Prabhupada Kirtan Melodies – The Formula for Success?
November 5th, 2000 | by
A few months back Brahmananda visited and mentioned how the kirtans were a lot different in the early days in the the sense that the melody was very simple
November 5th, 2000 | by
A few months back Brahmananda visited and mentioned how the kirtans were a lot different in the early days in the the sense that the melody was very simple
November 2nd, 2000 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa
When we left many devotees commented that they wanted to keep chanting all night long. As we were heading for our vehicles and officer called us Hari Hari!
September 29th, 2000 | by
As a matter of fact Krishna is only an avatara of Maha Visnu, and there are many such avataras. You have also stated in many verses about golok vrindavan
September 14th, 2000 | by
Hindus living in the west have little or no knowledge about their own religion, culture and history. If you have children, it is your duty to educate them