New York Street Chanting Brings Devotees Back To Srila Prabhupada
November 5th, 2000 | by
Devotees are now doing Harinama 4 times a week in New York. Saturday night Harinamas have grown and over 20 devotees now come to join in. They just show up!
November 5th, 2000 | by
Devotees are now doing Harinama 4 times a week in New York. Saturday night Harinamas have grown and over 20 devotees now come to join in. They just show up!
November 2nd, 2000 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa
When we left many devotees commented that they wanted to keep chanting all night long. As we were heading for our vehicles and officer called us Hari Hari!
November 2nd, 2000 | by Madhudvisa dasa
After two months of operation received 213,938 hits and transferred seven gigabytes including well over 2,000 Srila Prabhupada real audio files
October 28th, 2000 | by Dhira Govinda dasa (David B. Wolf, Ph.D.)
Misconduct of the GBC that are below acceptable standards include areas such as accountability, managerial competence, responsiveness, and representation
October 26th, 2000 | by
A wonderful transcendental festival took place in Montreal and you are all invited to next years festival. We had the best kirtans I have ever been at
October 25th, 2000 | by
Most gurukulis know Prabhupada is not guilty for the abuses and they still honor the merits of Vedic Culture in spite of the difficult times at school
October 25th, 2000 | by
This understanding of Spiritual Economics has come to me from more than twenty years of study of the Bhagavad-gita
October 16th, 2000 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Yesterday in Sydney we saw the end of the 2000 Olympic games. The organizers turned the games into perhaps the
October 12th, 2000 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Hare Krishna web directory Yahoo style. Features daily class from Srila Prabhupada and lots of Krishna conscious information
October 7th, 2000 | by
The elm tree in Tompkins Square Park has witnessed an event of great importance. Its historical significance is recognized around the globe by Hare Krishnas
September 30th, 2000 | by
The GBC have issued an expulsion notice to remove Adridharan Prabhu as the Temple President of ISKCON Calcutta, a post he has held for over 20 years
September 30th, 2000 | by
Nabadwip and Mayapur are under the deepest waters in decades, beating even 1977. The Mayapur Chandroday Mandir's deities are partially under water.
September 29th, 2000 | by
As a matter of fact Krishna is only an avatara of Maha Visnu, and there are many such avataras. You have also stated in many verses about golok vrindavan
September 25th, 2000 | by
Some ISKCON temples have developed methods for collecting huge amounts of money from Hindus. But what happens to the money
September 23rd, 2000 | by
Devotees of Prabhupada Sankirtan Society in Manhattan recently had the pleasure of visiting with the devotees of Montreal
September 23rd, 2000 | by
The bonafide guru being the external manifestation of supersoul, how can anyone criticize or find fault with him? The bonafide guru is compared to the captain of the ship
September 22nd, 2000 | by Madhudvisa dasa are now offering six issues of Back To Godhead full of very ecstatic pictures in the German language from 1975 and
September 14th, 2000 | by
Hindus living in the west have little or no knowledge about their own religion, culture and history. If you have children, it is your duty to educate them
March 24th, 2000 | by
The GBC is still trying to artificially prop up a dictatorial body of disciples trying to take the position of diksa-gurus
March 24th, 2000 | by
ISKCON has in many ways become a burden to the preaching of Krishna consciousness. It has become a dull instrument in the hands of foolish hands.