Prabhupada Srimad Bhagavatam Lectures via Email
January 24th, 2005 | by
Subscribers at are about to receive Srila Prabhupada's Srimad-Bhagavatam lectures through email (transcription and Real Audio link).
January 24th, 2005 | by
Subscribers at are about to receive Srila Prabhupada's Srimad-Bhagavatam lectures through email (transcription and Real Audio link).
January 23rd, 2005 | by
All film and video footage of Srila Prabhupada ever taken is now available on a set of 23 DVD's with subtitles in 19 languages!!!!
January 12th, 2005 | by
In today's ISKCON spiritual understanding is absent. Because of their rejection of the clear instructions of Prabhupada they are just like the Gaudiya Matha
December 7th, 2004 | by Madhudvisa dasa
We have Krishna Conscious Children's Shows, Kurma's Cooking DVDs, Krishna Cinema--Devotional films from India as well as Prabhupada Memories DVDs.
November 8th, 2004 | by Madhudvisa dasa
This is a 30 volume set of Prabhupada's original Bhagavatam including the original Krsna Book in 3 volumes. Hardbound, first-class printing, 5" x 7" size
September 16th, 2004 | by
Truth be told, we had our share of problems and personality clashes, but somehow we managed because of our mutual love for Srila Prabhupada
August 14th, 2004 | by
Prabhupada called disciples who perform the initiation ceremonies ritvik representatives of the acharya. Direct quotes with evidence of these instructions
August 14th, 2004 | by
A guru is not imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side. He is not supposed to be someone about whom we can say, "Well he's human."
August 7th, 2004 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Get the complete works of Srila Prabhupada on your computer! Read and search within the complete original teachings of Srila Prabhupada on your computer.
July 25th, 2004 | by Madhudvisa dasa
I am very happy to let you know that the much awaited new set of 23 Prabhupada DVD's is now available. They have been authored from the original recordings at ITV studios and are real DVD's not DVD-r's]. They have been duplicated by one of the largest DVD manufactures in the world, and are compatable world-wide in all computer DVD drives and set top players.
We have discovered more than five hours of new Prabhupada footage previously unreleased including new classes and kirtans. We now have more than 40 hours of transcendental television of Srila Prabhupada.
Thanks to the DVD technology, the footage is displayed in better quality than ever before possible. The DVD's will play on any DVD player or computer equipped with a DVD drive. They are in NTSC format but will also play on PAL DVD players. There is no region code, so they will play anywhere in the world. The DVD's come in a special protective wallet and all have full-color printed labels. A single DVD in a store sells for at least \$15 but the entire set of 23 Prabhupada DVDs is available for unbelievable low price of only \$99.You can get more information and place your order at:
June 19th, 2004 | by
Jagajivan das Prabhu will always be remembered for his continuous service and cheerful enthusiasm to share Srila Prabhupada's Krsna consciousness movement
May 22nd, 2004 | by
This year continues a thirteen year tradition for the Prabhupada Festival. Every year devotees travel to New Dvaraka for this purpose. May 29th & 30th,
May 8th, 2004 | by
I want to know if it is compulsory for a person who is serious in Krishna Consciousness to become a full time devotee
May 6th, 2004 | by
Andrew Firestone, heir to the Firestone tire family, and heart-throb star of The Bachelor was the recipient of a Bhagavad-gita from ITV’s Nrsimhananda dasa
December 23rd, 2003 | by Madhudvisa dasa
ITV Productions have now released their whole catalog on DVD. They now have more than 100 Hare Krishna DVD titles available at
December 10th, 2003 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Christmas holidays have begun in your country. Why? Lord Christ came to give you God consciousness, and in his relationship these festivities are going on
December 6th, 2003 | by
Those who have tried it know for themselves that Krsna awards an unusually sweet taste to anyone who makes an effort to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books
October 30th, 2003 | by
Filmmaker Philippe Auliac, one of France's foremost film directors, recently produced his latest documentary film Chant and Be Happy
September 15th, 2003 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Visnujana Swami is now on Facebook!!
August 21st, 2003 | by
Srila Prabhupada with your wonderful pastimes on earth you plunged into the poisonous waters of our American lifestyle, both figuratively and literally