Dr. Frog Ph.D.
December 11th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Dr. Frog spent his whole life in a well. He has seen so much through the top of his well and has developed his version of science. But what is it worth
December 11th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Dr. Frog spent his whole life in a well. He has seen so much through the top of his well and has developed his version of science. But what is it worth
November 29th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
You have already realized the necessity and importance of Hare Krishna movement in the world. Similarly, if John also does so, it will be a great event
November 27th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
In 1969 Prabhupada was a house guest at Tittenhurst Park, John Lennon's estate. He gave lectures a hundred yards from the house in which John and Yoko lived
November 10th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Yoga is impractical me, for the mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and strong, O Krishna, and to subdue it is more difficult than controlling the wind
October 30th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Sex life is nasty, but out of illusion we think it is nice. Now you are experienced, so don't take sex life again.
October 27th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Advancement of civilization in the opinion of the Indian sages is going in the wrong way because it has neglected the spiritual side of human constitution
October 20th, 2023 | by
The Bhagavad-gita is the best known and the most frequently translated of Vedic religious texts. Why is it so appealing to the Western mind
October 13th, 2023 | by
The singing and dancing of Hare Krishna is known as kirtana. Srila Prabhupada said this is not ordinary dancing; this is the dancing of the soul
September 9th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
A Vyasa-Puja offering of five prayers glorifying special characteristics of Srila 108 Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Goswami Thakura
September 8th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Human life is for understanding Krishna because we are very thickly related with Krishna, just like father and the son. This relation cannot be broken
July 15th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Bhaktivinoda Thakura is an ideal guru. He was not a sannyasi; he was grhastha, householder, living with family, wife, children. So anyone can become guru.
July 11th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Can meditation solve everyday problems? Is there life after death? Can drugs help us achieve self-realization? Srila Prabhupada discusses with a reporter
July 10th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Not that soldiers would fight and leaders would remain in a secure place, no. The oldest man was taking the risk of fighting. This is ksatriya spirit
June 26th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
The pure devotee does not want salvation. He does not want to go the highest planet, Goloka. His only objective is to serve Krishna wherever he may be
May 14th, 2023 | by
Preaching about God in a missionary spirit is not part of India's religion. It's something Christians introduced to India a few hundred years ago
April 28th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
A person who neither rejoices or laments, who is self-intelligent, unbewildered and who knows the science of God is to be understood to be in Transcendence
April 26th, 2023 | by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Nowadays, we find yoga being taught in numerous courses and touted in mass-market books as a means to achieve health, lose weight, develop mental powers over others, achieve success in making money, or increase sexual potency. But real yoga is something entirely different
April 14th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Men in this world desire success in activities, and therefore they worship the demigods. Quickly, of course, men get results from work in this world
April 12th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Krishna is responding to everyone, devotee or non-devotee. He is revealing Himself or not revealing Himself according to the desire of the individual person
April 11th, 2023 | by Madhudvisa dasa
If Krishna was alone then what could we speak about Him--but He is not alone, Krishna is always with His devotees and the devotees are always with Krishna.