A Song For George Harrison

November 30th, 2001 | by

George was my hero. I think he is in a better world now. And his music lives on. Don't cry no tears. Now a song, I wrote some weeks ago

ISKCON Hawaii Temple Update

November 26th, 2001 | by

We had to leave the temple. The GBC, Sruta Kirti, made everyone sign an oath of allegiance to the GBC and promise not to promote ritvik philosophy.

Prabhupada Honored By New York City

November 20th, 2001 | by

On Sunday, November 18th, the disappearance day of Srila Prabhupada, the City of New York installed a plaque in Tompkin's Square Park to honor Prabhupada

Implementing A Vedic Society

October 4th, 2001 | by

The time has come to ask questions that have haunted mankind. Who am I? Where have I come from? And where am I going and what is my purpose in the cosmos

On Giving in Charity

October 2nd, 2001 | by

A devotee of the Lord tries to distribute knowledge of Krishna everywhere and he is always concerned about the welfare of the fallen, conditioned souls

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