Krishna as our lover. Such relationships are completely impossible with Visnu. So Krishna is the original complete Supreme Personality of Godhead and everyone else, including Lord Visnu, are expansions of Krishna. And none of the expansions of Krishna are the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Only Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
why is said that ‘Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead ‘. Becuase. if it’s correct as I believe, that there are others Prsonalities of God as Rama, etc etc.
Thaks very thanks fo all!!!
Yes, Krishna expands as many different Personalities of Godhead. And sometimes they have very different moods and appearances than the original Krishna. But Krishna is the original from where all the other Personalities of Godhead expand. Krishna is the only Supreme Personality of Godhead. All the others like Rama, Nrsimha, etc, are expansions of Krishna.
Questions concerning the Bhagavad-Gita after the second newsletter received:
I’m delighted to receive a newsletter from you so fast!
In the Bhagavad-Gita it is described that real studying begins when someone looks for a master to ask questions in a devotional manner. (Please excuse my English, I’m from Austria and try to translate what I have written in German into my notebook to give an answer to your newsletter. This will become a really long text of questioning so I excuse myself right away!)
1.) parampara
Is it necessary to live with a spiritual master to follow the spiritual principles and to fulfill all which is demanded in parampara/ pupil succession or are we able to gain inspiration by writing comments into the forum and talking about Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, while going on to do their daily job/ employment?
I want to give a short insight on how I came to read the Bhagavad-Gita:
I’m from Austria and I’m part of the roman-catholic belief and family, but only my grandmother and mother who have partly both brought me up when I was a child, are believing in god or at least in the immortal soul.
My grandmother is born on the day Jesus Christ was born, on Christmas, and believes in Jesus Christ and also in angels. Once she was able to cure pain and illnesses of her friends by laying her hands on them, she also did this on me because as a child I was suffering with asthma. Today the asthma has disappeared but I’ve got an itchy cold since then tormenting me.
I was tested on allergies and being told I have something like an allergy (Histamin.. ?) – I shouldn’t eat old food which is stored or kept too long before being eaten.
Because of my grandmother I understood the necessity to ask the question all of us want to have an answer to, at least once in life (for example, when a friend or relative dies):
Is there something after death or does everything turn into pitchblack?
Unfortunately, most of my family members don’t think about this mystery, only my grandmother, grandfather, mother and father – sometimes.
Currently I’m in a relationship I’m very happy in – I’m glad to feel secure and sheltered.
I’m not at all interested in other men, but my boyfriend is an unconcealed atheist.
He even believes in the existence of Satan ruling over this world as the eternal seducer, ruling over our material world and the earth. – Even in the bible it is written Satan rules over the world.
Satan offered the whole world to Jesus – but Jesus refused it and sent him away.
My boyfriend believes worshipping Satan results in gaining more wealth to be able to enjoy life more. He hates Christian priests who rape little boys and because of this he left church.
I can’t talk about god with him and he doesn’t like the idea of me thinking about god…
But I find it necessary to ask this question at least once in life – the hope to live on after death, about reincarnation and the community with god.
Friday night this week, his grandmother died….
I loved her character but felt heartless because I couldn’t shed tears about her death.
Perhaps it’s because I really hope life doesn’t end after death, and that she is liberated from her suffering and now she is reunited with her husband, without him she had to live for almost 7 years alone before her death.
She was always in grief for her husband and clinging to her life by learning foreign languages.
She pleased us with her lively manner until cancer overwhelmed her and she forgot all her relatives, except her son and daughter-in-law who took care of her well-being until death.
I didn’t dare to visit her in her last days and hours of agony and delirium because I wanted to keep her in mind as the person I admired:
As a loving widow, who always thought about her passed away husband and was so brave to hide her grief, leading her life completely independent, keeping her mind busy with foreign languages to stay mentally healthy.
Her attitude gave me the strength to believe in a durable relationship – because she only wanted to be reunited with her husband.
Please excuse my long message… but I want to have clarity about all and this is my way to write…
Dear teacher/ gosvami.. I bid you to scatter my doubts because I’m disappointed by the huge amount of suffering humans have to endure.
I wish all humans and animals could be happy!
Now I want to describe something which will lead to my second question which is very important to me.
In my religion, Christianity, there was always a lack of explanation of the human soul in school.
I understand every human is imperfect with imperfect senses and as a result he sins.
Because of this fact Jesus died for us so we were liberated from our sins if we believe in him!
But for sure you have heard there are only 2 paths for a soul described in Christianity, at least like we are told in school:
Our deeds and our faith decide whether we end up in heaven or ETERNAL hell and purgatory.
And if someone doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ he will be condemned and not be revived at the day of the last judgment (?).
The church suppresses the mass so the people stay obedient while threatening them with hell when ignoring that threat. For example, the church says, all who commit suicide or are homosexual will go to hell.
How nice… this should be kindness? Eternal mercy?
2.) God is of immeasurable mercy, isn’t he?
Why should any human dare to threaten someone with hell if god shows mercy to all, even to sinners (and demons!)?
So.. Jesus died for us all to take our sins from us.
Therefore… shouldn’t even find a homosexual forgiveness who believes in Jesus and/ or god?
One day I found the Bhagavad-Gita among books of my other grandmother who didn’t remember where she had it from. She wasn’t interested in it and gave it as a present to me.
(in German language with the comments of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada himself, almost 900 pages)
The depicted person on the cover, Krsna as I should become to know, attracted me magically.
He was with Arjuna on his carriage of war (?).
Krsna is smiling calm, kind, charming, superior, omniscient on this picture… all of his qualities seemed to be present in his smile.
I began to read, instantly being caught by the words when the Lord explained that we all were spiritual souls and little parts of him, who are covered temporarily by a material body, but are eternally existent in reality.
I cried out of joy! So there was a scripture who told us we were immortal in our deepest core!
Overwhelmed by this happy message I continued reading.
Full of gratitude and humility I wanted to accept all as the truth what Krsna told us there.
But there was one point which seemed strange….
Please forgive my human flaws but also help me to understand ….
It’s written god kills all demons or lets them reincarnate again in demonical forms forever and ever.
But Srila Prabhupada explains, everyone is at once liberated when killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
3.) But what is liberation to the demons?
Are they dissolving into nothingness by being united with the brahmajyoti-radiation of Krsna or are they being transferred to the spiritual planets or into heaven?
Will these demons be taught by spiritual masters, so they become faithful souls of god?
Now my real question concerning this…
Krsna instructed Arjuna to fulfill his duty and kill his relatives on the battlefield because it was all predetermined by Krsna that they would die the one or other way.
The Bhagavad-Gita also tells that one shall not kill animals because it would disturb the development/ evolution of the animal… but doesn’t this also count for humans and demons?
So.. why wasn’t there another possibility to save the demonic souls and other people on the battlefield?
Because later, Krsna gave Arjuna the divine view/ sight, so he was able to see Krsna as god himself.
Why didn’t Krsna also enable the others to recognize him?
Or aren’t demons ever able to see him, even with his help?
Krsna would have had much more followers if he had given them the divine sight but he only chose Arjuna whom he referred to as his “friend”.
Why did Krsna exclude all the others?
Or is it the nature of the demons to never surrender to Krsna and they knew who he was but were in fear of him?
Therefore, the story in the Bhagavad-Gita must seem very heartless because Krsna wants Arjuna to kill his relatives. For someone who doesn’t read Srila Prabhupadas comments it is very difficult to accept!
You know.. .there is an anime I like because of the main character… it’s Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon is all-forgiving, she forgives all and everybody. She even loves her worst enemy.
In the last season of the anime she embraces her enemy Galaxia.
Because of her being forgiven by Sailor Moon, she awakes and regains her senses, gives up her demonical manners and is crying deeply moving out of guilt and because she remembers all the bad things she did to others – she had done to others because she was herself deeply hurt!
Sailor Moon converted a demonical person and all of her friends, still she forgave her because she knew, hate will only produce more hate and suffering!
At the end all of Sailor Moons friends are revived by her former enemy Galaxia – happy end.
Please understand it’s not my intention to confuse anyone or to tell anyone they are on a false path!
I’m pretty sure, everyone has got similar questions to mine and I want to ask them now, with the confidence that you will be so merciful to destroy my doubts.
All humans want to be free from suffering but they don’t agree how to accomplish it.
I’m convinced only the knowledge of the immortal soul and god can give us peace..
But on the other hand it was Sokrates who said it was still the same if he knew there was a soul or not. He said, when he died, he would see it anyway – why think about it too much?
This time of life more than ever humans want to have a proof for everything and it’s difficult to make reason to the mind. In my opinion, “blind faith” without questioning is not of very much value because this type of faith can easily be ruined.
Almost nobody today takes the time to meditate and feel the immense source of life which gives us the strength to live or even to see there has to be a big intelligence behind the material world.
When scientists see a miracle they try to explain it by material means and try to weaken the miracle.
For example… the planets rotate in determined paths and scientists give a name to this miracle and say “ it’s all because of the magnetic fields and cores of the planets”.
By giving this natural phenomenon a name, they pretend it’s not a miracle anymore.
But it’s still a miracle, isn’t it? I liked the part where Srila Prabhupada explained it was god who keeps the planets in their paths.
Or for example the shark… in a museum we were told that the shark’s skin was grey on his upper side of the skin and white on the bottom of his skin so he could disguise itself, a camouflage.
Even if the shark developed this skin out of evolution, it’s still a miracle?
Because the shark surely didn’t wish for this camouflage. There must have been a concept of superior intelligence to give the shark the shape it has… right?
The Bhagavad-Gita tells Krsna is god, the one and only god, and the human is an imitation after the shape of Krsna.
The Bhagavad-Gita claims to accept Krsna as the one and only god, just as the bible claims it’s god is THE god.
But still it’s terrifying humans kill other humans because they can’t force THEIR god on somebody who believes in another god..
There is a song of the EAV, an Austrian bands, saying: (originally in German though)
“My god isn’t your god, but which god is god? So we slay ourselves in the name of god!”
A skeptical person said somewhere in the internet (an Indian!) that Krsna has to be rather a demon than a god, because he claimed from Arjuna to kill his relatives and Krsna were in truth an ultimate seducer….
In Christian history there were also many crusades in which people said they killed in the name of god and they were allowed to kill because it was “god’s will”!!! This must stop… v.v
I want to say rightaway that I understand the battlefield of Kuruksetra was an exception – because it was described god himself was personally present, Krsna.
But why didn’t Krsna save the demons in another way ?
Was death the only way out for them?
Was Krsna really full of mercy by killing them?
The one who doubted Krsna to be god also said it’s Jesus we have to believe in because he died for the sinners. He didn’t harm anybody, he even cured ill people!
After his death he rised from the dead and got back into heaven where he now sits beside his father.
4.) Some people think god came down as Jesus and Jesus wasn’t a mere mortal man.
It reminds me of Krsna coming down as Sri Caitanya only to understand Radharanis feelings toward him, beautiful!
I love Krsna and his figure, but I want to understand why he let the demons kill instead of saving them in another way.
Is Krsna not allowed to change the mind of any soul by himself because the spiritual soul has got a little bit of independecy?
Has Krsna come down in the shape of Jesus, like he did in Sri Caitanya and Buddha?
Krsna came down into the womb of his mother Devaki,
Jesus came down into the womb of virgin Mary as a spiritual spark.
Srila Prabhupada explained that no religion has got no meaning unless it doesn’t lead us to love for god.
5.) Is all predetermined?
The Bhagavad-Gita explains, that god dwells in the form of Vishnu/Narayana/Syamasundara in everybodys heart and so he knows everybody. He knows what will happen in future and also how a human heart will develop.
But if the spiritual souls are independent, even the slightest, it would mean to me not even god were able to know the absolute future… because the soul always has got this little indepency which allows her to decide her own future…. ? This is a contradiction to me.
6.) God is described as the ultimate enjoyer.
So he does love his creation and also the earth, doesn’t he? Isn’t this wonderful? I mean, isn’t the ideo wonderful that god learns to get to know his own creation in personal because he is present everywhere?
Thinking this way suddenly I even like the idea the human has to suffer… Only if we are able to be sad we can hope for better times or the happy feeling someone experiences when being loved .
This is the reason I don’t like the idea of the material world only seen as a place of suffering.
In the end our world is the medium, through which we can return to god, isn’t it?
7.) It is described as the highest to-be-without-wishes if one has only the wish to serve god and to get to Krsnaloka to get happy.
But isn’t it even more noble when someone wants to stay in this material world to save many souls and lead them back to god? Without even wishing to return to Krsna? It would be of more use if such a person endures all types of suffering just to get back as many souls as possible.
I have heard of “crystal children” or “indigo children” who are born and immediately know that their soul is immortal, so they also try to convince others about it.
Wasn’t Jesus really unselfish because he died to save many who believed in him?
Srila Prabhupada said, a devotee would do everything god demands from him, even if it means much suffering.
8.) I don’t know why Jesus said on the cross, before he died “God, why have you left/ abandoned me?”
Is this proof he was rather god’s son in the end than god himself? Or did he suffer so much for a moment he forgot about god and there had been moments, when god spoke and took action through him?
9.) Prasadam – sacrificed and purified food/nourishment
The B.-G. tells we shouldn’t eat something which hasn’t been sacrificed to Krsna before and the only food suitable consists milk, vegetables, fruits and cereals.
Not allowed would be meat, fish and eggs…
and we shouldn’t eat something for our own pleasure either…
Does it mean we aren’t allowed to drink coffee, tea, eat sugar? Also no cakes containing eggs, no noodles???
I must admit I only read the new testament of the bible in whole, but I can’t remember any prohibition for such food…
Also, Jesus drank wine, he turned water into wine and he multiplied the caught fish and the bread to spread it to the poor.
Is it possible, the Christian commandment “Do not kill.” is not only referring to humans, but also to animals? That we aren’t told by the church and allowed to eat animals but in reality, we shouldn’t?
There is a passage where it says the humans should turn the animals into their servants, but nothing about killing them to eat them…
Prasadam.. if one should sacrifice the food to Krsna does it mean automatically that we should always cook the food by ourselves? Not going into restaurants or buying food in stores, also we aren’t allowed to eat food which is older than 3 hours?
I must admit, I’m a bad cooker, I can’t cook… v.v
Because of the people around me I can’t become a full vegetarian, because I don’t want to offend a family member when he is cooking a meal with meat in it, but I try to eat no meat when at work etc.
In Christianity, there is a prayer before eating a meal, so we show our gratefulness for getting something to eat, because it’s not natural to have enough to eat – there a many countries in this worlds where people suffer hunger and starve to death.
My grandmother always remembered me of this and waited until I had eaten the whole meal she had cooked. But she also is used to cooking meat and with much vegetables…
Because Christians use to eat meat… are they all sinners condemned to become pigs in their next life? Like it was explained in the B.-G.
Don’t you think it’s a little unfair… Christians don’t know about the prohibition to eat no meat.
10.) Chanting – sankirtana-yajna
Srila Prabhupada told about followers who used to chant Krsnas Name 60. 000 or even 300 000 times a day…
But doesn’t count the love with which it is chanted more than the amount?
Or is this big amount used to keep the mind busy only with Krsna and nothing else?
Does a devotee chant so much because he can’t endure to be a second without Krsna, like Srila Prabhupada said?
In the forum here it was mentioned that chanting the right way is only when chanting without doing something else during it. Someone should stay up early in the morning, at 4 o’clock, to chant and after this go to work.
I’ve got the problem I get home after work at 8 o’clock p.m. and go to bed often at 1-2 o’clock after midnight, then I have to get up at 6:45 a.m… I would only sleep two hours if I stayed up at 4 o’clock..
Till now I tried to chant during worktime and when nobody listens. It’s embarrassing to chant in Austria because the people think you are insane …
Second question…. I’m always singing the sankirtana-yajna in two types of melody… is there a homepage I can learn more types of chanting it?
11.) Out of body experience
It is said someone can have the proof we are eternal souls through an out of body experience.
I know a man who did this many years but stopped doing it because it wasn’t the “ultimate truth” or such he told me. But it’s said to be a method someone can experience the soul.
Do you know anybody who tried it? Are you in any way familiar to it? I was never able to do an OBE.
God explained he would come in every period of time to re-establish the real purpose of life.
Was Krsnas appearance around 5000 years ago, when he taught Arjuna the Bhagavad-Gita, the only time he came to us in the Kali-yuga?
I feel like religion is falling apart right away now everywhere in the world.
Can’t he come a second time or even later once more?
13.) God – man or woman or both, or superior to all
I heard long time ago women ruled society – matriarchy and god was seen as a “mother of all” – but when men gained the control they described god as a man – patriarchy – god father.
Is Krsna male, female or transcendental? Is he both or can he choose what to be?
Srila Prabhupada explained god gave life to his creation by only looking on it.
The humans are confused by the terms of god being a man or a woman.
I noticed Krsna looks very feminine yet full of male strength on all paintings. Even his waist is narrow.
He doesn’t have too big muscles but yet very much strength when fighting against enemies.
The stories about Krsna describe him very childish, but also wise. He is full of childish joy and pure.
I adore the painting where Krsna is playing in the water with his gopis under the moonlight! It’s my favorite!
But concerning sex…………. there are many paintings with Radha and Krsna having sex… but did they really have sex? I mean, Krsna can reproduce in other ways? Simply by looking at his creation?
14.) About sex and marriage
It is said one should only have sex when married and only to get Krsna-conscious children.
I’m in a relationship and not interested the slightest in other men…. but does this mean, because I’m not married I’m not allowed to have sex with my boyfriend?
He also doesn’t want to have a child either – not in near future time. Also, there was a time I felt the need for sex more than now. The lust I felt doesn’t return.. I tried to revive it, but it won’t come back.
I’m 25 years old now.. and sex doesn’t interest me like it once did.. but I love romantic stories and reading about emotions. I think the humans are beautiful because of the big variety of emotions.
Is it a duty for a woman to get children? Sometimes I feel I will never have an own child.
First I felt sad about this thougt, now I don’t know what I have to feel about it.
15.) Hypnosis
If god is present in everybody’s heart, could we talk to him in hypnosis so he tells us what our purpose in this life is? Can someone beg god to take over our heart and guide us, giving up our little independency?
I want to excuse myself for this loooong text.. and I’m looking forward to getting an answer from you! I would really be grateful and want to say my thanks many times!
If I’m not able to follow the principles I fear it will take me a long time to return to god…
Also, I don’t want to let my friends, relatives and soulmates down…
I think it would be better if we could all return to god together one day.
I would consider myself very selfish if I abandoned my family and friends for the noble goal to return to god alone. Rather I would like to be a burning light for everybody for eternity, if god wishes and also considers it better – to serve others as much as I can.
I wish, god could forgive everybody and I think he will – because he knows, we are all full of flaws.
And I wish I would be conscious of god in every incarnation from now on, knowing he’s there and carrying me through all difficulties, while trying to give others solace.
Amen and Hare Krsna!
I can not answer such a big question. Please write a small question and I can answer that.
Dear Kathi, Hare Krishna!
I will try to address some of your concerns.
1) It is not necessary for you to live with the spiritual master. Srila Prabhupada has written all of these books so that you can ;earn about Krishna and gradually become more and more close to Krishna through your thoughts, words and deeds. by studying these books, everything will become clear to you.
The mood of Satan is that we can be fulfilled without engaging in God’s service. According to the teachings of the Vedas we all have come here, from the spiritual wolrd, because we have a desire to be happy as self-centered beings. This material creation is provided so that we can persue this orientation. We receive a material body, and also a material mind and intelligence. This material mind and intelligence, is our “software”. And as long as we are under the influence of this software, our tendancy is to be self-centered. That original desire for self-centered fulfillment is our “original sin”, and when we are born in the material creation, with this self-centered software, every activity, every thought, that is enacted with this orientation, begets more of this way of thinking and feeling. This is the law of karma, or as Jesus said, the “sewing and reaping” of activity in this world.
Your boyfriend is correct to disrespect a clergy that is engaging in child-abuse. But he has to understand that these people do not represent Jesus, do not represent God. Therefore to reject God because of the way that such people behave is unintelligent. If one has gone to a doctor who is a “quack”, an unqualified person, one should not conclude that we must reject the medical profession. Rather, we should avoid false pretenders.
No matter how successful one may appear to become in the persuit of material happiness, it all ends with old age, disease, and death. Therefore your boyfriend’s vision is very short-sighted. What kind of happiness is that? Anyone who is trying to become fulfilled in this this way – this is a kind of insanity.
Anyone who will not allow you to talk about God is equivalent to a person who is murdering you. Because by stopping you from such activites, he is causing you to avoid the activities that can free you from the cycle of birth and death. Therefore you will have to die repeatedly as long as you choose to associate with such people.
Satan rules this world. Yes. And if we serve Satan, then we are engaged in only in sin. Anything we do that is not for God’s pleasure is sin. Therefore the Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. Repeated death. Therefore we should serve Krishna. The material world is the prison house of the spiritual world. Satan is the self-centerd mentality of everyone in this prison. As long as we serve this mentality we must remain in this prison of repeated birth and death.
“.. I bid you to scatter my doubts because I’m disappointed by the huge amount of suffering humans have to endure.”
We do not have suffer like this. We are here in therapy. Although this material body and this material world is gross matter, it is all a kind of dream. It is a dream because is has a beginning and an end. Life after life, we have a new identity – and when we leave that body, that particular identity is disolved. Just like a bad dream that is ended. In fact the soul is full of spiritual bliss – eternally. But when we are in this gross dream, that bliss is covered. In fact nothing is happening to the soul. We do not die. the soul is never diseased. All of the suffering only applies to this dream body and dream mind. this is hypno-therapy provided by Krishna, so that we will voluntarily give up our self-centerd way of being. When we agree to give this up, the influence of the dream is reduced, and we begin to experience our real nature of eternal bliss, even while we have these material bodies. This is called self-realization. That dream of suffering is God’s loving kindness upon us, to convince us to come home to the spiritual world. We do not have to suffer like this. It is only because we refuse to change. We are determined to follow the dictates of Satan within our hearts – so the bad dream continues. This therapy is for the spiritually insane. All who live in the material realm are spiritually insane. We are here to become cured of this insanity. And each has the freedom to choose.
“The church suppresses the mass so the people stay obedient while threatening them with hell when ignoring that threat. For example, the church says, all who commit suicide or are homosexual will go to hell.
How nice… this should be kindness? Eternal mercy?”
This life in the material world is a hell. According to Veda, one can take birth in more painful places than this planet. This planet earth is a middle level planet. We are all imprisoned. We are here in therapy. suicide is an attempt to break out. We cannot get out until we are cured. And we must return again until we we are cured. We are forced to return so that we can have a change of heart. The decision is in our hands. We cannot blame God for this bad dream. We are in this dream because we want it. We have to accept responsability. We have to have a change of heart. No matter how stubborn we are, we are still maintained here by God, always hoping we will have a change of heart. This is eternal mercy.
“It’s written god kills all demons or lets them reincarnate again in demonical forms forever and ever.
But Srila Prabhupada explains, everyone is at once liberated when killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”
There is no contradiction in this. When we die, before we are in love with Krishna, we must come back to continue our spiritual developement. But those who were personally killed by Krishna, they are liberated.
“3.) But what is liberation to the demons?
Are they dissolving into nothingness by being united with the brahmajyoti-radiation of Krsna or are they being transferred to the spiritual planets or into heaven?
Will these demons be taught by spiritual masters, so they become faithful souls of god? ”
There are different demons and Krishna may deal with them differently. But we are not going to be killed by Krishna personally, so this is not the most important question. The most important question is how can we wake up to our natural state of love for Krishna?
“Krsna would have had much more followers if he had given them the divine sight but he only chose Arjuna whom he referred to as his “friend”.
Why did Krsna exclude all the others?”
Krishna came here so that the Bhagavad-gita could be held in your hand and my hand. The knowledge of Bhagavad-gita was also available to those on the battlefield. But they were not interested. Most people in the material world are not interested. They are like your boyfriend. they will not listen. Therefore the therapy of the bad dream of brth and death is provided to them. This is Krishna’s decision, based on His love for us. He could make us cease to exist. But he wants us to come back to Him. So the therapy continues. We have to accept the understanding: IT IS REALLY OUR CHOICE!
“The one who doubted Krsna to be god also said it’s Jesus we have to believe in because he died for the sinners. He didn’t harm anybody, he even cured ill people!”
Curing the sick – and other miracles – these are only there to awaken faith in those who are less intelligent. What is the value (long term) is regaining one’s ability to walk, or to see, if we have not come to the point of loving Krishna, and have to return to the world of birth and death? Those who approach God for material enhancement, material prosperity, health – anything material – they are missing the point. That is the religion of the less intelligent. Jesus taught that the first commandment is: “Love the Lord with all your heart.” Improving life in the material world is like improving prison conditions, instead of becoming qualified to leave the prison.
4. Jesus was the son of God. We also are the sons and daughters of God. But we are here in therapy. Jesus came as therapist, as doctor. When he was baptized by John, Krishna spoke and said “This is my son in whom I am very pelased.” So Jesus was a bhakta, who lived only for God’s pleasure. He was a qualified spiritual master.
In some ways we must simply accept that Krishna knows what is the best way to proceed. Just like you are enjoying Bhagavad-gita, that is open to everyone. But they must have the freedom to choose for themselves. Krishna will not make them change. We have to accept this and go forward.
5) We have to understand that the logic of the material mind cannot fully comprehend all of these issues. What we can understand is that love of God is our ticket to freedom, and as we become more and more free we will understand more.
6) Yes, there is some beauty in this world. Some tiny amount of hapiness, perhaps. So you are seeing it this way, and not only as a place of suffering. Let us think then, if you will, that this can give us a tiny idea of how wonderful the spiritual world is. Krishna wants us to come home. He says in gita that those who have realization feel that there is nothing greater that can be gained.
7) Yes, this is more noble. But first let us come to this position . Then we can ask Krishna if we can do this work. Also, you have to remember that those souls who are fully awakened, like Jesus for example, such beings have so much spiritual ecstacy that the dualistic experiences of this realm, heat and cold, hunger and thirst, are not significant to them. They are “in this world but not of this world”. The pleasure and pain of this realm do not affect them because these are the experiences of this gross dream, and such persons are fully awake. Therefore when they are crucified, for example, they are still in ecstacy. And they can pray, “Dear Krishna, please forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing. They are in ignorance.”
8) Jesus is not God. He is God’s ambassador, God’s representative. I cannot tell you why Jesus said that statement. Sometimes even Krishna does things so that the atheist can continue to believe in his atheism. It may be that earlier in the Bible it is written that he would make this statement. I would have to do some research. But we can be sure that his range of feelings is always on the platform of anspiritual pleasure that we cannot yet understand.
9) Meat, fish, eggs. Wine. Foods containing eggs, animal fat. The Vedas explain that the teachings are actually one. Love of God. But according to time and place and the culture, the teachings must be adjustedfor the people who are to receive them. As far as wine is concerned, we are already intoxicated with this material mind. Coffee and teas that contain caffeine, only serve to make us more stirred up, less calm. We are given advice to help us to advance in Krishna consciousness. Lord siva drank an ocean of poison in Krishna’s service. But we cannot. Jesus may have drank wine. But we cannot. We do not have to accept all these rules. It is our choice. But if we do not agree to follow, how can we ask for the blessing of spiritual growth? Somehwere along the line we have to become convinced enough to make an experiment by submitting to the process. But we always have a choice.
When we cause harm to animals, don’t they cry? Don’t they cry out in pain? How can one be trying to get closer to God and do such horrible things? Such heartless things?
The energy of the cook goes into the cooking. Therefore the cook should be the person who is closest to God. The food that is prepared should be prepared by one who is cooking it for Krishna. Otherwise how can we offer it to Krishna? You can learn how to cook nicely. Gadually, you will want to cook for Krishna. And you will not want to eat anything that has not been offered to Krishna. That is my experience. And my father, he was a butcher of animals. How can we offer food to Krishna that was prepared by people who have blood on their hands? Even touching such people will affect our consciousness. We have to make choices. Arjuna had to make choices. There is no way to avoid this. That is part of the purification fire.Part of showing our willingness to become pure.
Christians may not know, but you know. Therefore it is worse if you eat animal bodies. You are responsable for their killing because they are being killed for you. Christians are not serious. If they are serious they will not be able to be so heartless. When something higher is offered, we have to accept it.Otherwise it reveals our real heart. It is inhuman to kill these animals when it is not at all necessary. Can you imagine? I am killing you, simply because I like the taste? That is hell.
You are afraid to offend your family members by refusing to be part of their killing culture. but you must remember that when Jesus was asked about his family members, he said “These are my family”, not those who would not follow him. At first these are difficult choices. But there is no way to avoid these issues. Such activites are demonic. We have to make these choices because we have been given higher knowledge.
I have only adressed your items up to number 9. I will have to return later in the day or tomorrow to complete anwering your questions. You are a very good person. And you are in a very challenging situation. So many of devotees have similar challenges. You are not alone in this. My family would not advise me when my father was on his deathbed, simply because i am trying to serve Krishna. Little by littel we come to understand that these people are not our friends, not our real family. What can be done? It is not easy, but as we grwo spiritually, it becomes much easier. And also, it is explained in Veda that if you becme a devotee all of your family relations for many generations are very much spiritually benefitted. but in the meantime, they will not appreciate that by being a devotee you are serving them. What can be done? You have mentioned coming back to this world to save the masses of people. First you must save yourself.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna Kathi!
10) Yes, it is important to chant Hare Krishna with feelings of love. But it is also important to understand that this sound vibration, Hare Krishna, this sound vibration is identical to the presence of Krishna, Himself. And so this sound vibration will purify our hearts so that we can begin to feel love for Krishna. Actually love for Krishna is our real nature. But at the moment this natural feeling of love for Krishna is sleeping. When chanting Hare Krishna we are having direct association with Krishna and that asociation is cleaning our hearts so that our desire to feel love for Krishna becomes stronger. When that desire is strong enough, then our sleeping love for Krishna is awakened within our hearts- by grace! When we are in love with Krishna we cannot stop chanting His name. And if we want to awaken our sleeping love for Krishna, then we cannot stop chanting His name.
You can chant always, 24 hours. You can chant when you are doing other things. But we are taught that we should chant 16 rounds on our beads, when we are not doing other things.
I can understand that you have boyfriend and family and job…. You just go on reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and chant as much as you can. And pray to krishna, and gradually you will find your way out of all this involvement. Gradually, as you are sincere, you will not be able to tolerate that kind of association. Non-devotional association will be like being in a cage of fire.
11) Re out of body experience, that is practiced by some yogis. One can learn how to do this. But it is a diversion. There are various different mystic powers, such as becoming so light in wieght that one can walk on water, or levitate, or control the minds of others, even of large groups of people. All of these abilities are not spiritual. They are material abilities. Just like one may become proud by becoming very wealthy, one may become proud by learning these things. They can become great temptations and arouse the desire to have the admiration of others. The pure devotee is automatically granted all of these powers, but he or she is not interested in them. They only want to be engaged in Krishna’s service – not because they are trying to be moral or good – but because Krishna’s service is so pleasing that they are mad after it. All these powers become like garbage to such persons. If you can obtain some DVD’s of Srila Prabhupada you will see how aloof he is from any adoration from people. He is simple content to be in Krishna’s service.
12) Krishna came in this Kali Yuga, about 500 years ago as Lord Chaitanya. he was krishna Himself. But He was in the mood of His dearest servant, Srimate Radharani. Her love for Him is so strong that Her spiritual ecstacy suprasses that of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krishna wanted to taste that love that She has for Him. And so He came as Lord Chaitanya, Krishna, in the mood of Radharani’s love for Krishna. And He distributed this taste through His sankirtan movement. When you are ready you can read all about this in Srila Prabhupada’s Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, 11 volumes describing all of this in great detail.
Once again, I must say to you that nothing is lacking in terms of Krishna’s mercy on the people of this material world. The truth is that people in this world are simply not interested in spiritual mercy. They are interested in material persuits, self-centerd life.
Krishna is present in His holy name. Even Jesus says this in Bible. “Our Father, Who is in heaven, your name is holy, spiritual. And if we chant it the result will be – they kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth just as it is in heaven.” This means that if we chant, Krishna is right here with us in that sound vibration.And where that sound vibration is made, this material world becomes completely spiritual. Because Krishna is present in His naem, as we continue to chant, we will be able to perceive Krishna’s form and pastimes are present in His Name, and then we will not be able to stop chanting. That is a very advanced stage. So again, there is o lack of mercy. The only lack is that people lack desire to receive this mercy. It is not that we are all calling for help. When krishna comes or His real representative comes to offer help, people say, “No thank you. No help wanted.” They even try to hurt such people – as they did when Jesus came.This is the material world. It is not a very nice place. The people here are against a God-centered life.And they do all kinds of ungodly behavior in the name of God. Gradually you will see that more clearly.
13) Krishna is male. Srimate Radharani is part of Krishna. They are One but they exist as two so that they can have loving exchanges. Everyone is looking for love. That love that we are all looking for exists between Radha and Krishna. When we learn how to take pleasure in Their loving exchange, our spiritual joy will have no limits. Loving God means always desiring God’s pleasure. The devotees in the spiritual world are always engaged in making wonderful arrangements so that Radha and Krishna can enjoy loving exchanges. And it is written in scripture that when Radha and Krishna are enjoying in that way, the devotees have greater pleasure than Krishna.
This is why love of God is such a great gift. Because when we really feel mature love of God, we receive spiritual “feedback”. If the leaf on the tree waters the root of the tree, the leaf becomes satisfied. That invisible feedback loop exists between ourselves and Krishna. That is why material life can never satisfy us. Our cspiritual circuitry for inner satisfaction is such that we obtain our satisfaction by pleasing God. Pleasing God is not about self-denial. Pleasing God is the direct path, direct circuit for pleasing ourselves. “Yoga” literally means making this spiritual connection of this spiritual circuit. “Yoga” means “linking up”. This linking up in feelings of spontaneous love is so pleasing , so satisfying, so thrilling, that the devotee cannot stop trying to please Krishna. By understanding that no one, can please krishna as much as Srimate Radharani, the devotee simply wants to engage in making nice arrangements for that loving exchange. And yet the harder she tries, the more she becomes overwhelmed with spiritual ecstacy.
As far as the love between Radha and Krishna is concerned with sexual activity, I am not qualified to write to you about these things. However, if you read Caitanya Caritamrita by Krishnadas Kaviraj, with commentary by Srila Prabhupada, you will find some of the answers to your questions.
14) Regarding having sex with your boyfirend, as you have admitted, although you are only 25, that passion is now falling away from you. This is because you are becoming more spiritually awake. Sex in this world is about self-centered desires. The desire to please God is not involved in this activity. Therefore it cannot be done as devotional service. However, if one desires to have a very spiritual child that will become a grat devotee of Krishna, that can be done in a spirit of devotional service. For those who have no connection with God, sex is the driving force in this world. And those devotees who are very advanced in devotional service have no desire for physical sex. They are actually repulsed by the thought of it. Spiritual life is not an all or nothing context. It grows by degree, and as it grows we become gradually transformed.
15) ” Can someone beg god to take over our heart and guide us, giving up our little independency? ”
If you can pray to Krishna like that, then there is no higher prayer that you can make. It is a beautiful statement that you have made, and I will save it for my own inspiration.
Actually, we are now hypnotized under the influence of Krishna’s material nature. This hypnotism causes us to think we are these material bodies, and causes us to think that by satisfying these material senses we will become happy. this hypnotism makes us think that we are related to the family of our birth as our family. It causes us to think of the country in which we are born as our motherland.It causes us to think we are male or female, black or white, young or old, rich or poor. We are totally hypnotized. And as we advance in real spiritual life this hypnotism begins to fade, and we understand, little by littel that we are pure spirit individuals. We begin to see all living entities, not interms of their bodily dsignation but simply as Krishna’s servants. And we begin to understand that they can only be happy by serving krishna, and we begin to desire to share this information with others.
We can all return to God one day, as you have written, but someone has to be a leader, so that others can see that the leader is becoming happy , and they will want to follow. so you are , I believe, that kind of person. Your greater family is all of mankind , all of the animals and all of life. Gradually as you advance you will know this and you will be drwn to helping those in this greater family who are looking for real answers.
“I wish, god could forgive everybody and I think he will – because he knows, we are all full of flaws.”
Actaully God has forgiven everyone. He is not angry with us. He only loves us. But we wanted to enjoy outside of the loving yoga circuit of devotion to God. We wanted to be littel self-centered gods. Therefore krishna has provided all of this material creation so that we could try to be happy in this way. We cannot. And he sends His messengers, Hid dear servants to us again and again, and even comes Himself, simply to encourage us to come back to Him. He is so much loving us, and so much wanting us to come back. But because He loves us so much,He is allowing us to decide for ourselves. The real devotee will ask for God’s forgiveness. But All that Krishna wants is our love. There is no question of foregiveness. he loves us so much.
You are a very, very good soul. Thank you for your wonderful questions and thoughts about spiritual life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer your questions. I am so hopeful that some of the things I have written will be helpful to you.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Krishna’s intimate servant who has brought this message of Krishna to us.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Pozdrav,that means Hi! on my language.
I have red the first news letter and that is how I felt about it:
Maybe ‘I have just discovered the warm water’- this is a phrase in my language when something is wide world known, but this is the destiny of human kind….so let’s repeat:
I think that the story about Arjuna and Krishna is retold constantly from time to time. But it’s up on us weather we will revitalize the myth or not. The myth is not just the common story, it is a true sacred magic.But it’s up on us weather we will revitalize the myth or not. Everyone of us is invited to be named Arjuna, everyone is invited to harness his or her own horses- that is what yoga is all about- to harness your own thoughts and acts, and everything after that is magic and true happiness of life.
Bhagavad Gita is a pattern made for human kind, but nevertheless there are indeed so few of us who are ready to act from their harts.
Arjuna was the only one who felt the guilt about the battle that is going to occur on Kuruksetra field and killing his many relatives.He was the one who asked a question of what is right and wrong- in that moment he become Krishna’s fried and everything what happened after it’s not so important like this moment of enlightenment. Anything that happen after that was anyway under the Divine’s blessing.
Hare Krishna!
Dear Martan, Hare Krishna!
Bhagavad-gita is not a myth. These ideas such as mythology, and anthropomorphism (imagining a form and character of God in terms of our human experience) are simply the expressions of people who are atheistic. Such people are the university professors, scientists, etc.
The fact is that the human mind cannot understand God, not by any amount of endeavor. God can only be understood by revelation, when He agrees to reveal Himself to us. Therefore, as Krishna explains in Bhagavad-gita, He comes to this material realm so that we can understand Him clearly and begin to cultivate our love for Him. When that cultivation of love becomes mature, then Krishna will reveal Himself to us. He gives us the ability to enter into the spiritual realm, by spiritual vision, even while we are still within these material bodies.
“He was the one who asked a question of what is right and wrong- in that moment he become Krishna’s friend and everything what happened after it’s not so important like this moment of enlightenment.”
That moment of enlightenment is only the very beginning. From the moment one becomes an intimate associate of Krishna, one’s every thought, word and deed is only for the pleausure of Krishna. It is not that we become enlightened, and then have no more need to think of pleasing Krishna. That is the teaching of those who think that God is ultimately impersonal. They worship the personal form of Krishna, and when they have an experience of merging into the great light (which emanates from Krishna) then they think they have become God, and no longer try to engage in Krishna’s service. The more we advance in love for Krishna, the more we become concerned in every thought, word and deed to please Krishna. This is our eternal life. Those who try to teach otherwise are in fact the enemies of Krishna, and of mankind. Ishopanishad indicates that persons who teach like that are destined to go to hell.
Although there are so many translations of Bhagavad-gita, for the most part they are written by persons who are rejecting the idea of eternal service to Krishna. Such persons are in fact demons.
You simply have to read Srila Prabhupada’s books, and all these misconceptions will be removed from your heart.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Have read the 1st news letter sent by you & i am inspired & impressed.. I would like to join the ISKCON society as a folk member, plz advise how to go abt it..
Thank you
Nikhil Krishna
Hare Krishna Prabhu
I do not recommend joining ISKCON at the moment. They have so much distorted and watered down the teachings of Srila Prabhupada over the past 25 years that you will only get mislead by them unfortunately. I suggest you keep reading the newsletters and make a serious effort to study Srila Prabhupada’s books for yourself so you know actually what he is teaching us.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you
Hare Krsna,
Dear Madhudvisa dasa,
Thx very much for your regular mails. They are very informative and give lot of encouragement to go ahead in the devotional path. I have been adviced by one of the Hare Krsna devotee that I’m supposed to do 16 rounds of Mala Chanting of Maha Mantra. I was also told that while chanting I have to do it loudly or at-least audio-able to naked ears, but I find doing it in mind is more peaceful and pleasing. Also, I’m told that, if I’m interrupter, due to phone call or some one call me, I’m supposed to start that round all-over-again. Is that true? Kindly advice on above pls.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Yes. The advice you have received from the devotee is correct. You have to chant the Hare Krishna loudly, at least loudly enough so you can clearly hear the mantra yourself. Because the process is CHANTING and HEARING. It is the transcendental sound vibration of the Hare Krishna mantra that is purifying so for the purifying effect you have to chant the transcendental sound vibration. If you just think it in your mind there is no transcendental sound vibration so there is really very little purifying effect. Of course thinking of Krishna is also good but that is not the process recommended for this age. You have to chant loudly the Hare Krishna mantra and hear it. That is the only way…. And yes, if you are interrupted while chanting a round you should start it again. That is also correct. It is not a problem. The more you chant Hare Krishna mantra the more you will become attached to the chanting and you will not want to stop chanting Hare Krishna when you get to 16 rounds you will want to keep chanting Hare Krishna forever…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Jai Shri Krishna Swami Ji
My regards always to you.I have started Bhagvad Gita.There are 18 chapters,and it contains time to finish.I want to know that what are those things which are to be ignored during the time when we continues with Bhagvad Gita.Waiting your soonest reply.
With Best Regards
Ravi Kant
Nothing can be ignored in the Bhagavad-gita Prabhu. YOU HAVE TO STUDY ALL OF IT. It is a very small book, only 1000 pages. If you read one chapter a day that will take you less than two hours a day and you will be finished the whole book in 18 days. Most people watch at least 2 hours of television a day. So if you just read the Gita instead you will be finished the whole book in 18 days… And then you can read it again and again and again. And every time you read it the Bhagavad-gita gets better…
I recently suscribed to krishna newsletter on B.G.I read whole letter i liked it very much..i want to know more about god(lord krishna).please send next letter as soon as possible..hare krishna…
Hare Krishna Prabhu .I live in Dubai. I read your news letter. I started associating with Krishna Consciousness only few months ago. I have started chanting and just started reading Bhagavat Gita.
Hare krishna.
Brothers in krishna blessings, I am very happy
befriend you, concienia of our loving God.
Dear Christina,
Hare Krishna! Thank you for being so intelligent and finding satisfaction and goodness in the teachings of Bhagavad-gita.
This material life is so much filled with suffering. All over the world people are suffering from diseases, wars, exploitation and natural disasters. Not only is this the real standard of life in the material world, but it cannot be improved – not through science, not through medicine, not through politics.
All of these approaches are being made by less inteligent people who cannot see that this life is very short, and will end at any moment, regardless of science, politics, education, economic developement, etc.
The only solution for a sane person is to re-awaken our feelings of spontaneous love for Krishna. If this is accomplished one can leave this world and not be forced to return by the laws of karma. Krishna promises that He will remove all of our karma if we open our hearts to Him.
Thank you for reading Bhagavad-gita and for sharing it with your friends. this sharing of this knowledge with your friends is the greatest kindness, and it is very, very pleasing to Krishna.
I offer you my respects. Welcome to our family of Krishna Consciousness. We are all going Home together.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
I have read the Gita, pes a lobro spiritual and mysterious, because how you say every time a read it is something new, sometimes I ask him Sri Krishna as the book habro Temgo the answer.
Now I lent the book to another is enriched spiritually.
I’m still as Arjuna with many questions.
Cristina de Jesus.
Madhudvisa dasa Ji, my obeisance to you. I very much appreciate the time and energy you are giving through this website and through the newsletter. I’ve some questions which I request you to answer:
My grandfather can die any day. I want their next life to be beneficial for them; what can I do for this purpose?
I am considering making them wear Tulsi mala, because I’ve read on some websites that “Upon seeing the Tulasi-mala, the Yamadutas fee like leaves scattered by the wind”. But I’ve many doubts about doing this, as if the Yamadutas really fee then who comes to take care of the soul? Even if you quote for me from our ancient texts, I don’t know how much I can trust the quotes, because when I read such statements:
“In Garud Purana it is stated: All those people of evil argumentative mentality who say why to wear Tulsi beads, what results are attained by wearing them, and don’t wear Tulsi beads around their neck, burn in the fire of anger of Sri Hari and will never get liberated from hell.”
-When I read such statements I get doubtful about trusting quotes from our ancient texts.
Again, what can I do so that my grandfather’s next life is beneficial for them?
Hare Krishna Blue
Best talk to your grandfather about Krishna. At the end of life people are naturally interested in spiritual things. So you can think of how to explain Krishna consciousness to him in a way that he can relate to it and tell him that these beads are very special and spiritual and holy and will help him in his next life. And if he likes the idea then why not put tulsi beads on him. It is offensive for people who are not following the regulative principles to wear Tulsi beads so it is better that you convince him to be vegetarian and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and follow the four regulations before wearing them actually…
The reality is you can’t really become Krishna consciousness against your will. So you have to preach to him to convince him that these final days of his life should be spent coming closer to God. And if he is a Christian then he can read the Bible, or if you can convince him about Krishna consciousness and get him to chant Hare Krishna then that would be wonderful.
Of course there is a way that you can take all your family members for many generations into the past and many generations into the future. You just have to become a pure devotee of Krishna yourself and automatically your whole family will benefit from that and they will all go back home back to Godhead, even if they are not devotees at all. So that is the best way actually. Become a pure devotee of Krishna and be confident that in doing that you are doing the best service for your family members also.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you so much for the answer. My grandfather because of their old age can’t think properly and for talking they just make sounds. I still have many questions regarding Tulsi mala and Krishna consciousness; I think until I get clarity, what I can at least do is to simply pray to Krishna for them. Madhudvisa Ji, I’ve many diverse questions and then counter-questions; So is there any knower of everything, present today whom I can approach? I think Sathya Sai Baba was such a saint, I had to meet him but he died before I could meet him. Is there anyone else who knows everything and is approachable?
Srila Prabhupada. He is the most approachable. Just read his books. You will not find anyone more qualified then him and you will not find anyone else who can answer all your questions with such clarity.
But no one is going to answer your questions actually unless you follow the process and surrender to them and serve them and offer them obeisances. That is the way that transcendental knowledge flows from the guru to the disciple. But submission and surrender and service.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Blue,
Hare Krishna! It has been revealed that Sai Baba was not a saint. Here is a part of report, many of which you can find online, about Sai Baba, made by a man who was very close to Sai Baba:
“I in fact feel that Sai Baba’s misery has just started and after losing his legs and one hand, soon he will lose his hearing, speech, eyesight and mental sanity, one by one, and his misery will be shown to the whole world, and he will be exposed for what he truly is : the retribution for a lifetime of massive fraud, debauchery, trickery and self seeking, for name and fame as God, resulting in an old age drooling, gibbering, legless, blind, speechless, paralysed and broken, and humiliated old wretch.”
In order to discriminate between who is a real saint and who is actually a first class rascal, you must read Srila Prabhupada’s books.
It is true that the baba had a large following, performed many tricks to dazzle the minds of the innocent, and was involved in various humanitarian efforts. But humanitarian efforts will not save us from the real problems of life which are janma, mrytu, jara, vyadi, (birth. old age, disease and death).
This predicament of being subject to the conditions of samsara is our real problem. If we can be released from samsara, then automatically all of our other problems are solved, so there is no need of such humanitarian work.
Of course we should be helpful to each other, but a real teacher, a real saint will remove the whole range of human suffering in one motion by teaching us how to re-awaken our love for Krishna. This awakening of love for Krishna is our automatic passport to the spiritual realm, and once going there, Krishna declares in Bhagavad-gita, one will never return to this miserable world of birth and death.
The baba that you are referring to did not give this kind of teaching. Nor was he practicing it.
Madhudvisa Prabhu is a gentleman, and so he is not saying anything against that man. As Madudvisa says again and again, you simply must read Srila Prabhupada’s books. In that you you will become convinced as to what is the real standard of saintly life.
Saintly life is not about doing humanitarian work. Such work does not relieve anyone from the terrible suffering of human life, birth after birth after birth. Anyone who pretends to be a spiritual teacher and does not point the way towards the real doorway out of this life of suffering, once and for all, is simply misleading the public. By such misleading, he is the cause not only of their death but of their repeated death, perhaps for millions of lifetimes. In the west such a person is referred to as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He pretends to be nice, but his plan is to take their blood.
I humbly place myself at your feet, and request that you simply begin to read the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Through the pages of those books is the doorway that you are really looking for, a doorway that will take you out of this world of cheaters, to the realm of eternal life, singing, dancing, and feasting with the one and only Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
All other Bhagavans are simiply envious imitators, who are paving their path to hell.
Hare Krishna, Ishan das
I won’t promise right now that I’ll read any of his books completely. But I’ll surely go through some of his books today (Indian Standard Time) and in later days.
Hare Krsna Guruji!
Sri Rama Navami wishes to you n all Guruji!
I am feeling very happy sir,’cause iam receiving these letters from now onwards!
actually i completed reading my BhagavadGita As It Is(Srila Prabhupada Guruji) in Telugu language!
somewhere one guruji said in a TV prog that “one who completes reading BhagavadGita for 18 times,then he’ll surely reach Krsna!!!”
i am trying for this guruji!
because of some family n financial problems am unable to do concentrate on my studies guruji!
my mom advices me to wear maha shiva’s Rudrakshas to convert all the things in to favourable factors!my elder bro is still wearing those!
i said that Krsna is everything for me n even to that Great DemiGod Shiva!then why should i wear them?but they are forcing sasying that Shiva is the Greatest devotee of Krsna n if you wear those Rudrakshas n that Krsna will definetely pleases!
but i strictly refused that!
am i wrong in doing this guruji?
before i use to eat non-veg but when i came to know about this site,i totally left all those n even am not drinking tea coffee too!all are shocking by looking at all my changed habits!
should we believe in these guruji?
or in Krsna?!
please answer to all these questions guruji!
am eagerly waiting for your reply sir!
once again Sri Rama Navami wishes to everybody!
Hare Krsna!
Hare Krishna Prabhu
We should just surrender to Srila Prabhupada and hear from him his instructions about how we should serve Krishna. So that means you do not listen to all the nonsense advice given to you by others. You can be very polite and say, “Yes, yes…” but actually completely ignore what they say and follow Srila Prabhupada’s instructions which are very simple and that is to follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily on tulsi japa beads. And of course all of the other instructions that we find in Prabhupada’s books including wearing tulsi beads around our necks.
All of these other things are material things, they may perhaps have some material benefit, perhaps not, but a devotee does not need any of these things because ultimately every benediction is coming from Krishna, so if we are worshiping Krishna directly then there is no need for us to worship any other demigod or follow any of these other things…
So you are not doing anything wrong, you are doing the right thing. So just stick to following the instructions you find in Srila Prabhupada’s books and you will be very successful. And not just you, the family members of a devotee also share in the results of his devotional service, even if they are inimical to him or even if they are inimical to Krishna. So you are doing the best service to your family also by becoming a pure devotee of Krishna.
So don’t compromise, but also don’t go out of your way to agitate them too much and gradually they will accept what you are doing also..
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu ji ,
I ‘ve been trying to follow the path of ISKCON for last two years , I have read the perfect question & Answer book.
As being a working class person I get very short time to read Bhagwad Geeta , I am a Professional driver and I have LISTENED to Bhagwad geeta as it is ,while I am driving. Most of the times I do Chant while I am driving .
But still in my mind i feel guilty all the times that I am not doing everything perfectly as I still have not converted my self to be a fully vegetarian person , As the type of job I do We some times have to grab something on the way which is quick to eat .
I have not READ Bhagwad Geeta yet , where as I have Listened to it.
Can you please give me some tips about chanting properly , As While driving I can not chant on beads .
Can you please guide me about the right Path what should I do to become a better person and a better follower of Srila Prabhu Paad ji.
Hari Bol.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
You can chant Hare Krishna anywhere, anytime but you can not chant your 16 rounds when you are distracted by other things. So you can not chant your 16 rounds while driving for example. Just get up early in the morning before 4:00am and chant them then. That is the best time to chant Hare Krishna. You can continue chanting Hare Krishna also all day even when you are driving but that sort of chanting can not count towards your 16 rounds.
To chant properly you have to be able to concentrate on chanting and hearing the mantra. So you need to make some time in your day to do this. And you have to follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication]. It is just a matter of deciding to do it. And again making some arrangement so you have some prasadam to eat when you are hungry. You can take some prasadam with you to work in a thermos or something like that. You just have to analyze your current lifestyle and work out what parts of if are not very favorable to your making advancement in Krishna consciousness and change them….. You can change your life, your daily routine, your habits, that is in your power. A devotee accepts the things that are favorable for his advancement in Krishna consciousness and rejects the things that are not favorable. You just need to do that gradually, one thing at a time, and you will see that your Krishna consciousness will steadily improve.
If you don’t know what to do just chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books and Krishna in your heart and Prabhupada in his books will give you inspiration and then you will know what you should do…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
Thank you for your sending me newsletter.
I read Bhagavad Gita but very slowly and unable to complete in a day. So I read day by day because I am a working girl. I chant everyday. Morning, noon while I am working in office and then evening. I hear the song of Hare Krishna Hare Rama. I have no doubt for God and no question for him. I just want to know that should we complete Bhagavad Gita in one day and how is it possible or alternative or as I am reading that is also right way???
I am reading Bhagavad Gita it does not mean that I have a full knowledge. I have just started. Yes I started to read this 8 months ago then it left by me between. Now I have started again.
Hare Krishna
my master madhudvisa i just want to ask that i have a month before i go to hostel where no internet is there and so i wont be able to read your mails and newsletters for next 2 years and also not bhagwad gita for 2 years. so i say that i have read gita once and in this remaining time i want to read the whole book and so i thought that i should just try to understand gita at this time rather remerbering it as it is as you recommended me in discipline succesion. because it takes time to exactly memorise one verse on other hand i have no experience of doing it. so far what i have studied was based only on understanding and not learning it word to word . so i think that i should just try to read whole gita and try to remember its contents rather than whole verses exactly same and in future or if i get the book gita then i might practise learning gita exactly same very hardly. please show the path and tell what shall i do and is my thinking right? please tell my bona fide spiritual master
In 2 years you can read the Bhagavad-gita many times…
Haribol. This is a very nice article and I am very excited for the next one to come out. Thank you.
Well, maybe so. I gave up on submission or god. Why? Why not is a better question. I’ll tell you, Mr. Harrisons devotion is of great interest to me, I had and have an enormous amount of respect for him. I don’t know anything though, I been ready to leave here for quite a while.
My Mantra has been ‘So What” for a long time.I’d like to enjoy it here but I really wonder if I really can. I’ll keep the connection. We’ll see.
I am very happy to be connected with you swamiji…I must say that I am very fortunate to attend your sessions…as those four sessions turned my life..thats all because of your pure service..
I am curiously waiting for your news letter..thank you so much.
Hare Krishna prabhu I read your news letter I find it very interesting prabhu I often wonder why do we die and where do we go I have heard that we merge with Krishna but why some one come and tell us can you give me any more information Hari Bhol
Hare Krishna Shanti
Krishna makes it very clear in the Bhagavad-gita about what happens, where we go when we die. He says that whatever state of consciousness one has at the time of death, that state he attains without fail.
So whatever you are thinking about at the time of death determines your next life. So if you are thinking like an animal, animals eat, sleep, mate and defend, so if that is what you are primarily interested, then your next birth will be in an animal body. If you are thinking of Krishna at the time of death then you will go back to Krishna, back home, back to Godhead. So the process of Krishna consciousness is to train ourselves to always remember Krishna so if we are always remembering Krishna then we will certainly remember Krishna at the time of death…
These things are much more fully explained in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you should read it…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Shanti, Hare Krishna!
This concept of “merging” with Krishna, this is not the conclusion or understanding as it is given to us in Bhagavad-gita (Krishna’s direct words) or the Bhagavat Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam). This Bhagavatam is given to us by Veda-Vyasadeva, who is the author of the Vedanta Sutra. The Bhagavatam is his own commentary on the Vedanta Sutra.
It would take far too much time and space to provide you with all of the quotes from these vedic literatures, but the conclusions are quite easily stated:
We are eternally individual spirit souls, and our eternal nature is to engage in loving devotional activites in relation with Bhagavan Sri Krishna. All of the activities of bhakti that we do while we are in this realm is only to prepare us for the same activites that we will perform in the spiritual realm. In Krishnaloka, also known as Goloka Vrindavan, Krishna is served by His loving asociates. The very thought of “merging” is completely abhored by them. The very idea of merging is completely distasteful, because by merging, all individuality is lost, and the opportunity to engage in loving service to Krishna is lost.
This merging is a factual experience for those who aspire for it. But it is only the very tip of experience of God, and cannot provide the fulfillment that our hearts are always craving. It is a kind of spiritual suicide. Because material life with all of its relationships is so painful, some yogis have become attracted to the idea of ending our individuality with this merging. But this is a great mistake, because eternal loving exchanges with Krishna is so filled with ananda – ananda that those who merge can never taste.
It is true that those who have experience of merging become somewhat equipoised, but we see again and again that these yogis and swamis are not content with that merging, but because they have no loving exchange with God, they again become involved in the material field of good works. On the other hand, those who establish a loving relationship with Krishna, understand that this eternal loving exchange is available to everyone. Therefore they do not waste time in opening hospitals (that cannot save anyone from dying) but give all their energy for encouraging all of us to cultivate a loving exchange with Krishna so that we can return to Krishna and celebrate eternal life with Him in the spiritual sky.
If you are serious to understand this in all of its authoritative detail, it will be necessary for you to read the Books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is a pure devotee of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
If fact, those who advertise this merging experience are their own worst enemies because they are enemies of Bhagavan Sri Krishna Himself. This is because they beleive that the highest aspect of God is void, impersonal. But Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita that He is the source of that impersonal Brahman that is the brahmajyoti – the great impersonal spiritual light: “brahmano hi pratishtaham”.
This merging is an option, but only for those who are enemies of Krishna, who do not want to bow to Him, and who want to declare themselves as
You must read Srila Prabhupada so that the idea of merging will become completely distasteful to you.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna .
How can one surrender to Krishna ?
It is a process that Srila Prabhupada has written about in more than 60 books… READ THEM!!!
Dear Bhupendra,
These words, like “surrender” and “service” will naturally have material connotations for us, because we live in this material world, where surrender and service are not looked upon as positive values.
In this realm no one wants to surrender, but everyone wants to vanquish others. And no on e wants to be a servant, but everyone wants to be served by others. But this is only because we inappropriately want to be Krishna, or God, and have everyone surrender to us and serve us. That is our insanity.
As pure spirit souls, we are eternal (sat), full of wisdom (chit) and full of spiritual ecstacy (ananda). And these attributes are manifest when our spontaneous love for Krishna is re-awakened. This re-awakening process is the path of surrender. These are the activites of bhakti yoga, in which loving service to Krishna is both the means and the goal.
These activites of the pure spirit soul are shravanam, kirtanam, smaranam, or hearing about Krishna, glorifying Krishna, and remembering Krishna, all with a nice attitude, with a desire to develope our love for Krishna. These activites comprise the path of surrender.
As Madhudvisa Prabhu has indicated, we can hear from the pure source of wisdom by reading the books of the pure devotee, His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. By giving submissive aural reception to these teachings from a pure lover of Krishna, you will be automatically engaged in shravanam, and then kirtanam and smaranam will follow. So don’t delay, but begin reading these books, and enjoying the path of surrender to Krishna.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
I have few questions……
1. Please tell me how can i trully surrender to krishna, please tell me the krishna mantra to chant.
2. I really love krishna, but my mind controls me, how can i control my mind and fix it on krishna.
3. How can i get the book written by prabhu, are these available online.
Hare KRishna
Hare Krishna Kamal
Krishna consciousness can not be explained in a few paragraphs.
You have to follow the process. You need to read Srila Prabhupada’s books at least 1-2 hours a day, Chant the Hare Krishna mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
at least 16 rounds a day and follow the four regulative principles: No illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication.
That is the starting point, then as you read Srila Prabhupada’s books he will answer so many of your questions and give you so much knowledge and as you chant Hare Krishna, Krishna, from within your heart, will help you understand everything.
This is the process. It is a gradual process. You have to surrender to it and follow it and if you do you will see great results in time.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
as i have the knowledge little bit about bhagavad gita, and few days ago i was reading sri krishna story from net, in which is written that krishna was born from vishnu due to too many demons on the earth, to protect, later on he died …. and bhagavad geeta say krishna is supreme personality of godhead, he is the supersoul, but the issue is krishna came thru lord vishnu…m so confused at this part kindly clarify mr this…
Thanking you,
Hare krishna
Hare Krishna
Yes. Many are confused about the appearance and activities of Krishna and then his disappearance. Actually Krishna says: janma karma ca me divyam.. “One who understands the nature of My birth and activities in this material world does not take birth again.” So in other words it is very common to be confused about Krishna’s birth and activities in this world — and if one is not confused about this — if one understands the nature of Krishna’s birth and activities in this world — then he is a liberated soul who does not have to take birth in this world again…
So to really understand this you have to become Krishna conscious. And the process to become Krishna conscious is very nicely described by Srila Prabhupada in his books. SO PLEASE READ THEM……
Hare Krishna prabhuji,
yes i have been reading so many books as science of self realization, teachings of queen kunti n then i dont remb the book name but the story was of jamila in which his last son name was narayana and due to this to save jamila krishna came….but my issue as krishna came from vishnu…so krishna n vishnu bhagwan are the same or still krishna is the higher one than vishnu as everybody knows krishna is the supersoul , supreme persoanlity of godhead. OR VISHNU BHAGWAN IS KRISHNA ONLY…
in the 1980’s I read the teachings of Jesus which instructed that I if I wished to see the the Kingdom of Heaven that I must forsake all. I surrendered all including shoes and family and set to the streets to live as a fool. Although 3 or 4 days would go by without food, I did not starve to death. Of the multiple epiphonies and reallizations I experienced the most profound was was a spiritual intuition to travel 100 miles of Highway which led me to a second hand shop where my hands first felt the covers of the Swami’s teachings and I was refrshed in the Spirit of Lord Krisna. Many answers were contained in study and meditation and the simpliest joy is contained in the relationship between The Lord and Arjuna. When you converse about Godhead in the Maya you must see thru the veil of Material Nature and see the eyes of the Lord in your companion. Look to the Supersoul and believe all is one and much will be revealed, we may not like the revelation but it will help us to rise above the illusion and carry on in our journey. I pose a question for the purpose of our relationship in the Lord, “are we really here, or are we dreaming”?
Warm Wishes, David
Hare Krishna! David,
According to our vaishnava teachings, both are true. We are really here, and, we are really dreaming.
The energy that we call “spirit soul” is one of the energies of God. We are this energy, which is eternally alive and conscious. And Krishna has created us in order to enjoy loving exchanges with us.
Our relationship with Krishna is that we can experience unlimited happiness by seeking Krishna’s pleasure with every thought, word and deed. This demeanor of seeking Krishna’s pleasure is bassed upon love for Krishna. And although we were created for this purpose, some of us have opted for desiring not to be loving servants of God, but to want to have His position as the central person who everyone else serves, glorifies, adores, etc. Therefore the material world of gross elements and the subtle mental energy has been created, so that we can try our hand at being the central figure. but the problem is that we are here in the material world with countless other wayward souls who also, like us, desire inappropriately, to be number one. Therefore our envy of God’s position, manifests as envy of each other, so that we are always in conflict with each other.
In the sense that we are asleep to our real nature of spontaneous love for God, and are forced to identify this gross body and subtle perverted mind as our selves, we are dreaming. In this context, we are most subtle while the dream is gross. It is a dream because these identities, one body after another, are all temporary. They dissolve or are recycled into the material nature. Here today, gone tomorrow. Therefore these identities are like dreams – not because they don’t exist, but because they don’t endure. So we are really here, within the material creation, experiencing the successive dreams of one lifetime after another, all with different identities of species, of gender, of race, of nationality, etc.
The material creation is like an insane asylum for disoriented souls who want to be God, rather than engage in loving service to God. The treatment for our perverse inclination is a kind of hypnotherapy in which we are forced to experience these dream identities, birth after birth. Although we are eternal and indestrucable, we experience birth, old age, disease and death, the miseries of the mind, of the body, the miseries infliced on us by other living entities, and the miseries of natural disater, of plague, volcanoe, tidal wave, flood, famine, earthquake, etc. Although nothing is happening to us as pure spirit, we are hypnotized by Krishna’s illuory energy so that we experience these miseries as real. It is not imposed on us as punishment, but out of love, to bring us to our senses, that we cannot be successful in fulfilling ourselves by being self-centered.
When we become exhausted after millions of lifetimes, and choose to seek a solution, Krishna puts us in touch with real information through the various scriptures. And when we take up the path of devotional life, gradually, the illusion is lifted and we experience ourselves as eternal loving servants of God. Although still in a material body, the bodily identification is finished, and the soul experiences boundless ecstacy, and becomes indifferent to material concerns. It is like waking up from the dream and back on track with our real life. Then, when we leave this body, there is no more need to return to the material world.
So, yes, we are really here, and we are dreaming. Self-realization means to wake up from this dream. No one can wake up on their own, but rather this realization comes by grace. That grace comes through the agency of Krishna’s confidential messengers, who write books like those that you have found. Please continue reading and everything will become clear.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Thankyou that was so excellent, have a great day, Hare Krisna David
thankyou, i am in your debt for your kind attentions to my thoughts. Hare Krisna
I am reading Bhagavadgita, a sloka per day. Hare Krishna….
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
I live in Avon Park, Florida. A Hindu woman who owns a store near me told me about a temple in Lake Wales, Florida. Are you familiar with that? Also, what is the difference between Hindi and Hare Krishna, anything?
Finally, I would love to have a copy of “Bhagavad Gita, As It Is” for myself to read. I remember in San Diego during the 1970s it was easy to find devotees on the street or at the Ashram in Pacific Beach and I used to have a copy many years ago. At the time I lost interest but am anxious to learn more at this time.
Hare Krishna Michael
You can get Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is at:
On Janmastami day 2010 a very good friend of mine took me to the ISKCON Temple – Chennai, INDIA and a young Hare Krishna devotee urged me to buy and read some books. I was a regular visitor to Sri Krishna Temple in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman since 1996 but sadly never had understood Sri Krishna as HE is to be understood. Thanks to the books available at ISKCON Temple i was able to understand and suddenly i found meaning to my life, till such time i lived a full life, living life the way it is to be lived which is through prayer, hard work, sincereity, committing mistakes sometimes knowingly sometimes unknowingly and enjoying every moment of it but had never understood why life is such. My reading of the Bhagavad Gita – As it is gave my life a whole new meaning and since then i’ve never felt the need for anything else, its an experience which has to be experienced not narrated, for only then will every individual understand what he is and where he has to eventually go. Thanks to everyone who at every step helped me get till here and from here on i know it is my devotion to Sri Krishna which will take me further to my ultimate destination for which i’m in a great hurry but at the same time i wish to enjoy every bit of the journey to get me there for i know bliss is as much in chanting Hare Krishna as it is in getting to HIM.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna
Dear Madhudvisa Dasa
I have a list of questions that i wish to ask, i have nothing against the god i totally believe in him but due to certain incidences in my life i think i am getting little off the track. I don’t know may be because of symptoms of self realization or may be because of curiosity i need somebody to guide me, i have read few books by Sri A.C BHAKTIVEDANT SWAMI PRABHUPADA and i visited Vrindavan,Mathura and ISKCON temple but i was not able to open up my questions as there were lot of people around me, kindly guide me how i can help my curiosity and be on the right spiritual path.
Hare Krishna
Prabhupada will guide you if you surrender to him and read his books and actually follow the instructions he gives you in the books. It does seem that most people are not capable of this and do need some physical guidance. That is their great misfortune because at the moment we do not see any such qualified physically present guide is there. So better to surrender to Srila Prabhupada and learn how to benefit from his personal association through reading his books and listening to his recorded classes…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
dear Madhudvisa prabhu,
In bhagavat gita it is said that there are only 8400000 species of life. how is this to be understood as there are already millions of species of insect only?
thank you for giving this opportunity to ask questions.
Have you seen millions of insects???
Hare Krishna
Bhagvad Gita is the spritiual knowledge spoken by Supreme personality of Godhead Krishna.
I will state my current situation simply.I am a poet and I by change discovered the Bhagavad Gita.It gave me sustenance and I learned of the Mantra.I started doing the Mantra and now I am ready as a derivative benefit to stop smoking.I am urgently preparing for my intent to Honour Krishna for his loving service to me.
I will not incriminate and religion but the Hare Krishna faith has given me a holy sancutary to be myself completely under the guidance of our Lord.
Hare Krishna !
Hare Krishna Martin
I am very happy that you have experienced some positive results from taking to Krishna consciousness. But you have to know you are just in the beginning stages. To become actually Krishna consciousness is a process that you have to learn and follow. So I humbly request that you very seriously study the books of Srila Prabhupada. Do not try to write about things that you do not completely understand. First become the student and learn from the bona fide guru. Only then when you have completed the course and received the blessings and mercy of Krishna’s pure devotee can you become empowered to write something of value about spiritual subject matters.
Otherwise you writing will just become yet another disturbance in the society…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy.
Hare Krishna, Thanks a Ton for Your Mail regairding the Spirit of Bhagvad Gita…I am really Happy to See your mail regarding the teachings of Bahavad Gita, As you have already mastered in Spiritual Knowledge and You Guinding Us really a Great Opportunity for us to Remain in Contact with Krishna while Working as Well…
Can I tell others as well to chant what should I tell them (My Office Colleague).
Hare Krishna Arjun
Yes, certainly, if you are chanting Hare Krishna and feeling some benefits from it then you should talk about it with your friends and work mates. Really you can not ‘tell’ anyone to do anything. You can explain things to people and let them know how it is working for you and describe the benefits you are experiencing and you can suggest that they try it also and see what happens, like that. But don’t be disappointed if your friends and workmates do not take to chanting Hare Krishna. Actually not everyone can do it. It requires something, some special mercy from Krishna and Krishna’s pure devotee. Most people are 100% convinced that sense gratification, money and sex, is the purpose of life. So many times to take seriously to Krishna consciousness a person needs to have become somewhat frustrated in his attempts to enjoy in the material world. He has to be smashed by maya. And then, when he can see the real nature of the material world, he will be much more likely to take to spiritual life.
But you can help your friends and workmates to become Krishna conscious by giving them your good association, by taking with them about Krishna. Not telling them to do things, but explaining interesting parts of the philosophy to them and also you can talk about the many stories in the Bhagavatam and Krishna Book. There is so much material for talking about in Prabhupada’s books so if you read Prabhupada’s books then you can talk about what you read and that will help anyone who hears you.
You can get some of Prabhupada’s small books and give them to your friends and encourage them to read also themselves. This is actually the most powerful way that people become devotees of Krishna, by reading Prabhupada’s books. Actually our preaching does not have much potency. Prabhupada often says “What will your five minutes of preaching do? If he takes a book and just reads one line it will change his life…” So Prabhupada’s books are so potent and actually our preaching will not really be potent until we are actually pure devotees of Krishna and we have really transcended the three modes of material nature and have no more material desires…
The other thing you can distribute prasadam to your friends.
So certainly you should talk about Krishna with whomever you meet and get them to take and read Prabhupada’s books…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Madhudvisa Prabhuji, Hare Krishna!
Your post is evry enlightening, Thank you! I try to read the BG every day and due to Gods mercy am trying to slowly understand the purport. You have rightly said that if you were to read the BG every day,you will still find new inspiration in it!
Thank you and I look forward to your upcoming posts,
Hari Bol!
While reading 1st mail which u have send me It came in My Mind, 1).Why is Kirshna so difficult to Understand, 2).Why there is need for one to Understand that Krishna is god as everything in his life is still going on for those who even dont ask who is god.
3). How one can beocme devotee, what are the things required to become devotee.
Please help
Thanks and Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna
do i have to chant the mantra in the morning or we can chant it all the day
do i have to chant it in front of lord krishna or i can chant anywhere
can i start with 5 rounds. Please answer me i want to know all about japa and kirtan. how can i get progress towards lord krishna.
