Browsing the "ISKCON" Category

Some of ISKCON’s Blind Spots

February 17th, 2025 | by Madhudvisa dasa

It is not our business to change, simply to receive the knowledge from Prabhupada and distribute it, without adding or subtracting, to the people we meet

Prabhupada’s Godbrothers AVOID THEM! [Gaudiya Matha]

January 4th, 2025 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

My Godbrothers have no life for preaching work. All are satisfied with a place for residence in the name of a temple, they engage disciples to get foodstuff by transcendental devices and eat and sleep. They have no idea or brain how to broacast the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Correcting ISKCON’s Guru System

May 22nd, 2024 | by Bhakti Charu Swami

In ISKCON we have to be absolutely clear that Srila Prabhupada is the head of the institution and will continue to be that as long as the institution lasts

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