Since When Have You Westerners Accepted the Teachings of Christ?
For example, the animal killing. The Western people mostly call themselves Christians. Now, Lord Jesus Christ said, Thou shall not kill. But the result, after the passage of two thousand years, is that the people of the Western countries are still killing. So, during all these years, when have they actually accepted Christianity? What is your answer?
This exchange between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Carol Cameron, then a master’s candidate in anthrophology, took place in Perth, Australia, on May 9, 1975.
Disciple: Srila Prabhupada, this is Carol Cameron, from the University of West Australia. For her master’s degree in anthropology, Carol is writing a paper about the influence of the Vedic culture on the West.So she would like to ask you some questions.
Carol: Your Divine Grace, I would like to know why you initially came to the West. I know a bit about your background, but not very much.So I’d like to know why you saw the need to come to the West.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes.Not long ago I was speaking about that. Of course, I spoke in very strong words.What I said was, “Western people are claiming to be very civilized, but I have got an objection.That is why I have come to the West.”
For example, the animal killing.The Western people mostly call themselves Christians. Now, Lord Jesus Christ said, “Thou shall not kill.”But the result, after the passage of two thousand years, is that the people of the Western countries are still killing. So, during all these years, when have they actually accepted Christianity? What is your answer?
Carol: Well, it’s true that the actual, original teachings of the scriptures aren’t enacted in Western life.
Srila Prabhupada: Just consider.The Ten Commandments and then Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples had to tell these people, “Thou shall not kill.”So, first of all, what kind of men were they–that Lord Christ had to request them not to kill?
That means they were killers.
Suppose somebody’s a thief and I give him some good instruction.I say, “You should not commit theft.” Of course, that instruction means that as of now, you are a thief. As of now, you are a thief.Otherwise, why should I say, “Thou shalt not commit theft”?
A naughty child is disturbing everyone.So I am forced to say, “My dear child, please don’t disturb everyone. “Similarly, when Christ said, “Thou shall not kill,” that means he was speaking amongst people who were in the habit of killing.Is it not?
Carol: Hmm.
Srila Prabhupada: Now, after taking instruction from Christ, first of all they killed Christ. That means they could not understand the instruction.Therefore, their first business was to kill the instructor. And following that, two thousand years have passed–and still they are killing. So, since when have they accepted the teachings of Lord Christ? Can you answer this?
Carol: So you think the Christian faith hasn’t been reflected in the behavior of Western people?
Srila Prabhupada: This is obvious.You are maintaining huge slaughterhouses–regular killing. So although you took instruction from Christ–“Thou shall not kill”–you first of all killed him, and still you are maintaining this killing business.You are killing the animals, and every now and then, you are declaring wars amongst yourselves.
So the killing business is going on regularly. Not just in big wars but also in your regular, daily life.You are maintaining big, big slaughterhouses.So, again, since when have you Westerners actually accepted the instructions of Christ?That I want to know.What is that date?
Carol: Your Divine Grace, do you see any hope for the world? We seem to be moving towards destruction.
Srila Prabhupada: First, you just explain.
Disciple: Srila Prabhupada is asking you, When did this civilization actually accept the teachings of Christ?
Carol: When have they? Overall, never at all. Only in small pockets. Overall, never.
Srila Prabhupada: Then why are you claiming that you are Christian? For instance, you are wearing a crucifix. You Westerners often keep or wear a crucifix, yet that sign actually means that you killed Christ. The crucufix is the symbol that you so-called followers of Christ killed Christ. Many, many people in the priestly order carry the cruifix. The crucifix is the sign that Lord Jesus Christ was killed. Is it not?
Carol: It is, but that symbol is also used to signify his triumph, or resurrection.
Srila Prabhupada: [Warily:] Maybe. [Laughter.] But mainly, that symbol shows how you killed Lord Jesus Christ. That is the sign. That reminds you that you killed your spiritual master. You accuse the Jewish people–“They killed him”–but you also killed him, and you are still killing. Although, of course, you like to call yourselves Christian.Therefore, I want to know‑‑you are a learned scholar‑‑since when did you start abiding by the order of Lord Jesus Christ? That is my question. Since when?
Carol: When did I?
Srila Prabhupada: Every one of you–throughout the Western countries. And if you claim you have actually abided by the order of Jesus Christ, then why you are systematically killing? The order is, “Thou shall not kill.”
Carol: This matter reminds me of the Gita, you know?–where Arjuna is on the battlefield, about to commit an organized sort of killing against his relatives.
