What Is the Bhagavad-gita?

March 14th, 2001 | by

The Bhagavad Gita is the divine conversation between Arjuna and God himself, Lord Krishna. The conversation took place in a battlefield 5137 years ago

Narayana Maharaja’s Final Order

March 8th, 2001 | by

Narayana Maharaja's followers claim Srila Prabhupada personally ordered Narayana Maharaja to give spiritual guidance to his disciples and followers

Inspiration from Bhagavad-gita

February 12th, 2001 | by

Some want to merge into the supreme spiritual cause and some disbelieve in everything being angry at all sorts of spiritual speculation out of hopelessness

Prabhupada’s Books in German Language

January 14th, 2001 | by Madhudvisa dasa

Read Srila Prabhupada's Books in the German Language. Includes Original Bhagavad-gita and sections of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in PDF format for download

World Enlightenment Day

November 15th, 2000 | by

World Enlightenment Day is a unique opportunity for everyone to exhibit their appreciation for Srila Prabhupada and all he's done for us.

Isms Create Schisms!

November 10th, 2000 | by

Why are there wars in the world? Why are there conflicts within the family, within nations, within so-called religious societies, etc.?

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