Announcing — The Hare Krishna Store
March 22nd, 2003 | by Madhudvisa dasa
The Hare Krishna Store has been established to provide everyone with easy access to the original teachings of Srila Prabhupada at very reasonable prices.
March 22nd, 2003 | by Madhudvisa dasa
The Hare Krishna Store has been established to provide everyone with easy access to the original teachings of Srila Prabhupada at very reasonable prices.
March 21st, 2003 | by Gadadhara das
Now is the time to distribute the peace formula. Srila Prabhupada has a solution for this society and he wants you to distribute his books!
March 15th, 2003 | by
O My Lord! O most merciful master! O master of Mathura! When shall I see You again? Because of My not seeing You, My agitated heart has become unsteady
March 8th, 2003 | by
The land has been acquired to house the proposed largest Krishna-lila theme park in the world using robots to produce a spiritual Disneyland
March 7th, 2003 | by
The twenty-third and twenty-fourth prominent devotees of Nityananda Prabhu were Sadasiva Kaviraja and his son Purusottama dasa, who was the tenth gopala. From birth, Purusottama dasa was merged in the service of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, and he always engaged in childish play with Lord Krsna
March 1st, 2003 | by
The United States is dominating and controlling the new capitalist world order that has emerged. They have an empire from one end of the earth to the other
February 22nd, 2003 | by
I am the voice of many crying in the spiritual wilderness of the prisons. We need a weekly program of sankirtana, classes, spiritual council and association
February 16th, 2003 | by
His Divine Grace has so far given a list of eleven disciples who will act in that capacity
February 16th, 2003 | by
'Yes', Srila Prabhupada said, 'that is an old phrase they would say in India when someone did something foolish. You'll be intelligent when you are 80.'
February 5th, 2003 | by
The statements in Bhagavatam and Mahabharata and the Puranas are all different historical incidents. Mahabharata is called the history of India.
December 23rd, 2002 | by
Ravindra Svarupa stated Prabhupada's books should not be distributed at colleges and universities. He felt it would be better to distribute other books
December 14th, 2002 | by
The Hare Krishna movement has not fulfilled its responsibility in regards to spiritual, self-sufficient community development as envisioned Srila Prabhupada
December 13th, 2002 | by
ISKCON is not transparent anymore. Its hard to tell where the healthy part is and where the other. The master plan of the Mayapur project looks very strange
December 9th, 2002 | by
“Krishna consciousness is not a bluff. It is a real science, real authority. One simply has to understand it. That is all”--Srila Prabhupada
December 7th, 2002 | by
The Vedic Theatre Company in association with producers in India are discussing preparations for an adaptation of the great Vedic classic Srimad-Bhagavatam
November 11th, 2002 | by
Forensic scientist Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan is trying to prove reincarnation is real. He has presented his findings at the Conference of Forensic Scientists
November 10th, 2002 | by
It’s becoming clear to me the main issue is how to deconstruct the barriers we’ve built between all the various members of different camps in
November 6th, 2002 | by
I submit this simple water color of Srila Prabhupada still trying to get me into His Lotus Boat of the Holy Name Your servant Pita das
November 6th, 2002 | by
In honor of Srila Prabhupada's 25th Disappearance Day Anniversary, I would like to humbly invite all devotees to visit The Prabhupada Connection website
October 30th, 2002 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Prior to our efforts almost no devotees could afford to get access to Prabhupada's Audio and Video recordings, now everyone has easy access to Prabhupada.