Hare Krishna Anshu
You can and should chant the Hare Krishna mantra constantly, morning, noon and night — 24 hours a day. You can chant anywhere, there are no rules and regulations as to where you can chant Hare Krishna, you can and should chant Hare Krishna everywhere and anywhere. You will not seriously start until you actually become dedicated to chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra a day. If you are not prepared to do this then you have not yet started. You have not taken it seriously. If you want Krishna consciousness to actually work you have to take it seriously which means you have to at least surrender to chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra a day and very strictly following the four regulative principles: No illicit sex, No meat eating, No gambling and No intoxication. If you are not prepared to surrender to these things then you can not start Krishna consciousness actually. This is how you can progress towards Krishna. Surrender to Srila Prabhupada and follow his instructions!!! And he instructs everyone to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily. So we have to do this. Otherwise there will be practically no progress towards Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Anshu
Í can understand your questions for i’ve been through the same. What i did was chant as many times as i could in the beginning which would be 3 times somedays 4 or 6. I’d chant while i drive as well. slowly in a couple of weeks i could increase the number and in 2 months i could get to 16 rounds which included the rounds i did while driving. Then I read in one of the comments that while i can chant when driving, number of rounds done while driving cannot be counted. Since a few months now i’ve been able to do 16 rounds and more leaving aside the chanting i do while driving. What i mean to say here is if you are sincere in your attempt, Lord Krishna will guide to where you intend to reach. So, as you practice deligently you will find time and will be able to do 16 rounds and more easily. When i’m in doubt and have not found satisfactory answers speaking to fellow worshippers or by reading, i ask Lord Krishna to show me the right path and believe me over time HE does show it depending on how sincere you are with the request.
Hare Krishna
Sanat Attavar
Hare krsna prabhuji…
well,many good changes occured in our life ever since you started your preaching..well,i thank the Lord for sending you to help poor devotees in distress like us..prabhu,i’ll only tell you toplz continue guiding us..we need guru’s like you to be able to know our vainavism culture and Our lord more…
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
First of all , i would like to offer my profound and humble service and prayers to the Lord of the lords – Sri Krishna.
Swami- i have verey recently experienced a great personal tragedy. I lost my 4 year old daughter – she was all of 4 years old – who was born after a prolonged period after my wedding… I called her a gift of God .
She was healthy with no realy major health issues. Suddenly, following a fever, she breated her last. This was quite sudden and even medical science is unable to explain or know the reason for my little daughters demise.
I and my wife are in a state of shock and grief. Why did it have to happen to an innocent child. I cannot but think of her all the time and grieve.
I pray to Lord Krishna to help us .
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Shantaram
Everything happens because of karma. Because of our actions in our previous lives. So no one is born ‘innocent’. Everyone has many past lives full of activities, some good and some bad. So everyone has to suffer the reactions of their past bad activities and ‘enjoy’ the reactions to their good and pious acts in the past. So it is all karma. We do not know why these things are happening but we know that we are not without blame. It is a practical example of the real nature of this material world which is mrtyu-loka. Everyone is dying here. But we try to forget that and work very hard to try and turn this place of suffering and death into a happy place where we plan to live with our family forever… Of course all our plans will be frustrated.
So do not worry. This is the nature of the world. We are all brought together for some time and then we are separated. With your daughter it was only a short time and that was ordained by your karma and by her karma. She did not die, death is simply a change of body. So she changed into another body.
These things happen. There is no reason to be shocked and in grief. Everyone is dying here in the material world. It is mrtya-loka, the planet of death. So death should not be shocking to us..
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I donot wish to sound hard-hearted. But while she was alive, did you give mahaprasadam of Lord Krishna from Krishna’s altar? did you teach her to chant the name of Krishna in kirtan so that she could become attached to chanting the holy names of Krishna and associate in her mind the chanting of the holy names with feelings of love and being loved? Did you teach her to bow down before the form of the Lord, on the altar, to participate in bathing the Lord and dressing the Lord? As a parent, did you give your daughter these advantages in preparation for her inevitable death, or did you simply try to enjoy her presence in your life for your own pleasure?
These are the questions that you must ask yourself. And if the answer is “no”, then you can understand that when you have your next child, you must do everything in your power to give that child every opportunity grow up in an atmosphere in which love for Krishna is the glue that holds your lives together, your family life, your practical life in the world, and the life that you will have after you leave this temporary body.
I never had these advantages as a child. My parents were atheists, and told me there was no God, that it was all superstition. My life was so very empty and meaningless. Then I met Srila Prabhupada, Bhaktivedanta Swami, my spiritual father. And at age 25 I began to cultivate this Krishna Consciousness, after learning so many ungodly ways of living and thinking. So if you can spare your next child this kind of ungodly experience and give them all facility for developing love for Krishna, and if you will promise this to Krishna, then Krishna will surely give you a beautiful and wonderful baby to grow up and spread Krishna consciousness in this world of death.
The technology for having a spiritual child take birth in your wife’s womb is that you and your wife must have only thoughts of Krishna in your hearts while you are impregnating your wife. The menality of the parents at the moment of conception determines the spiritual quality of the soul that becomes attracted to the mother’s womb. In that way a great service is performed by bringing only spiritual beings to this planet, beings that can help others to grow in spiritual life so that we do not have to return to this terrible painful place.
So you can begin formulating your contract with Krishna. That will be good for you, for your wife, for your child, and for all the people of this planet.
Srila Prabhupada used to instruct his students to chant on their Tulsi mala 64 rounds of japa (in one day) before entering into sexual realtion, both husband and wife, just so that they could attract to her womb an elevated servant of Krishna.
I sincerely hope this may be encouraging to you. Hare Krishna!
Ishan das
Here krishna
dear Madhudvisa Namaskar….
I have a doubt… in Bhavath Githa Krishna said “worship only the God such as Krisnna,Ram,Vishhnu , not Devas such as Indiran,suriyan” Then whether Krishna Devotes can Worship the god and goddess such as Ganesh,Durga,Kali Madha or not… this is my great doubt… i am looking for your valuable reply….
Here Krishna……
How can you have a doubt? Krishna says the worshipers of the demigods are alpha-medhasam. They are fools with no brain substance. Krishna says “Surrender to Me, worship Me.” He does not say surrender to the demigods and worship them. There is no reason for confusion. Devotees of Krishna do not worship the demigods. They worship Krishna knowing that if Krishna is pleased everyone, including the demigods, will also be pleased.
Although my name sounds muslim. As a Bangla Deshi I know that we were forced to convert. Regarding worshiping the gods(Indra, Brahma,etc..) Krishna says that by worshipping him you worship all of them.
But if you worship ,say, Indra then you are worshipping only one aspect of GOD.
hare krishna,
I just wanted to know more how could Arjuna trust lord krishna and accept n trust all that LORD KRISHNA told him.
hare krishna,
I just wanted to know more how could Arjuna trust lord krishna and accept n trust all that LORD KRISHNA told him.
Hare Krishna Pem
Arjuna was Krishna’s friend so he already trusted Krishna but as friends consider each other on the same level and sometimes disagree on some point that is how their conversation starts out in the Bhagavad-gita. Krishna expects Arjuna to do his duty and fight but Arjuna decides that the results of fighting will be too horrible therefore he declares “Krishna I shall not fight.”
After that Krishna continues speaking with Arjuna and in this conversation Arjuna realizes that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and realizes that the only solution to his problems is to surrender to Krishna and accept Krishna as his guru and follow all of Krishna’s orders.
And after Arjuna surrenders to Krishna and accepts Krishna as his guru the mood of the conversation changes. Spiritual knowledge flows from the master to the disciple. So there is no chance of getting spiritual knowledge unless the disciple surrenders to the bona fide spiritual master.
Being able to surrender to Krishna and accept everything that Krishna says is true and being able to follow the instructions of Krishna in one’s life is only possible by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna. So if we can surrender to Srila Prabhupada and serve him then we will be able to surrender to Krishna and accept everything that Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita as true.
It is only possible to surrender to Krishna by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Madhudvisa, Hare Krishna! Thank you for being here. Regarding the demigods, is it possible, in one’s everyday devotional service and practice, to simply ignore the demigods. For many Westerners, the stories in which they appear are a bit hard to accept, if taken literally.
Ignore and ignorance are the same thing. So how can we put ourselves into ignorance as to how Krishna manages everything in the universe by His agents the demigods? We don’t care what the Westerners think. They are in ignorance and we have to open their eyes with the truth. And the truth is there are demigods and it is the demigods, as agents of Krishna, who are managing the affairs of the material world.
Dear Raja Rao,
Hare Krishna! First we have to understand that the devas do not have eternal life. These are executive posts in the administrative government for presiding over the affaires of the material world. Therefore by your good karma, you also can become Lord Indra, or Chandra, etc. But all of these devas have limited lifespan, even though much longer than our earthly lifespan. Therefore how can they grant you eternal life? Therefore to approach such beings for help in becoming free from samsara, repetition in the cycle of birth and death, this is not a good plan. And therefore Krishna condemns such plans as less intelligent.
Basically, worship of the devas is for persons who want to stay in line with the will of God, but who also want to live most comfortably and profitably within the brahmanda, within the material cosmos, whether on this planet or on the planets of the devas. This can be accomplished. But when the good karma runs out, like any good bank account, then death comes.
Everything that we have in this world comes to us through the devas. However, they are all servants of Krishna. Even Lord Shiva is always seen with his mala, meditating on Lord Krishna. Even Lord Brahma sings in Brahma Samhita, “Govindam adi purusham tam aham bhajami.” (“Oh Govinda, Lord of Lords, it is You whom I adore.”) And when Krishna diverted the Indra puja that Nanda Maharaja (Krishna’s father) wanted perform, and Krishna held up the Govardhana Hill on his little finger for 7 days, then Lord Indra came and offered puja and prayers to Lord Krishna. So you will never offend these great personalities by worshipping Krishna, because they all recognize Krishna as their Lord. Just like when you pay your tax to the government head office, all of the offices will get their share. You do not have to pay them each individually.
I hope tht this is helpful. You are a good soul. And you want to do the right thing. Simply you have been trained by others who are not in full understanding. Now you have been given that more full understanding. So you can go ahead with a happy heart, knowing that all of these other offices will be pleased with you when you give your love and service and offerings to the Head office.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
krishna is the embodiment of all these Gods as well as the seen and unseen Parabrahman. Refer to the first two verses of Chapter 12 as well. And you will be amazed that that those who says that they worship Allah or God, they are not sure what they doing.
hi im only new to this religion but would like to ask how many times a day should I chant and is their any other chant .yours david.
Krishna consciousness is not a religion. It is our eternal occupation, sanatana-dharma. And the best thing is you should read Srila Prabhupada’s books. You will find out everything by reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. You can purchase them at and read them online at
Hara Krishna
Confused as to how reading an altered version of the Bhagavad Gita ( Dhira traslated to sober instead of self realised) can also have potency?
Dad got BG as it is from Bombay on his visit ,I read it in my collage days ,upon which;I was feeling fortunate as tough I had performed someting pious in my past life to read it.But now my faith is a bit shaken.Altered Bg that I read have any potency or is it only my sentiment? Should i purchase a new original copy?
Hare Krishna Utsav
The ISKCON Bhagavad-gita is certainly very much damaged by all the changes and the offensive mentality that makes these changes possible. I do not know actually what sort of potency it has but from the state of ISKCON these days it would seem that the potency is lost.
So yes, get the original gita from and read it. Then you are guaranteed to get the 100% potent Prabhupada Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thanks for posting nice articles about bagavatgita.My questions is what is the relevance if gita in this age where we have so many problems to encounter with like to maintain our body family and recreation like.
If you read the Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada that will give you the knowledge and strength to easily solve all the problems of life in these difficult times…
Dear Ravi, Hare Krishna!
Yes, in this age our lives are upside down, due to the onslaught of modern technology, Godless education, and nonsense recreation.
Actually all nonsense recreation of cinemas, computer games, clubs, etc., all of this is of no value. It is actually RECREATION. This is because by participating in such things we are RECREATING another material body. Practically speaking we are surrounded by all of this nonsense, none of which is for our benefit.
Real recreation is provided by Vedic culture. There are so many holy days, like janmastami, the appearance day of Lord Krishna on our planet. During such days, we can watch dramatic portrayals of these events, and participate in the celebration with other devotees. so many nice preparations can be made and offered to Lord Krishna and then taken as prasadam. And kirtan can and shold be a daily affair. This is real recreation. Then there is the reading of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam. Not only are such activites enjoyable, but the benefits are beyond calculation, since it is by such activites that onegradually comes to feel real love for Krishna, which is the only qualification by which one can return to the spiritual world to live eternally with Krishna.
So we have to provide for our families. But we should keep our lives as simple as possible, so that we can participate in the real welfare activies of Krishna Consciousness. This can be a great challenge as long as we are in this world, but we have to choose intelligently because we will have to accept the consequenes. Better that we loose everything, up to family and friends, before we loose the opportunity to return home back to Godhead. This is the most serious decision of your whole life. Not many will take this exit from the royal road to hell. But you have to be sober and sane and determined. Krishna will help you.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna,
Dear Prabhu,
Is it possible to be a non-veg and a devotee of the LORD?If not then all the non-veg people who pretend to be believers and belong to some forms of religion are in absolute ignorance.
However, I have met people who were meat eaters who decide to give up meat and become pure veg. Finally they become ill physically due to malnutrition. It is said in the Upanishads that a person who is ill cannot perform devotional service and may not get liberated.
What are your comments.,please?
No. Because devotees only eat the prasadam that has been offered to the Lord. And Krishna does not accept offerings that are not in the mode of goodness from the four food groups: grains, milk products, vegetables and fruits. No one will become ill by eating a proper balanced diet of Krishna prasadam. It is the perfect food for the mind, the body and the spirit.
Dear Shyam, Hare Krishna!
I am 68 years old. Before becoming a Krishna devotee, (in Canada) in 1968, I was raised by a man who was a butcher. I used to be with him in his shop and watch him clean our the insides of animals, filling garbage cans with intestines etc. We ate animal flesh for breakfast lunch and supper.
Then in 1968 I became a Krishna devotee. I have not eaten animal flesh, fish, birds (like chicken), or eggs in 44 years. There is no ill health from eating simply Krishna prasadam. On the contrary, people do not believe that I am 68. They think I am about 50 years old.
There are different religious paths. There are Christians and Muslims. The Christian scriptures teach that killing is wrong, but Christians say that this only applies to people, and that animals are like machines that have no atma, no soul. Of course this is not very intelligent. Life does not come from matter. Life is spirit substance. No scientist can make a living organism if he is supplied with material elements.
The Muslim scriptures have such strict rules regarding the killing of animals, the time, the cleanliness conditions, the prayerful preparation, the rule that one must look into the eyes of the animals while it cries until life leaves the animal body. All of these rules are to make the killer more soft-hearted, so one day he will not waish to kill any more.
The Vedic shastras say that one may kill by making offering to Goddess Durga. The killer maust whisper in the ear of the animal, “In this life I am taking your life. In the next life I will be animal and you human, and you may cut my throat.” This is a very high price for eating the corpse of an animal.
The Buddhist monks take vows of non-violence, ahimsa, but today they are very active in eating animals. In this Kali Yuga, all good qualities are going to disappear.
As already stated, there are different religious paths. None of them is as elevated as the path of the Vedas, especially the path of Krishna Consciousness, by which one can go to live in Krishna Loka and sing and dance with Krishna, eternally.
Krishna says in Gita that simply going to the higher planets of Indra, Chandra, or even Lord Brahma is for less intelligent people, because when the accumulated good karma is used up, they must return to earthly planets to continue in samsara, the cycle of birth and death. Only by love for Krishna, Krishna bhakti, can one enter into Krishna’s abode.
So one must make an intelligent choice. Living in the material world is a diseased condtion of the spirit soul. Living inside a material body means so many pains and troubles, life after life, millions of lifetimes. You are always free to choose how you want to live. The acharyas in the line of Lord Chaitanya simply want you have the highest understanding so you can make a good choice. Whatever you choose – you are responsible. So you must make a sober choice.
Such a high price to pay simply for the right to place pieces of animal corpse in one’s mouth. Simply an unhealthy and revolting addiction. Now having stopped such things, you would have to stand on my chest and force such things down my throat. Just the thought of swallowing such things causes me to feel sick. Therefore you must give up this unwholesome association, associate with devotees, and make your life successful.
Hare Krishna, Ishan das
Dear Madhudvisa,
Many thanks for this discourse. It is a wonderfully refreshing discourse.
Kind Regards,
Iam worshiping Lord Krishna so I all way interested to his Preaches to mankind.
Tku for the newsletter.
Vivasvan, the Sun God. Does this name suggest any meaning? That name sounds so unfamiliar, that’s why I’m asking.
We should listen to the Bhagwad Gita like a devotee accepting that it is being told by God and because of that reason, it is very perfect. I agree with that. I bought a copy of Bagawad Gita when we visited ISKCON temple at Bangalore. But I have not started reading it. I want to do the same under the guidance of somebody. I hope your oncoming newsletters may enlighten me on the subject.
Dear Manimehalai,
Hare Krishna! If I am not mistaken, for almost every verse in your Bhagavad-gita, there is a purport, or comment, supplied by His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Unlike comments made by others, swamis, professors, and the like, the comments of Srila Prabhupada are coming from the his research and scrupulous following of the comments that have been given by his predecessor acharyas, coming in the line of disciplic succession of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
One of the major aspects that make The Swami’s comments of the highest value is that, as you have written, the followers of Chaitanya are taking the Gita as the direct words of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. And therefore there is no need for interpretation, no need to present the text as metaphore, but rather to accept the words of Lord Krishna at face value. It is from this point that Swami’s commentary begins, and if you read his commentary you will be studying the Gita under proper guidance. You cannot do better than that.
Just make sure that you are reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is, by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and you are properly situated for a direct, autohoritative and comprehensive understanding of Bhagavad-gita.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
One more thought: If you come to understand the teachings of Bhagavad-gita under the guidance of a local temple, there is always the good chance that the temple authorities will be motivated to engage you in service that supports their individual efforts.
This is not necessarily bad, of course. However, you must bear in mind, that one time in 1969, I asked Srila Prabhupada, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, to assign me some service. He was giving specific assignments to various devotees. And I very much wanted an assignment also.
But Srila Prabhupada would not give me an assignment. He repeatedly said to me, “Try to understand our philosophy. What would you like to do for Krishna?” Being very new to Krishna consciousness, I was not able to immediately understand how to apply this kind of advice.
Some time later I came to understand that Srila Prabhupada very much wanted some western boys to learn to make mridanga drums. I received no encouragement from the local temple authorities to take this up. On the contrary. When I went to India and learned how to do this, and brought one of my drums to Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan, India, I said I would like to stay in India and make these drums for our movement.
But then Srila Prabhupada said, “No. It takes so much work to make these drums and our men throw them down like (clay) pots. So go to the west and use your technology to make a drum that they cannot break.”
That is how the Balaram mridanga, and now the Tilok mridanga (a less expensive copy) came into being. It was actually something Srila Prabhupada wanted for spreading Krishna consciousness. But the point is that from beginning to end, not only was there was very little support from the temple authorities, but actually they tried to derail the research process in so many ways – simply because they had other goals, to serve Krishna in different ways, and wanted to engage all of us and all resources in those goals.
So there are no hard and fast rules, one way or another for following Bhagavad-gita and engaging in Krishna’s service. You can do it inside or outside the temple. Simply be aware that temple authorities are sometimes too much motivated in their personal efforts, to be able to endorse your heartfelt desires to serve Krishna in your own way.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krsna
I enjoy reading the Bhagavad Gita and am a yuva youth member with an upcoming speech, what would be some good ideas and topics to talk about?
the topic i have to say is
with Mother Gita, victory is assured in the battle of life
any help will be appreciated
Read the Bhagavad-gita and get your ideas from there????
Dear Jayant,
Please return to this site later today and I will share with you some ideas that may be of interest and excitement to you for your coming talk on Bhagavad-gita.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Very good. Very good. So let us agree that when there is a battle, there is always an objective. Whether it is two nations or two people, the opposing parties both have specific objectives.
So we must ask the question: “If we want to win the battle of life – then first we must know – WHAT IS THE OBJECTIVE OF HUMAN LIFE?
Simply by reciting the title of this talk, we have already agreed that this LIFE IS A BATTLE. It is a great struggle. A great struggle for existence. The history books are filled with thousands of pages describing these struggles:
– economic struggles
– political struggles
– racial struggles
– religious struggles
– health struggles
– famine struggles
– flood struggles
– hurincane struggles
– tidal wave struggles
– volcano struggles
– earth quake struggles
These struggles are always going on. Always. Not only in the human species. In all species.
We have to understand that material nature, mother nature, the Goddess Durga – she says that we can pursue happiness in this realm of existence, this material realm, but only under certain CONDITIONS. What are those conditions?
The conditions for those trying to enjoy life in the kingdom of Goddess Durga, Mother Nature are 4 in number. What are these 4 conditions that all of us must accept if we wish to persue fulfillment in this realm? They are as follows:
Every animal, bird, reptile, insect, aquatic, and every human being in this material realm is subjected to these 4 conditions, not just once, but REPEATEDLY. This is stated in Bhagavad-gita by Lord Krishna. Bg 2/13.
Shastra tells us that being locked up in the womb is most painful. No one wants DISEASE. But we are forced by material nature to be diseased in so many ways. No one wants to grow OLD. But we are forced to grow OLD. No one wants DEATH. But DEATH is forced upon us.
As long as we are struggling to be happy in this material world, we are all subject to being entrapped in suffering these conditions in the cycle of birth and death. This is called SAMSARA. We are all suffering in samsara.
We are not these bodies. We are actually made of a most subtle element. We are spiritual substance. And spiritual substance never grows old, never dies. Bg 2/20
Therefore we have to understand that these conditions do not apply to the spirit soul. They only apply to the material body. Bg 2/22
In other words, although we are actually deathless, as long as we are subjected to living within these material bodies, we must accept these terrible, painful conditions. And so having a material body is a diseased condtion of the spirit soul.
The Vedic literatures tell us that there are different planetary systems within the material universe. On the higher planets there is long life, and very heavenly conditions. One can qualify to take birth on these higher planets by being a good person, good karma. Or one can do austerities, tapas. Or one can become a yogi. Or one can worship the devas. But in Bhagavad-gita, Krishna tells us that from the highest planet to the lowest, within the material creation, all are places of birth and death. Bg 8/16
Then Krishna explains the following points to Arjuna:
1) Beyond this material world there is a spiritual world where there is no birth and death.
2) Krishna is the source of everything. He is the source of the material world.
3) Krishna is the God of all the devas. He is the highest truth. Even the great impersonal brahman sought after by the yogis comes from Krishna.
4) By learning how to re-awaken our love for Krishna, we will be able to remembr Him at the time of death, and return to the spiritual world and live with Krishna eternally.
5) Therefore, Krishna explains that to make our lives successful, to achieve victory in the battle of life, we have to return to the spiritual world and live there eternally. Krishna explains that this is the real victory. He says that one can give up all conceptions of duty, of dharmic responsability, of social responsability, of any and all considerations. All one has to do, Krishna declares is to become attached to Him in love, and Krishna will give him all shelter, all protection from any sinful karma.
TRANSLATION: Give up all religious conceptions and dharmic considerations and simply become attached to Me. Do not have any fear. I will protect you from all sinful reactions.
TRANSLATION: Engage your mind in always thinking of Me. Offer obeisances and worship Me. Being completely attached to Me, surely you will come to Me.
This is total victory in the battle of life. If one can achieve this, qualifying oneself to return to the spiritual realm to live with Krishna eternally, one will become victorious over disease, over old age, over death and all of the trials and tribulations of this material world. Therefore the Bhagavad-gita is the Supreme User’s Manual for leaving this world of birth and death and never having to return. No victory can compare to this. No advancement in the material world can be of any value compared to this. But this instruction is only for the most intelligent persons. Krishna says that very few people can make use of this advice. But for one who can, this assures him real victory in the battle of life.
So Jayant (your name also means “the supreme or highest victory”), this is the basic idea. If you need more quotes to back up some of the statements (1 through 4 above) just write us.
You should know also, beforehand, that those presiding over your conference will have different ideas of what the Gita is offering us. But you should be firmly convinced, by reading the Gita of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, that Krishna’s message is that we should leave this miserable material world and never return to it again.
Best of good fortune will be with you when you deliver such a message on behalf of Krishna.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Dear Jayant,
Hare Krishna! Just a few more words.
You see, in spite of the very clear message of Krishna in Bhagavad-gita that His topmost desire for us, is to cultivate our love for Him and return to the spiritual world, most people will not be favorable to this understanding.
On the contrary, they will try to encourage us that Bhagavad-gita is telling us:
1) To be successful in our school work, or job, or career.
2) To be a good person from the mundane point of view, someone who helps society and his fellow countrymen.
3) To be loyal to our family members.
There are so many ideas. But actually simply people’s personal mundane ideas.
Just like Mahatma Ghandi. Ghandi used to read Bhagavad-gita. He is very much loved by countrymen. Ghandi helped to drive the horribly exploitive Britishers out of India.
However (and you can make this point in your talk), by driving the British demons out of India, this did not result in more people developing love for Krishna and returning to Krishna Loka, which is Krishna’s overall message.
When Srila Prabhupada wrote Bhagavad-gita in the English language, he gave all of his energy to sharing this message with all the peoples of the world. He was not concerned with Indians only. He was not a nationalist, like Ghandi. Everyone is a child of Lord Krishna. Not just Indians. Not just humans.
Therefore although Ghandi was a student of Gita, he did not understand the conclusion of Gita. He was not a mahatma as people like to think. he was duratma, less intelligent. Because for all of his efforts, he has not helped anyone to make a solution to the problem of samsara, birth and death. Many people place Ghandi on their aotar, thinking hima great saint. but he was not a saint. He was a gross materialist, who thought of himself as an Indian. As spirit soul, we are neither Indian nor British nor cat nor dog nor human being. We are simply individual spirit souls, part and parcel of Krishna, and His eternal servants.
So if you give this pure conclusion in your talk on Gita, it may be shocking to many, but it will be most pleasing to Lord Krishna. And it will be positive steps for your leaving this material realm and returning to live with Krishna in our real home, Krishna Loka.
Hare Krishna! I am cheering for you. Ishan das
Hare Krsna,
I would like to ask that if I need to find a master and initiate to advance quickly in Krsna Consciousness? I feel that I may need a direction to understand and follow the disciplines.
Hare Krishna Mandakh!
My name is Ishan das. Srila Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami initiated me in 1968. After He left the planet, the Krishna Consciousness institution that he founded seems to have floundered so badly. those that he left in charge to manage the society, seemed to want to pose themselves as very great spiritual personalities, when in fact they were neophytes, just beginners, like the rest of us. One by one they disgraced themselves.
I lost my desire to associate with what in the the western world we call “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Everyone is agreeing to say that the empeor looks very wonderful in his new clothes, while in act he is naked, wearing nothing at all while parading in public. Such was the case with the ISKCON gurus. They were on parade, clothed only in hypocracy. So I left the movement.
Now I live in the forest in U.S. And I practice Krishna Consciousness alone. I would be very happy to be a pen pal for sharing my understanding with you, but I do not know if Madhudvisa will allow that. So you can ask him if you like.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
HARE KRISHNA PRABHU JI! DON’T MAKE ME sinful by calling yourself my servant, You are servant of Krishna and His devotees. I am servant of Maya till now so I am not eligible for any respect.
Hare krishna
I would like to know what the Gita actually tells us about how to live our lives in today’s world. It is very difficult to understand what Krisna actually wants you to do by reading the book. What is exactly the “dharma’ He is talking about? How do we know if we are doing the right thing. In short, what does the Gita preaches in a layman’s term and in today’s world?
Hare Krishna Meera
Please read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, His purports are in laymans terms. It is not difficult to understand if you have a bona fide spiritual master and surrender to him and surrender to Krishna. But without surrender it is impossible to understand. I am writing every day what the Gita preaches in laymans terms also. There are thousands of comments about this by me here and hundreds of articles by Srila Prabhupada and myself and others on this website and we have over 80 wonderful transcendental books — And all of this is in very clear laymans terms. But you have to take the time to read it, study it and put it into practice in your life.
Prabhupada found it necessary to write over 80 big books to explain these things. I can not explain it to you in a few paragraphs. You have to read the books yourself…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, Madhudvisa dasa—
I have read the Gita translation by Schweig, rather thoroughly. And I appreciate the comments that you sent me. One thing that caught my attention is in this excerpt below:
“So this is the spirit of Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna tells Krishna the he accepts whatever He says to be completely perfect, “I accept everything You say to be true.” Arjuna says that the personality of Krishna is very difficult to understand, that Krishna can not be known even by the great demigods. Therefore if even the beings greater than humans can not understand Krishna how can any human understand Him without becoming His devotee?”
Not that I am not devoted to Krishna, but I do not see how we, the readers, can accept as literal truth what Arjuna encountered with his own senses. Arjuna may have said, “I accept everything You say to be true,” (he looked upon the true form of Krishna, after all) but I believe conscious beings need to establish their own truths as opposed to accepting the testimony of another without discernment.
My question is, how do we students of the Gita come to know Lord Krishna with the first hand confidence of the Mighty Armed?
Your Servant,
Hare Krishna.
I strongly suggest you read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then things will immediately become much clearer to you.
You can not understand Krishna first-hand. That is not the system Krishna recommends. Krishna says you have to find a bona fide spiritual master, surrender to him, offer obeisances to him, serve him and inquire from him submissively. Such a self-realized soul can give you real knowledge because he has seen the truth. So that is the way. If you want to know the truth you have to find someone else who has realized the truth and he can teach it to you. You can not understand Krishna directly without the mercy of Krishna’s pure devotee.
You have to first find the right person, who is actually a self-realzed soul, a liberated person, and you need to surrender to him and serve him and if you can please such a pure devotee spiritual master by his blessings you can come to understand Krishna. And at that point your relationship with Krishna can be direct. You can come to the point of being able to speak with Krishna face-to-face. But not without accepting a bona fide guru and learning the process from him.
Surrender to the right person is required. If you can not find the right person or if you find the right person and can not surrender to him then you can not know Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP thank for the letter of HG isana prabhu that you send me by email,yes i’m doing like that at the moment fed up of fighting with my fake reflection therefore i’m more determinare then before to get out from the bodily conception of life by stop once for all krodha lobha kama etc.. i know is a long way to get the spontaneous raganuga bhakti stage until the mind is still trapped in the anarthas but i believe to suceed in my goal of life by keeping going with the daily sadhana bhakti of HDG ACBSP,i’m getting really disgusted regarding the so called happiness of this world which force people to deal with stool, therefore i says thank you very much for your help your endeavours didn’t go in vain at leat because i’m getting detachment from this world by getting all the enemies as kama krodh etc destroyed by the mercy of your newsletters thank you for your sat sanga i let you the next agtys dandavats daso smi seva das
i am divorced after divorce i came into kc i have a kid of 12 years aged 42 years should i get married or remain unmarried as per kc what action should i take i dont want to take wrong decision.
Hare Krishna Rajashree
According to the Vedic system a woman is not supposed to get married again. But how can I give you advice on your situation. Chant Hare Krishna and read Prabhupada’s books and pray to Krishna for inspiration or if you can find some actual sincere devotee ask them.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Married or not married, the real thing is that we are here in this material world, thrashing and sputtering in the ocean of repeated birth and death. If we can reawaken our dormant love for Krishna, then we can leave this most terrible situation of great pain and sorrow, and not have to return here again, but remain with Krishna in an atmosphere of eternal love.
So if you think that marriage will be helpful in achieving this goal, then that may be good. But you have already been divorced, so you can understand that these situations in the material world are usually filled with peoples selfish needs and desires, only to end in frustration and pain.
Therefore if you analyze the situation, you can understand that this marriage thing, mating, is there in all the different species of animals , birds, insects, etc. In humans it is with more frills. But if we can understand that the goal is realize that “I am not this body”, and that mating simply reinforces this illusory conception …..
So then the ball is in your court. How serious are you to advance? Some price must be paid, of course. Material nature beckons us from all sides to try to enjoy in this dimension but no one can suceed in this way. So ultimately you have to make a sober decision for yourself, and then you have to live with it.
So think it over carefully. You are not a child. Time is passing. Use it wisely.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna everyone.
I am new to the Vedic teachings, and especially the teaching about Krishna. There’s only one Hindu temple near by me, but to get in you have to have a tilaak. I don’t know how to get one of those, so I don’t go…
All I know of to do is to just chant Hare Krishna, and read the Bhagavad Gita or something else.. but I know I am very glad to realize that no where in the scriptures does it say we have to be born into a Hindu family, to participate and practice in the Sanatana Dharma.. the Eternal Natural Way.. anyone can do yoga, anyone should be able to worship Bhagavan Krishna/Vishnu.
Thank you for the newsletter! If you have any advice for me,or questions for me.. I’d be happy to read or answer them.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa.
Thank you for sending me your newsletter.
I’ve only recently started out reading the Bhagavad gita and in the translation I bought(as it was the only one that I could find available unfortunatly)the translator has Krishna calling Arjuna at certain moments “great arm”.I’ve compared the translation with others versions online and none of the ones I’ve found have Krishna using this term.
Is this something unique to this translation or is it used in others that I haven’t found? There is’nt any explanation why Arjuna is being called “great arm” and Krishna seems to be using it as a friendly endearment.The only reason I can think of is it’s because of Arjuna being a great Archer.
Any help would be appreciated,Thank you.
Hare Krishna Andrew
There are so many bogus translations and commentaries on the Gita out there. You should not waste your time and disturb your mind with them.
Please get Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. You can get it from the UK Hare Krishna Store at:
It is only about 6 pounds and will save your mind from all this useless disturbance. Krishna does not call Arjuna a “great arm” anywhere in the Gita… It is nonsense… Why disturb yourself with this nonsense…
You can also read Prabhupada’s gita online at and but it is better if you purchase the book yourself and have your own copy.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you for the reply.
I began reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is as online when I became wary of the other translation I mentioned and the difference between the two is so vast it’s like the difference between talking and singing. I just thought I’d run my concerns past someone with knowledge and who knows what they’re talking about.
It’s good to know I’m now on the right path.
Thank you again.
Hare Krishna Andrew!
In Srila Prabhupada’s translation of Bhagavad-gita, Krishna at least once addresses Arjuna as: “Oh mighty-armed one…”. If I remember correctly, the sanskrit is “maha baho”.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna Ishan Prabhu
Yes, of course you are right Prabhu. This is of course a good name that Krishna has given Arjuna because Arjuna is a very powerful ksatriya, fighter, so he really must be very strong and powerful therefore naturally he has “mighty arms”.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Ishan das.
Thank you for your help.
In my further reading of Bhagavad gita as it is, I’ve now come upon a passage where Krishna does address Arjuna as “Oh mighty- armed one”in Bg 2.26.
After my Looking at the meaning in Sanskrit it seems you are indeed correct, the Sanskrit for “Oh mighty armed one” is “Maha-baho”.
Thank you again,and thank you also Madhudvisa dasa for your continuing newsletters they’re much appreciated.
Hare Krishna! Andrew,
We are just trying to be Devotees of Krishna, by being servants of Srila Prabhupada. If anything we say or do brings you closer to Srila Prabhupada, that makes us truly joyful.
Thank you for your encouraging words.
Ishan das
how to get out of material consciouness and use our body to please krishna
You know the answer to this. Chant Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day. Follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no intoxication and no gambling] and sincerely read all of Srila Prabhupada’s books and follow the instructions that Srila Prabhupada gives you in his books and put them into practice in your day-to-day life. This is using your body to please Krishna. You use your body to chant:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
and that pleases Krishna, you use your body to read Prabhupada’s books, that pleases Krishna. You use your body to bow down and offer obeisances to Srila Prabhupada — that pleases Krishna. You use your body to go to the market and purchase some nice foodstuffs and go home and cook a very nice offering and offer it to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna — That pleases Krishna. You know all these thing but you have to actually do them. That will please Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I want to know why and how The Holy Gita is superior to Quran. I have seen many many videos of Dr. Zakir Hussain who Claims otherwise. Please help me with the right knowledge.
Just read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada and you will know for yourself very clearly that it is superior to the Koran. It does not take much intelligence to see this.
Koran is a book given at a particular time to a particular group of people and it contains as much spiritual knowledge as they could practically follow at the time. It is not wrong but the knowledge contained in it is limited by the ability of the people the prophet Mohammad was preaching to to understand and follow. If you study both books without any political motive and without any preconceived opinion you can easily discover for yourself which book is superior.
Both are spiritual books and you can not say the Koran is wrong and the Gita is right. It is not like that. It is more like comparing a pocket dictionary with the a big encyclopedic dictionary. It is not that the pocket dictionary is wrong, it is just no where near as complete and comprehensive as the encyclopedic dictionary.
And you have to remember we are not just talking about the Gita. You can not take the Gita alone. The Gita is part of the Vedas and an introduction to the Vedas so if you compare the Vedas with the Koran there is such a huge difference in regard to the depth of knowledge covered and the Gita and the Vedas are not limited by the ability of the audience to understand.
But you will not know until you study the Gita yourself so I suggest you get it from and read it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Gauranga Madhudsiva Dasa
Firstly,Thank you for sending me the newsletters.
I am looking forward to reading “Just what is the Bhagavad-Gita?”
The next instalment after that (part 2).
I only became aware of Krishna Consciousness two years ago at my university KC Society.
I feel very lucky that I had this opportunity in this life. I hope to build my knowledge further to answer all the questions I have about life.
Hare Krishna,
Gauranga, Madhudsiva Dasa
Firstly, Thank you for sending me the newsletters.
I am looking forward to reading “Just what is the Bhagavad-Gita?”
The next instalment after that (part 2).
I only became aware of Krishna Consciousness two years ago at my university KC Society.
I feel very lucky that I had this opportunity in this life. I hope to build my knowledge further to answer all the questions I have about life.
Hare Krishna,
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP happy dipawali to everyone thank you for the nice newsletter on the srimad bhagavad gita i believe the daily reading of the gita can deliver the sincere readers because i got proof that the gita is not a ordinary books by give enlightenment to the faithful devotees i feel the benefit even by remember the divine teaching of all the 18 chapters as manasa seva when i’m not able to read it because busy with others things but i have to admit that is all the time a great spiritual pleasure to wash the false ego with the best sat sanga PARTHA SARATI and SRILA PRABHUPADA purport which make the influence of passion and ignorance to disappear with the daily genuine saddhana bhakti paresanu bhavo viraktir anyatra ca,SRIPADA SANKARACHARYA also says the same in the SRI GITA MAHATMYA sloka 3 mala nirmochanam pumsam jala snanam dine dine sakrd gitambhasi snanam samsara mala nasanam. human beings must bathe in water everyday to get rid of the dirt of the body,but bathing in the water of the gita once is enough to get rid of the dirt of this samsara cycle of birth and death.i just keeping going by reading the gita chanting remembering by follow your advice at least to get a better life in the next if i don’t succed in this life thank you for your bsat sanga and blessing your servant seva das haribol
Hare Krishna
While Krishen was speaking on the battlefield who acutally wrote the story between KRishan and Arjuna.
It is a good question.
Srila Vyasadeva was there and of course everyone knew all the details of the story at the time. So soon after Krishna disappeared from this planet Srila Vyasadeva could understand that as the Kali-yuga progressed people would be having shorter memories and would not be able to properly remember the teachings of their spiritual master and would therefore not be able to transmit them reliably to the next generations. So Srila Vyasadeva could understand the need at that time to put all the Vedic literatures into written format. Up to that time the knowledge had been transferred from the spiritual masters to their disciples and the disciples would remember it correctly and teach the same thing to their students. But now our brains are no longer very sharp and we can not remember properly so the books are required.
Srila Vyasadeva wrote many Vedic literatures culminating in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, “the ripened fruit of the desire tree of Vedic knowledge.” He also wrote the Mahabharata which is the history of the world and in that he included the Bhagavad-gita as one chapter. So this is how we have now still got the Bhagavad-gita and all the other Vedic literature.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krnsa,
I prescribed to your newsletter sir dated 15/10 but nothing since then?
I am struggling with diety worship. My parents are devout hindus but offer prayers to hunuman ji, lord ram lord laxman, lord krishna, goddess lakshmi, Lord Brahma, Vishnu …
I have taken it upon myself to read asitis. Your guidance is humbly accepted.
Hare Krishna Narinder
I am very happy that you have subscribed to the Krishna Connect newsletter and that you have decided to read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is.
I am sending you an email every two or thee days at the moment so if you are not getting them please check in the bulk mail folder of your email program.
Madhudvisa dasa
Is there a self initiation program?
Would like to get started…
No. You have to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master…
You can not surrender to yourself…
And you can not get initiated until you find a bona fide spiritual master, surrender to him, and serve him sincerely for at least 6-12 months. So you have to find a bona fide spiritual master and surrender to him first and as you know I suggest you read Srila Prabhupada’s books and meet him in this way and hear from him by reading his books and surrender to him.
Initiation is a process. It does not happen immediately. And it does not start until you find and surrender to a bona fide spiritual master… Initiation is about surrender. It is the opposite of doing it yourself. It is doing what someone else orders you to do. And that is of course only a sensible thing is the person you are surrendered to is a pure devotee of Krishna…
Radhe Radhe
During the kartick month, I have aranged for a small place in my living room for prayers where there is Yashoda maiya and little Damodara. My question is: where should offering be made during the kartick days – to Damodara or as usual via the Spiritual Master, Sri Prabhupada in my temple space.
Awaiting for yur urgent reply.
Hare Krsna
Hare Krishna Radha
Actually we make all offerings to Krishna through Srila Prabhupada. So you should also have a picture of Srila Prabhupada there with your new alter for Lord Damodar.
Your offerings to Lord Damodar are extra and they are the offering of a ghee lamp in the evening accompanied by the chanting of the Damodarastakam prayers. So these are the main ingredients of the offering to Lord Damodar, the ghee lamp and the chanting of the Damodarastakam. But your worship and offerings should continue as normal via Srila Prabhupada, in your temple room.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krsna
if one’s material destiny cannot be checked, then how the astrologers be able to predict one’s future.
Hare krsna, since one’s material destiny cannot be checked, then how the astrologers be able to predict one’s future.
thank you for the great news letter.
Hare Krishna
Hare krishna,
I have a doubt that is, we are taking medicines for health..but that medicine is succeed after it applies to so many animals.. after it get succeed those are comming to market and we are using that medicine for cure …now my question is …Is that comming under sinful activity or not.
Hare Krishna
There is sinful activity in everything. You can not avoid sinful activity. Every time you walk when you put your feet on the ground you are killing so many small creatures. When you breathe in you kill many small creatures, when you light the fire for cooking you kill many small creatures. Even vegetables have life and if you kill them for cooking and eating that is also sinful. So you can not avoid sinful actions.
The solution is that we should only perform actions for Krishna. We should only serve Krishna. We should never do anything for ourselves or for anyone else except for our bona fide spiritual master and Krishna. So for example if you are only using your body to serve Krishna and the only reason you want your body to be healthy is so you can use it to serve Krishna then you are not taking the medicine for your own benefit so if there is some sinful reaction then it is taken by Krishna because you are working for Krishna. It is the same as if you are working for a company and on behalf of the company you are entering into some business transactions. It is the company that becomes responsible for those business dealings, not you personally. So if you are working for Krishna then any sinful reaction will be taken away by Krishna.
It is why Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who eats food which is not offered in sacrifice to Visnu is eating only sin. So even if you are vegetarian if you do not cook the food and offer it to Krishna then you will be eating only sin.
Of course a lot of the modern medicine is not really helpful, in many cases it does more harm than good. So one has to be a little careful about these things. We have to know also that our suffering and disease is coming as a result of our karma. When we do something sinful that creates a bad reaction and some of these bad karmic reactions appear as disease. So you can not actually cure this, if the bad karma is there and it is meant to come out as disease it will come out as disease–you can not stop it. However Krishna consciousness has the power to purify our hearts of these seeds of karma. So through Krishna consciousness you can cure disease also.
But sometimes some medicine is required and if it is actually helpful and enables us to serve Krishna better then whatever sinful reactions are there will be taken by Krishna. But if we are trying to get healthy so we can dance with beautiful girls and enjoy sense gratification then we will have to suffer from all the sinful reactions connected with the medicine.
So it is all about our intention. If our intention is to serve Krishna, to give pleasure to Krishna, then if there is any bad reaction Krishna will take it away, but if our intention is to enjoy ourselves in the material world then we will have to suffer all the bad reactions ourselves.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hola a todos, he leído de Srila Pabupadha, el Bagavad Ghita, Srimad Bagavatan, y otros, repito el mantra sagrado todos los días, es parte ya de mi vida pues conviví en un templo hace ya bastantes años, vi problemas al interior e interés de que las cosas estén bien por parte de algunos devotos, esto fue en Quito-Ecuador, luego apareció una división y para mi llego la parte institucional al tope, me harté y me fuí. Pero el canto lo tengo en mi. Deseo adquirir un Bagavad Ghita en español, el mio era grande y tenía una pasta dura, ¿podrían conseguirme uno y enviarme? Gracias.
Hi all, I’ve read Srila Pabupadha, the Bhagavad Ghita, Srimad Bagavatan, and others repeat the sacred mantra every day, is now part of my life as I lived in a temple many years ago, I saw problems within and interest that things are well by some devotees, this was in Quito, Ecuador, then there was a division and for me to get the institutional to the top, I got fed up and went. But the song I have it in me. I want to buy a Bhagavad Ghita Spanish, mine was large and had a hard paste, could you get me one and send me? Thank you.
Hare Krishna.
Actually I do not know where to get Spanish gita at the moment. I am making some inquiries. We have some Spanish books at:
And Bhagavad-gita will be there also if I can find it.
Thank you Madhudvisa Dasa for sending me the Greatest newsletter.Really the “Bhagawat Gita” is everything for me, because I think if somebody read the Bhagawat Gita then he or she need not read other books, after read this The Great book Every question of mind, every suspect and all sufferings will remove.
Thank you verymuch.
I am waiting for the next newsletter
Hare Krsna.
I got your mail and read it fully with concentration.
From my childhood, I made it a habit of reading godly books and in particular Bhagavat Gita. Of course, those days were different, just reading or by-hearting for some competitions and so on. In the youth and grownup stage, it is entirely searching for some unforeseen, and unknown realities of divine nature. As BG is called the GITOPANISHAD fully filled with the essence of the total upanishads… over and above it is all from the mouth of Supreme Personality of Godhead, not from any mundane person. As such, it is the greatest opportunity for all the human beings, to read or listen to BG. being contaminated with this material world, stuck either in goodness, or passion or ignorance mood.
Hare Krishna,
i m very glad to get ur merciful response on my query and satisfied with the knowledge that u gave me.i have one more problem,i love rendering service to God in form of daily puja and puja at specific festivals and tithis ,by chanting and hearing devotional music and visiting temples .my family members and my neighbors criticize that wat i m doing is not right for the age and this is meant for the last part of the lives and they even quote the 4 ashrams brahmacharya,grihasth,varnaprashth,and sanyasi and they even criticize with the fact that i m not like other people of my age who they know.they say me to stop all this and to just focus on my studies and become something in i don’t compromise my study of rendering service to the divine and nor do i compromise my service for the divine for my studies.please help me what should i do i cannot bear the critisizms that i get from these people who are very important part of my life.Instead of visiting parties or going out for films i like to visit temple so this is what they dont like and they criticize me and i m not able to answer their questions and satisfy them that i m doing the right thing. so i want to know tht wat i m doing is right or not and i am also very much depressed and dont know what to do.please help me..
Waiting for your merciful reply
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Abhishek
Materialistic people will always criticize and not be able to understand the activities of the devotees. You can not change this. It will always happen. It should not in any way discourage you from going on with your service to Krishna. You are doing the right thing and you should never be swayed by the opinions of materialistic people and never change to try and please them.
Devotees also can not appreciate the activities of the materialists and have no interest in going to the cinemas or drinking alcohol or smoking ganja or any other sense satisfactory activities. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that the activities of the devotees are like the day and the activities of the materialists are like the night. The devotees do not like the activities of the materialists and the materialists do not like the activities of the devotees.
So you should become a very fixed-up devotee and that is only possible by ignoring all this criticize of your materialistic friends. You need to push on and increase your devotional activities in spite of all the complaints from your friends. Gradually, by your good association, some of your friends may also become interested in Krishna consciousness, but many won’t because so many people are so blinded by materialism.
In the material world most people are materialists. Devotees are very rare but in the whole creation of the Lord most people are devotees. But this material world is like a prison house. If you go to the prison you are going to find a lot of criminals there, but if you take the society as a whole the percentage of criminals is small. So we are in the prison house of the material world so most of the people hear are materialists who have rejected Krishna and have no interest whatsoever in serving Krishna. So they will complain when they see us serving Krishna. There is an English saying Srila Prabhupada would sometimes quote, “The dogs may bark but the caravan will pass.” So we should not take any notice of the dogs barking but simply go on with increasing determination and conviction in serving Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Abhishek,
Hare Krishna!
It is good that people are talking to you on the basis of shastra, the Vedic literature, when they say that spiritual life is only for the later years of life. You can tell them that you are pleased to hear evidence from this context.
In Srimad Bhagavatam, we have the life story of Narada Muni. In his previous life he was the son of a lady who was alone, just taking care of her son. It was the rainly season and some great sadhus decided to stay at their home for that period of time. Narada was only a boy, but he used to serve the sadhus and he used to listen to all of their discussions, Krishna katha. In this way he developed a taste for such subjects. After the devotees left his home, his mother was bitten by a snake and she died. Immediately, although he was only a boy, Narada left home, and began wandering in the forests. He did such strong devtional practice that in his next birth he became Narada Muni. He did not wait until he was older in order to take up spiritual practice.
Another example is the great child devotee, Prahlada Maharaja. Prahlada was just a very young boy. His father was the great auhura, Hiranya Kashipu. Prahlada used to preach to his school friends that they should not waste their time in foolish sports, but they should take up devotional practices. Prahlada’s father was very angry with Prahlada’s behavior and tride to kill him. But Prahlada would not listen to his father. Finally the Lord appeared as Lord Nrishinghadeva, half man, half-lion, and killed Hiranya Kashipu, because he was against the devotional activities of Prahlada. So our friends or relatives may be against our devotional activities. But Lord Krishna will be very pleased with us and he will save us from them if we are determined to be devotional.
The fact is that whether we are young or old, in this material world, death may come at any moment, to anyone. The whole material creation is designed to give us this chance for returning to the spiritual realm, Vaikuntha. Actually we have no other business. The grihastha ashrama is there to give chance to those who are materially attached, materially addicted, to cultivate spiritual life while trying to enjoy materially. But generally such persons become completely enthralled by materialism and diverted from spiritual life.
Do not let anyone try to convince you that there is anything more important than spiritual progress. Your love for your family is natural. But if they try to direct you away from God, then eventually you will have to make a choice.
Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna! Abhishek,
I have been thinking about your letter.
Actually, this material world is a very dangerous place. It is a fact that death can come at any moment, to anyone, young or old. And therefore we should not waste one second of our time in anything other than spiritual progress. Shastra warns us that whatever we are attached to at the time of death, this will determine our next birth. As long as we have material attachments in our heart, we will be forced to return to the material world which is filled with so much suffering. Therefore anyone who is trying to encourage you to spend your time in activities that are not devotional is trying to engage you in activities that will make you heart more firmly attached to this material world. In other words, such people are trying to direct you to a course of action that will cause you to be killed repeatedly by the forces of material nature. Although such persons are in the garb of relatives, family members, they are in fact trying to send you to be subjected to the process of death, again and again.
Therefore, who are these so-called family members? Actually, in Bhagavad-gita, Krishna explains to us that we are not these material bodies. Aperson who identifies himself with the temporary material body as the self wil be inclined to think that he is a black man or a white man, simply because his body is white or black. Similarly, one who identifies with the material body as the self will think himself to be Indian, American, Russian, etc., simply because his body was born in one land or another. In this way even Ghandi took up the cause of the Indian people because he thought of himself as Indian. Therefore he was in ignorance. The soul, the atma, is not of any nationality. But still Indian people call him a mahatma. But Krishna says in Gita that the real mahatma is one who thinks of Him with love 7/24, “satatam kirtayanto mam”, “mahatmanas tu mam partha”. So Ghandi was in illusion. Real welfare work is not freedom from British rule. Real welfare work is freedom from birth and death and this is required by all of us, regardless of nationality. But Ghandi was acting as a nationalist. And he was not offering real emancipation – simply temporal emancipation. Therefore he was acting on the material platform and not the spiritual platform. All of this material activity in the name of progress, economic advancement, etc., is due to this bodily identification. The same applies to our so-called relatives in the material world.
Therefore, our so-called family members are not our real family. These family arrangements will last only as ling as this body. In truth, Krishna is our Father, and everyone, insects, animals, birds, etc., they are all our family. Simply they are disguised in different material coverings. Shastra says that one should not become a father, mother, unless one can deliver the children from the cycle of birth and death. Otherwise they are as good as murderers of the children. So family affection is natural, and it is not a bad thing – if it is utilized for helping the children to advance spiritually so that they can break out of the terrible cycle of birth and death. But if the family members are trying to discourage one from spiritual practice, then they are simply enemies of the real self, and enemies of Krishna Who spoke Bhgagvad-gita simply to convince us to give up all ideas of dharma, including family duties, and simply develpe our love for Him: “Sarva dharman paritygya, Mam ekam sharanam braja, Aham tvam sarva papebhyo mokshayisyami…”. In other words Krishna is saying that if we develope our love for Him, this is a higher principle than any concept of dharma, whether it refers to family, society, nation, or whatever.
On the other hand, shastra informs us that if a son or daughter developes love for Krishna, become a pure devotee, then all of his family will receive the highest benefit.
So In a real sense, you are the adult in your family and your parents have the mentailty of children. You can help them, in spite of the fact that they are not agreeable for helping you. soon you will be of legal age so that you can make you own decisions independently. Until then they will have some measure of control over your life, and in some ways you must cooperate with them. But you should not feel obliged to please them by giving up your heart’s desire for spiritual practice, and engage in nonsense activities simply to make them feel good. They do not know what is good. And so you have to be the real adult in your family. For the time being, you must do this skilfully. But you are not wrong for wanting to always draw closer to God. Becasue this is the real purpose of the human life.
Hare Krishna!
Thank you so much for enlightening me about Lord Krishnah. In this Kalyug there is nothing more powerful than the message of Krishna to save us.
Hare krsna,
i m abhishek singh and i m 17 years old.i had been spritual since a very young age.At age of 7 i decided to quit nonvegeterianism and did nt touch it till date jst because of my spritual nature.Since childhood i would visit temples instead of parties to have darshan sometimes durga temple,shiva temple,ganesh and temples of other Gods.Now i have read few vedic books on durga ,ganesh ,shiva etc bt could nt reach to the concluion who is the durga saptshati lord vishnu praises durga with other gods and says her to be the creator of the universe. Lord vishnu could not defeat mahisasura so the Mother Shakti has to be called for rescue. Similarly for ganesh in certain places it is said ganesh to be the supreme. so my question is why Lord Krishna nd why Bhagvat Gita is said to be the supreme..sorry i didnt mean any offences it just for my spritual advancement so ..
hare krishna
Hare Krishna Abhisek
Great to hear from you. I suggest you read the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
You can find them online at and get the actual books at
Thare are two different types of gods. Visnu-tattva and non-visnu-tattva. Only the Visnu-tattva ones are actually supreme. Durga, Ganesh, Shiva, you can see that they all take birth within this world. But Vishnu does not. Before there was anything at all manifest in the material world Vishnu was there–but there was no Brahma, no Shiva, no Durga.
Even if Durga is the creator of the universe, the universe is a very small thing in the total creation of Krishna or Vishnu. There are unlimited universes. Maha-Visnu is lying on Sesa-Naga on the causal ocean and every time He breathes out from all the pores of his skin unlimited universes are coming out and when he breathes in all those universes again enter within the body of Maha-Visnu. This is a huge number of universes and they are all coming out of and again entering into the body of Maha-Visnu. So in comparison, Durga, Shiva, Ganesh are nothing. There is a huge difference between Vishnu and Krishna and the non-visnu-tattva gods that are worshiped in India.
Of course Krishna clearly declares that He is the Supreme in the Bhagavad-gita and the same thing is confirmed throughout the whole Vedas. So you need to read Prabhupada’s books.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Abhishek,
You are one in millions and you must understand this. At your age, young people are madly running in all directions in the vain attempt to enjoy this material world. And now that India has so much adopted the western cultural views and standards, the greatest culture on the planet is threatened with extinction – except for this Krishna Consciousness movement, which began in India 5000 years ago when Lord Krishna was on this earth. Also, Krishna came again only 500 years ago, in order to begin the Yuga Dharma of chanting the names of God, especially the Hare Krishna Mahamantra:
Unlike so mauch of what one can hear and read today, this Hare Krishna Mantra is actually recommended in the Vedas, the Vedic literature, as the prime form of self-realization in this present age. These books the Vedic literatures are the real law books, so to speak as far as spiritual truth is comcerned. If anyone claims anything about the hierarchy of gods and godesses, we must demand that they show us where such a thing is writeen in the Vedic literature.
So this Hare Krishna Movement, is not something sentimental. But it is based firmly on the Vedas. For example, in the Brahma Samhita, it is described that Lord Brahma, who engineers the creation of the material universe, (using the material substance that we know of as the Goddess Durga), He, Lord Brahma, receives inspiration and knowledge from Lord Krishna. So in Brahma Samhita we have the prayers of Lord Brahma as he addresses Lord Krishna as follows:
TRANSLATION: The Supreme (parama) Lord (ishvara) is Krishna.
His form (vigraha) is eternal (sat) full of knowledge
(chit) and full of spiritual bliss (ananda).
He is beginningless(anadir) but he is the beginning of
all creation (adir), and His other name is Govinda.
He is the cause (karana)of all(sarva) causes (karanam)
Believe me Abhishek, there are hundreds of such verses in the Vedic literatures. As Madhudvisa Prabhu has written to you, you must check out the writings of Bhaktivedanta Swami at the Website he has provided. And then you will have a clear understanding of who is God, who is demigod, what are their respective powers, what are the respective gifts that they can bestow on us.
For example the devas, Ganesha, Durga, Indra, Chandra, Brahma, there are so many. They have their jurisdiction within the material creation only. The duration of their lifespans, although so much greater than ours, is also fixed. They themselves do not have eternal life, and so they cannot grant eternal life.
It may be difficult to understand that if these assertions are valid then why are so many teachers, gurus, swamis and the like encouraging us to worhship these great personalities. But that is the way of this material world. People, in their madness, approach these great beings in order to receive temporary material benfits, which they can bestow. But they cannot bestow eternal life.
So if you are serious, and I think that you are very serious, then I beg you to explore these writings of Bhaktivedanta Swami. In his writings you will find the original Sanskrit texts, with word for word tanslation. And this is another consideration. It is the fashion today, especially in academic circles to view these Vedic literatures as allegory, as metaphoric, and therefore to translate them according to their whims. But if that is the case, what is the use of such literatures? Therefore you will find in the explanations given by Bhaktivedanta Swami that all of his conclusions and the conclusions of his teachers and grand-teachers are based on a literal understanding of the Vedic texts.
So please go on in your research and I am confident that you will find all the knowledge that your heart is desiring.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Dear Guruji,
Hare krishna,
I am devotee of Lord Krishna.But now a days I see that corrupt and murderer
and thieves are happy with their powers and innocent people are dying every day.
Is our god is so weak? He cannot protect good people because they are powerless?
I am very sad to see all this injustice of God.
Hare Krishna Manju
God is not weak, we are weak. This material world is like the prison house. Only the criminals are here. The majority of the living entities are in the spiritual world. We have come here to try and become the controller, to try and become god ourselves. We have rejected Krishna. Of course some of us have realized our mistakes and are again trying to reestablish our lost relationship with Krishna–that is the purpose of this material world. On one side we get the opportunity to try to become the lord and master here but on the other side all of our attempts end in frustration and pain and suffering and ultimately death.
After many, many births of suffering in the material world a thoughtful person realizes that this is not a very nice place and decides to surrender to Krishna and get out of this miserable world and go back home back to Godhead.
So God is not weak. This material world is constructed as a place of suffering, a place of misery where everyone is getting old, getting sick and dying. It is not meant to be a nice place. You say “innocent people are dying every day” and you blame God for this. It means you do not understand what this material world is, nor do you understand what the living entities are. No one dies. We are eternal spirit souls. Death simply means we are changing from one body to another. And no one in this world is innocent. There is no injustice. Everyone is forced to suffer the reaction that are due to them because of their sinful actions in this life and previous lives. That is the law of karma and it is very powerful and no one can overcome this law.
The suffering is here so that the thoughtful souls can realize that this is not their home, it is not a happy place, and they can become determined to go back home back to Godhead and this can be very easily done in this age simply by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Right on! Hare Krishna! Thank you so much, Madhudvisa Prabhu, for your wonderful, to the point, authoritative answer, to this nonesense claim that God allows the innocent to suffer. Western people sometimes say things like this in order to justify their lack of faith in the concept of a loving God. Simply because they do not understand the concepts of reincarnation and karma. But if we undestand these concepts, then we have to marvel at how loving and kind Krishna is, that he has orchestrated this whole spiritual insane asylum of the material world, simply to subject us to the hypnotherapy of this realm, wherein we dream we are suffering these conditions, just so that we will have a change of heart, and come to the decision that we want to go back home to dance with Krishna.
Hare Krishna, Prabhu! Ishan
Dear Madhudvisa Dasa:
I am very appreciative of the work you are doing here. It is rare to find someone who gives Spiritual Knowledge without asking for fees or “energy exchanges”.
The Gita says to approach the Spirital Master as he “can impart knowledge unto you, for he has seen The Truth”. I would like to receive Initiation, but am not sure if this is still possible with His Divine Grace no longer in the physical body.
Any information you can supply would be greatly appreciated!
Hare Krishna Daniel
Initiation is not important. It is important to become a devotee first. Prabhupada would not accept disciples for initiation until they had been serving him in a temple for at least 6-12 months and were strictly following the four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds a day and going out and chanting Hare Krishna and distributing his books daily and preaching Krishna consciousness all over the world. So initiation is not possible until you are somewhat advanced in Krishna consciousness.
So become a pure devotee of Srila Prabhupada first–don’t worry about initiation. Read all his books, chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily, strictly follow the four regulative principles (no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling, no intoxiaction)–surrender to Srila Prabhupada and serve him, that is the real initiation.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna sir
No doubt Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead but it is said that in this material world one’s Mom and Dad are more worship-able than anyone else. If a person serves his Mom-Dad on the first place, will he be considered a sinner.
Hare Krishna Rohit
This is nice if your mom and dad are serving Krishna and giving you good guidance also to serve Krishna. However if they are serving maya and instructing you to serve maya then you have to reject their instructions and serve Krishna. Just like Prahlad Maharaja. His father was Hiranyakasipu–the greatest demon. And Hiranyakasipu was instructing Prahlada–trying to train him up as a great demon also–but Prahlada could not accept these demonic instructions–he simply went on as a pure devotee of Krishna.
So for a devotee the instructions of Krishna and Krishna’s pure devotees are more important than the instructions of his parents.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
Greetings of peace and sincere thanks to you, my new friend Madhudvisa dasa for sharing with myself and so many others that which His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prahuapda gifted the world with. I offer my humble obeisance to him as a guru, guide, teacher and to you as a friend (for Sri Krishna was a friend to Arjuna).
I have begun re-reading the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, along with the commentaries (and I wish that I knew how to better and more correctly pronounce the Sanskrit…perhaps in time…) and I find it uplifiting and very inviting. I have, since my first encounter with the Gita many years past, found myself very attracted to Krishna consciousness and Bhakti yoga.
My daughter, now ten years of age, when she was approximately 3 years old began to tell me of “another time” when we lived in a warmer place, dressed differently, had different occupations and wherein she was the mother and I was her son. By carefully listening so as to not lead her on and so as to allow her tell her stories as often as she felt compelled to do so, I pieced together that we lived in India where she was a live in servant/house keeper for someone and I worked outside with the farm animals. She has also had an affinity for Indian music, kirtran chanting and Sri Ganesha. I began to study about Sanatana Dharma because of her revelations and such is when I began to learn about Bhakti yoga, Sri Ramakrishna, etc., which lead me to Sri Krishna.
I am greatly looking forward to learning about the Bhagavad Gita and I am awaiting the collection of books by His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivendanta Swami Prahuapda that the web site offered. I think there delivery may have been delayed by the tropical storm that recently passed through this area.
If I may ask a question, is any innitiation necessary so as to formally practice Bhakti yoga and Krishna consciousness? If so, where would one need to go so as to undergo the same as the nearesst temple is in Boston and such is an ISKCON temple of which I personally know nothing about? Please correct me if I am incorrect but I would think that as Sri Krishna is within us and as we seek to return to Him, and He seeks to draw us to Him, that formal innitiation might not be altogether necessary unless one was entering a community/ashram.
Thank you again and sincerely for you assistance and for sharing what you have learned from His Divine Grace Swami Prahuapda not only with myself but with so many others. Such service must surely have its own merit(s).
(Smile, now I feel the need to begin chanting regularly as my health permits…)
Hare Krishna Namaste
Hare Krishna William
Chanting Hare Krishna will help you return to health. I know it can be difficult to chant Hare Krishna if we are not feeling well but still it is well worth the effort to try.
Initiation is a very serious thing, it is not a formality. Srila Prabhupada is very merciful and if you read his books and sincerely try to follow the instructions he gives you in the books he will give you the intelligence what to do in this regard.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hello sir ,am a boy of 22 and i am in my final year in the sinor high school in Ghana .my paremt have invested so much in my education and i dont want to let them down .this has become one of my graters worried and i dont want to fail . please can u advice me or is there anything which i can do jsut to pass my exams?
You can study like everyone else does to pass their exams. Some people are good at study and it comes easy for them and others are not good at it. You can just do your best. But the main thing is to chant Hare Krishna…
as i think about lord krishna,it always looks like i get free from physical world aspects.
Hari Bol
Is it possible to get one news letter per day?
Hari Krisna
Hare Krishna Dan
I can only send out the newsletters as fast as I write them which is sometimes a bit slow. I apologize for this.
Madhudvisa dasa
dear Madhudvisa dasa prabhu.
i m trying to be a good devotie of lord krishna, one day i was in discusion with some noe, who asked me, can u answer WHY GOD MADE US( HUMAN) i was able to satisfied him pl help me,
Hare Krishna Sanjay
This idea of why God made us comes of course and can be considered as ultimately we are all expansions of Krishna. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So if He is Supreme then there has to be some other living entities who He is superior to. So that is us.
The real reason Krishna expands is for His pleasure. It is the same reason when a man is alone he does not feel complete–he wants to find a wife and get married and have children and in this way he thinks he will enjoy with his family. So it is the same with Krishna. Krishna–although He is self-satisfied–still if He was in Vrindavan by Himself with no Radharani and no gopis and no cowherd boyfriends and no Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaja and no cows it would not be so enjoyable as it is with Krishna and all His expansions in Vrindavan.
So in this way Krishna has expanded Himself as the living entities to increase His enjoyment. He is the Supreme Enjoyer and we are all His parts and parcels and we are meant to serve Him and go along with his plan. But we have a little independence and if we decide to reject Krishna’s plan and we don’t want to serve Him then He has created this material world for us to come to.
dear prabhu
thanku very much for this reply.
hare krishna
Dear Madhudvisa dasa
Thanks for taking on this wonderful initiative.
I am all set with the hard copy as well as the interactive CD from ISKCON to go through what you are driving.
Though I have studied the Gita in pockets and feel that I have understood the essence I am sure my perception is not comprehensive and there will be a lot missed. I am just listing below a few of my humble understandings:
1. The purpose of Human life is to develop Shudha Prema Bhakti unto Bhagavan and surrender unto Him.
2. Bhagavan Ji has been micromanaging these material worlds Dukhalayas as Guru Maharaja Srila Prabhupada calls “Maithunyagara” from time immemorial. Actually Maithunyagara has no fitment in Sat Chit Ananda even as a pin prick of a thought in His Divine transcendence however distanced it may be. This will be stopped.
3. He gives us endless options to peruse Dharma and come to Him. He is serving us as His displaced energies, Paramatma Bhagavan Ji instead of being served relentlessly and we are thanklessly enjoying them and not even reciprocating the existence of the Supreme Person in the very bodies we exist in currently of which He controls over 80% and giving us a minute freedom to use the bodies. This is being collectively abused with innovative methods day after day.
He is so mild in giving options that He does not even command on some one who are actually His very own. That’s the heights of being cute.
4. He is the Mind and obviously the Mind is the sense and sense organ interface. It is His colossal tolerance and portions of most of them are such that it does not befit the stature of the Top Person’s roll (though Paramatma Bhagavan is the 7th level plenary expansion of Bhagavan Ji. Just because Manmohan Singh knows how to sweep we don’t let him do that. That too continuously)). He is the Param Bhogta. He should eternally and relentlessly served and not serve. This process will be reversed.
5. His existence as the Divine In – dweller of each living being is the greatest worry. Countless jivas are in the queue to so called enjoy what we are now enjoying and Paramatma Ji is micromanaging each one of them.
This colossal tolerance has to be stopped.
6. Him being in each atom is another cause for great concern. Use of matter causes great guilt each time. This will be stopped.
7. He has only urged jivas to come back to Him by stopping all these nonsenses (He being Hrishikesha and master of senses). He has never elaborated the Hard work that is being put in by Team Maha Maya while He Himself is based out of below Rasatala as Bhagavan Sankarshana (S.B 5.25) enabling/empowering Team Maha Maya. This needs to and is being immediately reversed and kept that way. This one needs to understand and feel intensively ashamed for having driven Him to such low levels.
Kindly pardon me for any strong/faulty expressions because these are the exact feelings of mine.
I am all eyes and ears for your kind revert.
With Warm and Deepest Regards
Narendra Tirumale
Hare Krishna Narendra
You have expressed your feelings here but honestly your feelings are not very valuable and I do not see any evidence in your feelings that you have read or at least comprehended anything from Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. You may have read some other gita but the best advice I can give you is to make your mind a blank slate and get Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is from:
And study that [not the current “Revised and Enlarged” edition ISKCON is distributing that contains thousands of unauthorized changes]
I can not spend the time to go through all the mistakes in your ideas but there are so many.
You seem to be obsessed that Krishna is micromanaging the living entities. It is not true. Krishna has given the living entities a certain degree of independence and He has created the material world and set everything up through His demigod agents and everything is going on. Krishna is not causing the karma of the living entities. The living entities are acting themselves and thus generating the results of their karma. Krishna has established the system to enable the living entities to enjoy or suffer the results of their karma and He is sitting within the hearts of all the living entities are paramatma, as the witness. But He is not acting. The living entity is acting. And it is the living entity who is either enjoying or suffering the results of his actions. Paramatma or Krishna are not micromanaging anything.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP as you know the indian caste system make the real varnasrama dharma to disappear by claiming that they are brahmin by birth but actually their qualities are less then sudra says SRILA PRABHUPADA in a video, i heard SRIPAD SANKARACARYA is been send by SRI KRSNA because the indian citizens at that time want use krsna only to become happy materially and krsna told to sankara to teach them that all of them are god that they do not need to worship sri krsna,therefore mayavada philosophy is very attractive and dangerous because is for people who want to be worship as god without any qualification, mayavadi maha aparadhi they are the greatest offenders says SRI GAURANGA, buddhist are less intelligent then mayavadis they do not believe that the goal of life is love for god i received them once in soho temple u.k and they ask me what is the goal of life and when i told them they neglect it,i heard when i used to live in vrindavan that the yamuna river will disappear from vrindavan with the advancement of kali yuga due to the influence of the mayavadis, our only hopeness is to surrender to the holy name and let krsna to do what he want with us as you mentioned me in a news letter we can’t save the world of buddhist mayavadis fiskcon etc.. therefore i’m agreed with you on working to surrender to SRILA PRABHUPADA instead of being a servant of kali devi by argue and fighting the influence of kali yuga which get stronger by all this under products of the veda meant for exploiting the confused kali society through cheated religions we are lucky to have your web site which make us aware of this cheating thank you for your sanga and blessing dandavats daso smi seva das haribol
Hare Krishn Prabhu Ji,
Thanks for sending me the first newsletter of yours. I do not read Srimad Bhagvatam regularly but now i want to and i will bcoz whenever I read it I feel enlightened and I find something new everytime..
