Amazing MP3 revolution–Association with Prabhupada through sound!
July 12th, 2001 | by
Listen to Srila Prabhupada on your home stereo, car stereo, computer or portable headset. Now it's all possible with the complete set of Prabhupada MP3s
July 12th, 2001 | by
Listen to Srila Prabhupada on your home stereo, car stereo, computer or portable headset. Now it's all possible with the complete set of Prabhupada MP3s
July 8th, 2001 | by
After the internal disagreement charges and counter charges ISKCON's Rathayatra parade today was lifeless and devoid of fervor.
July 8th, 2001 | by Madhudvisa dasa
On June 19 Kapindra Swami's Prabhupada Sankirtana Society held their annual Prabhupada Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
July 8th, 2001 | by
John LaFauci, a 101-year-old swears it's good genes and his avoidance of beef. Helen Rose 100 in Waterloo, Iowa, credits a love of learning and Jesus
June 30th, 2001 | by
We have not heard a single ISKCON leader protesting changes made to Prabhupada's books or calling for a monthly BTG as per Prabhupada's instructions
June 30th, 2001 | by
ISKCON devotees have lost faith in the GBC and present guru system because so many of these so-called 'gurus' have proven themselves unworthy of the title
June 29th, 2001 | by
The opening of the new Radha Krishna temple in Utah was covered by all five Salt Lake City television stations and the three major newspapers.
June 29th, 2001 | by
The First Annual Prabhupada Sanga Mela, a festival in honor of Srila Prabhupada and his legacy, will be held on July 20th (amavasya) through July 23rd.
June 27th, 2001 | by
Our tiny storefront temple on Avenue B can not take care of the people properly. However by Lord Caitanya's grace the next strorefront is available to us
June 26th, 2001 | by
The tentative publishing schedule this year alone (2001) provides for at least one paperback per quarter and the printing of McMillan Bhagavad-gita As It Is
June 26th, 2001 | by
If there are two sides to ISKCON, this is the darker one. It is a side you will only find once you start turning over rocks.
June 25th, 2001 | by
I have been discussing about starting a global sanga. A loose confederation of independent groups or preaching centers and temples whose leaders all agree
June 21st, 2001 | by
Vidura realized it was useless to stay in the vicious assembly of Kuru kinsmen so sincere devotees should realize ISKCON is no longer fit for sadhu-sanga
June 19th, 2001 | by
On the 13th in the evening 4 leading devotees from the Bangalore flew to Bombay ISKCON at 10.30 pm, never to return again to Hare Krishna Hill
June 19th, 2001 | by
I don't expect things will change. Iskcon is one of societies with old type of thinking, and this societies are condemned to collapse
June 19th, 2001 | by
For devotees to achieve something wonderful, they must cooperate and work together under the direction of the acarya. Our leader is Srila Prabhupada.
June 13th, 2001 | by
As we sang 'Nitai Gauranga! Nitai Gouranga!' I had a sense that all that heard instantly became devotees, and I was filled with hope for humanity.
June 11th, 2001 | by
On Janmastami day, I met a young Indian lady and I asked here if she knew what this day was and she said promptly, it's Janmastami!!
June 7th, 2001 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa
I moved to San Diego a few months ago and have been attending the Temple programs. On Nirjala Ekadasi, I was assaulted by the GBC, Badrinarayana Prabhu
June 1st, 2001 | by
There is something special about glorifying Prabhupada for three days. At the 10th annual festival, I felt that I made it out of the mode of ignorance