Letters From Srila Prabhupada PDF Download
January 5th, 2013 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Srila Prabhupada's letters were hidden from the devotees until 1987 when devotees got access to a microfiche copy and they printed them in five volumes
January 5th, 2013 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Srila Prabhupada's letters were hidden from the devotees until 1987 when devotees got access to a microfiche copy and they printed them in five volumes
January 4th, 2013 | by Madhudvisa dasa
The first step in self-realization is realizing one's identity as separate from the body, an essential realization for anyone who wants to transcend death
January 3rd, 2013 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Traditionally, yoga cannot be executed in a public place, but insofar as the yoga of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, the more people present, the better
January 1st, 2013 | by Madhudvisa dasa
This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets, the purest knowledge because it gives direct perception of the self by realization
December 31st, 2012 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Everyone in the material world is afflicted with madness. Krishna consciousness aims at curing material disease and reestablishing original consciousness
December 30th, 2012 | by Madhudvisa dasa
A beautiful booklet published under Prabhupada's direction when devotees were being kidnapped by deprogrammers. It establishes the authority of
December 30th, 2012 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Booklet printed by ISKCON in 1966 containing three essays: Krishna, The Reservior of Pleasure, Who is Crazy? and Introduction to the Bhagavad-gita As It is
December 15th, 2012 | by
At last my life has meaning, the fear of death is gone. When I go to bed I am like a child at Christmas full of excitement looking forward to the next day
December 13th, 2012 | by
I love libraries. But I'm kind of worried about their future—and it isn't just libraries but the nature of information and knowledge in this material world. When I was teenager, I thought of libraries as temples of revealed wisdom.
July 27th, 2012 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Bhaktivedanta Archives have released Prabhupada's 1977 conversations. These are very interesting and document the last year of his presence on this planet
May 27th, 2012 | by Shyam das
Chanting Japa as a mantra meditation will help you develop peace of mind, calmness, and clarity... a state of focus and awareness always with you
May 15th, 2012 | by Shyam das
You have to be aware how your playing affects the kirtan. Listen, practice, learn and enjoy the experience. Learning a musical instrument is a journey
May 14th, 2012 | by Shyam das
One way to raise children with Krishna in a way they will appreciate is reading Krishna Conscious books or watch Krishna Conscious movies with them
May 7th, 2012 | by Shyam das
If you are new to the vegetarian way it may be a little bit challenging to make nice, satisfying, wholesome meals, suitable for a vegetarian diet.
April 22nd, 2012 | by
In the Age of Kali, the Earth thus becomes crowded with a corrupt population, whoever among any of the social classes shows himself to be the strongest will gain political power
February 20th, 2012 | by Prahlad-Nrsimha dasa
This is an amazing opportunity for anyone that loves Prabhupada, likes to travel and wants to see the whole country and have a good time doing it!
January 19th, 2012 | by
Truthfulness means that facts should be presented in a straightforward way as they are for the benefit of others so they will understand what the facts are
January 19th, 2012 | by
There are a variety of names and many conceptions of God ranging from one of a formless spirit to that of an old man with a beard sitting on a throne
December 30th, 2011 | by
Srila Prabhupada's original books are full of spiritual potency and do not need to be changed for his words to act upon the hearts of the conditioned souls
December 7th, 2011 | by Madhudvisa dasa
Original 1970 edition by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada In two beautiful hard-cover volumes with 132 color plates. 7" x 10" size.