Hari Bol
With best regards
Rachna Sharma
harekrishna prabhuji,
In this materialistic world i m tired of stuggling hard , i learnt regularly visiting iskcon juhu that karma of my past life will be forgiven if i surrender myself to krshn. i m still suffering i prayed to tulasi mata and asked her to do me a favour as she is very close to krshn i want to (hire) put up an office in bandra to start up my business but all in vain.four years hav passed is that my sins are so dirty that cant be forgiven? I am into debts will any true devotee come to recue me so that i can earn well and pay back my debts.
pls reply.
Hare Krishna Ronak
Krishna consciousness has absolutely nothing to do with our success or failure in business in the material world. That is coming according to our karma as you say and you can not just go to the temple and pray to Krishna to change your karma. That is not the way. We have to understand that this material body, this material world, and success or failure in the material world is all unimportant. We have to do our duty and try to support the family and so on. It may be successful or it may fail. That is not related to Krishna consciousness.
There have been many pure devotees in the past who have been very, very poor–but that does not disqualify them from being pure devotees of Krishna.
Actually sometimes for His devotees Krishna’s special mercy is that He takes away everything so they have no option but to surrender to Him. For a beginning devotee success in the material world may distract him from Krishna consciousness–so Krishna may not give it.
We can not go to Krishna with a plan and ask Krishna to serve us by fulfilling our plan. We have to go to Krishna with all humility and pray: “Krishna, I have no qualifications, I am a fool, I am a rascal, please give me the strength to surrender to You and serve You. I simply want to be Your eternal servant.” This is the idea. We are servants eternally. In the material world we are serving the family, the customers, the friends, etc. but this is all temporary and will never satisfy us. Krishna consciousness means instead of serving in the material world we surrender to Krishna and serve Him. And after we surrender to Krishna Krishna will guide us and let us know what He wants us to do through His bona fide spiritual master.
That is the idea.
Business you may be able to do or you may not be able to do. That really depends on your karma and you can not expect Krishna to dramatically change this for you. Whatever position you find yourself in you have to accept that. You say you are tired of struggling. It is a very intelligent realization. There is no point in struggling in the material world. The things that are meant to come to us according to our karma will come to us–we don’t have to struggle for them, and if things are not meant to come to us even if we struggle they will not come to us and we will just get exhausted by the struggle.
So the idea is surrender to Krishna and just do your duty in the material world best you can according to the situation you find yourself in and utilize the things that come to you naturally according to your karma to serve Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna Prabhu! Please accept my humble obeisances.
I’ve been in association with ISKCON Bangalore for the past 13 years. I’ve read some books by Srila Prabhupada including Bhagavad-Gita. I’m really very fortunate that I could get this opportunity to understand a little about Lord Krsna.
Recently my friend read the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and started asking me many questions that I was unable to answer. Firstly, he asked me why Prabhupada challenges the impersonalists instead of allowing them to follow what they want. Secondly, the mention of caste system; what is the origin of the caste system? Since its there since the beginning of creation, why did some jivas become brahmana & others some other thing?
Please help me answer these questions.
Hare Krsna!
Hare Krishna Sandhya
These are nice questions, thank you very much.
Your friend asked you: “Why Prabhupada challenges the impersonalists instead of allowing them to follow what they want.” I am going to write an article and post it at to discuss this more fully called: “Why do we criticize the Impersonalists and Mayavadis?” but briefly your friend is a product of the “Hindu hodge-podge.” There is an evolution of the philosophy in India. You know from the historical point of view before the appearance of Lord Buddha the whole of India was claiming to be followers of the Vedas but they had misinterpreted the sections mentioning animal sacrifice and the whole of India was meat-eaters with animal killing (in the name of Vedic sacrifices) everywhere. So this animal-killing creates a very bad, demonic and atheistic mentality in the people and makes them also very unintelligent. Therefore animal killers can not understand any subtle spiritual philosophy at all, so there is no point in trying to preach them on the fine philosophical points. So Krishna appeared as Lord Buddha in this situation but He knew the people in India are now demons and if He says: sarva dharman parityaja… “Just give up all religious activities and surrender unto Me” the people will get angry because they are demons and if you ask a demon to surrender to God he will just get angry. That is why it is an offense to preach to the faithless demons. It has a bad effect. They just get angry and become more offensive.
So Krishna is very intelligent. He appeared as Lord Buddha but He preached that there is no God… So here is God preaching there is no God? It confuses a lot of people but it was necessary for the time. So He preached like this, there is no God but the highest religious principle is non-violence (ahimsa parama-dharma). He was the son of a King, a prince, so he had great influence and his philosophy was taken up by practically everyone in India and they all became vegetarians because of the preaching of Lord Buddha. But the philosophy He preached really did not make much sense–but they were meat eating demons and they liked what they heard, so they accepted it. He was saying “There is no God. I am nothing special. The Buddha nature is within you. You can also become the Buddha…” The demons loved it!
So the result of Lord Buddha’s preaching was that the whole of India became vegetarians. They stopped the animal killing. To achieve this Lord Buddha had to reject the Vedas also–because the animal sacrifices in the Vedas were the justification for the meat eating. So He said: “I reject any scripture that condones meat eating.” So here is Krishna rejecting the Vedas… Very strange. But it was necessary according to the time.
So everyone in India become vegetarian and that made them more pious and enabled them to understand more subtle spiritual philosophy. Then Lord Shiva appeared in India as Shankaracaraya and he preached the impersonal, Mayavadi philosophy and because this was based on the Vedas and far superior as a philosophy to the Buddhism but still it has the same almost atheistic aspects as Buddhism–so the Buddhists in India switched over to being followers of Shankaracarya and again accepted the Vedas as their authority. But it was not possible for them to immediately accept the pure and correct interpretation of the Vedas. That God is a person and we must surrender to Him. If Shankaracaraya preached that to the still-atheistic but vegetarian Buddhists they would not accept it… So this Mayavadi philosophy of Shankaracaraya is called “covered Buddhism.” It is practically still atheistic Buddhism but now it is presented on the authority of the Vedas.
So again the presentation of Lord Shiva as Shankaracarya was also somewhat compramized to enable the Buddhists in India to switch back to become followers of the Vedas.
And then Later on, about 500 years ago, Krishna appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and gave the correct devotional purport of the Vedas. And he converted all the major Mayavadis and impersonalists of His time into Vaisnavas. So this is our mission. We pray to Srila Prabhupada “nivisesa sunyavadi pasyatar desa tarine” That Srila Prabhupada has come to the Western countries to drive out the philosopies of voidism (Buddhism) and impersonalism (Mayavadi). So it is our business to defeat the Buddhists and the Mayavadis with the perfect philosophy Krishna has given us in Bhagavad-gita and Lord Caitanaya has given again the same thing…
This idea that your friend has “why not all them to follow what they want” is the Hindu nonsense “yato mat tato pat” “whatever path you follow that is good…” It is nonsense. They say also “all the paths lead to the same destination.” Which is also nonsense. The paths go to different places. They do not all go to the same place. So your friend has been born in the Hindu society and heard all this nonsense so he is naturally confused. Actually in one sense birth in India is a great boon. India is punya-bhumi, the land of pious activities, but now India is saturated with the Mayavadi philosophy and Lord Caitanya says: mayavadi bhasya sune haya sarva nasa–“Anyone who hears the Mayavadi philosophy is doomed.” So the Hindus are saturated with this Mayavadi philosophy from birth–in this regard they are doomed spiritually. So on one hand there is a great advantage of taking birth in India and on the other hand there is a great disadvantage–you will be saturated with the Mayavadi philosophy and generally speaking that means you will never be able to understand Krishna consciousness. So it is a very sad situation…
As far as the caste system it is a perverted representation of the natural Varnasrama system. That is described by Krishna in Bhagavad-gita and it is always there. But it is not based on birth. It is based on guna [qualities] and karma [work]. So one is a Brahmana if he has the qualities of a Brahmana [which are listed in the Bhagavad-gita] and if he works as a Brahmana [a Brahmana has six occupations only patan patan yajan yajan dhana pratigrha, it means he studies the scriptures and teaches the scriptures to his students, he performs yajnas which includes temple worship, etc, and engages others in the performance of yajna, he accepts charity and he distributes charity.] So if someone’s work is different from these six occupations and/or he does not have all the qualities of a Brahmana as listed in the Bhagavad-gita he is not a Brahmana.
It has nothing to do with birth. So the current caste system in India is completely corrupt, completely incorrect and completely demoniac actually. It is simply used by so-called “brahmin” families to falsely take a higher position in the society and exploit others. And you will find if you check the qualities of these people they are the qualities of sudras or less, not the qualities of brahmanas as listed in the Bhagavad-gita. And you will find these “brahmans” working is some call center for IBM or Microsoft chanting their Gayatri Mantra while taking tech support questions from their clients in the USA… A brahmin will never do this. He would rather die or starve than become the servant of evil men…
Anyhow thank you for the questions and I will write the article also for
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
Would look forward to the article you have promised to publish on this topic.As my knowledge is insignificant hence was not sure wheather I should post this query or not;In the name of Lord Krishna have taken this liberty to ask humbly..
Is it not possible for Krishna to be both Personal & ImPersonal; with form & formless ??
If yes as Lord can do anything then …What is the need of thinking to defeat someone who thinks about Buddhism and impersonalism?
Hare Krishna Lalit
It is late for me now, I will try to write that article tomorrow.
Krishna has three aspects: Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. He is present impersonally as all-pervading energy as Brahman, He is present within the hearts of every living entity and even within every atom as Paramatma and He is also present as Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead–Krishna. Krishna is the original form and the Brahman and Paramatma are energies emanating from Krishna as the sunshine emanates from the sun planet. So Krishna can be perceived in these three different ways. So if someone is actually an impersonalist then they have knowledge of the Brahman feature of Krishna only, so it is a partial understanding but it is not complete. So Sri Caitnaya Mahaprabhu’s philosophy is acintya abeda abeda tattva: simultaneously one and different, so it includes the impersonal understanding.
The problem is the Mayavadis, impersonalists–the followers of Shankaracharya very severely misinterpret the Vedanta Sutra to try and support their incorrect philosophy that ultimately the Supreme is impersonal. Their interpretation of the Vedanta Sutra is completely incorrect and they are offenders to Krishna. So we have to establish the correct interpretation of the Vendant-sutra, otherwise they will mislead the general public–which they are doing at the moment–so that means we have to defeat the Mayavadis and the impersonalists.
As far as the Buddhists they are less dangerous than the Mayavadis and impersonalists because they clearly reject the Vedas. The Mayavadis and impersonalists are dangerous because they claim to be followers of the Vedas but present a misinterpretation of the Vedas. The Buddhists come straight out and reject the Vedas and reject the existence of God and even reject the concept of and eternal soul. The Buddhist idea is the the living entity can cease to exist and that is their idea of nirvana–voidism. This is also . Even more incorrect that the Mayavadis/impersonalists because there is no void anywhere and the spirit souls are eternal.
All the problems we see in the world at the moment are due to the spreading of these impersonal and voidist philosophies. They lead to the godless atheism which is now rampant all over the world. So the only way to solve the problems is to defeat this voidism and impersonalism.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
Dear Madhudvisa Dasa,
I wanted to convey my thanks for receiving first newsletter on Bhagavad Gita.
I Pray that Lord Krishna helps me understand this eternal knowledge & gives me place at HIS LOTUS FEET.
Thankyou very much Prabhuji for sending your newsleter,
In your leter; We get thousands Defferent translation of Bhagavad Gita, But We should read only the book Bhagavad gita as it is translated by Swami prabhupada. I think It is very need to do, becouse when someone read the Bhagabat Gita as it is , He can change his life as devotee from karmi.But none other can.
Long live with hundred autumb and hundred spring.
Could you please tell me what does Bhagavad-Gita talk about consciousness.
Hare Krishna Jiney
Bhagavad-gita is not a book that you can just pick small pieces out of from here and there and expect to understand it.
It is a scientific presentation of spiritual knowledge.
So if you want to understand it you have to study it from the beginning and read it till the end. The knowledge is presented in a systematic way by Krishna building on the knowledge in the previous chapters as it develops. So you need to read it from the beginning. And in any case in the beginning it is describing consciousness. The description of consciousness is quite detailed and there are different types of consciousness. There is the individual consciousness and there is the supreme consciousness. As we are consciousness of the feelings everywhere within our body Krishna, the Supreme Lord, Who’s consciousness is unlimited, is conscious of everything happening in every body everywhere…
So I suggest you read the whole Bhagavad-gita As It Is from the beginning. It will not take too long. It is 18 chapters and a total of 711 verses. So if you read one chapter a day you will finish it in 3 weeks and that will be a very valuable experience in your life.
You can read it online at or you can get the book at:
I would recommend you get the book. It is much easier to read the book if you have the book and it is a very first-class printed book with many beautiful color paintings…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna!, Jiney,
What an exciting question!
Yes, as Madhudvisa Prabhu has written to you, all of this is explained in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. However perhaps I can make a few general points that you may find helpful.
According to Vedic knowledge, God or Krishna, is the source of all that exists. In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna says that everything exists like pearls strung on a thread. And Krishna is that invisible thread. In the Brahma Samhita, it is declared by Lord Brahma, one of the three primal demigods that commandeer the material creation:
In this line taken from the invocation of the 5th chapter of Brahma samhita, Lord Brahma declares that Lord Krishna is the “cause of all causes”.
In this sense we can consider the heat and light of the sun. We have the sun and we have the heat and light radiating from the sun. The heat and light are also sun, but the sun is the energetic source and the heat and light are the energies of of the sun. So the energies and the energetic source are in a sense one. But the energies emanate from the energetic source.
So God, Krishna, is the source of all creation. And all that exists is a manifestation of His different energies.
Therefore Veda speaks of Purusha and prakriti. Purusha means God, the Supreme Enjoyer. And prakriti means the energies of God that are under His control. Actually everything that we percieve is under Krishna’s control. But under the influence of His illusory potency, we cannot see like this at present. We see everything as separate from God. That is our illusion.
Prakriti is divided into two catagories: para and upara, or, superior and inferior. The inferior prakriti is material nature, comprised of earth, air, fire, water, etc. And the superior prakriti is spiritual energy. Both of these prakritis are under Krishna’s control.
And this brings us to your inquiry about consciousness. The superior prakriti, the spiritual energy, emanating from Lord Krishna, is conscious. The material energy is never conscious. In fact, we are spiritual energy, temporarily contained within a material vehicle or material body. Our consciousness, being spread throughout this material body, by Krishna’s indirect influence, the influence of His illusory potency, causes us to think and feel, “I am this body.” This is called maya, illusion. “Maya” means “that which is not.” I am not this body. You are not that body. But in illusion, we feel differently. Therefore we think that we are man, woman, white, black, Indian, American, young, old. But we are not these bodies. Therefore all of these designations are illusory.
In fact we are pure spirit soul. And we are eternal, full of bliss and knowledge. This is the pure consciousness of the pure spirit soul. But because our pure consciousness is entangled in this material body and material mind, our our pure spiritual consciousness is obscured and tinted with the qualities of material nature. In this way our lives are filled with material sufferings in so many ways, mental and physical.
According to the Vedic literature, the purpose of life is to regain or reclaim or re-awaken our pure spiritual consciousness, which is eternal, full of bliss and full of knowledge.
When the eternal living entity is fully awakened, fully saturated with boundless love for Krishna, she becomes alive with this beautified Krishna Conscious quality, and as is described in Bhagavad-gita, such a person feels that there is nothing greater to be gained.
Bhagavad-gita decribes our consciousness as a fire covered by smoke, and directs us that by careful handling of the smoke, the fire can be brought to a bright blazing condition. That careful handling of the smoke is the process of Krishna Consciousness. This process of Krishna Consciousness is the process for purifying our smoky earthly consciousness, and re-awakening our normal healthy condition of pure love for Krishna.
In order to purify our consciousness, we are instructed to give up illicit sexual connection, abstain from eating fish, feathered creatures, and animals, quit all forms of intoxication, gambling and speculative thinking. And all of this is simply to purify the materially influenced body and mind so that our intelligence can begin to grasp spiritual conception and spiritual feeling. As has been spoken, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” It is not Godliness, in and of itself. But it makes Godliness available, as a conscious choice. So these regulations are a skillful means for working with the material energy, so that we can begin to cultivate pure spiritual consciousness, Krishna Consciousness. So much for the “do-nots”.
As for the “do’s”, we are instructed to chant the names of God, specifically the Hare Krishna Mahamantra:
And we must associate with pure devotees of the Lord. For us this means reading the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, which is written by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a pure devotee of Krishna, coming in the unbroken line of disciplic succession from Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
As Madhudivisa Prabhu has already written to you, all of this information is systematically presented in Bhagavad-gita, and I have only touched on some of the main points.
So this is the Krishna Conscious position on the topic of consciousness and the purification of consciousness. And in Bhagavad-gita Krishna informs us that when we take up this consciousness purification process, and become enlivened with love of God in pure Krishna Consciousness, we can return to the spiritual realm and no longer be forced to repeat in the painful cycle of birth and death in this material world.
I sincerely hope that this has been helpful to you. Thank you so much for your wonderful question.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
I have been reading the mails u ve sent me. Thanks lots.
I have started ready the Gita, the same one u r referring to. My question is that since the demigods are the pieces and parcels of the Supreme Personality, Sri Krishna, how is it that Krishna cannot be known by great demigods.
Hare Krishna Reshma
It is a nice question, thank you. Krishna can only be known by his pure devotees who serve him in love and who have no material desires. The demigods are still within the material world, even though they may be on very highly elevated planets, they still have material desires and therefore generally can not understand Krishna as Krishna’s pure devotees can understand Him.
You can see in the pastimes of Krishna in Vrindavan both Indra and Brahma became bewildered by Krishna and thought that they were greater than Krishna. So the demigods can also be very much in maya.
So in this sense a sincere devotee of Krishna is greater than the demigods.
Hare Krishna Ramesh!
As Madhudvisa has pointed out, the demigods, the devas, are residents of the material creation.
It is described in Veda that within the material universe, or brahmanda, there are higher and lower planetary systems. As far as who takes birth in higher or lower systems, this is a question of karma, pap and punya.
Now one may think that if a person is very pious, has much sukriti, then surely he can know God. Veda explains that all of the residents of the material creation (with the exception of the Lord’s pure devotees, like Narada, who are here to save us) all of us have the same disease. We all want to be very great persons.
Our real home is Vaikuntha, the spiritual realm, where there is no birth and death, where everyone acknowledges the greatness and beauty of Lord Vishnu, or Krishna, and is very happy rendering service with feelings of love and devotion. Veda explains that the material world is created for those of us who are envious of God, and who covet God’s position as the central Person. Therefore out of great kindness, the material world has been created for us, where each of us can try his hand at being the number one person.
Some of the symptoms of this perverted desire are that all of us are engaged in seeking adoration from others, distinction in social position, and profit in our activities. Veda speaks of “janma, suta, aishwarya, sri”. “Janma” refers to taking birth in a prestigious family. “Suta” – highly educated. “Aishwarya” – very powerful, opulent. And “sri” – very beautiful. Just imagine how proud one could become if one is born in a prestigious family, is very highly educated, very powerful in society and so nice looking that all are attracted to him or her. These attributes, which are the karmic rewards for being a very good person, or a very austere yogi – these attributes tend to make one very proud. They feed our desire to be a very great person. They feed our desire to be like God, to compete for the position of God. And therefore they bind us to the realm of birth and death.
In other words, all of us in this material creation are self-centered (as opposed to God-centered, “Ishavasya”). And when we, by our great efforts, acquire these attributes, we become intoxicated by them. And such an intoxicated person, being king for a day, becomes very proud. For such a person, it is very difficult to renounce within his heart all of these borrowed plumes, and give all credit to Krishna, or Vishnu, from Whom all these gifts are coming.
This is the position of the devas who live on the higher material planets. On those planets, life is so nice, so comfortable, so enhanced from a material point of view, that surrender of the heart to Krishna is very difficult. More difficult than here on our earth planet, where the harsh realities of material existence are more pressing upon us. These discomforts make us more sober, and so we turn our hearts to God. Therefore great sages have always turned their backs on the distractions of the material realm and voluntarily taken up living in the forests in order to avoid the distractions and intoxications that material life has to offer.
The seemingly enhanced position of the demigods, the devas, on the higher material planets, is not actually enhanced from the spiritual point of view. And when they have used up their pious credit, they must return again to the middle or lower planetary systems.
This earth planet, therefore, is the best place for returning to sanity and charting a course of life that will enable us to cultivate a sitting place for Lord Krishna within the core of our hearts.
By abiding by the laws of Dharma, one can rise up to these higher planets for a temporary stay, like getting a lease for residing in a high-rise apartment complex. But in Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna advises us:
Translation: “Just give up all of your concerns about dharma and open your heart to Me (Krishna). I will free you you from all of your karma (which binds us to the cycle of birth and death). Do not fear.”
So actually, we are in the best position, here on earth, for cultivating our spiritual life, and making preparations for being transferred to Vaikuntha. Lord Krishna explains in Bhagavad-gita, “From the highest planet in the material realm, to the lowest, all are places of misery, where repeated birth and death occur.”
Therefore let us take up the business of qualifying ourselves for this transfer. According to Veda, this means 1)Accepting a bonafide spiritual master, 2)Avoiding the the anarthas of intoxication, meat eating, illicit sex and gambling, and 3)Taking up the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Simply by reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, your shelter under the feet of a pure devotee representative of Krishna can be established. So everything is nicely in place for you.
This life is temporary and can end at any moment. Young or old makes no difference. So as you are serious to make a solution to the real problems of life, on behalf of the devotees of Lord Krishna I humbly beg you to take up this great challenge and return back to home, back to Godhead.
Hare Krishna, Ishan das
hi guruji
for after studying geeta also i m not satsfying
i m feeling soo much jealously about others
why i should feel that in geeta lord krishna is saying that i m the one
who do,s every thing but this 5 gunas that in that i m sufferring from
krodha madha mathstarya i m not good thinking one always feeling jealously
about others plz give any idea and make me good
Hare Krishna Jhanaki
First make sure you are studying Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and carefully read the purports of Srila Prabhupada. You will find everything you need there to solve your problems.
All of our problems come from the bodily concept of life. Because we are identifying with this material body and thinking “I am an Indian girl” or “I am an Australian man” then all these problems come. We are working on the material platform, trying to get things that we think will satisfy our body. And we are envious of others who we think are better off than us… All these problems come from misidentifying the body as the self.
Actually we are not the body, we are the spirit soul within the body. And as the spirit soul we are eternal…
If you had actually studied Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is you would know all these things and would not be bewildered like this. So I think you have studied the wrong book or not studied Prabhupada’s gita very throughly.
Bhagavad-gita is a practical book and has to be studied in a submissive spirit accepting Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and to get the real benefit from it we have to put the instructions of Krishna into practice in our practical life.
You can get Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is at or read it online at or
You are suffering because you lack the knowledge and practical application of the knowledge that is present in Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is so the solution to your problems is really studying this book in a submissive spirit and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day and following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication]. If you actually do these things then your problems will be solved very quickly and you will be very happy in spiritual life… You will see the world from a totally different perspective…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Jhanaki, Hare Krishna!
I am just like you. Maybe worse.
I was born in Canada. My father was a butcher of animals, and I can remember very well being in his shop when I was a child. As I grew up I was thinking that I was very clever to be engaged in illicit sex and intoxication, along with my friends in the university. And in my family gambling was very prominent. By the time I was 13 years of age I was already addicted to smoking cigarettes. And although I tried many times to stop this smoking I could not do so.
By the time I was 25 years of age I was already considering how to end my life. Then by Krishna’s great kindness, I met the Hare Krishna devotees and began to associate with them. All of my sinful activities fell away from me, without any effort on my part. Truly, Lord Krishna must have changed me from within my heart.
I tell you my story because I understand your position. I understand your dissatisfaction and your emotional pain. Although you say that you are not a good person, still you are not as bad as I was. Not only I was bad, but I was proud of it.
Please just continue to read Srila Prabhupada’s books. And accept the principles of no illicit sex, no intoxication , no meat,fish, eggs, no gambling. Begin chanting japa Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna……, and try to associate with devotees of Krishna. And you will see that Lord Krishna will begin to remove the pain from your heart. You will become hopeful, and you will become happy to understand that you are beginning your journey back to Krishna, where you will live eternally, with a heart full of love and devotion.
Krishna has made this world painful, just so we will turn back to Him. There is nothing wrong with you. You are a good spirit soul. But you are under the influence of Krishna’s material nature, which is meant to push you to search for a solution. Now you have found that solution. And you are standing at Krishna’s front door. And it is Krishna Who has brought you here. Now it is up to you, and I am begging you to take the next steps towards complete freedom from this painful world of repeated birth and death.
Congratulations in coming this far! Let us go back home, back to Krishna in this very lifetime.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krisna, glories to guru dev
I’m having trouble surrendering to guru dev, should I go to the woods, live at Iskcon, seek devotees outside of Iskcon, or work with karmis as outlined in karma yoga
Hare Krishna
You have to find a proper guru that you can surrender to. Otherwise it is totally useless. If you surrender to some bogus guru who is not a pure devotee of Krishna he will go to hell and you will go to hell with him. It is impossible. Unless the guru is a pure devotee of Krishna he has no power to connect you to Krishna.
So read Srila Prabhupada’s books. Follow his instructions and the most important instructions are chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication.
Forget about your bogus guru and surrender to Srila Prabhupada. If you are not prepared to spend time reading Prabhupada books and chanting at least 16 rounds a day and prepared to follow and stick to the four regulative principles then it is hopeless. You can not make much advancement. If we want to make some spiritual advancement a little austerity is necessary. That little austerity is chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and strictly following the four regulative principles. If we can not vow to do this then it is useless.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, my dear friend.
You are not so fallen as you are thinking. Actually you are a very good soul. Otherwise you would be seeking answers in other directions.
In this day and age it is not advised that one should live alone in the woods. This is a real path that the yogis can follow. But it is not possible in this astrological time of Kali Yuga. In Bhagavad-gita, even a great soul like Arjuna has told Krishna that he cannot apply himself to these kinds of practices.
To work with karmis outside of the association of devotees, it will be very difficult to maintain a progressive standard of life, and not be influenced by materialistic values, ways and means.
Srila Prabhupada used to say that one can live in most any way as long as one attends mangal arotik at the temple, chants 16 rounds and keeps the regulative principles.
The best approach is to live with devotees. After all, the devotional program and way of life in the ashram is geared 100% towards developing love for Krishna and leaving this material world once and for all. Aside from this kind of orientation, living in this world is simply more implication in the complexities and perplexities of material life.
Since Srila Prabhupada has left us, it has been the practice within ISKCON to appoint “official” gurus, perhaps as a way to exert some measure of control over the devotees. But it was Srila Prabhupada’s teaching, as it is also confirmed by Vedic literature that only a mahabhagavata pure devotee of Krishna, who knows Krishna intimately, only such a person can purify our hearts by grace, and actually introduce us to Krishna when he is pleased with our efforts to be pure and sincere in Krishna’s service.
Although you will find this in Srila Prabhupada’s books, this is not the official position being pushed by ISKCON today. The initiation process being offered then is more or less a formality arranged to control you by the institution. One can take this initiation or not take it. It makes little difference in your spiritual development, as one drowning man cannot save another.
Under the circumstances, the real initiation is to read Srila Prabhupada’s books, and follow his teachings, accepting Srila Prabhupada in your heart as your actual savior, and live with the ardent request that he will help you to advance in Krishna’s service.
In general, the practices and way of life in ISKCON are pretty much as they were when Srila Prabhupada was with us. Only this “guru” issue has inappropriately entered the picture. My best advice for you is that if you can live at the ISKCON temple, taking advantage of the programs and facilities, while knowing in your heart that Srila Prabhupada is our guru, you can make your practice strong. Actually ISKCON is Srila Prabhupada’s institution and he has made it so that we can come closer to Krishna by living inside it with others who are also practicing Krishna
Consciousness. If I understand correctly, one can simply live with the ISKCON devotees, without becoming initiated by one of their so-called gurus.
In that way, you can have good association, a good spiritual program, and protection from the mundane ways and means of the material world.
And if the issue comes up that you must become initiated in order to remain, you can ask that proposed guru if it is allright with him that within your heart your first guru is Srila Prabhupada, and that you would like to take your initiation from him as a kind of promise to be more loyal to Srila Prabhupada. But I think that if you simply say that you do not want initiation but you wish to live and practice Krishna Consciousness along with the devotees, that will work just fine. And as you read Srila Prabhupada’s books, you will gradually become firmly convinced that your connection with Srila Prabhupada is your real lifeline to Krishna.
This guru issue is so unfortunate, but the benefit of living among devotees is so great. And the trappings of this material world are otherwise so strong and difficult to avoid. After having left ISKCON in 1982, and having struggled alone in my Krishna Consciousness since that time, this is my heartfelt conclusion. As a member of ISKCON, I could not believe that my god-brothers were willing to pose themselves as self-realized pure devotees under Srila Prabhupada’s roof. And I left. But I so much miss that way of life, and sometimes consider that perhpas I have made a great mistake by trying to live outside of the association of devotees.
Please try it at least for a few years, and then if you must leave, you will have so much more to carry with you within your heart. Daily reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, and engaging in the program that he has instituted – there is nothing like this in this material world.
Hare Krishna, Ishan das
it’s not a comment but a question from his grace
what is the ultimate purpose of this human life ?
why in today’s world the more educated one becomes, the less religious he is ?
why in today’s world hypocrisy and falsehood are most acceptable ?
is it worthwhile to accept falsehood in order to establish truth – adopting bad means in order to defeat the evil ?
if it is true that there is indeed some GOD – why did he create this world at all – i mean we all could be living in heaven and all, why did he create suffering, why pain ?
can these questions be ever answered by religion or science either ?
in anticipation of your reply
God created this world for us because we want it. We do not want to serve Him, we want to become the controller, the master, ourselves. We can only stay in the spiritual world if we want to server Krishna, if we don’t want to serve Krishna we come to the material world which is a place of suffering and death so that after suffering so much and dying so many times we come to our senses and realize that we can not be happy in the material world and we go back home, back to godhead…
hare krishna!
in this material world i found only india’s places for all the past hapening why not there any explanation or exisitance of other part of present earth like USA,UK,AFRIKA,AUSTRALIA etc… plz explain
I am not exactly sure what you are asking. But if you are speaking of the Vedas there are descriptions of other places in the world. All the continents are mentioned. Also previously India, Bharata-varsa was referring to the whole world. India was once the whole world. But it has become smaller and smaller as the time goes on. Even in our memory we see it is getting smaller. Once Pakistan was part of India, now it is not.
But what we know as India now is Punya-Bhumi, the land of pious activities and it is intimately linked with Krishna, Visnu and the pastimes of the Lord. So although Krishna incarnates everywhere, still He is more inclined to appear in India and there are some very special places in India like Mathura, Vrindavan, Dwarka, etc. These are the eternal abodes of the Lord and are directly linked to the spiritual world.
So in this whole universe actually India is very special, not just on this planet. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity of visiting the holy places where the Lord performed His pastimes and to bathe in the Ganges and Yamuna rivers and other holy rivers. This is the great fortune and glory of India.
Other parts of this planet are not so spiritually enriched. In the Western countries for example the spiritual knowledge and the spiritual atmosphere is less. There the mood of materialistic advancement is much stronger. So in the West they have been very successful in developing science and technology but they have practically no spiritual knowledge.
So the different parts of the planet have different moods and are in different modes of nature. But everywhere the actual goal and purpose of life is the same–to render pure unalloyed devotional service to Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Timir!
I am not expert in the Study of the Vedic literatures. However I can speak to you in general terms without quoting all of the shastric sources.
From Veda we can understand that there are an infinite number of universes. Each universe has a Lord Brahma. In our universe, Lord Brahma has only 4 heads. Our universe is not very large by comparison. In some universes Lord Brahma will have 100 or more heads, because those universes are larger. But big universe or small universe, all of these universes exist only for a short time, and then they are absorbed back into the body of Mahavishnu. The duration of all the universes is simply one breath of the Mahavishnu. When Mahavishnu exhales, all the universes come into being, and when He inhales they are again absorbed, anihilated.
It is described in Veda that in our universe there are 14 planetary systems. Some planets are very elevated, like Brahmaloka, Siddhaloka, etc. And some planets are very dark in various ways, like Patalaloka.
In Bhagavad-gita, Krishna explains that from the highest planet to the lowest planet, within the material universe, all are places where there is material suffering, birth and death. So although, by being a good person, having much punya, for example, one may take birth on a higher planet in the material creation, and enjoy the higher facilities there, that enjoyment is only temporary. Just like when spends all of one’s hard-earned wealth, one must go back to work to earn more.
In Bhagavad-gita Krishna says that we do not belong in the material creation. He says that if re re-awaken our dormant love for Him, we can return to the spiritual realm and sing with Krishna, dance with Krishna, feast with Krishna. And Krishna explains that in the spiritual realm, Vaikuntha, there is no question of birth and death. In Vaikuntha we live eternally, full with knowledge and bliss. Like Krishna, in the spiritual realm, our bodies are eternal, full of bliss and full of knowledge. Sat, chit, ananda.
Krishna knows that we are suffering in the material world. He wants to encourage us to return to the spiritual world which is our real home. And so in order to do this, He comes into the material realm, simply to establish the teachings that will inform us of our real best interest.
In Bhagavad-gita Krishna tells Arjuna that millions of years ago He spoke this same Bhagavad-gita to the Sun god,Vivasvan, and vivaswan spoke it to Manu, and Manu spoke the same to Ikshvaku. This was not in India, of course, but on higher material planets. Krishna explains that when these teachings become lost, He comes again, and again, just so that we can understand that we should not remain in this material realm.
When Krishna comes, he does not come alone. He brings with Him His bhaktas from the spiritual realm. And it is with them that Krishna reveals His loving exchanges with His bhaktas. These activities are designated by Veda as Krishna’s lilas, His spiritual pastimes.
Krishna can expand Himself into unlimited forms, all of which have the powers of Lord Vishnu. Therefore we are informed by Veda that there is Lord Rama, Lord Nrishingha, Kurma, Varaha, Matsya, Vamana. Not all of these forms come to our planet. Some have lila on other planets, and in other universes. But Veda makes these lilas available to us, so that we can become attracted, and begin to feel love for our Lord, in one of His bonafide forms.
Now, when Krishna comes to Vrindavan, or Mathura, or Dwarka, or when Lord Rama comes to Ayodhya, geographically, one can think that these are material places. But actually, when Krishna comes, He performs His lila in special places that have all of the qualities of the spiritual realm. This is called “dhama”. When Krishna comes, He brings His dhama. If one is spiritually advanced, one can go to Vrindavan dhama, today, and see that all of Krishna’s lilas are present there, eternally.
For most of us that is not possible. But if one has love for Krishna, then one can see, that Vrindavan is actually not part of this material realm. Similarly Ayodhya. Wherever the Supreme Lord has His lila, those are eternally spiritual places, where those lila are eternally manifest to those who are qualified with spiritual vision.
For that reason, India is not only speacial as far as this planet is concerned. Veda tells us that the demigods from the higher material planets are wishing that they can come and take birth in India, because on this planet, the Lord has demonstrated His lila here.
A birth in India is therefore such a great thing. Better to be born in India than on Brahmaloka, because in India one can have access to Krishna’s dhama, Vrindavan. But unfortunately, western so-called teachers and thinkers have called all of this mythology. And today Indians are mad after this Kali Yuga technical advancement, what the Veda calls ugrakarma.
India is turning away from the great opportunity of having access to Krishna’s dhama and Krishna’s Bhagavad-gita, and has become mad after the pursuit of the western standard of sense gratification. This western standard of so-called advancement is actually like a mirage in the desert. It will never fulfill the heart of anyone, but will distract them from the real goal of life, which is to re-awaken our love for Krishna, and return to our real home, in the spiritual realm, Krishna Loka, where we can live eternally a blissful life……
In order to understand this, and to be able to act on it, one must become sane. This sanity can be accomplished by reading the books of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, chanting Hare Krishna, and accepting the regulative principles of sattvic existence – no meat, no illicit sex, no intoxication and no gambling.
This is real science. These are nature’s laws as nature has been designed by Krishna. If we want to find the loophole for by-passing this disastrous life of repeated birth and death, and become qualified for returning to the most enhanced way of living, eternal, blissful life, we have to apply these principles to make our life perfect.
This is available to anyone and everyone. It is simply a question of understanding and accepting. We are hoping that you will be that most intelligent person. Thank you very much.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
here krishna prabhuji,if krishna wants to take us,why cant he take us directly from here.why should we suffer this material miseries?
Hare Krishna Suresh
We suffer here in the material world because we are not surrendered to Krishna and we do not want to be taken out of this world by Krishna. We are attached to so many things in this material world like family, friends, fame, profit, distinction, sex, money, etc. Generally we want these things, not Krishna. And we are really thinking that somehow if we can get a beautiful wife and ten million dollars we will be very happy… This is maya…
If we are actually surrendered to Krishna we will not suffer from material miseries at all. Of course the material miseries may be there. Our body will still get old and die, but we will know and realize that we are not the body, that the body is separate from us, like the car is separate from the driver. If you have an old car it may not work so well as when it was new and this may be a bit inconvenient, but really the problems of the car do not cause suffering to the driver. He knows the problem is with the car. It is the car’s problem, not his problem. So if we actually know that we are not the body we will not suffer from any material miseries at all.
The material miseries are only in relation to the material body, not the soul. If we are on the spiritual platform and realize we are the soul, not the body, then there are no more material miseries for us…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, Suresh!
As Madhudvisa Prabhu has stated, we are attached to so many things in this material world. Everyone desires adoration, distinction and profit.
We desire these things within the context of this material realm. And therefore it is Krishna’s kindness that he allows us to return to this material realm, birth after birth.
It is necessary that we understand the reason for our attachment to the things of this realm. Actually most of the spirit souls in Krishna’s unlimited creation do not live in the material realm. This material realm is like an insane asylum for giving shelter to those souls who aspiring to have Krishna’s position for themselves.
In the spiritual realm, Krishna is the center of everyone’s existence. Everyone is madly in love with Krishna. Everyone wants only to render some kind of loving service to Krishna. And in this way everyone is is filled with ananda, spiritual ecstasy. But this love for Krishna must come of our own free will. A small percentage of spirit souls become envious of Krishna, and they consider that it may be nice to be the central person. The most famous person, the richest person, the strongest person, the most intelligent, the most beautiful and the most renounced.
Such souls are given the opportunity to try their hand at being the number one person, by taking birth in the material world, along with those who are similarly inclined. And all of them are in competition with each other, striving for the position of number one. In this way the pains of the material world are unlimited.
Krishna loves us so much that he provides this arena for us. He comes in different incarnations to invite us to come back home, and he sends His representatives, His pure devotees to beg us to please give up of vanity and return to the spiritual realm.
But we are addicted to our pursuits of trying to be lord and master. Krishna has made this world very uncomfortable so that we can become discouraged in our attempt to usurp Krishna’s position for ourselves. But it is up to us to have a change of heart, and actually want to return home to be with Krishna. As soon as we have a change of heart, Krishna understands this and helps us in every way to re-awaken our dormant love for Krishna.
This re-awakening process begins with chanting Krishna’s name. Indeed as our love for Krishna dawns once more, we become actually mad after singing Krishna’s name, and all of our attachment to the things of this material world become insignificant to us.
Please read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and take up the chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra and everything will become clear to you.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna
Dandwat Pranam
Pl tell me how we stop our sense gratification in detail ?
Dhananjay das
By becoming Krishna conscious Prabhu. It is a process and that is what Srila Prabhupada is explaining in his books. The process has to be followed and that will awaken the dormant Krishna consciousness that is within us and we will experience real transcendental pleasure from the spiritual platform. When we are actually relishing that spiritual pleasure then we will no longer have any taste for sense gratification. But unless the process is followed under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master then this Krishna consciousness is not possible to achieve. So ultimately it is no in our strength to stop sense gratification. It is only possible by getting the mercy and blessings of a pure devotee of Krishna. If we can please Krishna’s pure devotee then Krishna will be pleased. That is the way…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
I am new to reading the Gita. I have a few questions that I am hoping you will be able to help me with.
What is the self and how does one go about in finding his or her own self through meditation? If the self is eternal how can one realize this? Is there any type of books that you recommended that provides instructions on proper meditation to realize that there is a self that is forever eternal.
My second questions: What does it mean to have complete devotional service to Krishna? Does Devotional service mean constantly helping people less fortunate than you? Does it mean constantly thinking of Krishna in everything one does? Does it mean not being to attached to material things in this world? I have a son so does that mean I should not be too attached to him?
Thanks for your help.
Take Care,
Hare Krishna !
Respected swami ji,
I can able to chant the maha mantra but unable to concentrate on lord Krishna.
At leasure time or when I am free I can concentrate on lord but while doing any work I am unable to concentrate on lord but I can able to chant…
How can I concentrate on both @ a time.
For example I m reading something or watching something , at that time how can I concentrate on chanting and concentrate on lord.!
Because I m student I m persuing degree…..
Hare Krishna Thakur
You have to make the time when you can chant the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds and concentrate on it. That means just chanting. Not chanting and reading or chanting and watching the TV… It is not possible. Chanting Hare Krishna means to completely absorb yourself in the Holy Name. The tongue is chanting Hare Krishna, the ears are hearing the vibration of Hare Krishna and in this way the mind is forced to think of Krishna. That is the process. So turn the TV off and chant Hare Krishna.
When you are studying how can you chant Hare Krishna. It is not possible. Both things require you to absorb your mind. So better to study Srimad Bhagavatam and then your mind will be absorbed in Krishna while you are studying.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you for replying
I am starting to read the Gita now and will soon be back to you in due course
Respectfully yours
Hare Krishna
i want to ask a question.if someone has done some perverted acts in past. he is a person who is afraid of god and is under severe depression because he continued to do those perverted acts as an addiction and each time saying to god that please this is his last time and then he will reform himself.and sometimes when he felt that perhaps god does not forgive somebody so much time even then he continued to do those perverted acts.but now he is under severe depression, almost on the verge of nervous breakdown because he thinks that god had forgotten him forever.i tell you that in those perverted shameful acts he did not harm anyone except he has given up those acts by god’s grace but he is unable to cope up with fear that he will be destroyed by god.please help and respond.
Hare Krishna Amar
Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krishna Himself, is very merciful Prabhu. He is called “Patita Pavana Gaura Hari,” it means he is the Saviour of the most fallen. So being fallen or sinful is no disqualification at all for coming to Krishna consciousness. The thing is we have to accept our fallen nature and want to give it up and try to give it up in every way. And we need to follow the process as given by Srila Prabhupada. Chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily. If we don’t chant then there is no hope. But even if we are fallen and we keep chanting the Hare Krishna mantra ultimately that will save us.
It is also not very surprising that we may sometimes fall down also. Particularly if we are not living in the association of devotees. The association of non-devotees is very contaminating. So the idea is we should keep chanting Hare Krishna and always vow to strictly follow the four regulative principles and even if somehow, not by our planning, but by accident, we fall down, we should again beg Krishna to give us the strength so we will never do this again and again resume chanting the Hare Krishna mantra with full determination.
So the summary is there is no need to worry that Krishna is not liking us. Lord Caitanya understands our nature and understands the nature of this material world and He is very happy to see us even performing a little service or chanting the Hare Krishna mantra even once.
We should not become complacent and think that we can be devotees and at the same time not follow the principles. Or the worst offense is to think that we can perform sinful activities and chant the Hare Krishna mantra to counteract those sinful activities. But this sort of helpless fall-down will stop if we keep chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.
So my real suggestion is that you should never give up the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, at least 16 rounds a day, no matter how much you seem to be in a fallen condition. And even if you feel completely helpless and completely unable to follow the regulative principles, if you keep chanting Hare Krishna that will pass and very soon you will be able to again follow the principles and you will be happily situated in Krishna consciousness.
It doesn’t matter how dark our life seems. The power of the Hare Krishna mantra is such that it can illuminate any dark place very easily.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP thank you for your sanga and advice as you know prabhu i can’t order to sri krsna to come and rescue me from this cheating because haven’t got the full mercy of HDG ACBSP yet but i believe i will be save by trying my best to follow the 4 principle again as before i born in meleccha sthan prabhu not spiritual education then as you says also there is not a very good strong sadhu sanga as used to be when you was serve SRILA PRABHUPADA in vapu sanga in the beginning of iskcon sankirtan revolution anyway i just keep swimming against current what can i do i have not choice but bhakti paresanu bhavo viraktir anyatra ca waiting to become more krsna conscious through your website and getting detachment from the so called senses gratification visaya chariya kabe tuccha habe mana i’m waiting for this prabhu thank you for your blessing dandavats ys seva das haribol
hare krsna
nice to read the news letter.kindly let me know whether i have to start reading gita as it is first or bhagavatham first canto first. iam little confused. iam a beginner and yet to under stand complete about krsna consciousness. kindly advise how to progress further
Hare Krishna Prabhu
You should first study Bhagavad-gita as this is the introduction to spiritual life. The Srimad-Bhagavatam begins where the Bhagavad-gita ends. So it is best to have a full grasp of the preliminary ideas Krishna teaches in the Bhagavad-gita before reading Srimad-Bhagavatm. And then it is best to read Srimad-Bhagavatam from the beginning. It is a systematic scientific presentation of spiritual information and it is meant to be heard it the order it was originally presented in by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Mr. Aurendranathan,
Hare Krishna!Please accept my respectful greetings.
My name is Ishan das and I was accepted as an initiated disciple of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada, in 1968. Of course, there may be a major difference between yourself and myself, in that I was raised in the West (Canada) with no spiritual training of any kind, and I am guessing, because of your name, that you have had some exposure to Vedic culture.
In one sense, your exposure to Vedic culture may be an advantage, and in another, a disadvantage.
Our Krishna Consciousness movement is a fundamentalist movement. In other words, it is just about the only movement that introduces the Vedic culture strictly in terms of the literal translation of the Vedic literatures. In the West, people sometimes use an expression “What you see is what you get.” This is Srila Prabhupada’s contention. Therefore, in translating and commenting on Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, Srila Parbhupada stresses that as soon as one attempts to impose their own speculations regarding the real message of the text, the whole thing becomes lost and rather useless, if we are actually seeking an effective understanding.
Now, in this degraded age of Kali Yuga, there are hundreds of commentaries on Bhagavad-gita, wherein the author has attempted to screw out his own motivated, concocted ideas, using Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic litertures simply as a launching pad for their personal conjectures.
Similarly, there are so many so-called gurus and swamis, world-wide, who are doing the same sort of thing.
Therefore, whatever exposure you may have had to compromised Vedic culture, may be filled with a variety of misconceptions, which will have to be systematically undone. And that can be accomplished by reading Srla Prabhupada’s books.
On the other hand, the Bhagavad-gita, is one chapter in the body of the epic work, Mahabharata, the real history of India, some 5000 years ago, and it is within the context of this history that Lord Krishna’s dialogue with Arjuna is taking place.
In 1968, as a Westerner, becoming interested in Krishna Consciousness, on the one hand, I had no knowledge of the historical context in which Bhagavad-gita was spoken. And on the other hand, because of economic concerns, the publisher had insisted that Srila Prabhupada’s manuscript be edited, with 60-80% eliminated, keeping the volume down to a bare bones presentation.
Today, Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is available in its full form as Srila Prabhupada had originally intended. And if you like, you may enjoy reading a presentation of the Mahabharata in the English language, which has been translated by one of Srila Prabhupada’s students. Although not essential, I personally found the historical background to be very moving and very helpful in understanding the message of Bhagavad-gita.
When Srila Prabhupada, came to the United States in 1965, he brought with him a few hundred copies of his commentary on the First Cantoe of Srimad Bhagavatam. These had not been edited in the Western style, and while having a variety of minor errors in printing or English grammer, the impression in reading it was as if Srila Prabhupada was personally speaking to me. And on the basis of this reading, I decided to go from Montreal to New York to meet the author in person.
These original three volumes, comprising Srila Prabhupada’s presentation of the First Cantoe of Srimad Bhagawatam, have been reprinted in that original form, and are availble through this web site. The commentary provided is very much along the lines of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita, and you may find them extremely heart-warming and informative. And although, as Madhudvisa Prabhu has advised you, that the Gita is the first step in arriving at a wholesome understanding of the basics of Vedic philosophy, you will find that the two texts compliment each other very nicely.
Srila Prabhupada has pretty much geared all of his writings in such a way that the basic principles are presented again and again through all of his books. To this end, he has made a summary study of the 10th Cantoe of the Srimad Bhagawatam, which is entitled “Krishna Book”, which Srila Prabhupada has made available for distribution to the public at large, in various languages, world-wide.
Whichever books of Srila Prabhupada that you read, as you are sincerely trying to understand the subject matter, you will quickly be convinced that you are recieving direct knowledge of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, from Krishna’s personally empowered representative. And by reading these books, you will feel your connection with Krishna becoming firmly established as an irrevocable fact.
Somehow or other, we have found oursleves thrashing about in this dangerous ocean of temporal manifestation with all of its disqualifications and disadvantages. And by Krishna’s inconceivable kindness, through the agency of His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada, these books have been made availale to us as a kind of lifeline for dragging us back to the spiritual world. Let us at once take advantage of this great benediction.
Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna…
All glories to all the Vaishnavas
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to Chaitanya Maha Prabhu
All glories to Sri Radha and Krishna…
Hare krishna…..
Respected swami,
my name is Bhavani singh.i m 22yrs old. i m hyd.
plz can u solve my problem..i just want to make my guru. in many khatas,bajhans etc i heard that without guru u cannot get proper success. one should make guru to get success in life according to me. through the help of my master (guru)i want to be a krishna’s devotee. if i m wrong plz forgive me. sorry
Hare krishna
Hare Krishna Bhavani
Real guru, bona fide guru, is very very rare. Practically every guru you see today is completely bogus. The thing is most people do not want a real guru. Real guru means you really have to surrender to him, you have to make following his instructions your life and soul. But no one wants to do that. They want some guru who will give them some guarantee of salvation at the end and who they can visit occasionally and give some donations and take some blessings, but their life will go on as it is. No change. This is cheating both on the side of the guru and on the side of the disciples.
The world is full of cheating gurus because the world is full of people who want to be cheated…
That is the problem.
We can only get the real guru by the mercy of Krishna and by the mercy of the bona fide guru we get Krishna.
Take shelter of Srila Prabhupada, read Srila Prabhupada’s books and try to understand actually what a bona fide guru is. Otherwise you will be cheated by so many rascal gurus…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agt HDG ACBSP thank you for remind me about the 4 rule and regulations of krsna consciousness i’m still trying to get rid of the ganja ,i got the right weapon now the sri narasimhadeva kavacha from sri mayapur dham i reciting the sri narasimhadeva kavacha prayers daily spoken by lord brahma to his son sri narada muni, i increasing the time and quality of my sadhana bhakti therefore i believe i will follow the 4 principles again as i used to do before for more the ten years by the mercy of SRI NARASIMHADEVA kavacha and prayers, i appreciate that you remind me about the 4 rule and regulations of krsna consciousness at this proper time which i’m more serious in declaring war to maya by understanding the imoportance in following the 4 principles your blessing is helping me a lot through your website sanga by inspiring me to keep connected with guru sadhu and sastra all glories to your service i let you know thank you for your blessing my respectful obeisances to you your servant bhakta sebastiano haribol
Hare Krishna Bhakta Sebastiano Prabhu
Yes. We are in a war against maya for sure. And now maya is very strong and the association of the devotees is not really available to us any more as it used to be when ISKCON was stronger. So we really have to become very determined if we want to succeed in this, the only important thing in our life, coming to the platform of pure devotional service. Really we have many weapons. Krishna and Srila Prabhupada are so merciful. Firstly we have the Hare Krishna maha-mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
This is the strongest weapon and the only weapon which will ultimately be successful against the forces of kali. Other most important weapon is Srila Prabhupada’s books. Srila Prabhupada’s books are not different from the Hare Krishna kirtan. Srila Prabhupada dictated his books and that is Krishna kirtan and this Krishna kirtan has been published in the books. So Prabhupada’s books are also kirtan, also chanting. So they stand on an equal level as the most important and most powerful weapon against the forces of Kali.
And we have prasadam to control our tongues. And we have the Deity worship to see and to perform. And of course we have book distribution and preaching. The best way to become inspired in Krishna consciousness is by distributing it to others, by preaching. Krishna says that there is no one so dear to Him as the one who explains this science of Krishna consciousness to the devotees. So the preaching devotees will get a lot of mercy from Krishna…
Ultimately we need the blessings of Krishna’s pure devotee, otherwise, without these blessings we can not get Krishna. Krishna is only available through the mercy of His pure devotees. That is why in Vrindavan the residents are always chanting “Jaya Radhe” because they know that if they can please Radharani Krishna will automatically be pleased.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna………..
let i first convey respect to founder of ISKON srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda.jaya jaya Prabhuapda.
And really thank you to offer me to enter your website,our website,krishna website.
I am just searching for vaishnava friends .by my luck iam just became a part of your student ,am i right. if not forgive me.
krishna.i love krishna and he is great god and he is god head .
just iam requesting you to make me understand the spritual world by sending messages to my address.
my will is to understand the spritual world you had just sent me a message telling about bhagavad gita to me it is 1st e-mail you had sent me. and iam requesting you to send me daily 1message with out gap.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
As disciples of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, we are familiar with the fact that Krishna Consciousness is a science and not something sentimental.
In the Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 18, page 173 (2nd to last page) , Srila Prabhupada has written:
“The process is that a bonafide Spiritual Master chants the Holy Name, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, and the transcendental sound vibration enters into the ear of the disciple. If the disciple follows in the footsteps of his spiritual master and chants the Holy Name with equal respect, that becomes the worship of the transcendental Name.”
“When the transcendental Name becomes worshipped by the devotee, the Name Himself spreads His Glories within the heart of the devotee, and when he is perfectly qualified in chanting such transcendental vibration of the Holy Name, he is quite fit to become a spiritual master for delivering all the people of the world.. …… And the devotee who chants it becomes transcendentally situated in ecstasy, and sometimes he laughs and cries and dances in his ecstasy…..”
Similarly, in the Sri Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya Lila, Chapter 17, Verses 48-49, we find:
“When someone heard the chanting of the Holy Name from the mouth of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and someone else heard this chanting from that second person, and someone again heard this chanting from the third person, everyone in all countries become a Vaisnava through such disciplic succession. ….”
Purport: “… First, the Holy Name is vibrated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When someone hears from Him directly, he is purified. When another person hears from that person he is also purified. In this way, the purification process is advanced among pure devotees. ………if one is a pure devotee, hundreds and thousands of men can be purified by his vibration. … When a pure devotee chants offenselessly, another person will become a Vaishnava, and from him another Vaishnava will emerge. This is the parampara system.”
CC, Ch 17, Vs. 50-51:
“The Lord did not always manifest His ecstasy. Being afraid of a great number of people, the Lord kept His ecstasy concealed. Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not manifest His natural ecstatic love, everyone become a pure devotee simply by seeing and hearing Him.”
Purport: “… It is said that a pure devotee can see the Lord every minute, and because of this he is empowered by the Lord. … Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared 500 years ago, but it cannot be said that the potency of the Hare Krishna mantra is less powerful now than it was in His presence. By hearing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu through the parampara system, one can be purified.”
Srila Prabhupada always stressed on the importance of hearing the chanting of Hare Krishna “from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, so that immediate effect can be achieved.” This is not a question of sentimental preference. Krishna consciousness is a great transcendental science.
CC, Antya Lila, Ch 2, Vs, 13-14:
“To deliver people in regions throughout the universe who could not meet Him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally entered the bodies of pure devotees. Thus He empowered living beings (His pure devotees) by manifesting in them so much of His own devotion that people in all other countries became devotees by seeing them.”
Purport: “…….. unless one is empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one cannot spread the Holy Names of the Hare Krishna Mahmantra throughout the world. Persons who do so are empowered. Therefore they are sometimes called avesa-avataras or incarnations for they are endowed with the power of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
Again, in CC, Antya Lila, Ch 1, Vs 101:
“One has to learn about the beauty and transcendental position of the Holy Name of the Lord by hearing the revealed scriptures from the mouths of devotees. Nowhere else can we hear of the sweetness of the Lord’s Holy Name.”
Purport: “……..Chanting and hearing of the transcendental Holy Name of the lord cannot be performed by the ordinary senses. The transcendental vibration of the Lord’s Holy Name is completely spiritual. Thus it must be received from spiritual sources and must be chanted after having been heard from a spiritual master. One who hears the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra must receive it from the spiritual master by aural reception”
CC, Madhya-lila, Ch 19, Vs. 117
Purport: “The principles of devotional service are only apparently under the the jurisdiction of material activity. To be rightly guided, one must be personally guided by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.”
Therefore, we must chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, after hearing it from the lips of the pure devotee of the Lord, the avesa-avatar, who is empowered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and whose chanting has the potency of Sri Caitanya Mahprabhu. And after hearing from such a divine personality, one must endeavor to chant “with equal respect”. This is the science of Krishna Consciousness. This is the purport of “submissive aural reception.”
Every day we sing:
“prema bhakti jaha hoite, avidya vinnasa yate”. Translation: “From him ecstatic prema emanates,….”
And from Nectar of Devotion: “…observing a pure devotee… one should …….try to see the internal features and understand how he is engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. In this way … one can gradually become a purified devotee himself.”
Srimad Bhagawatam, 2.1.11 Purport: “Here it is mentioned that one should constantly chant the holy Name of the Lord after hearing it from autohorities. This means that hearing from authorities is the first essential.”
Srimad Bhagawatam: 4.20.25
“…… When the transcendental vibration from the mouth of great devotees carries the aroma of the saffron dust particles of Your lotus feet, the forgetful living entity gradually remembers his relationship with you……”
Purport: “……. one has to hear the glorification of the Lord from the mouth of a pure devotee. ……The transcendental vibration from the mouth of a pure devotee is so powerful that it can revive the living entities memory of his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead.. ….”
Krishna Book: Chapter 34
“….. The spiritual masters should enrich the devotees to the highest devotional perfection. Feeling constant separation while engaged in the service of the Lord is the perfection of Krishna Consciousness….”
Srimad Bhagawatam: 1.5.25 , Purport:
“Pure devotion is as much infectious, in a good sense, as infectious diseases. …… The neophyte devotee becomes practically enriched with the transcendental qualities of the pure devotee…… Infection of the qualities of the pure devotee, means to imbibe the taste of pure devotion…… and at last one can be situated on the plane of loving service of the Lord. All of these stages develop by the association of pure devotees. “…..”
CC, Madhya-lila 2.81
“By personally tasting the mellows of love of Godhead, Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught the process. …”
Purport: “… This Krishna consciousness movement, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya mahaprabhu and His confidential devotees, is also trying to distribute love of God all over the world through the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord – Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”
Simply on the basis of these few quotes (many more of which fill the books of His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami) one can easily understand, that our empowered spiritual master, Jagat Guru, Srila Prabhupada, is absorbed in tasting the mellows of love of God, in the line of guru-parampara from Lord Caitanya Himself. By submissive aural reception to his sound vibration, one can imbibe the taste of love for Krishna. And, as first quoted in this brief assertation, “If the disciple follows in the footsteps of his sprititual master and chants the Holy Name with equal respect, that becomes the worship of the transcendental name.”
and –
“When the transcendental Name becomes worshipped by the devotee, the Name Himself spreads His glories within the heart of the devotee……”
We are taking a very strong stand that the books of Srila Prabhupada should be preserved in all purity. Now let us focus on the message of those books, which scientifically explain how we can re-awaken our dormant love for Krishna by imbibing the ecstatic sound vibration of the pure devotee, becoming infected with his qualities of devotion, and diving into the ocean of love of God, by cultivating that very taste, by chanting with equal feeling, equal respect.
Therefore, why would anyone with such understanding, agree to post for sale CDs and DVDs which supply us with 50 different melodies with which to chant Hare Krishna, expert Bengali kartal lessons, furiously exciting mridanga rhythms, all played by neophyte devotees?
What to speak of devotional songs composed by us? In 1969, I showed my poem of appreciation of Srila Prabhupada, to His divine Grace. He kindly said to me, “Yes, there is some devotional feeling. But generally vaishnavas do not write poetry until they are self-realized.”
1973-1975, I lived mainly in Sridham Mayapur. Our devotees were singing kirtan in the temple room, incorporating the singing styles of the Bengalis. Srila Prabhupada was so disturbed by this that he repeatedly left his room and went to the room of Bhavananda Maharaja, demanding why this is going on and that it be stopped. Then one evening I lead the kirtan for the arotik, and again Srila Prabhupada went to Bhavananda’s room. I was singing, trying to understand the mood of my spiritual master. “Who is that?”, Srila Prabhupada demanded. “That is Ishan”, Bhanvananda replied, “He always sings, trying to follow in your footsteps.” “He is intelligent.”, Srila Prabhupada answered. “From now on, no one else should lead kirtan in the temple room besides Ishan.”
That went on for some time. But in due course, the Bengali drum rhythms, and load shouts of “Nitai-Gaur Hari bol, Hari bol, Hari bol!”, had their way, and one rarely heard that style of chanting following in the footsteps of the pure devotee, acharya, Srila Prabhupada. We had found something much more exciting.
And even though we are pushing for authenticity, these harmonium lessons, kartal lessons, mridanga lessons, invented songs, – all put forward by neophyte devotees, are sold on our web sites, with the intention of spreading Krishna Consciousness.
I can only conclude that we have not understood the writings of the Acharya, His divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada. Through his MP3s and DVDs the vibration of pure love for Krishna is available to the whole world for the next so many thousand years. Yet already we are distributing something else – to an audience that does not understand the difference. Let us think on this, and change our course.
Your servant, Ishan das
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP thank you very much for your inspiring words that’s why i open my mind to you because you got more experience then me in krsna smarana sadhana bhakti therefore you could give me a good advice, that means i need to take more easy without going with too much attachment for my daily sadhana bhakti otherwise maya will attack me more as you mentioned to me,i heard real life start after death for people who keeping chanting until last breath,you says that the name of sri krsna contains all potencies and power of sri krsna, is that means that even if i’m not fully aware i will start the real life in my next life? can i get a spiritual body by chanting in namabasa while i’m waiting to get suddha nama by keeping chanting in loulyam lakatvam with spiritual greediness without be disturbed by maya the witch? this is my question madhudvisa prabhu thank you for your sanga and blessing agtys ys sebastian godasa
You have to follow the regulative principles Prabhu. No illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication. Otherwise it will be very difficult for you to chant Hare Krishna. Unless you follow the regulative principles it is like trying to light a fire with one hand while pouring water on it with the other hand. You are not going to be able to light the fire at all. It is almost hopeless…
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP thank you very much for help everyone not just me to keep connected with senior sadhu like you i apologize if i’m not a first class devotee yet i would like to be i’m chanting more then 16 rounds a day offer the food etc.. but i got a very strange karma prabhu because more i try to improve my spiritual sadhana and more maya attack me that’s why i says i would like to be stronger against the war with maya i thought i was already surrender may be i need to wait more by keep connected with guru sadhu and sastra therefore i will never giving up the daily reading of the gita and chanting doesn’t matter how far or how sinful i’m in this contaminate age but i got the faith that by keeping going like that i will become a first class devotee pls bless me in such a way i will find less trouble to get our beloved acharya mercy agtys dandavats daso smi
Hare Krishna Sebastian
Yes. It is normal. The more serious you get about trying to become Krishna conscious the more serious maya gets at testing you. That happens to everyone, not just you. You do not have strange karma like this. That is just how maya works. The secret is as you have mentioned is to keep chanting Hare Krishna and keep reading Srila Prabhupada’s books.
Even if you find yourself falling down do not be discouraged but at the same time you have to be disgusted by your fall downs and constantly be vowing to not do it again. So if you keep this mood and keep chanting Hare Krishna and keep reading Srila Prabhupada’s books then you will find that your material desires will reduce and your love for Krishna will increase and you will become much more inclined to serve Krishna than to serve maya and gradually by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy you will become a first-class devotee of Krishna.
The chanting of Hare Krishna is very, very powerful. But sometimes because of our materially contaminated state we can not feel the power. But even if we can not feel it the power is there. The name of Krishna is Krishna and contains all the potencies and power of Krishna. So keep chanting Hare Krishna and gradually everything will be OK.
As i think you are the pure devotees and i got this newsletter from you I leterely thankful to you for give some useful time for me
as i teel you that i hear this hare krshna movement from my college time and recently 1 jan 2011 i join this movement .i m doing chantig and meditation daily on supreame godhead KRSHNA i read the book PERFECTION OF YOGA and i read BHAGWAT GITA in hindi but i dont read it in english now i want read it in english so i want to know that is it easy or hard to understand the actul meaning of krshna and i have one more doubt that is WHY SHRI KRSHNA FORGET HIS OLD FRIEND SUDAMA AND LATER HE REMEBERD BUT WHY IT SO LARGE GAP
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Krishna never forgets His devotees and His devotees never forget Him.
This separation from Krishna actually creates a very intense feeling within the devotees and in this apparent separation the devotees are actually very, very close to Krishna.
So these things we will understand more as we advance more in Krishna consciousness.
Krishna’s pastimes are all nitya-siddha. Eternal. So all of Krishna’s pastimes are going on constantly at every moment somewhere in the universe and His devotees are travelling with Him. So we are just seeing one very small thing. Krishna is exhibiting some pastimes in a way that we can conceive some small fraction of His glories. But there is much more to Krishna and His pastimes and His relationships with His devotees but we do not have the ability to conceive of these things with our material senses…
So do not worry. Krishna never forgot His friend Sudama and Sudama never forgot His friend Krishna….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krisha!
If wrong please correct me prabhu
“what about the devotees of Ganesh who worship him with pure love without wishing any material benifit. They do the same devotion to Ganesh as done by prabhupada”
Hare Krishna!
Ganesh can only give material benefits. He is a devotee of Visnu / Krishna and he has some service in the material world and has the power to give some material blessings. But for liberation from the material world you have to follow in his footsteps and worship Visnu / Krishna.
That will please Lord Ganesh more than anything else.
Dear Madunuri, The point is (as already pointed out by Madhudvisa Prabhu)that it is not a question of what one asks for, or in what mood one worships . The real question is: What is the ability or power of the Person who is being worshipped?
In Bhagavad-gita, Krishna explains that we are living in the world of birth and death, samsara. Krishna says that from the highest planet in the material world to the lowest planet, all are places of misery where birth and death take place. Just like, a dog may sleep in the street and a king may sleep on silk sheets in the palace. But death is the same for both of them. The silk sheets are little comfort to the king when he is on his deathbed. So greater material facilities are at best temporary.
We all wish to be happy. And that is natural. But material happiness is not real happiness. Those who have everything that money can buy know this very well. They are never satisfied. Therefore they are always striving to acquire more and more.
Lord Krishna explains in Bhagavad-gita that real happiness only exists in the spiritual dimension, in the spiritual realm, where there is no birth and death. So the real purpose of human life is to qualify ourselves for entering that realm of Vaikuntha. Just like in this world, one requires a visa for entering another country. Similarly, we must acquire a visa for entering the spiritual world.
But to obtain that visa for going to America, or England, or China, you cannot obtain that from the local food market. You have to obtain it from the empowered embassy. Similarly for obtaining a visa for entering the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha, we have to approach the ambassador or Lord Krishna or Lord Vishnu. That is Krishna’s instruction in Bhagavad-gita. Krishna innstructs us in Bhagavad-gita, chapter 4, that we must find out a bonafide spiritual guru, who is a representative of Krishna or Vishnu, and acquire that visa from him by rendering service to him. He will engage us correctly in Krishna’s service, and we will in that way, if we are sincere, we obtain that visa, that qualification.
So again, to worship sincerely, without desire for material gain is a good qualification. But also, that worship must be properly directed to the proper Person (Lord Krishna or Vishnu), and through the proper channel (Lord Krishna’s bonafide representative). In that way we can acquire our visa for living eternally in the spiritual realm of Vaikuntha.
Shri Ganesha is indeed a great personality. He has power to effect certain enhancements in our lives, but only within the jurisdiction of this material realm. He simply does not have the authority to grant us passage to the Vaikuntha realm. We must respect him of course, but we must also understand the scope of his jurisdiction.
Srila Prabhupada, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, is Lord Krishna’s bonafide representative ambassador. He has the power to bless us with a direct introduction to Lord Krishna. And the first symptom of his exalted position is that his every word, thought and activity is in the service and glorification of Lord Krishna. Just by reading Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, you will become convinced of his exalted position, and you will come to understand all of these points very clearly, and you will very quickly know that your passage to Vaikuntha is assured, simply by following his clear instructions.
I hope so much that this is helpful to you. You are very sincere, otherwise you would not be asking such an intelligent question. Please continue to chant Hare krishna mantra, as Madhudvisa Prabhu releatedly reminds us and read Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and your life’s mission of going back to home, back to Vaikuntha, will be successful.
Ishan das
hare krishna
Thanks for helping me, now i can answer the ones who ask me this question without hesitation. Lord is very loving.. he sends his help for the ones who turn’s towards him for help
hare rama
Hare Krishna,
Sir,This is the first time in my life I came to know that The Bhagavath Geetha was uaed to spoken by othes before Krishna.Can I get more information regarding this.
“Krishna tells Arjuna that the Bhagavad-gita is not new. He tells Arjuna that He originally spoke the Gita to the Sun god, Vivasvan, at the beginning of the creation, and that the knowledge was handed down through the saintly kings from generation to generation, but now that knowledge had become lost, so therefore Krishna again spoke that same original knowledge to Arjuna”
Please give me more information regarding this.
Read Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita., all the information is there.
You can purchase at or read online at
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
I read some of the Bhagavad Gita many years ago, it is the only book religious book that i have ever read. Over the years I have often thought of my journey through time and have though of the realization of my actualisation of being and passing. I don’t really myself to be religous, but do often feel in the presence of some spiritual guide. I feel in the presence of my life so consider myself to be here living now as a man. I don’t really know why I have contacted you, but i need to let you know that I am happy and I think that the Bhangavad Gita HELPED me and has been with me since the beginning, it found me 1994, I haven’t read or spoke it’s words for many years… Gouranga!
THANKS FOR SENDING ME LETTER although I dont deserve it.This is first time that I officially interacted with pure devote like you via internet .Sir although i have BG but i could not get time to read it so for a solution i generally kept small books of SHIRLA PARABHUPADA our eternal father.I enjoy the kirtans of VIAYASAKI DAS,LOKANATH SWAMI, AGNIDEV JI, etc from the bottom of my heart.
I dont know what more to write , but SIR I have one question
I wanted to have all KRSNA ART photoes on my pc but it is very difficult to get them.Downloading kirtans ,lectures,VIDEOES ,photoes of PARABHUPADA and other all great DEVOTEES is my best time pass I enjoyed it thoroughly .
Hare Krishna Deepak Prabhu
I am not a pure devotee but I do know the words of the pure devotee Srila Prabhupada and to the extent that I can repeat them and follow them in my life then my words are pure.
You can download so many Prabhupada kirtans and lectures at:
It is best to hear from Srila Prabhupada and he has recorded so many wonderful Kirtans, Bhajans, purports, classes, and conversations for us to hear.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
How does worship of the Goddess Kali fit in the Krishna Consciousness? If it does not fit, then why?
Hare Krishna Lila
You need to understand that Krishna has two types of energies: material and spiritual. We, the living entities, are called marginal because we can either take shelter of the material energy in the material world or we can take shelter of the spiritual energy in the spiritual world.
Actually we–the living entities–are spiritual, just like Krishna, but Krishna is unlimited and we are very tiny. So we, the tiny living entities, have the tendency to fall from our natural spiritual position and take shelter of the material energy. It is Goddess Kali and others who are within this material energy and who are powerful within this material world. There are many gods and goddesses who have power over various aspects of this material world, but they themselves are also trapped in this world of repeated birth and death. So they can give no help to one who wants to escape from this material world and return back home, back to Godhead, back to the spiritual world.
So devotees of Krishna have no interest in worshipping the Godess Kali or any other goddess or demigod because their boons or benedictions can only be within this material world. They can not give any spiritual benedictions and can not actually help their followers to become free from the clutches of maya in the material world because they are are also in the material world.
So there is no point for a devotee to worship Goddess Kali. Actually very sinful people worship Goddess Kali and offer animal sacrifices and sometimes even human sacrifices before her. These are not nice people… But at least they accept some higher authority and worship Goddess Kali. You need to read the story of Jada Bharata. Goddess Kali likes the devotees much more than she likes he own followers…
So there is no place in Krishna consciousness for worshipping Goddess Kali or any other goddess or demigod. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and all the demigods and goddesses are getting their power from Him, so an intelligent person will worship the source of the power and will be able to get all the benefits directly from the source that could be obtained by worshipping demigods and goddesses and much more.
