Krishna Consciousness — The Matchless Gift PDF Download
PDF download of Srila Prabhupada’s original “Matchless Gifts”. The scanned book is the 1974 edition.
To download Krishna Consciousness — The Matchless Gift PDF file please click on the book cover image to the left.
“The aim of this Krishna consciousness movement is to bring all living entities back to their original consciousness. All living entities within the material world are, to varying degrees, afflicted with a type of madness.
This Krishna consciousness movement aims at curing man of his material disease and reestablishing his original consciousness. In a Bengali poem a great Vaisnava poet has written, “When a man is haunted by ghosts, he can only speak nonsense. Similarly, anyone who is under the influence of material nature should be considered haunted, and whatever he speaks should be considered nonsense.
” One may be considered a great philosopher or great scientist, but if he is haunted by the ghost of maya, illusion, whatever he theorizes and whatever he speaks is more or less nonsensical. Today we are given the example of a psychiatrist who, when requested to examine a murderer, proclaimed that since all the patients with whom he had come incontact were more or less crazy, the court could excuse the murderer on those grounds if it so desired. The point is that in the material world it is very difficult to find a sane living entity. The prevailing atmosphere of insanity in this world is all caused by the infection of material consciousness.
Thanks to this site.. That it made the books to available too all
Hare Krishna guruji!
Am feeling very happy that you are providing such valuable things(krishna books or prabhupada books)for which we cannot fix a price!
It is precious(in terms of spiritual advancement n also for daily living needs)!
we cannot get it unless untill we have the blessings of prabhupada n Krsna!
It is stated in the Bhagavadgeetha,that no thing is equal to that Krsna but i will say that all these books are equivalent to Krsna,which always tells about Krsna,which is nothing but Krsna !
The body of Krsna is not different from his name ‘Krsna’!
Just like that,all these books are not different from Krsna!
It is stated by Prabhupada himself in his Geetha,”that anybody becomes a pure devotee of Krsna(shuddha bhaktha)on reading this,then i will be satisfied n my attempt in writing this will be fulfilled!”
Hope we will do that for him n for ourselves!
Once again am really thankfull to you n your team members for providing all these valuable materials guruji!