Srila Prabhupada: No. Arjuna’s relatives were on the battlefield, attacking. The cows, pigs, and chickens are not on the battlefield, attacking. You cannot compare Arjuna’s killing to your killing.
Two thousand years have passed, but to date you have not been able to not accept the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ. And you are all claiming that you are Christian. But since when did you accept Christianity? That is my question. Because as far as I can see, you have disobeyed the order of Christ. So, now that two thousand years have passed, when did you accept? Hmm? Who will answer this question?
Disciple: Never.
Srila Prabhupada: Hmm?
Disciple: They never accepted.
Carol: Hmm.Your Divine Grace, what is the main part of your philosophy? Is it based on the Vedanta?
Srila Prabhupada: This is no question of philosophy. You Westerners could not accept Jesus’ simple instruction. Then where is the question of philosophy?
Carol: I think it is a question of love.
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. You Westerners have no love. You cannot understand the basic principle of life and morality, Jesus Christ’s instruction that “Thou shalt not kill.
” So how can you become a philosopher?
Carol: How is the question of love to be understood? Between people or through some sort of inner communication with a higher self?
Disciple: Srila Prabhupada is saying that until we Westerners accept Christ’s simplest, most basic instruction, we cannot talk of philosophy. Nor can we talk of love.
Srila Prabhupada: You Westerners have no love, because you are accustomed to kill. Philosophy begins when you know that everyone is part and parcel of God, and everyone should be given the full facilities to live, without danger of being injured for anyone else’s personal benefit. Panditah sama‑darsinah: A pandita, a true philosopher or learned scholar, sees every living being equally–as a spirit soul, part and parcel of God. So fools and rascals can not become philosophers. Those who are learned scholars–thoughtful–they can become philosophers. But if one has no knowledge how to behave with other living entities, what is the meaning of his becoming a philosopher?
I agree Christians should follow ‘thou shalt not kill’ (including animals) .
The idea that Christians wear a cross to say ‘we killed our spiritual master’ is outlandish He was killed by the jewish elite because he was a threat to the power of the authorities and claimed to be the Messiah , which some did not accept.
Christs followers and christianity did not kill him on the contrary they worshipped and tried to obey him .
Why say such things ?
It was ok for Arjuna to kill his uncles cousins teachers and so on but there is a context and background to it that we are supposed to understand .
When you take a snapshot out of historical context you can make an argument out of anything .
Christians worship Jesus on the cross because they say “Jesus died so we can be free [to sin].”
So the idea of the Christians is that Jesus died and suffered for their sins. That is why the celebrate the suffering dying Jesus on the cross. Because “Jesus died for our sins…”
So OK, Jesus suffered for your sins. So you will obviously stop sinning, so Jesus does not have to suffer any more for your sins?
No. We will keep sinning and Jesus will keep suffering for us.
It is horrible, horrible, horrible…
Prabhupada is correct. Why wear a crucifix (torture device) that Jesus was killed on? People just keep sinning and sinning and think “Jesus died for my sins, so I can keep sinning and I will be forgiven!” How could it possibly work like that? You need to answer for your own sins.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:48: “You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” He doesn’t say to keep sinning and forget about it.
Mormons are true christians. Repentance is necessary for salvation – ending sin and humbling before god. This is mormon doctrine.
Yes. One has to stop sinning for salvation. The general Christian idea that we are sinners and can’t stop sinning and Jesus has died for us on the cross and will keep on suffering for our sins so we can keep on sinning is so totally bogus. This is offensive. Committing sinful activities on the strength of the holy name we say.
In reality if one is a Christian he has to follow the orders of Christ. And by following the orders of Christ he will become like Christ, sinless. If one does not become sinless then he is not making spiritual advancement.
But I do not think the Mormans are able to become sinless? I do not think they know the process? That they will have to learn from us.
Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!
Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna!
The Christian often get very angry if you mention the no killing relatted to animals. They say that God gave permission to kill animals for food.
And the jews and muslims even justify cutting the throat of the Cow fully consciouse and let it bleed slowly to death. They are all rascal religions. Even the Hindus are mad. I read that beef is now being exported from India.
what is the process to become sinless for Christians
How can Christians become sinless? That is the problem of the modern age. Irreligion is preached as religion. Christians will go to the church function and have a barbeque, eat meat, drink beer and wine, chat with the girls for having sex after the meeting, and sing “All Praise to the Lord…”
How can they become sinless???
They don’t even know what sin is?
very true. christians feel that animal killing and committing sins is ok. jesus will die for their sins and save them. this is their mentality.
true followers of jesus are the hare krishna devotees.