As I have said the only way you can escape from the cycle of repeated birth and death in the material world is by worshipping Krishna or one of his Visnu expansions. Demigods and goddesses can never help you in this way.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I got a doubt here. Please help me out.
Are we not at all suppose to pray any other demigod?
I have read before in a website for Krishna, that we are suppose to do pooja to Ganesh first and pray for Hare Krishna. Is it not so???
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Rojina
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and He does not approve of the worship of demigods. You should study Bhagavad-gita and you will know these things:
In the Bhagavad-gītā, worship of different demigods or rendering service to them is not approved. It is stated in the Seventh Chapter, twentieth verse:
“Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.” (Bg. 7.20) Here it is plainly said that those who are directed by lust worship the demigods and not the Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa. When we mention the name Kṛṣṇa, we do not refer to any sectarian name. Kṛṣṇa means the highest pleasure, and it is confirmed that the Supreme Lord is the reservoir or storehouse of all pleasure. We are all hankering after pleasure. Ānandamayo ‘bhyāsāt. (Vs. 1.1.12) The living entities, like the Lord, are full of consciousness, and they are after happiness. The Lord is perpetually happy, and if the living entities associate with the Lord, cooperate with Him and take part in His association, then they also become happy. [From Bg. Introduction by Srila Prabhupada]
There are many verses in Bhagavad-gita where Krishna makes it very clear that there is no need to worship the demigods and that the demigods are worshiped by people with very small intelligence who are worshiping them to get some material boons that are temporary and not worth asking for. They are completely wasting their time asking for money and success and fame and beauty and knowledge… Why? So they can become happy in the material world…
But it is impossible to be happy in the material world.
You have to understand that the demigods are themselves in the material world. They are themselves trapped in the material world. They are not liberated. So they can not help us to be liberated.
Some devotees they may worship Ganesh to remove the obstacles but really, honestly, they are usually asking Ganesh for money. This is only done by people with no intelligence at all. A simple google search for Ganesh brings up so many “money mantras,” and you know every Indian businessman worships Ganesh for success in his business, for making money. This is actually no intelligence. Just because so many people do it does not make it good. It just shows that so many people have no intelligence. Which is what we expect to find in the material world anyhow. Sa mahatma sudurlabha, “such a great soul is very rare.”
The Ganesh Mantra is generally defined by many Hindu gurus as “The most well-known money mantra in India. Chant this mantra every day and see what happens in your life! Chant it first thing in the morning, and last thing at night. At the same time visualize your prosperity desires becoming manifest…” This is simply materialism… It is not spiritual. Ganesh is in the material world, the money is in the material world and the worshiper is in the material world and his worship for money will keep him firmly in the material world…
If one has some intelligence and is a little fortunate he knows that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna is within all our hears, Krishna knows everything. He knows what we need, He knows what we want, there is no need to ask Him or anyone else for these things. We are eternally servants and our only business should be to surrender to Krishna and serve Him.
There is absolutely no need whatsoever to worship anyone else except Krishna.
Even Krishna Himself is teaching this to Nanda Maharaja and the residents of Vrindavan. You know that is the story of Krishna lifting the Govardhan Hill. Nanda Maharaja was preparing a yajna to satisfy Lord Indra. But Krishna convinced him to instead offer this yajna to Govardhan Hill who is simply another manifestation of Krishna. So Krishna himself is stressing this point that there is no need to worship the demigods.
Worshiping demigods is done by materialists for material boons that are temporary and really worth nothing. They are “alpha-medasa,” they have very little brain substance. There is no point trying to adjust things in the material world so we will be comfortable. We will experience sometimes a comfortable situation and sometime and uncomfortable situation–depending on our karma–depending on what we deserve. And there is nothing we can do [except chanting Hare Krishna…] that will change that…
So the summary is that only people with very small intelligence worship the demigods.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
Thank you so much for clearing my doubst.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Madhudivsa
I have a question which has been the main concern for me is that, Are there any specific guidelines or procedures to read Bhagavad Gita or can Bhagavad Gita be read any time of the day without any specific procedure?
Please guide me on that.
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Amitabah
There is no specific procedure for reading Bhagavad-gita or specific time to read it. The only thing is if you want to get benefit from it you need to read it in a submissive spirit. You need to hear from Krishna in the same way that Arjuna heard from Krishna. Actually in the beginning Arjuna and Krishna were in the relationship of friends and between friends there is sometimes joking but that is not a very good relationship for understanding spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge has to be heard submissively and respectively from the authority. And in Bhagavad-gita Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the authority and Arjuna is His student. So in the beginning of the Gita Arjuna surrenders to Krishna saying that “I am your disciple, a soul surrendered unto You, please instruct me.”
So this is the mood that is necessary to actually understand Bhagavad-gita. We have to accept that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that He is the authority and hear from Him in that spirit.
But otherwise you can read Bhagavad-gita at any time and there is no specific procedure.
Personally I would suggest that you read aloud the Sanskrit verses because they are all mantras and the sound vibrations of these mantras have spiritual power and I would also suggest reading aloud Srila Prabhupada’s translations and purports of the verses. Because spiritual knowledge is understood actually through hearing much more than by thinking about it in our mind.
So if you read it aloud you will hear it also…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasda
Hare Krsna Prabhu Madhudvisa,
Can Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed be traced to any disciplic succession just like in the Vedic teaching of the parampara system?
Thank you very much for taking your precious time on my question and awaiting your enlightening answer.
Hare Krishna Steven
In Bhagavad-gita 4.7-8 Krishna says:
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion–at that time I descend Myself. In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.
Time in the material world, which is another manifestation of Krishna, destroys everything gradually. So after some time even though the religious principles are properly established by the disciplic succession they are lost or perverted. So there is a constant need for Krishna to incarnate Himself of for Him to send His devotees to reestablish the religious principles time and time again. This is going on all over the world in all the different human societies. So Lord Jesus Christ and Mohammad are examples of empowered personalities sent by Krishna to different parts of the world to reestablish the religious principles. So there is a disciplic succession but it is not visible to us. We do not know who is Jesus’s guru or who is Mohammad’s guru. So it is not known, it is not documented–but they have got their knowledge from somewhere.
The disciplic succession is only clearly documented in the Vedas but it is true that the teachings of Christ and of Mohammada are also related to the Vedas. Ultimately Veda means knowledge. So any knowledge originally comes from the Vedas.
Jesus tried to establish a disciplic succession to transmit his teachings in the future but as always happens in time things get misunderstood and spoiled.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna madhudvisa ji maharaj
thanking you for sending these precious newsletter
well i must say i am really blessed or have done something good that i am receiving knowledge about gita and really someone with whom i can clear my doubts
i have been associated with iskcon earlier.actually our teacher ankita who is an iskcon devotee used to give us the knowledge through lectures and kirtanam in our hostels.i really enjoyed those esp the prashadam.but as college ended we could not connect again but till then i have really believed in krishna.i have read few chapters of bhagvad gita as it is and its really an eye opener and also confusing to me at some points.though i know i can solve those now.
through the lectures i know with chanting u can really connect with god.but sometimes i dont know i dont feel like doing it though there is alwaya a giuilt that krishna does so much for u and u cant spare 10 minutes and then i do chanting.i dont know if i am right i feel there is always a fight going on inside me between good and evil .if i take a step towards good thing like listening to lectures then other day i think maya is playing with me,bribing me with sleepiness laziness and bad thing and the worst part is i get into it though knowing all that is to weaken me.i dont know what to do
krishna is always doing so much for me and i know for every individual .i believe whatever happens in your life is for your own good.
when i was associated with iskcon lectures i used to u know obseve daily and i was really surprised how krishna helps in small small one day i told everyone i will make the prashadam but when i made that quantity was less so the amount which i was saving for my dinner i pour that thinking making prashadam is more important and it shoudnt be less everyone should get it.but when i reached with the prashadam i was surprised with the grace of god some other girls also have made the prashadam so now the total quantity was enough for dinner.i was really thankful to krishna.he is your best friend actually
and having prashadam is really really blissful and it is a powerful thing.when i study i offer some prashadam to krishna and ask his blessings in form of increased concentration and memory well it really is as if the fruit is really know thr miraculous fruit(i know this is selfishness to ask like that but some days i really just ask his blessings only and that always make my day good)and if anything bad happens i know he will show some path..
one more thing i learned that soul is in everywhere in small insects and other animals and they are in there life cycle so now when i see some insect i chant loudly hare krishna and pray to god that its cycle could rapidly finish and he could come to krishnas lotus feet(i do it whenver obviousy i remember)
i try to do one chanting daily and i just pray to god that to help me to be regular in this.
i know i have written a lot and really sorry if i have said something wrong but really looking forward to read the coming newsletter and connect more to krishna consciousness
thanking you again
i hope you read it
hare krishna
Hare Krisna Nikita
I read your letter, thank you very much for sharing it. It is always a struggle for us between maya and Krishna. After all our bodies are made out of maya and our senses are trying to drag us down into maya. But that is very destructive for us. So we have to become strong and choose Krishna, not maya. We can always make the choice. Krishna has given us that independence. We have to make the right choice.
Even if we fail sometimes we have to get up and try again…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
Thank you so much for your valuable mail.
I wanted to know if there is any specific reason behind chanting particularly for 108 times. (The beats of 108). Is 108 related to something?
Hare Krishna Rojina
The reason is that is the minimum number of rounds set by Srila Prabhuapda for his disciples.
Prabhupada made it very clear that if one does not chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily then that person is not his follower.
We can only make advancement by the mercy of the bona fide spiritual master. We have to please him. He has ordered us to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra as his main instruction to us so we have to do it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you very much Madhudvisha Prabhu!
I look forward to the next installment of this news letter!
Radha Kanta das
Hare Krishna,
‘Bhagavad Gita’ is the best book on religion. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita “I am time.” How do you reconcile this with the fact that ‘time’ is an independent entity just like distance and mass?
Thank you,
Hare Krishna Dharmadas
Krishna also says He is the light of the sun, the taste of water. But He is specially time as kala, because for the materialists time destroys everything. So Krshna appears to kill the demons and to protect the devotees. The demons will get defeated, not exactly killed, by Krishna in the form of time and devotees are not affected by time.
You know science knows so little about the world around us. For example science does not know what mass is. They have no explanation for mass. They look in the atom and find all these particles but they have no mass. So mass is mystery to them. Time is also a mystery to them.
If you want to understand time then you have to understand it from Krishna. Time is the all-devouring force that ultimately destroys everything in the material world. And that force is Krishna.
There is no time in the spiritual world. That is something we find hard to imagine. This destructive force of time only exists in the material world.
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Thanks for providing valuable information. I believe time, matter, and space are dependent metaphysical realities of the ONLY Independent Reality- Bhagavan aka Krishna. Am I right?
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
Thank you for your mail. Eagerly waiting for your next mail.
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Prabhuji
First of all thank you so much for creating this site.
I am a student and right now staying in a paying guest(PG). My room mates are all Christians and they go for church every Sunday but since i am the only Hindu in my PG its tough for me to go alone for temple.I rarely go to temple only on very special occasion or festival. I do pray and read Gita daily,I also believe God is every where so from where ever i will pray God can hear me. My doubts is it bad not to go temple and pray only from my room.
Please guide me.
Hare Krishna Rojina
It is nice to go to the temple and worship Krishna if there is a nice temple. But Krishna is everywhere. He is in your heart, he is in your room. You can worship Him anywhere. You can make a simple temple in your room with a picture of Krishna, Picture of Pacnca-Tattva and picture of Srila Prabhuapda. It can be very small. And you can pray to Krishna there, you can offer bhoga to Krishna and then respect the Krishna Prasadam.
Going to the temple is nice but if we can’t go to the temple then our business of Krishna consciousness has to go on. The main thing is you become determined to chant Hare Krishna and serve Krishna in any situation in your life.
If you have some specific questions you can write here and I can attempt to answer.
Hare Krsna, Madhudvisa dasa!
It’s very interesting to know others’ views on articles of Krsna, I would like to understand why Tulasi is Krishna’s favourite plant and why this tree is respected and worshipped all over India!
I’m just curious as to why it so sacred.
I would like to thank you so much.
It is good for me to be in constant contact with devotees
Anju Patel
Dear Sir,
I have always question in my mind. As we know frm gita soul leaves body and gets another body. If we anlyze clearly what exactly happens to soul ones it leaves body. Whare it goes? waht exactly happens before it takes another body?
This information is all there in Bhagavad-gita Prabhu. You should read it. You will always have questions if you don’t read the books like Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Srila Prabhuapda that have all the answers in them.
You can read online at or purchase at
Pranaams Madhudvisa Prabhu.
Have recently been blessed with your association on the path of Krishna consciousness.
Grateful for the mails / krishna connect.
The very first baby steps on the path make me feel Joyous.
Hare Krishna
Hare krishna Prabhu… am Ganesh from INDIA i would like to ask you one question… i.e. wat is ths guru issue going on all these iskcon temples & whom do you think is right???? do u agree with wat all G.B.C is donig??
Hare Krishna Ganesh
Prabhupada is right on the Guru issue Prabhu.
Please read his books.
ISKCON is most certainly not right. Do not listen to them… That will lead you down the path to hell. The will tell you that the guru does not have to be a liberated soul. He does not have to be a pure devotee, he does not have to be a paramahamsa. It doesn’t even matter if he is not chanting 16 rounds or following the four regulative principles. Does not matter. As long as he is surrendered to the GBC and serving the GBC nicely. Then he is a bona fide ISKCON guru…
This is nonsense. NONSENSE. And no sane man can accept such nonsense. Therefore ISKCON drive all sane men out of their temples….
It has become a rather crazy place unfortunately.
Anyone who can believe that the guru does not have to be liberated has missed the most basic, most fundamental principle of the guru-disciple relationship and the most basic teaching of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita:
tad viddhi praṇipātena paripraśnena sevayā
upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ
Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth.
Prabhu this is Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead speaking Himself. Krishna clearly describes the spiritual master here as a self-realized soul who has has seen the truth. And it is this very fact that enables the bona fide spiritual master to impart the truth to his disciples. He can do this because he is a self-realized soul who has seen the truth himself!
Prabhu if you say this in ISKCON today they will throw you out of the temple. If you just repeat Krishna’s words!!! ISKCON have rebelled against Krishna. They do not accept Krishna’s words. The GBC knows better than Krishna Prabhu. GBC has declared that Krishna is wrong. And if you want to be in ISKCON you have to follow the GBC, not Krishna!!!
This is all crazy, this is insane. But it is true.
Krishna says that the very thing that that enables the spiritual master to reveal the truth to his disciples is that he is a self-realized soul who has seen the truth.
The GBC disagrees with Krishna. They say NO. The spiritual master does not have to be self-realized. He does not have to have seen the truth…
They are blinded Prabhu. They so much want disciples, follower, fame, profit, adoration, distinction, they want to be worshiped as gurus. But there is a little problem. Guru has to be self-realized… Otherwise he has not seen the truth himself and if he has not seen the truth himself he can not give it to his disciples…
Solution. GBC Resolution: “Krishna is wrong. The guru does not have to be self-realized, the guru does not have to have seen the truth…”
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu! Straight sauce! keep it coming. Your servant, Ishan das
pamho madhudvisa prabhu agtACBSP thank you very much for your sadhu sanga through the newsletter i feel blessed by someone who is very close to SRILA PRABHUPADA like you i worship sankaracarya as vaisnavam yatha sambhu as you mention to me i don’t like mayavadi philosophy even if i still trying to come out from mayavadi mentality due to lack of realization regarding the supreme personality of godhead SRI KRSNA BHAGAVAT i’m a sincere sadhaka bhakta by reading the BHAGAVAD GITA daily and chanting by your mercy guru and sastra try to get out from this prison house make by gunas and karma i just keep doing good smile to bad sort until i will smile forever with tadiyanam samarcanam free from the bodily concept of life all glories to your service prabhu dandavats daso smi seva das haribol
Would wish to discuss the core concepts of Gita, in light of modern day?
All knowledge and its application is need based, need of that particular time isn’t it?
Hare Krishna Rahul
The core concepts of the Gita are timeless and universally applicable. ‘
They are just as rielevant now as they were 5000 years ago when Krishna spoke them to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kuruksettra.
These concepts are relevant to our very existence and the nature of this world and the nature of our selves and our purpose.
These things do not change over time.
For example the knowledge that Krishna gives that we are not the material body but are the eternal spiritual soul within the body and that we are travelling practically eternally from one body to another. The knowledge that this life is just one step in many, many lives. The knowledge that there is another world, a spiritual world, a place where we can be eternally happy.
The amazing thing about the Bhagavad-gita is it is timeless and it always captures the minds and the intellect of the thoughtful people no matter what time they live in or what country they live in.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Really loved your newsletter. I’m waiting for the next.
Hope I can learn much more about Krishna Consciousness through you.
Hare Krishna
I would like to know how to chant ‘GITA’. Is there any time, how long and silently it should be read? Please clarify my doubts.
Hare Krishna Megha
It is very auspicious to chant the Gita verses aloud. Some devotees chant one chapter of the Gita each day, and if you do this after 18 days you will have chanted all the verses in the gita. Some devotees learn one particular chapter by heart and chant that every day.
If you want to chant whole gita, 18 chapters, you can also do that daily.
So there are no rules but chanting aloud is best. So you can hear it. Veda means sruti, to hear, or by hearing. We learn by hearing.
You also need to read Srila Prabhupada’s purports to get the correct understanding of the verses. So you can make some program that suits your own program. Maybe chanting aloud the Sanskrit for one chapter of the Gita daily and reading some verses complete with Srila Prabhuapda’s purports…
Exactly what you do is up to you but it is best and very auspicious to chant the Bhagavad-gita verses aloud and best to set up a regular daily program.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pamho agtACBSP thank you very much for your precious sadhu sanga i’m reading your newsletter and i feel the spiritual benefit by hearing that by senior devotees of HDG ACBSP who got many years of experience in SRI KRSNA SMARANA like you thank you agtys dandavats daso smi seva das haribol
pamho agt ACBSP to tell you the truth just the BHAGAVAD GITA THE MAHA MANTRA SRILA PRABHUPADA and all the GAURA BHAKTA VRINDA through hg madhudvisa prabhu keep me going with my daily sadhana bhakti i been reading the GITA MAHATMYA for one year and the result is that i start 5 month ago to read the BHAGAVAD GITA everyday i still read the GITA MAHATMYA i lke that verse 4 where SRIPAD SHANKARACHARYA SAYS GITA SUGITA KARTAVYA KIM ANYAIH SASTRA VISTARAIH i start to feel that is really very melodious by take the habit to read the GITA everyday is true there is no need to study any other scriptures in detail says SRIPAD SHANKARACHARYA all the warrior got the own svarupa by listen the BHAGAVAD GITA in KURUKSETRA DHAM in the same way whoever listen the GITA from bonafide reppresentative of ACBSP like hg madhudvisa prabhu will get unlimited spiritual benefit ys bh sebastian
Hare Krishna Sebasitan
It is nice and you know Sankaracaraya is Lord Shiva and Shiva is the greatest Vaisnava. So he knows Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and has written that in his baja govindam baja govindam mudha mathe. Speaking to his followers he is saying “You fools simply worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda.” So you should do that Prabhu, just worship Govinda. The problem with Sankaracarya is that his mission is to reestablish the authority of the Vedas by preaching “veiled Buddhism.” So the preaching of Sankaracharya is very poisonous actually. Mayavadi philosophy. So you do not want to have anything to do with the Mayavadi philosophy of Sankara. That will spoil your brain and you will never be able to understand Krishna bhakti…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna
I am fascinated by Krishna and his devotees
madhudvisa dasa initially ask you how to live this love for krishna
Dear madhudvisa prabhu ji,
pranam,pamho all glories to srila prabhupada thanx for sending this wonderful nectar of bhagvad gita I totally agree it is with the
blessings of prabhupada that u are able to relate this wonder ful history of gita krishna himself is the reservoir of all sources.We have to surrender completely into him it is only with his kripa that we are able to get true knowledge.
master, please let me know how can a man control his mind by destroying all the evil thoughts from his mind and we say that our soul knows everything how can we discover that and the last thing is that how will i become wise and genius…. please help me.
Hare Krsna,
I have fervently read the post you forwarded my Sir,
Whilst one of My friends told me something I did not like to hear for the rest of my life.Because of which I must glide down to hell. Please help me from this danger. He told that He has heard that once devrsi Narada went and asked Lord Vishnu to award him A beautiful body so that he can marry mohini(incarnation of Goddess Lakshmiji)and the Lord asked what type of beauty you want? Narada muni answered that He wanted to become Hari and was awarded the body of a monkey as monkey is also ameaning of Hari.When HE went to the swayamvar ceremony everyone laughed at him.And He cursed lord Vishnu that he will lose his Mohini and that His help as a monkey will be needed by Lord Vishnu.)
I can’t understand this because I have not come across this in Srimad Bhagwatam uptill 7’th canto.Rest I have not read .So I need YOur great Help .I pray at your lotus feet to enlighten me so that I can enlighten the colleague At my work place.
Thanking you.
Your humble servant
Hare Krishna Bala
There are so many stories. Some true, some partially true and some completely untrue. And in India these stories are all mixed up so no one is actually certain what is what. Over the years so many people have just made up stories and they are passed down. This story we do not find in Srimad-Bhagavatam. It may be there perhaps in some other Vedic literature, who knows. But for us we are not very concerned about these stories. There are so many and there is no way of knowing if they are bona fide or not.
We simply take the mission of presenting the knowledge of Krishna consciousness as it descends to us through the param-para, through Srila Prabhupada. We are not interested in any outside stories.
Some of these other stories are true and some are false and as I said some are a mixture of truth and untruth…
We will simply stick to what we know is the absolute truth. The knowledge Srila Prabhuapda gives us.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I have a great confusion regarding the Ishwar concept. Kindly guide me through it. Rishi Vedavyasa adresses Lord Vishnu as Ishwar in Vishnu Puran. But Lord Shiva is called Ishwar. His name is Ishwar. Even Sri Rama called Lord Shiv as Ishwar. He named a place as Ramasya Ishwarah atha Rameshwarah. Which means Rama is addressing Lord Shiv as my Ishwar? And in Gita Lord Krishna proclaims that he is Ishwar. Our entire vedic culture is a confused lot. In Vishnu Puran, vedavyasa tells that Vishnu was born as a child first and then he created Brahma and Shiva. Whereas the same Vedavyasa, in Shiv Puran says Shiv came first and then he created Vishnu and Brahma. Kindly clear this. I still have thousand such confusions in my mind.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Manjunath
Isvara means controller. Vedavyasa addresses Krishna as Param-Isvara. Means the supreme controller. He addresses Lord Siva as Isvara, never Param-Isvara.
So there are many controllers. Lord Siva is certainly Isvara. But Krishna, Visnu, is Param-Isvara.
It is not the Vedic culture that is confused, it is the Indians. What has happened in India over the past 100 years or so is very unfortunate. The English were there suppressing the Vedic culture and training the Indians that everything British is good and everything Indian is primitave. Then after Gandhi got independence there have been a string of Mayavadi preachers who have become prominent in India and who have just confused the Indians more and more.
So Indians are confused a lot about the Vedic culture. The Vedic culture is not confused. All your confusion will be quickly cleared up if you simply study the books of Srila Prabhupada.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Manjunath,
Let us at least agree that whether you worship Lord Shiva or Lord vishnu, you are in very good company. As disciples of Srila Prabhupada, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, we have not been exposed to the contents of Shiva Puranum.
As you may know there are 18 Puranas. Of these 18, 6 are for those who are primarily in tamo guna, 6 for those in raja guna and 6 for those in sattva guna. Vedas are very liberal in that they are able to accommodate all kinds of people, with all kinds of aspirations and inclinations.
There are some who wish mukti in the form of impersonal merging of consciousness into the brahmajyoti. There are some who are after all kinds of material success by worshipping the different devas. There are those who wish to take birth on the planets of the devas. And there are those who are in pursuit of siddhis or mystic powers of which there are 8 in number. Also, we have the standard Varnashram Dharma for maintaining a progressive social system whereby all can fulfill their respective duties while simultaneously making spiritual progress. So there is a great deal of information to distill if we are to come up with the essential conclusions.
Fortunately, Lord Sri Krishna has done much of this for us in the Bhagavad-gita. In the first place, let us agree that our discussion is within the context of the Vedic literatures. In Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krishna says:
“vedaish ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedanta-krid veda-vid eva chaham” Bg.15/15
Trans: “By all the Vedas am I to be known; indeed I am the compiler of the Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.”
So here in this verse, Krishna proclaims that He knows the meaning of the Vedas because He is the actual author of the Vedas. And His conclusion is that all of the Vedas are ultmiately geared towards knowing Krishna. In other words , although there are so many instructions in Veda, all of these instructions are part and parcel of the progressive path that lead to Krishna.
And this concept is repeated in Bhagavad-gita in different ways. Above, it is stated through the medium of “Veda”. In order to press His point, Krishna makes the same statement through the medium of “yoga” and through the medium of “dharma”.
Regarding the path of Yoga, Krishna says:
“yoginam api sarvesham
shradhavan bhajate yo mam
sa me yuktatamo matah” Bg. 6/47
Trans: “And of all yogis, he who always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all.”
And if we consider the context of Dharma, Krishna again says:
“sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam sharanam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
mokshayishyami ma shuchah” Bg. 18/66
Trans: “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.”
So according to Krishna, all of the Vedic literature is meant for leading one to Krishna; the greatest yogi is one who worships Krishna within the core of his heart; and the perfection of all dharma is to cast aside all subordinate ideas of duty and so-forth and simply surrender oneself at Krishna’s lotus feet.
Let me say that there are scores of such statements made about Krishna and by Lord Krishna in the Vedas, and it would take a book to assemble them all together.
Let us also remember that whenever we see Lord Shiva, He is wearing His mala and sitting in meditation. And it is understood that the object of His meditation is Lord Krishna. There is one statement made by Lord Shiva, when He is instructing Parvati, that the highest form of worship is the Worship of Lord Vishnu. Futher, in Srimad Bhagavatam, the Bhagavat Puranam, is declared: “ete chamsa kala pumsam, krishnas tu bhagavan svayam”, which states that although there are so many avatars of Lord vishnu, Krishna is the source of all of these Vishnu incarnations.
This is not to say that vaishnavas are not respectful to Lord Shiva. Actually Lord Shiva is regarded as the greatest vaishnava, the greatest worshiper of Lord Krishna. And Lord Krishna instructs that as far as He is concerned, He is more moved when one worships His devotees than when one worhships Krishna HImself. And that is because it is from the pure devotee of Krishna that one can obtain the ability to love Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada is one such pure devotee of Krishna. He is coming in the line of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is declared in shastra as Krishna Himself Who is taking the role of a Krishna bhakta in order to spread love of Krishna through the process of chanting the Maha Mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
One this web site you can acquire so many conclusive scriptures with commentary by Srila Prabhupada, beginning with Bhagavad-gita. I sincerely urge you, in all humility, to acquire one Bhagavad-gita here in order to obtain the actual understanding of the words of our Lord Sri Krishna, without any extraneous interpretation (as is so much the case when rendered by so-called scholars, and impersonalist authors who wish to remove Krishna from the text of Bhagavad-gita, replacing His words with their own impersonal ideas.)
Thank you for your wonderful and enlivening questions. I sincerely hope this is helpful for you.
Ishan das
I have been enjoing the beautiful nurturing articles/newslstters. However, for the last two weeks, I haven’t got any article. If possible please send me more articles. I am now in my second book (First Canto – Part two/SRIMAD/BAGAVATAM). I am also reading the Gita.
Two of my friends will join after the holidays. Thank you for all the articles in the website and your insights for the questions.
Hare Krishna,
sara tzeggai
Sir,I have just purchased a Bengali version of the GITA and in one place it is said that whatever we do, it must be done keeping in mind that The Lord Himself is acting through us(correct me if I am wrong) and that all work must be done if it is our duty to do it without judging whether it is right or wrong….why shouldn’t we judge our work?(P.S. I don’t want to commit any sins).I am just 20 years old and some of my friends even ridicule me for reading spiritual texts,is it only the right of old people to follow religious texts,it isn’t right?
Hare Krishan Sambit
The problem is many people write translations and comments on the Gita but they do not let Krishna speak. They speak themselves. So there are so many confusing and incorrect commentaries on the Gita. I suggest you get Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and the English one, you can obviously read English because you are writing it nicely. And read Srila Prabhuapda’s gita AS IT IS. The special quality of Srila Prabhuapda’s gita is he is not putting in his own ideas. He is truly representing Krishna and presenting Krishna’s ideas.
You can read it online at
You are of course right to be reading spiritual texts as a young man. This is not simply the right of old men at all. That is what the purpose of the human form of life is, to question our existence and position in this world and to find a way out of the cycle of samsara, the cycle of repeated birth and death. And the answers to these important questions one can find in the Vedic texts.
Prahlada Maharaja was a young student and his advice to his school friends was that now they are young and they should use this time to understand the Bhagavata dharma. He was advising them to not waste even a moment of this valuable human form of life…
There are so many examples of young men perfecting their lives by reading the Vedic texts even in the texts themselves. You know Sukadeva Goswami was only a 16 year old boy when he was call on by the sages of Namasrayana to recite the Srimad-Bhagavatam in the presence of all the greatest “old men” of his time.
So it is a question of realization. We are not the body. We are not old men or young men. We are the spirit soul present within the body and we have been traveling from one body to another since time immemorial. So we are all very old actually.
So what they are telling you is nonsense. Study Srila Prabhupada’s books in English and you will find so much wonderful knowledge there.
The quote you have given from Bhagavad-gita is not in Bhagavad-gita, at least not exactly like you are interpreting it. Krishna has given us a little independence. So He has given us the choice that we can either work for Him or we can work for Maya. That is our independence. That is our choice. So we should always be careful to choose to serve Krishna and refuse to serve maya…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Sambit,
You are most probably familiar with Mahabharata, which is the context in which the Bhagavad-gita is spoken to Arjuna on the Battlefield at Kurukshetra. As you will recall, Arjuna was perplexed for so many reasons.
Arjuna’s beloved grandfather, Bhishma, was facing him as an opponent on the other side. Also, Arjuna’s beloved guru, Dronacharya, was on the opposing side. Actually Arjuna gave so many reasons, why he thought that he should not engage in this battle. And further, if we examine Arjuna’s logic, we can see that all of his objections against engaging in fighting are based on shastric injunction. And yet, as a Kshatriya, as a warrior, it was Arjuna’s dharmic duty to help his brother, Yudhisthira, achieve his rightful claim to the throne.
And this brings us to focus on the aspect of your question dealing with work, duty, right and wrong actions, and being obliged to fulfill our duties, even though they may seem distateful to us because of so many conflicts of interest.
And this is the way of material activities. These conflicts will always arise because within the scope of material nature, we find again and again that if we wish to be a pious person, a moral person, the completion of one dharmic obligation causes us transgress upon another dharmic consideration. And therefore we require guidance. And Krishna is providing this guidance – both for Arjuna, and for ourselves.
Actually, Krishna is instructing Arjuna or various levels of consideration. With respect to your question, Krishna is saying that killing one’s relatives may be very painful, but, the dharmic obligation of the kshatriya is a principle (in that specific situation) which must be given preference over the principle of respecting one’s guru, or one’s grandfather, no matter how beloved these persons may be. In other words, it may appear to be “wrong” to kill such persons, but we must surrender to whatever is given the highest priority by Krishna.
Actually, in this day and age, in this Kali Yuga, Varnashram Dharma, as mapped out in shastra will be very difficult to implement. And even if you are willing, where will you find a qualified brahmana who can guide you through the complexities that will arise in trying to apply these principles?
And therefore Krishna cuts through all of the red tape of dharmic considerations. In Bhagavad-gita, chapter 18, verse 57, Krishna instructs us:
“In all activities just depend upon Me and and always act under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me.”
So, how do we act under Krishna’s protection? In chapter 9, verse 27 and 28, Krishna provides the sublime solution:
9/27 “O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering to Me.”
9/28 “In this way you will be freed from all reactions to good and evil deeds, and by this principle of renunciataion you will be liberated and come to Me.”
And in the 18th chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Krishna cements this same instruction for ultimate emphasis in verse 66 wherein He states:
sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam sharanam vraja
aham tvam sarva papebhyo
mokshayishyami ma shuchah
18/66 “Abandon all varieties of religion (sarva-dharman) and just surrender to Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction (sarva-papebhyo). Do not fear.”
This process of surrendering to Krishna, by simply trying to please Krishna in all of our activities, in an attitiude of faith and love, is all that is required. Krishna Himself promises to protect us from all karmic reaction, good or bad. This Krishna Consciousnes, as precribed by Krishna, is not about being a good person from the material point of view. Krishna Consciousness begins on the liberated platform of devotional connection (yoga) in relationship with Krishna. Such Krishna Conscious activity relieves one from the bondage of karma, which forces one to return again to this material realm, where all are subjected to the dreadful process of samsara, repetition in the cycle of birth, old age, disease and death. Therefore, all karma, whether we call it good or bad karma, is all bad, and therefore to aspire for good karma is a less intelligent position. Real intelligence is to engage in pure devotional service to Krishna and return to Krishna Loka to live in eternal blissful relationship with Krishna.
Most dear Sambit, I humbly request that you purchase, through this web site, one copy of Bahgavad-gita As It Is, by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, so that you can become firmly convinced of these wonderful conclusions.
And always keep the holy name of krishna in your heart and on your tongue by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Thank you so much for your sincere question.
Ishan das
I have simple question,
Highest stage of spiritual realization is through
Sadhana or Devotion?
Can you explain me in detail each meaning.
Link between both
Hare Krishna Mudunri
Devotion is only developed through sadhana. Generally. There are some exceptions. For example the gopis in Vrindavan, they were simply in love with Krishna, devotion, they had no saddhana. But they were not ordinary souls…
The general process is the spiritual master engages the disciple in saddhana-bhakti. That means serving the spiritual master and Krishna by following the rules and regulations, saddhana. And in the course of executing this saddhana the disciple gradually comes to the point of actually feeling transcendental pleasure from the service and become fixed up and starts to act out of love for Krishna. So then he works because he loves Krishna and wants to serve Krishna instead of simply because his spiritual master has ordered so he feels he should follow.
So it is not that saddhana or bhakti. It is a path and that path starts with the disciple performing saddhana-bhakti under the direction of the bona fide spiritual master and the disciple gradually progresses to the point where through this saddhana he develops prema or love for Krishna and at that point his saddhana turns into bhakti.
So bhakti, love, is the goal, and this can be achieved through saddhana.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
thx a lot
for giving your time for explaining me
!Hare Krishna!
Hello, Thanks for the e mail, I am from argentina and it takes some time to traslate it. Im trying to change myself espiritually; recently I have lost my father and I was very sad all the time. But a few days ago, I began to read about Hare Krishna and I’m interesting about knowing more and more.
Dear Maria,
Hare Krishna! Please forgive us for not writing to you sooner. Almost all of the writings of Srila Prabhupada have been translated into the Spanish language. If you search on the web for Bhagavad-gita Spanish or Bhagavad-gita Espaneol, you will find many sites where this is available. Please be sure that the translation is made by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. That will keep the meaning according to the original intention of Lord Krishna when He spoke the Bhagavad-gita.
Thank you so much for your interest in Krishna. Actually we are all one family and Lord Krishna is the Eternal Father of everyone. Other religions speak of God as our Father, but give very little information about our Father, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna. They are all the same Person, but only the Vedic literature gives us information so that we can actually develope our love for Krishna.
I hope that this is helpful for you. Hare Krishna! Ishan das
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare hare ! Om !
Thanks for the news letter.It is very informative.Especially the fact that the Bhagwadgita was first narrated to Sun God Vivasvan.Kindly elaborate it with emphasis on the meditational or praying aspect and the relevance of offering water to Sun.Whether it is going to further improvise the gaining of knowledge about Gita with Chanting of Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare …….”
With reverence
Hare krsna! Madhudvisa dasa,
I am very happy that you sent me email on the topic- The spirit of Bhagvad gita.I enjoyed reading it.I’m also reading Bhagvad gita.But I have some questions-
1) In the newsletter it is said that all the great authorities in the past had accepted Krsna.Isn’t it accepted only in the Eastern countries? Did the western also aceept it at that time? Didn’t they worship god other than krsna?
2)The slokas of Bhagvad gita are in Sanskrit & isn’t Sanskrit taught only in Eastern? So,this shows different parts of the world should have different religions, isn’t it? Plz clarify me.
Hare Krishna Prabin
Krishna is God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is not for India alone. There is no God, no Supreme Person, other than Krishna. So in other countries when they are worshiping God they are worshiping Krishna. India is special, punya-bhumi, the land of pious activities and so many incarnations of Krishna have appeared there and so many great sages and there are so many holy places of pilgrimage. So in India in the Vedas knowledge of Krishna, God is given very elaborately. But the same knowledge, in summary form, is also given by Krishna’s empowered representatives in the other countries to the degree to which the people at the time have the capacity to understand.
Krishna does not see the distinctions and designations we have set up on this planet. He loves everyone. He does not love Indians and not love Americans…
Bhagavad-gita can be translated into any language. There is no need to learn Sanskrit to understand it. Bhagavad-gita is the natural progression for anyone anywhere in the world who is interested in studying the nature of the universe and God when the want to go more deeply into the subject matter than is possible in the scriptures of their own country.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
If this birth is based on last birth karma’s then we have to face the consequences in this birth as decided by GOD , then how GITA can help us in current birth , if yes then How or no then do we understand that it is helping only for the next bith ??
Dear Shalabh, Hare Krishna!
If I understand your question correctly, the Bhagavad-gita is not advice for how to improve our karmic situation. Actually, in the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna instructs us that only persons who are less intelligent are concerned with generating good karma.
Whether we are accepting the fruits of our good karma from a previous birth or generating good karma for a next birth, from the perspective of Bhagavad-gita, all karma is bad. Because as long as there is karma, good or bad, this means we must take birth again in the material world. And taking birth in the material world means that all of us have to experience repeatedly, the process of birth, old age, disease and death. So good karma can be compared to being moved to a better room within a prison for some period of time. But the more intelligent prisoner does not aspire for a better room in the prison. He aspires after getting out of the prison once and for all and not coming back. That is real intelligence.
So whatever our position presently in this material world, good or bad, high or low, our Lord Sri Krishna advises us to give up all ideas of dharma and karma and simply try to love Krishna, give Him our hearts, without any concern about karma. In return, Krishna says, He will deliver us from all karma, good and bad, and arrange that we do not have to come back to this miserabe material world.
This developement of our love for Krishna is actually a re-awakening of our dormant love for Krishna. It is already there in our hearts. And the process of re-awakening our dormant love for Krishna is called bhakti-yoga. When our love for Krishna is fully awakened, then Krishna promises to take us back home to the spiritual realm, Krishna Loka, Vaikuntha, where we can live with Krishna eternally, in boundless happiness.
The foremost instruction of the the Vedas for the bhakti-yoga process for re-awakening our dormant love for Krishna, in this present age of Kali Yuga,is the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
So if you will take up this chanting process, both on your own and with others, and if you will order for yourself one Bhagavad-gita As It Is, By A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (from this web site), you will be immediately on the path back to home, back to Godhead, and your life will be successful.
Hare Krishna! I sincerely hope that this answers your question. We are here for you. Thank you for writing to us.
Ishan das
i am serving in indian as per military rule i am not supposed to wear anything around neck or wearing wat can i do????
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Wearing the Tilak and kunti-mala around your neck are important. But the most important thing is that you remember Krishna and you chant Hare Krishna. So if you can not wear the tilak and tulsi neck beads in the navy that does not mean you can not remember Krishna and chant Hare Krishna.
You can ask for an exception on religious grounds and the Indian Navy may approve of this. But even if they don’t not wearing the tilak and kunti does not have to effect your advancement in Krishna consciousness.
Is it true that except Bhagavad Gita as it is all other publication of Gita should not be read.SRILA PRABHUPAD ALSO TRANSLATED THE GITA,SO HOW CAN WE ACCEPT THAT IT IS AS IT IS.PLEASE CLARIFY IT.
Hare Krishna
The problem with so many translations of Bhagavad-gita is that they are not strictly speaking translations. In most cases the author has some idea, some philosophy that he believes in and when he translates and writes his commentary on the gita actually it is his philosophy that he is writing, not Krishna’s.
This is so common. There are now thousands of translations of the gita all over the world and practically all of them have been written by some person to fulfill that persons ambitions and to present his philosophy.
Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is is truly unique in that he really is not presenting his ideas at all. He is simply letting Krishna speak. And this is very rare. I am not aware of any other Gita where the author allows Krishna to speak like this without interjecting with his own philosophy.
So, yes, we should only read Prabhupada’s Gita. Because we know that is bona fide. We know that has the power to spread the true message of Krishna. It is proven. So many people from all the countries all over the world have become devotees of Krishna simply by reading Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This has never happened with any other translation of the gita. So Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is is very special and we should read it and take full advantage of it.
Dear Laxmidhar, Hare krishna! I am in total agreement with my god-brother Madhudvisa Prabhu. I have given this very question a lot of consideration. You see, if you get together a group of sanskrit scholars and ask them what is the translation of the sanskrit verses in the Bhagavad-gita, into English or any other language – the scholars will all agree on the literal translation of the verse in question. In other words, they will all agree that the direct translation of the verse is such and such. But when it comes to explaining the real meaning of the the Bhagavad-gita, the scholar or writer will say, “Yes, this verse says such and such, according to sanskrit dictionary definition of words, and all scholars will agree. However (the individual scholar will continue), you cannot take the verse literally. It says this but it does not mean this. It means something else.” I have actually seen this in different Gitas myself. But in Srila Prabhupada’s case, he will say, “Krishna has said this in this verse and therefore we must accept that Krishna means this. We do not have to guess or speculate on what Krishna means. We simply have to accept what Krishna says and take it literally. In that way we will have the perfect understanding of Bhagavad-gita.”
So it is not a question of who has the better philosophical interpretation of what Krishna is saying. There is no need for philosophical interpretation. The others who comment on Bhagavad-gita will give their own speculative philosophical interpretation – and Srila Prabhupada will say “Krishna says this and Krishna means exactly what he says.” Game over.
On the word for word, all scholars will agree, and from that runway they fly in all different directions. But Srila Prabhupada will not fly. The runway and the destination are one and the same.
As Madhudvisa Prabhu always says, Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Thank you for you question.
Ishan das
hare krishna,
according to me bhagwatgita is right path of life how to survive in real life
I mast contact ISKCON in Greece to initiate bhakti and donate money.
I need nothing else this moment. I have a hard time locating them. I do not even know if ISKCON still exists in my country.
PLEASE give any contact info you have available of ISKCON in Greece. My introductory spiritual teacher was Aishwarya.
What I m thinking is very simple. Afterlife and Krishna are real and trully exist they are not phylosophical concepts as some not so advanced yet may think.
I only want to be assosiated one way or another with bhakti and donations to Krishna Concience and nothing more in my life. I also want ot visit Ram Bahadur Bomjon in Nepal. Thank you! Please Help if you can!
Hare Krishna Elias
I have no idea if ISKCON exists in Greece. I know it has always been very small there. But in any case I can answer your questions and help you here at
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Greetings! I have started yoga several months ago and am geeting deeper into my practice, how will this help me spiritually? I feel like I am half Christian and half Hindu!
Hare Krishna, Kimberly,
I do not know what is the extent of your yoga practise. To most westerners, yoga means the physical postures and then the breathing exercises. Asana and pranayama. These are the first 2 steps in the ladder of yoga. These steps prepare the practitioner for meditation, finally culminating with the mind fixed on the form of the Supreme Lord within the mind or heart of the practitioner.
According to the Vedic literatures which are the ancient textbooks on yoga, this 8-step system, culminating in a trance of absorption, in the inner worship of the Supreme Lord, is simply not possible in this age. It is a bonafide practice for the developement of love of God – but not in this day and age. Today we are in the age referred to in Veda as Kali Yuga. Yuga means age. This Kali Yuga has begun 5000 years ago, and lasts for approximately another 400,000 years. It is an age of great progressive degradation. The Kali Yuga has only just begun, and already, as you can easily understand, all of our leaders are cheaters. The world is full of choas on every level, and everywhere there are wars. The people are simply exploited, and don’t know where to turn for guidance and protection. And the same is true in the “religious” aspect of our lives. The Catholic church for example is a vipers’ nest of child molesters, and the Pope has done nothing practical to arrest this horrendus condition. That is only one small example of religious leadership in this age. The same goes for so many so-called teachers of yoga. What they are teaching is fine as far as exercise and health are concerned. But as far as spiritual progress goes, the Vedic literatures teach us the same message as His Divine Grace Jesus Christ has taught. Jesus taught that where two or more are gathered in his name, he is actually present. And the Vedic literatures instruct that in this age the process for revival of our loving relationship with
God, the Father, is to vibrate the names of God, especially the congrgational singing of the names of God. In Veda, in the Sanskrit language, this congregational chanting is referred to as Sankirtan. Kirtan means to glorify the Lord by chanting His holy names. “Our Father, Who art in Heaven, holy is Your Name” This prayer was given by Jesus. And “san”, in front of “kirtan”, “san” means together, as in the word “sanga”, association. So there is no difference in these instructions, between Veda and The New Testament, if one actually follows these instructions instead of concocting one’s own unauthorized process.
So let us examine the prayer taught by Jesus. ” Our Father Who is in heaven, in the spiritual realm, Your name is sacred, holy. And if we take up the chanting of Your Name, what will be the result? The result will be – Thy Kingdom come, and Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven” So Jesus is instructing that if we take up the chanting of the holy Name of God, the result will be that we can create a spiritual atmosphere right here on earth, just as it is in the spiritual realm of God, and in such an enhanced, auspicious atmosphere, people will automatically become instruments of God’s wondrous power and hence, Thy will be done, on earth, just as it is in the spiritual realm.
As you can see, we are not concocting anything. We are quoting scripture, the New Testament.
The same process is prescribed for us to follow in this age in the Vedic literature. Congregational chanting of the Holy names of God. Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, an incarnation of God Himself appeared in India some 500 years ago, as predicted in the Vedic literatures and He also made the following statement:
“All glories to the congregational chanting of the holy names of God. This glorification process (sankirtan) is the prime benediction for humanity at large. It’s practice spreads benediction everywhere. It gives life to our spiritual growth. It increases like a great ocean of spiritual experience, making everyone very blissful. It gives us a taste of the real nectar of spiritul flavor that our hearts are seaching for.”
Actually, the scriptures that the “Hindus” follow do not use the word Hindu anywhere in the scriptures. This is a name supplied by foreign imperialists, and was consquently taken up by the people of India themselves. So it would be more appropriate for you to say that you are feeling like you are half a person who is following Jesus, and half a person who is following the Vedas. All instructions on Yoga come from the Vedic literature. And the Vedic literature states that the yoga process, the union process between the individual and God, in this day and age, is the congregational chanting of the holy names of God, or Sankirtan. Anyone who poses as a teacher of yoga and states otherwise is a cheater.
So whether you follow Jesus or Vedic literature the process is one and the same and there is no need to feel divided or confused in any way.
According to Veda, the Name of God is Krishna. Krishna means “all attractive”. God is all attractive. Everything on earth that we are attracted to comes from God. The only difference is that whatever is attractive here on earth exists in God millions of times over. He is the richest, the real owner of everything. He is the source of everything beautiful, and He is the embodiment of unlimited unimaginable beauty. He is more powerful than any power we know of by millions of times.He is more famous than any famed being as He has been known to humans for countless ganerations all over the world. He is omniscient and His knowledge is all-encompassing. And he loves us, even though we forget Him or even deny Him and therefore is is most renounced. And because He possesses all of these 6 qualities to an unlimited degree, simultaneously, therefore He is so attractive. Therefore the Vedas instruct that God’s foremost name is Krishna, the all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Please order one Bhagavad-gita As it Is from this web site, and read all about Lord Krishna. And chant the names of Krishna as prescribed by Veda as the yogic process for this age:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Krishna is God. Hara is the feminine counterpart, the Consort of God, and Rama is the name for Krishna that indicates that the highest pleasure of Krishna is in His eternal loving exchanges with His eternal Consort, also known as Radha. Therefore Krishna is sometimes called Radharaman, He who takes pleasure in His loving exchanges with Radha.
So to chant Hare Krishna is to glorify and take pleasure in God’s pleasure, in Krishna’s pleasure. To live a life dedicated to taking pleasure in the pleaure of God is the perfection of yoga.
Hare Krishna , Kimberly. Thank you for your wonderful question. Please, you must order one Bhagavad-gita As It Is, by His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who has brought this bonafide message of Krishna to the western world.
Most sincerely, Ishan das
it is said that our life is already written then is it a game and we are a player and somebody is making us to play as per his wish
Hare Krishna Raghav
It is partially true. But it is not true that “somebody is making us to play as per his wish.”
Our life is already written. But we have written it ourselves. We are eternal spirit souls so we have a history, we existed before taking birth in this particular body, and we did many things in our previous births. So every action in the material world generates a reaction, karma. Therefore at the time of death we have many karmic reactions stored within our hearts that we have not yet experienced, so we have to take another material birth to experience these karmic reactions.
So what is written is all these karmic reactions, but we have written that, according to our activities in our previous lives.
Generally speaking, for a materialistic person, he is completely controlled and does not really have any independence. He is forced to act by the modes of material nature in such a way that his karma and the karma of the other living entities he is interacting with is all simultaneously fulfilled. So there is no independence. Everyone is forced to act according to their karma.
However, if we surrender to Krishna, if we become Krishna conscious then everything will change.
That is not written. Occasionally Krishna will send one of His pure devotees to the material world on a mission, so they are liberated from birth and not subject to this karma, but generally we are all born with so much karma and the only way out of this mess is by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna like Srila Prabhuapda.
The idea that Krishna is playing a game with us is completely wrong. He is not like that. We have created the situation ourselves and we have to suffer and enjoy the consequences of our actions in this and previous lives.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
i need an explanation about the different types of shivas. for example sada shiva who is said to be a vishnu tattva. but if sada shiva is a vishnu tattva, isnt he worshippable?
Hare Krishna Syamsundar
Siva is worshipable in his position as being subordinate to Krishna. All the demigods are woshipable in this way, in the understanding of their relationship to Krishna, their service to Krishna. Shiva’s position is special. He is described as being Visnu in touch with the material energy. The example give to explain this is yogurt and milk. You know yogurt is simply milk. There is nothing added. If you take a pot of milk and put a little yogurt in it in the evening in the morning you will have a whole pot of yogurt. You have not added anything to the pot. So in one sense you can say it must still be milk. Because there was only milk in the pot. But now it is yogurt and when you eat the yogurt it will have a completely different effect on your body to the effect that milk has on your body.
So Shiva is like this, he is like the yoghurt. He is Visnu transformed by contact with the material energy. Just like yoghurt is milk transformed by the contact of yoghurt or some culture. So as once the milk is transformed into youghurt it can no longer act as milk, once Visnu is transformed into Shiva then he no longer acts as Visnu.
Shiva’s position is therefore different and subordinate to Visnu’s position.
He is worshipable in regard to his realtionship with Visnu and in regard to his service to Visnu. But he is no worshipable on an equal level with Visnu. He is subordinate to Visnu, he is worshipping Visnu, he is not the supreme person, although his position is very special and unique, as we have mentioned, not like the position of any other living entity.
Chant Hare Krshna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna,
i want to know whether the predictions of Lord Chaitanya are present for instance in the Vayu purana if i buy it from somewhere…or is there an older version of the vayu purana which tells this?
Hare Krishna Syamsundar
Srila Krsnadasa Kavairaja Gosvami and Srila Prabhupada [based on the commentary of Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur] have given very detailed information of the predictions of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu from many Vedic literatures in the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta.
So please read this Prabhu.
Srila Prabhuapda has given us so much material in his books, he has presented the essence of all the Vedic literature in a way that we can study and assimilate it all and he has given us enough for many lifetimes of study.
So please seriously study Srila Prabhuapda’s Sri Caitanya-caritamrta and you will find all the scriptural references to Lord Caitanya that you would like.
Of course you know Lord Caitanya is called channa-avatara. Means concealed avatar. He did not appear as an incarnation of Krishna, He appeared in the mood of Srimati Radharani as a devotee of Krishna. And if His disciples who had recognized Him as Krishna addressed Him as such He would protest and cover His ears and refuse to hear it. So many have become confused about Lord Caitanya. However the reality is that He is the Yuga-avatara for this Kali-yuga and it is not possible to worship Krishna without worshiping Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda. Actually people who are worshiping Lord Krishna without worshiping Lord Caitanya are wasting their time. You can not ignore the Yuga-Avatar and expect to get the mercy of Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
I want to know why Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chose only maha mantra from one of the upnishads and not any other mantra. I know the reason why he inter changed the words KRISNA AND RAM. In the upnishad the word RAM appears before KRISHNA.
i shall really appreciate earliest reply because i need to educate somebody not fully convinced about the essence of MAHA MANTRA.
Hare Krishna Prakash! Good question! One can write a book on this one, but I will just make a few points at this time.
First, Sri Chaitanya Mahprabhu did not choose this mantra. Even though He is Lord Sri Krishna, Bhagavan, sarva karana karanam, the cause of all causes, coming to us in the mood of a Krishna bhakta, to teach love of Krishna by example, He was especially concerned with basing everything on Veda. He did not choose, but rather He implemented this process according to Vedic injunction.
In the Naradiya Brihan Purana there is one verse, “harer nama, harer nama, harer Nama eva kevalam, kalau nastyeva nastyeva nastyeva gatir anyatha”. “Chanting the name of Hari, the name of Hari, the name of Hari, in this age of Kali Yuga, there is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way, to reach the goal of spiritual enlightenment!” So Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, as the Yuga Avatar, introduced this method. This verse makes the explicit statement that in this Kali Yuga, this chanting of the names of Hari is the Yuga Dharma. Not yoga, not jnana, – by chanting the holy names of God.
It is also understood that He very much loved to sing other mantras, such as “Hari haraye nama krishna yadhavaya namah, gopala govinda ram sri madhusudhana”.
In one verse by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, He writes, ” Oh My Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction upon the living being and therefore You have hundreds and millions of names like Krishna, Govinda, etc. In these Holy names you have invested all of Your transcendental potencies. And there are no hard and fast rules for chanting these holy names. Oh My Lord, You have so kindly made approach to You easy by Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for chanting these holy names.” So this is our position. Actually Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could not give up the chanting of Krishna’s name, but he wrote this verse playing the role of one of us who are mad after everything in this world except the developement of our Krishna Consciousness.
So there are these evidences that point in different directions, but there are also specific verses in shastra that specifically indicate the chanting of Hare Krishna and this mantra is referred to as the Mahamantra. I do not have this verse in front of me at the present. I am sure that Madhudvisa Prabhu can and will provide you with a most authoritative answer in this connection, but I could not help making a quick response to your most important question. People have so many nonsense ideas as to how to go about spiritual persuit in this day and age, but their ideas are not based on shastra, It is the fault of so many so-called yogis and swamis who try to introduce these ideas to the uneducated pulic both in India and abroad. But their teachings are not authorized according to Veda. Veda says Harer nama, harer nama, harer nama……..
I will check back to see if you have obtained more information from Madhudvisa Prabhu. If not I’ll hunt down some of those verses from shastra. Hare Krishna!
Ishan das
hare krishnaa
I have stopped receiveing newsletters after the initial few. I am receiveing only comments in the email.
hare krishna madhudvisa dasa.
i thank you for the article,i well like to recive it allways is geving me mor andastanding in baghavad-gita wen i red.thank you very much.
In search of gnana today krsna given me the opportunity to visit this site and imbibe the knowledge of yogams through your valuable teachings. I pray krsna to give me the opportunity to go ahead in the path of finding complete bliss through Gita as it is.
hare krishna,
i some times think about bhagwad gita being more than sufficient for guidance and advancement, though i had been in iskcon for 4/5 months
isnt it sufficient that rather going through institutional method of advancement one just keep reading bhagwad gita as it is.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa ji!
I’ve only recently suscribed and I’ve been going through the comments, queries and replies here.. On november 7th, while replying to Kalyan, you said
“And we can, of course, only get Krishna by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna. Otherwise Krishna is unobtainable…”
I am very keen to please Krishna but how do I acquire the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna? and where? Is Srila Prapbhupad’s mercy being referred to here? And even if it is, is reading his messages(through his books) enough to be blessed with his mercy?
The very thought of not attaining Krishna’s grace is too horrific..
Please do respond to this query!
Thank you!
Hare Krishna!!!
Yes Prabhu,
Srila Prabhupada is the only pure devotee we know about. So we need to get his mercy. That is possible by pleasing him by reading his books and hearing from him and actually strictly following the instructions we hear from him.
Srila Prabhupada made it very clear that the thing which pleased him the most was the devotees who dedicated their lives to distributing his books.
So if you dedicate your life to distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books to the fallen conditioned souls that will most certainly please Srila Prabhupada and therefore you will get the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna.
Hare Krsna!
Hello there, thank you for your association…i have been reading Bhagavad Gita for a couple yeas now and just recently started getting involved at my local temple. The problem that i’m facing with some folks when we talk about messages in the Gita about service and how i share my experience by incorporating them into my daily life being of service to my family, friends and community…i am being told that this is the wrong kind of service and not God devotion. I chant many rounds a day and try to be of maximum service to everyone in my life including myself and Krsna. Some of these comments make me feel very uncomfortable as i feel that serving all of Krsna’s creations i am preforming my obligatory duty….any insight would be greatly appreciated…thank yo!
Hari Bol,
Hare Krishna Pete!
Sometimes people at a local temple will try to disuade you in your activities because they would rather that your energy was more involved with their personal aspirations for serving Krishna. That may not be a bad thing. But sometimes their negation of what you believe to be your choice of service may not be correct.
The real issue is not so much what you are doing, but rather in what frame of consciousness are you performing these activities. One can be inside the temple while one’s mind is on many other things. And one can be simply sweeping the kitchen floor at home while thinking that this is actually Krishna’s floor. Therefore let me sweep this floor with a sincere desire to please Krishna. This is perfect Krishna Consciouness. Similarly, simply helping someone is very nice from a mundane point of view. But if while helping them, we forget Krishna, then that kind of service will not free us from the cycle of birth and death. One can help others and think, “Krishna is within the heart of this person. Although I am helping them, I must remember that Krishna is present in this person’s heart and I must be very respectful, and try to act in such a way that Krishna will take pleasure in my activities.” So it is all a matter of consciousness. We are trying to develope our love for Krishna. And this can be done through all of our daily duties and interactions.
Hare Krishna!
Ishan das
I have stopped receiveing newsletters after the initial few. I am receiveing only comments in the email. I would love to receive more newsletters. Please help!
Respected Sir ,
since one half year i,am in total depression do not knw waht to do what not do since i lost my wife which i dont knnow excat reason till know which i,am trying to know medically and astrologically this is the resaon that could have been of her demise but i,am not able to accept that she is no more .In my life my weakness is lonliness and i used to love my wife beyond imagination which i used to think my wife will take care of me life long till i,amthere .I got 2 kids son and daughter to take care and full fill her dreams whichshe had seen . she was member of ISKON temple she used to visit the temple evey time we used to visit india .last time in 2009 july when we visited temple she remaine like a statue in front of krishna and when i told where r you she told that i ant o be here only near krsihna .Why this has happend to be such a lovely life and family i ahd now i came to a point that i dont want to live .pls advice me
Hare Krishna Harish
You have painfully experienced the reality of this material world is a place of misery and suffering. Because what happens is we meet someone and fall in love and become very attached but something always happens that separates the lovers and breaks their hearts.
The idea that we can become happy by falling in love with someone in this world is false. There may be dome short-term so-called happiness but there is a fundamental problem. We are looking for a permanent loving relationship. But these relationships in the material world are all based on the temporary material bodies. So there can be no permanent relationship.
Love in the material world is a perverted reflection of the eternal loving relationship we have with Krishna. So the solution is to reestablish our eternal loving relationship with Krishna and that willhelp you to quickly overcome the disappointment you are feeling at the moment.
The process to reestablish our loving relationship with Krishna is described very Scientifically in the books of Srila Prabhupada.
So I suggest that you read the books of Srila Prabhupada and learn this science. That will solve all your problems.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
i want to know about varnashrama in the BHAGBWAT GITA. i know that if varnashrama will be destroyed in the society nothing will be there to remake.particularly varnashrama in marriage & education system should positevely be adopted according to my little knowledge.when the supreme father comes to this earth HIS efforts are towards save life,growth,being & becoming.DHARMA which upholds our existance stands on the strong pillar of vedic varnashrama.what the BHAGBWAT GITA lights upon this?
HARE KRISHNA MADHUDVISA,i read bhagavad-gita everyday……but i don’t know why i’m always fed up…..disturbed with everything………i really need peace………what will i do………..
Hare Krishna Kalyan
Don’t try to be happy in the material world. It is not possible. Our only business is to serve Krishna. To glorify Krishna, to chant the holy names of Krishna. If you can organize your life to always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna and of course follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and engage yourself in the service of Krishna under the direction of His pure devotee 24 hours a day you will be very happy.
There are two things the scriptures recommend we do 24 hours a day: kirtania sada hari, “Chant the name of Hari always” and nityam bhagavata sevaya, constantly engage in hearing the person Bhagavatam [Srila Prabhupada] and reading the book Bhagavatam.
So Krishna consciousness means we have to become Krishna conscious 24 hours a day. Then it will work. If we try to squeeze a little Krishna into our life jam-packed with maya, that will not work. Krishna gives us what we want, if we want maya He will give us maya and that comes with so many problems and anxieties. But if we want Him He will give us the intelligence how we can come to Him.
It is ultimately about our desire. Do we really want Krishna or do we really want maya? And we can, of course, only get Krishna by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna. Otherwise Krishna is unobtainable…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
sir, I’m VERY confused in case of GOD.I want to know who is the real GOD among SHIVA, BRAHMA and VISHNU and tell me how can i choose one among them as god.
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The original person from which all other persons come.
The Visnu forms are expansions of Krishna’s Visnu-Tattva energy and are all part of the Godhead.
Siva is in a special category of his own. He is explained as Visnu in contact with the material energy. Just as milk in contact with some culture turns into yoghurt, and the yoghurt is made from the milk only, still it acts on the body completely differently from milk and can not be turned back into milk. So Shiva is like Visnu transformed in contact with the material energy. He is between Visnu and the jiva-tattva entities.
We, the living entities are the jiva-tattva energy of Krishna. Brahma is generally a highly qualified jiva-tattva.
It is a great science and if you want to understand it please study the books of Srila Prabhupada. Otherwise how will you understand it?
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
sir u say krishna is the supreme personality but according to shiv puran shiv is the supreme personality, according to vishnu puran vishnu is supream personality,according to brahma purana brahma is supream personality and according to Bhagavad-gita Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. now, tell me what is reality, which one is true and why.acc. to shiv purana some incident proof shive is the Supreme Personality of Godhead but at the same time acc. vishnu purana some incident explain in it proof vishnu is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
and brahma purana support brahma and gita support krishna .I want to know which one is fake and which is true and why explain it plz.
Hare Krishna Kuljeet
Yes, many are confused by the Vedas. It does appear, as you point out, that different Vedic literatures promote different personalities as God. But this is only superficial and if you study more deeply the only personality who is actually the Personality of Godhead in the Vedas is the Visnu-tattva forms. All the Visnu-tattva forms are “the personality of Godhead” and Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is the cause of all causes, sava karana karanam.
India is somewhat confused because for many years, since the time of Sankaracharaya, the impersonal, Mayavadi philosophy has been propagated there, so most are not even believing in God as a person, but rather see some impersonal, all-pervasive energy, the brahman, as the cause of all causes.
So there is a lot of confusion. But Shiva is obviously not the supreme person. We see him sitting down praying, meditating on his rudraksa beads. if he is the supreme person then why is he praying, meditating on someone else. Actually he is meditating on Visnu. Shiva’s position is special. He has his own category of energy, sakti-tattva. Shiva is described as Visnu transformed in touch with the material energy.
These things are are a very great science and require a lot of explanation. But the point Shiva is praying to someone else. So he is obviously not the supreme person. Lord Brahma, sitting on the lotus after the creation of the universe was bewildered. He did not know what to do. So he meditated and from within got instructions from Visnu. So Brahma is obviously not the supreme person.
So the bottom line is you will find bewildered people in India worshipping all sorts of demigods and goddesses as the supreme person. But the only Supreme Person according to the Vedic literature, if you take the time to actually study it, is Visnu and the origin of all the Visnu forms is Krishna. Hence Krisna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is so much proof and justification for this but how I can write it in one little space like this?
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
dear madhudvisa dasa
Thanks a lots for replying me so urgently,I saw bhagavat geeta as it is and wanted to know it’s content. I really find it very interesting, i would be very grateful if you could if possible explain me in details verses by verses as you answered me that without a devotees it is impossible to understand it’s content
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Prabhupada’s purports are in his Bhagavad-gita As It Is, it is quite possible to understand it by reading the book and reading Srila Prabhupada’s purports. Prabhupada explains the details of the verses one by one in his Bhaktivedanta Purports. Please read them and the more you read them the more you will understand the true message of Bhagavad-gita.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu.
This is very informative note on Shri Bhagvadgita.Kindly keep on sending me the same and if i have any doubt or query definitely i will write to you.
Kindly let me know from where i can download Mahamantra on mp3 format?
Pranam Madhudvisa dasa ji,
I have a very pertinent question to ask.Why Lord did not select one of the other Pandav putras who were equally virtuous and devouted to Lord Krishna instead of Arjuna.
You have to ask Krishna that Prabhu. Krishna is a person. He can do whatever He wants to do. So he wanted to speak Bhagavad-gita to His friend Arjuna, so that is what He did. It is as simple as that.
HARE KRISHNA MADHUDVISA, Many Thanks for the Mail.I was always searching for the Path to get connected with God and now I think Have found it. I am going to study Bhagwadgita for the first time and hope to get answers to some Unanswered queries about our existence in this material world.
Kind Regards
Madhudvisa prabhu,
Hare Krishna!
I have recently joined this Newsletter. I would like to know if you are a disciple of Srila Prabhupada initiated directly by him or through a Ritvik.
If this is the case please accept my humble obeisances.
My spiritual journey started by the supreme grace of Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada at the Bangalore ISKCON Temple where we all try to follow “The Final Order” of Srila Prabhupada.
I am looking forward to having insightful discussions on Bhagavad Geeta with one and all.
Hari Bol!
Hare Krishna Ajay Prabhu
I took initiation from Srila Prabhupada through one of his disciples, Jaya Dharma Prabhu, in Australia in 1989. So it was a ritvik initiation on behalf of Srila Prabhupada.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
What is Godhead. is there a difference between god and godhead?
Yes. There is a difference.
God is a simplified term.
Godhead more clearly explains the actual position.
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But there are many Personalities of Godhead. Lord Rama is also a “Personality of Godhead” but Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are not different but they have different personalities. Therefore the term “Personality of Godhead” explains this, and Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead explains His position as sarva karana karanam, the cause of all causes…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I was searching for the path, studying Buddhism, reading Buddhist sutras, trying to find my way through the universe with gaining wisdom- one day, after riding the bus across town, I stepped of the bus to find the Gita sitting on the bus stop bench with no one around- I picked it up and opened it immediately to find a passage about self realization- this was what I was looking for- after reading the Gita, I felt deeply connected with it, feeling like it was a part of me that had been lost somewhere along the way- like I had already known pieces of it, and that this time, it was for me to completely grasp the contents of the book- I felt like it had been a gift for Krsna to help me through the struggles of the time, which it did to a great extent, helping me get over all my hang-ups and sorrow . . . every time sadness started to creep up on me, when I said the Hare Krishna mantra, it left instantly- but when ever I fail to dwell on the Gita, the sorrow returns- I’m curious as to why there seems to be no peace without devotion, and why with even my understanding of the text, and remembrance of the words, why when I don’t stay completely focused on it, reading it, meditating on it, why there is still sorrow- any idea? Anything?
Hare Krishna Joe! I have read your email and your sincere questions. I am a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta, and I will therefore answer you according to his bonafide teachings.
You are very, very fortunate to have this kind of reciprocation with Lord Krishna through the Bhagavad-gita and the Hare Krishna Maha mantra.
The direct answer to your question is that we are all eternal servants of Krishna. And as long as we are in a favorable loving relation with Krishna, the qualities of the spirit soul become manifest. In that condition we become concious of our inherent eternal blissful nature. We are compared to tiny sparks in the fire. When the tiny sparks fall from the fire their sparking capacity is extinguished. But if they fall back into the fire they again regain their sparking quality. So the ability of the spirit soul to feel his spiritual nature depends upon his ability to retain a wholesome on-going connection with Krishna.
We have come to this material world, because of our mistaken tendancy to try to be happy independently. Krishna gives us this opportunity, because He wants our love to be directed towards Him of our own accord, by our own freedom to choose. Those of us who are in the material world of forgetfulness of Krishna are amongst the minority of souls who have made this mistake. The unhappiness that we experience is Krishna’s way of teaching us that we cannot be happy without His connection. That is the first step in taking us back home. Once we understand our mistake, we have the opportunity to practise being in connection, through japa, kirtan, Bhagavad-gita and so on. By engaging in this process, our dormant love for Krishna is reawakened gradually, until we reach the point where we cannot give up being conscious in love of Krishna. At this point Krishna reveals Himself to such a devotee. And upon giving up this material body, such a good soul returns to the spiritual realm to live eternally with Krishna.
So the means and the goal are one and the same. And therefore we must always maintain connection with Krishna. Please be sure that your Gita is Bhagavad-gita As It Is by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami in order to be correctly guided. Your are a very good and fortunate soul to have so much spontaneous taste for hearing and chanting about Krishna. Just continue to read and chant and your life will be successful and you will go back to home, back to Godhead, to live happily with Krishna.
Most sincerely,
Ishan das
how can we attain self realisation and why an enlightened mind is needed for self realization?what are the benefits of self realization?
Dear Shruti, Please accept my respecful greetings!
Your questions are very far-reaching. We shall try to answer them according to the teachings of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as they have been handed down from Sri Chaitanya Mahprabhu through the medium of unbroken disciplic succession, parampara.
Lord Sri Krishna, speaks to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna is placed in the position of one who has so many questions and doubts, like all of us who are set adrift in this vast ocean of material entanglement and illusion. In the 18th chapter, Lord Krishna asks Arjuna if he has heard all the explanations put forward by Sri Krishna, and if he has understaood them clearly. And Arjuna answers that he has understood and that he is now prepared to follow these instructions.
So here we have this two-fold process. First we require a clear understanding of who we are, why we are here, where we have come from, why we are suffering, what is the goal of life, and finally, how to attain that goal. These are the subjects of Bhagavad-gita, and having an intellectually clear understanding makes for having an “enlightened mind”.
And the second step in the process, once having an enlightened understanding of the subject matters, is simply to apply oneself to the formula of devotional service to Krishna, bhakti yoga, under proper guidance. And Krishna promises in Bhagavad-gita, that one who applies oneself with faith and devotion will definitely reach the goal of yoga, which is self-realization.
And that brings us to your third question, concerning the benefits of self-realization. In Gita, chapter 6, verse 47, Lord Sri Krishna states that of all the yogis, one who always abides in Krishna, with great faith, worshiping Him in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Krishna in yoga, and is the greatest yogi of all.
Similarly in the 9th chapter, verse 34, Lord Krishna repeats the same message. “Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, offer obeisances and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me.” So that is the goal, or benefits of self-realization – to return to the spiritual world, Krishna Loka, and live eternally with Krishna. To leave this miserable world of samsara, repeated birth and death, and to live eternally in blissful loving realtionship with Krishna in the spiritual world. That is the real benefit, of real self-realization. Any other benefit, by any other means is temporary at best, and is for those who are extremely short-sighted.
So having an enlightened mind means to have a sense of direction. It means to understand our position at present and to understand what is our goal of life. It also includes an understanding of how to proceed towards that goal. And one who applies him or her self according to that road map can realize that goal, and that is called self-realization, the benefits of which are the achievement of an eternal life of knowledge and bliss in the association of Lord Sri Krishna in the spiritual realm, Goloka Vrindavan.
Thank you so much for your enquiring. Please stay in touch with this web site, order some of the literature, beginning with Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and chant the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra.
