June 21st, 2002 | by
During the summer of 1969 George Harrison produced the Hare Krishna Mantra single with the members of the London Radha-Krishna Temple. It reached number
June 14th, 2002 | by
The first case of Classic Gitas, the reprint of Srila Prabhupada's original Macmillan edition, arrived from the BBT. We opened it. WOW, they are beautiful!!
June 10th, 2002 | by Gadadhara das
Today it will begin. We will rise and gather together. Greater than the sun we will use our force to unite and spread. Use our strength to overcome weakness
May 19th, 2002 | by
This letter is sweet. It just shows that Srila Prabhupada is as near and available to anyone who has the love, faith and enthusiasm to approach him
May 12th, 2002 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa
I was at the park today and the Mormans were there with big pictures. They had Moses and Jesus and a few others along with the current Mormon leader
May 11th, 2002 | by
Hansadutta Prabhu wrote the following paper, Gopimaini in response to reports of an attempt by Narayan Maharaja to win over ISKCON in
May 10th, 2002 | by
There are some devotees who say we should pursue a spiritual goal such as to become a gopi, or a gopa, etc., in our next life, etc.
April 30th, 2002 | by
I have been witnessing an amazing thing. One by one, normal professional people are being drawn together under the umbrella of Krishna's Holy Names
April 27th, 2002 | by
The High Court declared ISKCON Bangalore and its associated properties were a legally distinct entity with rights to use the ISKCON name
April 26th, 2002 | by Gauridas Pandit dasa
I am happy to announce the appearance of a beautiful little Vaisnava boy. His name is Sukadev Sarasvati Pandit. He has a cute body with big eyes
April 24th, 2002 | by
Read at least one hour a day, although more is better. Gather your family together and read the books aloud for them to hear and to purify your home
April 20th, 2002 | by
In 1987 I was railroaded into the California state correction system.Throughout the next 4 years life became a study of devotion
April 18th, 2002 | by
We all have our different views but Prabhupada has his views through Krishna directly. It seems very powerful when you hear it from his mouth
April 17th, 2002 | by
My name is Krishna-das. I went to several gurukulas. I went through the same torture, neglect and abuse as the gurukulis who've taken suit against
April 7th, 2002 | by
Not long after Sept. 11, somebody scribbled these chillingly profound words on a wall in Washington: Dear God, save us from the people who believe in you
April 5th, 2002 | by
I grew up at the backyard of ISCKON mandir at my home town in India and instead of an Alarm clock it was the sweet Sankirtan that woke me up in the morning
April 5th, 2002 | by
I lived in New Dwaraka from 1980 to 1990 and have been still devoted to the L.A. Ratha Yatra and still give some donations for appearance days etc
April 4th, 2002 | by
Srila Prabhupada did not want to create another society of love friendship and socializing. A free hotel, a society of mutual admiration full of bureaucrats
March 27th, 2002 | by
There is a ray of hope, thanks to the efforts of the ISKCON Temple which has taken up the 'Food for Peace' program feeding about 3,000 students
March 25th, 2002 | by
The experts can not work out why the crime rate in NYC is falling dramatically while Brooklyn and Queens remain the same and other large cities are rising.