Author Archives: Gauridas Pandit dasa

The Golden Avatara

February 11th, 2025 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared during an eclipse in Mayapur. During eclipses the people to go to the holy rivers and chant mantras to invoke auspiciousness

ISKCON Bangalore — The Best Temple in ISKCON?

April 15th, 2005 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa

If you treat Srila Prabhupada like he is alive, he is alive. To those who say he is dead and gone, to them he is. But in Bangalore Srila Prabhupada is alive and well! Very well

911 Harinam Sankirtan Report

September 12th, 2002 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa

We had two ecstatic Harinams yesterday taking advantage of Peace gatherings and memorials for last years 911 disaster

Srila Prabhupada In Seattle Rathayatra

September 9th, 2001 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa

This year Lord Jaganath’s festival was set up in a nice way that it was seen by the thousands of tourists and devotees along the famous waterfront district

San Diego GBC Attacks Devotee

June 7th, 2001 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa

I moved to San Diego a few months ago and have been attending the Temple programs. On Nirjala Ekadasi, I was assaulted by the GBC, Badrinarayana Prabhu

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