Sincerely yours,
Ishan das
Sir,I want to ask that iis the greater science encoded in bhagvad gita?
i have seen some shlokas and there meanings are equal to the laws of so called modern physics
i think it is great
can u tell about this?
i can give some eg. like
2.17 verse
avinäçi tu tad viddhi
yena sarvam idaà tatam
vinäçam avyayasyäsya
na kaçcit kartum arhati
this means
which pervades the entire body is indestructible. No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul.
what is formed is imperishable and what doesnt exist is informable
this is nothing but the law of conservation of mass
Hare Krishna Hardik
Yes. There is a lot of scientific information available in the Bhagavad-gita. The most obvious scientific information is of the existence of a spiritual force, the soul, the atma. This knowledge is completely missing in modern so-called science. This is the most significant mistake of modern science. They try to explain everything without any reference to the atma, the soul, the living force. They try to explain that everything is working because of chance random combinations of chemicals. Which is insanity. They are completely wrong. Everything that we see going on in the material world is going on only because of the direction of some intelligent being. There is conscious intelligent life directing everything that we see.
There are many demigods and they provide the intelligent conscious direction behind the actions of nature. This in itself is a really incredible scientific discovery which would revolutionise modern science if they accepted it. Scientists have made so many incorrect theories that do not account for any sort of intelligent direction behind the workings of nature. But we know, from Bhagavad-gita, that every aspect of nature is controlled and directed by a particular demigod. Who is intelligent and has the power to control the aspects of nature that are under his jurisdiction.
For example Lord Indra can do anything he wants to do with the weather. It is not that it is going on in a random way as the modern scientists think. We get the scientific knowledge from Bhagavad-gita that Indra will supply the proper rains at the proper time to produce abundant grains and fruits and vegetables if the people perform yajna, sacrifice, for the pleasure of Lord Visnu [Krishna]. So this is science. Proper rain at the proper time is caused by yajna for the pleasure of Visnu.
So there are so many scientific principles discussed in Bhagavad-gita. Not “encoded”. It is all quite clear and obvious.
Of course Bhagavad-gita is an introductory book. Much more scientific information can be found in other Vedic texts like Srimad-Bhagavatam. There is so much advanced scientific information there. And there are other vedic texts also that detail all aspects of every science.
Veda means knowledge. So all knowledge is there in the Vedas. All science is there.
It is a mistake to think that we have advanced and that thousands of years ago the sages in India were primitive illiterate men living in caves… Actually thousands of years ago in India the sages were far, far more advanced in every respect than modern science. There are so many things that modern science does not yet know, things that were known by Arjuna and the other military men five thousand years ago for example. Arjuna could touch water, chant a mantra and then fire an arrow that would have more power as the most powerful atomic bomb that modern science could come up with. Arjuna could fire an arrow that could destroy the planet. Modern scientists can not dream of such a technology. It was the ordinary practice that if the soldiers needed water in the battlefield they would chant a mantra and fire an arrow into the earth and this would dig a well and provide the water for the soldiers. Where is this technology today?
So actually in the Vedic time they were very advanced technologists with a technology that was far better than anything we have today. All all the information about this advanced technology is available in the Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic texts.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Ravi
Sex also has a place in Krishna conscious life. And the sex desire can not be immediately extinguished. So yes. Certainly, you can walk the path of Krishna consciousness with sex desire still in your heart. The path of Krishna consciousness is designed in such a way so that men with all sorts of sinful desires can start walking on it and gradually, because they are following the path, their love for Krishna and their desire to serve Krishna gradually increases more and more and at the same time their desires for material so-called pleasure like sex reduce more and more.
So it is like that. The more we become Krishna conscious the less we will be interested in sex.
But advancing in Krishna consciousness requires tapasya. It means voluntarily we have to give up something that otherwise we would do for our material sense pleasure. So to follow the path of Krishna consciousness requires following the four regulative principles and one of those principles is: “no illicit sex life.” So this means no sex except for having children in marriage. This is rather restrictive. It means you can only have sex once a month if you are wanting to have a child.
So, without having some higher spiritual taste, this is a very difficult thing to do. But if we actually follow the path of Krishna consciousness as it is chalked out by Srila Prabhuapda we will experience some real tangable transcendental pleasure from serving Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, and because we are relishing this transcendental pleasure the sex desire will not bother us.
So the desire may still be there but we have to voluntarily agree to not act on that desire and we have to be engaged in devotional service to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna and advance to the stage when we are feeling transcendental pleasure from that service otherwise it will be very, very difficult for us to refain from sex life.
So it is a science. And it is not possible to become Krishna conscious just by going to the temple on Sundays and meditating for 15 minutes a day as ISKCON today preach. This is completely bogus. Krishna consciousness is a way of life. A devotee thinks and acts in a completely different way to a materialistic person. His motivation is completely different. Every action of a devotee is motivated by the desire to please Krishna through service to Krishna or His pure devotee. Whereas a materialist’s every action is motivated by his desire for sense gratification either for himself or his family or his society or his nation.
So to expect any progress on this very difficult to control sex desire we have to actually transform our lives so our every action is motivated by the desire to please Krishna. And the science of how to do this Srila Prabhuapda describes elaborately in his books. It is not something that can be explained in a few paragraphs. It means we have to accept to completely transform our lives. To completely change the way we act in every moment in our life.
The real thing is we have to get a taste for Krishna consciousness. We have to be engaged in practical service serving Krishna under the direction of His pure devotee. And we have to be prepared to transform our life and make pleasing Krishna the goal of our life and completely stop all the other activities which we normally do to please ourselves.
It is a radical change. A devotee does not do anything at all for his own personal benefit. He does everything for the pleasure of Krishna. And unless we are prepared to make this radical change in our outlook on the world we are not real devotees at all.
Sex desire may not go away immediately but it has to be controlled. And we will be able to control it in proportion to how much taste we can develop for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and how much taste we can develop for serving Krishna and Krishna’s pure devotee and how much transcendental pleasure we experience from performing devotional service to Krishna…
So bottom line is if we don’t perform any devotional service to Krishna we can not expect to control the sex desire. As our love for Krishna increases our attachment to material bodily sense gratification like sex decreases. And our love for Krishna will increase through rendering service to Krishna under the direction of Krishna’s pure devotee.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna, Prabhu I would like to ask amount the benifit of chanting hare krishna maha mantra, as i am chanting it from laat couple of years but i could not be able to concentrate on this, frist i start with the beads but i am wroking in a hotel industry i copuld not be able to follow always with beads (Japa mala) then i procured the counter machine as well but after 01 months my hands get paining badly & i have to stop using the same. now i chant with any beads & machine but the problem i am facing it that i can not concentrate continiousely & my throat also paining
Please help me by providing your valuable suggestion in this regards.
Hare Krishna
Anil Nair
Hare Krishna Anil Prabhu
There will be so many obstacles in our trying to come closer to Krishna. Although chanting Hare Krishna in itself is enough we need a strong philosophical understanding to give us the strength to keep changing in spite of all the obstacles. That is why it is very important to read Srila Prabhupada’s books.
There are many parts to the process of Saddhana Bhakti. The chanting of Hare Krishna is the main part but there are many other things also that will make the chanting more effective. So if in addition to your chanting you make a serious study of the books of Srila Prabhupada, starting will all small books like Beyond Birth and Death, Perfection of Yoga, Easy Journey to Other Planets, King of Knowledge, Elevation to Krishna Consciousness, The Topmost Yoga System, Path of Perfection, Science of Self-Realization, etc. Then to Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then Nectar of Devotion, then Teachings of Lord Caitanya, then Srimad-Bhagavatam, then Teachings of Lord Caitanya, then start again and read all the books again and again. Every time you read the books you will find so much new wonderful transcendental knowledge. And in this process you will learn everything you need to know and your chanting will become very much improved.
We should chant on tulsi japa beads. We have a big variety of these at and you can get some and a bead bag and chant and don’t worry what others say. Also chanting is very good early in the morning during the brahma-muhurta, so if you get up early and chant then everyone else is asleep and you can chant on beads.
You can also chant the rounds on your fingers. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to do this. Keep track of how many rounds He had chanted on his fingers. If you ask someone who has brahmin initiation to show you how they chant the gayatri mantras on their fingers then you will know how to count from one to ten on one hand and you can do the same thing on the other hand to count from one to ten every time you finish ten on the first hand then you chant another eight mantras and you have chanted one round. You do this sixteen times and you have chanted sixteen time.
Of course it is better to chant on tulsi beads. We should try and stick to the standard ways as given to us by Srila Prabhupada. No matter what you try to advance in Krishna consciousness there will always be so much opposition from maya. You have to expect this. As soon as you try and free yourself from the clutches of maya she will try harder to keep you in her grip. You can see that with your chanting. Maya has convinced you to stop chanting on the beads, then she convinced you to stop chanting on the clicker, she will not be satisfied until you stop chanting Hare Krishna altogether. So we have to see this. And we have to defy maya and keep chanting Hare Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa dasa prabhuji. In reply to Anil nair you mean chanting instead of changing in the sentence ” Although chanting Hare Krishna in itself is enough we need a strong philosophical understanding to give us the strength to keep changing…..” . Do you really mean keep changing or keep chanting. Want to make sure I get the right advice from you in the comment.
Yes, it is supposed to be chanting, not changing. We can not change, change is maya. Chanting not changing…
Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for the news letter, I’ll be looking forward to further nector
hare krishna ji..
thank u for newsletter ..
i vl be waitng for your response
if we know that soul is an empty space and when we die we merge with the vaccum if we know that we take birth to experience human feelings which otherwise is not possible in human state and if we feel now there is nothing to experience much and we are ready to become one with the lord then why do we still live?
Hare krsna pr ji.
pls accept my most humble obesience
first i would like to thank you to sending your very very important mails and enlighting the teachings of bhagvad gita,spirit of bhagvad gita as you said in one of your mail that may be i have read the bhagvad gita after that i will get many important points obout the quatations.
pr ji i dont know how i have conected with you may be this is krsn”s arrangment before some days i went to our sri sri radha parthasthi temple and there i was praying my dear lord i want to understand bhagavad gita more deeply and live with his instruction and helping oters to convence others in preching about the teachings and importance of bhagvad gita.and by the mercy of prabhupad i got the chance to meet you
pr ji i want to read bhagavad gita very thoroughly pls help me.
pr ji english is not my first language so if i commit any gramatical mistake please forgive me.
desiring the mercy of the vaishnavs
gajendera vishnu das
Revered Swamiji,
Before I question anything, I would like to submit that it is never out of any ego,but simply to understand me , the spirit;and the law of cause and effect.
I have been watching in this world of today that people are pretending to be devotees by wearing Big and Long Malas with Big Tikka on forehead, but practicing all sorts of immoral activities, particularly, they who are in politics.They may be be-fooling people, but they can’t the Supreme Lord who seesevery thing knows every thing.
Question: Why the Law Of Cause and Effect does not seem to be working.
How they apparently appear to be not penalized for their wrong doings.
With regards,
Hare Krishna
Thanks for your mail
I have allready read gita and I have many quesions
but I am in contac of RAMAGIRDHARIDAS at iskon mandir ahmdabad.
Yet pls give me answer of below qst.
Aatma is at heart place then why we make TILAK on forhead
rply me
balvant (india)
I have a problem in my life and this is so important for me and i would like to get help from Krishna could you please help me and tell me how i can do this?
Krishna is in your heart. He knows everything. He knows what you think, He knows what you feel. You simply have to purify your heart so you can see Him and hear Him. And that purification process is chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So please read Prabhuapda’s books and chant Hare Krishna and you will find all the answers from Krishna in your heart.
Hare Krishna !
My Salutations to the Almighty Lord Govinda and obeisances to Swami Prabhupada for giving me this precious opportunity to associate with E learning course in
Prabhu,I have read the first newsletter you have sent me.Eargerly waiting forward to continue the class.
Hari Bol,
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,Please i humbly want to suggest the presentation of special Testimonies from devotees in our local temples(This special Testimonies is derived from our day to day experiences).It will be the sharing of our personal realizations presented just to encourage and awaken ourselves into higher consciousness.And that these Presentations should be screened some times before it is been presented to avoid egoistically motivated ones.
I have spoken my mind in my previous emails , but I have been removed from your mailing list.
Hello. Thank you for this first newsletter ‘The Spirit of Bhagavad Gita’. It is very nice. I look forward to receiving more emails.
Hare Krishna.
All Glories to Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga
All Glories to Srila Prabhupad
Thank you for your News letter.I enjoyed it very much.
My question is How one can be convinced that he is in the correct path or not. Like in ISKCON every one reads same BG but still there are so many differences with in the socity it self(in some cases philosophically also. Ex: Gurutattva,origin of soul etc etc). Though the massage about goal of human life and how to reach that(Bhakti) is Cristal clear in BG. But still it is some time very confusing when one sees so many differences inside the followers themselves.
Please dont take any offence.
Hare Krishna Arunava Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Many in ISKCON are not on the correct path Prabhu. There is only one path for the disciple and that is to follow his spiritual master. In ISKCON so many are rebelling and not following Srila Prabhupada. Everything is clear in Prabhupada’s books but many so-called disciples disagree with Srila Prabhupada and want to present their own concoctions and so-called realzations. In this way ISKCON has become quite a mess with so many non-bona fide concoctions being presented by so-called devotees and as you note so many camps who disagree with each other.
There is no disagreement. There is following Srila Prabhupada. If you are following Prabhupada and I am following Prabhupada then we will agree. But if we disagree either one of us or both of us a not following Srila Prabhupada.
Really not many so-called devotees are actually following. This is kali-yuga, the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. So many so-called devotees are also hypocritical, they are not following, but they like the fame, profit, adoration and distinction they get from pretending to be an “advanced devotee.” This has spoilt everything in ISKCON. There is no longer any chastity to Srila Prabhuapda in ISKCON. Prabhupada is no longer the authority. Any nonsense is OK if it is approved by the GBC… It is really completely lost.
You have realized that everything is crystal clear in Prabhuapda’s books, it is only when you go to ISKCON you get confused and wonder if you are on the right path or not. The reality is ISKCON is not on the right path. Prabhupada is showing the right path but they have decided to take a different path. But still they make a show of Prabhupada, but without following Prabhupada…
So the answer is to take full shelter of Srila Prabhupada. Read his books, listen to his lectures, and put into practice in your life what Srila Prabhupada teaches you. And stay away from ISKCON. They can not help you but they are very qualified to harm your natural spiritual advancement.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna
Madhudvisa Prabhu
I tryed two times unswer on that address you ask and it was gone somewhere. I do not know why it happen.
Indeed BG is my favour book and I would like to stady it again. I had great desire to lern it by heart but unfortunatuly stil I can not do this.
Thank you very much for your wonderful service.
I am living soon back to India and I have many things to do before my departurebut but I will try to read your newsletter.
I know you. I remember your amazing kirtan in buvaneshvar in 1996
and in Sidney too.
YS Tusti
Septrmber 10,2010 at 20:47
Hare Krishna
Madhudvisa Prabu
Indeed Bhagavat Gita is my faour book and I would like to stady it again. Actually it was my great desire to lern BG by heart. Unfortunatuly I still can not do it.
Tank you very much you are doing this vonderful service.
YS Tusti
Jai Shri Krishna Madhudvisa,
I don’t know the real meaning of life. It seems as if there is no purpose. From residence to office and back to residence. What is the purpose of our life. Not everyone is able to emerge into eminence. The lesser mortal take birth and die and are forgotten.
The understanding of our life is much deeper and very difficult to comprehend for a human being whether its a man or a woman. After all we are told that the ultimate goal of our soul is to merge with the all powerful soul of Lord Krishna. But how many of us are really able to understand that the deeper meaning of it. Or for that matter how much effort we put into it.
I for example do not really have the means or the source to really understand the purpose of my life. I want to break free from the shackles of birth and death. When i sit down to pray in front of the lord i feel like crying as to what I am doing for myself. I am materialistic but at the sametime I also feel that may ultimate goal is to realize the inner voice and merge with the ultimate god.
I haven’t read any scriptures nor do have the stamina to sit and read that. That feeling of realizing the god has to come from within. No scriptures will help you in that regard. It is here that a guru can help an individaul in realizing the latent powers hidden within an individual.
Hare Krishna Sunil
The purpose of life is to get frustrated life in the material world and start to question. “What is the purpose of life.”
This material world is constructed by Krishna to be a frustrating place. We can never be satisfied here and any happiness we can find only lasts for a short time and leaves us unsatisfied ultimately.
We are all here in the material world trying to become the enjoyers. If you look around everyone is trying to get more power and more money and more material things. And they think they will “enjoy” these things. But the purpose of life is to realize that there is no enjoyment in the material things related to the body. This material body that we identify is the cause of all our problems in the material world. We are thinking “I am an Australian Man” or “I am an Indian Man” but actually I am an eternal spirit soul currently in an Australian man’s body. Like today I am wearing a blue shirt and tomorrow I am wearing a red shirt. So our attempts to satisfy the senses of this body and thinking if I satisfy the body I will be happy is as crazy as thinking if I can satisfy this red shirt I will be happy. I have nothing to do with the shirt. And my happiness has nothing to do with the shirt.
So I am not this material body and my happiness has nothing to do with the satisfaction of the senses of this material body. Nor does it have anything to do with my family and friends. I am the eternal spirit soul within this body and my eternal occupation is serving Krishna. I am not happy because I am not serving Krishna and I will be happy if I reinstate myself in my original eternal constitutional position as a servant of Krishna.
Srila Prabhupada has so perfectly described the process of how we can transform our consciousness from material to spiritual and perfect our lives in his books. PLEASE READ THEM…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Respected Madhudvisa,
Thank you for sending the first newsletter.. Please post more I will be waiting I read Gita many times but its true the thirst is never quenched love to hear from you..
Your Servant,
I am getting back into the devotee life and I live in Northern Phoenix. The closest temple in 2-3 hours by bus, as i have no vehicle. I am hopeful that their are devotees in my area. Anyone close by. I need/desire the association with devotees. I learn alot on the internet, but nothing really replaces face to face communication. Hari Bol.
I had a question that I hope someone could help me with. I have noticed in various vedic Goddesses, they have their tongue sticking out and I believe that in India woman will stick there tongue out. What does this mean, or refer to, or am I totally off track. And does this happen in the Hare Krishna community.
Hello Micheal….
Let me explain you the fact. The woman whom you have seen having her tongue sticking out is Goddess Kali. She is actually in that pose due to shame that she has stepped on her husband. What happened is due to rage she was killing all humanity and destroying the universe. As such, the Gods decided that Lord Shiva who was her husband, would stop her. So, when even Lord Shiva thought it was pretty hard to stop her, he decided to be on her way. When unseeingly she stepped on Lord Shiva’s chest, she recollected that it was her husbaand, …and due to shame her tongue came out….
It’s got nothing to do with Lord Krishna, or the Hare Krishna community.
And neither woman in India do that…..
Hare Krishna…
My name is Kawaljit Singh Dahuja,and i live in Thailand.I have a question to ask:I have been reading a lot of books concerning big change around 2012,and i would to know that is their any topic concerning this 2012 in Bhagavad Gita.
Hare Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Krishna to one and all.
On this holy eve of Janmashthami, let us pay respect devotion and homage to the Lord, whose beauty has encircled the whole of samsara, something which, we also call Maya. I am a fervent follower of Lord Krishna, and do believe in the saying of the Lord:
Neither you nor I was never born in this world and it is never that you wont ever be born again.
As such, we must be perfectly renounced from the world. All is good until, this thought:
If we are under a just and merciful God(so as to say that the Lord is in Us), why shall there be pain? Why shall there be misery? Why should people die of Violence and hunger…?
To say that this is their Karma is not at all a satisfactory answer; nor is it to say that the persons will get a better birth next time…
Why shall there be evil and misery in people’s life, when the Lord dwells in the heart of both the sufferer and the evil doer…???
Why does(if He does) the Lord play such an unmerciful play…
Renouncers may belittle my question….but will anyone still belive in the lords mercy when someone near and dear dies or is the victim of an inhuman violence??
respected sir you send me lot of literature still i unabe to find myself & my existance u said man & machine among these one can thing & other cant.
question is who i am my parents said i am prashant & prashant is son of vinayak then i have question who is vinayak my father answer vinayak is son of kusan again i asked to my father who is kusan he said son of timaji again i asked who is timaji my father end here can u answer that who i am because in future my son parth will also ask me the same. My son is not born from my sexual enjoyment he has some purpose.
Dear Prabhuji please accept my humble obeisances.Actually I don’t know where to begin.Just like now am feeling that am a real problem for the whole world.I simply want to become myself Prabhuji.I have always been doing things which I really don’t want to do and which later on make me regret bitterly.I have always been ill-treated,although I try my best to please everybody.This make me to cry bitterly sometimes.I have joined ISKCON in 1984 at the age of 17 and since that time till now I am still trying to find a solution for my problem.By this meeting I am feeling that very soon you will show me the way.
Thank you Prabhuji,
Your humble servant,Devaki Suta Das
hare krishna, dandavat pranam prabhu, please accept my obiences.
prabhu ji, all human being following many ways to reach godhead. but bhakit is the best way guru says. but some of them follow the principle of guru till last, but some are very deep and break bhakti in between, deeply obsorbed in maya what is there possision,.
hare krishna
I am very weak in mind,Some times I am very much involve in Krishna and some times for away from him,recently my husband passed away,I want to know, now where is he? I trusted Lord Krishna is saves my husband from his illness, that was not happened, why my husband struggled so much? Is it possible that after my death am I able to meet my husband’s soul? is it possible to worship Krishna with my husband’s soul?
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna HareHare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Dear Respected Dasa ji,
Thanks for wonderful upadesha by wsay of your news letter…
warm regards
i am prashant
but who i
Dear H.G. Madhudvisa-dasa. All respectful obeisances unto ur lotus feet.Thank u for ur graceful e-mail.Due to the grace of KRISHNA i have read the Bhavagad Gita written by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Praphupada. Please shower ur blessings on me so that i may get the chance to serve the lotus feet of KRISHNA. HARE KRISHNA.
hi madhudvisa although i am a great believer in lord krishna i read on the agniveer website that it is written in the 4 vedas that the supreme lord does not incarnate on earth, this raises a few doubts obviously but how do you counteract that statement? and vedas are the first ever books without any adulteration as they are supplied by eeshvar himself. any thoughts on this matter greatly appreciated. thanks
Hare Krishna Dave
You should actually read the Vedic texts not someone’s imperfect interpretation on their website.
You need to get knowledge form an authorized source, not just some website.
You can not find anyone more authorized than Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself and He states in the Bhagavad-gita Chapter 4 Verse 7:
yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛjāmy aham
Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion-at that time I descend Myself.
So Krishna Himself says that He descends into this world. So obviously He does. And he does this time and time again:
In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.
So again Krishna is stressing that He “advents Himself millennium after millennium.
There is no question that Krishna and His incarnations appear in this material world time and time again. That fact is confirmed throught the Vedas. So please do not take much notice of what unauthorized people may speculate.
It is very easy to take one line out of any scripture and “spin” it any way you want to. That is why if you actually want to understand what the scriptures say you have to learn it from a self realized person in the disciplic succession.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krsnah!
why we have to count and chant?
one of the problem many of us will encounter is when we chant..we will chant and also count so we cannot concentrate fully on chanting! and also it seems as if we are doing it for the sake of numbers, not for the ecstacy of chanting….why cant we chant without counting??
To become Krishna consciousness you have to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master.
There is no question of “why” you surrender, he orders, you do it. If he orders you to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily on beads and count, you do it. You don’t ask “why…”
If you are not prepared to surrender then you will not be able to become Krishna conscious.
I have read in the bhagavad gita that in order to reach enligntment, we need to be guided by a guru spiritual guide, where can i find a place to renounce my life and follow krishna by a guru, is there any temple in the west that would accept me, I’m very much seeking spiritual guidance for i have diffuclties practicing celebacy for i have detach myself from the world, so i find myself alone most of the time, but there are alot of joy, but sometimes i feel a need to be by a guru
Hare Krishna Kenneth
You have to find a real guru. Otherwise he will just exploit you by taking service and money from you and in the end will not be able to guide you back home back to Godhead because really he does not know the way himself.
There are so many bogus men who are not themselves liberated souls who are trying to get disciples and who have no power whatsoever to guide their disciples in the right direction. This is a very big problem. So I suggest you make a serious program to read all of Srila Prabhuapda’s books. Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna. He is completely qualified to guide you back home, back to Godhead. Prabhupada is living in his books. All you have to do is pick them up and read them and Prabhuapda will personally guide you.
You can get Srila Prabhupada’s orignal books at: or read them online at:
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I never had read the Bhagavad Gita before. But over the past 1 year, have read it thrice.
Bhagavad Gita is not a Book/scripture/gyan or a compilation of vedic knowledge. IT IS : THE SUPREME SCIENCE that anyone wants to know or understand. There is nothing which remains to be known about Human beings, material existence, material miseries, sufferings once you UNDERSTAND THE CORE OF BHAGAVAD GITA.
I have practically experienced this and would urge other devotees to read the BHAGAVAD GITA with a submissive mind. As Prabhuji has rightly said ” A non-devotee cannot understand the opulence of the LORD”.
Hare Krishna. GOD Bless all.
Respected H.G. Madhudvisa Pr.,
Please accept my humble obeisences at ur lotus feet.
All glories to Shri Guru and Gauranga. All glories to Shrila Prabhupad.
Thank u v much for sending this wondrful newsletter which has really helped me to know the real spirit in which Bhagavad Gita can be understood. I am not sure but i think i had good fortune of seing u in one of the Pune Yatras. Krsna willing i may have the good fortune of having ur darshan again in future.
Your servent
Balbhadrapriya Das
begins with devotional service….ends with devotional service.
i am engineering student. i unable to concentrate in my studies. how could this chanting help me????
The has gone under many changes after the last avatar of Vishnu Buddha has departed.The World is now getting worst and worst.A true and righteous person is crushed unmercyfully under the wheel of corruption and power of evil thoughts.In India its the worst of all.The Kings Of India(Politicians) are continu’ing to use power agaisnt all the peoples.Poverty is rising alarminly.Peoples are die’ing like anything.Our Country and its traditions and cultures will lost complete faith and trust in God after next 10 years as it can be calculated easily.The Brahmins have started eating the dead.The Peoples who are keepers of Pure Temple curses his Life for it.The new generation is not moving in direction of Trusthfullness and righteousness.Elders are treated like slaves.Igo have completely come into its powers.Even Peoples like Satya Sai,Nityanand Maharaj and many others are making peoples to lost there trust in God.The kali is rising alarmingly.Even if Peoples cnt see how it works i can understand to working process.Where is the Lord at this movement.His Words and Promise is my hope.I trust in him.But now sisters and mothers are raped brutally in th country.Young Generation girls having forgotten there self respect and are running on the wrong path.Even more small boys and girls are hunted by it.I will not tell in more detail.I think lord Vishnu should come as soon as possinble to save the world and country.He is the protector of the candle and its flame(truth and righteousness dharma).He cant let the flame of off.high powerfull winds are about come.Reply me.My mind needs to concentrate.Its also going towords the wrong Path.Help
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa
My family and therefore, I have long been a devotee of Krishna. I grew up on a steady diet of his stories from my grandfather.
But as a young adult I questioned everything and my faith was weak. Then I read Eknath Eswaran’s Bhagavad Gita and somehow this time I read the Gita as I should … in complete, blind faith .. and this time, I believed everything! Faith has to be absolute to understand and absorb the Gita .. that I truly believe. Lord Krishna has helped me get out of bed on days when I felt I could not. Just wanted to share that … because it is powerful and changed me.
I wanted to know something. If at times you get angry with God or question him, does that make God angry? As someone else said in one of the posts, I feel a lot of guilt sometimes …
How many times must I chant the Hare Krishna mantra a day?
Also, is there a way to manifest some desires (esp. the non material ones) by prayer?
Thank you
I came across your posts while learning to put perspective in why certain things happen. I am an animal welfare activist. The pain experienced by the animals fills me up and really affects me. Recently I lost a dog I cared very much for. What is even more heartbreaking for me is that the dog probably developed low resistance and disease due to a vaccination that was done for him, though we had decided to vaccinate him in good faith to prevent any future illness. But because he was relatively weak, he developed something because of that and died.
Another of the dogs who we recently spayed is suffering a lot. Though a wonderful lady has taken her home and is caring for her, the dog has a disease, probably distemper, and has no energy to even get up. She is being cleaned, fed and taken care of by the lady and her family. But this pain and suffering fills me up and makes me very upset.
Please help me see sense in this.
Bhagavad Gita appears within the Mahabharata. Mahabharata means the “the history of Greater India.” So the conversation we hear between Krishna and Arjuna actually happened. It is history. And if you would like to understand everything that happened before and after this conversation, that is available also, in the Mahabharata. However Bhagavad Gita is the very essence, the very nectar of the Mahabharata. So simply studying the Gita is sufficient
hare krsnah!
why we have to count and chant?
one of the problem many of us will encounter is when we chant..we will chant and also count so we cannot concentrate fully on chanting! and also it seems as if we are doing it for the sake of numbers, not for the ecstacy of chanting….why cant we chant without counting??
Jai Shree Krishna,
I feel blessed – getting associated with Krishna Connect Newsletter
flowing down to my email – seems to be a divine act re-initiating me to Krishna Consciousness. I shall definitely share with you what comes to my mind and
shall count on my blessings being a part of this process!
Chanting Hare Krishna Everlasting Happily,
Hare Krishna,
Can anybody direct me where can I get Hindi or Bengali version of the Bhagavad Gita as a PodCast or MP3 file.
I had a dream last night that me and my two daughters, one is 26 years old and the other one is 2 years old. We were at an airport attempting to travel and there was this woman on the runway dressed traditionally in a wrap (I don’t know the correct term for this dress, but it was brightly colored like a Pink or a Peach colored and her sandals were thong sandals and her name was Krishna or something like that and upon my waking up I was calling the name Krishna. Now I no affiliation with any religion like this except years ago some gentleman at a train station here in NY gave me a book for free and it had to do with Hari Krishnas. I don’t what I should do with this dream can you please advise me.
Grace and Peace
Hare Krishna,
Dreams are a mixture of what you see in daily life, what you hear, think, your inner desires etc.. You dreamt of a Hare Krishna devotee & you called the name Krishna.. Its good.. Krishna rememberance has a great benefit.. so be happy.. CHANT HARE KRISHNA AND BE HAPPY..
Regarding the Wives of Krishna Had is complicated. Lord should be Pure in Everything. i think this is a minus point of Krishna in life. why such a lord have so many wives. it is not fair and good to show the way to others. please help me in this question.
Actually the thousand wives of Krishna were great sages in their previous lives who after years of penance had qualified to become his eternal consorts.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
I truly respect all of you who make efforts in enlightening the way of masses in Krishna conciousness.
I have few questions:
1) We understand Krishna as the creator of all living and non loving. But when Krishna is the greatest than the countries other than india who don’t have Vedas, Purana, Upanishads, Bhagvatam Puran and Bhagvad Geeta in there store from which they can understand about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. How do these people will achieve the enlightenment and what is their fault in that? why these spiritual material is not for whole world? when anyone will not hear about Krishna through out their life as it is not in their culture, how will they reach the krishnalok which is the ultimate destination for human beings?
how do they receive consciousness?
2)I am married in a family who don’t have any Guru and this family also believes very little in this way but after reading Geeta and from my own family culture, i believe we should have guru who enlighten our path….is there any way by which we can acquire more n more knowledge about god even without having a guru….also, how can we make a guru…how do we have to decide whom to choose as a guru? will he come our way himself? do we have to take guruprasad and then only He will be our Guru……how should i come to know about all these thing?
3)i am not earning a very good amount but by gods grace i am earning which is more than sufficient for me and my needs…..when i got this job, i thought i will give 10% of it in a good cause …now when i read Bhagvat Geeta, i found that the most imp good cause is to spend money for those institutions or areas where people are working for spiritual enhancement or god’s consciousness. i might be wrong but i strongly feel that all living beings are god created so if i help the people who are in need (in hospitals, charities for operations) is a better service than giving in a temple.i really want you to suggest me which is the better path as my inner consciousness strongly believe that helping poor is better though i firmly believe that words in Geeta cannot be false.
Please enlighten my path.
May God give you His consciousness more and more by each passing moment.
Hare Krishna Aradhna,
I also have many question in my mind, but few you have mention.
But arahna i know one thing that organization, temples are created by us (Human being) but Krishna is far from all these.
I enjoy chanting and i realize and feel krishna near me and helping me in my bad times.
Everyone left me when i was passing through bad day’s. Only krishna was there who has given me life again.
Hare Krishna.
Today while having an e-mail discussion with a friend of fifty years, I was looking for the Bhagavad-Gita verse which says, “fools deride me when I descend in human form,” which led me to the website where I subscribed to a newsletter, which led to a very nice message from Madhudvisa dasa. My friend wanted to discuss an article in New Yorker magazine, which is about Jesus and the basic problems of existence. I will share my friend’s comments first, then my reply, which includes a purport by Prabhupada. I would like to help my friend, not impede his spiritual progress. Did I get it right? Thanks in advance for this kind service!
Says he:
I thought this was a very good article. It surveys some of the current thought about unresolved problems in the
bible. There are plenty. There are several pointers to some current books, and opportunities to enlarge one’s
vocabulary. It is fairly long.
I no longer believe that the bible can be reduced to a single unified, self-consistent story. There is more than one path through the book. More than one truth. God’s will be done. If it must be reduces to a single truth, this is the one that works for me:
God sent a man, Jesus. Jesus kept the commandments. Jesus has the power to save the world. Jesus will use the power.
A proverb remembers itself to me, “Follow one who seeks the truth, beware of one who has found it.”
And my reply, beginning with quotations from the New Yorker in quotes:
“If one thing seems nearly certain to the people who read and study the Gospels for a living, it’s that this really happened: John the Baptizer—as some like to call him, to give a better sense of the original Greek’s flat-footed active form—baptized Jesus. They believe it because it seems so unlikely, so at odds with the idea that Jesus always played the star in his own show: why would anyone have said it if it weren’t true?”
Why did he take baptism? Because it was appropriate. It’s like raising kids. You teach by example.
Why did he pick John the Baptist to do it? John the Baptist was considered on the lunatic fringe, lived out in the desert eating locusts and honey – and was a 100% for real, committed dude ready to lose his head, and did. He wasn’t about self-glorification through some public display of piety, or rising through a religious power hierarchy. That says a lot, and applies to many other things as well.
Was it not similarly “unlikely” that he would have been born in a stable when he could have been born in a palace? He could have picked someone besides shepherds (the lowest on the social hierarchy) to announce his advent into the world, he could have ridden into Jerusalem in a golden carriage instead of a donkey, he could have opted out of the crucifixion. Instead he was the servant of all. Not “the star in his own show,” as if we were talking about celebrities and TV ratings. God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, all the same energy, is reputed to be displeased by hypocrite clergy who think religion is a show that is all about them. He could have put on quite a display here, but God does not coerce. He was servant of all, and the display he put on was done on a cross. Then he says, “choose.” John the Baptist. All the way. Not half-hearted, not sitting on a fence. You have to want him more than anything else.
“Who is the doctor in charge of your ward?”
“Why, a body, just like yourself, sir. We are absorbed by the air at night, and they bring back people?”
Remember that? It is a conversation with a nutcase in a psych ward, which made its way into a college psychology textbook, which made its into our hands. We laughed aloud at this seemingly sensible reply. Was this insanity, or uncommon wisdom, or perhaps both in equal proportions?
The following is from a book on “miracles” which is full of this sort of nonsense:
“If God is real, there is no pain. If pain is real, there is no God. . . . It is your thoughts alone that cause you pain. Nothing external to your mind can hurt or injure you in any way.
ACIM, vol. 2, p. 351”
Yes, and who is the doctor in charge of your ward?
Why split God, the Holy Spirit (localized Paramtma), and Jesus into three? The Muslims believe that Christianity erred when it invented this doctrine at the Council of Nicea around 787 A.D. These days the Gnostics are misrepresented as being heretics, whose heresy was that they preached a noncorporial Christ. They didn’t say anything of the kind. They merely had sense enough to recognize that the body is not the self. We are spiritual beings having a material experience, not material beings who have somehow acquired “souls.” The error which has been perpetuated is the bodily concept of Christ, the idea that he was a body just like yourself, sir, and so are we. Actually the Trinity is the worst blasphemy I ever heard.
Back to the New Yorker again:
“If God he was—not some Hinduish avatar or offspring of God, but actually one with God—then God once was born and had dirty diapers and took naps. The longer you think about it, the more astounding, or absurd, it becomes. To be really believed at all, it can only be told again.”
Oh, here come Hinduism and the avatars! They have Bhagavad-Gita, The Song of God. What are the lyrics?
Chapter 9. The Most Confidential Knowledge
avajananti mam mudha
manusim tanum asritam
param bhavam ajananto
mama bhuta-mahesvaram
“Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be.”
The fools have showed up and have not failed to disappoint. Jesus had bowel movements! But the bowel movement is not the self. This is entirely clear to me. The challenge to Christianity seems to be, how long can you hold that thought? God and his incarnations are the same, non-different.
Here is the purport to the Hindu verse. I believe this applies to Jesus and to the infinite number of times he has advented himself into an infinite number of worlds in an infinite number of material universes. Maybe some of the beings there have more than one anus. I really couldn’t say.
From the other explanations of the previous verses in this chapter, it is clear that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing like a human being, is not a common man. The Personality of Godhead, who conducts the creation, maintenance and annihilation of the complete cosmic manifestation, cannot be a human being. Yet there are many foolish men who consider Krsna to be merely a powerful man and nothing more. Actually, He is the original Supreme Personality, as is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita (isvarah paramah krsnah); He is the Supreme Lord.
There are many isvaras, controllers, and one appears greater than another. In the ordinary management of affairs in the material world, we find some official or director, and above him there is a secretary, and above him a minister, and above him a president. Each of them is a controller, but one is controlled by another. In the Brahma-samhita it is said that Krsna is the supreme controller; there are many controllers undoubtedly, both in the material and spiritual world, but Krsna is the supreme controller (isvarah paramah krsnah) and His body is sac-cid-ananda, nonmaterial.
Material bodies cannot perform the wonderful acts described in previous verses. His body is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. Although He is not a common man, the foolish deride Him and consider Him to be a man. His body is called here manusim because He is acting just like a man, a friend of Arjuna’s, a politician involved in the Battle of Kuruksetra. In so many ways He is acting just like an ordinary man, but actually His body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha–eternal bliss and knowledge absolute. This is confirmed in the Vedic language also (sac-cid-ananda-rupaya krsnaya): “I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is the eternal blissful form of knowledge.” There are other descriptions in the Vedic language also. Tam ekam govindam: “You are Govinda, the pleasure of the senses and the cows.” Sac-cid-ananda-vigraham: “And Your form is transcendental, full of knowledge, bliss and eternality.”
Despite the transcendental qualities of Lord Krsna’s body, its full bliss and knowledge, there are many so-called scholars and commentators of Bhagavad-gita who deride Krsna as an ordinary man. The scholar may be born an extraordinary man due to his previous good work, but this conception of Sri Krsna is due to a poor fund of knowledge. Therefore he is called mudha, for only foolish persons consider Krsna to be an ordinary human being because they do not know the confidential activities of the Supreme Lord and His different energies. They do not know that Krsna’s body is a symbol of complete knowledge and bliss, that He is the proprietor of everything that be and that He can award liberation to anyone. Because they do not know that Krsna has so many transcendental qualifications, they deride Him.
Nor do they know that the appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in this material world is a manifestation of His internal energy. He is the master of the material energy. As has been explained in several places (mama maya duratyaya), He claims that the material energy, although very powerful, is under His control, and whoever surrenders unto Him can get out of the control of this material energy. If a soul surrendered to Krsna can get out of the influence of material energy, then how can the Supreme Lord, who conducts the creation, maintenance and annihilation of the whole cosmic nature, have a material body like us? So this conception of Krsna is complete foolishness. Foolish persons, however, cannot conceive that the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appearing just like an ordinary man, can be the controller of all the atoms and of the gigantic manifestation of the universal form. The biggest and the minutest are beyond their conception, so they cannot imagine that a form like that of a human being can simultaneously control the infinite and the minute. Actually although He is controlling the infinite and the finite, He is apart from all this manifestation. It is clearly stated concerning His yogam aisvaram, His inconceivable transcendental energy, that He can control the infinite and the finite simultaneously and that He can remain aloof from them. Although the foolish cannot imagine how Krsna, who appears just like a human being, can control the infinite and the finite, those who are pure devotees accept this, for they know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore they completely surrender unto Him and engage in Krsna consciousness, devotional service of the Lord.
There are many controversies amongst the impersonalists and the personalists about the Lord’s appearance as a human being. But if we consult Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, the authoritative texts for understanding the science of Krsna, then we can understand that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is not an ordinary man, although He appeared on this earth as an ordinary human. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, First Canto, First Chapter, when the sages inquire about the activities of Krsna, it is stated that His appearance as a man bewilders the foolish. No human being could perform the wonderful acts that Krsna performed while He was present on this earth. When Krsna appeared before His father and mother, Vasudeva and Devaki, He appeared with four hands, but after the prayers of the parents, He transformed Himself into an ordinary child. His appearance as an ordinary human being is one of the features of His transcendental body. In the Eleventh Chapter of the Gita also it is stated, tenaiva rupena etc. Arjuna prayed to see again that form of four hands, and when Krsna was thus petitioned by Arjuna, He again assumed His original form. All these different features of the Supreme Lord are certainly not those of an ordinary human being.
Some of those who deride Krsna, who are infected with the Mayavadi philosophy, quote the following verse from the Srimad-Bhagavatam to prove that Krsna is just an ordinary man. Aham sarvesu bhutesu bhutatmavasthitah sada: “The Supreme is present in every living entity.” (Bhag. 3.29.21) We should better take note of this particular verse from the Vaisnava acaryas like Jiva Gosvami instead of following the interpretation of unauthorized persons who deride Krsna. Jiva Gosvami, commenting on this verse, says that Krsna, in His plenary expansion as Paramatma, is situated in the moving and the nonmoving entities as the Supersoul, so any neophyte devotee who simply gives his attention to the arca-murti, the form of the Supreme Lord in the temple, and does not respect other living entities is uselessly worshiping the form of the Lord in the temple. There are three kinds of devotees of the Lord, and the neophyte is in the lowest stage. The neophyte devotee gives more attention to the Deity in the temple than to other devotees, so Jiva Gosvami warns that this sort of mentality should be corrected. A devotee should see that Krsna is present in everyone’s heart as Paramatma; therefore every body is the embodiment or the temple of the Supreme Lord, and as such, as one offers respect to the temple of the Lord, he should similarly properly respect each and every body in whom the Paramatma dwells. Everyone should therefore be given proper respect and should not be neglected.
There are also many impersonalists who deride temple worship. They say that since God is everywhere, why should one restrict himself to temple worship? But if God is everywhere, is He not in the temple or in the Deity? Although the personalist and the impersonalist will fight with one another perpetually, a perfect devotee in Krsna consciousness knows that although Krsna is the Supreme Personality, He is all-pervading, as is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita. Although His personal abode is Goloka Vrndavana and He is always staying there, still, by His different manifestations of energy and by His plenary expansion, He is present everywhere in all parts of the material and spiritual creations.
Anything else?
The New Yorker:
“If Jesus is truly one with God, in what sense could he suffer doubt, fear, exasperation, pain, horror, and so on?”
Death (as in, “the wages of sin”) and hell are separation from God, which is also the cause of suffering in this world. So, how could he overcome the problem of separation from God without experiencing it himself? That might make the crucifixion more than a carpenter nailed to a tree. Christianity (as we know it) would not exist if his material body had not disappeared from the tomb. “There you go again.” They think the body is the self and hence a body was Jesus, hence the Trinity. In fact, the ultimate disposition of his material body does not make the slightest difference. It does not determine who is the doctor in charge of the ward! The whole Christian religion has completely missed the point, and the theologians cannot even remember where they left it, like a dog who forgot where he buried his bone. Christians post-Nicea burned Gnostics at the stake as heretics. The early Christians for the most part were Gnostics. They didn’t have “The Bible.” It hadn’t been invented yet. They preached from what they had – gnostic texts, mostly.
I have some questions regarding Krishna. Although I find many things about the prayers and recommended lifestyle to be beautiful, I would like some questions answered before I accept Krishna as the Godhead. For example, I’ve been hearing and reading about personal choices of Krishna that are controversial (such as number of wives, his playfulness, etc.). Can you please help clear that up?
Thank you.
Hare Krishna Radhika
Krishna is sat-cit-ananda-vigraha. He has an eternal, fully blissful spiritual form that is full of ever-increasing pleasure. He is the Supreme Personaliy of Godhead. As the Supreme Person he is not like us. He can have unlimited wives and deal with them all very nicely. In Dwarka Krishna married 16,108 wives and built a separate palace for every one of them and in the evening when He would come home He would appear personally in every queen’s palace and act personally and individually with every queen all at the same time.
So you see Krishna is not an ordinary person. So sometimes when we hear that Krishna has 16,108 wives some complain. But why not? Krishna can have billions of wives. He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. People are simply projecting their own limitations on Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
I am new member, i am regularly reading your newsletter. I have posted one query, which i have in my mind since long. I am sure you can give ans to this query.
Who is the supreme power and who has created this world.
I know krishna has created this world and i strongly believes in this. But if we ask krishans the say Jesus has created this world same muslim says allah.
I just want to understand logically who actually have created.
Hare Krishna
Sanjay Bhatt
Hare Krishna Sanjay
God created the world. Krishna is one name of God, Allah is a name of God and Jesus is the son of God. They are all the same God. The God Jesus speaks of is Krishna and Allah is another name of Krishna. So there is no contradiction or argument. Everyone agrees “God created the world.” The only thing is in different cultures and countries God is known by different names.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
I am very happy that you have replied on my query. I really want to progress towards hare krishna.Previously i used to chant 16 malas before my marriage, but after marriage i have lot of responsibility which force me or involve me in the Maya. But now as i am little bit stabled in terms of professional career i really want to devote my life to my krishna.And by replying my query you have initialized the process.
But prabhu still i am not able to understand, if krishna says in gita that “Saab Dharmo ko tyago meri saaran mein aajao”. It means there is only one God. And other way, GOD can be only one, who has all the power.
And also if ALLAH, JESUS and Krishna is one then why other religion people are forcing to join there religion.
This is my last comment or query on this topic. I don’t want to waste time on this topic.
I dont want to live HOG life.I want to hear more about krishna. How i can go closer to krishna? What are the things which separates us from Krishna?
How can i get rid of unidentified illness?
Thanks once again Prabhu.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Hare Hare
Hare Krishna
I appreciate to see that I have some help at hand to clear my doubts…
I am a beginner in the spiritual science and recently started reading Srimad Bhagwad Gita. I am overwhelmed with the words of lord.
One of the few things that come to my mind is “Few Other religions have meat eating allowed as per their religious books”. If the god is one then why does he say different things in different religious books.
I have recently quit ignorance and adopted the fact that Supreme Personality of God head is Krsna.
Kindly forgive me If I have mistaken somewhere.
Hare Krishna
Ponal Manju
Hare Krishna
hello sir thank you alot….please do send me more about this i would like to learn more…..
I try to chant atleast 108 times the chanting with the beads, but I see that i am not thinking about Krishna the whole time that i am chanting. I am thinking about all the other things that revolve around my concious this 20-30mins that i am chanting and in between i think of Krishna too. I know that this is not good, but how much ever i try hard, i am unable to achieve 100% concentration in Krishna everytime I chant. How can i improve my concentration and be only 100% thinking about Krishna only atleast during the chanting. My goal is to reverse what i am right now. My mind thinks about all the other material things that is part of me for the most part of the time, but in between i think about Krishna too. I want to reverse it to think about Krishna only all the time and in between need to take care of whatever i am supposed to do also.
Govindha Radhe!
oh Friend,
i understand ur problem i have also faced the same but God took me long away from those material tides.The only thing u need to understand is that concentration is not to think upon a single thought but it is how u convert ur othr thoughts in the direction u want dem to go.i give u a good example My Friend Once a teacher took all his students on the playground in the afternoon.Them he raise his right palm open in front of the students and asked for what dey see in his hands.few students said future,few said lines,n few said destiny but a wise said i see sunrays falling on ur hand.the master appreciated the boy and told others that those who said future are worried about future those who see destiny are worried abt der destiny but whose mind is focused and evr alert on the present said the answers.after this the master said this sunrays falls on each and evry partical of earth but they never burn anything.our thoughts are like sunrays which are tend to fall on what come to it through our senses.and as the plants grows unto sunlight so does the complications of material world grows under light of our thoughts.after this the master took magnify’ing glass n burned a paper with the power of magnifying this way when our thoughts get concentrated on a single point den d light and it powers shows magic.Oh friend i trust ur intelect future.relate each of ur thought with the supreme and they wil definately concentrate aftr sumtime.when u work;work for god.when u eat ; eat for God and also when u think related the start and end with the concentrated sunrays can burn the paper ur concentrated thoughts can do anything u wish..
Mayur ( )
try to read 9 chapter of bhagavad gita. this will help u. actually ur name so sweet. krishna-priya. (Daughter Of Lord Sri Krishna).
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa,
Thank you very much for sending me all the mails. They are very inspiring.
At the age of six, I had a serious illness on my kidneys. The doctor told my parents that I would die in a week or two. Because there was no proper medicine or other methods to cure this illness.
By the time I was lying in bed in the hospital, I was acting as a mouse in the laboratory. A professor leading 5 to 6 trainee doctors came to my bed everyday. The doctors learned how to examine my body, and started to collect blood or extract urine or extract some tissues from my kidneys. It was so painful that I always tried to fall asleep or fainted actually.
But one day, while I was examined by the doctors, I suddenly found that I was overseeing my body and the doctors! I could see what they were doing to my body! I realized that I was not in my body, I then understood that my body is not I. It’s it amazing?
I had 3 questions in my mind after that discovery. They are “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where will I go?”
I tried to find answers from books in the library. Because I could not get answers from people around me, my parents, my teachers, my classmates, my friend….
When I grew older, I went to churches and temples of different religions.
Now, I got all the answers from Bhagavad Gita. And I had started to associate with the devotees in Iskcon Hongkong temple 2 months ago.
It took me nearly half century to get all the answers. But even I got the answers, there is still a long way for me to go back to the spiritual world. I will and I must do it!
Looking forward to receiving more mails from you.
Thank you and Haribol
Peace to all,
i am attracted to the Gita for a number of reasons but especially because Mahatma Gandhi always included recitation of verses 54-72 of chapter 2 in the evening prayer at his ashram.
i very much respect and admire Mahatma Gandhi for his love of Krsna and his people and his resistance to social injustice and oppression.
in studying verses 54-72, it appears to me that M.G. sought to remind himself and his ashram to be rooted in Krsna consciousness, a consequence of which would be a deep transcendental peace and detachment from the results of his campaigns to free India from British colonialism. i like this consciousness of inner peace and detachment while simultaneously being engaged in the pursuit of justice, freedom and external peace.
i would be interested in people’s thoughts on this intersection of devotion to Krsna and social justice activism.
From few months I have not got the newsletter. All I get is the new comment mail. Please do something about it.
Hare Krishna.
Hello! My name is Paul and I try to live the Gita in every aspect of my life, but unfortunately as of late, it seem that it isn’t enough…no matter how hard I try, it seems that I can’t connect with Lord Krishna as I should; as a result of that, I’m somewhat overwhelmed with guilt at times. I have never been to a temple before because I quite frankly don’t have any money due to the fact that I’m a full-time student pursuing a career in law enforcement. Any alternatives to going to a Temple? I hate the guilt that I feel, so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Keep God in temple called Heart and hear him.Your guilt is not anymore.Just close your eyes and Call Krishna.listen the voice which comes from your temple.and simply follow it.Remember Truth and Love with Kindness are essense of God’s words.hear dem.
Hare Krsna brother Paul!
Please check if you have formed some requirements in your mind about ” connecting with Krsna!” and maybe you find you are not acting upto to those requirements. Please study the scriptures properly. Also ask for forgiveness and love from Krsna!
Madhudvisa dasa,
My name is Jason. And I have been studying the Gita for 15 years. I have read some of your letters to people, and just want to offer my respect to you as a recognition of the happiness you seek to help people find according to Krsnas Pleasure. I would like to hear your opinion, on a deep spiritual awareness. I am thouroughly convinced that the gita speaks the words of Krsna, that they are no different from him in fact. Can one attain perfection by direct realization of the truth, by the truth in already completed surrenderence caused by pure faith in his commands? And in a moment of time, even now, transcend and live with him by his infinite grace, and supreme power, ability, and loving kindness. Free from delusions of all types, of all the modes and interactions of material nature attain the supreme goal, by recognition of the truth, that there is nothing to attain, we actually are in His Loving Service. The End. Knowledge Over! Please give me your loving opinion on this. Thankyou and Hari Bol
Hare Krishna..Jai gurudev. In “Bhagavad-Gita has it is” In Chapter 2 in Text 13 under purport there is following sentence “…So Bhisma and Drona, being noble souls, were surely going to have either spiritual bodies in the next life, or at least life in heavenly bodies for superior enjoyment of material existence. So, in either case, there was no cause of lamentation…” In this sentence we can see the word “spiritual bodies”. what is spiritual bodies? is this same as pure soul.
Can you please clarify this. Thanking you.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you for sending me the newsletter.
I am looking forward to read the next instalment, “Just What is the Bhagavad-gita?”
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
I have one question in my mind, I know and strongly believe that only GOD is krishna and he has created all the things.
But if we ask Christians he says Jesus has created this world. And same way if we ask Muslims the says Allah has created.
Even in Hindus there may be conflict, someone believe shiva is supreme and some one says other.
Can you give some insights that who has created this world and who is GOD.
Dear Mr. Bhatt,
I am not speaking for Madhudvisa, apologies if I have answered a question addressed to Madhudvisa – however, this is an important question and needs to be addressed – so I share my 2 cents:
We (humans) have created a personal God, and given him/her a name, form, attached Him to a religion etc. Look at it this way: call Him (or Her) what you may – God is the unborn, has no form, sex, name, religious affiliation. Therefore, who is Krsna to some, may be Allah to some others and so on.
Due to His very nature of being formless, we cannot point a finger to someone and say He is God. Thus, the question of WHO is God loses its meaning. While, we have made it easy for ourselves by personifying God and thus relating to some sort of a physical form (and attaching a name to that form), you may find the answer if you asked the question WHAT is God.
While the question ‘What’ implies to the contrary, do not seek to find someone or something of purely material nature and I am sure you will realize that God is not a simple ‘Who’.
Good Luck and God Bless.
Hare Krishna NS,
Thanks for your respond,you are right and correct. But I have to do some more research or apply lateral thinking to find the more correct ans. Because according to me there will be only one. As you said rightly that we have given the name and form to GOD. It means GOD is not multiple, it must be single and individual personality.
Thanks once again for your respond.
Hare Krishna.
Sanjay Bhatt
Hare Krishna NS,
Thanks for your response,you are right and correct. But I have to do some more research or apply lateral thinking to find the more correct ans. Because according to me there will be only one. As you said rightly that we have given the name and form to GOD. It means GOD is not multiple, it must be single and individual personality.
Thanks once again for your response.
Hare Krishna.
Sanjay Bhatt
Hare Krishna All of you brothers!
Well, NS and Sanjay; I agree and don’t agree with some of your statements. God is not formless. He took incarnation as Lord Krishna!
I don’t think, “God is the unborn, has no form, sex, name, religious affiliation. Therefore, who is Krsna to some, may be Allah to some others and so on.” Krishna clearly said that He is the One. With names we do associate qualities and prejudice. God was born as Lord Krishna! Cab you please give me evidence that God has no form, sex, name, religious affiliation?
best wishes
dear madhudvisa you recently mentioned that it is possible that one may get transported to another universe by krishna but then as a result of accumulating knowledge in krishna consciousness would it then not be possible for one to return to earth as a human being once more?
Thank you for your email.
I have some questions which I hope will result in some practical answers from you.
First of all, how is a spiritual book regarded as a record of historical events? Isn’t a spiritual book intended to discuss the consciousness of a human being? Who is Arjuna in my life? Is he the intelligence of my soul? My Will-power? How do you explain the bodies of the consciousness? Is it the make-up of Mind and Monad united by Will-power? Are the characters in the Mahabharata the embodiment of that which constitues the make-up of the Mind and Monad? Where is my EGO seated?
Dear soul(Arjuna),
Ur ego is temperory happiness.and is associated with ur Id.when u trust that you are a soul not the body at that time u come to get detached from the Id and Ego of ur body.this trust is nothng but the thirst of the soul to return to supreme and the will is the path on which ur soul walks up to the supreme.Ur mind @ this stage is between the a great war.A war between Aurjuna and his Id n Ego(physical attribute).i trust ur intelect to find the remaining answers.i could just give ur thoughts a direction to did i.
I am associated with ISKCON and fallowing many thing in my life.
i want to ask some personnel questions. Where should i ask this?
Can i get guidline through mail also?
List of thing that i fellow are Regular Chanting, Reading Gita
and other ISKCON matteres(but not every day) sometime i visit
mandir and attent lectures also.Through out my life i am
vegeterian,but now my mail conatins onion and garlic(in my sub
subjee only) and take tee or coffe almost everyday.I have
never been in concern of any lady for body purpose but earlier
i had a girlfriend, with that also i did not have any physical
relation and know all those thins have finished.
* my strength is i can speak and listen truth so some extent.
Please grace with your guidance.
Hari Bol
Kumar Gauraw
Mob; 8055726481
Hare Krishna Madhudivsa
I read your newsletter with interest.I am a new student of Bhagvad
Gita and I am reading second chapter currently. I will write to youin details later.
Kind Regards
dear madhudvisa,i am a devotee of lord krishna so i am endeavoring to go back to godhead and assured of this,but in reply to the answer you submitted about lord kalki and the end of kali yuga, when it actually happens, what will be the deciding factor in whether one remains on earth or gets transported to another universe? does the individual have any control over this matter or is it solely krishnas decision? does the individuals desire have anything to do with this?
dear soul,
as the sky is incomplete without moons n stars simillarly God is incomplete witout devotees n der love.
We all are a part of a big system which is made and controlled by God itself.the life u r living is small part of d same system.n whn ur work is done u return to d eternal form.but it does nt mean dat you should stop workng n wait for end of life.If u stop workng the system wont run properly.working of evry1 is necesarry .Both the Good and the Bad.Even the Dhrama is incomplete is der is no Bad things.
Hope u find ur answr in ur own experience of thoughts n intellect.
Jai sri ram,Iam a devotee of lord Ram & have read manas &want to go deep into it . Besides I have a great desire to read and understand Gita too because reading is only going to benefit me when i understand the scripture which is a very complicated thing .This is the reason why i haven’t touched gita till date .I look forward for your guidance on that
Jai sri ram,Iam a devotee of lord Ram & have read manas &want to go deep into it . Besides I have a great desire to read and understand Gita too because reading is only going to benefit me when i understand the scripture which is a very complicated thing .This is the reason why i haven’t touched gita till date .I have been attending satsang since last two years but nowhere i could find a thorough explaination of gita.I look forward for your guidance on that.
Dear Anjana,
Hare Krishna,
with the grace of god just to let you know that Gita is the simplest form of spiritual knowledge ever existed.They are direct words and preaching of Lord to a human being and it can not be more simpler than this.To the best of my knowledge Ram charit manas focuses more on Bhakti yoga and maryada purshottam lord Rama…..while the Gita expalins you all the way to attain the Parbrahma with all the way explained in the Vedas…May it be Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raj Yoga or Kgyan Yoga.
Talking about my personal experience, I found more and more in depth meaning as many time As I read Gita.I found everytime something new about the life and self realisation from Gita. Its just matter of going into it and get ur self into it. It may be little hard initiallly..but its than so simple once you are used to the terminology and the simple meaning of the preaching….I would love to share with you more and more about Gita and Purna Purshottam Jagadguru Lord Krishna….
May I be sorry if my language has any debatable issues at all if any…….Hare Krishna
Dr.Vimesh Jani
dear madhudvisa if i may get to the point, but the knowledge that i have on krishna and the bhagavad gita, will it carry into my next life so that i will know all that i know now of krishna?
Hare Krishna Dave
Yes, whatever service you do for Krishna, whatever advancement you make in Krishna consciousness, is to your permanent credit.
So the knowledge you have about Krishna consciousness will remain with you. It may become covered for some time. But as soon as you again start the process of Krishna consciousness you will not have to start from the beginning, you will start from where you left off.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
i like to know is only this hare krsna movement can goback to spritual world
Anyone who develops a loving relationship with Krishna, God and who remembers Him at the time of death can go back to the spiritual world. So devotees of Lord Rama who think of Him at the time of death will go back to the spiritual world. There are many possibilities. But it is only possible actually by the mercy of a pure devotee of the Lord. We can not directly worship the Lord, we need to be connected to Him by His pure devotee. So we are very fortunate to have Srila Prabhuapda who is very happy to connect us to Krishna as long as we are prepared to surrender to him and server him and at least follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily.
The thing is it is very, very rare to find a pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada. I am not aware of any other way at the moment of getting to the spiritual world except by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. Perhaps there may be but also there may not be. A pure devotee is very, very rare. It is quite possible that Srila Prabhupada is the only one available at the moment.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna PRabhuji!
Please accept my humble obeisances
All Glories to SRila PRabhupad
Whenever I read Bhagavat Gita , it looks completely new to me . I can’t retain most of the things .( I think I may need more connection with Guru And Krishna!)
Is there any other way . It’ doesn’t mean that I want to by heart git a, but only to get the essence ,
I am a devotee of Lord Krishna. I am know about about Lord Krishna.
I dont know why? but whenever I chant hare krishna sometimes a felling comes in my heart that krishna is not there? I cant understand but I want to get out of this problem??? please!!!!! help me????!!!!!
Krishna is there Vinay, don’t worry. Krishna is everywhere. What to speak of in His holy name.
The thing is we are covered. It is not that Krishna is not there. The example is given of the sun. In the daytime the sun is there in the sky. But if it is very cloudy you can not see the sun. But the sun is there. If you were to travel up just a few miles so you were above the clouds you would see that the sun is blazing there. But on earth, under the clouds, you can not see the sun.
It is similar with Krishna, Krishna is there, blazing like the sun but our hearts are covered by so much dirt as a result of our sinful activities in this life and in previous lives. And this chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is gradually cleaning away that dirt in our hearts.
So you may not see the sun, you may not feel the heat of the sun. But your chanting of Hare Krishna is clearing away the dirt that is covering your heart, so it is like you were clearing away the clouds. So while you are clearing away the clouds you still may not immediately see the sun, it takes time. But if you keep chanting Hare Krishna you will clear away all the dirt from your heart and you will see Krishna.
So keep chanting, even if sometimes it feels that it is not working.
Of course there are things that help with the chanting. Main thing is following the four regulative principles, no illicit sex, no meat eating and no gambling. So if these five things you can do, and also you read Srila Prabhupada’s books and try to follow what he says there, then your success is guaranteed, if you stick to it…
So keep chanting Hare Krishna Prabhu…
Thank u,
reciving ur newsletters about Bhagawat gita, how many years ago tell
Bhagawat gita to Arjuna
Bhagavad-gita was spoken by Krishna to Arjuna approx 5000 years ago.
Im new here,but Ive been sent a email by HKs saying that their Gita is the only true Gita,I find that utterly flabbergasting,thats like saying all the Vedas are wrong.Thats like getting a Bible rewriting it to fit into your own views,then telling everyone this is the only true version.Thats totally put me off the HK.
Hare Krishna Paul
The actual verses of the Gita, Krishna’s actual Sanskrit words there is no argument about at all. You will find any Bhagavad-gita by anyone if he has included the original Sanskrit it will be the same. So there is no disagreement about what Krishna and Arjuna actually said 5000 years ago on the Battlefield of Kuruksettra. But the problem is ordinarily when someone writes a book or even translates a book and provides his own commentary on it he has some motive, some agenda. Some purpose to fulfill.
So there are so many translations and commentaries of the Gita made by people like this who have some motive and they use Krishna’s book to present their own ideas actually. It is virtually impossible to find a translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-gita where the author has not injected his own ideas.
That is where Srila Prabhupada’s “Bhagavad-gita As It Is” is different. He has truly simply presented the conversation between Krishna and Arjuna “as it is,” without injecting his personal opinions or agenda.
So in this way we are correct to say that it would be very, very difficult to find another translation and commentary of the Gita where the subject matter is presented “as it is” without the translator / author injecting his own ideas.
So yes, actually, Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is may be the only bona fide commentary on the Bhagavad-gita, certainly in English. As I said before the original conversation, the original verses of the Gita you can find anywhere. But people interpret these verses in most indirect and unreasonable ways. You will find practically no one is prepared to simply present Bhagavad-gita As It Is…
So just read Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is for your self and make up your own mind on this point.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
am a footballer and i want to be a skilful player and best youngest footballer so i need your help and i need things for chanting and instructions when it is your first time i want to hear you very soon
Hai Dave…
Yes as far as i no…..wat ever u no abt Lord will never go away from u even in d dreamz r in next birth….may be for a moment u’ll like u’ve nothing but as u see d pics of Krishna der will be a smile on ur face…saying dat ha he is my lord…my Kriahna……
Jai Sri Krishn
Hare krishna,
I really enjoyed reading your newsletter.I started reading bhagvatam first,than reading bhagvat geetha.It happended so that once I saw satsang in sanskar channel they were narrating bhagvatam,I really felt attracted to them ,so I collected money fornearly 8 months and bougth bhagvatam my dear lord is solely responsible for collecting the money ,I have experienced that he is really merciful, but it is mentioned in bhagvatam that one should bhagvatam first I hope it is not big mistake and it happens to be a great book will you please tell me how to maintain it. It really fels great that there is someone help neophyte devootes like us.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Thank you very much for sending the wonderful mails. It is very informative and helps me to have a deeper understanding.
Prabhu, unless there is no firm faith in Krishna, once can not advance in devotional service. I would appreciate if you can kindly explain the various methods by which I can increase my faith in Krishna. Are there any nice verses or other interesting discussion in Sastras in this regard?
Thank you for spending your valued time.
With kind regards,
Suvarna Gopala das
radhe krisna.
why we sin evn aftr readin bagvad gita,we knw we doin wron dn too we jump into wrong thinx,how to get on da spritual way..
Haribolo! Thanks for
Your comments! I hope your translatings of Bhagavad-Gita also First all states that one should find å spirituel master and surrender unto ju
Him and finally let oneself BE RULED BY HIM. If you have a problem with that statement why not speak with Ranacora Prabhu Acbsp “England”. Srila Prabhupadas comment in this verses was i my understanding that Arjuna Was a dear friend.So there is no need of monkey jumping over Guru but rather go on in å dedicated tolerant way in as fixed service attitude as we Can muster and gradually we will by the power of purification of absorbing us activly in any of the nine different process of devotionals. X services we will naturally be revealed whom we eternally are and allways Been. As Srila Prabhupada said: It is not an artificial imposition on/in the mind. I remember you Madhudvisa Prabhu from a parikrama in Vrndaven ca 1996 if your “fysical” official status i Australien. Thanks for you putting so much energis to preach. Arter all Prabhupada said: preach to the walls but we/you have to preach . Lord Caitanya even said that even the inanimate living entities such as trees take benefit from loud chanting.:0) .i bet to remain your aspiring servant.
The Lord said to Arjuna, “vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo, vedanta krit veda vit eva chaham”, “By all the Vedasam I to be known; indeed I am the compiler of Vedanta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.” (Bg. 15.15). We also find the following quote from the Gita-mahatmyam of sri Veda-Vyasa, “sarvapanisado gavo dogdha gopala-nandana, partho vatsa sudhir bhokta, dugdham gitamritam mahat” “All the Upanisads are like a cow, and the milker of that cow is Lord Sri Krishna, the son of Nanda. Arjuna is the calf, the beautiful nectar of the Gita is the milk, and the fortunate devotees of fine theistic intellect are the enjoyers and drinkers of that milk” Hare Krishna.
Firstly, I offer my respectful obeissances to His Divine Grace Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabupada ji. My humble obeissance to all vaishnava devotees also.
I am a neophyte in Krisna conciousness. I am coming to Hare Krisna temple for last four years only during my weekends. I am inspired by teachings and preachings about Bhagavat gita. I am very much eager to be a Krisna Conciuos person. Want to build up my original constituional position as a servant of the Lord Shri Krisna. Please give me some guidance to improve in Krisna conciusness.
Bharath Patel
Hare Krishna Bharath,
Srila Prabhupada said Krishna consciousness is simple for the simple. So, the process of sadhana, devotional service in practice is also simple and easy to adopt. The only requirement is sincerity of purpose. May I recommend the following:
1)Establish some sacred space wherever you live. And let that be the Lord’s Temple. Just as you would accommodate a guest that comes to your home to whom you show all respect, and to whom you offer the best of whatever you have, in the similar way think of Lord Krishna as not just as your honored guest but as the proprietor of your dwelling place. In that special room or space establish an altar with some nicely framed photos of Sri Sri Radha Krishna, Lord Chaitanya and Srila Prabhupada.
2)Visit the Lord’s temple room every day. Present yourself as His servant and chant and sing His Holy Names. Learn some Vaishnava bhajans. Offer Him a lamp and some incense.
3)Regularly prepare and offer sattvik vegetarian foodstuff for His satisfaction, strictly avoiding all kinds of meat, fish, eggs, their by products, onions and garlic.
4)Read Srila Prabhupada’s books everyday and think about what you read during the day. Memorize some key verses from Bhagavad-Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, learn their meaning and explain them to your friends.
5)Invite devotees to your home and inquire from them how to make further progress in devotional service.
6)Purchase some of Srila Prabhupada’s CD lectures and bhajan tapes and hear about Lord Krishna from him.
7)Remove your TV if you have one. Watching it will hamper your spiritual progress.
8) Observe Ekadasi vrata on the eleventh day of the waning and waxing moon (ekadasi tithi both sukla paksha and krishna paksha) by voluntarily eating only fruits, simple vegetables and strictly avoiding grains, beans, rice, dahl etc..
As you become accustomed to these practices you will find over the course of time that your life becomes fulfilled, you will become more and more peaceful, and realization of Lord Krishna’s unbounded kindness and mercy will flood your heart with love and gratitude. By this simple, easily performed practice of sadhana we become eligible to return to the spiritual world and thus solve all problems born of material contact once and for all.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
I’ve read your newsletter and much enjoyed. However there is a word in the 2nd last para which states that we theoretically accept Krishna as Supreme Personality of Godhead. I need to understand better the usage of the word “theoretically” because the oxford dictionary explains the meaning as based on theory not on practice or experience. However, in the same article Arjuna is actually surrendering which is practical and not theory. Kindly clear this for me.
Thank you for the time taken.
thanks greatly madhudvisa for answering back , however, in ramanujas commentary of the bhagavad gita and of course the other 3 acaryas commentary there is mention of the impressions or samskaras of past life impressions, chapter 3 verse 33,why did not srila prabhupada mention this in his version of bhagavad gita?
respected Guru ji, I Sank into divine Ganges of knowledge and went near to the shore of divine sea ,where there is no need and capacity of knowledge,while listening sri krshna in depicted words of small “GEETA’recently.I am very weak in Sanskrit,so could not swallow in sanskrit fully,however traslated milk is tremendous.I FELT and sensed the truth and core essence of every religion in this traslation.Though I could not understand all meaning and revealed mystery in these cosmic words,yet I could see some glimses.I am of the opinion at the limits of my little knowledge that Geeta is complete solution and medium of unfolding the truth of cosmic mystery.IT IS my very first step.If HE loves me,HE will mercyfully make me feel and know this permanent truth like Arjun did…HE will replace my life from dakness to beam and from hell to necter.I WANT to be learner………. pranam
Hare Krishna,
My problem is i am not able to consentrate on my work as i in past i have not got full rewards for my work. How reading Bhagavad-gita will help.
Hare krishna
Thank you for the first mail introducing me to the relationship between Krishna and Arjuna.
I am intrigued by the role of Veda Vyasa the author. Why did Vyasa Maharishi, as an author, stop the Kurukshetra War and insert the Bhagavad Gita at that crucial moment? He could have done so earlier and enabled Arjuna to understand his duties earlier and be better prepared for the battle.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Bharat
You have got it wrong. Veda Vyasa simply related the story. It was Arjuna who drew his chariot to the middle of the battlefield to survey the scene before the battle. It was Arjuna who became bewildered because of the bodily concept of life. Therefore Arjuna became reluctant to fight thinking that even if they were victorious there would be so many of his friends and family members killed that life would not be worth living. So Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-gita to encourage Arjuna to fight. It has nothing to do with Veda Vyasa. He simply wrote the narration down. He did not write it. It is a historical account which was recorded by Veda Vyasa in his Mahabharata.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Madhudvisa dasa,
Thank you so very much for kindly adding my name to receive your excellent newsletter. I am eager to receive them, to read them and understand as much as possible. I hope that in the future I can find a way to fully express my gratitude for your mercy in helping understand this supreme information and helping me to develop my love of Krishna further.
Hare Krishna,
Noah Gilman
Hare Krishna
1) I have 2 questions , I am a beginner in Bhakti towards Lord Krishna but Due to my parents and some unfulfilled desires I am also attracted towards married life, my parents will force me any way, so am i not being true to Lord Krishna am I being a fraud when I ask these desires like good education and married life ect to Lord.
I want to make my Bhakti strong.Even though I do not have extensive desires but desire is desire I guess.
2) I am not receiving your newsletters for quite some time now I am only getting the reminder to see the comments would you please check the subscription details?
May Lord Krishna bless us all
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina…..
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Rammohan
I apologize for the delay in sending out newsletters. They will be coming more regularly now as I have changed my program and will have more time for writing the newsletters in the future.
As far as getting married if you have some desire for a wife and family then you should get married. But try to marry a girl who is interested in spiritual life and Krishna consciousness. Or one who is submissive and will assist you in your endeavors for advancing in Krishna consciosuness.
Marriage is not a bad thing. It is a good thing if both the husband and wife enter into the marriage with the idea of serving Krishna together by raising nice Krishna conscious children. You can establish the temple of Krishna in your house and all family members can rise early in the morning and perform the Mangal-aroti and all the foodstuffs cooked in the house can be offered to the deity and there can be Kirtan and readings from the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-gita in the morning and evening and in this way you can transfer the household life into Vaikuntha.
If you falsely supress these desires for wife and family it is not good. But if you have no desire for it then it is not necessary.
Krishna calls marriage “vivaha-yajna” in the Bhagavad-gita. It is one of the samskaras. One of the spiritual purificatory processes. As long as the married life is carried out according to the regulations in the scriptures.
Many, many great devotees were married men. Even Srila Prabhupada was a married man, and in some ways his married life was not very encouraging for his Krishna conscious preaching also. His wife once sold his Srimad Bhagavatam for purchasing tea biscuits. Prabhuapda was very much against intoxication and considered tea drinking to be intoxication and his wife was a big tea drinker. But still Prabhupada got married and worked as a chemist and made the money he needed to maintain his family. He got his daughter married and then left home [after his wife sold his Bhagavatam for tea biscuits…] and went on to become the greatest exponent of Krisnna consciousness and the Vedic culture that the world has ever seen.
So my point is family life is not bad, but still it may not be very nice, and it is not permanent also. Once there is a grown up son the family business can be handed over to him and you can leave the family for spiritual advancement…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare Krishna parbhu, i have been reading the gita since last 3 months, and wont lie, but still cant understand thoroughly , it is also mentioned that it is better to learn through a spiritual guru who has studied the gita, i ask for your help to guide me to a guru who can enlighten me on the teaching from gita, im from mumbai, …please help me on my way to spiritual growth…hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Ashit
Or maybe you do not have Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is. If not get it right away.
With Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is you get both Krishna’s original words and the explainations of Krishna’s pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada. Yes you need a guru, but the guru, Srila Prabhupada, is right there in the Bhagavad-gita As It Is in the form of his transcendental Bhaktivedanta Purports. Simply read the purports.
Otherwise, 99.99% of the people you will find advertising themselves as “guru” at the moment are completely unqualified and bogus. They may be well motivated. But if they are not pure devotees of Krishna then actually they can not help you. If you a drowning in the ocean and some well motivated person who can not swim sees you drowning and if he jumps in the water to save you then what is the point? He can not swim? You will both drown. And that is what we see happening mostly with the gurus and disciples of Kali-yuga. Both gurus and disciples are unqualified and both end up falling back down into the ocean of material existence.
You need a liberated soul as your guru. Only a liberated soul can guide you how you can become a liberated soul… It is quite basic really. Krishna consciousness 101. But so many people miss this basic point. The guru MUST be a pure devotee of Krishna, otherwise he can not help you to become a pure devotee of Krishna…
So take advantage of Srila Prabhuapda as your guru in the form of his Bhaktivedanta Purports…
PAMHO!All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you so much prabhu for your email. I’m so glad to find devotees who stand by Srla Prabhupada. Here in the Philippines we’re just three who are openly supporting “rtvik”. Thanks to Jitarati prabhu and Krsna prema prabhu. I was never aware of what was really going on in ISKCON before, though i have so many questions in my mind but couldnt voice it out on the account that i might become offensive. I’ll always be looking forward to getting mails from you with regards to Bhagavata Gita. I know that the more i read it the more i’ll understand it and relish it. May Srila Prabhupada continue to shower you His mercy so that you can enlighten more souls. Hare Krsna! Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!
Jai Shri Krishna.
Madhudvisa dasa ji.
It is a great pleasure receiving your email I have no words to explain..! I always have been so much attracted towards Shri Krishna since my child hood , I just love Shri Krishna ..Love to watch Programs related to Shri Krishna (eg. MAHABHARAT) .. I have very little knowledge about Shri Krishna , I know some of the Stories (what ever they have shown in the TV programs).
I had been looking for something which could guide me towards My Lord Shri Krishna & I was lucky enough to go to High Street couple of weeks ago where I found some great Devotees of Shri Krishna from ISKCON… as one of the Lady was holding Shri Bhagwad Geeta , I went to her and asked her what they were doing.. Then she advised me to come to Mantra Meditation and Bhagavad Gita Program in the town near me..
Yesterday I went to attend that and saw H.G. Smara Hari Das .. !
I just loved everything. It was my first time in there so couldn’t understand Much. But I will surely keep attending their programs.
Now I have certain questions about my behaviour and the people around me. Which I can not ask in the Forum here. Can I please ask you any questions I might have via Email PLEASE..!
would be really thankful to you for that.
Navneet Dhiman.
Hare Krishna Naveet
I can only reply to preaching questions here. It is not possible for me to do by email as unfortunately time is very short for me.
The Shankar Bhashya is one of the oldest commentaries on the Gita. Then there is the Ramanuj Bhashya, the Madhvacharya Bhashya….. If it is the same Gita then why so much of difference in it’s interpretation ????
The problem is most commentators do not take Bhagavad-gita “As It Is” but rather use it to present their own philosophy. That is why so many commentators can screw so many different meanings out of the exact same words of Krishna.
There is no argument over what Krishna says in the Gita. We have His exact words in Sanskrit. But so many twist it to suit their own philosophy.
That is why Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is is so special. It is simply Krishna’s Bhagavad-gita with no other philosophy mixed in.
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
Could you please explain something which has been bothering me for a while now?
Shastra, Spiritual master, infact everything in Krishna Consiousness says that we should surrender unto Krishna; That a devotee of the Lord is under his personal protections. I understand that although we are such fallen souls, we should have faith that Krishna will bestow his mercy on us. For example, Draupadi; after trying everything to protect her dignity, she lifted her arms and cried for Krishna who protected her.
I am beginning to waffle now. My point is, everything that shastra teaches is that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with everything under his control.
My question is that when Scriptures, Srila Prabhupada, Senior Devotees, Krishna himself says surrender, why do I not? Why do I continue to foolishly think, under Mayas illusion that I am the controller? I think my question is more how do I surrender?
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna!
Surrender is a process. We have to follow the process of saddhana-bhakti as given to us by Srila Prabhupada and read all the books given to us by Srila Prabhupada and follow his instructions to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra daily and strictly follow the four regulative principles (no illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication). If we follow this process gradually all the good qualities, including surrender to Krishna, will develop within us.
If you follow this process gradually you will see how ridiculous the idea that we are the lord and master, we are the controller is…
Hare Krsna Prabhu G, PAMHO
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudeva,
can you please help me to know one thing as i m nt initiated yet and i m chanting 16 rounds daily but due to hactic work schedule at office these day nt getting time for complete 16 rounds so can we decrease the no. of rounds as per our comfort?? as rising early morning is also nt possible due to family reasons..
Hare Krishna Krsna-Sakhi
If you decrease the chanting of Hare Krishna mantra to less than 16 rounds daily and do not rise early in the morning for chanting Hare Krishna, for offering Mangal-aroti and for reading the Bhagavatam then for you Krishna consciousness will not be possible at all.
You have to get your priorities right. 16 rounds a day is the absolute minimum. If you seriously want to advance in spiritual life you can not go below this. And if you want to advance naturally you will get out of bed early in the morning to perform your spiritual duties. Even Krishna did this personally when He was living at Dwarka with His 16,108 wives. The wives would get annoyed with Krishna when He woke up early in the morning to perform His spiritual duties and they would tell Krishna to stay in bed with them. But Krishna would not stay in bed. He would get out of bed early in the morning and perform His spiritual duties even though this upset his wives. This is the example set by Krishna for us to follow.
The most important thing in your life is Krishna consciousness. If hectic work schedule and family demands mean you can not practice Krishna consciousness then you need to adjust the work schedule and educate the family so they understand that your Krishna consciousness is the most important thing for the ultimate success of the family…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
thanks for your reply prabhu g i will defiantly do some arrangement to complete my japa rounds daily.
Hare Krsna !!
Hare Krishna dear Madhudvisa Prabhu! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you very much for sending your first newsletter about the spirit of Bhagavad-Gita Gita. It was very informative and you have presented the contents very nicely. I look forward to receive your next mail. May the most merciful Srila Prabhupada shower His choicest blessings up on you to elevate the fallen souls like me through your wonderful service.
Your servant, suvarna gopala das
hi dear madhudvisa i am new to this website but i just had one question if you wont mind answering it for me please. when the end of kali yuga comes and if i am still under the influence of negative samskaras or past life impressions then when the satya yuga comes will i be killed by the agents of krishna?
At the end of the Kali-yuga Kalki will appear on a white horse and kill all the sinful people that remain. And that will be practically everyone.
But of course the soul is not killed. So these sinful people will take birth again in some form of life, not necessarily human, on some planet, not necessarily this planet, in some universe, not necessarily this universe… And they will just continue the practically endless cycle of samsara, repitition of birth and death in the material world.
You should not wait around till the end of Kali-yuga (another 227,000 years or so) rather you should become a pure devotee of Krishna and at the time of death you will remember Krishna and go back home back to Godhead…
hari-bol . my name is tomaž . i come from slovenia . when i was yunger i lived in ljubljana temple of our spiritual master A.C.bhaktivedanta swamy srila prabhupada . now i live at home , and there is very litle that i praktice . but i bow down every day 3 times and i chant a lot , but not with the devotis that i could and unfortuanetli not on japa mala which i do have . meny devoty friends who allso lived in the temple are working hard , but i have time to recover back , i also read cristian prayers on internet . i’m very greatful that i can write to such great soul as you are , it inspires me to start practicing bakty yoga again . throgh the years as i growe up , i started to aprishiet what we have from srila prabhupada and many aspects that i know from bhagavad-gita as it is . for example , power of speach comes from god , and with time i realize that we wrealy ned clear mind to realize knolidge . i would be happy to recive another message from you , as inspiration in bakty yoga in my life to help me to purify my life as it was back again .
hare krishna
i want to know what kind of karma is prescribed for us??
or what kind of battle we or i have to win??
is brahmchraya neccesary to be in lord krishna??
what should we do to get salvation???
hare krishna
my question: Krishna says “everything that is happening in this world is because of me, and with my permission.Everything u do is done by me”
then if human does wrong things then it should also done by god then why should we faced it
Hare Krishna Prabhuji…
Pls accept my humblest obeisances and sashtang dandvat pranam unto ur lotus-feet…
I thanks u whole-heartedly for the mnil-The spirit of BG…This mail has rejuvenated my spirit of reading BG over all again 🙂
I am a little-bit aware of this age of kali and also about the precious human body…However i am not being MUCH serious about chanting and reading…i m never able to complete 16 rounds daily…hardly i complete either minimum 2 or maximum 10 rounds…
I have to either show some fear to my mind or i have to either show my mind the greed of meeting Krsna 🙂 ….BUT pls suggest me some way to make the mind keep chanting always….
Hare Krsna…
Always at ur lotus feet,
Hare Krishna Ashwini,
If we understand that the chanting and hearing of Lord Krishna’s holy names is the process that nourishes our spiritual life and gives us the opportunity to enter the kingdom of God at the end of life, and that all spiritual perfection, what to speak of material happiness all come form this easy process, we will be more inclined to take it seriously. But, that understanding doesn’t come over night. In the mean time the best thing is to adopt a regulated approach to chanting. If you are unable at this stage of your life to complete 16 rounds make a vow to chant a fixed numbr of rounds on a daily basis that you can easisly complete. Do that every day, and when you are steady in your vow you can gadually increase according to your life’s situation and capacity.
Respected Sri Madhudvisa Dasa,
I am a Gujarati Brahmin, every four year Gujarati celebrates “Purushottam” mas i.e. month and recently I have come to know that reading chapter 15 of Bhagvad Gita during this month or even every day gives us “Purushottam Yoga” means that Lord “Purushottam (Vishnu) – Krishna will give darshan before readers death and after death reader will get Vaikunth Dham.
Hence please start explaining me about “Chapter 15 of Bhagvad Gita” in your daily newletter on or before Dt 15/04/2010.
For your information very rare I read Bhagvad Gita.
I will be very highly obliged by you.
Lord Krishna Bhakta,
Hitesh N Rawal
Dear Madhudvisa Dasa, Please Accept My Respectful Greetings!! Thank you for contacting me. I reside here in Springfield, Or.; where do you hail from? I just came from an Aroti, at the temple in Eugene, Or. where they have a Gouranga Deity. Mathuranatha is the temple president, who represents Govinda Maharaja and The Chaitanya Math. I love these devotees, but some things Govinda says I can’t agree with. There are many Jewish Devotees there and Govinda wants to cater to them. He gave a lecture on the Old Testament, calling The Song of Solomon, an example of Madhurya Rasa. This upset me. Being a biblical sholar, i knew that the song of solomon is as transcendental as an old shoe: It is erotic poetry. The Bhagavatam warns us not to preach from “unauthorized scriptures.” Srimad Bhagavatam 5.14.30 Just like Rama-Krishna put his wife -nude* on the Vyasa Sana and worshiped her, The Song of Solomon tries to deify his wife, The Queen of Sheba. What can i do? I am not suppose to criticize a pure devotee (that’s what these devotees say). I myself like some selections from The Psalms and Proverbs in the Old Testament. But i don’t claim anything is transcendental there. According to Prabhupada, something is transcendental – only- if it refers to Krishna. Anyway, I am so glad to hear about Bhagavad-gita. I have a study guide on Bhagavad-gita and i like to create test questions and see if Devotees can answer them. Want to play along? How many times – does Krishna say He is God in the Bhagavad-gita? I really need a good copy of The Mahabarata. My roomate Gopalananda Das has a copy from Hindus. It is full of English mistakes and obscurities – caused by ignorance of high-level English composition (something Prbhupada had in spades- to everyone’s surprise). So give me some good info on a good Mahabarata. Thanks for the options of the Krishna Store. We can’t find really good spiritual clothes and bead bags as well as beads. Fortunately, i am good at restringing beads. Fond Regards Jai
Dear Yajnapati Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All these Gaudiya Matha branches are useless Prabhu. I know it sounds hard and unreasonable to some to say this. But Srila Prabhuapda clearly declares this in the purports to his translation of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi Lila. There he explains that at the time of his passing Srila Bhaktsiddhanta could not see anyone among his disciples qualified to be acharya so he ordered them to form a governing body to manage the Gaudiya Matha and the preaching would go on under its management. His disciples rejected this order of their spiritual master and instead unauthorizedly appointed one acharya after another who fell down and they the whole Gaudiya Math disintegrated into many fighting factions and the preaching stopped.
Srila Prabhuapda declares that his Gaudiya Matha godbrothers are “asara,” which means useless, and they have no potency whatsoever to spread the message of Lord Caitanya at all. That is why they create so much bogus concocted philosophy, like the nonsense you are talking about, madhuraya-rasa in the Bible. It is crazy, insane, ridiculous. There is not even any clear idea of God in the Bible. How can one love someone he does not know. It is insanity.
You should stay away from these people Prabhu. Srila Prabhupada forbids us from visiting the Gaudiya Math Temples and forbids us from reading their books. We should have NOTHING to do with them. They can not help us advance in Krishna consciousness, but they are very competent to check our natural progress.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
PS: You can get beads and bead bags at and we will be adding devotional clothes also within the next month.
Hare Krishna! Jay Srila Prabhupada!
Thank You dear Madhudvisa Prabhu for including me into the holy sanga of the disciples of Srila Prabhupada and devotees of Lord Krishna! I hope very much, that this time under the proper guidance I will finally become servant of the disciples of Prabhupada and Krishna bhakta. I am ready to take part in the study of Sri Bhagavad Gita.
Your Servant bhakta jarek
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Shrila Prabhupada All glories to Guru and Gauranga
Prabhu many thanks for sending me a nice mail on benefite of reading Bhagavad Gita
My question is in the begining of creation Lord Krishna did not create Demons Then why was it created ??
hare krishna
Dear Madan Mohan Prabhu
Krishna creates this material world for the demons.
Krishna does not create demons. We are all expansions of Krishna. And because Krishna is completely independent we are also minutely independent. So we can use our independence properly and surrender to Krishna and serve Him, or we can misuse our independence and try to become the lord and master ourselves. So the living entities who use their independence to surrender to Krishna become devotees and the living entities who use their independence to reject Krishna and to try and become the master and enjoyer themselves become demons.
The spiritual world, the kingdom of God, is the place for the devotees, and the material world is the place for the demons.
So we have all come to this material world with the desire to enjoy separately from Krishna. So everyone here, to a greater or lesser extent, is a demon. But with the help of Srila Prabhuapda and the transcendental knowledge which he is giving us we can purify our demonic consciousness and once again awaken the pure devotional service which is within our hearts.
Our original, pure consciousness is Krishna consciousness. We simply have to uncover it. And the process to uncover it is the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna ,
Thanks for the newsletter , I found the article very intersting and a good way to begin the Gita .
I had read the first 8 chapters of the Bhagvat-Gita As it is , I wish to start all over again and keep reading it , but I have read somewhere about the changes being made to Iskcon Books that were originally written by Prabhupada , I wish I can lay my hands on all the original books of Prabhupada and start my Journey Back to Godhead with his Divine Grace.
Hare Krishna Manish Prabhu
You can purchase the original books of Srila Prabhuapda at:
and you can read them online at:
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa-Dasa
Thank You very much for your valuable informations. In the last seven years I hade the great chance to study Bhagavad-Gita by his Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhubada with my spritual teacher in my own language. Because I am in another Land as my teacher now, I would be very happy to continue my studys by means of your E-mails.
Hello !
Hare Krishna ! Hare Rama !
Praise Jesus Christ ! Praise the Lord Buddha !
Just wanna thank ya for the new info. and the newsletter & lessons…..!
I’m a practitioner, however ‘ faulty ‘, in the Meditation Science of Light & Sound, [Shabd ] Yoga, called also Quan Yin Method, etc., Knowledge, etc……I also, chant Hare JKrishna Maha Mantra ea. day !
Lots of love to you all !
Namaste, Omody
Hare Krishna
In Puranas please tell me which avatara of Lord Vishnu is Chronologically First and I am from Kerala a land Lord ParashuRama created by throwing his axe and also believed to be a land ruled by Mahabali the festival of Onam is based on this.
But if Vaamanavatara was way before Lord ParashuRama who created the land how is this possible?
And chronologically In Bhagavatha Purana Lord Vaamana comes before lord ParashuRaama.
This was a question asked to me by my friend and I had no answer, and some one also told me all the avataaras had taken place many times before please clear my doubt.
Hare Krishna
I have read Bhagavad Geeta as it is , for the first time few years ago and have been practicing certain aspects of it, and I am a better man since . I love Krishna but I have too many fears and ego , I constantly go into the bad realm of mind but it is like my mind is split into two parts one that goes bazerk and one that brings it back but this has been so for a long time and I am not able to advance further , thankfully the bad part of my mind is never allowed to put things in action the good part always stops it short , it is like one part of my mind thinks bad and the other part quickly regrets and stops it short of doing any bad, but I love Krishna and I have some needs but my love for him is beyond them but still I have needs.
I fear if I am to born again I will be born in a world where I will not be able to hear even his name.As I fear the changing world,I have seen a lot of cases of false Saadhus and am afraid to approach any one, and I fear my lack of constancy and I am a bit mean .I hope he forgives me for my lack of strength of my mind.And worst is I am in a place where there is no devotee of him to Converse about him. I am lazy and have a lot of problem but I pray to him daily and Read Bhagavath Geeta and try to read other Puranas whenever possible.
I hope I can be a pure devotee some day.(I want to be truly and I know I am not pure at present).
Can anything simple be done here?
Thanks for the newsletter, I look forward to the next issue. I’ve just began to learn more on the subject and really apreciate any info.
hare Krishna,Prabhuji,
Thanks for the newsletter, I look forward to the next issue. I’ve just began to learn more on the subject and really apreciate any info.please send me next mail
Dear prubhuji
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.
From Laxmi Nagar
HARE KRISHNA Prabhu Madhudvisa dasaji,
Deeply THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful letter of knowledge i started receiving from today onwards.
Will be eagerly waiting to learn and hear more about OUR SHREE RADHEKRISHNA and thus gather knowledge which will help me serve HIS LOTUS FEET and get closer to HIM.
Iv been completely in luv with RADHEKRISHNA ever since childhood and so started reading books to know more about HIM and SHRIMATI RADHARANI.
Had been hearing tht its very important to have a GURU-A TRUE DEVOTEE OF KRISHNA & A BONAFIDE SPIRITUAL MASTER who would help U and show U the path to get back to our real HOME to our TRUE FATHER-SHREE KRISHNA.So had started accepting SHREE RADHEKRISHNA as my GURU,my GUIDE,my TEACHER,my FRIEND,my EVERYTHING.HE did answer all my questions in the letters i wrote to HIM in some way or other and HE still does.
But recently after reading THE BHAGWAT GITA-AS IT IS,SCIENCE OF SELF REALISATION and some other books by SWAMI SRILA PRABHUPADA i too feel tht
its important to have a GURU,which iv started accepting SWAMI SRILA PRABHUPADA as our guru,but still want to get initiated as i feel the need of a guidance TRUE KRISHNA DEVOTEE who could help me serve RADHEKRISHNA better.
Please guide and advice me regarding the same.I stay in New York.
Hare Krishna guruji,
I went through your first newsletter yesterday…Found it really absorbing…I would love to discuss a lot of things you later on when I start reading Bhagvad Gita..For now I have this small problem…The newsletter that I got today is same as the one that I got yesterday…May there was some error..I just wanted to bring this to your..
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Dear Teacher,
Sometimes i keep thinking about my personality.I tend to detach myself from things and people easily.I am like any other normal person but like to stay quiet and talk less.I like living alone secluded.Like the gita preaches,i don’t wish for fortune success and fame but to enter the kingdom of Krishna. To the material world that may not seem normal,but spiritually i this way because of who i may have been in my past life…is god preparing me for something.I sometimes think i may be gifted spiritually so i can progress in the process of self realization and attaining liberation.
Sometimes i enquire, why do i suffer?
The one question that i seek an answer for and which holds the key to everything is..what is devotional service of krishna?(practically speaking)
Hare Krishna,
Thank you for sending me the holy mail of Bhagwad Geeta. Will you please tell me the gist of Bhagwad Geeta in some sentences only in a simple way.How a person has to live in modern world to reach his ultimate goal i.e. to love Shri Krishna.
Dearest Guru ji…
I had lots of misunderstandings about Lord Krishna & Bhagwad Gita, majorly due to the doubts sowed in my mind by atheists. But I got “Bhagwad Gita As It Is” by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda oneday as a gift from a convention of tourism I attended & due to a reason I couldn’t define I was impressed with the book at the very first sight. I started reading it carefully & like dark clouds flying away unveiling the moon, I began to see the absolute thruth of Dharma as my doubts were fading out. I saw all the miracles in this world, in Srimad Bghagwad Gita. I felt that this was the spiritual realisation I had been missing since my birth & my joy was exactly like that of an orphan child who found one’s parents after searching for a lifetime. Lord has been with me always as my supreme father, ultimate teacher & has never left me alone in this dark vicious world. But it took time for me to realize that. Today I live a happy peaceful life even in the midst of all the obstacles of life as I’m so strong & stable with the presence of Lord in my heart & soul. I wish all my brothers & sisters may reach this with the divine blessings of the supreme personality of Godhead.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Adarniya Guruji,
I am Hemchandra, I want to know that though it is said in hindu scripture that eating flesh, eggs and drinking wines is a sin, why the brahmins living in coastal areas eat the fish. And does’nt this rule is equally holds good for religions which permits to eat flesh, and drink wines.?
Happy Day!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!!
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!
I was blessed to find the Bhagavad gita As IT IS in a thrift shop locally and IT speaks to me with Love,Peace,Joy,Abundance & Smiles 2 Share 😉 😉 😉
With many gracious thank you’s!
Dear Guruji,
Thanks for the letter.
MY question is, there are so many characters in Mahabharatha, I heard all these characters represent one quality. Kindly write the qualities they represent.
Some thinkers beleive that the Gita present today has so many addtions from the original? what to do with such people and ideas?
Pl guide me
Hare Krishna
When i was a kid, i never used to understand what THE LOVE OF GOD really means. I read the bible to understand the same . That was the time i understood the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ which was based on Hope, Love and Faith. I felt really happy that I was feeling that i was close to god. But everytime i closed my eyes to pray to Lord Jesus Christ Lord Krishna’s picture used to come in front.
I have become a strong devotee of of Lord Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna . I can never explain how my lords have changed my life .Kindly help me to know how can i make people aware that God is one. Why do people Fight in the name of Religion ?
Hare Krishna.
Yes. People fight in the name of religion. But this is not religion. It is politics. Evil men take over religions and use them for their own personal reasons. So the fighting going on between different religions is not about developing love of God. It is about material domination.
It is a pity. Whenever there is a spiritual group it attracts demonic people who want to exploit the group for their own ends. They pose as devotees or followers and make their way up the ranks and ultimately take over the organizations. And fight.
Real religion is very rare. Almost everything we see in this world going on under the name of religion is nothing more than power politics.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
dearest Madhudvisa please kindly explain to me how to develope a taste for chanting. i love to read the Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-geeta, unfortunatly the chanting seems to be a struggle for me.
It is a very good question, how to develop a taste for chanting Hare Krishna. It is only possible by the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna. There is no mechanical process to develop love of God. It is possible to chant the Hare Krishna mantra for many lifetimes and still not get any attraction to it or love for Krishna. That love for Krishna is available by the mercy of Krishna’s pure devotees only. So you need to please Srila Prabhuapda and when Srila Prabhuapda is pleased with you you will develop an attachment to the chanting.
The actual answer is the same old answer I am always giving. Prabhupada’s primary instructions to his followers are: Follow the four regulative principles [no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication], and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily without fail. If you do this it will please Srila Prabhuapda and you will gradually get a taste for the chanting.
In the beginning we have no taste for chanting Hare Krishna. The example Srila Prabhuapda gives is of the man with the disease jaundice. This disease effects a man’s ability to taste sweet things. So if you offer a man with jaundice some sweet sugar-cane juice for example, he will not like to drink it, becaues to him in his diseased condition, it tastes very bitter. But the sugar cane just is not actually bitter, it is very sweet. The diseased man is tasting it as bitter because of his disease, but it is actually sweet. However the cure for jaundice is taking sweet things like the sugar cane juice. So if this man wants to be cured he has to drink the suger cane juice, even though he does not like to because it tastes bitter to him.
It is just like that with chanting Hare Krishna in the beginning. The Hare Krishna mantra is very sweet. but because of our materially diseased condition it appears to be very bitter to us. But this chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is the cure for the material disease. So if we want to be cured we have to chant Hare Krishna, even though it seems to be bitter to us.
So the answer to your question is to strictly follow the regulative principles [no illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] and chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra daily. And of course keep reading Srila Prabhupada’s books.
We have to be patient and dedicated and continue chanting Hare Krishna even if we do not feel any attachment for it. If you do strictly follow the regulative principles and keep chanting Hare Krishna your attraction to the holy name will increase and increase…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudivsa dasa
HARE KRISHNA. all glories to Madhudvisa dasa, who,s knowledge is like an ocean of nectar.
i hope im doing this right… new to this site. i would like to thank Madhudvisa dasa for the nectar that he sent to me, i have alot of questions to ask, please show me mercy, i am just a neophite devotee in search of the truth.
Hare krishna,
Thank u very much prabhuji, im glad to see this mail about GITA. u r helping me through ur mails. please keep sending more mails and enlighten me.i have picked up the essence how submisve one should be to understand the word of GOD
humble servent of servent of KRISHNA
Thank you for your teaching and instructions on Bhagavad Gita. I have attended some temple teaching periods in my country, Nigeria. I love to read ISKCON publications and I love the philosophy: simple living and high thinking. It is great and I will continue to treasure your continued teachings. However, the last time I visited the temple in Nigeria I was told ISKCON has moved from Mafoluku in Nigeria and the person who told me this did not know their new location. Could you please oblige me this?
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna
Can you let me know the site where I can download the entire version of Bhagavad Gita in mp3 or podcast format.
Since this saturday is Geeta Jayanti i need some more information or basically a brreif description about Cahpter 18 Verse 65 of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita. If you can help me with it ASAP it would be amazing Thanks Jai Shri Krishna
Thanks and Regards
hare krishna!
dear prabhu,
thank you for sending the merciful newsletter. i want to know why i become overpowered with emotions like sadness although i think of the lord during times of distress.i am in touch with iskcon since 9yrs and i have received initiation as per shri sampradaya.i have read in the Bhagavatam that when planets like Shani shine more it is considered inauspicious(during the birth of demons hiranyaksha and hiranyakashipu).In my hororscope,i am supposed to be having influence of shani.Does it matter when we have surrendered to Narayana?
-Adithi Raghavan
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna! Great newsletter! I study the Gita every day… Maybe the importance why it was revealed to Arjuna is better understandable, if one takes in consideration the Mahabharata… Maybe you want to shed some light on more info for people that didn’t read the whole story? Thanks. Love and light!
respected sir ,
i would like to know how can a person practice gaudiya vaishnav parampara residing in the grahasth ashram itself or he needs to leave everything for the attainment of shri krishna.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
One can practice Krishna Consciousness in household life. There is no need to leave everything for the attainment of Sri Krishna.
There are so many examples of great devotees who were householders with wife and family. You can follow their example.
As a family member you can engage also the other members of your family in Krishna consciousness and together you can worship Krishna.
If you install the Deity of Krishna in your house the whole family can be engaged in serving the Deity. In the morning the family can come together and offer the aroti to the Deity and chant auspicious prayers and the Hare Krishna mantra. In the morning you can read something from the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the family members can hear it and you can have some kirtan.
Similarly in the evening, instead of television, in your family you can read something from Bhagavad-gita and have some more Hare Krishna kirtan.
In this way the whole family life can be transformed into Krishna consciousness.
Lord Caitanya particularly advised his householder devotees not to leave home and follow Him. Rather He advised that they stay where they are and become devotees of Krishna and in this way become the guru in that place.
So certainly it is not necessary for you to leave your family to become Krishna conscious.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I have joined VOICE (a spiritual club,by ISKON Pune) in our college,Bangalore.
They were telling that Lord Krishna is the main and Vishnu is his incarnation…
which is totally opposite to what i’ve been listening since my childhood days
i want to know who is who…..and who is supreme?
Dear Murugesh
Yes. In India for many, many years the prominent Gurus have preached that Visnu is the source of everything and that Krishna comes from Visnu.
However this is wrong.
There are so many incorrect and misunderstood ideas in what is today considered “Hinduism.”
If you want to understand the correct things please study Srila Prabhuapda’s books.
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes…
Krishna is the origin of the Visnu-tattva. So Visnu comes from Krishna. Krishna does not come from Visnu.
Ultimately you have to accept this knowledge from someone who knows it. You can not understand it by your own strength of logic and mental speculation. So please study Srila Prabhupada’s books and you will find all your answers there to your full satisfaction.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I would like to know, why living in an christian world, when they have no actual eveidance of thier religion doctrin. My question is why they get some much attention. My second question is why the only time a christian had a real movement it was during the civil rights movement. During that time of Martin Luther King, he himself realize that he could not carry the christian faith to restor civial rights and he himself followed the teachings of krishna consious, bc he followed the principles of Ghandi. I love jesuse christ but i have a hatred towards his followers, bc they show no action, and all they do is talk and make cover up moves to keep the irs of their back or to keep the community happy why they continue to take their monies and build bib churches, so i know my question is all over the place, but im in a rage, bc i want to be a devotee with action, but im not surrounded by the right people, im only surrounded by christians who are satify in thier walks and judgements on this beauitful life.
Hare Krishna, Curtis Speller,
My Name is Ishan das, and I am a disciple of His divine Grace, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami, Prabhupada. Please allow me to address your questions according to the understanding that we have received from Srila Prabhupada.
Srila Prabhupada is actually Lord Sri Krishna’s bonafide representative on this earth. As this is a great subject matter, in and of itself, I beg to encourage you to acquire a copy of Srila Prabhupada’s “Bhagavad-gita As It Is”. Simply by reading this specific edition of Bhagavad-gita, you will surely become convinced that the only way to live a life that is pleasing to our Lord Sri Krishna, is to receive His message through Srila Prabhupada.
Let me address your first question, as to why such a watered-down version of Christianity receives so much attention from the world, in this day and age.
Srila Prabhupada has explained that when a store is selling junk jewelry, we find that there will be many customers. But, that when a real jewelry shop is selling real diamonds, they will not receive very many customers. The reason, of course is obvious. Real diamonds cost hundreds or thousands of times as much as junk jewelry. So if we want the real genuine thing, the price is always going to be higher. The same thing, you see, is true in the market-place of spiritual pursuit. If we really want to become a devotee of Krishna, we first have to understand clearly, from Krishna’s bonafide representative, what it is that will actually be pleasing to Krishna. We cannot whimsically concoct that I will please Krishna according to what I think will be pleasing to Krishna. We have to understand what Krishna wants.
If you look in the Bible, you will see that one of the disciple’s of Jesus was more concerned about feeding the poor people, than about the activities of honoring Krishna’s pure devotee. So the response of Jesus to this disciple was that in this world we will always have poor people, but that to have the opportunity to serve a pure devotee of Krishna is a very, very rare thing. Actually there is one verse in the Srimad Bhagawatam that clearly states that by regularly hearing the glories of the Supreme Lord from the Bhagawatam, and by rendering service to Lord Krishna’s pure devotee, all inauspicious things within our our hearts, will be eliminiated. Then, the Bhagawatam instructs, the real spirit and understanding of devotion to God will become established in our hearts, as an irrevocable fact.
The idea is that our hearts must first become purified before we can understand what will be pleasing to God.
This brings us to your next contention, that Martin Luther King Jr. had to adopt the principles of Krishna Conciousness, as demonstrated by
Ghandi, by taking up the method of non-violence, in order to push on the cause of civil rights for Afro-Americans in the United States. This whole context of thinking, that you are putting forward, can be likened to a large platter of spaghetti (without the meat-balls of course, because devotees of Krishna are forbidden to eat the flesh of animals.) In this platter that you are putting forward, there are a variety of uninformed ideas, which are interwoven (like noodles), so that the dish that you want to serve would be unpalatable to the bonafide devotees of Lord Sri Krishna.
In other words, you are concocting a recipe for serving to Lord Krishna, but you are not well-informed as to what is most pleasing to Krishna. So let us rectify your ideas one by one. Then we can re-write your recipe, for the benefit of all living entities, and the pleasure of Lord Krishna.
The first noodle that is off the chart, is the idea that we can make this world a better place. Krishna explains, in Bhagavad Gita, that in this material manifestation, all the planets, from the highest to the lowest, are actually places of misery, where repeated birth and death take place. As long as we are in this material world, the most unfortunate inconveniences of birth, old age, disease and death – these cannot be removed. No one here wants these things, and civil rights will not remove these most painful problems. Our real legitimate “right” is to be able to live eternally, in the spiritual world, where these anomalies are completely absent. As spirit souls, we are eternal, full, of knowledge and full of bliss, by nature. But here in this realm, our existence is subject to these unfortunate conditions. No one wants disease. No one wants old age. No one wants death. Consider this: Life in this material world is like living in a prison. A prison is supposed to be uncomfortable. A prison is meant for our reformation. It is true that sometimes prisoners have demonstrations, violent, or non-violent. Their objective is to improve the quality of life, for the term of their imprisonment. But the real solution is one and simple. Don’t waste time and energy trying to improve prison life. Rather, apply all intelligence, all strength, for qualifying ourselves, for one thing. Getting out! That is the message of Bhagavad-gita. That is Krishna’s message to us, who are imprisoned in this world of birth and death.
So Ghandi, was not a servant of Krishna, in the true sense. He was trying to improve the prison-like existence of Indians, trying to improve their so-called civil rights. What is the use of such civil rights, when death is always hovering over our sholder? Now Indians have these civil rights. The British influence is no longer there. But there are riots. There are wars.There is birth , old age, disease and death. So Ghandi wasted not only his time, but the time of those who followed his movement. Where is Ghandi today? Where is Martin Luther King today? And what is the benefit of such a temporary, miserable existence, with these so-called civil rights? One must avoid this myopic point of view! We have to hold a much broader perspective. We must understand what is our eternal benefit. Again, Krishna explains in Bhagavad-gita that one who holds this broader perspective and works towards this end, 24 hours a day – he is the real “mahatma”. According to Krishna’s definition, Ghandi was not a mahatma! He was a misguided materialistic person, who thought, mistakenly, that he was an Indian. He was not offering a doorway out of this world of misery. He was pushing for improving the prison-like world of material existence, where no one solves the problems of birth and death.
The causes of nationalism and racism are materialistic pursuits at best. Krishna explains in the Bhagavad-gita that we are not these material bodies. We are inside them, flapping for a short time, and we do not know what we will be in our next body. Maybe dog. Maybe hog. Maybe white, black, American, Indian, male , female. These designations are temporal, material. To aspire to enhance these dreamlike concepts – is like trying to chase a mirage of water in the desert.
My dear friend, Curtis. These subject matters are so glorious, and all we can do is to briefly touch upon them in the space provided. I think that you have truly expressed matters correctly in your letter wherein you have written, “….i want to be a devotee with action, but im not surrounded by the right people…”
Real action is action in Krishna Conciousness. And action in Krishna Consciousness is the subject matter of Bhagavad-gita As it Is. Therefore I urge you to purchase one of these volumes from this web site. And read it in the association of devotees, who are students of His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. And stay in touch with this web site and put your questions here for actual guidance.
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna describes the activities of His real devotees. He says that they are always engaged in chanting His glories. “Satatam kirtanyanto mam…” And this chanting of Krishna’s glories, is the real way to awaken our love for Krishna. And Krishna says that no one can come to know Him except that He reveals Himself to those who really love Him. “Bhaktya mam abhijanati..”. So we can begin this process from any position, simply by chanting the Maha Mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. That is the real action to be taken by all of us. That is the only way to be civil. And that is the way to be right. Thank you for letting me spend some time with you. You are a very good person, and Krishna has His eye on you.
Your friend in Krishna Consciousness,
Ishan das
Thank you for the first installment.
Sincerely awaiting the next once
You’ve explained that one can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by performing devotional service, please elaborate.
Please read Srila Prabhupada’s books. Performing devotional service is a great art and one has to be prepared to spend the time to learn it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna, Jaina,
I see your sincere question that you have put to Madhudvisa Prabhu. Actually his answer to you is perfect. You can just imagine how busy he must be, answering everyone’s questions. And that is just one aspect of the wonderful service that he is doing for all of us.
I have some time and it is good for me to place my mind in these subject matters, so I will try to be of some assistance to you.
Krishna is God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is the souce from which everything comes. Everything is in Krishna. And Krishna is in everything. And still Krishna is apart, aloof, always having loving exchanges with His devotees, in the spiritual world. These are the conclusions of all the Vedic Literatures. And we can back up such assertions with hundreds of quotes from the Vedas. Any idea or concept about God that is not based on shastra, on Veda, is useless. People will say so many things, but if their speaking is not based on Veda, then they are rascals, and their association should be avoided.
So first and foremost, Krishna is a person. You are a person. I am a person. We are persons because God is a person. Our very existence is like the heat and light of the sun. The heat and light of the sun is also sun, energy of the sun. In the same way we are the energy of Krishna. As the heat and light of the sun is also sun, similarly we are also Krishna. But we are not the source. Krishna is the source. And although we are qualitatively one with our source, with Krishna, we are infinitely minute, and Krishna is infinitely great. And His greatness is inconceivable to our tiny minds.
So we cannot have any attributes that are not already there in Krishna. We have personality, individuality, because these attributes exist in the Supreme Source, In Krishna. Veda defines the Absolute Truth as the Supreme Source from which everything is emanating. So if we have these attributes, then the Supreme source must also have personality, must also have form. Without understanding these basic metaphysical truths, there is no question of rendering devotional service.
Service, we can understand. In this world, everyone is rendering service. Every business, every institution. Even the heads of state are asking for our votes by promising that they will serve our needs.
Then there is the question of purity in our service. Are we serving out of love? Are are we wanting something in return? When we want something in return, then the service is not pure. The service is motivated by the desire for some personal gain. Actually, it is business. I will do this for you if you will do this for me. And if my needs or your needs are not being met, then there is divorce.
This brings us to the second word, “devotion.” Devotion, in the highest sense, means that the service is not done out of any self-centered motivation. The service is unmotivated. It is done out of love. This is pure devotion.
So devotional service means that we are doing service out of love. It means that our only desire is the happiness of the one that we are serving. In this world, the closest example of such service is in a mother’s love for her child. A mother will even be prepared to give up her own life for the wealfare of her child.
But the point is that we have to understand that the real object of our devotion should be God, should be Krishna. Of course, Krishna does not require our service, our love. Still, tiny as we may be, our devotional service to Krishna, our love for Krishna, actually gives Krishna pleasure.
What can we do for Krishna? Krishna is so powerful, so great. There is nothing that He needs. Everything that exists is His creation. And that creation is effortless. So what can we do for Krishna? What can we do for the Supreme Person Who is perfect and complete? Complete in every way.
As you have already guessed, the only value of our service to Krishna, is in the love with which that service is performed. Because we have that freedom of choice, that is the one thing that we possess that we can give to Krishna, of our own volition. He gives us this freedom of choice. Otherwise it would not be love.
There is something else that we have to understand, something that is not obvious until it is presented to us, for our consideration. We have an invisable connection with Krishna, a connection that can never be severed. It can be forgotten, but it cannot be severed. To help us to understand that connection, the Vedas provide us with a metaphore. That metaphore is – a tree. The tree, and all the leaves on the tree. All the leaves on the tree are thirsting. Thirsting for water. Imagine, if in their ignorance, most of the leaves tried to water themselves directly. Of course they would remain thirsty. Then imagine that if among all those thousands of leaves, there is the odd leaf that is good-hearted, that is neighborly. He thinks to put himself second and he makes himself busy, watering the other leaves. Still, the desired result is not achieved. However, if there is one really intelligent leaf, he does the service of pouring water on the root of the tree. And in this way, all the leaves are satisfied, including the leaf that is performing the service.
So, just like the leaves have this relationship with the tree, similarly we have this relationship with God, with Krishna. We have this connection with Krishna. The meaning of the word “yoga” means to link up. That connection is there. But we have forgotten. We do not sense it. We look everywhere for our satisfaction, fulfillment. But we remain always incomplete. Self-realization means, to rekindle this sense of our loving relationship with Krishna. And by directing our love towards Krishna, we automatically become satisfied. Not only are we satisfied, but all other beings become more satisfied, just as in the example of the leaves on the tree. Therefore the highest wealfare work is to re-awaken our forgotten realtionship of directing our love towards Krishna. One who is situated in pure devotional service to Krishna, becomes so happy, that everyone is attracted to him. And in this way they also learn from him, or her, how to re-kindle their propensity to direct their love for Krishna.
Srila Rupa Goswami, after researching all of the Vedas, has written conclusively, that pure devotional service to Krishna is so powerful that although Krishna is ajita, unconquerable, he becomes jita, conquered by pure devotional service. And in the Bhagavad-gita Krishna states that the only way to come to know Krishna, the only way, is through the performance of pure devotional service. In another verse in Bhagavad-gita, Krishna explains that He is within the hearts of all living beings and that from within their hearts He provides them with rememberance, forgetfulness and knowledge. In other words, when we learn from the right source, the pure devotee, like Srila Prabhupada, how to perform pure devotional service, gradually Krishna will reveal everything to us, about Himself, from within our hearts.
The subject matter, as to what comprises pure devtional service, is extremely extensive, and a great science. Great realized souls within the history of our lineage have written volumes of literature on the subject, after extensively researching the Vedic literatures. This has been done for our benefit, and these books are available to us today.
In the beginning, the essence of pure devotional service is hearing and chanting, sravanam and kirtanam. Hearing and chanting about Krishna. Idealy, one begins to hear and chant about Krishna after hearing from realized pure devotees of Krishna. Srila Prabhupada can be heard on a great collection of CD’s and DVD’s, that the Hare Krishna devotees have made available to the whole world. And there is no difference between reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is, by Srila Prabhupada, and hearing directly from Srila Prabhupada.
By chanting the Maha Mantra, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, as a regular daily function, we are simultaneously engaged in the process of hearing and chanting about Krishna. Anyone can do this. There is no charge. It is open to everyone. This chanting and hearing is pure devotional service. The more we chant the names of krishna, and the more we read authorized books about Krishna, the more we will cultivate our love for Krishna. Srila Prabhupada used to say that the process is simple and sublime.
Thank you for your wonderful question. You are helping me to remember Krishna. I hope that my attempt is helpful to you.
Hare Krishna!
Ishan das
Hare Krsna
I have read your mail.Felt very wonderful reading the message
Iam reading Bhagavad Gita as It is daily for the past 10-11 months now.It is very good and I finding great inspiration in it daily.I brought the book on January 1 2009 outside one of the Balaji Temple in Chennai(Mugappair) being sold by a ISCKON Member.Please advise where do I get a hardbound edition of Srimad Bhagavatham in Chennai, apart from ISCKON Temple at Injambakkam.
Hare Krishna !!!
Respected Prabhuji,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !
Thank You very much for the lovely introductory mail on the essence of the Bhagavad Gita. It really makes for an interesting reading. I am sure the next few instalments would be inspiring and I am earnestly looking forward to it. Due to professional commitments, I may not find time to post comments on a regular basis. But surely, i look forward to your regular mails.
Hari Hari Bol
your servant
hare krishna
After reading your mail i am feeling very happy. i want to add spritual values in my life and for this i am seeking your good guidance. i want to know the essence of shri bhagwad geeta. i want to know more about shri krishna life. there are many questions in my mind regarding life , its purpose and the people who comes in your life and walks out suddenly without saying. i want to learn the principle of tolerance..please help me.
thank you
Lata prajapati
I have read much speculation from different religions as to how the world will end.What is our Hindu belief about the Mayan Cataclysm 2012 and polar shift ?
I am from South Africa and it shocks me to see people from around the globe looking for havens of safety in our country.Apparently Africa wou;d be least affected.Do I really have reason to build an underground bunker ! In South Africa ,the thieves will reach my hidden food supply long before the earth stops spinning ! Please help!!What does Our Lord Krishna say ?
is mahabharatam a story or actually happened?
Mahabharata means the “History of Greater Bharata,” or greater India. It actually means the history of the world. So that is what it is, the history of the world. It actually happened. It is history…
Dear Madhudvisa das.Please accept my humblest obeicanses.
Thanks for your letter .It WAS INDEED INSPIRING TO HEAR THE NECTAR OF KRISHNA KATHA wich allways becomes sweeter and sweeter the more a devotee present it.
At this point Im feel little short of time but I indeed have a question of quriosity.
Is it possibel that you where the Gbc representativ over BENELUX area during the time about 1997 and you also have some italian connection by last reincarnation place of birth or your tempel of first surrender in this life time?
Regarding Bhagavad-Gita I have taking part in many classes since 1979 and also try to read it many times on travelling sankirtana etc.I have also tryed to to read thrue MahaBharat but since it always eternal expanding nectar I dont think I ever can say Ihave read them properly.
I dont know exactly why ,but basicly before I took more pleasure in reading SrimadBhagavatams diffrent stories and relishing there the diffrent devotees way of dealing with Krishnas tests etc.
Yours aspiring dasa Subala dasa
Hare Krishna Subal Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
No, I have never been a GBC representative or anything like that. I am not the original Madhudvisa, I joined ISKCON in 1986.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Sir,
I would be very greatful to you if your could please explain me this sentence from the newsletter, ” One should not think that he is equal to Krishna, nor should he think that Krishna is an ordinary personality or even a very great personality.”
Thank you
I had read the Bhagavad gita and listen to a audio recording. I have been focused on Chapter 11. The Universal Form. Chapter 9 is also my favorite. Verse 29. True friendship? True Love? I wonder why this has come to me now. I am old. Read the Bhagavad gita as a teenager. Danced on Venice Beach in California with the giant carts in the 60’s. About 2 months ago I was listening to the Bhagavad gita and something touched me deep inside my heart and so it has been on my mind. But why now?
Hare Krishna,
All glories to Srila Prabhupad.I am Dhananjay Pandit writing from Nairobi Kenya. I would like you to answer some questions.I have been chanting since I was born but recently, my chanting has become very bad since last year I cannot chant many rounds due to many reasons from 8 rounds a day I have dropped to 1 round daily and some days I don’t even do my rounds.
The reason is that I am a little asthmatic and I have a problems in breathing. I find the Maha mantra too long and it takes me a whole half hour to chant one round it takes me half an hour to finish one round and I can not even concentrate for such a long time and my mind starts to scatter everywhere.I can’t chant many rounds and I’m discouraged by chanting since it takes such a long time for me to finish a round and whenever I tell myself to chant I always do other things since I become discouraged by the thought that my chanting is poor and it takes a very long time for me to chant.Please tell me what to do?
Hare Krsna.
Hare Krishna Dhananjay Prabhu
The answer of course is to chant Hare Krishna. This is called the Sankirtan Yajna. Yajna means austerity. So sometimes it is very difficult to chant Hare Krishna. But we have to have the faith that chanting Hare Krishna is the solution to all the problems in our lives. Even you health problems will be cured or minimized by chanting Hare Krishna, if you persist and chant Hare Krishna despite all difficulties.
There is no other way. Only the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra. If you are determined to chant 16 rounds every day and do it then today it may take you 1/2 hour to chant a round. Still that means you can chant 16 rounds in eight hours. So do it. And if you keep on doing it then in a very short time you will be chanting your 16 rounds in 2 or three hours.
We have to be prepared to spend the time to chant the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day otherwise there is no hope of Krishna consciousness. We are simply fooling ourselves.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Prabhuji,
Hari Bol.
I wish to start reading the Bhagavad Gita and kindly tell me the procedure to read this holy book.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Venkat
To get the most benefit from reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is you need to have a little faith that what Krishna is saying there is correct and accept it in that spirit. It is a practical book. So to get the benefit you need to put the teachings of Lord Krishna into practice in your life.
But reading it is quite simple. You just start reading at the beginning and keep reading until you get to the end. Then you can start reading it again. You will be amazed at how fresh it seems and how much new inspiration you get the second time you read it. You can actually read the Bhagavad-gita unlimited times. And every time you read it you will find new and fresh inspiration.
I find it helps to read aloud. Spriitual knowledge is actual understood through the ears, by hearing. Not in the mind. So if you can read aloud that is very good…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
in the morning i read on the website that prabhupadas original writings are changed.before he has told not to do this,why is it happening
It is happening because the leaders in ISKCON are thinking they are more intelligent than Prabhuapda and they have no feeling to follow Prabhuapda’s instructions at all. This same rejection of the clear instructions of Prabhupada can be found in so many areas in ISKCON. Basically they have made Srila Prabhuapda into a “figurehead” but they do not care to follow his instructions. So they have disconnected themselves from the disciplic succession and the pure message of Krishna consciousness is not flowing through them anymore.
Dear Madhudvisa dasa
please accept my obeisances
all glories to srila prabhupada
i am sorry for making this kind of out of order cause i could not find where you have said what i want to comment at, but you said somewhere in this page that devotees worship Radha and Krishna and we do not have to worship demigods at all, but if we do not have to worship demigods why do we worship Shiva? and don’t Vaishnavas celebrate Navaratri as well?i have many other thoughts reading your countless letters and responses to all who adress you, and if you are interested i will share these thoughts with you.please mail me as well as i can have private discussions with you as i had earlier.
servant of the devotees
Indu pati das.
Hare Krishna Indu
No, Vaisnavas do not worship demigods. That is Krishna’s personal example. Nanda Maharaja and the residents of Vrindavan were accustomed for example to offer an annual sacrifice to Indra. As they were village people they depended on Indra for the rains and for the success of their crops. But when they were preparing to offer the Indra Yajna Krishna stopped them and recommend them to worship Govardhan Hill instead as Govardhan Hill is a form of Krishna.
No, Vaisnavas do not worship Lord Shiva. Not in the way he is worshiped by the general followers of Shiva anyhow. The Vaisnavas respect all the demigods. It is not that they do not offer respect. If there is a temple of Lord Shiva they will offer respect and prayers. But their prayers are different from the prayers of the general Shiva worshipers. The followers of Shiva accept Shiva as the supreme lord and worship him like that, the Vaisnavas offer respect to Lord Shiva and all the other demigods according to their relationship with Krishna.
If you read the verses of the Brahma Samhita you will see so many examples of Vaisnava prayers to the different demigods. You will see that in those prayers Lord Brahma is offering his respects to the other demigods, but he is not worshiping them as the supreme lord, he is worshiping them in their relationship with Krishna.
So the short-cut is Vaisnavas worship Krishna and His Visnu-tattva expansions. They offer respect to the demigods, but do not worship them as being the supreme lord. That is a great mistake and people who do this are condemned by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita as fools with no intelligence.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy
Madhudvisa dasa
Im new to the hare krisner and I need to know how I can get involved and learn more I live in Casa Grande Arizona USA
Thank You
Hare Krishna
Just a short note of thanks for your prompt response.I have many questions,however none for this moment.
Hare Krishna
Dear guruji,
Hare Krishna,
I am in a situation to start reading “Bhagavath Gita As It Is”, and so I hope I can achieve this by following your suggestions being sent in the news letters.
Thank You very Much.
Ramesh Chowdary
Hare Krishna,
I am so greatful to HC Madhudvisa Dasa Ji that His Grace sent me such a divine knowledge. I will be greatful and I will try my best to commit and progress in the way thatHC Madhudvisa Dasa Ji suggested.
thanking you,
Hare Krishna.
1. Why did Lord Krishna choose the battle ground to reveal the Gita?
2. How could it be possible to communicate with Arjuna when Arjuna is preoccupied with the preparations for the war?
3. Did the war actually take place?
Hare Krishna Jayakody
You will have to ask Krishna why He choose to speak the Bhagavad-gita on a battlefield.
When Krishna was speaking to Arjuna he was not preparing to fight. Arjuna had decided to leave the battlefield. Krishna was speaking Bhagavad Gita to him to encourage him to fight.
Yes, the Battle of Kuruksetra took place. You can still go there today to Kuruksettra, the battlefield is still there. It was a real battle.
Hare Krsna,
i have the translated copy of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad Gita. I now started reading it seriously and is thoroughly enjoying the experiences, in addition to going to both The Bhakti Center and the ISKCON mandir in Brookly, NY weekly. It is one of the best and most enjoyable experiences I am enjoying.
Prabhu, thank you fro emailing me. I look forward to conversing with you on a regular basis in relation to the Bhagavad Gita’s katha.
Jai Sri Krsna
hare krishan
swami ji thank you for your letter . and i have sent another question to you hope i’ll get answer soon.
jai bharat jai hindu
Hari Krsna
Dear Madhudvisa dasa,
I would like to know if “ISKCON” and the other publishers have rectify the changes made in the books written by master A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda.
Thank you very much.
John Brisson from Qc, Canada.
ISKCON have not rectified. They are still changing Prabhuapda’s books more and more with every reprint.
However the original Prabhuapda books are available at and are being published by Krishna Books Inc.
Hare Krsna,
Swami Srila Prabhupada ki jai. I have two questions and they are as follows:
(1) Why are “they” changing Swami Srila Prabhupada’s books? and (2) Are these books being changed so that they can accomodate the more “softer/simpler” western mantality?
And if that is the case, then what is the purpose of still calling the Srimad Bhagavat Gita, the essence of the Vedic cultrue? Shouldn’t we all just stick to the western religious philosophy?
Sorry, that is more than two questions….your response is greatly appreciated.
At the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Govinda.
Jai Sri Krsna
Hare Krishna Matie
I have a website dedicated to this question “Why are they changing Srila Prabhupada’s Books?”, that is
Please go to this website and read what is there and post some questions and comments on the articles there and I will attempt to answer your questions on this most important issue at
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krshna Swamiji
I chant the Hare Krshna Maha Mantra daily especially at 4.00am. Beside this I want to do more. Kindly guide me.
Jai Shree Krshna
Rajesh Kumar Ksatriya
Please make a program to systematically read all of Srila Prabhuapda’s books and put the instructions of Srila Prabhupada into practice in your life.
You can get Srila Prabhuapda’s original books at or read them online at
Srila Prabhupada will guide you in every aspect, if you are prepared to spend the time to read his books and listen to him.
Hare Krishna Maharaj
Pleas accept my humble surrender to your lotus feet. After frisking my mind thoroughly and being through various experiences of my life, i felt inwardly that since i have chosen to fight the evil cults and be a humble servant of the dharma, i feel that i am not qualified to be a Brahmin… and functionally, i desire to be a Ksatriya. I need your valued acknowledgement if i genuinely deserve it. or whatsoever you advise.
Ram Ram
Humble servant
Rajesh Kumar
Hare Krishna Rajesh
Ultimately Krishna consciousness is transcendental to any bodily designation like brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. Everyone can chant Hare Krishna.
Not everyone has to become a brahmin. There are four divisions of men in society and they are all important. So Ksatriya is also very important. And if that is the type of body and mentality you find yourself in then it would be foolish to deny it and pretend to be like a brahmin.
So it is fine, you can work in the mood of a ksatriya. Why not? But the point is ksatriya needs to work under the direction of a qualified brahmin.
So to find a qualified brahmin these days is almost impossible. Fortunately we have full access to Srila Prabhuapda who is more than a qualified brahmin.
So my suggestion to you is that you take shelter of Srila Prabhuapda and read his books and try to put his instructions into practice in your life.
Instructions are the same for ksatriya. Please chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra daily, strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and read all of Prabhuapda’s books….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
My sincere namaskar Prabhuji,
Thank you very much. I have received your subsequent message and I shall be waiting for your other mails on spiritual journey
Hare Krishna
hello Guruji ,
Hare krsna once again ,
I couldnt stop my self from asking another question which just came to my mind .
In Bhadvad -Gita Krsna says i am present within all and that we are all part and parcels of the supreme lord .
Then to me it appears as if we as living entities donot have any independence at all .
Then why in bhagvad gita written that we have little independence ??
Regards ,
Atul Maken .
Age -26 .
Loc – Ludhiana ( Punjab ) .
Hare Krishna Atul
Just because Krishna is present within us does not mean we have no independence. It is described that within the heart there are two living entities, the soul, us, and the supersoul, Krishna. So Krishna is present within our hearts but He is there simply as an observer. It is us, the soul, who is performing the activities.
Krishna is not forcing us to act. Our independence is, however, quite limited.
We have performed so many activities in this life and in previous lives and there are karmic reactions for all these activities that we will be forced to experience. So basically, because of this karma, a lot of the experiences we go through in our lives are more-or-less predestined.
However this Karma can be changed by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So that is our independence. We can choose to either serve Krishna and change our karma or simply go through the life in the material world that we are predestined to go through because of our past karma.
I think you can understand from this that for a materialist there is no real independence. His life is predestined because of his karma. The only independence we really have is to decide to serve Krishna, and then, as a result of serving Krishna, everything changes. That is our real independence. Surrendering to Krishna and becoming the servant of Krishna.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Your servant
Madhudvisa dasa
Respected madhudvisa-dasa ,
First of all hare krsna to you .
Kindly let me know who you are as a person as I am very eager about this .
secondly i would like to tell you that I read Bhagvad Gita as it is daily as lot questions keep haunting me such as —
1. who am I .
2. why am I facing such desperateness in life .
3. what is God and the Absolute truth .
whatever I read in Bhagvad gita as it is seems to be the ultimate truth but to be honest I am facing some hesitation in absorbing it just like arjuna says that I cannot grasp it .
kindly tell me how can i give away the anxities of life .
thank you .
Hare krsna .
Hare Krishna Atul
Bhagavad-gita can only be understood by persons like Arjuna who are surrendered to Krishna, who are devotees of Krishna.
So as well as reading Bhagavad Gita you need to be chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra [at least 16 rounds a day] and following the four regulative principles [no illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication] Performing any of these sinful activities will block our understanding of Bhagavad Gita.
Please keep reading the gita over and over again and keep chanting Hare Krishna and follow the four regulative principles and all your questions like “Who am I” “Why am I facing such desperateness in life” and “What is God and the Absolute Truth.” will be very easily answered.
Spiritual life requires some tapasya, some austerity. We have to be prepared to give up some things that we would otherwise be doing.
So please keep reading the gita and chanting Hare Krishna and you will get the result for sure.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Respected Prabhuji,
Thank you very much. I have received your subsequent message and I shall be waiting for your other mails eagerly.
Hare Krishna
Subir Das
Hare Krishna Respected Madhudvisa dasa Swamiji,
Thank you very much for your message dated 21st August, 22nd August & 24th August respectively. I have read Bhagavad-gita, totally surrendering myself to Lord Krishna. I am reading it again. I humbly submit if I shall be enlightened on the following points (based on your message dated 21st August & 22nd August. I will submit my humble queries on your message dated 24th August separately)
(1) As per the Bhagavad-gita, Lord tells Arjuna that He originally spoke the Gita to the Sun god, Vivasvan, at the beginning of the creation, and that the knowledge was handed down through the saintly kings from generation to generation. But now that knowledge had become lost, so therefore Krishna again spoke that same original knowledge to Arjuna.
I humbly inquire why was the knowledge lost? At that time the world / universe must have been inhabited by highly enlightened beings. Despite that why such wonderful knowledge about Gita was lost and Lord Krishna had to pass on the knowledge (in Drapar Yug) to the generations to come.
(2) How much time Lord Krishna took to narrate / explain the entire Gita to Arjuna in the Kurukhetra war?
(3) When Lord Krishna was explaining the Gita to Arjuna, did other warriors also listen to what Lord Krishna was saying?
(4) How many soldiers / people were killed (totaling both sides) in the Kurukhetra war?
(5) Why King Dhritarashtra was gifted to listen to Gita (through the mouth of Sanjaya) and why not others?
With humility,
Subir Das
My introduction
Age :- 60 years
Profession :- Retired banker
Residence :- New Delhi
Other :- Regularly visiting ISKCON Temple at East of Kailash, New Delhi and chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra and attending other important lectures.
All glories to Lord Sri Krsna & Srimati Radharani!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Please accept my humble obeisances!
Hare Krsna dear Madhudvisa dasa Prabhu!
Thank you for the first installment of “The Spirit of Bhagavad Gita.” Very nice indeed. You are a great prodigy of our beloved Guru, Srila Prabhupada. When reading through your email it was almost as if Srila Prabhupada was there speaking to me again. You understanding of this most precious transcendental knowledge is flawless!
I look forward to your next email.
JAI! ! !
Andrew London
thankyou sir
can a person through bhakti and mantras of beloved god change his or her destiny?
Yes, for sure. It is the only way to change our destiny.
Basically we are born with a certain collection of karma and in the ordinary course of things that karma will play out during our life and really we have very little independence. The things that happen in our life will actually be carried out by the three modes of material nature. Not by our own independent activities.
We only have one real choice in this world. And that choice is if we will serve God or if we will serve maya, the material energy. We are servants by nature, we can choose our master, that is all. So if we choose Krishna as our master and surrender to Him and serve Him then most certainly our destiny will change…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Sir
I would like to know one thing u said “We can not understand Krishna consciousness at all unless we agree to at least follow the regulative principle and one of them is no meat eating.
In this swami vivekanada said “just by having VEG we can’t get GOD” as if only by this one could achieve “THE SUPREME GOD” then goats and all “grass” eating animals could achieve “god” or “LORD KRISHNA”.
The point is not so much being vegetarian. Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita that anyone who eats food that is not offered to the Lord is eating only sin. And Krishna also explains in the Bhagavad-Gita that if one offers Him some fruits, flowers, vegetables, then he will accept this offering if it is made with love. So Krishna is not asking for an offeing of sheep, goats and pigs. One can not offer these things to Krishna because He will not accept them.
The point is that a devotee does not do anything for himself. He does not even cook for himself. He cooks for Krishna. So if you invite someone to your home and you want to please him then you will find out in advance what type of food he likes and you will prepare this for him. So we are cooking for Krishna. And if we are cooking for Krishna then we need to know what Krishna wants to eat. And that is foodstuffs in the mode of goodness. Grains, milk products, vegetables and fruits.
So devotees will prepare offerings to Krishna from these four groups of foodstuffs, they will offer them to Krishna, and accept the remnants from that offering. This is called prasadam or mercy.
So you see the point is devotees eat prasadam. They are not actually vegetarians, they eat only the foodstuffs that have been offered to Krishna and Krishna only accepts offerings in the mode of goodness from the four food groups: grains, milk products, vegetables and fruits…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
please tell me do u have proof dat there is a GOD.
how can u say that there was someone,named krishna.
how can u say krishna was GOD?
Yes, we have proof that there is a God. But that proof is by realization. I have realized there is God, I have a relationship with God. So I know Him, at least to a small extent. If you want to know there is God with such strength then you have to develop your relationship with Him and that can be done by following the process of Krishna consciousness which is a scientific process that will enable you to uncover your original spiritual relationship with God. This process is called saddhana bhakti and you can learn about it by reading the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. You can read these books on line at and you can purchase them at
As far as someone named Krishna. Krishna is a historical personality and there is no question that He existed. We have the complete record of the life of Krishna from His birth to His disappearance. Not only that we have the records of His father’s and mother’s families going back for many generations before Krishna’s birth. There is no question, Krishna is a historical person who we have an immense amount of information about.
As far as Krishna being the Supreme Personality of Godhead, this can only actually be understood by Krishna’s devotees. Even when Krishna was personally present on Earth five thousand years ago not so many people realized that He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Everyone knew He was very beautiful, very powerful, etc. But to realize His actual position as God is not possible for everyone.
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna prabhu,
I always cry when i read leelamrutha written by Satswarupa prabhu. I felt very sad after reading about the sins committed by those great souls, who served Srila Prabhupada with so much love. I am unable to believe prabhu. Forgive me if you so desire.
Your menial servent, V.Rajeswara Rao
Hare Krsna!!!!
Hare Krsna, Madhudvisa Dasa,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!!!!
Thanks for your great answers to my questions. I am very surprise it took so fast. I am also really very delighted you have taken so much time for them and am very happy with these answers.
I am very new to this communities. As such I hope you can introduce more of yourself to people like me as we naturally want to know more about you.
Thank you very much
Your servant
Hare Krishna; Pranam Prabhu
As a new Hindu, I would like to ask if I have to be in one of the caste groups? Since I was not born in a Hindu family, how can it be? I suppose Sanatana Dharma does not affirm the caste system except for the four castes mentioned in the Bhagawad Gita, Brahmin, Kshatriya, Veshya and Shudra. So out of these in which do I fall? and also are other professions than the ones mentioned in the Gita allowed to Vaisnavas? Like Engineering, teaching etc. I didn’t find their answers in the Scriptures. I pray please guide me.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Rajesh
We are not “Hindus.” Hindu doesn’t mean anything. So many people who believe so many different things call themselves “Hindus.”
We are Vaisnavas, followers of Sanatana Dharma. Particularly we are “Gaudiya Vaisnavas.” It means we are Vaisnavas in the line of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Caitanya Mahaprabu is famous for smashing the ideas of the caste brahmins in India. In India a completely wrong idea has formed. And that idea is that one is born into a particular caste. The idea is that if one is born in a brahmin family he is a brahmin and if one is born into a sudra family he is a sudra.
There is absolutely no justification whatsoever for this anywhere in the Vedas. On the contrary in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna stresses that all men are divided into four divisions by guna and karma. Guna means the qualities and karma means the work. Krishna goes on to list the qualities of the four castes, brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaishyas and sudras, in the Bhagavad Gita. So one who has the qualities of a brahmana and who works as a brahmana is a brahmana. It has absolutely nothing to do with birth.
Someone can be born in a brahmana family but act as a melecha. He is a melecha not a brahmana.
This is the fall down of the caste system in India. So many are claiming to be Brahmana’s by birth but actually their qualities are sudra or less and they are working as sudras. The whole system has been destroyed.
For the current time, Kali-yuga, the only process that will elevate everyone, no matter what his caste or position in society is, is the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
It is not important to worry about what caste you belong to. If you simply take seriously to the process of Krishna consciousness and the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha mantra you will transcend the caste system completely. So please do not worry about this. Simply read the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda and try to put what you read into practice in your life and….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krsna,
Hare Krsna, Madhudvisa-dasa,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thanks for your newsletter which I received 2 days ago.
I have a couples of questions which I hope you will be able to squeeze some of your precious time to answer.
1)In Chapter 4 Text 1 Lord Sri Krsna said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasan, and Vivasan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku.
My question is:- Is the Bhagavad-gita spoken to the sun-god then and to Arjuna 5000 years ago the same Bhagavad-gita.
2)If we are constantly being disturbed in our daily lives by insects for eg mosquitoes especially those that can transmit dengue fever, what do we do to them? Do we kill them or let them bite us subjetting ourself to the dengue fever.
Hope my questions dont sound stupid. Thank you in advance
Hare Krishna Steven
Thanks for the great questions.
The Bhagavad Gita spoken by Krishna to the sun god and the Bhagavad Gita spoken by Krishna to Arjuna is the same Bhagavad Gita in the sense that it contains the same message, the same instructions from Krishna.
But the setting is different. Krishna was speaking the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna seated on a charriot in between two armies just before the greatest battle this planet has ever seen. The situation where Krishna spoke the Bhagavad Gita to the sun god was different. So in the Krishna-Arjuna Gita, for example, Arjuna is asking Krishna to bring his chariot into the middle of the battlefield so he can see all the soldiers on both sides and see how determined they are to fight this battle. Obviously when Krishna spoke the Bhagavad Gita to the sun god the situation would have been different.
However Krishna himself states in the forth chapter that “this is the same science that I originally spoke to Vivasvan, the sun god…” So Krishna says he is teaching Arjuna the same science that He taught the sun god, Vivasvan, at the beginning of this universe. So in this sense it is the same Bhagavad Gita.
As far as killing mosquitoes. There is one purport in the Bhagavad gita, you can find it by searching at, where Srila Prabhupada mentions six kinds of aggressors. And it is stated that such agressors can be killed and there is no sin involved in such killing. These are things like someone who userps your property, someone who kidnaps your wife, someone who is trying to kill you, etc. Such aggressors can be killed. So the mosquito is coming to suck your blood, that is quite an aggressive behavior. So you may be able to justify killing on these grounds.
But the real point is you are killing to protect your body so you can go on living. So the actual situation will be determined by what you go on and do with your body. If you are simply using your body to work to make money to support your family and live comfortably then you are killing the mosquitoes to ensure that you can continue working and continue struggling to be happy in the material world. In this case, even though the killing may be OK, still you will be getting some sort of reaction for this.
The only way we can become free from the karmic reactions to our work is if we are working for Krishna. So if you are killing the mosquitoes to protect your body so you can use your body to serve Krishna, then there will be no karma, no reaction. You will be killing the mosquitoes for Krishna.
But even then a devotee does not like to kill, he does not even like to kill mosquitoes. He sees that the mosquito is also a living entity, just like you and me, and due to his past bad actions he has been forced to take birth in the body of a mosquito and drink the blood of his victims. So the devotee does not like to kill him, at the same time he does need to keep his body healthy to serve Krishna, so it would be foolish for him to offer his blood to the mosquitoes and then get sick and not be able to serve Krishna…
So a devotee will prefer to make some arrangement whereby he does not kill the mosquitoes but also they do not bite him. For this you can use some mosquito repellent and when sleeping if there are many mosquitoes around you can use a mosquito net over your bed. This will prevent them from biting you and at the same time you will not be killing them.
In reality you can not kill all the mosquitoes. Even if you go on a mosquito killing safari there is no guarantee that some stray mosquito may not bite you anyhow. So protecting yourself from the bites and taking some medicine to protect you from developing the disease may be a better cause of action…
In this world there are so many dangers and no matter what we do we can not avoid the dangers. No matter what we do at any moment we can fall sick or even die. Ultimately this is caused by our karma and not by the apparent cause.
Many people get bitten by these mosquitoes but not all of them develop the fever. The real cause of the disease, the fever, is our past sinful activities, not the mosquito. So even if you kill all the mosquitoes in the world if you are destined to get the fever you will get the fever…
The only real solution to the problems of the material world is to eradicate the the bad karma caused by the sinful activities we have performed in this life and in previous lives and the only practical way to do this is by chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So please take to this chanting of Hare Krishna maha mantra seriously and you will be able to understand what is the right thing to do in any situation.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna! In the last two sentences of this class/article, we are provided with a formula for understanding the Bhagavad-gita. Madhudvisa explains, that when reading the Gita, one must lock onto the understanding that Sri Krishna is God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And that if one reads the Gita from that angle of vision, one can obtain a genuine understanding of the Bhagavad-gita.
But, to what degree does the reader have to embrace this point of view while reading? Madhudvisa Prabhu states that the minimal requirement is to “at least theoretically accept” this perspective. And further, that this theoretical acceptance is “a submissive spirit” with which “we can understand the Bhagavad-gita.” Without that “submissive spirit it is very difficult to understand because it is a great mystery.”
If one takes a taxi, as soon as one enters the cab the meter goes on. But the meter doesn’t start at zero. It begins with a basic charge. If we want to get to the nearest Krishna Temple, the cost will increase, beginning from that basic charge. How much will it increase? That will depend on how far we want to go.
So the basic charge for understanding the Bhagavad-gita is the theoretical acceptance that Sri Krishna is God, the Supreme Person. But if we wish to go farther in our understanding, deeper, Krishna Consciousness is not a cheap thing. O.K., how much submissiveness, how much acceptance is required?
In Chapter 4, verse 34, Srila Prabhupada explains that “The Lord is the original spiritual master,and a person in the diciplic succession (from Sri Krishna) can convey the message of the Lord as it is to his disciple.”
But what is that “great mystery” that Madhudvisa Prabhu is refering to, that we need for proper understanding? Srila Prabhupada goes on to explain that “One has to approach a bonafide spiritual master to receive the knowledge. Such a spiritual master should be accepted in full surrender, and one should serve the spiritual master like a menial servant, without false prestige. Satisfaction of the self-realized spiritual master is the secret of advancement in spiritual life.” And, “…when he sees the genuine desire of the disciple, he automatically blesses the disciple with genuine spiritual understanding … “A bonafide spiritual master is by nature very kind toward the disciple. Therefore when the student is submissive and always ready to render service, the reciprocation of knowledge and inquiries becomes perfect.”
So, theoretical acceptance of Krishna’s supremacy is the cover charge to enter into the understanding of Bhagavad-gita. But what if I want to have full realization of this understanding? Well, then I have to pay the full price.
Your humble servant,
Ishan das
Hare Krishna Ishan Prabhu!
Prabhu! You write so well! I always read the comments written by you and Madhudvisa Dasa. When you both repeat the words of Srila Prabhupada , it is so pleasing to hear… I guess you are the same Ishan Prabhu to whom Srila Prabhupada wrote letters and I guess you once said you live alone in the woods…
Prabhu, you preach so well! Why don’t you come into the open and preach to the people in general or publicize Srila Prabhupada’s books? I am sure people will surely feel convinced by your preaching…
Just one BIG request. I, a 15 year old girl just request both you and Madhudvisa Dasa not to leave us before we leave this material world. If I am ever doing 16 rounds or reading Srila Prabhupada’s books atleast 1 hour daily or following the 4 regulative principles it is because of you Prabhus. I have got the biggest opportunity to serve Srila Prabhupada and Krishna only because of the great encouragement given by Madhudvisa Dasa and you. Please promise that you will not leave us in the same way as Srila Prabhupada left us. Now, please don’t tell me about vapu and vani…. I just plead to my uttermost”Please Madhudvisa Dasa Prabhu and Please Ishan Das Prabhu. Do not leave us and go. I need a great lot of encouragement from you devotees to serve Srila Prabhupada”
I thank you a 100 million times for the encouragement you have given me. I shall be always obliged to you.
Madhudvisa Dasa Prabhu! All Glories to your service!
I wish to remain your humble servant eternally……
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
Hare Krishna!
Greetings to the divinity in you
I am extremely happy to read the first mail from your end, very interesting and informative. Should i say that i am more happier that i have got it on an ekadashi and shravan masika. I believe there is an extra peace and harmony during these days of the moon particularly in this month. Sometimes, I why people in India, including great yogis or sadhaka fast on these days. Can you please shed some light on the above.
Kindly pardon my ignorance if any as I may ask you some direct questions, which may be even foolish as i do not want to accept anything unless my heart agrees and the logical mind. I do not want to run like others in the rat race of spirituality. Should i say , spiritual shopping. I hope your expereince and not book knowledge will help .
Blessed soul. Have a great day and be at peace always.
I remain at the lotus feet of lord krishna.
Hare Krishna Kannan
Yes, please ask questions and I will try and reply.
But please ask here on the forums. I can not answer personal emails at this time.
Madhudvisa dasa
Harekrishna Prabhu,
Thank you for the welcome mail, I have complete faith in krishna, what i ever i do for krishna brings me lot of happiness and i wanted to do more and more. I have also like to share my happiness to other people aswell. Because people are more addicted to material benefits it looks like they wont be interested in this. But i feel sorry for them, and i feel keep on trying to explain them but i know we are not supposed talk about krishna when the other person is not eligible to listen or take. Can you please suggest me how would i start and talk to people and help them. Because so many times i feel people so much in ignorance, they do not want to accept truth.
Hare Krishna Ramakrishna
Your feeling sorry for the conditioned souls who are suffering in the material world and wanting to help them by speaking to them about Krishna is the sign of a real devotee.
Please share your happiness and great experiences of Krishna consciousness with the other people you meet. Most of the people you meet will be very happy to hear about Krishna from you. People may be addicted to material benefits but now in the Western world we have so many material benefits and most people can see that in spite of this we are still not happy. People will naturally be addicted to material things if they are not addicted to Krishna. It is one addiction or the other addiction. So in our preaching we really can not expect to find any people who are not addicted to some materialistic things. This should not discourage us from telling the people we meet about Krishna.
If you want to share the joy that you feel from Krishna consciousness with others Krishna will give you the opportunity to meet so many others who will very much enjoy hearing from you. And you can see it like this. Anytime you come in contact with some other person you can see that this is the arrangement of Krishna. Krishna has sent me here and Krishna has sent this other person here and He wants me to tell this person something about Me. If you think like this you will be surprised as to how many of the people you meet really want to hear about Krishna.
You can take some of Srila Prabhuapda’s books with you always that you can get at the wholesale section of, and in this way when you meet someone who wants to hear about Krishna you can speak to them and leave them with something very concrete in the form of one of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
You will find like this at lest 90% of people, no matter how much they are attached to material things, will be interested in hearing about Krishna.
There is however a small percentage of people who are envious of Krishna and as soon as you mention God will get angry and will not like to hear about Krishna. So it is in these cases when you can see that the person you are trying to speak to about Krishna is not liking to hear it you should not continue. You can just change the subject and offer them some nice prasadam and let them go on their way. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Most people you meet will be very happy to hear about Krishna from you. So do not be afraid. Whomever you meet simply speak to them about Krishna and if occasionally someone does not like it just do not continue speaking with them and go on to the next person. Do not let the occasional negative person discourage you from speaking about Krishna to everyone you meet.
Thank you for the nice letter.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you so much for your mail, Madhudvisa dasa.
I´m from Brazil and english isn`t my official language. Therefore, i apologize for any mistakes wich my writting may present.
Well, i`ve been lucky enough to be brought by a friend of mine (a devotee) to the Iskcon temple in my hometown. He said i would love to know the temple and the Hare krishna philosophy, after some conversations we`ve had concerning our spiritual searches.
We were following different ways at the time. But that isn`t so anymore. After reading the book “Perfect Questions – Perfect Answers”, i,ve started to read the “Bhagavad Gita as it is” and have starded to visit the temple more often.
My friend was right, i`ve really found a good place to be, “meditate”, and learn as much as i can about other meanings for our lives, other than just the pursuit for material satisfaction. I´ve been searching for so long without finding any confort on any of the experiences i was going through that i was getting really unhappy already. I`m grateful for the opportunity to get in touch with Krishna consciousness.
Well, it´s been only a few months and i´m still so far from becoming a true devotee because of my bad habits, but i`m already singing the maha mantra on my japa with my bead bag and have experienced really good states of mind, mood and even some changes about some desires wich don`t bother me so much anymore.
I hope it´s only the beginning!
Hare krishna madhudvisa-dasa
I have one more question. Does Krishna want us to lead celebate lives? If so, then is marrying or having children something that will bind us to earthly existance and lead us to taking rebirths and not entitle us to moksha?
Hare Krishna!
Krishna wants us to be happy, and we can be happy only by serving him. Certainly marrying and having children binds us to the material world. However falsely renouncing this desire will also bind us to the material world. So in the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says “I am sex life according to the regulative principles.” So marriage is not discouraged. For most men it is necessary. It is also a samskara, purifying process, called vivaha samskara. So there is no problem marrying and having sex to beget nice Krishna conscious children and to bring them up as devotees of Krishna. This is service to Krishna. The women need husbands and the devotees need a nice family atmosphere to take birth in. So there is nothing wrong with Krishna conscious marriage. And by going through this one will get practical experience that there is no happiness in the material world.
The idea that I can be happy with my wife and family is an illusion. But many need to live through that illusion to actually realize it.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.
I would like to know how to rid of a spirit dormant inside a person I know, so far have tried most things under the sun but it has all been unsucessful. Could please assit me with a solution.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Viknesh
If you mean a ghostly haunted person then the best way is chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. Also one has to keep very clean, avoid completely all forms of intoxication [alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, even coffee and tea], keep very clean and keep your surroundings, the place you live in, very clean and in the mode of goodness.
This ghostly haunting generally happens to people in the mode of ignorance. These people are generally unclean and attached to so many unclean habits like eating meat and taking drugs and drinking alcohol. So the solution is to raise them to the mode of goodness. And the only real way to do this is by the process of Krishna consciousness. So they need to practiced the process of saddhana-bhakti as it is taught by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy! [this will also scare away the ghosts]
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna madhudvisa-dasa
What you are saying is true. My friend’s wife was also haunted by ghosts for a very long time. However after she started chanting Hare Krishna, these figures started to move away from her. However she is a Christian and also believes in Jesus, which I feel is incorrect belief.
Do you think that due to her belief in Jesus, who according most sources was a mere mortal, she will loose her faith and Krishna and thus invite these entities again?
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Jesus Srila Prabhuapda accepted as son of God, as he says he is. So Jesus is also connected to Krishna. Even the name is the same. Krishna is also called Krsta in India and in Greek it becomes Christos and in the west Christ. So Christ and Krishna, the name is the same. It is Jesus of the Christ, or Jesus the son of Krishna. So this is all connected. And we do not say that Christians should give up their faith in Christ and accept Krishna. That is not at all necessary. You can encourage your friend’s wife to keep chanting Hare Krishna and also reassure her that Jesus is the son of God and Krishna is also God. So the bottom line is no, I do not think she will loose her faith in Krishna because she believes in Jesus if you explain it to her properly.
I suggest you read Srila Prabhuapda’s “Science of Self-Realization”. There is a very nice chapter in there on Krishna and Christ. You can also purchase the book for her at
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
To the Servant of the Servants
hare Krishna and Namaskar
I do have a few questions with regards to certain prophecies. Although I have read the Bhagwad Gita several times, i am not fairly well aquainted with most of the cannons.
I would like to ask you if you have any information about the coming back of Krishna as kalki in this Kaliyuga? When would this happen and all the evil be finished off from this earth?
From the Servant of the Servants of the Servants
hare krishna prabhuji. please accept my humble obeisances in your lotus feets. Thanks for ur various mails. that are helping me alot.
prabhuji i want to ask:- In Bhagvat Gita Lord Krishna says that we should work just to please Him and offer the results of every work unto Him. its ok.It is applicable to all i understand.i am doing btech. and i want to know that how my study will please Krishna ? i hope u r getting my point.
hare krishna
Hare Krishna Nikhil
Yes. Krishna instructs that we should only work for His pleasure. That is called akarma. It means work without any karmic reaction. If we work for Krishna there is no karmic reaction to it. We simply make spiritual advancement. But if we work in the material world there will be a karmic reaction, good or bad, and this karmic reaction will continue our existence in the material world for many, many lifetimes. If we still have outstanding karmic reactions, good or bad, at the time of death, that will force us to again take birth in the material world.
So we have to adjust our lives so everything we do is not for our own benefit or for anyone else’s benefit, everything we do must be simply for the service of Krishna.
As far as your study of btech in itself that is not pleasing Krishna. That is a material activity. Presumably you are doing the study so you can get a good job and make a lot of money and support your family, etc. So this is all 100% material, it will generate lots of karmic reactions for you and keep you in the material world for many, many births.
The only way for you to spiritualize your activities is to use your skills for the service of Krishna. For example I am also computer graduate, but instead of getting a job with some big company and serving them I have decided to use my IT skills for serving Krishna. And the result is a lot of nice websites like and many others. So if I had decided to work for some big company and serve them they would have taken all my time and energy and I would not have had any time and energy to serve Krishna by creating and maintaining these websites.
So the point is that if you are actually a technical wizard then you should use that wizardry for Krishna.
Krishna consciousness is not a hobby or a religion. It is not something we do on Sundays and otherwise live our lives just like everyone else. No. Krishna consciousness means living a completely different lifestyle to everyone else. It means not doing anything for ourselves, for our family, or for anyone else at all except Krishna.
If we do this, only work for Krishna, then automatically everyone else will be pleased because Krishna is the root of everything. Everything is part and parcel of Krishna. So if we can please Krishna then everyone else will be pleased. This is actually the only way to please everyone.
It is not that we have to give up our material possessions or our material skills. Srila Rupa Goswami made this clear. He says that anyone who gives up something that can be used in the service of Krishna is practicing false renunciation. So if you are a technical wizard with computers you can use this skill to serve Krishna. And that is the way you can please Krishna by your work.
I need lots of technical wizards to help with the internet preaching work so if you are good and want to work on these things let me know and I am sure we can keep you busy 24 hours a day serving Krishna!
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
i m really happy to know the essence of the bhagwad-gita!!!
hope so by krishna’s grace may all attain peace of mind and soul
in his service and devotion
Hare Krishna madhudvisa-dasa prabhuji,
I do chant kare krishna maha mantra daily…..
I’m very happy to see you welcome mail..
What should i do if i should not fall from ksrna conciousness, it so happens some times due to over emotional i fall … then i realize i should not fall and i continue with chanting..
how to have control over the senses, addictions, and keep mind cool over ANY emotionals, is there any technique for beginners, pls. let me know please
Hare krishna
Dear Sarvanan
Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhuapda. Controlling the senses is not so easy because for so may lifetimes we have become accustomed to letting our senses be out of control.
We can not stop the activities of our senses, rather we have to give them a better engagement. So the only way really, that you can control your senses, is to engage them 100% serving Krishna 24 hours a day. That is the process Srila Prabhuapda teaches. Engagement in the service of Krishna 24 hours a day.
The simple points mostly people are not doing, like rising early before 4:00 in the morning, offering the Mangal Aroti, chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra daily and reading all of Srila Prabhuapda’s books and following the four regulative principles, no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication.
If you these things and become determined to keep doing them in any situation, even if you have no taste for chanting Hare Krishna, then gradually your senses will come under control and you will always be thinking of Krishna.
It is something we have to work at with determination and patience. It may take time. And in the beginning we may fall down also. But even if you find yourself in a fallen condition breaking the regulative principles you have to keep on chanting Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day and that will give you the strength to pull you up to the spiritual platform again.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Kindly guide me about the correct method to chant the mahamantra.I shall be obliged.
Please get the Mantra Meditation Kit here:
I think everything you need is there and once you have it and have read the booklets let me know if you have more questions.
Here Krishna,
Fistly i thaked about reply. I have no quation, but i feel and also i receve vibration. I have only a Q. When and what is the state of ecstasy. I surrender my self to feet of Prabhupad.
Lastly Here Rama, Here Rama
I have a question, how to staedy our mind continuously and engaged in Krishna in practical life, my nature is lazzy in this regards i am interested but i could not do anythink constantly, i am Ram Bhakat ple. help me!
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
Today i received the first response from you and i must say that it was to fast since i registered myself for the KRISHNA CONNECT NEWSLETTER , and i thank you a thousand times getting connected with me. Sir actually i am regularly in touch with my friend , who is going through his vaishnav training from iskcon.
And he really did turned my life into Krishna consciousness and feel great to be doing that . Now that i am reading BhagvatGeeta and other some books like
(Second Chance) and (Elevation to Krishna Consciousness) and will surely write to you any queries that i will be facing in the near future .
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krushna Prabhuji
Read your mail. I feel very good coz of reply. I already send my questions about
real identity of us. I wrote a artical on Loard Krusna in Gujarati. My thoughts about Loard Krushna.
The soul is eternal. We never die, we are simply changing bodies. In this life we change from a child’s body to a boy’s body to a man’s body to an old man’s body. Similarly the time of death is simply another change of body. As the future body we get in this life depends on our activities now. If I am a very gluttonous person and eat a lot of rich fatty foods in the future my body will be fat and unhealthy. So our actions now determine our future situation. So at the time of death, whatever state of consciousness we have, that state of consciousness we will achieve in our next body. This is the science of reincarnation. The real success is to not come back into the cycle of birth and death, samsara, but instead to be liberated from this material world and return back home, back to Godhead, in our original spiritual body that is not subject to the sufferings of the material world and not subject to birth, death, old age or disease. In the spiritual world we can live eternally in a youthful, blissful spiritual body full of knowledge. We should act in this life in such a way that at the time of death we can go back home, back to Godhead.
Hare Krishna Swamiji
I was a Muslim researcher until 6 years back but after finding a lot of absurdities and the proof that Quran is a man-made book (, I researched other religions and after 6 years of research and hardship I have now embraced vegetarian Hinduism for life. My question is that one of my Hindu friends told me that changing the religion is not allowed in Gita. Is it true? What should I do now? I personlly read in the Gita (18:66) that Lord Krishna ordered to give up all vaiety of religion and devote oneslef unto him only. Then why did that Hindu friend of mine told me not to become a Hindu?
Please reply
Jai Shri Krishna
Rajesh Kumar (Old nme: Syed Abdul Rafay)
Dear Rajesh
Hare Krishna!
Your Hindu friend is not correctly informed about what Krishna is teaching in the Bhagavad Gita.
Krishna is teaching Sanatana Dharma, it means that everyone’s eternal occupation is to serve God.
Krishna is a perfect description of God. Krishna means the “All Attractive” person. So God is the person who has all attractive qualities in full. He has all knowledge, He has all strength, He has all beauty, He has all fame, and even though He has all these attractive qualities in full He is completely unattached to having these things.
What Krishna is speaking in the Bhagavad Gita is not sectarian. It is not simply aimed at Hindus. You will not find the word “Hindu” anywhere in the Bhagavad Gita. Nor will you find the word Hindu in any of the other Vedic literatures. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna is speaking to all men. And as you point out Krishna is ordering, “Give up all varities of religions and surrender unto Me.” So this also includes giving up so-called Hinduism and simply surrendering to Krishna.
So the point is that Bhagavad Gita is spoken by Krishna for everyone, it doesn’t matter, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew,Buddhist, whatever Krishna is speaking in the Bhagavad Gita is relevant for all and is meant for all mankind.
Personally I am not a Hindu, and neither are the members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. We are Vaisnavas, devotees of Krishna, trying to follow Krishna’s instructions in the Bhagavad Gita.
This Krishna consciousness is our original spiritual consciousness. It is lying dormant within us all and simply has to be reawakened. It is not something new that we learn from outside. It is something that is within us that we simply need to reawaken.
In this age the most effective way to reawaken our dormant Krishna consciousness is by chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So my suggestion is do not bother very much what your Hindu friend says, simply read the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and all your questions will be answered.
You can purchase Srila Prabhupada’s books at or read them online at
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Guruji
My humblest Pranam and regards to your lotus feet.
Thank you very much for your answer. I am now happy that my research was not faulty and I thank Lord Krishna with all my existance to bless me with the opportunity to embrace the Sanathana Dharma. Here in Pakistan, I and some of my Hindu friends are running a movement called Dharma Raksha Yudh and trying our best to peacefully make people realize about the dharma, surrender to Lord Krishna and stop killing animals, especially cows (orally, through writings and spreading the Urdu translation of the Bhagawad Gita via email). My moral supporter in India Mr. Amit has helped me a lot. Please pray in favor of us and point out if we are doing anything wrong.
Jai Shri Krishna
Rajesh Kumar
Hare Krishna
I have been once strictly following the principles of ISKCON. But for the past 2 years I am getting diverted from most of the priciples of ISKCON. Mainly I am not able to chant properly. But I am doing my daily morning prayers regularly like thulasi kirthan and arathi to diety before going to office. I am able to know that what I am doing is wrong, but even then I am not able to withdraw the mind while doing against the principles. Also I am kidney transplanted patients, so I am taking lots steroids and immunosuppresent medicines for protecting my transplanted kindey which is given by my mother. I cannot follow ekadasi fasting and also it is difficult for me to participate in big function to do my physical services which my mind always likes to, but because of my health even my doctor is advicing me not to take food which is prepared in mass.
I got the mind set that in this janma i cannot follow the strict priciples of ISKCON because of my health condition. Is there any advice for me what to do to come over my present situation. How should I change my mind in this health condition and situation to follow the principles of ISKCON? But I always like to read bagavad gita and bagavatham whenever i get time. Even in the office i read bagavatham during my free time through internet. Now I got two small kids 3yrs and 1 yr old child. I want to atleast make them pure devotees. But I myself is not following the priciples of iskcon, but my mind want my daughters to be great devotees. IS my thinking correct? Will krishna guide my childrens atleast to set an example to follow principles of ISKCON. Kindly guide me how to bring my child in this situation. Maharaj I am very sorry if I have asked you any thing wrong.
Awaiting your reply.
Hare Krishna
Hi Mr Madhudvisa.
According to you god leads us to spiritual paths right…but the biggest question in this earth is there god? Is there any god? I, Vaishali.M.S, was a great believer of Lord Krishna, I am 23 right now. Right from child hood I was a big devotee of Krishna, I used to lovingly call him Krishna bhaiya because I used to tie rakhi to him from child hood……..I thought he would be there for me and beloved ones right from child hood….I used to remember him in all my good and bad times……….. But I was proved wrong, my fiancée whom I used to love a lot; I lost him in a road accident just a month ego. Where was Krishna then? Why dint he save him. God always wants his bkatas to be happy…now where is Krishna when I really want him…when I m totally devasted in my life. His mom used to go to sai baba every Thursday and I used to go to church to pray for his health…………what did we get for our devotions,,,,,nothing? Now do you think god is somewhere right here? According to me, he is not here. He is just our illusion. My mom believes Krishna like hell….what she wanted only some happiness in my life…which I obvi dint get………now tell me is there really some god in this earth. Are god so cruel that they leave their bates crying all the time? Tell me. People say it’s our past karmas, then what about my present karmas? What that I believed and trusted him so blind folded what about all this. Sorry, I don’t believe there is any god in this earth and I m unsubscribing from the list.
Thanks for your help.
Dear Mother Vaishali
Hare Krishna!
Sometimes it is very hard to understand Krishna’s plan. But if one is actually a bhakta of Krishna he loves Krishna even if it seems that Krishna has deserted.
You know very well that Krishna’s greatest devotees were His beloved gopis in Vrindavan. But then Krishna left Vrindavan and went to Mathura to kill King Kamsa. Of course Krishna was promising the gopis that they should not worry, as soon as His business in Mathura was finished He would come back to them in Vrindavana. But you know Krishna never came back to Vrindavan.
And the gopis spent their whole lives crying for Krishna, waiting for Him to come back…
There is no question whatsoever, Krishna loves the gopis more than anyone else, and He specially loves Srimati Radharani even more. But Srimati Radharani and the gopis were left by Krishna in Vrindavan to cry for the rest of their lives in separation from Him.
So how to understand this? Actually in this felling of separation and the anticipation of meeting one’s loved one there is also a great transcendental feeling. Radharani and the gopis never forgot Krishna for a moment. They were always thinking of Him and always crying in separation from Him.
There are so many examples of devotees of Krishna who have seemingly undergone great sufferings in the world. I think you know about Queen Kunti. She was the mother of the Pandavas and she was one of the greatest devotees of Krishna. But still she suffered so much. And later on, when the Pandavas were nicely situated and comfortable, she prayed to Krishna, “Let there be calamities…” Her logic was that when they were suffering they had no shelter other than Krishna, when they were in difficulty they were always remembering Krishna, but now they were in a comfortable position she was afraid that she may forget Krishna.
We do not pray to Krishna for a happy life in the material world. This material world is not a happy place and there is no way we can make it a happy place. You were in love with your husband and now he is gone so you are suffering greatly. But that is the way of the material world. We are all here only for a short time, depending on our past karma, and we come and go as we are destined to come and go. So your husband was destined to go at the time he went and there is nothing you can do about it.
That is the way of the world and we have to accept it.
It is not Krishna’s fault. Here in the material world we make our own karma and we have to experience the results from it.
If we become attached to anything in the material world ultimately that will cause us pain. Rather we should become attached to Krishna, because our relationship with Krishna is eternal.
I suggest you read the books of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and you will surely find a lot of comfort and hope there. You can purchase from or read online at
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
hare krishna prabhuji.. u r absolutely right. a devotee always remain satisfied even if Krishna treats him roughly. it does not matter to a devotee if krishna sends him to hell or to heaven.. its one and the same thing for a devotee. moreover whatever happiness and bad days we get its not because of Lord Govinda. its all because of our bad karma that we have done in the past.
Hare Krishna,
I in the South West area of Miami,Fla.,I am looking to receive Diksha initiation,I did not take it back then when I had the great benefit of being in Prabhupadas presence in New York,while I was staying there for one month.Can you put me in touch with any gururs in my area who are qualified to give diksha?I appreciate your help,thank you and Hare Krsna!
Hare Krishna Frank
Guru is not so easy. In ISKCON since Srila Prabhupada we have seen so many bogus gurus trying to imitate Srila Prabhupada. Mostly they have failed miserably and left behind so many bewildered, confused and disillusioned disciples.
There is nothing more damaging to your spiritual life than accepting a spiritual master who is not qualified to take you back home, back to Godhead.
The only guru I can recommend to you is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. I can guarantee to you 100% that he is a pure devotee of Krishna and that he is qualified to take you back home, back to Godhead.
But the guru-disciple relationship is a two way thing. Guru has to be qualified but disciple has to be qualified also.
So my suggestion to you is that you seriously study all the books of Srila Prabhupada and discover what are the qualifications of a bonafide disciple and in this way become a disciple of Srila Prabhupada.
Otherwise you can accept some bogus guru. There are many available. But you will not be able to make any spiritual advancement like this… Rather you will become confused, bewildered and disapointed like so many disciples of bogus gurus in ISKCON have become in the past.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna,
I find myself constantly distracted and disillusioned with life. I am not satisfied with anything. In job I feel dejected after some time. Sometimes I feel that I should get into food business as I am a decent cook and feel that this can be one thing which will keep me interested but again I do not find content. I feel that there is no purpose of human life. What is my dharma? What is my purpose of life? What should I do which will keep me engaged in karma and make the karma akarma?
vancha kalpataru vyascha kripasindhuvya eva cha|
patitanam pawanevya vaishnavevyo namo namah||
dandavat pranam prabhu
my pleasure 2 get a msg 4m u
hare krishna
pls advice how can i control my mind . each morning when i wake up i start thinking about my work ,even while praying my mind becomes in stable . i try to control it but cannot even by studing Gita
The process to control the mind is chanting the maha mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
So please keep chanting Hare Krishna until your mind become peaceful and you feel blissful in Krishna consciousness.
It requires determination and patience. In the beginning we have no taste for chanting Hare Krishna, but that taste will be developed if we chant Hare Krishna, even by force.
So we have to force the mind to chant Hare Krishna and gradually it will be controlled.
They say “no pain no gain,” so it is the same in spiritual life. “Austerity is the wealth of the brahmanas.” Unless we are prepared to undergo some austerity, some voluntary suffering for the purpose of making spiritual advancement, how can we expect to make any advancement?
And this austerity is following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily.
In the beginning giving up sense gratification and chanting Hare Krishna for two hours a day may seem a bit painful. But as we become purified it actually becomes extremely blissful.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hari Bol,
Im a bit irregular at chanting, sometimes i chant 16 rounds sometimes it goes down to 10 or 8 rounds. I mean some months ill be chanting more, sometimes less, not because of work but because i lose interest. I love listening to sankirtana and never get bored with it then why it happens with chanting ? and can please give me link to Srila Prabhupada’s lectures.
Hare Krishna Prabhu!
We need to become determined to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily even if we do not have any taste for it.
That we are not chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily means we really do not have much taste for it and this is generally because we are commiting some of the 10 offenses in the matter of chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra. The way to become free from these offenses and rise to the platform of pure chanting is by chanting Hare Krishna. That is why it is so important to keep chanting Hare Krishna even if we do not feel any taste for it.
The example given by Srila Prabhupada is a man with jaundice. A man with the jaundice disease looses his taste for sweet things. The sweet things taste bitter to him and he does not like to eat them. But for the jaundice patient the cure is to take sweet things. So even though it appears sour and unpalatable to him, the jaundice patient has to take the sweet things, and that will cure his disease.
So the Hare Krishna mantra is actually very sweet, but we are diseased, like the jaundice patient, and the cure for our disease is the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra, but we do not like the taste. It seems bitter to us because of our disease.
So to make spiritual advancement we have to perform some tapasya, some austerity. And that is we have to continue to chant the Hare Krishna mantra at least 16 rounds a day, even if we have no attraction to it, or no desire to chant it. That chanting will purify us and ultimately we will come to the platform of offenseless chanting….
You can listen to all of Srila Prabhuapda’s lectures online at:
and you can read them at:
krishna is my lord. i love you god. hare krishna.
i want to know about 2 chapter ( sankya yogam) 2:17 meaning. pls send this.
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
Ohm Krishnaya namah!
It is a happy thing that i started getting the news letters from this week. As the God head himself told “Sradhavaan labhathe njanam” i feel delighted as krisna is caring me to get his devine knowledge where ever i am in this globe.
Thanks a lot for helpig us. May the shower of blessing help all of us in our journey towards truth.
With love
Hare Krisna,
Is there any web-page where I may get to read the book Chaitanya Charitamrita, translated into English?
namaste guruji
i am really pleased with the letter about bhagavat gita. i have one question which have been in my mind for a long period of time. Why do people meet and part away like a passing cloud other than our blood relatives why is their attachment with those temporary people please clear my doubt.
hare rama hare krishna
Hare Krishna!
Namasthe Madhudvisa Dasa Ji!
My humble obeisances to you. I have few questions..Please help me with clarifications for the same..
1) When Lord Krishna appeared on earth, he had the spiritual body and not the material body. Is this true? Though it appears like a material body to all the people in vrindavana, it is not.. Can you please explain what is spiritual body?
2) In connection to the first question, we individual living entities (spirit souls) took the material body in this material world.. Is it true that once we are fully purified by krishna consciousness and enter into spiritual planets, we take up the spiritual body?
3) Lord Krishna and Lord Rama are one and the same… Why is it that both of their appearances happened in India only? Any specific reason for this?
4) It is mentioned in Bhagvad gita that Lord Sri Krishna is the supreme enjoyer and we individual souls are part and parcel of the supreme lord.. one’s constitutional position is to be eternal servitor of the lord.. By satisfying the senses of the lord, krishna’s devotee automatically gets satisfied…As krishna is the supreme enjoyer, will He also take the responsibility of sufferings of pure devotees? pls help me understand?
Hare Krishna,
I am a young college going student.I am interested in Krishna Consciousness for past three years.But I face many difficulties. Most of my friends are highly materialistic and all around me I see people chasing money, fame and women.I have experienced everything in life but nothing gives me lasting satisfaction.Since I am a spiritual neophite devotee,Is there any way I can correspond to senior ISKCON devotees to solve my problems.
Please read Srila Prabhuapda’s books.
“Senior ISKCON devotees” will not be able to help you much but Srila Prabhuapda will give you all the answers.
Hare Krishna
I received the first newsletter and I have some questions. Please forgive me if I make any mistakes somewhere. As it is clear from what Shri Krishna says that He first gave this knowledge to Sun god, Vivasvan and in due period of time that guru-parampara was broken and now He wants Arjun to again begin this parampara. But what I have find out after reading books from Swami Prabhupada and from the web page on which Swamiji himself has described about four sampradayas
Which have directly descended
1- Brahma Sampradaya – from Lord Brahma.
2- Rudra Sampradaya – from Lord Shiva.
3- Sri Sampradaya – from Goddess Laxmi.
4- Kumara Sampradaya- from the four Kumaras( sons of Brahma).
So I did not find any Sampradaya which have directly descended from Sun God. Hence these two things appear contradictory as in Gita Lord Krishna has Himself declared that he first gave this knowledge to Sun God. So which Sampradaya was He talking about.
I sincerely offer my apologizes if I have erred anywhere
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. I m very interested to listen to Prabhupada’s lectures. I have downloaded the 1st part of Bhagavata Geeta mp3 lecture. But I m not able to find that site to download plz send me the site from where can I download the rest of the lectures.
Thank You
Dear Prabhuji,
Please accept my humble obeisances. I am happy you are taking pains to answer questions put up by readers. I am a Life Member of ISKCON. I have been associated with devotees off and on, and in India, I try to meet Lokanath Swami Maharaj whenever I can. I wish you all the best in your efforts.
hare krishna prabhu,
dandvat pranam,
THANK YOU for the brief explanation of the message of bhagvad gita. it was wonderful to read that.
I have come accross many people who claim that srila prabhupadas bhagvad gita is his mental concoction.
please give me some strong points to explain these people that the bhagvad gita is as it is and not something out of srila prabhupadas mind.
thank you,
hare krishna. all glories to guru and guaranga!!
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Only an ignorant fool can say this. There is nothing in Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad Gita As It Is of his own creation. He has presented it strictly in the disciplic succession. Even in his purports he has followed the purports of the previous acharyas.
So we don’t care about what ignorant fools say. It does not matter what they think.
People have always been envious of Krishna and envious of Krishna’s pure devotee and they always will be.
There is a saying “The dogs may bark but the caravan will pass.”
So we should go on with our Krishna consciousness, not caring for the barking of the ignorant foolish and envious dogs.
The dogs will not stop barking, no matter how nicely and philosiphically you explain things to them. They are dogs, they bark, that is their nature.
Simply ignore them and talk about Krishna with people who are interested to hear about Krishna from you.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna,
My nind is not consistent. But I must obey the Supreme Godhead Krishna. I chant Hare Krishna 8 times in a day. But very often, the business of material world makes me away from chanting. And sometimes I made mistakes. Pls suggest me.
Bhagabad Gita translated by other peoples I read many times. Now I am trying to read Pravupadas translated Gita.If I found any diffivulties to understand I will ask you. Hope your Good collaboration.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
hare krishna, realy opening of a new world every time. thanks. hare krishna.
i have not read the Gita nor i have ever read any of those books relating to the teachings of gita, but my 1st visit to iscon temple vrindhawan has made me realize that all these days i have been so engrosed in all these matearilistic things and i want to come out of them all and change myself for the better.
i have been guided about the preachings of lord krishna by my guru, i have never paid much heed to it but now i feel that i should surely have some knowledge about these things. i would be greatful if you help me take the first foot forward.i am anciously waiting for your reply.
hare krishna prabhu,i just want to know that is there no use to worship any other god ecept krishna.and wt is the real happiness of life ?
Thank You Prabhu for the time that you have spent on my query.. still i m confused y such things happen with some of the people it does not happen with every one. .
may be these are the karmas of our past life.. but still in my openion its only the godhead who is making us able to do such karmas if a person is full of bad habits and bad things and does not understand the meaning and presence of the godhead, then my question is who has made that person like this?? its only the Godhead who can guide a person he is the only one who gives the direction to the human being then y does he make some of us v. bad and some of us v. gud?? we all belive that we can not do anything without his permission so y does he force people to do such karma which result into Bad only.??
Hare Krishna Prabhu
It is a very good question. No Krishna is not guiding one man to be good and another man to be bad. We are all eternally servants of Krishna and being a servant of Krishna is our natural and happy condition. And Krishna is feeling sad that some of the living entities have rebelled and no longer want to serve Krishna but want to become Krishna themselves. That is basically what everyone in this world is trying to do. Everyone is trying to become the enjoyer. But this is not our real postion. Our real postion is to be a servant of Krishna. And everyone is suffering so much because of this rebelious attutied. Krishna sees all this suffering of the rebelious living entities and He comes to this world Himself in many incarnations and also sends his representatives in the form of his sons and propherts to help the people by reestablishing the religious principles.
No one is bad because Krishna is guiding him to be bad. Krishna is never guiding anyone to be bad. You can read Bhagavad-gita cover to cover and you will never find Krishna guiding anyone to be bad. Krishna is always encouraging us to become free from the bodily concept of life and is giving us very practical instructions and guidance how to do this. And He does this time and time again in many incarnations.
So Krishna is always guiding everyone to become good. However in one sense we are all like Krishna. As Krishna is independent, we also have a certain degree of independence. Although Krishna is unlimitedly independent and our independence is very tiny. Still Krishna has given us the freedom to choose between either serving Him or serving maya. Maya means “that which is not.” Maya is the material energy. Maya is the energy that covers our intelligence and makes us think that if I get a lot of money I will be happy, if I get a nice women I will be happy, etc. This maya is giving us the idea that we can be happy separately from Krishna.
So Krishna is always giving everyone good advice but unfortunately, because many are blinded by maya, they can not accept Krishna’s good advice. So instead of serving Krishna, they try to be happy in the material world without Krishna. And in their endeavor to be happy they hurt so many other people. This is the way the world is working. One man is profiting on another man’s suffering. The whole United States of America is enjoying the very cheap consumer products made in China and the people in China are suffering terribly working practically like slaves for almost no money and in terrible conditions to make these cheep products possible.
So it seems America is enjoying, but that enjoyment is at the cost of the suffering of so many Chinese factory workers. So here everything is like that. We are enjoying by causing suffering to someone else.
So we are responsible for the sinful reactions that come from this. The karma we will have to suffer. We are getting the very cheap products from Walmart which the Chinese have suffered so much to produce. We are responsible for their suffering and we will also have to suffer in the future to pay for this.
So in so many ways in our life we are being implicated in so much bad karma that we will have to suffer in the future. That is where our suffering is coming from. And people become bad and nasty because they reject Krishna, they become envious of Krishna and envious of everyone else. This is all very nicely explained in the Bhagavad Giita chapter “The Divine and Demoniac Natures.” I think you will find it very interesting to read this chapter. You can find it onlne at or
So the main point is Krishna is not guiding anyone to be bad. We have the freedom to choose if we will serve Krishna or if we will serve Maya. If we choose to serve Krishna all good qualities will gradually develop within us, but if we decide to serve Maya then gradually we will manifest all bad qualities… This is not Krishna’s fault, it is our fault. Krishna gives all good advice, but we reject Krishna’s good advice…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Namaste Madhudvisaji,
I just joined the Spirit of Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Earlier, I scanned through Gita many times but these were only superficial. Today by certain queer turn of events I realized that it is time for me to study the Gita in more details. Thank you for your introduction mail. It attracted me even more. Probably it was meant to be today to get connected with you!
I will look forward to your future mails. Probably my quest – a journey starts at this moment. Thank you for your direction.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
I felt happy to read the news letter sent by you. Could you please tell me why do we say God head, why dont we say only God? When I translate Godhead to my language malayalam, i feel some uneasyness.
Regards and prayers
Hare Krishna Mataji
Thank you for the nice question. The idea of “God” is not such a complete description as “Godhead.” Although God is one, He expands into many Personalities of Godhead. You know that there is Lord Visnu, Lord Rama, Lord Narasimha, Lord Krishna, and many other Visnu-tattva expansions. These are all Personalities of Godhead. But out of all these Personalities of Godhead, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is one verse in the Srimad Bhagavatam First Canto that very nicely describes this: ete chamsa kala pumsham krsnas tu bhagavan syam “There are many Personalties of Godhead listed here but Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.”
So you can see how “God” really does not communicate this reality. Supreme Personality of Godhead in sanskrit is “bhagavan syam”
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna Prabhu
Thank you for your descriptive reply.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna,
After searching a lot i think now i am at the rite place to query..
Actually i was a very carefree person, 2 yrs back then i went to Vrindavan Dham with my friends just to explore new place but there i felt a different kind of attraction towards Kanhaiya and i turned as a fan of Krishna i like discussions about Krishna, Bhagvat Gita and chanting Hare Krishna i do chant daily and love to chant… i never asked krishna to give me anything in return… i was very happy…
Same with my family they also started chanting Hare Krishna and beliving in Krishna!!
but last month my brother in law who was only 32 yrs old passed away leaving behind a three years old daughter and 27 yrs old my sister. that was a kind of shocking situation for every one in the family… even i am very disappointed with this….
Whole family is now very much in pain i m not able to understand how to come out of this difficult situation and consentrate in my devotion towards Krishna …
I have lot many question related to janam and maran ?? and i want a Guide, a Guru who can transmit my negetive thoughts into positive… please help..
Hare Krshna Prabhu
We need to accept that this material world is not a happy place. And there is no way to make it a happy place. It is not that when we become devotees of Krishna that all our material problems and sufferings will stop. No. The material problems and suffering will go on. That is the nature of this world and we can not avoid it. Everyone will die. And we are all actually destined to die at some time and it will happen at the appointed time and there is nothing any of us can do about that. And even when we become devotees of Krishna, we will still die at the appointed time.
The whole idea of Krishna consciousness is to become free from the bodily concept of life.
You need to realize that your brother was not the material body you thought of as being your brother. He is the eternal spirit soul who was living within that body. And your brother has not died. He has simply changed to another body. And we are all doing this life after life. Changing from one body to another. According to our karma some of us have long lives and some of us have short lives.
So a devotee does not become surprised by the suffering conditions of the material world, nor does he become angry at Krishna, “Krishna I am your devotee, why have You done this to me?” No. A devotee sees everything, even though it may seem to be a very bad thing, he sees it as Krishna’s mercy. And how to see like this is a bit bewildering in such a situation. And I understand your pain and suffering in the situation and feel for you. But we do have to stand back from these things and realize that none of us are these material bodies and we will all be forced to leave these material bodies at some time sooner or later, and it is never a convenient or happy situation for the friends and relatives.
I think we should see this as a reminder. We are always thinking that death is something that will happen to someone else, or some old person. We do not realize that death can happen to us at any moment. So if we try to remember this and considering this live our life in such a way that at every moment we are always remembering Krishna, then there is a good chance that at the time of death we will also remember Krishna. Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, “Whatever state of mind one has when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail.” So if somehow we can remember Krishna at the time of death we will not have to come back into this material world again and continue to suffer birth, old age, disease and death.
If we remember Krishna at the time of death we will go to Krishna. To the spiritual world, the Kingdom of God, the place where there is no birth, no death, no old age and no disease. No anxiety. A place where we can live in an eternally youthful spiritual body and engage in the service of Krishna in the association of Krishna’s pure devotees…
Krishna’s planet is a very nice place and this earth planet is a very horrible place. This planet is called “martya loka,” meaning the place of death. So it is not surprising that people are dying here and that this is causing us great suffering. Basically that is what this place is all about. So a thoughtful person will try to work out how he can transfer himself from this horrible place to the spiritual world, Krishna’s planet.
And the process to do this is Krishna consciousness and that is what we are trying to explain in all these articles on
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna Prabhu Ji
I dont know what wen t wrong ,i am just losing my interest in all religious activities from past 2-3 years.My martial life is also disturbing,if i am trying to concetrate on chanting my mind always diverted.Please help me out & i didnt understand how to get rid off this problem
Hare Krishna Sunny Prabhu
We have to expect these disturbances Prabhu. There is nothing wrong. That is the nature of the world. You need to become strong and determined to follow the regulative principles, chant the Hare Krishna mantra and read Srila Prabhupada’s books, even though there will be so many disturbances and distractions from the mind and for the family…
Reading Srila Prabhuapda’s books will give you a lot of encouragement and enthusiasm. Even if you are lacking on the other aspects please make a regular daily program to read from Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and other books at least for one hour a day. If you stick to this reading program and keep chanting Hare Krishna you will see gradually you will get more and more taste for spiritual life. That is the main thing. We need to develop a taste for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra.
Other things in our life are not so important. We have our duties and our responsibilities and have to carry them out to the best of our ability. But our main duty and responsibility is to develop a taste for chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and serving Krishna. For this is the only thing that will save us at the time of death.
It is natural that there will be problems in marriage. You just have to tolerate and try to respond to the wife and family affairs as peacefully as possible. It is hard to win in this situation. There will always be so many demands. But as I say, you have to make the spiritual side of your life the priority, and this may solve the problems in your married life, also it may not, ultimately you are lost if you do not have your relationship with Krishna nicely established…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna prabhu ji,
I have recieved a newsletter from you today. I am very thankfull to you. I have so many questions related to true God and how to be righteous. I am a devotee of naina devi and radha krishan. These days I am studying overseas and I am experiencing a lot of discrepencies which I would like to discuss with you. Can I ask you on your personal email address.
Thank you
Hare Krishna prabhu ji,
I have recieved a newsletter from you today. I am very thankfull to you. I have so many questions related to true God and how to be righteous. I am a devotee of naina devi and radha krishan. These days I am studying overseas and I am experiencing a lot of discrepencies which I would like to discuss with yo. Can I ask you on your personal email address.
Thank you
hare krshna,i am mangesh from a city of india.i want to perform various things in my life . my age is of 29 years . i am a chemist but i dont like this work because there is no time to do other work which i like . daily i have to take the keys and move to the shop . there is no substitute for this please tell me what i can do
Thank You Prabhu,
I feel so great when I get any mails from Devotee of Lord Sri Krishna and thanks so much for sending an informative mail of Bhagavad-Gita. Please send me some more information like this and the Image of Universal Description according to Brahma-Saheeta. I need that Photo.
“thank You”
I am a devotee of Neem Karoli Ba Ba and Hanuman. I follow where my heart takes me and there is nothing more important to me then to love others. I am currently learning about unattatchment in my personal experience of people.I am experiencing that it is very much about being in the heart and letting others go to be who they are balanced with speaking truth gently and sometimes firmly at appropriate times. Surrender to God (not people) is an important process in this)I recently moved to Detroit and attended Aarti at the Fisher Mansion Krshna temple. It was a different experience then at the Hanuman temple but all the same beautiful and the people were welcoming and loving. I am open to learning about Bhagavad Gita. I am drawn to Krshna. I feel he is the emodiment of pure love. If what I am feeling is true I have been drawn to Krshna family to learn more about that love and to share my experience as a devotee as Hanuman. Please understand I am moved by God through my intuition and heart to go where I am led to worship . I am not available for discussions concerning one religion being better than another. I am avaialabe for whatever knowledge you have to pass on that supports the love of Krshna…that is solely what I am interested in learning about. Love, Aimee Jo;Sitayin
I meant a devotee at Hanuman temple…not as Hanuman! Please correct. Thankyou. Sincerely, Aimee Trimpe; Sitayin
HH Swamiji Madhudvisa dasa,
I received the first newsletter from you today.
I have been studying Srimad Bhagavad Gita since December,1981.
I had Sanskrit as my First Language in scholl upto X standard so understanding was somewhat easier. Still I kept referring to English, Tamil and Malayalam translations to understand every word and comprehend the spirit of the Gita. In about 4 months I could finsh the first reading of the Gita, understanding the meanings sloka by sloka.
Then onwards I have been reading (Paaraayanam) the Gita daily in the morning. Sometimes 3 chapers a day, sometimes one chapter. I also chant one of the remaining 4 Pancha Ratna Gitas too daily (Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram, Bhishmastava Raja, Anusmriti and Gajendra Moksham). I also chant the Purusha Suktam, Sri Suktam and Bhagya Suktam in my morning Prayers.
Bhagavan Sri Krishna has been kind and now at the age of 56 I have attained as much peace of mind as can be reasonably expected.
The doubut I wanted to request you to clear is :- is the phrase ‘Supreme Personality of Godhead’ that I find in your newsletter the translation of the word ‘Sri Bhagawan’?
I chanced upon your website while searching for a correct English translation for verses 62 & 63 of Chapter 2 for reasons you will see in the link below. I do not have a translation of the Gita in English now, because I gave away my copies to my sons! Kindly read the full question, answer and comments in the link. My name will appear as Suby in the link.
I prostrate at your holy feet,
M. Subramanian.
Hare Krishna Prabhu
You can read Bhagavad gita As It Is online at:
Please read Srila Prabhuapda’s purports also in English. It is very important to understand Bhagavad Gita from a pure devotee of Krishna.
You will not be able to understand it simply by studying the Sanskrit.
You will see Krishna Himself is recommending the process for understanding the Gita in chapter 4 verse 34. You need to follow this and the guru, as Krishna says, has to be “tattva darshi,” one who has seen the truth.
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and when Bhagavad Gita says “sri bhagavan uvaca” it means Krishna is speaking. So that is why Srila Prabhupada has translated “The Supreme Personality of Godhead said…”
It may take some time to deeply understand what this means.
Krishna consciousness is not something that we can immediatly understand everything, but rather the secrets of Krishna consciousness are revealed to us by Krishna who is within our hearts as caitya-guru in proportion to our surrender and service.
If we do not surrender to Krishna and if we do not serve Krishna then we can study the Sanskrit in Bhagavad Gita for so many lifetimes and never understand Bhagavad Gita at all. You know of course Krishna tells Arjuna that this is “confidential knowledge.” It means the message of the Gita is only understandable by devotees who, like Arjuna, have a direct relationship with Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
HH Swamiji Madhudvisa dasa,
I believe the above reply you have given is in clarification of the doubts I raised in my letter to you on 21st April 09 as you have covered many of the points I had raised in my letter.
Bhagavan Sri Krishna is my ‘Ishta Daivam’ and I have surrundered to him totally. I believe all karma performed by me are guided by Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s words in the Gita which I have been studying for the past 30 years.
I will commence my reading the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by HH Swami Prabhupada online as you have suggested. I have already read verse 62 and 63 of Chapter II (Sankya Yoga) while searching for an authentic translation to answer a question in the Answrbag.
Swamiji, I had given a link to the Answerbag question I answreed. Could you find the time to read it? Did I handle the question properly in the light of Srimad Bhagavad Gita? I would be happy to hear your views. It is these small efforts that I can make to spread the message of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, I hope you will appreciate.
Today I have received the 2nd letter from you and I have studied it. I am not posting any separate comments to it in the link given in the letter. But I have gone through the entire link and all the comments under it and your replies to most of the comments. My doubts have already been asked by others and you have answered them lucidly.
I believe it is Bhagavan Sri Krishna himself who brought me in touch with you. While I was very much aware of ISKCON, I was not fully aware of the scale of the good work you are doing for the benfit of humanity by bringing the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad Gita within the reach of masses.
Still as you pointed out, Gita is ‘Parama Rahasya’ as Bhagawan himself has said in Chapter 18 of the Gita. It is available to all, anyone can buy a copy of it but it is only a very few who would be able to go beyond the first few verses of the ‘Arjuna Vishada Yoga’. I consider myself fortunate in that I have been able to read and to some extent understand the message of Gita over the past 30 years.
I will make all effort to read and understand the entire Gita from your online service.
My Sashtanga Namasakram at your holy feet.
M. Subramanian.
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.
I was going through the news-letter, and this link, and finally all the comments… and came across this too…
Just a small correction Prabhuji… There is a link you had specified for Srila Prabhupada’s Book – and it is not going to right site. The right link will be –
It will be great if you can correct it… and… can delete my reply here Prabhuji.
I was searching for the books online… and found this site more useful too –
Hare Krishna. Hari Bol.
hare krishna prabhuji
dandvat pranam
it was nice message on the spirit of bhagwat gita.
prabhuji to understand gita properly it is necessary to listen it from a true vaishnav devotee. is it possible for any vaishnav devotee to make me understand bhagwat gita in its true spiritual way.
your humble servant
Hare Krishna Chandan
It is only possible to understand Bhagavad Gita from a pure devotee of Krishna. The knowledge in Bhagavad Gita is confidential. Krishna keeps the knowledge hidden to all except His pure devotees. Others can read and make so many commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and if you go to the market you will see so many different Bhagavad Gitas with so many different commentaries. But this is all useless. Krishna can only be understood by Krishna’s pure devotee. So we have the great fortune of having come in contact with Srila Prabhuapda, a pure devotee of Krishna, and if we hear the Bhagavad Gita from him in a submissive spirit we are sure to understand it properly if we follow the instructions of Srila Prabhupada.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Om namo govinday, sri Radhe krishna,
Its really a great that you are spreading the greatest holy message of lord sri krishna. Many namaskarams to you.
I would like to know about the effect of chanting the great lord’s name on our prarabhda karma as well as day to day activities. Can we change our bad karmas’ effects of this life itself by chanting great lord’s name? The sins committed by us can be nullified by the chanting..? Please look forward to your detailed answer for my question.
Many namaskarams
hare krishna prabhu,
i am so happy by reading your thaughts about bhagvad gita, please send more details about bhagvad gita.
my ? is , who is the supreme lord of the world specially in hindus there are 36 crore god are thier is it correct according to hidu dharam every body says that we have nearly 36 crore god in our religion so kindly send me the reply soon and tell me who is the creator of the world and who is the supreme lord.
Dear Madhudvisa dasa,
Thank you for the newsletter and I am very inspired…… makes you realize the presence of the lord within yourself….
I have only one comment to make and that which affected me strongly – this is regarding your sign off….. we are all servants, of god only!!!!! I know it is jana seva is janardhana seva, but at the end we are only servants of God and answerable only to him…….
Humble apologies if my suggestion is too harsh to change your sign off to Servant of God instead. I feel that would be more appropriate as you would basically occupy the seat of an acharya by showing us the way to the LORD through the teachings from ISKON…….
Dear Madhudvisa Ji
Hare Krishna ! Thank you for your wonderful email. It really made my day since it was the first email of the day I actually read thoroughly. Allow me a few sentences to describe my background : As an adolescent, (in 1969 – age 11), I had the rare opportunity of reading the Bhagawad Gita as it written by H.H. Sri Srila Prabhupada. For almost a year, I even joined the ISCKON movement when it initially started in Indonesia. However, after that I spent three years in Europe and got entirely caught in the web of Maya, thus forgetting the teachings of the great master, started pursuing transcient and trivial matters.
Now I am 55 years old, with wife, three children and four grand children.
When I browsed your web site, I was actually looking for the verse which translates that “Man has right to action alone, and not to the fruits thereof” but could not find it. Can you help please ?
Right now, with the current state of my affairs, I am confused and find it difficult what is my Dharma (obligations towards family). I would like to be able to recapture the spirit of The Lord’s Teachings in the right perspective.
Recently, I have given up drinking and meat eating. I have yet to start consuming only Satvic food, however, I need to clear my mind of the confusion mentioned above.
I will give you a case in point : If a family member does something that is not right, I understand that as the head of the family, It is my Dharma to remind the family member concerned to rectify his/her actions. Sometimes, it is accepted, sometimes it is not. It is also difficult for me to realize whether accepting the outcome is actually my “Acceptance of the Lord’s Will” or my mind playing tricks on me and it is actually reckless abandonment.
Thank you and Hare Krishna !!!
How to realize the self by leading a family life?
This is a small question with a big answer. In summary that is what Krishna is teaching Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita. Krishna is not telling Arjuna to become a sannyasi or to live in a temple to realize himself and his relationship with Krishna, no. Arjuna is a ksatriya, a fighter. It is his duty to fight, Krishna is not encouraging Arjuna to give up his duty of fighting, no, rather He is telling Arjuna “Fight for Me.”
So the secret of realizing yourself by leading family life is to center your families life around Krishna. You can install the deity of Krishna in your house and all family members can rise early in the morning and attend the Mangal Aroti and chant Hare Krishna and read something from Srila Prabhupada’s books. You can cook nice foodstuffs and offer them to Krishna and the whole family can enjoy the Krishna Prasadam. You can invite guests to your house and when they come they will see the deity of Krishna, you will have some kirtan and give them some prasadam, and in this way you will be performing all your duties in regard to your family responsibilities, you will be serving Krishna very nicely and preaching very nicely by showing a practical example how one can live “in the world” but at the same time become spiritually advanced.
All of this is discussed in detail in Bhagavad Gita As It Is, I suggest you read it again and again, the more you read the more you will practically realize how to apply the points in your own life.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Dear Prabhu ,
Hare Krsna.
My question is reagrding Chapter-2 ,Text13
“The Mayavadi theory of oneness of the spirit soul cannot be entertained on the ground that the spirit soul cannot be cut into pieces as a fragmental portion. Such cutting into different individual souls would make the Supreme cleavable or changeable, against the principle of the Supreme Soul being unchangeable”
Now from above I make out that , we are part and parcel of Supreme …so at some we were detached from Supreme as individual ….so it is same as cutting/taking out part from super soul…….but from above we study that
“Such cutting into different individual souls would make the Supreme cleavable or changeable, against the principle of the Supreme Soul being unchangeable”
Please clear my doubt.
Hare Krsna
Yours in Service
Thanks! for yr first letter. I go through yr letter with reverence. It feels like a gardener who prepares the flower bed for the successful germination you also condition/ prepare my mind to devotional acceptance of the future contents of yr letters.
i have some question to as.
Thanks for the newsletter…I will continue to read. Have been for some 30 yrs…and yes something new everytime….depending on what I am asking for.
Question: Why have we left Krishnaloka to play here?? Just because we can??
Question: Krishna was personally present for Arjuna…How is he personally present for you???
Are there any other books to recommend for someone just starting to read Bhagavad-Gita?
Hare Krishna
How can we control our mind & will. If someone knows please tell me. Thanks.
Thanks for the newsletter, I look forward to the next issue. I’ve just began to learn more on the subject and really apreciate any info.
Hare Krishna . Thank you for sent me Srimad Bhagavat Gita`s newsletter . Yes i agree about This the Great Book . Because it`s benediction of God .
Jay Sri Krishna .
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa-dasa Prabhu,
Thanks for sending the news letter.
Please tell me Why is Arjuna So Dear to KRISHNA Bhagwan & how can we inculcate those good Qualities of Arjuna in Ourselves. Please reply me on my Mail.
Hare Krisna
Hare Ram
Jai Shri Krishna. The reason why Arjuna was so dear to the Lord was, he had completely surrendered himself to the Lord. Also in the previous life, Arjuna was Nara while Shri Krishna was Narayana which were the manifestations of Lord Vishnu. Hence in Mahabharata also Arjuna was like Krishna but the exception was he was more human in nature and Lord Krishna was more divine in nature.
There were some unique qualities like concentration in Arjuna. As a result of this virtue, he could control his mind completely and thus other evils like lust never could do any damage to him and his mind was only centered around Lord Krishna. So to acquire this quality we must have a controlled mind. Once our mind is controlled we can be nearer to the God.
Besides this, he had devotion for his elders. He always respected his elders like Bhishma, Drona. Compared to him, Karna, the other great in Mahabharata had lacked devotions towards God and surrendered to evil Duryadhana. Also he cheated Parashuram and insulted Draupadi due to lack of controlled mind.
So we must have devotion and controlled mind to reach God.
are there any requirements or special way to chant the maha mantra?
Hare Krishna
Yes indeed, the Gita is very deep, and I apreciate your time to help me see and discover knowledge and truth behind a cloudy vision in this material world.
Best regards!
Jai Shri Krishna…..
With God’s grace we all are reached here, where we are today. However I am finding some problems in following Gita’s message. I am not able to overcome “lust” in my mind. I am not able to remove this thorn from my mind. Can anyone help me out in this area? As long as one suffers from lust, he cannot reach God.
Hare Krishna Ratnadeep,
Yes it’s very hard to overcome our sinful nature, especially lust, thus we’re called ‘conditioned’ (conditioned to be sinful). And it’s also very very hard to independently approach Lord Sri Krishna directly.
This is only true as long as we endeavour for perfection on our own attempts. There is an easy cure: We simply have to surrender ourselves to a bonafide pure devotee and follow his orders sincerely and submissively, which is a guaranteed process to overcome all that’s troublesome to in our heart:
SB 1.2.18 (
“By regular attendance in classes on the Bhāgavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.”
Once this loving service unto Lord Sri Krishna develops, by the development of this higher taste, lower tastes, such as lust, anger, greed, etc. etc. will go away automatically.
In our case, the pure devotee/bonafide authority is His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, who wanted us to follow 4 regulative principles (no illicit sex, no meat eating, no intoxication and no gambling) and chant 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra (Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare) (108 times of this Maha Mantra constitutes one round) every day.
Am unsure which Bhagavad Gita you refer to above, but I sincerely hope you’re reading A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita As it Is. If it isn’t Srila Prabhupada’s commentary, I’d kindly request you to get one for yourself (online copy, along with all other transcendental books of Srila Prabhupada, is available at: ; if you prefer to buy a personal copy, please make sure it’s 1972 original edition).
My request is that you chant & follow regulative principles as prescribed by Srila Prabhupada, and you’ll be able to overcome lust and everything else that’s troublesome to heart. In this regard, there’s a key verse & its translation in Bhagavad Gita As it is (BG 7.14
“This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.”
So our surrender to Sri Krishna begins with surrendering to the will of a pure devotee that’s Srila Prabhupada by following what he wanted us to (4 regulative principles & 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra every day).
Please do, if you aren’t already, and see it for yourself.
Hare Krishna & happy chanting!
Jai Shri Krishna…
Thanks for the help. Anyway in the Chapter 16 and verse 21, it is mentioned, there are three gates to hell- greed, lust and anger. Hence one must get rid of them in order to reach heaven.
Greetings To All:
So glad to have learned of and read the Bhagavad Gita, back in the ’70s…and having listened to George Harrison and John Lennon. Also, there are many other wonderful books on religious practice around our world to be respected…I receive all of the good things that they are meant to impart to us about God’s creation, our duties to Him and to each other, caring, sharing, tolerance, faith, hope, love, kindness, truthfulness, all of the good things in our ‘walk’ to find Him. Many paths, ONE LOVING LORD OF ALL…I say that if you have a religion or not, which is man-made direction even if Divinely Inspired, is not so important as having LOVE FOR GOD AND NEIGHBOUR…Jesus said: “True religion is this, to care for widows and orphans, and to honour God…” To practice any religion or not is our choice, to believe in The Creator And Saviour Of All, and to live in reverence for God and to show kindly tolerance of our neighbours is our Faith…I would have Faith, if nothing else…Thank you for sharing all of the good things with others…
Hare krishna
I am new to the ISKCON but i love to follow there principles and attend all the spritualfunction there.I am very much attracted towards chanting love do it.But can u tell me how can chanting help me in my material life?
Should chanting should be always done using mala? or we can chant within our mind when we r working or doing other work?
Loking forward for you reply
hari bol
hari krishna,
I’m unsure whether hindu’s believe there are 3 main Gods Vishnu, Brahma, Shiv or all they all part of one main god, please elaborate.
also as a student at high school what are the principles/ what mentality should i work by? in relation to the beautiful gita/ krihna consiousness if you could please advice me
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa
Thanks alot for the e-mail you sent me. I’ve already read the Gita, and calls me to read it every day; and its wonderfull to tall about Krshna, but I don’t have anybody around to talk with (eventhough, I going to spread the mercy)
I’am a very espiritual man, but in my evolution I faced an accident and I was in a coma, when I come back I know we aren’t alone. And much of the things I believe, now I experienced and began to know. The fist day I could get on my own to the streets, a man came into the bus talking about the supreme science, and I was driven to buy it. It was very very cheap, but I help him. I only read the outside comments of Ghandi, etc. And I know It was a good reading, full of knowledge. The last 10 books came to me in a exact time of my mental growd. And I kept the Gita 8 years infront of me with my favorite books, and last week I began to read it; and it was wonderfull. Trully I need this time to get a bigger picture of the reallity and owr capacities to understand better the Gita for the fist time. And it was clear as water, but its too deep to read it alone and surely, with no doubts, we need a spiritual guide.
When I woke up from the coma, it was the right instant of being in other plane of existance, were all was beutufull, all was love; so I woke up crying of happines and I saw my sister in the floor, right next to my bed, and I tell her: When could I be more happy than now, when I hold my son im my amrs, I asked. And then she told me about the accident, and the first thing I did, was taking the phone to talk with my two friends that were with me in the car that night.
Coma is an unconcious astral projection. In the crash my consious flew away and I was explorin, experimenting, visiting people I care about in past lives, but they (she) was iluminated, and talk me only with her eyes, well I did alot of things that every day since I forgot pieces, moments and feelings. but the escence’s still there; but now I know, but I really now?
I know since I was a child, that it was something, something more, something that I could not understand, so I never talk about it with no one, except from my self and my other self, they’re always talking, and teaching…
…now I know with who I’m talking
Well, as you can see, I dont talk of any of these and other wonders, with anyone; so I need I guide (Im going to find him some day), but In the meantime, and in this new era of artificial reallity, were I get a lot of knowledge worldwide.
Thanks again!
Hare Krshna
Dear Madhudvisa dasaji,
Thanks for your newsletter. Long back I read BG and now not continuing the same. I hope your newsletter will stimulate me to do so. In the blog, I read some of the queries and your wonderful positive responses. I thank for that first.
Looking forward for next newsletter.
Hare Krishna
To understand Geeta, is not the matter of one birth. All mighty lord Krishna were so merciful to mankind that the essence of Geeta i.e. Karma Yoga, was described in so many ways and with a great flexibility.
If one has any Question, he should read it slowly, with full concentration of mind, again and again till all questions vanish.
Hare Krishna
hi there,let me start by saying this:I have met lord krsna in edinburgh scotland-he said to me “I am allah,I am buddha,I am jehovah…” I am the supreme personality of godhead…”i have got a ship” then after a few weeks of befriending him, another god appeared and said “lord krsna eh!,good boy william good boy you have found lord krsna” then he said “I made both of you” to which lord krsna said “I have met my maker”….also lord krsna told me that he has been locked up,,,and that is the truth….so there you have it god is on the planet….
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
If I can get Bhagavad Gita with in $20.00 or less then Please provide me link to buy online………
Meghal Mehta
Hari Bol…. !
[with DVD] 14.95
[Book Only] 9.95
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I am an international student. I am from Ahmedabad, India. I went to ISKCO temple every Sunday for last 12 years. used to read Bhagavad Gita, when I was in India. I forgot to carry Gita with me. I live in Florence, AL. There is no temple near by me. Right now, I do’t have money to order Gita online, as I am an international student. Is is possible for you to send me each chapters of Bhagavad Gita in ever newsletter?
Meghal Mehta
Hari Bol…. !
Hare Krishna Meghal
You can read Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad Gita As It Is online at:
hare krishna
u said that the supreme lord is Krishna and all others are demi-gods.
The hare Krishna’s movement believed in vegetarianism and non violence -non killing
why is it then, as the supreme being, did Krishna encourages Arjuna to slathered his kits and kins in the Mahabharata war…please explain
Hare Krishna Bheesham, these questions can not be answered in one sentence answers. There is a process to understand these things and that process is set out in the Bhagavad Gita itself by Lord Sri Krishna. These are mysterious things that can only be understood by devotees of Krishna. So if you truly want to understand Krishna, the you have to become a devotee of Krishna. And there is a process how to become a devotee of Krishna. At least if you carefully study the entire Bhagavad Gita As It Is by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, then you will get a clear understanding of these points. So please first study Bhagavad Gita and then whatever points in the book you do not understand while reading it write to me and I can answer. But this point you are asking here the whole Bhagavad Gita is answering. The answer requires studying the Bhagavad Gita itself and also following Krishan’s teachings in the Bhagavad Gita.
Dear Madhu-visa dasa, Hare Krishna. It is still heart breaking for me to read the facts as presented by you. Irrefutable I suppose and how could one or why would one try and alter those facts. I never met Srila Prabhupada in person but have felt I knew him personally through his disciples, many of the wretched souls you have mentioned were in fact the very mediums that gave me much of the appreciation for Srila Prabhupada and for Iskcon that I have been able to salvage through this winter of discontent and disharmony and the desire to revive my attempts at striving to become more Krishna conscious. You have stated quite clearly and eloquently the position and importance of disciplic succession but you have also made it quite clear that this position of a bona fide spiritual master or pure devotee seems to longer exist in the world today, or even in the past when the chain seemed to have been broken,does this mean that throughout those many thousands of years when it seemed as unavailable to both Vaisnava’s and Christians and others seeking the divine that no one ever went back to godhead or entered the spiritual world or that the opportunity for the revival of their spiritual life was impossible for them? If in your opinion the Christian disciplic succession is broken and the Vaisnava parampara is as good as broken, who is there to offer the link in the chain that you claim we must have in order to return back to godhead? Thanks for any insights into these thoughts. Best wishes,John
Hare Krishna John. The Vaisnava disciplic succession is not broken. Srila Prabhuapda is available. That is the point. So there is no need to become disappointed about these things. Yes, it is very rare to get the chance of associating with an actual pure devotee of Krishna. There is one verse Brahmanadna brahmanata kona bhagavan jiva guru krsna prasada paya bhakti lata bija. This verse says that we, the spirit souls, are wandering within this material world from one universe to another but is is only very rarely that one fortunate soul gets the opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master. And through this association he can get the “bhakti lata bija,” the seed of the plant of devotion. So yes, there are many times when the disciplic succession is broken and the link to go back to Godhead is not available. It requires the mercy of a pure devotee of Krishna, and that pure devotee of Krishna is not always available. That is why we are all so fortunate at this time to have the opportunity of associating with Srila Prabhuapda.
It is a rare chance to come in touch with a real spiritual master, a pure devotee of Krishna, and it is a chance that we many not get again for millions and millions of births. This is certainly not always available, and generally it is practically impossible to get out of the chain of birth and death, samsara, in the material world. That is why we are called “nitya-baddha,” eternally conditioned, because once we come into this material world it is practically impossible to get out. The only chance actually is by the mercy of a pure devotee of the Lord.
Hare Krishna Sri Madhudvisa dasa,
Please accept mine humble obeisances. All glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reminding me of Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Who makes me speechless everytime I hear, read or think about Him. Because there simply isn’t an end in glorifying the Lord, He is far and far more than amazing.
Every round of chanting, every word for praising Him is too less and therefore never enough.
Thank you so much for engaging me unto service to the Lord by sending the newsletter which is full of nectar.
The Bhagavad-Gita really is an amazing book, it’s actually more than just a book. I mean, just as you mentioned it has been spoken by Sri Krishna Himself.
Every time I read His words, I just can’t get enough and everytime when I read the Bhagavad-Gita I get so much new and more inspiration from it.
So many new answers, you actually get more answers than you can ask questions.
The Bhagavad-Gita isn’t a Holy Sacred Vedic literature that once you have read it, you are done with it. No, it sure isn’t an ordinary book. It is a very special and sacred Holy book. I will continu to read it untill this body of mine which I am living in will continu to exist.
I bow very deep again and again for Sri Krishna, Who is so beautiful, powerful and I can keep going on trying to glorify Him. But I will never succeed, there isn’t any word that can praise Him fully nor enough, nor am I qualified to glorify Him.
When I heard about the Bhagavad-Gita I was just a little child I think.
I was never really interested in religion and my parents and family weren’t much either. It was just all about celebrating sacred days like Holi and Divali but there never was any interest about the actually meaning and sacred background/stories about these days. It was all about satisfying one’s senses with family and delicious food.
Worship of demigods without even knowing their position and more information about them was considered as religion, unfortunately. I have been to non-Krishna conscious temples during my childhood and teenage times where a priest used to come and teach about many things about Hinduism. I noticed that all preaching wasn’t about Krishna and mostly He is considered just as another demigod in such temples, which is not my thought but the thought of rude people who disrespect the demigods.
So therefore I could never learn anything about Sri Krishna by visiting those temples. I always had a deep attraction to the question what life actually is. So after struggling hard with this material condition, searching for the right answers I couldn’t be satisfied until I realised that Sri Krishna was always with me and bestowed His bottomless mercy upon me all my life, but it was I who chose to be in ignorance. I was 17 years old when I met a great Vaishnavi who’s association was the bottomless mercy of Sri Krishna to awaken me from my sleep of illusion and ignorance. Since then I slowly became a vegetarian and whenever I heard about Krishna I immediately felt attracted some way. Slowly I learned about ISKCON, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada who is the cause of the fact that I now have an opportunity to try to serve Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. It is he who enlighted this world with the nectar of Sri Krishna’s Lotus Feet. He has given every single breath of his life for all fallen souls, I cannot praise him enough nor could there be and end in glorifying him. He has done more than everything to help all fallen souls out of ignorance and to take up the proces of bhakti-yoga.
It is also by the mercy of many great Vaishnavas and of course certainly the Lord Himself that I finally began to read the Bhagavad-Gita. But if I will continu my story it will happen to be a life story.
I wish to thank you once again very much Madhudvisa dasa for giving your mercy to this sinful and fallen soul. If I said something wrong or if I have hurted anyone who read my comment, please forgive this sinful and fallen soul.
Your servant,
Dear Madhud-visa dasa, thank you for including me in your newsletters program,having read the questions and your replies have been most rewarding. Having recently returned from India I have to say the best thing about India these days is Iskcon, it has as a country,India, really gone down since my previous visits. So although Isckon may be as you say, plagued with conditioned souls,such as myself, there is also the dynamic of Prabhupadas presence and Krishna’s presence,as supersoul within each of these conditioned souls, there is still progress being made despite the obvious flaws and the devotees,flawed,conditioned,or otherwise, are still making advancement and headway in spiritual life as Krishna is not subject to the failings of the Iskcon nor its struggling devotees,He is also aware of all that goes on and is allowing it to happen,Krishna,as Prahbupada, wants results,not just to maintain the image of Iskcon, but to bring about,as you say, true devotional service,the creation of pure devotee’s. I see this happening, perhaps not so much in my own life, but in the time that I’ve been involved with the devotee’s, as much as things have changed,they’ve also stayed the same. The same in regard to the original message,which is love of god. As long as that remains the foundation of Iskcon then no matter how far removed the devotee’s lives may seem from the original mood,then they will make progress in spite of themselves and their short comings. Here I also have to say that very idea is true in the Christian community,what may appear to be lost to you is alive and well throughout the world in the embrace of the Lord. Who is not lost in this world? Everyone. Yet with the pursuit of love of god, those who choose it, can find themselves and their path very easily,where does god not exist? Only to those who choose not to see Him. Certainly there are few who can stack up to Prabhupada or Jesus,but they both said it was possible and essential that we all try and become as they are, so who doesn’t fall short of their ideals? The idea is though who has the greatest love? What does that look like? I have met many,many saintly devotees throughout the world,Krishna’s and Christians, who are quite satisfied to live obscure,private lives or who have renounced everything to preach the word of god, they are living testament that god,or Krishna or Christ is alive and well in the world and for those who have ears to hear or eyes to see,where isn’t He?Anyways,this could go on endlessly,how great is Krishna? I didn’t mean to ramble on and don’t usually like to reveal my thoughts in a public forum but the force of your own thoughts forced me to speak up. I think what you’re doing is a great positive thing and will be a great service to many. Best wishes, John
Hare Krishna John Prabhu. Your points are very nice and I agree that there are so many sincere devotees serving God in both ISKCON and in the Christian churches. But the thing is they need to get the correct guidance from the leaders and preachers in these organizations. People may be sincere, 100% sincere, but if they accept some leader who is preaching in the name of Prabhupada or in the name of Jesus and if he does not preach the correct thing then they will be mislead.
So this is the real issue. There are many sincere people searching for God, but to find God they need to find a pure devotee who they can accept as their spiritual master who can guide them back home, back to Godhead. This is the process. Without that qualified guide there is no way out of the entangling maze of life in the material world, birth after birth.
I read your recent newsletter and appreciate it. I have heard this before and found it equally disconcerting. It is regarding Srila Prabupada’s translation of the Bhagavad Gita. I have a friend who has been reading another translation of the Gita (I believe it is Yogananda’s translation) and he seems to understand that Krsna is God. It seems that whoever has translated the Gita will make the effort to differentiate their version from the others. By reading the preface or literary reviews, it always seems that that particular version is the best and the only worth reading. Would you mind addressing this point?
Thank you for your time.
Hare Krishna Lorien. It is a very good point. Everyone will say that their translation of Bhagavad Gita is best. Generally the reason they think their translation is best is because they have a high esteem of themselves and their ability to understand and interpret and explain the Bhagavad Gita in their own way. And that is what practically every commentator on the Gita has done, he has used it as a veichle to put forward his understanding of what Krishna says. This is a very subtle point. The difference with Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad Gita As It Is is that Prabhuapda does not inject any opinions of his own, he is simply presenting Krishna’s opinion, as I have discussed. And to find someone who can do this is very, very rare. No one can know what is Krishna’s opinion therefore they can not explain Krishna’s opinion unless they are pure devotees of Krishna. Krishna only reveals Himself to His devotees. So it is a very rare thing to find someone who is a pure devotee of Krishna and can correctly present Bhagavad Gita.
Everyone believes “Krishna is God.” Practically every translation of Bhagavad Gita you will find this. But as I have noted this is a very subtle philosophy and a slight twist can destroy everything. Basically in the material world everyone is a fool, everyone is a cheater and everyone is cheated. Srila Prabhuapda is a very, very rare exception to this. Yogananda is a fool and a cheater and he attracts a lot of disciples who also want to be cheated. People generally do not want real spiritual life, because they are very attached to their material life. And if one is to actually advance in spiritual life then automatically his material life will decrease. Mostly people like some “guru” who will not impose any limiits on their lifestyle. Srila Prabhupada strongly stresses on the regulative principles. He lets us know clearly that there is no question of spiritual advancement at all unless we are prepared to give up illicit sex life, meat eating, gambling and intoxication. Most people do not want to hear this. They are attached to these things and won’t give them up. So along comes Yogananda who does not impose any regulative principles and they think, “O this is very nice. I can have a guru and my life can go on as it is.” So this is cheating on the part of Yogananda and the disciple wants to be cheated like this because he does not actually want to follow the regulative principles that are necessary for advancement in spiritual life.
So it is a society of the cheaters and the cheated. Prabhupada is a very rare exception to this…
From a 1968 Srila Prabhuapda Letter:
Regarding your question about Yogananda, you write to say that you “received the impression from his autobiography that he was a genuine saint who dedicated his life to serving God.” But the thing is that you do not actually know what is a genuine saint, and what can you understand about saintly life from reading his autobiography. I may inform you that just recently I visited his so-called asrama retreat, and it was simply a hodge-podge of all nonsense. There was a Buddha statue, a Christ statue, a Gandhi’s memorium labeled as “World Peace Memorium”—and what world peace he has brought? None. And what does Gandhi have to do with spiritual realization anyway? Gandhi was simply interested to get the Britishers out of India—what has this to do with self-realization, the prime goal of life?
And here and there, there were signs of all sorts, like “Be still and realize I am God”—what is this, by becoming silent and still one becomes God?! The stone is silent for millions of years, does that mean it has become God? This is all conglomeration of nonsense ideas. Practically, this Yogananda has no philosophy or authority, he simply drags in Buddha, Jesus Christ, Gandhi, and whoever else he can think to put, so that whatever you like it is in his shop. He is just a good shop keeper.
Krishna says—Give up all nonsense engagements and come here and surrender unto Me!—that is real philosophy. Krishna says that anyone who is worshiping any demigod, it is all nonsense, and just give it up and come to me.
Our philosophy is to worship Radha and Krishna. We don’t make any hodge-podge or any compromise. If you like you can accept it, and if you are fortunate you will accept, and be happy, but this hodge-podge nonsense will never help you. Just like we prescribe certain rules and restrictions for our disciples so that they can make real advancement in spiritual life. This Yogananda gives no restrictions or regulative principles to his disciples, and thereby collects all nonsense class of men.
But if you put restrictions then not so many men will come, but sincere ones will come, those who are actually sincerely searching after real spiritual life. This Yogananda accepts everything as bona fide, because he simply doesn’t know what is bona fide and what is nonsense. So there is no need to waste your time.
Thank you for your engaged response.
I wonder about the statement that no spiritual progress is made if one is not following the regulative principles.
It seems there is this tendency for religions to polarize things, good/bad, pious/impious, devotee/karmi, follower/heathen, material/spiritual.
If we are eternal spiritual entities, then we are spiritual. If we are living in the material world, then we have material components (physical body, material consciousness, ect). If we are searching for spiritual growth, then surely there must be a spark of goodness. Are we not hybrids of all of the above?
I have found the idea that if I do not accept Jesus as my Lord & Savior, I am going to hell eternally and that I do not have any sort of relationship to God incredibly unfortunate.
It seems this idea about not making any spiritual progress if one is not adhering to certain principles a similar judgment that limits God & God’s potential.
Strictly defined illicit sex refers to sex outside of the purpose of procreation. So, unless wife and husband plan on severely adding to an overpopulated world then they may approvingly have sex a hand full of times. Then, according to the above statement, they will not be making spiritual progress.
On occasion I have a glass of wine with a meal. So, one could say that there is no way for me to make spiritual progress because of my lack of adherence to the regulative principles.
I hope that God does not operate that way. Essentially disconnecting from all that do not embrace Jesus or that decides to have sex with their spouse because they appreciate intimacy and the physical connection, or who have a glass of wine, or what have you.
I understand that certain behaviors are conducive for specific goals; that intoxication does not make for a clear mind, or that being consumed with sex life does not bode well for peace in owns spiritual life. But I am not talking about extremes.
I am afraid that the good/bad, devotee/karmi, intoxicated/sober polarizations are a simplistic way of categorizing people, neglecting the nuances of peoples’ lives.
I recognize that I am not realized, and I hope that God, that Krishna will accept my modest attempts to have a relationship, while I seek to truly understand my position in the material world.
I am not interested in making declarative statements about people and their paths to Godhead.
I am a humble seeker. I can see that the material world is rife with hardship. There are people who kill another because their religious beliefs differ. Surely there are enlightened Muslims that had chicken for dinner last night, or Devotees who had sex with their spouse with intentions other than conceiving that genuinely love Krishna.
God is unlimited and I hope that God will tolerate a relationship with me despite my shortcomings and less than enlightened decisions in life.
I hope this finds you well & thank you for your time.
Hare Krishna Lorien
It is not like that, that you can not make any advancement at all without following the regulative principles and if you got that idea from what I have written I apologize. One can make advancement from any stage of life by chanting Hare Krishna, by doing devotional service, by engaging in any of the nine process of bhakti, which include hearing [about Krishna or God from a bona fide source], chanting [speaking what you have heard about Krishna to others], remembering [remembering the activities and pastimes of Krishna or God], rendering service, worshipping God in a temple or church, offering prayers to the Lord, serving the Lord, and surrendering everything, mind body and words.
So we will make advancement by doing these things. But that advancement means coming to the point of realizing that we need to get free from the bodily concept of life. For if we continue to work on the bodily concept of life, then we can not really advance much further. So there is a point in the devotee’s life where he or she comes to realize that to get free from the cycle of birth and death requires following a process that has been chalked out by the great acharyas, the great teachers. This knowledge is coming down to us through the disciplic succession as represented by Srila Prabhupada. And this process is called “saddhana bhakti,” it means following the rules and regulations under the directions of the bona fide spiritual master. And those rules are very simple, I have repeated them often: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily. It is not difficult, actually it is very joyful, but one does have to surrender to this process.
You have written rightly that intoxication dulls the brain. It is so contaminating actually that in the Vedas there is an injunction that a pot which has once been used for carrying alcohol can never be used again for another purpose. The alcohol contaminates it and there is no way to purify this contamination. Also illicit sex life is the strongest thing that ties us to the material world. So, yes, anyone can make advancement in Krishna consciousness from any position in life. But there will come a point in his or her progressive spiritual life when they will realize that, “Unless I surrender to this process and follow the rules and regulations I can not free myself from the material concept of life.”
So it becomes a choice, they are in the knowledge that if I drink alcohol or if I have illicit sex that will impede my spiritual progress. So this is the point we can make the choice, “Do I want to advance spiritually or do I want to become more and more entangled in karma, the reactions to my actions in the material world?”
Part of this process of saddhana bhakti is to engage in devotional service. It means transforming our lives so that everything we do is for the service of God. And if we are performing activities for the service of the Lord then there is no karma generated from these activities and actually our previous karma is being burnt up. But if we do these things like drinking alcohol and having illicit sex that is generating more karma that is making it more and more difficult for us to make spiritual advancement.
So when I am saying here to devotees that “you have to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and follow the four regulative principles,” I am speaking to people who have voluntary accepted this process of saddhana bhakti and believe in it and who are trying to advance spiritually. I am reminding them this but actually they already know it is a fact. But that does not mean someone who may be breaking all the regulative principles can not make advancement by chanting Hare Krishna.
It is a subtle point. You can make advancement but that advancement will bring you to the point of realizing that you have to make a commitment to follow these principles if you want to advance further in spiritual life. However if we want to hang on to our material attachments like alcohol and illicit sex then our advancement in spiritual life will be stopped. And we will most likely go backwards.
There is no stationary position. You can not just maintain at a certain point. You either advance or you become more conditioned by the material energy, more covered by the material energy, you go backwards.
So if a devotee makes a choice not to follow the regulative principles and to perform sinful activities, also that does not mean that whatever spiritual advancement he has made is lost for good. Whatever advancement we have made can never be lost. But it can be covered over for some time. So as we perform sinful activities like drinking alcohol or having illicit sex then our spiritual consciousness becomes more and more covered, and as we chant Hare Krishna and perform devotional service our spiritual consciousness becomes more and more uncovered.
It is quite black and white and there is a clear distinction between material activities and spiritual activities and we can not expect to perform sinful activities and at the same time maintain our position in spiritual life.
Ultimately to do anything successful in this world requires dedication, austerity and following a bona fide process. So the process for advancing in Krishna consciousness has been very clearly chalked out by the great acharyas and if we want to advance we have to surrender to this and follow it.
It is not so easy to get out of the clutches of the material energy. But it is not so difficult either, if one simply surrenders to Srila Prabhuapda, reads his books and follows Srila Prabhuapda’s instructions of which the most important are: chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily on beads and strictly following the four regulative principles (no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication) then he will very easily cross over the ocean of the material world to the spiritual world on the other side. But without surrendering to this process and following these principles it can not be done. So following these principles and chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily are essential for one who actually wants to get out of this cycle of samsara, the cycle of repeated birth and death we are going through in the material world.
To get the determination to do this we have to realize the pain and suffering we are going through life after life in the material world, taking birth, getting old, getting sick and dying and then taking birth again and doing the same thing over and over again. This material world is a place of suffering, we can not be happy here. We need to become determined to get out of this place. If we are still at the point of thinking we can make a comfortable position here and “enjoy” drinking alcohol and having illicit sex then will will stay in the material world, life after life, because really that is what we want to do, we are attached to these things. This will continue until we come to the point of realizing that we don’t want to suffer like this any more and therefore make a serious effort to follow the path chalked out by the great acharyas to get out of the material world and go back home, back to Godhead.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Harekrishna prabu
My humble obeisances at your feet…
Kindly tell me how to perform abheshagam for krishna I have chintu a small one that is laddu krishna… I do have everything…still now he dint accept…pls kindly guide me
your servant
Hare krishna
I bow at your pious feet as a disciple.
Received your letter and awaiting for much many more. its belived that if one reads bhagavatam at home, lord krishna himself will be present there to listen to it…… likewise is gita meant only for understanding of ones life or does it speaks on the eternal life too.
Awaiting your golden reply
With respect
Subhahsh Nair
thanku Madhudvisa dasa ji for ur discourses… i am just 17yrs and have attended abt 4 to 5 discourses on GITA and its effects, its truths etc… seriouly they had no effect on me what so ever and i am sorry to tell i feel da same wid ur discourses i dont know why i cannot take these seriously i want to but i am helpless…… i wud be thankful if u wud help me in focusing on dis
Wanting to understand these things is the beginning. If you can chant Hare Krishna that will help.
Hare Krishna!
Prabhu, I received your 1st mail and looking forward to the comming ones.
Please enlighten me on – the procedure of puja for Krishna and the dhyan.
I will keep on bothering with so many questions in future. Please spare some time for me.
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Prasanto
In this age the process of Deity worship is difficult to perform according to the proper standards. However the Puja is very important. Because through worshipping the Deity and serving the Deity we will gradually get the idea that Krishna is a person and that we should serve Him. And when we are actually engaged in a real practical service relationship with Krishna we will gradually develop our original loving relationship with Krishna. So Krishna consciousness is ultimately, about re-establishing our original loving relationship with Krishna. We all have an eternal constitutional relationship with Krishna, which we have forgotten at them moment, and the purpose of the Puja is to help us re-establish that original eternal loving relationship with Krishna.
But as I have said to perfom the Puja perfectly in this age is difficult, therefore in this Kali Yuga there is a special benediction. There is one verse kali doshe nidhe rajan asti he eka mahan gunan kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta sanga prama vrajet. This is a very important verse and it contains the key to advancing spiritually in this Kali Yuga. What it says is “This Kali Yuga is an ocean of faults. But there is one great benefit of this Kali Yuga. What is that? Simply by chanting the name of Krishna one can very easily become liberated.” So simply performing Puja is not enough. We need to also seriously chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
So the first point I recommend to you to improve your Puja is you must make a regular time every day to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra on your beads. This will take maybe one and a half hours, perhaps two hours, and we need to spend at least this amount of time daily chanting Hare Krishna if we are really serious about serving Krishna and advancing spiritually. If we try to understand these things intellectually and do not seriously chant the Hare Krishna mantra on a daily basis, it will always remain a mystery to us.
Thank you for the nice question and I am looking forward to more questions in the future.
Hare Krishna,
First of all thank you for your mail. It is really opened a new window. To begin with, my thirst for knowledge of Spirituality is going on for some time. I came in contact with many spiritual leaders but, sorry to say the couldn’t satisfy me. May be I am dumb headed, unable to understand their thoughts or they were not able to understand me.
About myself, I was born in a bramhin family in Bengal. As per family tradition got my diksha at the age of 13 (upanaynsanskar), but at that point of time didn’t understand anything and in the due course of time let alone the rituals I was supposed to follow. Life went on I finished my studies, started working. Travelled a lot within India due to my job profile (I’m a travel agent), met many people. Spiritual leaders of different religion but my heart was not filled. At present I’m married have a son & leaving a life with my family(my wife my parents and son). I got my diksha in Shakti mantra from a guru in Kolkata some 8 years ago and till date following the rituals suggested by my guru, but some where in the core of my heart I’m not satisfied.
I request you to please suggest some reading preferably in Bengali because my mother tongue is Bengali. Also, where can I buy them in Delhi.
Hare Krishna,
Hare Krishna Prasanta
You can try reading Srila Prabhupada’s books. I am sure you will find what you are looking for there. It is best to read them in English if you can as Prabhupada wrote them in English. Both the English and Bengali editions will be available at ISKCON Delhi.
dearest Madhudvisa, my home temple is in baltimore maryland which is approximatly 200 plus miles from where i live. i visit it as often as i possibly can but i feel starved for the company of other devotees. sometimes i get so depressed over this. i live in a very small town and we have exactly 4 neophite devotees here. what can we do to keep ourselves from feeling such separational anxiety? it is even hard to chant when we are feeling this way. sometimes i wonder if there is any chance at all for us to make any advancement. moving right now is not an option for me.
Hare krishna
I was so happy to see ur letter in my desk..agud job..i’ve been in krishna consicousness in 7-8 mnths soo…He is very merciful..Actually i was a great devotee of lord shiva and attending gita class i’ve been elevated..i can very well feel it..and what my question is when i preach that krishna is the supreme personality of one accepts this and ask me for evidence in history that is the correct..details when god created and so many which cannot be answered….pls reply..I have sooooo many questions will ask you one by one…
your servant
Hare Krishna Gayathri
In the beginning it is not so important about other people’s questions or if we can answer them or not. The important thing is that we ourselves advance in Krishna consciousness by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and following the regulative principles and reading Srila Prabhuapda’s books. In time all the knowledge will be revealed to us and we will be able to answer whatever questions people may put but to get to this stage may take a while.
When you are preaching you will always meet two different types of people. There is one group of people who are naturally pious and as soon as you talk to them about Krishna they are very interested to hear about Him. They naturally believe in God so it is very nice to speak with them about Krishna. The other class are the atheists, the demons, who do not believe in God and simply want to argue and they will ask so many questions, but not really to understand the answer, but to try and disturb you, to try and shake your faith in Krishna. So as preachers we have to learn to discriminate, we have to know who to speak to and who not to speak to. It is not that we should speak to everyone about Krishna. Of course we should speak to everyone about Krishna, but if we are speaking to someone about Krishna and they are obviously not accepting what we are saying then there is no point speaking to them. We have to find those people who are sincerely interested in what we have to say and are prepared to seriously consider what we say. Otherwise simply having some philosophical debate with someone who has actually no faith in Krishna and does not accept what we are saying is useless.
The people that are interested to hear about Krishna are out there and you just have to keep this in mind that there are two kinds of people out there and that there is no point speaking to someone if they do not accept what you are saying. To preach successfully you have to find someone who is prepared to listen to you sincerely. And there are plenty of people like that our there. So if you are preaching and you detect that the other person is not seriously listening to you but is just putting up arguments at every point you make just stop talking to them and find someone else who is prepared to listen.
There is of course plenty of evidence in the history that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the reality is that Krishna can only be understood by His devotees. So you can not actually convince a non-devotee very much about Krishna. But Lord Caitanya has given us the way to preach to these non-devotees. And it is a very nice way. Let them hear the Hare Krishna mantra, let them dance in the Kirtan, and when they are tired from dancing in the Kirtan feed them with sumptuious Krishna prasadam. You will be amazed at how quickly the same people who did not believe you when you tried to preach to them about Krishna now become very interested to hear about Krishna.
This preaching is a package and to be successful we have to deliver all the elements of the package. The actual preaching is only a very small part of it. The real thing the non devotees require is to read Srila Prabhuapda’s books, to hear nice kirtan performed by very sincere devotees, if they can dance in that kirtan it is so nice, and of course they need very first class prasadam that has been cooked by devotees with love and offered to Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna,
I want to ask about desires.
The worls today is very goal oriented but Krishna says” the devotee who is not looking for any results is very dear to me”.
I fully know that Krishna is right but how do you implement his teachings in today’s world. PLese advice ?
Hare Krishna Ranjit
Krishna does say that the devotee who is not looking for any results for himself is very dear to Him. That is actually the nature of a devotee. A devotee has no desire for satisfying himself, he only desires to satisfy Krishna. So it is not that the devotee has no goals, but that the devotees goals are all centered around satisfying Krishna. It is a subtle but very important point.
So as a devotees of Krishna we have many goals. We have goals in regard to performing our saddhana. Even when we get initiated we make the vow to strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and we vow to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily. So devotees have these goals to always follow the regulative principles and always chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily.
And a devotee is also liking to see results, although he is not attached to the results, he feels happy to be advancing in Krishna consciousness. If in the beginning it is very difficult for a devotee to chant Hare Krishna, and he can not concentrate on chanting the mantra and after some months he is finding it much easire and more ecstatic to chant Hare Krishna he is very happy to see this result.
So the point I am making is although the devotee is not looking for any results that does not mean he has no goals.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
hare krishna, Madhudvisa Dasji, i offer my obeisances unto the lotus feet of SRI KRISHNA THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD.I thank you for sending mail on bhagavadgita.since last month i have started reading bhagavadgita and consider myself fortunate to at least know the absolute truth and the most confidential knowledge.It would be extremely helpful if you enlighten me on verses of bhagavatgita to which i find difficult to understand.
JAI SHRI KRISHNA Madhudvisa Dasji
Respected Madhudvisa Das,
Hare Krishan, It was so kind of you to send me this wonderful mail on “Bhagavadgita”. Thank you very much. Well I’m already in association with ISKCON since many years. I think it wouldn’t be right for me to say I’m a devotee nor completly neophyte. I’m trying to be an devotee. I have already read many books on ‘Shrila Prabhupad’, I keep visiting ISKCON temples whenever possible. What I have realized is that constant association with devotees help us to progress in devotional service which I don’t get. So please continue sending me the newsletters. I have plenty of queries to be asked and I’ll make sure I’ll post them all to you and I know all my queries will be answered.
The first thing I would like to tell you is that I’m a lecturer by vocation in an Engineering collge. I don’t get association of devotees at my work place nor in my house. Its only on sundays and some other occassion I get to go to the temple. Well my problem is I don’t know how to behave and interact with non-devotees at work place. I can’t complety avoid them but, whenever I’m in their association I get disturbed. Their topics are most of the time gossip or some stupid mundane activities. Its such an ordeal to be with them. PLease kindly suggest.
Hare Kishna
Hare Krishna Sheetal
It is a very difficult situation, having to associate with non-devotees, in a situation where you can not really talk to them about Krishna very much. I don’t know how much you can talk about Krishna as an engineering professor.
But what to do? Srila Prabhuapda, in his household life was a manufacturing chemist. So he also had to do so much business and deal with so many activities in his business and family life, but still at the same time he remembered Krishna all the time.
Srila Prabhuapda gives the example of a women who is in love with a man other than her husband. Of course she is working very nicely in her husband’s house, she does not want him to suspect she has some attachment for another man, but internally she is always thinking of that other man. So no matter whatever she is doing externally, internally she is thinking of her lover.
So we have to become in love with Krishna, and always thinking of Krishna, so that no matter what external activities we are obliged to perform in our family life or our business life, we will always remember Krishna.
And also we have to be always looking out for the opportunity to talk to people about Krishna. There is always a chance. You are meeting many students, and many other lectureres, etc. So you will get the chance to talk to them about Krishna sometimes.
We have our material responsibilities but our real responsibility is to become Krishna conscious. So it is very important that we develop a very strong program of Saddhana, every day we need to rise early in the morning and perform the Mangal Aroti and chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra at least 16 rounds on our beads. We need to read from Srila Prabhuapda’s books, Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and other books, daily.
The more we are nicely performing our Krishna conscious activities of chanting and reading the more oportunities Krishna will give us to preach at work and the more the other people at work will appreciate our association.
Ultimately becoming Krishna consciousness means we get a desire to help others also to become Krishna conscious. So the trick is to go out and mix with the nondevotees, and give them your association, but do not take their association. Srila Prabhupada was very expert at this and we should learn from his example. He went to perhaps the most materialistic place in the world, the Lower East Side of New York in 1965. It was full of drug taking hippies and so much sinful activity was going on everywhere. But Prabhupada went there and gave his association to the people and some of those people became completely transformed by Srila Prabhuapda’s pure association.
So the bottom line is if we can become pure devotees then we will see any situiation that we find ourselves placed into as the mercy of Krishna. And we will see how that every person we meet is because of a special arrangement of Krishna. And Krishna wants us to preach to all the people we meet. He is sending them to us with the hope that we may take the time to share with them some knowledge about Krishna.
It is actually my practical experience. Sometimes I am thinking, “O, all these terrible karmis, I do not want to associate with them.” But then, on occasions, I feel some duty to speak to them about Krishna, and it is amazing to see how many of them are actually interested in hearing about Krishna. People can become completely transformed by hearing about Krishna from a pure devotee of Krishna. So it is our responsibility to become pure devotees of Krishna and speak to others about Krishna. In whatever situation of life we may find ourselves.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Dear Madhudvisa Dasa
Thank you very much for sending me this newsletters and the recording.
If you allow I’d like to write a few lines about the time when I first heard about Srila Prabhupada, vedic knowledge and especially Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
I read a book which later when reading “B-G As It Is” I suspected to be what is described as “Mayavada-Philosophy”.
I started reading Bhagavad-Gita but due to the mentioned book I saw Krishna in a kind of….let me call it objective light (?). I didn’t manage to associate with devotees yet(also never visited a temple) but by continually reading Prabhupada’s books I did get things straight(in connection with this “mayavada-point of view”), theoretically. I really trust in this way and feel deeply indebted to Srila Prabhupada but still I got problems to follow the four regulative principles.
I’m looking forward to receiving your next letters.
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
please accept my Namaskaram!
I recieved your newsletter ” The spirit of BG”.
It’s very Good. I have been started long back to read the Geetha(I have Tamil version of BG) but never persistently continued and read it properly. your newsletter really motivates me to read the BG. And i am waiting for more letters and guidance like this.
Thanks Prabhuji.
hare krsna madhudvisa das
please accept my humble obeisance
the newsletter you have sent is very interesting.i appreciated a great deal.i
already have a copy of BG as it the way why is it that you said your servant at the end? also please if you could explain to me why is it that we must chant and no other process because there are other processes as well such as chanting so important?
thank you very much 4 taking time for me.
Hare Krishna Raj
There are other spiritual processes like meditational yoga, offering of sacrifices and Deity worship in the temple. In previous ages these have been the “yuga dharma” or the system of religion for the age. But in previous ages the situation in the world was very different. In the Satya-yuga, the golden age, the yuga-dharma was meditational yoga. That took a long time, perhaps 60,000 years and an atmosphere surcharged with the mode of goodness. This was possible in the satya-yuga because then people could live for up to 100,000 years and the atmosphere was surcharged with the mode of goodness. Gradually through the other ages our lifespan, our wealth and our intelligence have all decreased and the atmosphere of the world has changed to one full of stress and anxiety. So now we do not have the time or the suitable atmosphere to perform meditational yoga, we do not have qualified brahmanans who can perform the Vedic sacrifices nor do we have the resources to get the required ghee, grains, etc. Apart from chanting that only leaves the Deity worship in the temple and these days people are not very interested in going to temples and are unable to follow the proper standards for Deity worship.
Therefore Lord Caitanya has declared “In this age of Kali, the only way, the only way, the only way, for spiritual advancement is the chanting of the holy name of Hari.” So, on the authority of Lord Caithanya we know that this sankirtan, the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is actually the only way to make spiritual advancement in this dark age of Kali.
“This age of Kali is an ocean of faults, but that is one great benefit, simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha mantra one can very easily become liberated.”
Therefore we need to take advantage of the great opportunity we have and chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
This is essential for making advancement in spriitual life. Meditation, if you are speaking of astanga yoga or hatha yoga, you can not do it in this age. The time has changed so much it is simply not possible. Even in the Gita Krishna instructs Arjuna on this process and Arjuna admits his inability to follow the strict rules and regulations of the meditiational yoga system. And that was 5000 years ago and Arjuna was so much more qualified than us.
We will be discussing all these points in detail as we go on, so keep reading the newsletters.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
i just received the news-letter.i am a 15 yr old n though i have Bhagvat gita as it is, i could not go beyond the 3rd chapter. there were some things i could not understand and i would like to know how do you do work in Krishna consciousness? thank you, i look forward to your reply…
Force yourself to keep reading the Bhagavad-Gita and chant Hare Krishna mantra regularly and Krishna will give you the intelligence to understand how you can work in Krishna consciousness. It is there in the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, keep reading it, and if you have specific questions ask and I will try to answer.
Hare Krishna,
I was reading the online version of Bhagvat Gita, and I found this “regulated principles of freedom” in one of the chapters.
Can you please tell me what these principles of freedom are?
Thank you,
Jai Shri Krishna
No illicit sex life, sex is only for having children in marriage; no intoxication, including even coffee and tea; no meat eating, including fish, eggs, chicken; and no gambling including speculative investments and sports.
Hare Krsna Madhudvisa-dasa ji
Im humble person who seeks happiness thru anything,
I have put a test to myself being a vegetarian and it been 3 months now.
Why the test is because when i read Bhgd Gita , controling your mind is most ultimate , so by starting controling the senses like the tongue would be a basic step for me. But ji , since these period my feelings or (lust )towards female has raised up till i coudn’t control it sometimes. Need your advise ji, why these kind of feelings im getting.
Pls advise ji
Thank you
Hare Krishna Ezwaran
It is very good you have decided to become a vegetarian. That is one of the steps. We have to do all the steps. So that means many things that you will find by studying the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Although being vegetarian is very important, by itself that is not enough. In this age the only practical method for self realization is the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha mantra:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
We have to be attached to something, we have to feel for something. So we have develop our attachment for Krishna, our feelings for Krishna, otherwise we will still be completely controlled by the lust of the material world.
One thing is you say you seek happiness through anything. There is only one way actually to get happiness, and that is by serving Krishna, and how to serve Krishna, we can find that by hearing from Krishna’s pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada.
So this idea that you are seeking happiness for yourself is not the right idea. Actually that way we will never be happy. We need to realize that we are all part and parcel of Krishna, just like the leaves of a tree are part and parcel of the tree. The only way the leaves of the tree can be nourished is if water is supplied to the roots of the tree. Similarly the only way we can be happy is if we satisfy Krishna, Krishna is the root of the entire creation, if Krishna is pleased then we will be happy. So our happiness comes, actually, by us doing something that will please Krishna. It is a completely different way of living…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Namaste Madhudvisa
but in other religions God or Krishna allows to offer Him meat, is it not so?
No, God never accepts meat. You can not offer him meat.
There is some mention of animal sacrifice in the vedas. But that is not for meat eating. That is for testing the mantras and the brahmanas who are chanting the mantras. If you have a proper qualified brahmana he should be able to chant mantras and have an animal enter into the sacred fire and come out again in a new, young, rejuvenated body. That is the proof that the brahmana is qualified and chanting the mantras properly. It is not meant for killing the animal. But today there are no qualified brahmanas so no one can do this anymore. So in the Kali-yuga such animal sacrifices are forbidden.
There is another type of animal sacrifice mentioned in the Vedas where a goat or some other animal, not a cow, is offered to the goddess Kali or Durga, this is not offering to God but it is some concession for those who want to eat meat.
Krishna does not accept foods that are not in the mode of goodness. Foods in the mode of goodness come from four groups: milk products, grains, vegetables and fruits. You can make so many delicious and nutritious foods by combining these four food groups.
So God will only ever accept an offering of foodstuffs in the mode of goodness… You can not offer him meat… Other religions may offer, but God will not accept…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
dearest Madhudvisa dasa,please explain to me how it is that the slaughtering of innocent animals brings about wars and such? is it sort of like the saying in the bible… an eye 4 an eye?
I have read the gita 3 times and find it very peaceful and it helps relax the mind. I also believe that other religions i.e. islam, judaism are also messages from the creator but cannot understand why one says non believers must not be befriended or why each religion teaches zero tolerance to other religions?
please can you rectify this.
Thank you
Hare Krishna Ranjeet
Krishna says in the Gita, yada yada hi dharmasya…, “whenever and wherever there is a discrepancy in the following of religious principles I appear or I send my representative to re-establish the religious principles.” So Srila Prabupada has accepted Lord Jesus Christ as son of God as he claims, as a messenger of God, and similarly he has accepted the Prophet Mohamad. So as devotees of Krishna and followers of Srila Prabhupada we have nothing against other religious principles and encourage the people to properly follow. Most Christians do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, most Muslims do not follow the teachings of Mohamad. This is the problem. The test of a religous system is to see if by following it the followers develop love for God. So as far as the Hare Krishna movement is concerned we accept the people who are following other religions, we accept their process is valid, we do not teach zero tolerance at all.
Hare Krishna Sir
Thank you very much for the quick reply, much appreciated. Am i right to say / think that meat eating is completly prohibited for hindus? My dilema with this is that certain climates i.e. north pole may require meat eating to sustain life there but what about the UK or Europe where ample grains exist. If we eat meat do we come back to this planet after death whether we are hindu, muslim, christian etc? Are all meat eaters condemned? As i am aware, its all about control senses so for me meat is only a food taste which must be controlled just like any other food veg or non veg.
The hardest sense to control is the tongue as stated in the Gita! its is very hard!
I look forward to you reply
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Ranjeet
We are not “Hindus.” We are Vaisnavas, devotees of Krishna. Krishna is the friend of the cows and the friend of the brahmanas. Note that He mentions the cows first. Krishna is a cowherd boy. He is very fond of the cows. So cow killing is such a terrible sin. So cow killing is completely prohibited and so many of the problems we are seeing in the world today are caused by the cow killing that is going on on a huge scale. As far as other meat eating, Vaisnavas will not eat meat. A devotee of Krishna does not do anything for himself. He does everything for Krishna. So he also cooks for Krishna. Krishna will not accept meat. He says in the Gita that He will accept an offering of vegetables, fruits, grains and milk products if it is offered to Him with love and devotion. So a Vaisnava will only eat Krishna prasadam, and as Krishna does not accept meat, it can never be Krishna prasadam. That is the reason a devotee will never eat meat. Because Krishan does not accept such a horrible offering.
As far as non-vaisnavas in India there is some provision in the Vedas for offering animal sacrifice for animals, not the cow, like goat, etc. But this is not for devotees, Vaisnavas.
Even at the North Pole now they have supplies shipped in and you can get vegetables, grains, milk products and fruits, so I do not think there is any need to eat meat. But if there was an emergency situation and the choice for a devotee was to die or to eat meat he would eat meat to live to preach. But at the moment there is no such emergency.
We can not understand Krishna consciousness at all unless we agree to at least follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication, and also we must agree to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra daily, without these things there is no spiritual life at all, simply imagination.
So we have to undergo the austerity that it takes to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra daily and follow the regulative principles. Otherwise Krishna consciousness will remain far, far away from us…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
please accept my humble obesiances!
I recieved your newsletter ” The spirit of BG”.
It’s very nice. And i am waiting for more letters like this.
Hare Krishna
i thank you for replying to my query, and i agree to the explanation, however my material mind fails to comprehend this may be by reading gita(which i’ve not yet started) and understanding his Mahima i get more clarity and acceptance……Hare Krishna…..i have few(actually lot) more questions……
when every thing is made by god and god only governs our every action and thought and we are here to pay for our sins and good things that we have done in our previous births,then y at the very begining he made us do sins, and wrong things, and then make this process of hell and heaven. if he wanted he could have made every thing good in this world with no hate revenge lust etc.
y he created pain…..
Hare Krishna
i’m new in this world of spirtual learning i have few questions which may sound stupid to learned but for me they are still mystery.
Can you please tell me where does GOD came from, i know he is omnipresent but how it all started?what was there when there was nothing?
pardon me if i sound totally silly, but i’ll appreciate if can get answer.
Hare Krishna Vishal
Thank you for the very good question. You are asking where does God come from and what happened when there was nothing and that is a very natural question because everything we experience around us in this world has a beginning, it stays for some, produces some byproducts, dwindles, then vanishes, so, seeing everything around us go through these stages it is natural to think that God must also go through these stages and to wonder where He came from.
However, God has no beginning. That is one of His names. anadi, means He has no beginning and no end. That is the spiritual nature. There are two worlds, the material world and the spiritual world, here in the material world everything is under the control of time so everything has a beginning and an end. But in the spiritual world time as we know it does not exist. There is no old age, no death, everyone there is eternally youthful.
This is actually our eternal, natural constitutional position. To be eternally youthful, full of knowledge and full of bliss. So we also, are like Krishna in this sense, in the same way that Krishna has no beginning, we, the spirit souls, also have no beginning. It is only because we come into this material world and have accepted these material bodies and are identifying with the material bodies that these ideas of birth and death and the idea of “coming from somewhere.”
So the conclusion is that God has no beginning or end, and we also have no beginning or end, because we are spirit souls, and this idea about birth and death and beginning and end is only a result of us taking birth within the material world and accepting these material bodies as ourselves. It is our body that is born, our body that gets old and our body that “dies.” But we are not the body. We are the spirit soul within the body and we, like Krishna, are eternal with no beginning and no end.
Let me know what you think.
So the consclusion is God has no beginning, He is eternally existing, the whole meaning of eternal is that He has no beginning and no end,and
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa-dasa Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. I am so elated by your wonderful effort in educating some of us more on the Bhagavad Gita. Please keep it up.
But I will be very pleased if you could help me to know the difference(s) between ISKCON and Christianity and also the paraparam system of Christians. I have heard it often times that ISKCON is like the tertiary institution while Christianity is compared to the elementary, primary or the secondary institution. So please help me with this.
Hare Krishna.
Hare Krishna Emmanuel
Basically the parampara system in Christianity is broken. It is in danger of being broken in ISKCON as well. This parampara is a very delicate thing. It is quite usual that it gets broken after some time. If you read in the Bhagavad Gita forth chapter you will see that Krishna is speaking to Arjuna that “This is the same knowledge that I originally spoke to the Sun-god Vivasvan, and he passed it on to his sons and they passed it on to their sons, and in this way the knowledge was handed down through the disciplic succession of the saintly Kings. But Krishna said to Arjuna that now this knowledge has been lost and He will now speak that same knowledge again to Arjuna. We see it happening all the time in every religious tradition. God or the representative of God appears and establishes the pure teachings and they are handed down in some sort of parampara and after some time the knowledge is lost.
Even with Lord Chatanya 500 years ago, Advaita Acharya prayed for the advent of Lord Caitanya, calling out to Krishna, that “Unless You come personally I do not see how the religious principles can be re-established.” So Lord Caitanya, although there were some other, more confidential, reasons for His appearance, He also appeared to re-establish the religious principles because they were lost at that time.
Even at the time of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, the father of Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati, Srila Prabhuapda’s spiritual master, the real knowledge of Vaisnavism was almost completely lost. At that time so-called Vaisnavas were performing all sorts of sinful activities and not at all appreciated by thoughtful persons. So Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur had to re-establish the pure teachings of Vaisnavism by studying the writings of the Gosvamis of Vrindavan, like Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami and Jiva Goswami, the direct disciples of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
So even just a few hundred years after Lord Caitanya was personally on the planet and flooded the whole of India with love of God, His followers had deviated so much that the parampara was broken and had to be re-established by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and the powerful preaching of his son Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, Srila Prabhuapda’s spritual master.
So as I hinted before Kali-yuga is very moving fast now and this destruction of the parampara is also going on in ISKCON. ISKCON as an organization has deviated in many ways from the teachings of Srila Prabhuapda so what is today called “ISKCON” already, after only 32 years, is quite different from the organization Srila Prabhupada established.
So what to speak of the Christians. They are so much further away from the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ and they do not even have any direct record of the teachings of Christ, only second hand memories written down many years later and translated and edited over the years.
Our great fortune in Krishna consciousness is we have all the original books of Srila Prabhuapda, plus we have his classes, letters, conversations, press conferences and audio and video recordings, so we have everything recorded.
Therefor, this time, with Srila Prabhupada preserved by the modern technology, although many in ISKCON would like to go in a different direction, it will be clear to thoughtful people that they are deviating from the parampara and they will not have any power to preach actually.
Srila Prabhuapda discusses these points at great length in the Adi Lila of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in relation to the affairs of the Gaudiya Matha after Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura left his body. The same thing happened in the Gaudiya Matha. Prabhupada says Srila Bhaktsiddhanta did not recommend any of his disciples to become acharya of the Gaudiya Matha after he left. Rather he suggested they establish a GBC and manage it in that way. But as soon as Bhaktsiddhanta left they had to appoint an acharya, and it went very, very badly. So Srila Prabhupada warns in many places that in ISKCON his disciples should not make the same mistake. Prabhuapda also did not appoint any of his disciples as acharyas to take his place. Rather he established a ritvik system of initiation enabling him to continue accepting disciples after his physical disapearance and established a GBC for the management of ISKCON.
However, as we all know, as soon as Srila Prabhuapda left our material vision ISKCON appointed not one acharya, but 11! And like the Gaudiya Math, that was a great disaster. Now, just a few years later, none of these so-called liberated acharyas are functioning any more and their tens of thousands of disciples are scattered and devastated, and the whole international ISKCON movement has been practically destroyed by this.
So for ISKCON the guru disaster has been the most destructive force on the movement anyone could imagine. And this is all simply because they disobeyed the orders of Srila Prabhuapda from the beginning. Prabhupada did not appoint any of his disciples as acharyas but they demanded “we must be acharyas” and what a mess that created!
So as Srila Prabhuapda declared that the Gaudiya Matha had became “asara,” useless, because they went against the desires of Srila Bhaktsiddhanta by appointing an acharya for the Gaudiya Math when he did not see any of his disciples as being qualified for that position, similarly, just days before leaving his body Srila Prabhuapda and Tamal Krishna had discussions that make it very clear that Srila Prabhuapda did not consider that any of his disciples at that time to be qualified for the position of acharya, however, in a rebelious spirit, with the advice of Prabhuapda’s godbrothers, Prabhuapda’s disciples went against Prabhuapda’s wishes and appointed 11 successor acharyas to Srila Prabhuapda. And it was such a disaster.
Therefore as Prabhuapda declared the Gaudiya matha to be useless and without any potency to preach because they went against the will of Srila Bhaktsiddhanata who did not name any acharya to succeed him, ISKCON is also useless and without any power to preach because they have gone against the wishes of Srila Prabhuapda who also did not name any acharya to succeed him, rather he established a GBC to manage ISKCON and introduced a ritvik initiation system that allows him to continue accepting disciples even though he is no longer physically present.
So in such a short time ISKCON has become an organization that worships conditioned souls as Vaisnava acharyas and this has completely destroyed the spiritual mood.
It is a very sublime thing, the way spiritual knowledge descends from Krishna to us through the parampara. If there are problems with the parampara, no matter how sincerely the followers may try, the knowledge will not descend.
None of this is new. There are always “Putana’s” [demons] who want to “take over the pulpit” as soon as the liberated acharya departs [as Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur so nicely puts it] Prabhupada warned us also that we have to expect this chaos when the liberated acharya leaves.
Krishnadasa Kaviraja, the author of the Sri Caitanya-caritamrta describes everything very nicely. He likens these branches of the Caitanya tree that deviate from the parampara to be dead branches on the Caitanya tree.
In the beginning if a branch on a tree dies it is not easy to tell the dead branch from the living branch. But the dead branch will not get any fresh new leaves, flowers or fruits. And gradually it will just dry up and fall of the tree.
So we have to get back to the real Caitanya tree and the real current Acharya Srila Prabhuapda and get some living branches of the tree connected to the bona fide parampara functioning again. That is what we hope to do here at, the Hare Krishna Community. So please try and assist with this. It is a very great, and very essential mission.
Sorry it is a long answer….
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
I am sure that you are sincere soul and that it is just that you have been misguided by those persons who are envious of the bona fide spiritual masters that Srila Prabhupada has created by his divine potency. Because I know you are a good soul, I can understand that it is my duty on behalf of Srila Prabhupada to try to bring you to the correct understanding of his teachings. I am hopeful that you will take to heart these valuable instructions which I have sincerely given you. It is in a mood of genuine concern and compassion that I am taking the time and trouble to explain these things to you in detail. I pray to Krishna that you may be able to properly understand them.
Hare Krishna Prabhu. We are not getting into arguing about these things here. And it is a little presumptuious of you to try to “bring me to the correct understanding.” My understanding is not mine, it is Prabhupada’s, so it is correct. The proper way to approach this thing would be to submit that you do not understand these things and request clarification. Briefly yes, Prabhuapda wants his disciples to go on to become qualified initiating spiritual masters and initiate disciples. But the qualification is required. And that qualification, as we have discussed, although it seems to be a very simple thing, is very rare to be found. Even in the weeks preceding Srila Prabhuapda’s departure from our material vision it is clear from his discussions that he did not cosider any of his disciples qualified to become Acharya. And he did nothing except apoint ritvik priests to initiate on his behalf. Your assertion that “Srila Prabhuapda has created bona fide spiritual masters by his divine potency,” shows a complete lack of understanding of the guru disciple relationship. Srila Prabhupada certainly has the divine potency to create unlimited bona fide spiritual masters, and he wants to do this, but Krishna consciousness is voluntary. It is not that Krishna forces us to do things, and it is not that Srila Prabhuapda is forcing us to do things, or magically making all of his disciples bona fide spiritual masters simply by his divine potency.
For this process to work the disciple has to actually surrender to the orders of the spiritual master and make the mission of the spiritual master his life and soul. Now this is another thing that sounds like it is very simple, but also it is very rare to find a disciple who will actually do this. We can see from Srila Prabhuapda’s spiritual master’s institution, the Gaudiya Math, Srila Bhaktsiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura instructed many of his disciples to preach the message of Lord Caitanya in the Western countries. Any one of his tens of thousands of disciples could have accepted this order and made it his life and soul. But out of so many tens of thousands of disciples, Srila Prabhupada was the one who actually made the orders of his spiritual master his life and soul.
So your asserting that the 11 original “zonal acharya” ISKCON gurus were bona fide is nothing short of crazy. We had Jaya Tirtha preaching that the way to enlightenment was LSD giving drug induced Bhagavatam classes who was later beheaded by one of his stoned disciples, we had Bhavananda and Kirtananda who were pedophiles having sex with the gurukuli children and that has now become public and has been such a disaster for ISKCON, and we have Satsvarupa who started writing books about Krishna, then progressed to writing “Krishna conscious fiction” like “Nimai and the Mouse” then progressed to having affairs with various female disciples, then progressed to writing pornographic literature. It was only then that the GBC were force to admit that Satsvarupa was not actually a bona fide spiritual master. I could go on but the bottom line is that none of these 11 so-called paramahamsas who were advertised as the successors of Srila Prabhupada is still functioning as a guru. They have all either fallen down into sinful activities, been killed untimely in horrible circumstances, gone insane, been incapacitated so they can’t preach, or completely lost the taste for Krishna consciousness and no longer even chant Hare Krishna.
So these men were not at all paramahamsas, not qualified gurus, not capable of guiding anyone at all back home, back to Godhead. They can not even take themselves back to Godhead, what to speak of trying to take many disciples with them.
And you are trying to tell us that these were all paramahamsa’s? Created by Prabhuapda?
You have completely misunderstood the process. Krishna conscioussness is voluntary and it is not that simply the spiritual master has to be qualified and then automatically the devotee will come out as a pure devotee. The disciple also has to be qualified. If you go to school and you have a very qualified teacher but you do not listen to what he says in the classes, you do not study the books he recommends you to study, you do not follow the principles he suggests that you follow, then you will not learn anything.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada. After reading your email to dasa-anu-dasa, I just had to thank you for being so direct and strong with him. People have such crazy ideas, and have to be given the real truth of the matter. Then it is up to them as to whether they will benefit from your advice.
In the early 1980’s I was in Vancouver, Canada at the Iskcon Temple. Satsvarupa was an initiating guru for that temple at that time and when he would come to the temple the devotees would put him up on a great Vyas Asan beside Srila Prabhupada. I expressed my opinion that this person is in no way a paramahansa pure devotee, and how could they be so blind as to see him in that way. The result was that I received threats of physical violence for voicing this. It was not too long after that that I had to call it quits with Iskcon as opposed to participating in such a grand farce.
I have one request. Hansadutta Prabhu wrote me a brief but kindly note through your service. It was in response to something I had submitted. In approximately 1968, Hansadutta was a major force in bringing me to Krishna conscious. After reading his letter to Bhakti Caru Swami, I can see that I would once again benefit from his association. Is it possible for you to write to Hansadutta and ask for his permission so that you can release his email address to me? If this is something that is out of bounds for you, I can understand and accpt that. Otherwise I want to acknowledge you for the wonderful service that you are doing for Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. Thank you for your wonderful example. Sincerely, your servant, Ishan das
My spiritual master is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhuapda.
Srila Prabhuapda established a system of accepting disciples through his disciples. When Prabhuapda was physically present on the planet he had temples all over the world and devotees were joining and requesting initiation from all over the world also. So it was not practical for Srila Prabhuapda to personally initiated all of them. Therefore he empowered some of his disciples to act as ritvik priests to perform the initiation ceremonies on his behalf. I joined the Hare Krishna movement in Australia in 1986 and by 1989 I knew that Srila Prabhuapda was my spiritual master so I asked Jayadharma Prabhu who is a disciple of Srila Prabhuapda and was the temple president of ISKCON Sydney in Srila Prabhuapda’s presence. At that time he was performing the initiation ceremonies on Srila Prabhupada’s behalf so I asked him if it would be possible for him to initiate me also on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. He discussed this with some of his godbrothers and agreed to perform the initiation ceremony. So in 1989 he gave me first and second initiation on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. At that time I had never heard the word “ritvik” nor was I aware of the July 9th letter where Srila Prabhupada formally institutes this system that would allow him to continue to accept disciples even though he is no longer physically present. So I was initiated by a disciple of Srila Prabhuapda who was approved of by Srila Prabhupada to perform the initiation ceremonies for Prabhuapda’s disciples on his behalf.
Hare Krishna Mudhudvisa Dasa,
This was most clear and very reassuring.
Hare Krishna
hare krishna Madhudvisa-Dasji!
i am also trying to understand spiritualty and had gone through ur reply,but could not understud that hw is it possible? i mean what is he made up of.and we souls are part of god,so there must be d process of separation from god into n number of souls i.e. our begining
and also that what made him create us,these three worlds,demi gods,etc.since he is paripurna and doesn’t need anything to complete or please him.
pardon me if i sound silly
Hare Krishna Yogita
You can not expect to understand everything instantly.
You need to study Srila Prabhuapda’s books and take to chanting at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna maha mantra daily and following the four regulative principles: no illicit sex life, no meat eating, no gambling and no intoxication and engage in practical devotional service.
Krishna consciousness is a practical thing. It is understood by practical service. You can theoritacally understand but the practical realization comes when you actually surrender to Krishna and use your life simply for serving Krishna.
So my suggestion is that you please chant the Hare Krishna mantra more and read Srila Prabhupada’s books more and you will understand everything more and more.
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Vishal,
I like your question very much, and it is too much attractive, so that I cannot read it and simply pass it by without making some comment.
As Madhudvisa Prabhu has pointed out, the spiritual nature is qualitatively different from the material nature. At present, not only are we installed in a gross material body, but our minds as well are subtle material energy that cannot be perceived through our blunt material senses. The modern day so-called scientists think that the mind is the workings of the physical brain. But that is not a fact. There are many things that we know to exist in this material realm that are not perceivable through our senses. One example is the radio waves.
At any moment in time there are radio waves in your room that represent the broadcasting from so many different sources. Maybe 10 or 20 radio stations and so many television stations. All passing through the walls of your house and all-pervasive within your room. We cannot see them, touch them, smell them or taste them. But as soon as we click on the radio, we can understand that we are living in a vast ocean of various frequencies. If we take our portable radio a mile away from our home, we can still pick up the same frequencies. So we live in a kind of subtle ocean of different frequencies that we cannot sense, except by our radios which can translate those subtle frequencies into frequencies that we can sense. So the mind is a subtle material energy also. Krishna explains in the Bhagavad Gita that mind is one of his 8 principle separated material energies.
So although the mind is subtle, still it is material and does not directly perceive the spiritual energy that is also everywhere present, both inside us and outside of us. Therefore as long as we are under the influence of the material mind we cannot understand the nature of spiritual energy. In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Sri Krishna explains that there are great yogis who try to approach the spiritual nature with their material minds. And then after many, many lifetimes of such endeavor, when they finally understand that Vasudeva or Krishna is everything, then they surrender to Krishna, and when Krishna is satisfied by their sincere cultivation of Bhakti yoga, then He reveals Himself to such a devotee. And Krishna further explains that such a great soul is very rare.
So the spiritual nature is incomprehensible to the material mind. One of the difficulties that arises in spiritual persuit is that we do not know what are the proper questions to ask. In the Bhagavad-gita Arjuna holds the demeanor of a spirit soul who, like us, is under the influence of the material mind. And in such a state, he asks Krishna so many questions. So the Bhagavad-gita not only provides us with God’s explanations, but also through Arjuna, the Bhagavad-gita provides us with the real questions that we should be asking. And as we are serious in the matter of our spiritual advancement, we will begin to ask the same questions that Arjuna asks.
This business of asking the right questions is a very important theme in the Vedic literatures. In the Vedanta Sutra which is the mature culmination of all Vedic knowledge, we are instructed at the very beginning, “Athato brahma jignasa.” The idea is that now that we have come to the human form of life, we should begin to enquire as to what is the nature of the Absolute Truth. And the answer to that question is provided in very first verse of the Srimad Bhagawatam, by the same author. In fact, the Srimad Bhagawatam is the commentary on the Vedanta Sutra by the self-same author, Srila Vyasadeva. So in the first verse of the Bhagawatam, Srila Vyasadev states “janmadyasya-jataha”. He states that the Absolute Truth is that which is the source of emenation of all that is. Therefore your question is very intelligent, because you are enquiring into the nature of the Absolute Truth. And immediately the greatest ripened fruit of all Vedic Knowledge, the Srimad Bhagawatam, provides the answer to your question – the Absolute Truth is the Source of all spiritual and material realms. Again, as Madhudvisa Prabhu has written, this is a concept that cannot be grasped by the material mind. However, our Divine spiritual preceptor, Srila Prabhupada, explains that Krishna Consciousness is a science. And science means 3 steps. Hypothesis, experiment and conclusion. Srila Prabhupada would say the same thing in different words.`He would say that one cannot understand the taste of honey by looking at the jar and speculating on it. Rather, one must go inside the jar and taste the honey. Then he will understand the taste of the honey.
So these answers and more answers are provided for us in the Bhagavad-gita. And these answers describe the process by which we can get the taste of Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada would say that he was not in the business of collecting blind followers. He wanted us to understand the process and submit ourselves to the experiment.
The invocation of the Ishopanishad states:
“The Absolute Truth is perfect and complete. And Because He is completely perfect, therefore all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as a complete whole. Whatever is produced from these complete wholes is perfect and complete in itself. And even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He is not reduced, but He remains as the complete balance.
And this is further explained by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, ninth chapter, where Krishna says:
“I am all-pervasive, in everything. And all beings are in Me. But I am not in them. And everything that is created does not rest in me. Although I am the maintainer of all living beings, and although I am everywhere, still, My Self is the very source of creation.”
Lord Sri Krishna is the reservoir of pleasure. So as we try to enter into the spirit of these questions and descriptive answers, leaving the prison of the material mind behind, and diving into the honey jar of Krishna Consciousness, then we begin to understand the nectarine taste of the great ocean of devotion.
Thank you again for your wonderful question. Hare Krishna!
Hare Krishna Prb. Ji
Very nice and meaningful answer you have provided. But I just wanted to ask “If we are also eternal kike Krishna then why we are forced to take these material bodies and put into illusion? ”
We get these material bodies because we have a desire to enjoy separately from Krishna. In the spiritual world there is no enjoyment separately from Krishna. There everyone is engaged in serving Krishna and they get their enjoyment from serving Krishna.
That is actually the only way we can enjoy. By serving Krishna. We are eternally servants and Krishna is eternally our master.
But we have rebelled against this natural, eternal situation.
We want to become the master like Krishna. We want to enjoy like Krishna. That is not possible actually. But Krishna mercifully creates this material world so we can try for this, enjoying separately from Krishna.
He gives us these material bodies and as soon as we accept a material body we are in the illusion that “I am this material body.” And the suffering begins.
Having a material body means we will naturally have so much suffering and distress.
The idea of the material world is that we will come here and try to be the master but actually we will simply suffer so much that gradually, after many, many births of suffering in the material world, a few thoughtful persons will realise that we can not be happy here in the material world and they will surrender to Krishna and go back home, back to Godhead.
So this material world is for suffering only.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Thank you for your letter. I am looking forward to your next letter. I have a copy of the Bhagavad Gita as it is. I must admit that I am very ignorant of Hinduism, but I am looking forward to learning. I also will have many questions as we go along, but how else can I learn?
Hare Krishna Robert
Questions are very good, so please ask them and I can try to answer to my best ability.
I am really motivated by the work that ISKON has given to the society and I truly belive in Bhagavad Gita , also wish you all the best madhudvisa dasa for your efforts on krishna connect
I have the both English and Hindi editions of ‘Bhagavad Gita As It Is’ and I read them. I have gone through your two mails that I received. There are so many things to ask and discuss with you. Sparing a good deal of time any day, I will write you soon.
Hare Krishna Ashish
When you have some time please post your questions and I can try to answer for you. I am looking forward to discussing with you.
You have mentioned that it is sufficient to read and assimilate the Geeta. I could not agree more.
Are we to understand that it is not required to go through the Bhagavatam?
Your view is requested,
Hare Krishna,
Hare Krishna Ananthakrishnan
No, we must go through Bhagavatam also. It is enough to go through and assimilate the Gita of course. But if one does go through and assimilate the Gita he will naturally become a devotee of Krishna and his taste for material things and mundane material literature will cease. He will have a great desire to hear about Krishna. And Srimad-Bhagavatam is the pastimes of Krishna and the pastimes of Krishna’s pure devotee, and the most perfect presentation of the philosophy of Krishna consciousness. So anyone who has gone through and assimilated the Gita will naturally also be very anxious to go through and assimilate the Bhagavatam also.
But yes, Gita is enough, but if one actually understands Gita he will want to read Bhagavatam. It is like that.
hare krishna parbhu,
I chant
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
and I have listion bhagvat geeta. But I never read bhagvat geeta.
Can you tell me How bhagvat geeta can help us by read it.
Thank you,
Bhagavad-gita is the words of Krishna and in Bhagavad-gita As It Is you will find the Bhaktivedanta Purports by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada which are the transcendental explanations of Krishna’s words. So by reading Bhagavad-gita As It Is you are directly associating with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and Krishna’s pure devotee Srila Prabhupada!
We are very much affected by the people we associate with. We will become like the people we associate with. So if we associate with Krishna and Prabhuapda by reading the Bhagavad-gita As It Is that will be very good for us.
You can get the book at or read it online at
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
dearest Madhudvisa dasa, is it also true that we can take on others karma through association?
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I am so delighted to read your mails and wait to see them in my inbox.i find it dificuilt to understand most of the content, please how do i read and understand? please i need your help, am from a very poor family/ i need your spirishual power see have things easely/ so that i have godhead, please i want to be more closer to you that is the reason i why i want understand everything about you, what do i do to mame my expectation come to past.
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa-Dasa
Thank you for your introduction to Bhagavad Gita As It Is.
I live about an hour from Bhaktivedanta Manor and spent my first proper day there yesterday. I met three devotees who gave me invaluable guidance in answering my questions. I bought the items required for an Altar and a beautiful Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and when when I got home it was late.I set up my Altar, chanted 2 rounds and read some of the intro to the Gita. This morning was my first day of complete service. I got up, showered and chanted my 16 rounds – it took just over 2 hours. I feel really serine, like never before. A devotee I met yesterday warned me to be vigilant about Maya wuich is why I am getting my rounds done first thing. I am very new and do not yet know the Sanskrit verses yet, but already feel like I’ve arrived home. Thanks. Hare Krishna. Si.
Dear Madhudvisa Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Having just read your first instalment of your Bhagavad-gita classes I feel very inspired to continue reading them.
Prabhu, my main problem is lust and lack of taste for chanting the holy name of the Lord, even though I have been chanting for 45years. I don’t seem to be able to have a good morning program and a basic regulated life. I am keen to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s original books here in London and I have done a little writing and I have a strong desire to implement Varnasrama Colleges everywhere, but sometimes I feel forlorn without good devotee association and I wish I could get out this cycle of material contamination, in order to some real service to Srila Prabhupada. Please advise what you can suggest.
Thank you, Prabhu.
Hare Krishna Karanodakasayi Visnu Prabhu
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
These things go hand in hand, if we are lusty to fulfill our material desires then naturally we will have no taste for chanting Hare Krishna. The taste for chanting Hare Krishna increases as our lust to fulfill material desires reduces.
The reality is that none of us have any taste for chanting Hare Krishna in the beginning but we develop that taste by chanting Hare Krishna, following the four regulative principles, and engaging in devotional service under the direction of a pure devotee of Krishna.
It requires surrender and that is easy to say but hard to do. And apart from surrender it also requires great determination and tapasya. In the beginning we have no taste for the chanting but Srila Prabhupada tells us to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day. So we just have to surrender to this instruction and chant Hare Krishna.
I am listening to Srila Prabhupada and recently in South America a devotee asked Srila Prabhupada this question: “How can I increase my attachment for chanting Hare Krishna?” and Srila Prabhupada’s answer was very simple: “By chanting Hare Krishna.”
So this is the thing, we just have to surrender to chanting Hare Krishna at least 16 rounds a day and simply by forcing ourselves to chant Hare Krishna like this we will automatically develop an attachment for chanting Hare Krishna, and also by chanting Hare Krishna like this automatically our lusty desires will decrease.
It is not surprising that we are contaminated by the materialistic desires because today we can not find any association of strong and pure devotees. So without that sometimes it seems that this is a very difficult task.
But actually Krishna consciousness is very joyful, anandam buddhi vardanam, it is an ever-increasing ocean of transcendental bliss.
So at least for me I know if I am not in transcendental bliss then I am not in Krishna consciousness and then it is a simple process. I just have to analyze my life and see how I am deviating from what Srila Prabhupada is telling me I should be doing and when I correct that deviation I am again back in that blissful state which is Krishna consciousness.
In reality if we actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada, if we really hear all his classes and read all his books, and if we really follow his instructions then we will become Krishna conscious and our material lust will be gone.
Of course due to our bad habits and due to bad association with materialistic people we may again fall from the proper path. But once we have had a little taste of Krishna consciousness we can never be actually bewildered by maya. And it is a simple matter to give up the sinful activities and again get a taste for chanting Hare Krishna.
So your idea to get involved in distributing Srila Prabhupada’s original books in London is a very good idea. So you should contact Bhajahari Prabhu there and purchase some books from him. The first step in distributing Prabhupada’s books is to get the books to distribute. And then distribute them. And chant Hare Krishna and follow the regulative principles and read Srila Prabhupada’s books and hear his classes and you will quickly advance in Krishna consciousness.
The process works if we follow it. So generally if it is not working for us it means we are not properly following the process Srila Prabhupada is teaching us. So if it does not seem to be working for us we have to find out what we are doing and correct that.
Of course ideally we want to be in the association of sincere fired-up devotees engaged in pure devotional service. But as that is not available at the moment we have to become fired-up and inspired devotees by ourselves, not really by ourselves, with Srila Prabhupada!
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
What is a complete round of chanting? I thought that it was:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
I need to know in order to know how many rounds I am chanting, so that I can chant the 16 rounds.
Hare Krishna Jennie
One mantra is:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
And when we chant these 16 words 108 times that is one round.
So 1728 names is one round.
So 16 rounds is 108 * 16 = 1782 mantras or 1782*16 = 27,648 names.
Haridas Thakura was chanting 300,000 names. So this 27,648 names is not many. So we should do it seriously.
It takes me usually about 3 hours. Some devotees can chant 16 rounds in 2 hours but it takes me generally at lest 3 hours. But 3 hours out of 24 hours is not very much.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna Prabhuji,
I am so delighted to read your mails and wait to see them in my inbox. I am still trying to understand things.Maybe I will have questions later on. But, I am really feeling connected to the spiritual world
thank you for your wisdom and taking time to contact me. i wish not to offend anyone with this question. i am just a neophite devotee and i do not know much. please show mercy and kindly answer this question. you stated that we only need to read one book (the Bhagavad-Gita As It Is). MY QUESTION IS THIS… is it more important to read the Gita than the Bhagavatam. or are they equally as benifiting?
Hare Krishna Madhudvisa,
I have one question in my mind, I know and strongly believe that only GOD is krishna and he has created all the things.
But if we ask Christians he says Jesus has created this world. And same way if we ask Muslims the says Allah has created.
Even in Hindus there may be conflict, someone believe shiva is supreme and some one says other.
Can you give some insights that who has created this world and who is GOD.
Allah is another of Krishna’s many names. Jesus is a demi-god, a son of God, who has also created material things. My understanding is that Krishna is the original SUPREME GOD and always will be the SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD, the Father of ALL. Krishna is now incarnated on planet earth in fulfillment of the prophecy of His Kalki incarnation. He is 48 years old and looks 20. I have seen Him several times but failed to realize who He was that I saw until afterwards. He has come to fulfill the prophecy of the “Man on the white horse who slays the wicked with the rod of His mouth” (from the book of Revelation, which Christians misunderstand that to be Jesus).
pranam prabhuji
hare krishna all glories to our gurudev srila prabhupada i would lik to know where can i get the original bhagavat gita as it is in hindi/bengali pls reply
Hare Krishna Ananya
Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is is not in Hindi or Bengali. It is in English. So if you want to read Srila Prabhupada’s original books you have to read them in English. If a devotee is serious, even if he does not know English, he should learn English to read Srila Prabhupada’s original books. So many devotees have learned English for this reason over the years.
Of course it is very important to have translations of Srila Prabhupada’s books in all the languages of the world. But these translations will never be Srila Prabhupada’s original books. Prabhupada’s original books are in English and if you want to read Prabhupada’s original books then you have to read them in English…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
pranam guruji all glories to our grudeb-HIS DIVINE GRACE A.C BHAKTIBEDANTA SWAMI PRABHUPADA
father i hope your doing well in your devotional life- father as u said earlier that only ddisributing book wont do one needs to discuss the slokas with the inetrested ppl so now by the grace of my kanhai ,by the grace of our spiritual master all the devotees of our sri guru and of course by the grace of your mercy ,have i got an opportunity to serve our spiritual master and also help you in my my very limited qualification ,father i need your permission on one thing,i was thinking, whatever topic we discuss if i get any post regarding that in your website can (because i know which thing is where)i copy that post in our grp chat of course by your name, will this be alright?? ,because i also want to be a part of this mission of spreading this knowledge pls kindly reply me
your unworth student
Hare Krishna Ananya
Yes. It is OK of course to copy and post things from into your chats, etc.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare krishna hare krisshna …….
how i will get peace and how can i remember to god KRISHNA in whole day….i have tried more time to remember god krishna but i don’t know how i am forgetting…and how i will forget my false ego ..i want to remember and chanting “krishna’s name and krishna”….
jay sri krishna …
Mera Giridhar Gopal……once again chanting.. JaY SrI KrIShNa..
Just do it. Just read Prabhupada’s books and follow his instructions. It is very simple.
How to argue with non-believers?
There may be many atheists out there who are good at heart and need to be shown the right path. What proof can we offer to them?
There is no point arguing with the non-believers.
Actually it is offensive to argue with the non-believers. One of the ten offences in the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra is to not speak with the faithless persons. So arguing with the non-believers will not be good for your own spiritual advancement. So do not do it.
It is also useless. Non-believers are not going to become believers by your arguments. This requires a developement of love of God in their hearts. And that love can be developed if they hear the Hare Krishna maha mantra chanted by pure devotees and if they read the books of Srila Prabhupada and if they eat prasadam, the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krishna.
So we should not try to argue with the non-believers. Argument is not the way. Let them hear and chant Hare Krishna, let them read Prabhupada’s books and let them take Krishna prasadam, in this way the love for Krishna that is dormant in their hearts will gradually be awakened.
If we want to get the right results we have to follow the process. And preaching to non-belivers means giving them Prasadam, letting them hear the chanting of Hare Krishna, getting them to chant Hare Krishna and getting them to Read Srila Prabhupada’s books. NOT ARGUING WITH THEM.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
One way is to just pray for them and let the angels do the converting. Let them see your happiness and your confidence in Krishna. Arguing is actually destructive, causing more harm than good.
Hare Krishna Jennie
It is not very practical to just let the angels do the converting as you say. First of all in Krishna conscious there is no question of ‘converting’. Krishna consciousness is the original consciousness that is present within everyone. So there is no question of converting. It is a question of awakening the original consciousness that is already within everyone. And you are very correct when you say arguing is not the way. Transcendental knowledge is not established by argument. The transcendental knowledge can only flow from the bona fide self realized spiritual master to his humble and submissive disciples. The knowledge can be assimilated only by the humble and submissive disciple through surrender and service. The knowledge does not flow through argument.
But we can easily help people awaken their original Krishna consciousness by feeding them with Krishna prasadam, by letting them hear the Hare Krishna mantra and by getting them to read Srila Prabhupada’s books. This is the way. And we can speak with them about Krishna only if they are at least a little bit interested in hearing us speak to them about Krishna…
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
I am really pleased to all ur notes that u send. I am ateacher in school and i was so much loaded with work that i was not finding time to read anything or attend any lectures, but now i find out time and read ur notes without fail,thanks for the same.I am feeling that now i can understand Gita much better. I have also started reading it.Please pray for my spiritual advancement.
Hare Krishna.